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tv   News  RT  November 14, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the, the corruption accusations against lobby mirrors, ellensby, failed, including flames, and usually received billions of dollars from the trade commission's alone. we hear the view on the developing scandal exclusively permit ukrainian parliament members . the landscape annually receives between $2.00 to $4000000000.00 from the t. c. k allowed every yeah, it is brought to the office of the president from every structure, from every structure, tens of millions of dollars a month, 10, putting a price on torture, a us federal jury orders, and the american defense contractor, who hired employees up in authority is probably
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a great detention center to pay tens of millions of dollars in damages to $34.00, or i can prisoners plot the chaos on the streets of dumpster diamond part. it's worth thousands of police officers are deployed. the mit flushes with pro tell us opinion demonstrators. the bases are still, my name's you to know nieland's 30 minutes of news and you start, it's not a man who is being able to quotes still more than all the presidents who have stolen in ukraine before that. so you're creating an m p. 's description of a lot of errors. so let's get that brought up some other shocking things too. and an exclusive interview with our team lansky annually receives between $2.00 to $4000000000.00 from the t. c. k. military commissions allowed every yeah,
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it is brought to the office of the president to other structures, the ministry itself, internal affairs, education, support and of health, etc, etc, etc. from every ministry, from every structure, from every organization be bureau if they cannot make security infrastructure from every structure, from every structure, tens of millions of dollars a months, tens only from the additional region. $10.00 to $15000000.00 collect to, to per month and taken personally to the landscape in the office of the president. this is the man who has been able to do more than all the presidents who have stolen in ukraine before. but he's not, of course, is the bloodiest of all his out done. everyone in this meta because he's money is the largest stolen in ukraine and it was stolen on the blood of ukrainians. citizens, a huge number of schemes. you know, we've heard so much room or so much,
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you know, a doubts about the ukrainian regime if you like. and then remember, this doesn't come from nowhere. it's important that we understand the background to us state department has consistently reported prior to the russian, especially the operation about corruption of ukraine, human rights abuse of what corruption has been the norm of one of the biggest problems in the develop, the ukraine after the soviet union collapsed at now easily, steam self allegations of the palm. dora papers were revealed as people remember that he was involved with a on all the guards. the hor, clean mean sky. the guy who got them arrested, involved in his tv channel. uh that is a company called car tom 95. so these obligations are nothing new but these uh, this evidence from within the inner circle i feel like is absolutely remarkable. so this guy are to, on matrox, who is he, why should we believe what he's saying? well, he's a been involved in politics for quite a while, and ukraine,
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he from central ukraine himself, but he's got businesses and represented the area in the odessa region. and she knows so much about how much money is hemorrhaging out of al desa opened to the president's office. she was a member of the sermon to the people party, which is the landscape own party. so he's intimately related to this machine, this dysfunctional machine on the ground. i remember we seen lower right officials, people in the recruitment services and the medical service selling certificates. we've seen a tens of millions of dollars, some of the boots of cars and very low ranking officials at so it's not surprising that these allegations are being made of a higher up the ladder, the scale of the actual corruption. it's absolutely a warning, of course, because of these allegations, this gentleman has faced a lot of the retribution and for f that's of them. i listen to him telling us about just how dangerous it is to speak out and you find them what's actually happened to
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him as homeless as in 2022 in the month of march, they were the 1st 2 attempts to kill me. that is 2 attempts to eliminate me, which think god did not materialize off to that. i always keep napped and tortured in the basements of the s b. u under then search and see of the outbreak of full in ukraine. a large number of political and public figures was actually eliminated in the early days of the war. you know, as they say, in war, everything will be written off. it was a good sign for both is lensky and your market to get rid of the political opponents and the opposition. and i was on that list to, you know, absolutely astounding allegations from this month. the, the s b you who we know been involved in operations here in russia unable. busy to assassinate people, people like that. are you doing just very dark i organization heavily funded in trained and cooperating with the c a. these allegations have to be taken very
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seriously because of where they're coming from in the metro has said a lot of things about bottom resilience can. can you take us through some of those other comments that has made me well, these are again as remarkable as the last ones suggesting that there's a lensky essentially keeps the war going. i don't remember, ludovic zaleski has no legitimate mandate from the ukrainian people. his term as president has expired at he's a press the media, he's oppressed as it sure thing. no, to this you have them. it is a legend that the he's keeping the war going basically to keep, to stay in power. he's terrified of elections and that the gravy train, the scale of a cache that's flowing in. why wouldn't it keep the war going? the last thing he probably wants is an election, because that would mean an end to his a dictatorship. essentially, that's have a list of uh, what do you have to say about the president of loading? there's a landscape that is, that is the beginning of the war. saved him, allowed him to stay in power. in fact, today the war in ukraine is kept going by these landscape machine. today,
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the war in ukraine has strengthened and held savanski genocide against anti ukrainian people. wildly wall is going on, the ukrainian people are forced to tell the raids the landscapes power to tell the right, the genocide that he staging against the ukrainian people, we will supported zalinski and many citizens of russia, including brother, bruce supported him. yes, it was our mistake. we made a mistake, we finally realized. but my departure from the policy is exactly that. precisely because i did not want to be a participant in this blog events that supports it. so again, you know more meat on the bones of a lot of room or an allegation about savanski. and that's a, you know, he was put into power on a promise. remember of the ending corruption ending the war in the east. and we see where we are now, you know, hundreds of thousands of ukrainians dead people drag from the streets to complete destruction of the apparatus of good civil government. it's absolutely remarkable.
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you mentioned zalinski is a person of the church. i know demetrius has spoken out about the persecution against do credit and orthodox church as well. what's his view on, on everything that's going on at the moment. mm hm. that, well, some fascinating insights, he suggests that the initial project a, to suppress the trojan ukraine was a, began by petro pershing. cool little the oligarchy. exceptionally corrupt, a chocolate magnet. if you like, who is it has to be replaced promising to do things differently. and we know that when he suggests that this was very energetically pursued by pershing ankle, but when, so this became, it's of our heat and decided what look i liked the of this idea and this works. so he persisted with it. and despite the backlash from the people across, you probably know across the world to the suppression of the church. so lensky, so deep into this action, he found it impossible to retreat from absolutely fascinating insights. and some of this, the infringement of the rights of believe is, was brushing because mission to implement his own state organization. they call it
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the church, the o. c. u on the territory of ukraine, part of chicago dreamed of this to create such a variety of his own in the country. is it ask you like this idea? and he decided to take it over himself to accidentally began to do this, destroying the ukrainian orthodox church. the credit and orthodox church is the largest religious body and independent association that has a huge number of pollution is more than 6000000. and he needed to do it by his own hand. and when he received a strong rebuff to his actions, there was simply no way to step back. and it was necessary to bring the matter to an end and such to be a beatings of priests have already begun. that is, this is the agony in which savanski struggling because he could not implement this project. so, increasingly difficult for the western sponsors of this, this function of this dictatorship to stand back and say, no, this is happening, you know,
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professing at the support of freedom and democracy across the world. meanwhile, and you train this ascent. it's essentially a criminal compile, and operating the country, the scale of the cache that's been hammered just out, you know, where it's coming from. it comes from us taxpayers, you tax paper payers, let me see the, on the streets a and e, you and in the us. and we see in the us election a big issue. we have to end this war. not just because a, it's a winnable, but also because of the gross corruption on this mines at evidence from within the central circle, if you like. this privilege circle is very, very timing for zalinski on his way here. and as you crank continues to struggle in the bustle field, key of is racing to make up for lost money, power, another ukrainian m p 's, a doctors and recruitment centers help in order to prepare all men fit for military service. you know that as little aside music we have repeatedly been told by the doctors themselves,
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and they have tacitly helped us who i'm sure they have been given a directive to say that everyone is fit and the unfit or a separate cast. there's no such thing. grandma costs or care has been stepping up the force mobilization of civilian sounds. it struggles to contain the russian armies about hundreds of videos, circulating online shop tele fleischman, snatching people off the streets with the concrete cities and talents looking increasingly empty from are you printing and diplomats, sandra tele, shenker saves the nation, doesn't have much of a regular military left anymore. before those of the so special racial, russian special person started on the brain surgery. what is the preparation of professional military man? they're all gone. 90 percent of them are gone. this one was the 1st year of the recently. right now, women, children, those man we're gonna use on to the file size without any preparation at all. how no chance the assistance of one of the service farmers know the russian military is
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number one for now, but all worse around the world. and they cannot do the same time for the western ownership. rephrase takes more out of the country time, possibly to try to undermine the situation and blushed to which they fail. then they're gonna fail again. and it's time for them to hold on to praying for as long as possible and sure they can get the resources out. the $200000000.00 invested into it as a vice, the nazi regime. they need to get it out with all those wood grain. anything they can put their hands on right now. so this is what we've done for the with the key of officials have reported. they admitted that the premium defenses are collapsing under the steady progress are brushing fluids. that says most schools advance, which is it looks the same point since 2022 with the financial times predicting the conflict goals which are critical phase. and just a few months of time for
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a more in depth look at this situation on other story shipping our world par t dot com. so you cover the 2 decades on bray ventura. gators are finally facing accountability for the sexual abuse and torture inflicted on their rocky detaining us defense contractors. c a c. i hired the employees who were now under investigation to work out the tories detention center. an american jury has ordered the multinational to not pay $42000000.00 to free former prisoners. our t correspondent, marina cost river, can tell us a better late than never. i guess it's look 16 years for these 3 of rocky men who went through the horrors of the, the torres hubble gray prison, to get justice. the case was 1st filed back in 2008, but it was only this year that on the american jury got to hear what these men went for. my body was like
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a machine responding to all external orders. the only part i owned was my brain, which could not be stopped by the black plastic bag they used to cover my head. this is just one of hundreds of stories of abuse against the chinese to emerge from the jail run for years by the us military, n. c. i a, the, as long as we were tracked by, whoops, attacked by police, starts beaten by whips. when americans fired live ammunition at us, they killed 2 people in front of me, put them in body bags and took them away. we were blindfolded hand cost. i've suffered from very painful memories. i wouldn't be able to show us. they would hang
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a prisoner on the metal door of the cell and subjects i'm to electrocution or urination. they would stick a rifle incense to barriers where they would use a broken broomstick causing internal bleeding. prisoners would need surgery. what we went through and what happened to a rock was a terrible crime. it broke us, even though i can't get inside of off the top because it makes me think of water board in the j i have to write was released when right. so americans on the street would be terrified. they would send me back to that place and torture me again. it still keeps me up at night, remembering the torture. i hear the screams of the one bus that i thought of done to be a look at. the time i spend in the brazen felt like a life time, an hour or that pain humiliation and a new chest is,
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stays with you forever. the fraud is global war on terror that he was hired thousands of contractors to fly to and it's conflicts teen to avoid the repeats of vietnam war syndrome and thousands of body bags coming home, spots down the line. things when badly wrong with pmc is engaging in widespread human rights violations and criminal acts c, a c i. the company in question, in this case, argue there is no proof. it was their employees responsible for the crimes. blaming the us government and military, while washington independence of the long distance themselves from these atrocities . calling the isolated incidents we set out on our course to find the truth,
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not to whitewash and also not to convict those people who are not incriminated. we found that the pictures you have seen as revolting as they are were not the result of any doctrine, training or policy failures, but violations of the law and misconduct. we learned that our leaders in our garage, who knew about this conduct, knew better and did nothing. some soldiers behaved in properly because they were confused by their experiences and direction. what we certainly wish i would grab, hadn't happened. but at that, that's not reflect. you know, america, this is the actions of, of some soldiers, even the blame game between the us government and him sees itself. and it took this long to deliver just as considering the mass of evidence of torture and abuse. would even an entire awards. when expose a into it,
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and testimonies from former interrogators admitted into these crimes revealing the scale of the crimes. americans did this to a rocky person. according to the us army, the man was told to stand on a box with his head covered with wires attached to his hands. he was told that if he fell off the box, he would be electrocuted. it was this picture and dozens of others that prompted an investigation by the us army. the nudity was, was sort of the theme of the entire prison. the number of iraqis that, that were naked was what was shocking. and it was cold, sleep deprivation. and for standing were sort of the, were, were the most common thing that the most presidents were suffering. so they were there, hand crafted air, the cell walls and a position in which they were standing, their hands replaced down between the legs and then their hands were handcuffed back behind them. we heard people and not just physically, we destroyed them emotionally. and we have, i think, i think it's a, just,
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at the very least the just punishment for us that, that we suffer some of those consequences to my behavior towards iraqi detainees did not meet the standard that had simply been raised on. it was not the way that i should have behaved between october and december, 2003, and the blue gray confinement facility, numerous incidents of sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses what inflicted on several detainees this systemic and illegal abuse of detainees. was intentionally perpetrated by several members of the military police got false. allegations of abuse was substantiated by detailed witness statements and the discovery of extremely graphic photographic evidence. this is the 1st time in american jury cited with the rocky citizens against an american military contractor. and the fact that 3 former detainees are now getting just this is a good sign. they've been awarded 3000000 in compensation and 11000000 for punitive damages. but of course,
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no amounts of money will raise the horror they went through thoughts. this could paving the way for all the victims to seek justice. there are many more than just this where you rock to man. what the jury did today is send a very clear message that the contractors who go to war or go work with the government overseas will be held accountable for their role in whatever violations their employees may commit. they need to have far better oversight over there and always to ensure that something like what happened at abu ghraib never happens again. washington has always claimed as global wars were, in the name of flooding, terror, and spreading democracy. while in reality, these 3 innocent civilians, a journalist, the fruit vendor, and school teacher, were just the tip of the iceberg and a travesty of injustice. which way never fully be remedied. okay, moving the program all no violent scenes are again being seen in major european capitals in response to the gals of war. police have reportedly detained over
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$200.00 protesters during a pro palestinian march in central amsterdam of the skirmishes with law enforcement or update leading to the arrest old protesters. people were rallying in defiance of a bond on demonstrations and post by local authorities. after on this last week, that was when is really full files were attacked, they had of a much in the netherlands capital leaving at least 10 people injured. while in par us. 6 the trash is also flared up during a pro palestinian demonstration there. the raleigh occurred on the eve of 2 days from israel, european football qualifier. the proof is really go up plan to raise money for the jewish state. sizes of officers were deployed in the french capital riots. police
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fire tear gas after protesters for the flurries and fireworks. the know the surprise is just people in coming. donald trump continues to alliances. new administration. the u. s. president elect a republican, has nominated former democratic congresswoman till sig gilbert to serve as director of national intelligence, my colleagues, rachel ruble, charlie to been speak, talk through the significance of that and the other new appointments. if she's concerned by a trump friendly send it. so it's a pretty much a dusting the eyes and crossing the teas. she's going to run the 18 us intelligence agencies. i mean, this is a much 6 foot folio and given her sentence on so many issues, it's one that a lot of people are going to be saying, okay, what's gonna happen now? we have got a tool sync up. i'd, who's a former democrats, not just any form,
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is that because this is the full voice chest of the democratic policy. this is a woman who is in the make sure to send to office parts are seen as one to watch. in fact, she run to be the democratic nominee for president back in 2020 for that race, of course, losing out eventually here to joe biden, and the never in, not times, but she was positive democratic policy. she consistently criticized what she felt with issues within her policy. she felt it was woman going. she felt the foreign policy was, well. she felt that there was money being plowed into the military industrial complex. and what she said she want to do was to read, change the policy and take it back to what she said. it was originally of how the people, let's just have a listen to what she said. during that 2020 campaign, when she was hoping at the time to be the democratic presidential, no many you have criticized hillary clinton as the quote personification of the
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rock that has stick in the democratic party. what is the right you see in the democratic party that our democratic party unfortunately, is not the party that is of by and for the people? is it a part is, is a party that has been and continues to be influenced by the foreign policy establishment in washington represented by hillary clinton and others foreign policy by the military industrial complex and other greedy corporate interest sen, harris. any response? oh, sure. um i, i think that um, it's unfortunate that we have someone on the stage who is attempting to be the democratic nominee for president of the united states who during the obama administration, spent 4 years full time on fox news criticizing. president obama, pretty strong stuff that somebody was hoping to lead the democratic policy. and actually she talked it also in that debate about the role and something she's talked about quite
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a lot that goes back even further. she talks about you boma administration and talks about the issues with the syrian conflict and how the bomber administration all mean. what would then seen by the americans as being syrian rebels actually led to those alms into the hands of terrorists terrace? like, i'll call you to an ice a, so she's blatantly pointing the finger towards the obama administration and saying, hey, all is terrors we've seen for say for the last 20 years is your fault. let's just have a listen to what she have to say about that. why is it such a difficult position to take to say that we said stop arming, streaming service? it's really not a difficult position, nor should it be. i think every american would be a surprise to know that for years our government has been providing both to preston in direct support. a to these are militant groups who are working directly with or,
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or even under the command of terrorist groups. like all tied to an ice is all in their or their effort and fight to over throw the syrian government. i don't if you just notice that right, so just popping up. you might seen an awesome moisturizer, you talking to us a in the interview. so this is the kind of person she is, she's incredibly open and 2 different ideas and she has different ideas. and it's those different ideas, particularly over her criticism of the flight and administrative extraction support feed crane against russia, which saw her back in 20 and 22. having to take what must be in a really difficult step. and standing down from her policy, she left the democratic party. she stood briefly as an independent and in 2024. she has gone off full $118.00 and came out as being a trump support to saying that she felt that his policy was the only policy to stop america's woman going. yes, it really speaks her mind which you know, that goes along the way. it's really refreshing for
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a politician. what are she said about more current affairs? well, she does know thing or 2 about current affairs. this is somebody who served as an army reserve is she was actually in a rock, she saw come back in the rock. she was the helping out the medics at the time. i'm not, she said so really for me to her opinion about what it means for america to send its troops support what it means to america, to put money into other countries into was. and she has been slammed over and over for the past almost 3 years, saying that she believes that she had legitimate concerns when it came to ukraine. she felt that russia should have been listened to. now we will know that it was the bite and administration back in 20212022. that was leading those talks with russia, that collapse. and then we saw the escalation of the conflict in ukraine. then in the fight for your thought here. and she has been highly critical of such as to bite in administration, as lucy was to listen to russia's position and perhaps speak to russia and
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understand the situation in between russia and ukraine on a more deeper level. and she's also being really an easy about censorship. nope. just she has being subject to do because she has been called a russian stooge. over and over. but she's concerned about censorship. in general, there's a representative landsman from ohio who said, quote, why are we being asked about american officials from trying to stop propaganda from foreign adversaries? like putting wires, some for posing, we leave syria, which prudent wants. why is the call to a band and ukraine continuing to emerge from some members? he goes on to say, remember, and i'm quoting him. remember, hitler did this. he used americans to spread his propaganda and it cost
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millions their lives put in is doing the same thing. so to be clear, this congressman from ohio feels that americans who dare to say, hey, we need to stop writing blank checks to fund the proxy. war against the rush of via ukraine must be silenced. he feels that anyone who says, hey, we need to bring our troops home from syria, our russian propagandist, and must be silenced. this is dangerous because this is coming from people who are in great positions of power to actually act on this nonsense really strong with. so i think different the sort of censorship we've seen under the bite and administration essentially of anybody who said, hey, let's just have a listening to what russia has got to say. i think it will be very interesting. what people think you have right now the,
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the conflict is thinking about this potential appointment, particularly as we heard in the last 24 hours. the reports coming out, the key of is considering building a nuclear bomb. and you know, this is a country ukraine that signed up to the non proliferation treaty at suggestions that it could build the bomb in order to and this conflict. i mean, it's pretty incredible cuz she actually criticized the bite and administrators and saying that it will close to a nuclear war than ever before. so i think it's safe to say plenty of people in eastern europe, plenty of people in t f right now, putting that punts over this potential appointment of a woman who says russia has always had legitimate concerns. and that is something we have certainly not heard for the last 4 years. now finally this news hour, it's been


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