tv News RT November 23, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EST
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the, are you ready to come along the, the gas to dozens more. we do it overnight. all new residential areas on the capital. a correspondent reports from the ruins. also one is we don't know the night. another day of tara have in the liberties capital at around 4 am on saturday morning lord floss where the hood, acosta city, you can see behind me the often miles of the night, rushes vast susie and ask to shift charges against the body will bleed lowering ukrainian attacks on the russian report is that off to the organization, police is the safety of the just the
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protocol is done and on to native protests to environments in canada is moultrie old. but the show us go on with prime minister just intruder choosing just a kid office. he attends of payments with congress. instead of facing the back, the cindy was using visa. acosta with larry. this is all the international. always good to have you with this of what we're going to saw in the middle east, where the lebanese capital has just seen a new strike as it's going into the evening. same time that in the bay, we just want to bring you some fresh images that have just come in showing the off the most of the new strike. this fully strikes overnight last night with at least 15 people having been killed and 63 more people wounded. this is according to the
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countries civil defense. the for the images you're looking at right now with those pictures spoke are actually from the attacks last night. and with this residential building that was reduced to ruins as they are the targeted several areas of pay rate. now local media report is that they weren't nice for rockets 5 this was last night and security services were seeing. obviously we know that we've just seen another strike on pay rate. but in regards to the strike overnight yesterday, the home of hezbollah official was reportedly being targeted in not attack. and i'll report to speak, sweeney went back to see the off them off. and this being another nice another day of tara have in the lebanese capital, babies at around 4 am on saturday morning loud floss where the hood acosta city.
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you can see behind me the hall from all the lights is attract. this is the foster district of babe. ruth, this is right in the very heart of the capital outside of the normal target zone or da here. now we have and reports of multiple casualties. multiple people have also being wounded in the process. you can see really the skate of the, in part of the busy residential area. this is where people living this is where the shots restaurant and copies all the flaws the impact. we believe that it was a bunker, boston pump, the same kind of missed all that was used in the assassination of how sudden us around it, back in september. but a whole department has been destroyed, as you can see behind us, that emergency services are working on the c. now clear operations are underway. there is believed to be many more bodies buried under the rubble. this is the same
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area that was a tax on monday and apartment was destroyed on the very same street. so were expecting the desktop to rise. 22 people were killed in that strike on monday. now this is all of isabel's intensive occasion. all the attacks across the southern suburbs are favored with rules. i would talk to me already hours of this morning by to like getting continues to range. and this is where his boss is bustling with. these is, by default, is, is i try and gain a foothold into lebanon. the don't being very successful in the stage has the last resistance is of course, pushing the family back. now old of this comes the escalation by isabel comes soon off to a most hoenstein, the us and boy, $211.00, and arrived full of tools around a potential sci fi with the product to speak and not be buried. now he left, i was told, saying that they were positive, they were constructive on this 2 sides seem to be closer together. but it's well in
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the meantime, what it sign that, that can be no sci fi wait leveled on. the defense minister is outcast, where he's announced makes function of the ground operation in southern level to and meanwhile has been law says that it will continue the resistance. this is the football team in favor as well as the i see, see, should warrant springs, ready? prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in his former defense minister for the only the factions in gaza, voice is quickly sounded in the west with prominent official slamming the court for its old announce despite the fact in march of this year, the same politicians were praising the cc 4 it's arrest warrant against the russian president. the german foreign minister has claimed that the 2 should be compact to the to this gives us the site goes to international law applies. and i have already stressed here that germany is of course bound by international law. and the foreign
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minister has also said that. but i would like to say once again with regard to this comparison with booting the situation that is significantly different. i'm like israel. russia does not have a functioning judicial system where it can be assumed that the conflict will be dealt with from late. and in addition, unlike israel rushed to attack the country in violation of international law and is not defending itself against an armed attack. as israel is doing, so that's regarding this comparison of this equation. but with regard to your initial question is, do you have any bound by international? yes, of course germany is bound by international law. and according to the only say phase finding rooms that to all a $120.00 full members, states are obliged to arrest individuals that have been issued a warrant. however, both is where a lot in the us and to on the less, not something that i couldn't politicians of even cooled on washington to impose sanctions against any states that support v. i. c, c's warrant, even if it's one of the nations closest allies,
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what they're doing and israel's trying to prevent a 2nd holocaust. so to any allied canada of britain, germany, france. if you try to help the cc, we're going to sanction you. always speak to science, mia? who's a professor of political sciences decides university who says, washington, the support is well, is rooted in its own national interests. i told him to the international law, this is locked up because this is not set this as soon as defense, because by the end of the day, 1st of all, is that a no q buyer to buy a do not have the right to defend it said my case involved it said by you providing is there a was all kinds of weapons and apple bombs and them i, our supervisor is that it was money and providing is a or so we'd given them what the intended by seeing and have the right to go to the i c j a i c, c and oscar to also to go to the, the americans and to go to,
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you know, the american leaders. and to be also try and, and in the same way because they were complicit in this war and they were parked in us. and this was so because of that, the americans are afraid if that happened the way it might also be a bad for them later on. if someone tried to go to the a i, c, c and a 5 accord a fire case against the united states as a company said in this war. and in this genocide i'm water, clients and palestinian children are facing the worst violence in history. that's according to the palestinian commission of detainees, which is issued a warning about the harsh conditions jail line is facing in is where a presence stay with us as we are going to bring you the full story on this later on in the 1st, the spring you small local news now because 46 residents
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of russia's, chris screech in, who had taken vine. ukrainian forces have been released in a deal between both sides of the conflict. they were warmly welcomed that avoided crossing in the region of fellow roost and a now making their way back to a safe place in russia. 12 children, including a new boy or a monk space citizens who were taken away from course by framing forces during the incursion. and vacuum full gusts. precious human rights commission assigned to read false on the recording and assigned for making the return possible to harmony songs to the interaction with various bodies with the ministry of defense without special services, with the presidential administration, with the ukrainian side on separately with the international committee of the red cross, we were able to reach a solution that according to the international law, is the only legal solution for the repost. creation of people. that is when people
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are returned from the territory of another states to the homeland without any exchanges or conditions. that is the most important thing. it was understood that those russian citizens who found themselves on the territory of ukraine have the right to return home. we hug and receive this understanding. and we see today that all 46 russian citizens, residents of the course agent on now returning home well, rush is a mess. the team, yes. go has. so i'm the organization for ignoring ukrainian a tax on russian journalist who just realizing what it's called a selective approach to when it comes to a tax on the price. in russia categorically rejects the report of the director general for the safety of journalists, which completely ignored the motives of russian generalist in 2022 to 2023. the report does not reflect the real state of affairs related to the safety of jealous is based on unreliable facts and has become a source of misinformation. rushes,
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a permanent representative to unesco was common 10 on the latest reports on the safety of durham list by eunice goes, director general. now, the report covering 20222023 didn't mention that only 2 russian a dreamless were killed since the start of the conflict in ukraine. and fortunately, that is different than the actual death toll. now on the report itself, states that over the period between the 1st of january of 2022 to the 31st of december of 2023 unit schools. a of 5162 killings of a journalist, media workers, and social media producers. they also have listed different countries with mexico and palestine record and some of the highest number of cases. but however, the document failed to address the attacks. the killings and the threats to rush control list, which of course prompted a reaction from the russian invoice. now he also went on to mention
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a list of russian journalists that was killed in 2022 in 2023 in the hands of ukraine. the diplomat also stressed that the report does not reflect the real state of affairs related to the safety of june unless and again he stated that the director general's approach as we've heard is selective. now, according to the russian officials, russia actually had earlier sent in its findings on the killings of russian reporters. now the bodies seemed to have completely ignored that and prepared its report. as the director, general selective approach and responding to media killings is a direct violation of the decisions of the general conference and the executive council to condemn the motives of journalist without any distinction. we call on the i p. c. member countries to take decisive action aimed at overcoming the arbitrariness of the secretariat, the division of unesco participants into friends and strangers, which runs counter to the ideals and principles of the organization. it is quite
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a statement of in his straight to the point and it leads us to the question as to why are the real numbers being ignored? here was the one, does any of the reactions to this documents the deputy had of past agency me? i was meant has also expressed his, the satisfaction with the report, then he essentially eco, the similar sentiment to the russian invoice, stating that the body is selective approach on journalist is unacceptable. he also noticed that the rushing media community found it unjust, that there's some patry as the died in the past 2 years. we're essentially emitted from the report. you mean, i'm probably one of the few here who is still working as a journalist for more than half a century. it was surprising and very painful for me. and i would say it's unacceptable that the report presented by the director general did not mention my fellow journalist from russia. i have been working with unesco for more than 25 years. and i know the organizations rules,
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the traditions of unesco. here are some letters from my colleagues from russia, from the union of journalists of moscow, from the union of journalists of russia, which has more than 100000 members from media organizations and all of them don't understand why. why they're killed, colleagues were not included in your nest goes report. of course they felt indignation. they felt misunderstood. i knew some of my dead colleagues personally, and i assure you they were honest people, professionals who passed away also filling their journalistic duty. now guzman is not alone either or roches. foreign ministry spokesman, maria's a heart of also expressed her thoughts on the situation. and especially when you consider that russia did provide information on these that to unesco maria's, the heart of us trust is that this report is unacceptable. excuse me, what is it the russian media expresses their indignation at as of disregard for the targeted killings of our correspondence by the zalinski regime. despite the fact
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that information about their deaths has been repeatedly brought to the attention of the unesco secretary of both through official channels and in public space and its current form. the mentioned document is categorically unacceptable to me and he is the source of this information. now in his speech jayden esco, the russian and bass actually talks about 5 during less to a kill. can you just tell us a little bit about those 2 and list of what happened? of course, one of the journalist that was killed that was not mentioned in the report is boris mux to those. now he works with that. i see a 24 tv channel and he was killed in a ukrainian drone attack while reporting on the ground via tvs a yet local was killed in a kids shelling of the ferry and have saw on the baltics alex a in yesterday which was also killed in your of the of car is yes, because war correspondence to me on yet a young man was killed in a ukrainian,
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a drone attack walls film and ends up publishing and theirs, as well as military blogger of loveland, petoskey and russian. joomla study adobe now who are both literally killed in a terrorist attack that was crafted by kids in saint petersburg and moscow. now it is also worth mentioning here that there was a plan by the ukrainian intelligence services to assassinate ortiz, editor in chief, margarita simonian. now that finals. 1 to a by the russian law enforcement then that plan was targeting not only our chief editor in chief, but also russian durham list sonya some shots. so it is clear as they hear that eunice coves, a report is unfair and unjust. and it does not really reflect the reality, but that, that's the question as to why that is what the canadian prime minister has found himself with a bad reputation once again as an teen day to improve policy and in protest to being working the country. second largest city, montreal,
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justin fredo stopped by beloved with the public office, shaking it off for the night of taylor swift. concepts amid the unrest. all things contribute to rachel mazda and how small details. well, and nato summit was gearing up. protesters were scurrying off against police and each other in montreal, the canadian city where the prime minister's own elect, pearl district is located. well, justin, true though, apparently figured that it was a good time to bail out the toronto and show off. his dad moves for the swift use at taylor swift air as to where it stopped. he was caught on camera gyrating with a bunch of teenage girls, his hands locked in a uh, double p sign, which may or may not have been in response to a misinterpretation of the hand gesture that other canadians were making. i can using just up their middle fingers. so walter joe is out on town um, working on his with the friendship bracelet collection nato is holding its 70th
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annual parliamentary assembly from november 22nd. the 25th in the capital city of canada's francophone province of k back and that summit and makes montreal ground 0 for folks who are against nato. and canada's role in promoting moore's from ukraine to israel to try out their best impressions of um, with these who couldn't get concert tickets to the sold out, shows the violet mobs, riot and rampage through beautiful montreal tip of flying. the chaos that is engulfing at once. peaceful country after 9 years of true, those radical divisive agenda. true though fiddles while montreal burns. this is our hometown denied the pro hamas crowd, emboldened by mister tru. those pledge to arrest the is really p. m. hope you had fun at the concert though. justin complete lawlessness in montreal as the pro homos terror mobs. emboldened by the true though liberals destroy the pm's own hometown, bring back law and order safe streets and communities in the canada we once knew
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and loved hope. the concert was good. basically, canada is importing all of these world complex onto its own soil has resulted shared those policies to that has been washing billions of canadian tax, their cash into the us military industrial complex and also creating count as on closets of hand. me down, weapons for you create which of course can any impact stairs then have to pay to replace up until earlier this year. canada was also arming is real extensively against him. us with israel telling, tell us day and civilians whom israel won't let leave palestine to just get out of the way. the bombs like heads up like they were just walking by a touch football game in the park or something. but there's also been reports here in canada, suggesting that weapons supply agreements between canada and israel signed before that embargo may not even be impacted nor purchased as it is really weapons by account. is that the kind that has been the quality control you could say on palestinians. and it sounds like canadians are pretty much fed up with having every
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global conflict, layouts right in the country streets. 1500, march tonight against nato parliamentary summit in monterey. all nato has waged war on libya, serbia and afghanistan and alliance promotes military spending. its policies are growing possibility of nuclear war with russia and its main members greatly assist israel's holocaust. in gaza. montreal is being destroyed because of a conflict that's happening in the middle of a desert on the other side of the globe. this is insane, and i'm beyond fed up of seeing these conflicts play out in our streets. i want my country back. so month free. all right now is the epicenter for special interest to square off against each other peace activist taking on nato and pro house and you protesters versus pro israel active. as with the sun lady, even rocking up to the pro israel protesters and saying that the quote, final solution is coming your way. and then she asked if they knew what that was,
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pretty sure they do, but that's, i guess it's a very canadian of her to politely ask whether they might require clarification in the interest of better understanding for threat. a canadian umbrella organization of about 50 piece and social justice groups, as also organizers stand off in the streets against nato, as officials from the organization has in and out of their meetings, where they're talking, of course, about ukraine, climate change, and the future of the alliance basically any issue that has not been solved for decades now, and any fear mongering scam really that can serve to keep the weapons cash flowing since neither was really just the weapons lobby for selling arms and kind of the same way that hollywood celebrities promote fashion. designers on the red carpet, while nathan member states including canada, have adopted a foreign policy of confrontation and military escalation with russia,
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china. and it ran not to mention a blatant disregard for the national and human rights of the people of west asia. the canadian in peace movement will be in montreal to counter the destructive, expensive pro war narrative propagated by the nature of war machine. so meanwhile, turbo was busy at shaking it off to a tailor twist on uh the same name kind of when he, um, like when he cheered that we're award to, you're not seeing parliament for ignited a diplomatic fire with india by pondering to a separate a c group for political gain, all these fiascos somehow seemed to make a bit more sense now though, and you realize that it's a die hard with the who is currently running the country. the symbol boy must pay a family of white landowners, $440000000.00 in compensation. this follows a long standing dispute. now this is a routing that's come from the us court of appeals, which stated the country that's involved way waived it sold for new immunities
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white officers who agreed to receive loans from the will bank. cimbawe place government says the decision is in just and it will be taken to appeal well, the really is just to and then say on many grounds, what on the ground does that sound this, this from us, us to on the legs indefinitely? so these know how many deposition they just they so called disruption is what they're charging from. asking somebody and government to pay so much. but because it's unfair, this is why government is appealing that decision. and there's a concept also for i'm shopping. why is that? i'm interested in moving from country to country to look for for them which is more friendly to or sympathetic to the way from us. thus for quite some faith. so of course they're choosing hostile for um, in order to prosecute this issue,
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i'm going to come in to them, but we slowly we, we do not support that. just give us enough, say them or residential opinion, but decision we are quite existing very well. and in a friendly mind, not with this from us, and we will continue to respect our by next all agreements with in the country, but certainly would feel any justice has been. patricia douglas, our government in the state will appeal into the fights and legal grant. let's take a look at how the stand off big on the route. so this case state all the way back 2 and a half decades when the government began in the land were full programs. seizing land, often owned by white farm, is to weave dispute distributed by 2 blacks and bump wins the families, and the companies which have own behind them. the region since colonial times took authorities to quote, claiming that the land was taken and mostly a hi, rory agreed to that the washington base will bank arbitrate this dispute. and after the use of legal proceedings, the institution has ruled against the government and impose this multi $1000000.00
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award. in fact, multi $100000000.00 award. the judges in washington 9 sing ball boys appeal funding that is waived, sold for new immunity in land investment deals. now the applicants, the aging system, the dc cool doesn't have the ju restriction to make such rulings. but we were discussing this recently with the new been the hop on the course of gov from the university. it was on the he said the whole situation may be a job at as in both boys property in the u. s. a lovely, even dependent to timesheet and this is over in the family and has the right to uh, you know, decide how delicate it's one of them. but just like any other kind of interested in the most of those other former pages for them is but i've just be just more on the or ninety's best it's in the president or
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a particular friendship. in this case i think people are about feeling also we does, but i've done it for i'm sure thing one do i don't care for places where no one is in bucklin, that was their name has been sold, so i'm a guys dish and nonsense and by the way and i don't even know how long that's is going to be enforced. it's basically the same as the government for example. so we know united states, even as i'm getting port, i think that i get to a point to that close to. but with that, using that us, it, the rental assistant shows that you know, a 100 legs above it most kindly doing. don't want to keep themselves in new. amazing, this is betty with this beautiful, i think i get the policy name, children all facing the worst violence in history. this is according to the palestinian commission of detainees, which issued a warning about the harsh conditions jailed mine is all facing in is where in the
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presence now a new is waiting no means the children under the age of 14 can now face imprisonments . we've been hearing from fearless i'll, she'll bring me, who's a lawyer representing some of those are detained and best families for that. but they also did a couple of the important fact uh, was the age on the day of sentencing. if the trial procedures were completed, the sentence was issued while the miner was under 14 so that they would not be transferred to prison, but rather to an institution. however, recently, just a few days ago, the connected to prove the new law in this little permits is riley authorities to transfer. mine is directly to actual prison even if they have not yet reached the age of 14. this law is of course, unjust. even the previous law was harsh. i'm mine is regarding house arrest in jerusalem areas is really juvenile, lo, issued in 1971 is applied on this house. the rest is only permitted in cases of
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extreme necessity due to its negative effects because actually imprisonment as a severe and negative impact on the minus physical and psychological wellbeing. house arrest has many negative implications. the mine is, especially in jerusalem, significantly affecting the educational journey house arrest prevents children from leaving their homes to attend school or engage in any activities including playing with other children. house arrest is a double edged sword. it can be harmful, but also temporarily beneficial. it is beneficial only in the sense of being the lesser evil, especially on the current circumstances, such as will time and prisoners and your abuse, harassment, beatings and harsh detention conditions and his riley prisons. so house arrest may be the lesser evil in such cases. however, in normal circumstances, without these continuous abuses, actual imprisonment could in some cases be preferable to house arrest. the house
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arrest not only negatively affects the mind or adult and the confinement of it also has a significant impact on that family. the family becomes constrained by the law, acting as guarantors and monitors. they cannot leave the house and must remain with the individual turning the home into a prison and themselves into wardens. some be, according to the palace, sending commission $270.00 children are currently held in these ready presence of mcgee too. and also the number of mine is so arrested over the previous see is even higher than not amounting to 770. this isn't the westbank alone, now is was probably disappear, imprisoning children is not new. there's an estimated $10000.00 such tensions over the last decade is where the authorities facing numerous accusations of to just all function and the ease of prisoners, fearless algebraically. again, talk to us about the conditions the children are facing in detention,
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or the actual imprisonment is no less dangerous. it is even more severe than house arrest them in a large number of palestinian miners, or detainees are held in his railey prisoners. the conditions of detainees with a mine is or adults are extremely difficult, but mine is in particular and you are exceptional hardships. for instance, 12 detainees are held in a room designed for only 6 with 6 beds available. the remaining detainees sleep on the floor without mattresses or blankets. and during severe cold in the area throughout the seasons, from the cold winters to the extreme heat of summer. and everything in between, including inadequate food provisions for detainees, as described by the detainees. i visited when they faced power outages, repeated raids, harassment searches and beatings you don't, particularly concerning issue is that most of mine is in mosquito prison. i'm not provided with adequate clothing. many of.
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