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tv   News  RT  November 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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or the fee is really prime, it is the box as the final bill with has pulled up, pushing it to his security cabinets for approval. actually off of the, on the lower, say not soon. firewalls and phones all the lebanese capital, well voting of the 28th floor and paid a roofing. just to me that submitted extremely intense. please wait the phone, 5 minutes of 11 on last name residential buildings and the capital district will so say that will retaliate, solve a k s new a top of the missile strike on the buses. cost region 10. well capes of being sold
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down, walled 3, miss selves wounded several service men and down we've been at defense radar. between you and both of those, those 2 slides on the test. so in that region, 1st, pacing is civilians us with most if i can in full, then targeting the same location again while emergency cruise from the hello as well. so i'm at 10 pm here in most go in, this is all the international with the world news update. it's good to have you with us as always. our top story, as well as prime minister has officially endorsed deceased by a deal with hezbollah, benjamin netanyahu. stacy is now posting the proposal to the security cabinet, which must approve the agreement before it can come into force. model to stay in the war will not end until we achieve all our goals and especially to our residents of the north go back to their homes. but we will have the rights to act freely. if
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has ballade zig z a tunnel, we will attack. they do anything to harm us. we will attack, i'm told that has blah, we'll sit quietly for a year or 2 and will attack us. but to every breach, by his blog, we will respond with force. many didn't believe we would go into she find gaza, but we did. they didn't believe we would go into the philadelphia core door and dropbox, but we did. and we did it with force that surprised the world. so maybe it is time to start believing that's. that's close at live, that's why he's middle east bureau chief maria the notion. i the ria thanks for joining us. what. 7 the details of the deal, this being outlined by the is where the prime minister a good evening to any kids in the breaking news tonight. tough to more than a year fights and he's real and love it on have reached a long awaited ceasefire agreements. prime minister benjamin netanyahu following
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a meeting with israel's security cabinet, revealed details of the deal which he has endorsed. and now the agreement awaits final approval from the full cabinet. and you have pointed fingers at his beloved during his video speech, accusing the militant grove of dragging israel into a war. it never saw it. he praised the idea for is a remarkable achievement saying, dispense, and then his bowl as military infrastructure. taken out top commanders and destroy inexpensive arms stole piles and thousands of weapons. however, it then yeah, who made it clear and that is the key point of hayes address. the ceasefire does not mark the end of the war. he emphasizes that israel's campaign will continue until all its objectives are achieved, most notably, and showing the safe return of more than 60000 northern residents from flat after his bullet joined him. us and the conflict last october. besides 5 proposal
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includes a 60 day truce during the week is ready. troops will gradually withdrawal from lebanon, while his ball of fighters ought to pull back from areas south of the tiny river. thousands of liberties army soldiers are set to be deployed to the region with an international committee overseas. the c, as far as implementation level is official security and military forces will be the only armed groups authorized to carry weapons or operate forces in suff 11. according to this agreement, his ball and all, all other on groups in the territory of lab and will not carry out any offensive action against israel. and these are always obliged to do the same in return. both sides recognize the importance of us security council resolution 17 o one. these obligations to note the gate though the roof it's all is real or love, but known to exercise their rights to self defense in case the agreement is violated. israel and level report,
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any possible violation of the commitments to the committee and to uniform. this is a un fours that will also remain in the area and is in your home. has explained the reasons why he chose to go for a ceasefire. now let's now take a listen to what he had to say about the timing. as the god, there is a show. why make a ceasefire? now, there are 3 main reasons. first, to focus on the uranium threats. second, to renew our strength, is i tell you openly because it has no secrets. there were major delays in the supply of weapons and armaments, but these delays are belt to be lifted soon. we will equip ourselves with advanced means of warfare that will preserve the lives of our soldiers, give us additional force to complete our missions. and to the 3rd reason for a cease fire, cutting off barriers and isolating come laws from the 2nd day of the war,
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a mazda has relied on has belong to fight a long sided. and when has the law is out of the picture, a mosque is left alone in the campaign. our pressure on her mazda will increase, and this will help the secret mission of freeing our hostages. again, along the way to the long anticipated ceasefire in hopes of very high that it will be able to pay the way and bring peace to the region. but i have to say the challenges we made 1st. they will be no bosses own. that is real. wanted so bots to secure the residential, the northern parts of the country, while the residents of southern lebanon may return to they homes. many in israel, likely to remain hesitant theory in his bo was presence and to spell the attacks. second, israel will rely on foreign powers to oversee the air we are raising concerns of these same foreign powers have previously allowed his baldwood to arm and acquire
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weapons and basically failed israel. and now israel is trusting them again. so will it work this time? no on sir. additionally, it remains on clear what actions might be conceded has a breach of violation of the agreement. but we know that present biden is scheduled to address the deal later on tuesday. so we are expecting him to officially announce the cease fire agreement. and is implemented the seas far is set to begin on wednesday at 10 am local time. let's wait and see. yeah, let's wait and see maria many thanks for the update. that's all it takes. and middle east bureau chief maria the notion of speaking to his life from jerusalem as well as the dropping bones across the lebanon, including his capitals. throughout the day, i met the result in just the space of 2 minutes, 20 ideas, twice, hidden multiple locations throughout the bay were
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the research circulating online shows the off them off of the. as wally bombardments, a number of casualties have been reported as the downtown area is usually busy during the day. so thoughtful, more evacuation old is to be an issue 5 years ready military and central babies. these areas have not been previously targeted of correspondence on the ground. steve sweetie described the situation as also tails with will planes and runs this woman goes ahead. he has his latest report from the see one another scene of disruption. hey, in the liberties capital they read, this is the status is ready strikes and a busy civilian neighborhood. the attacks occurred around 3 o'clock below which time is all struck without warning. now you can see a building behind this has been completely flattened,
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completely destroyed. as we understand this was a kitchen which is making these food for this place. people now we see omelettes is arriving and leaving the same for the falls, few hours, taking away wounded in the attack. we know that there are multiple casualties, or at this stage we see an elderly mind being taken from the revel being treated by those emergency services. this is again, another words are right in the heart of the lebanese capital area. we have, we sold the bombing of the da here district in the southern suburbs by re multiple strikes, the and then he has a guy in the 2nd time, the israel struck the bus, the district george singleton you strikes in the da here district laws of the law solved a very, very close together. the is right is effective because the southern suburbs, the lebanese capital novice comes at the time when si fi is reportedly,
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evidence is ready. cabinet is meeting to discuss the terms of votes of whether to accept agreement. now, people are saying that this is a deliberate strategy by his route to cause a maximum damage, maximum destruction. the cease fire agreement comes into effect haven level what the parliament is set to can be on wednesday morning with a going to discuss the finer points of the sci fi agreement until then, the as righty, bump, baldwin, all limited, continues. 10 tompkins missiles aren't being sold down either russia's cost region, but $3.00 have reached that's how this that's according to the russian defense ministry, which also says mosca is preparing retaliation for the 2 years for any and attacks that took place on saturday. on monday, during the content missile bats, all the come back true the cancer ad defense system,
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which provided cover for this division shop down 3 i talking smith, selves but to reach the targets. as a result of the strikes, the radio was damaged. there were casualties among the personnel. on the 25th of november 2024. the key regime launched another strike with a to attack them. so 3 tional tactical missiles at the coast close, touched the at field 7. missiles was shut down, but one reached its target. as a result of falling muscle fragments to service men were wounded and infrastructure facilities was slightly damaged. the russian minister of defense has monitoring the situation and retaliates. reactions have been prepared by co holes. guy in the castle in region is on the fire once more, just an hour off to you for the info's is targeted. a civilian bus. kidding. full, and the engineering 21. they lost another strike at the same location. this time targeting emergency work is of the same all senior correspondent, my guns, do you have has moved this house for us? well there's, there's been a lot of developments over the last few hours. one of them,
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an assassination attempts on the head of no back. a holes come through was engulfed at the time you creighton in you create in on services apply to use drones and then attempt to attack him in the city. they miss the head of the like a hooker is fine. however, they also attacks no black hole with my new interest during this attack. savings, you know, it's blinds you to a dense populated city police, a dozen people was injured. talk to is a fighting for the lives of the most severely wounded, cruel people being killed in this attack and the head of rushes, gifts on regions where the cold, the terror attacks today serves as yet another testament to the brutality and in humanity of the key of militants and their nato accomplices, these barbaric strikes, are a deliberate act of terror against innocent civilians. this is a beauty attack on
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a civilian side. today, you can use the tillery and drones to attack, attack the city of and then a good that as well as a zap are always you nuclear power plot, the largest nuclear power plot. the group was again structured in administrative building was damaged. the operations at the nuclear power plant are uninterrupted and interrupted, but also have them says the russian nuclear agency, everything's fine from a new p, a security and safety sideboard never the less. these are several attacks coming back to back on civilian the infrastructure. also that is being developments on the why the military front. the russian ministry of defense has announced reports of 2 more attacks using american me solves into russian territory in the course regional and towards the side of november, the russian ministry of defense. as 5,
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i talked to a mess the united states made and supplied and partially operated me solves, we use the strike of the russian s 400 and defend cease. the 3 of them is all as we shots. down 2 of them is solves richard targets. and the re, dos station belonging to the system integrated into the system was, was damaged 2 days later on the 25th of november, 8th american attack. and that's me solve, solve. this is a fee of 37 kilometers away from the city. of course, 7 of those me solves, will destroy the full reaching the target by russian defense is one impacted on the field. and there are a number of injured the servicemen on the russian side. the russian government has come out and said that they are preparing to respond to the slightest attack. this
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is the 3rd and 4th. i believe hughes were attacked by with american british french me solves on russia since they lifted restrictions on the use of these results. strikes deep within russia, in the territory, the, they, uh, the ukrainian government and the western governments, nato, recognize as russian territory strikes into that. which russia said use a red light. and something that it will respond to. the initial response to the 1st 2 attacks was russia deployed via the actually hypersonic me, sol, system, mid range hypersonic missile system which travels a 3 could always is the 2nd, the message that was to the west. none of you cities, none of your military base is all safe you, regardless of the me, solid shields you be building for so many years because base me so blinded me, approved and said himself cannot be intercepted by any existing defense measure.
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now russia is preparing another responsive identity. it's arguments it's use of the testing system was a ton, wasn't taken seriously. well, perhaps a good outs, right? the button, the ministration outgoing button, administration seems at this point the time and the timing to escalate things to a degree whereby the incoming trump administration will find it very difficult to establish any sort of peace that it has promised to bring both sides to the negotiation table, we all need to run away escalation, and perhaps perhaps it is reggie going to for us to be re indeed we want a recent poll shows most the americans think bad country should stop and ukraine prominence us media speakers are now taking fresh jobs to the outgoing, find,
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and government, and it's not lies in to us. instead of using your precious little time left to do something to help the american people, your 1st action after trump one was to fast track the delivery of over $6000000000.00 in weapons to ukraine. then you called up zelinski and gave him the green light to start firing long range ballistic missiles into a country with a massive amount of nuclear weapons. russia then, as if that weren't enough carnage for one week. you authorize the use of anti personnel land mines in russia. landmines jo, seriously. this is your legacy. this is how you want to go out in a blaze or power. like you've just got to go, we all got to go with them right into world war 3. by them is not right. who is running the white house of who is are defacto president is anthony blinking right now? is a jake sullivan, who is doing this? well, if you'd asked me yesterday morning, i would have said 20 blanket and who has been running it since the beginning. but
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now i would say statement because anybody i really think that you've got, you know, dark forces in charge. i mean, there's no, there's no justification for using anti personnel mines in this conflict. which one can hope to be solved with insight, personal minds resolved in any way. the only effect of that move is to kill innocence period. that's it. that's the only, that's the only effect and they know that. and so they're doing anyway because killing is the point. so it's evil. i think we should say that i don't think it's a matter of defending democracy. the president ukraine is dot elected. he's a dictator. he's literally passed his term and kept serving. he's a dictator, an anti and that countries it was shut down a pushing drama nation, but place and you like how many more markers of dictatorship do you need to call it? what it is, which is to tell jury to us presidents legs at peace making sledges. and now in doubt as donald trump is nominated, several foreign policy holds full. he's upcoming administration. the republicans
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picks the account to terrorism directs it has said washington will see us in most go with even more a to kia has been finding has been sunday on mr. go close a lot, some personal insults, as long as my food didn't during a telephone, send to be a good one. tip away that the president has mentioned, he will say to that low risk form occasionally being kind of less fog who runs the russian federation. you will negotiate now for the aid that we have given to ukraine. fasfa will look like p knots. that's how he will force those gentlemen to come to an arrangement that stops the bloodshed during makers. morales monitor and get it to of cobra. as action magazine says, donald trump's pace making pledges on knows what they see. and it's not really surprising, given a trump to track record, or even a 2016 campaigns. he made some claims, you know, have to be an isolationist,
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but he also saw his campaign, the rallies, he was with zone make leels, add inventory of neo conservatives and trumpets his 1st term. you know, he pulled out of the i n f treaty with russia. he was the one to send javelin as a tank missiles that'll be obama administration, and not yet provider ukraine. so he was very hawkish, although they attacked him as a russian agent because he met with, put in. but really he was, you know, you escalated the ukraine conflict, any escalated u. s. military budget. and we can see the kind of people who is appointed now like marco rubio or no more hawks. i mean, it's just about to us right now, isn't it just by promising a smooth presidential transition the outgoing bite and government is double down and escalating these trained companies. and now the us secretary of state has outlined washington's funds to be the longer term conflicts. we can actually take a listen to what blinking says, but we're determined to do in the remainder of this administration,
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is to do everything possible to ensure that ukraine has what it needs to be able. as i said to fight through 2025 if necessary, or if there's an association to be able to negotiate for the position of strength. just a few weeks left for the bite and team that all they have 20 allowed to do that. is there anything the republicans can do about it to stop this? i don't know if they can stop it. yeah. and that's why many people turned to try because because the buyer ministration was so hawkish and, you know, at the democratic party convention they were attacking trump. you know, from a right wing hawk position, you know, any time trump when to need a foreign leader, whether it was put in, you know, as an adversary of united states, whether putting or kim john run the demo, the democrats attacking him, like a traders to the united states when that's a job of the president to meet with adversary and trying to few these conflicts of the democrats of yeah, just gun way off the charts as your previous segment pointed out in their last days
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of the office. instead of trying to do something good for the american people, fine is provoking world war 3 and sending landlines to crane and more and more heavy duty weapons to attack russia directly. and we're on the precipice of world war 3. rushes. s. s. b chief stays the west, is pushing k of towards nuclear terrorism. the officials that ukraine is turning into a trade in grande's, a destabilizing of the entire post soviet space. a ceiling west, an assets of ton being crane into a testing ground. the methods of undermining the security of an attorney, russia, but the entire post soviet space. the territory has become a magnet from us and reasoned terrorists from all over the world. a global shadow of market has been created, seeing weapons transferred to other flash points on a constant basis and the anglo saxons are secretly pushing kids to a dangerous escalation to carry out acts of nuclear terrorism. the involvement of their intelligence agencies in the training of terrorist fight has to over 3
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regimes that undesirable to west and must as to eliminate political leaders. in other words, the united states and its allies do not this thing the most unsightly methods to realize that geo political ambitions to the west and it's finalize our portion he of and so nuclear terrorism and they're trying to escalate sanctions across the entire region in order to avoid the inevitable and that is a new world order. i'm a subordinate sort of reminded everyone once again that a new multi polar, political and economic system is being created as well as an inclusive international security system where the participation of the global south and east . so naturally, the west is trying to prevent that, as we just heard him say, and he does war and that he doesn't exclude the 5 that the by that has ministration before leave. it will actually make the situation worse by still contentions and critical a q regions in you raise or that are teen fort washington, of course. and he says that they might try to recreate the crane scenario in those
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areas as well as nominated. so there would be, the main goal is to make it difficult for the new us administration to find a political solution to the accumulated problems. you know, the 1st step has already been taken and what is the key of regime has been allowed to launch long range missile strikes, deep into russian territory and which will inevitably lead to an escalation of the conflict in and around ukraine. in addition to us, great britain and the allies continue to attempt gross interference in allied relations within the c, i ask you to block integration process is to discredit out joint actions on the to ensure security and stability in the commonwealth. of course, we will need to be prepared for any publications, the support the golf audit that he doesn't have much space. and donald trump either saying that his re election doesn't mean that the country's foreign policy will change radically. but he does have faith in the fact that c i s countries will with size all the publications and come together next year. so mark victory over naziism
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. so just to recap of for 2nd here, the military spread from nato is growing roster sees that it's aware of it and it's also prepared to face further publications. and it just wants to make sure that the world knows about it. we discussed the coming escalation with our panel of guests who gave that take on why the west is adding fuel to the fire and what most goes response could be a beast. the souls in the globe move to the end of day of actions have consequences even of landlords have brought it doesn't enough have given the names this and this guy to get out of so many things, which if you have 10 board, if you bought the cap of 50 in depth ability and you know, event booking says already sort of a thing that if this strikes the using the pulse bother, you know, the other countries using such a total g which is being
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a $31.00 bar or is it just essentially the why are the men baldwood well or so for us to get shut off of as the 13th then they will indeed all book the book. i don't think that will be in the order she already did that all those countries are right now. but that you need a big escalation, but definitely dizzy. be a big death in the upcoming days on the euclid. and i think the by the use of us to know if i'll give you was working. but those been following their newspaper deep introduction to just what they did this morning, but the photographs because it looks like the movie and forces are in the world. and that's going to be in the multiplication in a model for to be sure to be the see the says the word will be assuming that the box, the photographs bit please. it was. then that's all i think a couple times there to you. blame me for it has been for less than any time and the global with them, particularly looking for the product. so brand new to use any of the problem is
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that these people being a tall, 5 to lol, they remember back when the waste was the unit paula old. this is the uh, this is a desperation. why we industry been made and trying to sort of the situation that this will do anything about the site, the situation is, are likely to stop imagines on the multi bill we see something really good, rational happening now. russia has done them straight to that it has by far the most barrier weapons. uh, both of uh, middle range and long range. uh, it has demonstrated that it can inflict irreversible kind of damage towards natal
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end to end the less but uh the west is behaving as um, as a being that has no uh, rate of rational thinking. and it is still, in spite of actually being weaker here, trying to escalate, which means that, uh, they cannot even imagine a world where they are not the dominant where they are not holding on the card and on shortly uh, this cultural block fee from the west uh and oh, i would say in the logical racism towards the rest of the world. i was so successful in the last 500 years that they think that uh, that nobody can call the blow off the line. steve scrambles to find low funding for ukraine's war assets from european states. so taking a step back, the slovak department and several, but fits thursdays, his country will notes, contribute to key adds military expenditures. that's how go so those people to,
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to the lobby. how's the slope of prime minister, how little knots agree to slovakia contributing to ukraine, smell it to responding military age must be a biological match between individual member states. so the repeating union as it has been so far, the best undoubtedly wants the boy and ukraine to continue. and the agreement to use wes themselves on targets involved is clear proof of this. i am just waiting to see who will label the success themselves as me, sol, so piece me a little background for you in 2023. the slough on government provided k of whatever $600000000.00 in ons. these expenses were meant to be covered by brussels, just months off the donation they need like to permanent as to what fits so slash slovak aid to ukraine buses. lava has now lost an investigation into the previous administrations defense minister of to discovering that i met 10 percent. and so if
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the support was compensated for, aside from losing trunk of hundreds of millions, you are a suave not allegedly violate to this sloth that constitution. but at least today, my colleagues are due by the case spoke to joseph a big 2 and a form, a slovak defense attached to post and answer key. i'm the expert in military diplomacy. and he told us that the, you pressure nations to age, you crate instead of come to excuse me, age ukraine, offering compensation compensation instead. but the states involved with a c. so a government position today is absolutely absolutely clear. no military equipments do you claim anymore? okay, if you are ready to fall but it's only yes, i'm certainly not always a position because it was very strong and different helping him dad. even always and the leader always in the body. see how he's in the hallways on the bush for some companies who are not accepting decision from by the, by the process. nobody from the utah, especially in the wrestling from wisconsin. he has no.


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