tv Cross Talk RT November 25, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EST
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lossless force, the closure of outlets, and the dismissal of thousands of workers. these are now the high number of layoffs as a result of this blank contract in the midst of the current conditions we are experiencing is a successive blow to our economy. so the more layoffs, the less purchasing power on right now society has in, but the more on purchasing power decreases today, the less is our economic growth, and the less is our economy able to create jobs. so it becomes a new vicious cycle that i don't think we expect as the work what movements gains traction calls are going for the government to implement an official policy. or the government should come up with names of products and corporations that support illegal is early settlers. thing that we hope that the government and the authorities can come up with regulations that will make the boy cut more successful in achieving its goals and prevent any negative excesses that could afford the boy . yeah, so that people will no longer hesitate to boycott left. the movement underscore is
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the growing awareness of organization, consumers about their pocketbook power. it demonstrates how collective action at home can influence the agenda of multinational corporations. a cargo plane crash and let the waiting out has reportedly killed one person. the sources say was the aircraft pilot and injured to others. the d. h. l. boeing 737 crashed into a 2 story residents and caught fire near the vilnius airport. residents of the building were evacuated, and amazingly local authorities say no one in the building was hill to get your firefighters and emergency services are operating at the scene. for the world wide delivery companies, personnel were on board including 2 pilots because of the crash is under investigation. announcing this day with us here on our to international, i'll be back with much more in just about half an hour. i'll see you then bye. a little ways to one struggling to proclaim the truth and the other profiting and
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villainy. winston churchill world war 2. the islanders now become one of the most lucifer big nato countries. you time to about 20 minutes. we sites hosting name to and us medically personnel in addition, and according to opponents defense ministry statements in the next 10 years. so we'll be more than a 100 and you, us military bases to fill these people of tones. it's a huge minute we spend is due to the french post by russia, the movie should know if they can finish it up, but sort of safety. so met the actors as part of the other stuff up. yeah. let me is the concept of the it block that goes at and my mother tonya is back on that.
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and that's the often challenging, authorized, made the art because it's time to leave c hold as of jeremy speak with a journalist, young angle. got his curator at the museum of polish history and also the traps. thanks for the product about probably all the cool flu. i'm in the town. so out of minutes, out of all the you'll start to make me about such a cover that doesn't have that. i'm scoop on modest style you on the shades of actual get that change that a, the component nunez on the lips as an x on it or the feet. that's it. that's what talk you money 1st. about females. now, bassist as the and try and by this of those are legit chief about us. you know, jan's important for me about the storms that you put them off. i'm out. ok. he does . he ethic because the thing is often pushed out to the shop, just them is a lack of but if most of most of the songs you check the place you on the bar like
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me and my mouse though, you'll slips in that case and then i'll do something else, excuse, however, the parties seem to can little to rampage both apparently attaching more importance to their overseas partners interests. so poland now plays a leading role in link to plans for a confrontation with russia. and it's a dangerous role. move around c r, a motor ski. it also talk. you're going to shut that us. so bizarre again, use of on the victim dial most you it brokerage is a so i was trying to on this all to it as go to sure. you go to shepherd's name of on his own joe on. yeah. don't save storm, i think is a big means enough. see me to him. i can i. yeah, i mean he spoke with chase try me back, but just give me like you don't see scheme. bidwell? yeah. canadian. so you can use e program like many polls. journalist and political analyst and jamie significance takes a motor with and pragmatic position between outright rows of folks and rushes.
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admirers said to us, yeah, but no it up here. yes, i have no content or as you want, that goes so bill of trash. it little gate volume shut of a lot. take off, then don't put a move on induction chung with the cho on. yeah. to that mario buffalo. not sure that we're on the back of the gun. she went not the stuff around c, e o. good on. you sonia, around, you stop saying, yeah, i know, see what up yet. russians and polls smells like people who have lived near each other for thousands of years and have much in common at the same time, both nations, all long time, adversaries, items, rivals the 10th century. one of the biggest reasons was religion in poland.
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baptism came from the vatican, russian from presenting the russian prince of lady missed the greeks did not recognize the vatican's also already been organized. ation that can be seen in a similar likes to present thing globally. the christian split between catholicism and orthodoxy divided goals. and so roost because the thing it says, the voice in the legend story, it really isn't that you're going to was not physical know what address quote was covered. but with that, but at the bottom left per west lie, the partial sway. you put, you put your seo and put you on the lenient which of them most as being viewed have been you only make sure the found advantage as well acquainted with the history of the spread of catholicism the by the
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sample. so you may have something shortly on the meaning of deborah as or to corporate in those ga, globally. she or the 2nd cause of animosity between russia and colon was disputed, the older regions, the so called children cities will gladly see and by the union was mainly populated by bruce ethnic groups. the 981, the 1st military conflict between the 2 countries. russia is principal at the minute of the great, reclaims the children in the cities from conan's prince may as go the 1st struggle for 2 and then continue the alternative periods of peace and war eventually resulted in an alliance in 1076, the most health to polish campaign against the checks
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the at the time colon wasn't very small central european kingdom, the 17th century. among the invasion, the russian principalities became a buffet. protected proposals from home, 2nd looting portion, nearby slots of stuff is a lot play out of the you at the fortune of ours and that suddenness, fortunes you wasn't able to do the story and pushing you or studio to see the silly thing to the doctor of history as well the fast and the history of pressing relations with colon, saying i some of the session taylor 0 point one goal i don't know. do you before you look at the motion issue or quarters with what boredom hor just the thing is we have 0. what do you get? notion that a miss susan english,
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one that russia's eastern principalities fell to the mongols while those in the west where the rooms had been weakened by the mongol invasion and unable to defend felt of the poles and political indians. that too was a lingering and destructive me. ok. the last 4 issue that happened there's that, that, that are my goal or need to talk to me about some of them. i wish the number of solution there are different from their, from dr. natalia another 2 weeks ago because of ph. d and history and political science. and this will then 1st seminal works on the history of the russian foreign policy. boyfriend of course, took the boys, i still believe in your case great or 6 organization. and while the last year of school is jammed in the parent or guardian school, i was good can years restore a virtual peek, giving me the new come fisher piece to sort of do that. i'm going to do the funds didn't interfere with internal, says princess pay attribute and receive the jarling. money addict authorizing the
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rules, nor do they impose mongolian religion, language or culture. where is the po nation? just a waning a nobleman meddled with everything by fire and sold them close to catholicism on the seas, progression lambs, russian culture was crushed in the language band. the notion, hatred towards moscow. these were the roots of the future, been dead. remove mentioned hatred of musket lights and while the mongo yoke lost it 235 b is the bonus miscellaneous one went on for 300 some we purchased a my forced kick out road present near the key but switch it immuno once the adult points google desktop because any vehicle which is the other we purchased in the print, well, fly much less than a make up of the 14th century bonus history takes a new ton of to the death of king louisa. great. his youngest daughter, the visa,
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the soonest. opponents through the sword alliance with powerful lithuania, the nobles full, so to marry your gala grand jupiter swain you! the grand duchy of lithuania was a potent and formidable allies. but that time miscellaneous, had seized key. if somebody ask voicemail and land in the upper reaches of the river and present a cool new bill to the auto regions, let's do a new phone to the alliance with the kingdom of poland. and in this way, any and print seal gaila, who was baptized orthodox by his mother, princess, squarely on the roof to send it to the pony throne, with the name that is left a 2nd and renounced orthodoxy. at the butler, i've decided to let you will probably teach good credit here to cook one. shit though. suddenly at the umbrella you will rush into pretty badly. stone pro us live
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at the stone will throw us, loved them. can you as the 12, the provost, lovely, and with them, but archie on though i be showing your storms of cousin, set forth, provost low, navy are still on a still crocker. if bishop released the voice miss beth own rental, your dialogue found to convert the old ru, cnn's living in the principality of w. c. of felina. that's the sort of young city is well known in the 14th century. to catholicism, the west loving the service is funded by new emissions to cut them, put them in unison to blame it or was these things quite enough for cetera, this and stop the human somebody she has the best book. i mean, you're trying to got to come look at that each skid said because in the problem, the solution to a run you, if she has the new option e means 14th century bruce, i'm to goes to changes the 1380 prints. dmitri
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dunn screen one, the battle of clinic over the bringing the mongolia to an end. in the 16th century, the russian rulers grand principles to the dentist event, the terrible began gathering russian lands the tender little contest economy. it's of cousin after silence abuse the dawn to console. good. yeah, you can and then you have of course i can begin to say the terrible the states credibility is growing clear. the recess rebuilding its might end is taking strides forward under a wise and some of the even the terrible that came the architect of a unified russian state. at the time, the world's only independent orthodox country,
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the wisdom nations immediately sounded the alarm and launched a propaganda campaign against russia. and poland was the 1st country to wage that information was we to and fall to view earth against most, giving him a name. and growler told us his story and ends diplomat. the, the safety of the, the 20 funny b a little in the,
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in the, the official pretext was the police. dwayne, you did not pay the permits tribute for controlling the city of u. s. and consistently interfered with the russians trained affairs. but they were also more important reasons which mr. and let you to, to there are some of those to learn more related to their students, a doctor of history and also, dimitri validation is widely known for his scientific works on the history of medieval russia. the care so that they'll scan the also stuff most of the 3 of 3 to they have never seen geneva both smiles. keith agreement finished the sheriff's keys. i mean, yeah. the thing is that a lot of disrupting to shift i'm scared of. returning these lands was, if i'm the town rubles main objective,
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the free access to the baltic sea was also vital for russia. that's the russian. so knew very well the at 1st the live own in wal pumped with out poland, taking power. however, 14 years after and again, king it's, it gets month to 2nd, poland died leaving the nation without as the as was customary. and those times told sent petitions to europe in kingdoms inviting them to claim the published throne. they also wrote to have the terrible good for the senior blue or you will know 3 minish pasquale they belong to skip party or for those because much is with always to senior will be still for daniel menu from last logic boys in your country region everywhere. and if it wasn't,
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it was more than always by the time that the russian so knowing that the total ins economy was in disarray and that the knights didn't to be. the king said the conditions that the polish nobleman could not accept the great rulers. free royal sovereignty is not like your richard kingdom from give on the terrible submit to the opponents nobility. the ultimately, the opponents crowned, went to steph on the best array of transylvania who hated russia. federal way, federal if there was anyway, man has a bill by being a literacy or russian troops tank. don't know, she was not of a new housing and part of this donia the lithuanian army is defeated, but it's loans that are absorbed by poland and sweet neighbors. on $1384.00 in the history they thought the which at the store are not pretty much the shooting. i'm no good. yeah. and the instructional team in the target that early tomorrow
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appreciate is up over. sure. quite how it took. but i think of what we want them or them know. the indicted shit i knew was the floor. yeah. at the start, you know, for the most demanded a huge reward from lithuania for that help. they claimed strengths of am. so stream russian land including keys to the week of but that's left at luke doesn't result opponent dumpster territory. when your boss, district cuter, would make it, you know, floyd the minutes. well, no issues that you spend at that point, but your way the boys, the number's been, he was more of a gigabyte each please mention of visit with good basic thoughts. it pretty much last visit waste with nice of thoughts. the union of libyan was concluded, merging with is the waning of in poland into a powerful power relation to so any and coming to else the defend possibly wish to well rich, russia,
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the real documents you have on the toner, b, brooks to the phones. livonia is an ancient russian faith, dom, dating back from the times of grand new piano, self named duty upon baptism, who conquered the 2 lands and erected there, a city named in his own beauty of devonte and country pledge to pay tribute to russia and the bony and sent men to bound down to our grandfather, the great sovereign, yvonne and our father took sorrowful russia fussing, and receipts about the needs of peace. russia has challenges and documents to prove it claimed to have on the terrible in atlanta. so he felt he acted justly. he does not take what belongs to others, but only with tons want been known to roost from ancient times. and poland had no claims to these lands because livonia was never run to punish rules. the default tunes of war change fast
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to punish allow me to exponents, the value and procedures scuff. no one was in the frenzy battle. the king took the smoldering ruins, covered with blood, and told him, vote is causing me and fellowships, punish historian, and possibly he is excited. think just gifting us, of most of the box from the polish and is the waning and commonwealth suite. and denmark also joined the war against russia. the vatican provides huge amounts of money with which bus 3 high assume just from all over your italian engine, is give him the latest weapons most as capable of firing and send you any bombs and setting rushes wooden fortresses on file. just like today's american democrats,
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pass the reuse is the freedom of russia from the able to terminate the justification for war mo bile printing shops prevent leaflets, appealing to russians. the so called planted letters are surprisingly similar to today is western propaganda. state to state that the europe brings good and freedom to russians. at the same time, russians upper traders, people enemies in europe. leaflets and brochures details of dangers from their incursion. water atrocities, musket bites, commit to the gauged christie and prisoners of men and women. versions of children written up printed in livonia newton book, 50. and 61. the russians saw arisen field assigned to the search and it was they weren't too old for disney prayers. they're showing clerical, premiums of scenario is wherever it is to juggle,
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so they're still considerable to rush an extra c number which if a starter patient today in their session, then no, i bought a folder, see it, its own. the nice thing is that the people just left them asking the man the best a retreat and most of that stuff. when i left over there to pull everything up and it's a mattress and a chef. missed it though. yeah. and so we're going to do it for this service popular region in the final stages of the war against superior and in the numbers. russia was forced to switch from offensive to defensive tactics to thoughts, of course. but of course, really still a lot of money from the this initial split, the colorado. so she asked a show necessarily what the point me in length or a but i was reading and left the of those groups. the container, what apartment across of tv 0 will see you better by noon, but especially which is really kind of ours. the russian troops are defeated. none of us following. if on gold,
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uncompleted caption the russian sauce suicide for peace offering both 3 components. courtland of 24 cities at pneumonia. but about the read the months old and of livonia golf north go to somebody else. and when the new year 25 percent devonian was jesse, what it's willing to bring must go under the vatican's control. also come into play on the polish side, a genuine diplomat, antonio positive, you know, goes to have on the terrible, the goals are to assign a peaceful treaty between the russians and pulse. bring us on the terrible into an alliance against the tax. and most importantly, the customization of moscow receiving the old can years and there's english doubts to vote on the new york se. yeah. are typing super less loud. thank you for the last with diamond package. skip kadelli. just positive, you know, with no to the,
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to the terrible was a great diplomat. though russia was losing some of the lenses and conquered by 3 dream does not go to the gulf, never required some a bit of time ago. and yours may probably be at the doors on getting you was in that one point you. one point you me or what are you skis? a near, but you definitely have double weight. but like you might be pushing them use, knowing you might be positive when you get out of the bush and you might be positive, which even longer, you might be able to get us the most of the, the russian so declines positive in those also to go to war with the ultimate implant, it's clear to the find the terrible go to europe wants to destroy the arguments with the blonde of russian soldiers and definitely to bind in the pony and campaign one with a powerful ultima anatomy is beyond russia's capability. most of all, the jersey, which is disappointed by themselves,
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responds to the proposal to convert to catholicism. when the peace with poland was that russia needed was signed. so it did not behave until on this positive, and it will have expected the most popular priest such as new york. so we need to create christophe on what we will not let me put good. stood at the court, indeed, must divides. consider the pope's tradition to when christ image on the shoes to be the greatest disrespect to the safety of suffering. the pope is a wife, not up after the girl was nowhere to rush to it, said he though there's only so much for audience. give up up here at the, at the catastrophe at the homemaker. tested awful, by the morning on the way things called buffalo. the muscle in retaliation. the offended pulse of you know,
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as chris room is in your reps that the russian cell killed his own sony, yvonne in anger for its refusal to a faith of magic. and the pope wps russia. these x is available for your loss of young girls and i guess for is a little bit for what i was in your but i'll send you opinions from it. but that's, that's what i'm saying is shakira. the passivity and i had the assume doesn't need someone you've understood me as though you just guys are based on your private in this class that if you privately boss, but at the vote, what issues? quoted multiples automate. it's a of new mine. yeah. it's know, it's furnished the purpose people is that the new mine? yeah. it is not me over the past that will gladly accept that is itself true. not for you to was the pastor, the golden age of the polish list. the waning and commonwealth begins and it would last almost 2 centuries. the
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were districts party to vote in the salt. most perfect. let's hear, didn't your boy shifting your borders of wishing what i see more people kicked off the shirt. i see a direct more the quick put symbol, the number of in his works general is 10 member of the imperial orthodox palestine . society for the soul can analyze is the history of relations between russia and the west, the at that portion of democracy. next talk, i thought i have trusted i so i can also get a hold of a boat to get the children the wrong way and foursquare digital recording. so we'll show you, looked at the 159821617 after the death of yvonne, the total lawyer bodies, good enough seasons, the russians thrown off to his desk, the accession of false, dimitri,
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following his assassination. the ascension of investigating suicide, then falls to meet with the 2nd, the pay is the time of troubles. russia descends into chaos, of the ground, dissatisfied with the choice fairly around faults. dmitri, the 2nd for most of them, she was kate calls on the swedish getting for help. the swedes, who had received free man occupied north canada and piecemeal approach moscow the phone exchange. so it gets more of a certain sort of once a piece of russian land and goes to with the swedes. the polls are preparing, 14 year old prints of loudest, most of the russian throne. while the swedes prepare a boy prince kyle fit the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can
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the or the russia intercept is 23 drones overnight and attacks on regions across the country? according to the defense ministry, one causes an explosion out of local refinery. also, i had the key of officials call for the forceful mobilization of new recruits to continue as incidence of public resentment increase. a lack of trust, a lack of collaboration on the initial which is a little bit challenge which is faced by all of us. and most of all by the developing countries that i'm not responsible for it is.
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