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tv   Documentary  RT  November 8, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the rest of the republic is to do the rest attribute them, which is, which is one because the connection i do intend to be so many of those instruments, which is, which is a little bit of a surprise because the rest of them is to find you a solution or store mom, i'm wanting to see that i use the contents of the money, but it's only possible that i need to use it up as also that i just published the villages to choose to. but there's no there which is the way that it
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was was that it shows that published because by the way, are you seeing the way obviously you didn't go to get by some loss in levels issue. 2 religious person gotten worse and you're using a civil what is the way a couple of buddies. yeah. was you a little bit more? so what are you thinking course to the logistical that you know that we're using it visual for the here though, i'm pretty sure, and that's what i said. it's 2 o'clock. we'll see, you know, if i wasn't capacity to say you don't like it, we knew we should have suicide. you certainly, you know, with couples that you've given you used to, he might be able to book this week. so the way that the photos you, once you are on the inside of the little girl, is going to put it in you, which stuck on there's no, i mean that's
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a soft in bite. saw me. what's your thoughts of seeing as a the advice of the kindness is disney, disney? so why do i have to have sure the other thing is to know if that was still find it slipped through it. there's the strongest by deals, the parts of the joint commission, the low of but usually pretty much go to the us to
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a do the survey too much over to the last one. we have 6 at the same. yeah. but some of me see what the name was. am with us is that only the money that the computer? pardon me? one second get unload but it would be pretty said mama back in the dark in the dark man. oh sure sizes is what i was always the like just the only piece on the side of the problem is like the most is the beginning of the
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the the the the deal to send somebody to move. so really it almost impossible please. my users, no good sounds good was less than a little bit. um seems to be a surprise. but besides uh, contact this new system member or someone else can put that on the uh, bill. maybe that was your 1st goal was to uh see is the medium or
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no, but it would be anywhere in your store of some of the flushing or most of monday just to diag just for the some of them. yes. uh, see what email cause a little bit better, get a little for the medical doesn't have auto stores to buy your city by them much farther, mostly from growing up and yet, but if us as to who needs the oil stores, the shingles, those nothing to do but it just simple through us and things you start out with a company which like ship the shop, but with your credit for new much they symbols, that sounds like a good vision is doing your job so feeling, you know, so he goes to the does he have to go
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to a psychiatrist, you too. so nissan to do it, the image, the photos of that gets the most frank again for the future with that. okay. yeah, they decided you gotta do this on the 4th of them or the garbage stuff and just send me the message. so. 6 the social for me to do it door thing by allowing you there's definitely something to put out for you about those who is your special uh, bikes group. if i don't feel like i don't, i shall by. so you, but it was, it was kind of, you know, but what do we use for huge. i bought a lot of cars,
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some little with the you through the one you're still there, but let me show going to any form. you still know so little important to the point where i filled it. will you do to the somebody over here to fill out the cause of it for that? so i'm pretty sure it's too much. can you wish to sort of as though it was that was you knew about the leg and you're good for that, that flu shots are still so pursuant to your new possible when you're using the i for shooting usually use the prism and even those guys seem you 3 of the mutual recently of so what, sooner to hello yes. slow slow, the sheer new one. what does that go for thoughts? so we'll say meeting new. yeah. i know building it assume it was easy about what, what that people, some of the videos are when you coupled with your email for me. i mean,
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if he shows the bundle with a simple study with the microsoft surface and you just want the people show it to you. i'm going to use a tennis match. was this what the show? how about you after that the, the wash lot more school a little bit. thanks. have a good class. he's got quite a national escalation, request appraisal for the answer. the question, what do you think you might for,
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with use any way of using the style? so for, so she asked me to somebody isn't going to have me on hold the source code was, you know, took us to deal with both of those useful. but the social, my living, you know, if i'd be able to go out over, was that for my use of the commercial stuff still, you know, it's, i'm gonna see, you know, see if thank you so much because then you'll have access to this with us, of the wheel semester, or if the assume one of those people tell you is of course blazing with the way you've set the bumper to pick up the fit the north. of course, not a lot of them or can i answer for you in the media for the i'm going to ask you
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before you play, see for the missing or so when you come to the so was it a shot? so using the equipment and what's the worst thing that was, go out or do you that's causing you to talk with each other. because if i'm not sure how to do more with it, or simply more know what can be of use new point, i'm going to sweep between peterson. it doesn't go to plain scale. i am as long as you didn't. if i'm using the search and i'm going to do so through the more i know if the money was yeah, my service, it was you. so usually any posted enough when i will do something frustrated with it gave me a little less shooting in for tuesday. name thoughtful, so please can you check this out and wish that was the would no of course take you to know. don't consume control review the sooner the good. what else that's most of what i said. yeah, sure. the most significant seems a little extra able
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to do now. anyway, nobody ever saw a circle strictly on this. it was the file you and what the norwalk auto body ward from the key, the really more finally went through the process at the bottom left. so it's a 4 point metal for. yeah. so something that he does think of the most important thing at the top. one does not think about the is the kind of like my chick fil a with indian flash is holes a lot fall off with justin with start sitting on the side of the smile. you're roasting district or middle mancha forecast. my only know for to do the books i do not meet the backup door to door to the house, cuz honest now's the time the only the the on the bus book just because of the summer. well then we should have more more them. sure. don't younger previously launched at all?
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some of the time i received, so just brought it down to push the 5th bus daily. i'd be shot according to the engine soon, which in the heart of us who wants to come over to install it, you're going to see the, you know more. and if i'm a little start you the have games and has attracted conquerors attention from time immemorial. in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view the afghan lands as the northern gateway to india. and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to predict independence, the mere of
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a dentist in the us little homage turned for help the russia waste the bread is considered their deal political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 18. 39. the invaders occupied couple and brought their hands been to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed. any resistance thus, is telly they slaughtered all i have gan man who had reached the delta and raped hundreds of women seeking is humiliate the muslims. in 1841 general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone. last couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from couple made it to the british position. we've seen jello about. the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the
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victory of the afghan people became the most important event in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance to the colonialist. it just failed the race estimate of the european invincibility. the logos. uh those are just to show us the push these new ventures look a show here before. no yeah, those are the only other thing you're supposed to use. the most of the terms and it shows to shuffle the switch and don't know mr. provides an interface,
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but when it comes to genex can be expensive and that you all know that you will save them. of course, the moment the multiplan, the multiplan ppo vehicle, the only ones that are on the inside of the for mobile is upset with the person that you have to show. which means there's a lot of discussion about it as well. talk to you more detail, but then schedule some other things to somebody about. some of the thank you to repeat. it's funny if it's less than most others, a system keeps giving you the cool logistics that helps you and from the here are a deal. let me know, and i think that most in month. okay. yeah. it's a monday for us to try out the schedule for lunch from college to do so. i think about a year ago. but the, if the visual with the remote task cheated up,
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what are some of the value starting with the stimulus kind of use of what this could some use open during this time. we have additional assignments already. so the introduce you to, to, to, to my city, you told me i just, i'm not familiar with all the aspects of the school. we should feel that the truth which isn't to just do it. so this is why you left me. the other thing you might assume or to, to designing my city as anyone in a couple of switch a say to the finance for those kind of young to sit down with the kids with, with 5 grand canyon,
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the lamb for sell them the meta key for that to finance stay, my lease was with the thing that was going to be done with couple of the for, for we're going to choose those with the single money for you to give me option 2. and your 1st to me today by the last just it's fortunate by so for the summer, i mean yeah, the the what i'm you doing? i'm yeah, i know who before on our side we some here at our, from a on here a few all. who are god? who brought us army along with a couple of 20 of them. i'm going to less expensive than the other, especially the death of me several consumes that one is able to get her to send you a new settle in st. louis, missouri. the meet the middle school is also covered up. i'm chicago for us to look for something of that stuff i've noticed, but i just don't much christian. just let this what i'm putting it down will definitely it also is through all the referrals because i've got 3 children. i'm
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sure you're going to think you're a person, you put new mind me use the q of show a process of the way shape or the need for for tuesday to show off cuz it out there was those guys choke expensive and your these you get to expose, which is your thing for them to see somebody in that category and with the process that you're using, you didn't send you anything when you were storing it to. okay, because it was a month to rid of these. yeah. somebody else to get those to fit your some investment, which means to suggestively those mean is good. you have to store stuff. there was a new phone and i push the feeling of the, the just save. you will get you of okay, so let's go to your facility to assume easiest is always to see to your thing when
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we can simulate the receipt to use or 0 in your pocket and i'm guessing you're sitting on hold. sure. resurfacing, your point of the pieces this to you, the movie slow the soviet, the messenger here, the way it is and you know who silver line the 1st of all discuss where you've got the full source because you're as soon easy when it's out of the losing weight of california, the ceiling that you do for that you have to forward the genesis a minute or 2,
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which is the date that those you have us on this one to, to look at these 2. you somebody need to do that is important because don't worry let's go for this one. so this way we need to explore them. what is shouldn't be a be just the level of pretty slowly. so fluid change team is going to shield yes, it will cost as a whole. is it less than when you use the electricity? is
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the plant the less so she knew that will show us up to look up to them is always and we will kind of been invoking the filter, who was the most good and the most kids that are single floors have compute fluids. that's kind of what you mean. take you less inches unless you know, model with the bus a little industrial ripple, then you play just the motor looming. it'll come to me is that at the level that i will do, because if the still complexity it was some of them probably just go to the other option would have to full show load the wheels that are still what they will go up to speed it go to the, to the new to you because you came up with a legal. here's a little for when you say, let's see setting up a little extra year. my phone number is alicia. i'm along with the business commissioner, i'm sorry,
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company i served my associate independent. i'm still not feeling well and it doesn't include carefulness. i'm going to pay for some money for some. yeah. but the nation without the yeah, let me take a look at the instant a problem, the source of the loan company, what, what additional cisco pull some of the same issue for systems i solution infinity one for the new phone available for enrollment for, for one and for you, but you wouldn't come on the cleaning fluid, excuse me. so we have an earnest diploma schemes of that that in one of the king was able to come and get the ones you need. nickelodeon, you need more stuff. explain. he's going to create a new one. you must restart on your because monday, windows, windows programs at the new this welcome you know, a similar to a ocean zillow. let them go to and i surely would know, was it not for launches? we well after the to, let's just do it and then just go to the still center for me. i got it. so i'm still in the middle of this little bullshit for me. yeah. 1800 other things. not if
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you just just wasting your time before and just keeps going. that old. you don't want to shoot us because i'm going to need such a steel that goes to us. but they don't just sits in a sort of middle and spill with the layer on the bus to some of the material in the news. some of them like with some of 3 in the summer, supposedly just from the, the, the virginia. but i was able to upload the stuff, we went into the bible, some of the for, to see receive meals on. you see the person folks that comes in the us and most of
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those me get it. if i'm lucky, the kind of the good one you to worry to not to do simulation. and you're like, i'm not a branch. got another thing you wish me partially the pricing if i difficult race. and i know the one you, the more i, you know, come when you are dealing and move the single, are you close to deposition to my, your and your show for the inductor. present knowledge for almost a full reward,
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show it from scratch. and what is it just the law only showing, especially on the page since i started me, which is nice. people told me, but i knew sure she is in the board here. a still this source from us. no means of shipping. plus the 3 bits is must q is this used to do? so, because this is the sporting goods of fussy, really we will was fixing less if there's only which us from the start i showed you, this is this, it, this summer was still love. love. scary. so this thing is the, is got ation. unless, if i do the festival for the you know, who from that point you will see no more efforts. there's frontier when you go
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somewhere along there and you too excited for the trip on your shift. a lot of this perceive the image on this going to be most of the autumn isn't most finished and i switch it industrial long term, send them with the this it doesn't have to because it gets it because it was stamped, they need to be the only because sold a lawsuit, the whole ship can i less and you need funding does in the process the mode i've had a set, the date, the dates of sort of the simplest and the, the, the delay into the shuttle level. government doing a single, getting kinda sick of a sort of risk before bella told me of a long wolf. yeah. i'm not going to collect the data. but as you see there is to be
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stored motorcycle, dental, material missed unless they didn't know that those are i'm going to be forgetting what at the boys and them richard richard, gar, zill and the good part of do 6. that'd be a little this. a lot of bull shit worship. great. the thought to this letter that i didn't get for the, for enough over they show different cities or somebody if they've done boss hold on one of the structure of the vista chose i got the pacific model. so it's a lot apartment dentist that i get into
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a book. i'm kind of going to put him into the hands of the sounds. he's all the end of the present. and i will talk what the issue with to point to the dorm are pushing by and have the time to buy into russia. but it does a lot for pools of tech notice of kill them just because i don't want them for the bit. so this is what you choose to do and you can you it's vivian use cheese better. same way and you didn't you buy the list because you're to be a toyota remainder all for you to be. i do the boy, you still get all 5 good news. the young girl
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usually will usually use the the the, the, the, the leak about the us elections, the camp of those who ones piece increase money. this is just the way. so what in europe must react? as us president elect donald trump is to reclaim the oval office. how do we define minister mixing europe in need is need to adapt and find a peaceful strategy to end the planning and complex german column. and remember to build up in civil tier militarily, in hopes of appealing to 16 different if the reserves and the conflict within the past week. what we've seen in the gulf industry for the last year is a decimation of the health care system,


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