tv News RT November 7, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EST
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the, the now i know folks are feeling and experiencing a range of emotions right now. i get it, but we must accept the results of this election. camelot. horace concedes that 2024 us presidential election to donald trump and promises a peaceful transition of the power that the legacy media planes to abide me from the democrats colossus, saying he should have left the race earlier. but many point died. it's those same lights with which repeatedly stated claims of his mental decline were conspiratorial lines. and also it had this. these are sites out for gas shuts down . one of its busiest porter is after marlin protest erupt. the news on the big
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following disputed presidential elections. the, this is our to international. my name's you to know mainland 30 minutes of news and views starts us presidential norman, the camelot. horace has admitted defeats to donald trump in the race for the white house and a speech to supporters. the current vice president praised for a campaign, a nerd voters to accept the results. the outcome of this election is not what we wanted. not what we fought for is not what we voted for. but hear me when i say hear me when i say the lights of america's promise will always burn bright, but i am so proud of the race we ran. now i know folks are feeling and
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experiencing a range of emotions right now. i get it, but we must accept the results of this election. yeah, well, i think it was kind of predictable. a given the campaign that's been run by the democrats a, it seems obvious that there was going to be like a self awareness in the end. and that's kind of defined by them at the time it took her to come out and actually can see that she's been beaten people very, very her. there was a significant waiting for the republicans. we've seen that. so it like a self awareness and a lack of sort of an ability to say, look, i was beaten, it's over and obviously the american people have decided that they want something else they've, they demo democracy is work. no mention of the fact that the president boynton called more than half now we know of the american people uh, garbage rubbish, dirt essentially at no mention of the fact that a void and probably should have steptoe this race a long time ago just but it's like we were told you were sharp,
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is attacked. so it's a kind of predictable kind of, i think she actually believes herself. it seems to me that you know, this election was probably stolen because the people just didn't know what they wanted. they don't know. we know best, this is a democratic attitude. you don't get a ride to actually choose. we know best for a parent and child attitude is the democrats, but the american people have completely different ideas as we now see. yeah, really no surprise. there's very little self or reflection on the side of the democrats, but say, what about the usual russian gate history of the democrats kinda laid the groundwork for this already a couple of months ago. do tell, have we been interfering? yeah, i mean, look, i mean this was predictable. this the, uh, like a since the russian into france will have to alone before uh, the election cycle began. of course, hillary clinton in 2016. the whole reason she failed, of course, was russia rule. she gave the bible laptop, we've had it all before. we've all seen this movie before. we all know how it ends, but it was predictable that they would again, deployed is russia, gave idea that russia is interfering in the election. we had the allegations,
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the bomb threats remade everything to the russian. i ip addresses or email addresses. now you or i could go on the internet now and get an internet address or an ip address from anywhere on the globe. and of course, the 1st thing you would do if you were russian intelligence and he wants to because may have his use of russian a hi fi, a dresser, you know, to e mail it. so it's quite interesting. now, the interesting eve just prior to the election, the cyber security agency in the states was saying, look at, we know that russia is interfering, we had to the usual, the voices were rolled out just after it seems that the selection for completely free and for let's have a look a little before and after regarding russian interference. russia is the most active threat influence that is linked to russia in particular on manufacturing videos and creating fake, all goes to undermine the legitimacy of the election. and still fe invites, is regarding the election process, suggest americans using violence against each other due to political preferences,
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judging from information available to the intelligence community. as we have said repeatedly, our election infrastructure has never be most acute and the election community never better prepared to deliver safe, secure, free, and fair elections for the american people. importantly, we have no evidence of any malicious activity. they had a material impact on the security or integrity of our election infrastructure. there was no mention of interference by kamala harris, of course now because didn't mandate the size of the scale, the wind was so big. you know, you couldn't even begin to suggest that russian interfered, said it anything to do with this. the democrats lost. yeah, they lost the fight the way that's for sure. so it's been kind of easy to forget that joe biden is still presidents amid all of this, but of course he will still be president until the jump isn't on great of on january 20th. what are the plans for the by the end of ministration, these remaining months, we're looking at the western is in a political media and sort of looking into it. it seems that there's going to be a last minute attempt to rush a final chunks of 8 into your claim. because remember with the bottom
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administration, the, the, the conflict can you fight isn't the whole story you've got on to buy and you've got the laptop, you've got his membership with the board of police, my big ukrainian energy company. you've got criminal charges against winter by the new me. would that be part of this? uh, we'll jo by this last to send p intact if there is one, as president b to department has also a potentially. so a lot of housekeeping is going to happen. you can bet your bottom dollar if you like, and then forcing for the american taxpayer. it's going to be more money going to claim that there will be crude pro close with making sure the house has told you that the legacy is insured for the bite. and is to sort of kind of build some kind of plausibility, but around this catastrophic campaign that was run. and of course, one of the last things boyd and really had to do an inputs he had into the electro psych and was calling a significant chunk of the american population a real bush. so there's a lot of hiding up to do. there's some time to do it in, but we believe also that from administration is going to hit the ground running.
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and remember, he said he's going to a very quickly before he actually sits down in the chair in the oval office and the war. and you're trained, so we're all going to be watching very closely to see what happens. but yet my colleague shaped bose and rachel ruble, the many democrats, are not pending to blame for horace failure on jo binding, arguing that he left the race to liked. and then, you know, many didn't have enough time to plot a better a presidential company shouldn't have run. he and his staff have done an enormous amount of damage to this country. the truth of the matter is by the should have stepped aside earlier and let the party put together a longer game plan. there was a bite and weariness and he hung onto long well, that same norris safe is being pushed by mainstream media despite being adam. and do you recall that biden was coherent? he was fit for another term until really the very last moment. dan has a conversation begun yet about joe biden,
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and about the decision to ask him to step aside. it will begin. uh, it will begin depending on the outcome. and obviously we, there hasn't been a race called yet. if this, the, if this is not a harris, when that will certainly be part of the discussion of it is she's run a campaign over the course of a $107.00 days. that is not something we've seen in history. and they'll be lots of questions about exactly that, the timing and the impact of that. well, and that's what makes the timing, i think of president biden's decision to step down after the debates. something that if she does in fact was, will be under a microscope. because of course, there was so much discussion even over the summer about potentially having an open primary and having that fight play out within the democratic party. so i think it's one of the, the big questions moving from what donald trump has been running for 2 years, come, what harris has been running for a 170107 days. so one of my big questions is,
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particularly with her candidacy, is whether that was just enough time to introduce herself to the country and to candidates who weren't. so if you were dead set on running a button for a democrat, wasn't so sure about him or whether she could have used a little bit more time. democrats send their supporters. and by that i of course, mean the main. so media seems to be struggling to come to terms with the all but for when for donald trump, they're struggling with the idea. so was that in their attempt to just the slides, they're not only contradicting themselves, but rolling show by then under the bus stop by themselves. issues and performance had been the cause for concern and the boss of many folks for a long time now. and it was clear to everyone that something was up what the main, so media called the propaganda and lies doing their best to focus on how brave hits the starter god bless him. i mean, demand deserves a lot of credit for fighting through that in a very public wage. the camera aimed at them every 2nd of every day for someone to
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go through that and put up with it. you know, takes a lot of courage and he does whether you're a democrat or republican independent, you know, people with hardships have to deal with hardship. he deserves that type of credit for that. start your tape right now, cuz i'm about to tell you the truth. and ask you if you can't handle the truth, this version of abiding intellectually, analytically, is the best buy and ever, not a close 2nd, and i've known him for years, the present excuse of mounting for 50 years. if it weren't the truth, i wouldn't say that's worth it. as a job, i did. it was not fit to continue his presidency, but instead of opening up, so it's a covered for him. even one that was clear video, evidence of him slurring tumbling call and now i want at least several, several recent fix actually attacked the president for thinking troops for thinking
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through that is what they are attacking the president for both in normandy. this happened and again in italy, and i think that it tells you everything that we need to know about how, how desperate, how desperate republicans are here. and instead of talking about the president's performance and office, and what i mean by that is, is the legislative wins where he's been able to do for the american people across the country. we're seeing these defects are these manipulated videos. and it is again, done in bad faith in the mainstream media seems to be forgetting that hotmail has been the vice president for 4 years now. some would argue that's plenty of time to prove your worth bought to. during that periods, barton's disapproval rating almost doubled. to 58 percent in the polls. what school box started the record supposed about? sure. let's just say she didn't get enough time or exposure. she had a hunch and 7 days, but she failed to make the most of them. well,
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trauma was on an interview blitz. she stopped to short stage the interviews, and would she couldn't answer how she would be different from jo by them. it seems that no matter which way you look at this, democrats and the mainstream media have no one else to blame for comma less failures but themselves and in their attempts to justify it. they are showing their true colors. well, we spoke with indian political economist on to ortho ross. he could decide who is saved by las ro relations between new delhi and washington. well, that's going to depend on the pragmatism, lovely, you'd ministration, o divided administration has been trying to rope india into a number of alliances that are regarded as being, you know, a sort of an antique china airlines. what happens into the trump administration, but it depends on what the uh, president trump, when he has used the presidency, requires a decides to do these of each china is he going to take
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a geological approach a, a, you know, and essentially regard china as kind of utilize the by the administration. deed as is the, the major threat to us fall or is it, is the trump administration going to try to do what it tried to begin doing when trump was last president. as you would remember initially, he was trying to do a new deed with china in a way that would be acceptable from his point of view for us interest. so if he's going to take a sort of di, making pragmatic approach, then i think that the pressure on india to try to essentially line it says up against china will reduce that mr. jason good would have in seeing what he did, what he's trying to on the line is that there will be be continue if you want india spots. but this continued the on india spot, which essentially has been to try to draw a tool to, to pursue a policy or what the dns called multi alignment. that should continue. and that
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would mean that india is looking forward to a situation in which india chooses exactly how, how it relates to different countries, depending on in the as interest. and that can only be a good thing. and that would mean that's effectively what jason could seeing is that india has not been playing alone completely to what the us, uh, what devices administration has wanted. well, when it comes to us relations with most of it remains to be seen whether the new trump team will actually seek to facilitate change. that is the view of russian entrepreneur on parliament member of victor boot, who spent a dozen years in an american prison a personal fault for luca. this was a big surprise, especially for the deep state. they didn't expect it so much big turn of going out of the population. so they've been even the know last moment decided not to use their usual tricks. i'll stuffing ballots all sending
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a couple of 1000000 additional wall needs. a want to know what you call it, the votes by mail. so this is elizabeth lee's house. now the question is, what does the truck will have enough to drive people to do necessarily reforms and the, let's take time and see whether he's a, you know, good words and the decision about normalization of relations or stopping the conflict on each level. then materializing, i guess, united states passing through the most to the deepest crisis for the pause. hundreds of 1560 years seems there, you know who your civil war. and this is important that the america have to focus on its own problem to fix its own, you know, back yards to fix it, told bridges to finally repair the highways to be able do,
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at least they're booked out in the mills before they would give you lessons and they know rebukes the entire old hall. we have to leave all the rules which they invented. literally, there is no difference between the democratic or republican administration. the policy towards the russia has a certain degree of continuity. so a my personal experience while was and concentrated to united states and the whole point had been stationed, didn't really materialize as united states before. so there was a of exchange. so this is a very important issue and understanding of the that the doesn't matter what kind of the present mental representative for which party, it's always a very strong effect of to have on to russian policy as far as the policy
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of united states. let's look on donald trump, for track record. on the he's watch the united states congress case, which russian diplomatic property continue to expel our diplomats. i literally tramples the most function oriented president the russian most function that any of the previous administration. so i don't have any hop the hopes of the trauma. oh, whoop, act to some walk pro russian. the for the position of the russian federation to defend its interest, especially in the conflict tougher crane. it's important, so all, well, that statement that we could finish the war by a couple of telephone calls eventually would be, you know, and the best to, you know, good vicious. i think we have to be patient to see 1st of all, what would be a real steps, mold the proclamation, or, you know, nice words, but what would be a real actions of new administration,
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thoughts they will print for crane or from being the most prosperous and industrial hotlines of the old soviet union become my most pores this through life and fails nation states and year. so this is a war to west policy towards the conflict. it was rational looks like saw what we can expect and what they want to do. um, it's very simple as a crane has no voice on its future. destiny is they just blindly of realizing the plans and well if united states just to tell them through jobs usually to grant in the illegal present levels of how higher have to job. and this is an issue. so i mean rush, i have to really, you know, a chief whole goal was put on this special monitor operation. and i have no doubt
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that there is would be no negotiation on reach of rush. all has to compromise its own security and most important jo, political stability. now i made all the drama and scandal of the us for one shoot. chris are quite literally still the spotlight during election night, a tiny squirrel was saying, jumping on stage of supporters waited for a camera lahardo speech, which she later cancelled leaving them in limbo. social media was clicked to comment referencing another road. pina, this girl, a social media celebrity followed by hundreds of dollars which was put down by new york environmental officers last week. the claim to act. so if you use an easier sparked, i'd rage on life with people saying the appearance on stage last night was peanuts revenge against the democrats. the spirit of peanut came back for campbell as concession speech. just to remind the democrats not to ever mess with the squirrels again. a freaking squirrel just ran across the stage at cumberland concession
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speech. and everyone in the comments is yelling pain out. i'm done. peanut back from the dead to hunt the comma la concession speech. as well, some background on peanuts he had been taken in by a local residence, which is a legal action in the states who spotted an injury on his leg. when investigators took him away, the rest of the mill apparently bit one of the offers leading officers leading to his youth an easier republican is a curious new york state democrats, of going to far on spending time killing pets while ignoring big issues such as crime and immigration, while the dams accused trump campaigners of using, issued to in votes in the traditionally blue state i word belong. and this interview with tucker carlson, x funder on from bach or 11, must host claim if asked for help going forward. but the new republican administration deal improved government efficiency by slashing the number of
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federal agencies just like how the cold over 90 percent of stuff of twitter r t called has the details. the okay to more world news. we go to africa where so it's not forget how shift on one of its busiest borders after violent opposition protest erupt in mozambique following presidential elections. the deadly flashes in the nation's capital came in response to last month's dispute of victory for the routing party. will not speak to a correspondent, the thing is convey on this, is it good to see you yet violent scenes in my to, to was there a worry that that could spread across the frontier to south africa, hence the closure take us through this whole union. so a sofa, one of the rules, nice develop nations, mozambique is of course, on the brain cost chaos and according to civil societies in the country. in fact,
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it was the amnesty international that sees the police of killed more than 20 people . and inserts ad listed hundreds more. the citizens are accusing freely more the routing part, you freaking boats a, a z october 9 selection, but certainly more has denied those accusations and the backs of in to proceed to it received. even those and mixes last month would have extended before to 9 year pow wow. but following the announcement to all those results of chances that have been high so much that they use really busy level border crossing between south africa and mozambique has now been closed. once more due to escalating safety concerns in mozambique, we do understand at this particular moment that the boy that was initially shut down on tuesday nights, then it was very open to this city to be close to once again this morning as protest intensified and the roving i'm reached to push protest is towards the west
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side, no garcia or the post i'm prompting was in beacon officials now just lead to this elastic inside with port officials, reportedly c t receive we just add to those border crossings. and now we have so that because menaced off international relations and populations role last level not holding a phone call to discuss the situation of security following the contested elections. lemuel law has expressed to so that because concern over the outbreak off those post of elections, i'm is condemning the loss of lives and destruction of property. he has also reiterate to the co made by various need is in was i'm big for law enforcement agencies to swiftly investigate these incidents and bring the paper tray to my, to justice. the but protest is and it's organizes in the meantime in mozambique,
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reportedly mobilizing for the facility for new people to joins them, encouraging those people to come to gave that to plan a much be gosh pro, chasing the capital from up. okay, well it is a situation will continue to close the follow as you will for us as well. i'm sure there. thank you so much. r t correspondent. you can get well, let's keep a focus on africa and move to kenya. now i for another visit to ortiz new sho, mumbled off for a cat work today, or host probes wife some economies on the continent drive while others store us next year, 247 r t intrusion. the
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other many places in the world's way to say your on the divide between the 2 oceans and the you might not think kids. what does this hey, english is northern, are found guest vision and the key knows that us national park. and today we know the stuff was, i'm taking a deep side interest, which because of the we are the foothills of little kenya. and today we grapple with an issue that has become very topical. this is the question of functions. it is easy
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to look at functions in the con, temporary kind of stuff, but sanctions, as a weapon of a political kind on one of when you can on the kind must be given historical context. one will remember that in the early days when the african countries was finding themselves in the midst of what was described as a political, contestation, the west and was particularly dep, the blind i as a, to some of the west activities of individuals. the gnostic on politics, if one is permitted, one will remember in the early 1900 down sixty's of individuals such as moist there's so many ways recorded 12 runaway from the democratic republic of congo with 800 on 9 deposits of war, declines and found himself in europe on the leave to have period. they are often
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and of course later died in the area and he was not science just got done. got was no distinction. one will remember the clip crafted, but it seems old mobile to assess the circle was then pro list, and nobody remembers a day when will good to assess? the sickle was function. one will remember his job, bed the book costs of the central african republic. oh, we know was one of the was dictators and who am beds on the funds and he was never sanctioned. one will remember many individuals on many countries because in those days been a good political boy from western perspective meant that you agree the bidding of the west of cos when doc chang in the 8th and in the 198-919-0190 things took us talk to
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a different perspective on the deployment, select the deployment of songs from the start to, to acquire another product. but even before we go there, many of the kind of clips to correct, we're, you know, on who we, can they get their money in your us citizen on became famous or is it in simmons phone number accounts, it became the home of ill gotten the wealth or money that was looted from african countries became on the island on many of these. and we know that during that video, these individuals, why using the office for purposes of acquiring public wealth. but move to the current situation where sanctions has now become a tool. and unit on the america use this function very selectively when they
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want to achieve a particular political objective. and one can give a number of examples. robot to guy b. as in bob way, was that dying of the west side to donnelly, because he did not into fia, with the land that was occupied by the wide families. and in the 1st 10 years, i remember ro, but oh god, they been given a word as one of the lead does progressive leaders in the continental wasik. when rolled back from a guy bad to the disease, that the dividends of independence demanded. the blonde must be re distribute as the worst done was to impose sanctions on robot mcgarvey and his comrades in arms on the high goodman. at that time was that the room got better. jim
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was pop at craig in the pomp of rating human rights abuses. may that he ah, no, they're debatable. the real issue was that the freedom was fought for the purpose of distributing gland on why was this been not the focus on the thought on? the question was for papa's i use using functions because when he was sung send an entire country on the people. it's economy. the net effect is that you accept everybody. as the saying goes, you use a hama to break on neck, and that is what functions do. then that effect is that the headings block does affect everybody else. because believe themselves of a way of keeping themselves api and they keep themselves happy and rich under mary . and somehow there is also no shortage of songs and bust. those who are capable of
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