tv News RT November 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST
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for self determination, and it is executive, these principles, the respect for the rights for self determination, which was the legal basis for decal immunization. infect colonial rulers did not 3 present the people they ruled, they exploited them. and the exploits of the natural resources. so the lands on the beach, this people leave and the people decide that you are not my boss. we want to be independent and we want to fit to, to have rootless, who would be acceptable to us. something like this has got funding in ukraine because there she can, let's re present the people whose language, cultural access to information, religious rights, they exterminate the bible and the
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same the, the same attitude to leave. we see like the, i think there is something new where it's between the cooling is ation and what the people of east and west the eastern photo. so. so if you grade the bus and the little issue, what they feel about the free ship, they do not accept the get it you of this region. and there is you use a m, a russian, russian, meaning also citizen. so if you create when zalinski before the special a duration of 2021, when the mean started reading and so was still alive. but ukraine was a slight int. he gains the line of concepts. and when he was asked in an interview by something less than correspond to, to what you thought about the people of the bus on the other side of the line of
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content. zalinski said, you call them people, the people in the spacious. that's what you so the previous the, the adjustments who was one spread me just of the support use government stuff. the cool she was going according to the people who rejected the cool a sub humans and so on. and so for sunday, the publicly it will break during the day will eliminate the russians legally. and physically, this is the quotation from their present that you forward the office of citizens. so like, and colonial. the key, if it is you, that is not to be present for huge portion of the people which it used to kind of see the citizen. so if your brain and who decide that at
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the end of to come back to the russian figuration. yes. and the speaking go for chinese, brazil, and then you should see if we were slightly surprised when we looked into that uh uh, friends in switzerland were invited to be present as absorbers. the friends, as we just describe with this not discover 3 read the rate that once again is in the lead of the war through ukraine. it gains the russian federation and switzerland. there's nothing neutral for a long time. it is not very, i think logical and promising that yes, we were told by changes and brazilian friends that they would be just observing without the right to speak. but they would be part of the
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process in any way. so we raise these concerns and the we don't think it is necessary for the, for the purpose of uniting global self to promote the piece. ukraine, the, uh, good morning mr. minister lever up here. uh from uh, i'm from newspaper level here in brazil, and i would like to ask you, um, just 7 countries press for a thought flow statement here in the 20 about the war between russia and ukraine. and i will, i would like to know russians opinion about this statement and the last minute the
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session to include the war infrastructure in the statement to be accept. uh for the cause of the 1st question. can you speak louder? yes. working at the just 7 countries pressed a lot, brazil to make a task or statement in the training about the war between rush a and ukraine in the last minute the words infrastructure were included and they weren't pretty sure about that. okay, i would like to know what russia things about this statement, and this was infrastructure. and if you, if i may about this decree that we knew today about the nuclear doctoring in russia . so the world be prepared for a nuclear response from russia. after do you as the session this weekend and the 1st attack today? well, on the, on the 2nd question, we strongly in favor of doing every single,
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not through low nuclear war to accept them. it was us who 1st, during the soviet union times suggested to the united states and the president gorbachev and president craig and made us join statement that nuclear will can never be one and never must be, must be stopped at the same statement. we re concerns in january 2021 in the form of the b 5. all the 5 content is when the ukranian, the war against the russian. by the west. stuff that quite a number of politicians in the west war. assuming that there might be in euclid elements and this one least dress who was pregnant as though for the united kingdom. when she was asked whether she would be ready to press the red
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button. she said, yes, pray. this is prime minister subjugation and due to the people in germany, the chief of staff of the german army was quoted as saying that the russian must understand that nato is in euclid airlines in france, macro. and then the hughes officials repeated liberal mentioning this and of course, many of the unit, the input addition. so we never stopped that this conversation and the update of the me, the 3 adults 3 and does not the interesting reach the list wouldn't know. and the does not it interesting which would be a g shirt. and let me put the display from the american. the doctor know documents
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on what to do is nuclear weapons. we come to the end so that the nuclear weapon is 1st and foremost a weapon to come straight in there to prevent prevent any, any new clue. this is how we handle this situation. and the rest is ridiculous on this, i would say in the it's a really shocking to to see that every now and then japan introduces the resolution to the general assembly, which says that we have to come in my right, the victims of hiroshima and nagasaki. never, ever. this resolution mentions who do to ensure the shipment and the sake of japanese, the textbooks at schools and universities. the chapter about the
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summer of 1945 starts with the phrase nuclear bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki. full stop period. the soviet union enters into the, the, the american smell of apologize. this is also sending a very liberal message to the, to the government debates about nuclear weapons. we are doing the front in the front lane in the general assembly and the security council. and in the international atomic energy agency defending the world, which would not be threatened by a nuclear weapon scan. the declaration which we had looked at. the g 20 summit clearly says that we want to move towards the world feet of nuclear weapons. this
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is our position as regards the award infrastructure there, the to the generic federal group reached goals to be in line. and it was international lawyer, international humanitarian law for human rights law. joining in your conference and especially mentions that these and acceptable to the civilians was helium infrastructure. this was a the and then the text of this section of the declaration speaks about finish time. and then that's the small paragraph on your brain which welcomes any useful initiatives. the infrastructure in this context means that we can them destroy the destroyer, elimination of the social infrastructure, including schools, hospitals,
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whatever you practically inside of social infrastructure im, guzman is non existent. and of course, the thought from social infrastructure, the on the forms of civilian infrastructure, including including the energy infrastructure and the we will insist using these declaration in particular that the federal restart that against north stream gas pipelines coming from russia to germany, which were blowing out in september 2 years ago, that this declaration is one of the arguments which we will use to ensure that the investigation is transparent, sofa, the germans and the western countries who started the investigation. they don't share any results. and the many american,
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the representative found the fort, administer full of a publicly say that this is some change which due west to the floor because of the united states deeds did this to undermine the rushes to influence. so this infrastructure is also input especially by some intriguing law. i have called mercury right there from essentially what is of the wrapping up of day 2 with a g 20 summit in rio de janeiro, brazil. of course, that was the russian 4 minutes or so. get off or off and before we joined, i guess, but commentary just to let you know, he talked about the north stream sabotage. he talked about new a long range missile attacks against russia, israel as a war, or the palestinians, and also anti rush of sanctions that really sanctioned russia's partners and friends and essentially sanctioned much of the civilized world. really intriguing
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commons from mr. law for off. so, oh, but the stuff on guy edge now of research or the institute of european studies in belgrade to join us or live, discuss exactly what was being talked about this the press conference, so stuff on with. so good allow for off let's if, if you would, might, i know you were listening as well. just started to kick it off. they, they did address the issue about in the past 24 hours. american long range missiles where used to strike the ability and region in west and south west and rush. i'm not so far from ukraine, laughed ralph saying these marseilles were used because the quote they want an escalation stuff on your thoughts. exactly. uh well, she wrapped it up really well uh in a box dollar because they wont escalation because the idea of uh, losing hazard morning is unimaginable. uh, i would say for the global estimates for the west in general and uh, lots uh the outgoing of least ration uh is verified on is that
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of may be from my slightly changed the policy. uh, and i think that even though they are part of the north atlantic color, so that is even more terrified, especially uh, brussels barriers of london. uh so that is why they are the driving force of this escalation. the thing on structural problem is that we are now in a similar situation to what you're going to use before the beginning of world war one, there to broader questions that are all locked in there. um. busy let's say a 3 days between countries. so you have a global nato which is not only nato, but. busy so countries in the pacific that are supporting or does that are the best off of the united states, and then you have the majority of that stuff,
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organize itself against the hedge of money. uh so the problem is very dire in the sense that uh, if the west doesn't want to recognize that it has one that has the money. so far we've seen that they are only ready to consider a real escalation that might end up in place. yes, i mean stuff on, i mean let's, let's just take it another step further. if we will let me elaborate off we're saying look, roster has officially updated as new. play a doctor, and this has confirmed in the past 24 hours lever upset. i really hope weston partners are going to seriously read this doctrine in its entirety. meantime, these american attack and resolves are used to strike, but a yeah. and it's going to pass $24.00 or less hours. lot for off calling it a new phase. step on how do you read into the unfortunately, nature is constantly quote unquote, calling the boss because they call the we think that the russia is bluffing. and
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then all of a sudden when it's react and i'm afraid that it. busy and i have any other choice, but to react to any way of uh, uh, following its own doctrine. they have this, then they will be all of a sudden surprise. but it seems to me that that is exactly what they want. they wants to leave the trump administration with a war within an inherited war. i'm said this a before in your program as well that they want to make the new i me say you must think of old policies. yeah. and also there are people in the organization, those who are going to who will welcome it's of the people who are near calls. and those people might be very happy about what the buyer has left. and of course, of course, the, the collective brussels that need. so you were being commission managed and already
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by lever was off on the line and utter a hawk extra people like kind of call us in honors. yeah. you know, it's funny uh, the laptop said i want to just mention the bundle on one side. well, do i have clearly already mentioned to too many times cuz it cooled around in the she said that buying american ad i n g is cheaper than the russian and entry when in fact it's, it's more than double, it's about 3 or more times the prize and then then the guy corrected to say, oh, what she meant politically speaking, it's cheaper to buy more expensive task manager than what these people are a smoking these days. so to me about this, if you would step on one of the things laughter of said was, he said here, the g 20 in brazil. he said western countries, if not the west he said try to ukraine, eyes or ukranian eyes. the agenda. what did he mean? by that, this is the 1st time every time there is a international platform is a lot for the last 3 years, but uh, honestly, since 2014 uh,
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every such event was uh, a ukrainian ais by the western countries. what they want to say is they want to present a full picture that they are the so called international community. and that the majority of countries and people are behind their agenda behind their products. and that is why they only use the brain in order to afford their rest of agenda, which is there so that they can prevent the united symbol. and that is the end of the hazard only. so instead of just saying okay, let's stop these and let's see how we should, we can negotiate, they are trying to escalate in order. i didn't know what was her to expecting excess for roger destruction. yeah, yeah. fair enough. fair play. i appreciate you saying that a 7 estimate before i let you go. one last question here. laughter off i was,
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was off the question about the need to reform certain global governing institutions and a laughter upset that russia, suppose india and brazil to be a permanent members for example of the un security council. but the votes of the african countries must be considered. he said, the west wants to drag this out. you said america, so that supports in the germany and japan becoming permanent members of the un security council. but why you said they only repeat everything. washington says, this simply bustles. you said 6 out of the 12 reps, a western countries or represent west an interest that's not fair. in brief, your thoughts doesn't embrace that is an old trick that has been used many times after complex. usually we have an example in evolve the you have always the majority of the designs on a board with questions where the country that he's always somehow controlled about it was. so they want to globalize the principle so that the security council always
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will. busy of the way that will prevents and they don't have the money and that's, that's the bottom one. all right. step on the guy, it shows the research or the institute of european studies in belgrade. i always appreciate your comments are especially just in the wake of laughter off just now. speaking of the wrap up of the g 20 anywhere you have stuff and thank you very much and you were having thank you. well, i will talk to mr. lansky has represented another strategy towards the chipping piece in ukraine this time it's a so called resilience plan. however, it doesn't actually contain any ideas for negotiations with moscow. instead, it talks about fighting to regain all of its territory, but live in altitude on it to republic or senior correspondent with these a lead. steve is unveiled before the euclidean bottom of these is, legs are started. beach is plot the 3rd or 4th, such in the span of about the year in the hall. we had the landscape piece plaid or
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piece formula which am to guess rush with the company to life. diplomatic and that didn't work out. the 2nd victory plan, which was the sum of rob basis, which amongst other things, the bonded and immediate invitation today. so i don't want to leave it today. do you, craig? which means hold as much a does the west can do, but as much a as you can take now you pay the village. she himself was the unveiled this resilience plot, which seems is on the chief of both of those previous clouds of his, amongst other things, it says that there will be no territorial concessions that there will be those sacrifices and silver and fuel well security, which means likely the negotiations are off the table. another point is there will be no elections until the end of the. what was lensky is thomas president ended
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earlier this year. he says that there will be again, no elections until the end of the war. so he will go shade and he won't allow anyone else into power who will negotiate for anyone else into a pile of himself at any rate. that would also be a, a new ministry of you create in unity. that would also be a direct translation. ukrainian isn't studies in universities all over the world and also on the ministry fraud that you credit and will up the production of homes we solve, which it produces according to each of these may then over exaggerate big of a 100 a year to with $3000.00 the next year, which is more, according to your credit and then is produced by russia with it's called guide to a military industrial complex and heavy industries. ukraine's heavy industries have
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been entirely decimated. nevertheless, that is the latest resilience class seemingly as i'm achievable as the lead skis previous plan. beside the sparkling, however, it seems to have gone for the landscape plans, but you credit in parliamentary, who was that who? who listened to him and val, it's even he said there was a lot of fluff and little in substance the time where he's publication, which is usually. busy incredibly rapidly proves that netscape pro you credit and publish this walking task this year. the let's get veiling he's, he's latest. plus the head of you credit himself. publish reset the uh to video moves from coupons and from bucket all across, especially significant to town. i'd be a 5 kilometres away. busy from the front lines russians already coupons is a, a few settlements which will be contested. this is a throwback that his video from boston was,
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as russian forces arrived assets and slowly ground down the ukrainian military. his message was why the resistance, however, it appears that many ukrainians, remember what eventually trans spots embossed most, which costs the credit in military as best units in these units and lead those whom would lead to the failure of the child for offensive in 2000. and $23.00, the situation now for ukrainians, militarily, even was russia is just about to catch. you have never seen either just before the hours before that that was still valid. save girl. no, but a through of settlements that are full of over the past few days over the past week, the situation on the ground for you credit in troops is march was rotations are far and few between her sped in the twins in the trenches up to a month, the full day,
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i'll rotate it out, out of the get a lot of manpower troops to replace them with. the theory this advisor give you credit has intensified significantly, west installed at warehouse is a. m, c's ever own admissions. euclidean space and discard. so you don't tend to be one to 51 to 10 buttons, orchard, a 10 or 10. we shows for every one that you could have. and the nbc environment, you paid and officials are coming out and said the mobilization will only intensified taking us into these public statement. but are you creating a nationalist, meet the cartoon scheme about globalization? he's sudden by the way, his somehow escaped but as ation because he's being drafted out of the party. god phase father works from home live. so typically the people who have a mobilization need to be apprehended and assigned to the armed forces there. they
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will understand that in the armed forces they have found their destiny and happiness. as it happens with many people who never even thought that by nature they are warriors. and then fate brought them into the armed forces. for the this wave of forest mobilization brought almost no city residents into service, literally just one other than me. of course, these are residents of small towns and villages, almost 90 percent of them. almost all of them were called up for service through force. and that is the problem and you could the children of the lead zalinski zone, children, the children of officials, all in the west sale or living the life far from the front lines. it is, it is the people from the villages, from small towns which would be them to the subsidy of men. and mrs. really admitted in you, great. it is the, the doing the run of the was the taking the brunt of the casualties and the tremendous suffering. and now a nice bomb. and in the setting with you,
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credit is on the retreat where there is no hope of military victory for you. okay. it is here and now then ski says i will keep power and there will be no tools. the fighting and the fluids will continue the lab and on on the hezbollah, reportedly agreed to a us proposal for a cease fire with israel. could that be something she huge in the making? well, according to our correspond, that might be his optimistic steve sweeney is in the reach. so we don't know how to find the details of the us document that was presented to the 11 east side in this meeting. ended up in east capital bay roads early this morning. but we do know something around the general principles. now having some objections from the 11 east side, we did have on monday that in principle 11 and has blah had agreed to the latest to us document. but those sticking points are right around the implementation of un
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resolution. $171.00 has law, in particular, is objecting to pause that us plan, which means the disarming of has long as well as ability to strike out will, particularly in the southern part of lebanon, and also the makeup of thought to team the international team. charged with overseeing the ceasefire agreement, despite the difference, is the 2 sides are now much closer than they were just 2 weeks ago. so why there is cause the optimism? there is also cause a course and given the statements coming from the is righty side, particularly from the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who we can hear from now. and he said that despite the true so true, so no truth is i would continue to target has but all the most important thing is not what he's on paper. if there is a c science, but the fact that we will have the obligation in order to ensure security in the nose to systematically carry out operations against possible hezbollah attacks,
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but also to prevent it from strengthening. well, these negotiations are taking place very much on the fire just in the early hours of tuesday morning. just talked to 3 am as well struck the southern suburbs of bay root. this is, of course, the abbey that has come on to the most intense of the is ready bombing out. 2 people were killed in the attack, which struck in apartment block is all struck without warning. often issues, if actuation or this, but it didn't do so. this time now this comes off to days or intensive vacation way is well, has escalated is aggression. it's now started targeting the center of baby roots on sunday to strikes in busy residential and commercial areas. one of those was the assassination of the has the law price and media chief mohammed fee $1.00 in mall area. so this is a, an area of very popular appraising neighborhood where people come shopping. and then of course, yesterday evening on monday evening, there was
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a strike which caused multiple deaths, multiple injuries in the past. all region, all the baby we arrived on the scene there. and so a scene of titles to strike how from the around 6 pm. this is pete time and people are making the way from work back to that homes and is right next to a very busy highway, the links, the central babies to the airport. this is an area of photos, shots, taffy's restaurants. the missile we know sounded very close to and it's lot makes sense. we spoke to some locals on the ground who they explained exactly what happened that somehow at around 7 30 pm, we heard 4 or 5 missiles over our head. then we heard explosions, 12345. of course we would terrified in skid, and we checked ourselves and looked around to see what happened. we never thought that anyone here could be a target. we were in shock for about half an hour before we started to comprehend what had happened and the picture became clearer. the scene was horrifying. i'm the
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