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tv   News  RT  November 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST

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the, the certainly the ministry of defense and the general stuff of the russian army are selecting targets for destruction on the territory of ukraine. these could be military facilities, defense industry enterprises, or decision making centers in key areas right there. the russian president vladimir putin saying that a range of key targets and ukraine could be hit with russia. it's brand new bonds to missile. and it is, it like is warnings? i rushed as president emphasizes the wow, the trash and it is not a weapon of mass destruction. its force is comparable to the back of a nuclear weapon in the case of a message group use of these me, science that is several in one strike. the power of the strike would be comfortable to the use of nuclear weapons, although the, or actually is certainly not the weapon of mass destruction. about as the russian
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president says, 17 maybe 3 targets in ukraine. what a hit and a massive overnight attack using 90 missiles, enough 100 drones. also in the program, donald trump names are notorious for special ed and boy, ukraine and russia. so during the program we look at houses. sounds highly east with trump's intention to end the war, the colonel florida moving to shaking in the world today. it is so good to have your company full of this live program from moscow were not so excited my food. and as i said now that decision making centers in key of could be among the key targets for future russian strikes with rushes, new advanced weapons. as comments came during the regional security summit in catholic stock, sage, and we currently the ministry of defense and the general stuff of the russian army are selecting targets for destruction of the territory of ukraine. these could be
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military facilities, defense industry enterprises or decision making centers in kia of moreover, the key of regime has repeatedly tried to strike at objects of national importance . serial production of a russian nick has begun, but ultimately the means of destruction will be selected by us depending on the nature of the choices and the threat. suppose to the russian federation. historic stuff. so really i think it's happening at this summit here in us. so now lots of strong statements, especially from presidents, a lot of mean important, even though russia's latest, the hypersonic, nissan system motorists. and it was the targets in ukraine. it was definitely a message to the inside of walls and vladimir putin has been saying. and so that's at the ex phone, russia, and the deeper into russian territory will. it leads to retaliation. and he has been calling on the west not to allow keith to use a very long range weapons because that will leads to consequences. and here they
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are. now, russia may use more or less next on other targets in ukraine is in early november. officials from western countries announced permission for the ukrainian armed forces to strike russian territory using western made long range precision weapons . we have repeatedly pointed out that this would mean the direct involvement of these countries in the armed conflict as the use of this weaponry, without the direct participation of military personnel and specialists from the respective nato countries, is simply impossible for what should those forcibly mobilize to give their lives today for the band, the right, neo nazi regime that has entrenched itself and keeps for its leaders who have already lost a legitimacy. after all, they did not running the elections. they are completely legitimate today. and from a legal point of view, they do not even have the right to give orders to the armed forces, count earlier president forts and also said that there was a response to me include
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a tax on natal territories as well. i would love to be able to ask him what conditions uh, that decision could be made in uh, and hopefully i will get an opportunity fingers crossed to do that later on today. because the president boynton is also going to hold a final media conference where will be present. so a rustic is definitely a trick in the hat there, and this is definitely a once again a message to the entire world and me. so system which attacked one facility, but we, we impacted to the entire goal. vladimir put in, also shed some lights on what's rest and it is. and so that the weapons has absolutely incredible capabilities. for instance, the more heads that each me so holes and there's dozens of them, they could reach the speeds of 3 kilometers for seconds, and temperatures reach $4000.00 degrees centigrade. it's and that miss
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missiles are capable of going, penetrating deep under grounds and basic. basically they just evaporates and turn everything into molecules. that's why it's technically, it could be compared to a small, i guess, a nuclear weapon in terms of the amounts of the force of the explosion. but of course, there's no nuclear fallout. there are no equals to of ocean in the world, and i don't think we will see them any time soon. the messiah of strikes even highly protected and deep buried targets, according to military and technical experts. in the case of a massive group use of these, besides that is several in one strike. the power of the strike would be comfortable to the use of nuclear weapons. although the, or actually is certainly not the weapon of mass destruction. there is no nuclear charge here and therefore no nuclear contamination after it's use. we only have a few ready to use products of this kind of means. the statements are being made by the president says here in aston,
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isley collected security treaty organizations. basically, it is one of the organizations that are connected to the new emerging centers of power in the world that ross has been talking about and which has been working a lot with various organizations, the local ones and international ones. this is one of those organizations, and like i said, we're still waiting for the final press conference by letting me important a lot usually comes out with that as well, which i was talking on this builder and the program with for my pentagon senior security policy analyst michael maloof and he says the announcement is put in signalled of russia's red lines, but michael also says the west will be sadly to arrow good. the heat, the warning a hi is this doing the stage escalation that mr. post is doing the trying to get the message across the united states separate kits in particular as this district of ignoring or, or even talking down and start taking seriously with what mr. putting this set.
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it's their arrogance and their elite attitudes. and this of talking down to russia over the, over the, over the period of time that makes some deaf. and i'm afraid that they, um, they may still not be getting the message they uh, i think they have to see the demonstration of it in order to, to fully comprehend what the russian president saying about this miss. so every time russia responds to america, it's because america and nato did something in the 1st place. i mean it's, it's, you know, it was tit for tat back and forth. it reminds me of tel aviv and an anti wrong these days. but meantime, prudence says michael, the decision making side doesn't key of could now be targeted with this order. i just needed funds new miss file. are they going to get that warning? is that going to sink and the thing? well, if they don't reach the consequences, won't they? i mean, they have a russia is capable of getting the leadership centers already. but the use of this
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missile, given its capabilities, it would be devastating. and if it absolutely, uh, level the country and basically it's short of a nuclear weapon, it's not violating any of the nuclear weapon uh, categories. but this is, this is one level below nuclear weapons as i see it. and, and it, and it is, it is a very devastating weapon for which the west has no defense in his speech. so a lot of everything went through the characteristics, solve the old as nic mr. which was the coal supposed to use and combat just about a week or so ago. but the most offline, what speeds of 38 kilometers per 2nd. it's almost impossible to intercept. and while not a conventional w, m. d, it's destructive powers, comfortable that of nuclear weapon temperatures though, look at that right. the war had getting up to 4000 degrees and the result is characteristics can strike even the best defended sub to rainy and tugs.
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while according to our military expert, how barza you had a left ca totally took us through the key characteristics of this automatic miss all. and while it's officially a medium range, may solid can be adapted to deliver a nuclear payload, making it a deadly intercontinental ballistic. with that comes with the top comes is an operational and technical miss style. it's called but the load is significantly lower than that of the rec snake. there actually is a very interesting developments. he found that because despite the fact that it is a medium branch miss solve according to his characteristics, it carries a complex payload, similar to an intercontinental ballistic missile because it is a maneuverable type of sonic ms solve, which cannot be shut down by existing a, a defense systems, they're still very little information about their i think itself, of course, this is the latest developments you just secrets. and basically we only know what, what's announced by the head of states. as far as understand the rest and cost 6
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separate warheads. and if several such themselves i use to some specific limits at the location the explosion, although not a nuclear explosion. well no, the last be quite comparable. it's paula to the use of nuclear weapons. of course, it will not cost to buy g ations, but precisely in terms of the shop waste and destructive fact, it will be comparable to the use of nuclear weapons. strictly speaking, the question is not whether they are actually cause a lifetime of mass destruction and not the only question is what kind of war had the carries, even though that will have installed on that down accordingly, it becomes of what kind of mass destruction is come down to the will have, are used with a conventional expose, if it is not made up, most goes latest warning or potential strikes directly on the russia has already carried out massive aerial overnight. a tax details now with the senior correspondent as, as i was blaring. all over you grade a power d,
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a number of infrastructure targets had been a hit that became a part of the on with paul as outages, emergency power cuts will be played key of all the cities doing black. we have those comments for the credit in the district saying the energy infrastructure sides. what talk this is, what is that is will they say they never missed? what it is. the military sites would be the his school ministry. gosh, field sides had been hit. there was a energy infrastructure and civilian targets. without mentioning the bus had a g infrastructure seeds that you create in, well, but she from what we had to stop as many as well, almost a 100 results. and as many drones were used in the strike, a military infrastructure, military targets and the systems infrastructure systems, feeding to last night, we carried out the comprehensive strike using 90 miles of similar classes and 100
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drones. these were against military and defense industry facilities and their support systems. i repeat, once again, the strikes on our part also took place in response to the incessant strikes on russian territory with american missiles. as i've said many times, there will always be an answer from our side regarding the continued conflict in ukraine. we understand donald trump is analyses now picks mr keith kellogg for the role of the ukraine. russia, n for a lot of people are talking about this man. and what do you, what do we know about mr. catalog at this point, but i don't know. trump on, on the uh, well, he was competent during his rallies on the day. he says one thing i was a bit bring peace, bring it into this conflict. and then he turns around and normally it's keith kellogg. so who is, who's a full big key? he's a walker. he has made no secret of his dislike and mistrust of russia and russians to be special ed and boy, american special ed boy,
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donald trump special envoy to ukraine. it is very difficult to imagine keys, kellogg having as hot the interest of credit in people. the rush of people would you have to have, i taught the interests of both sides to get to get them together and get a piece deal in place. donald trump, he's vice president deluxe. they build said time and time again labeled to and these conflicts by putting both sides together to negotiating table, working as a c, spot freezing the conflicts, which is what keeps kellogg now says russia says that is unacceptable. they bought a piece. but these last thing that addresses the roof pauses of this complex, the minister isaiah sion do you know,
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it's if occasion of you grade neutral site stays this new data for you create a new need to in you crate keys. kellogg however, has very different you views on both the conflict on, on you crazy, on russia and the american standing exceptional stand the compared to everyone else in the world. and i think you've started to ask yourself questions. is this what's best for you? crate is a nation. i don't care about russia. i care about ukraine. they say a year and a half ago, the russians to and the hills. and if the west had provided the equipment, the president zalinski aust full, then you probably could have finished the job. you have to give more arms to them because you can't trust the russians. well, born in the american weakness can only be ended by american strength. that's why the pos to bringing these negotiations about is to enable ukraine to defeat the russian army in ukraine. the reason is full, this american interest,
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many of prosperity right here at home depends directly upon the maintenance and perpetuation of that order. with america and the leading role, we cannot be secure in that position while bruship is usable of aggression that overtime, the global order, the stabilizes commodity markets, and renders food supply chains unstable. the keys, kellogg's view, and this is to blackwell, russia to say, look, you're going to sit down with the ukrainians. he believes that that will fly. you're going to sit down with the ukrainians. you're going to work out a deal, or else we're going to pump them full of weapons, give you credit is as many and as much weaponry as they bugs, which is it's a non stop, essentially ukraine, especially the landscape who will be out and who, who, who responsibility will crash down on in the event that this conflict and yeah,
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so let's keep those in one piece of war he has to do is sabotage. i need to give she ations, in order to avoid cute keller will give him as much weapons as he would clause or requests. and the cold, sick little dog compounds exact, is the behavior of the, by the administration in its final days, but by they have decided to escalate this complex to unseen and previously unimaginable levels. by allowing lexical restrictions on strikes with american weapons and american participation deep into russia, at least as you go to, russian responds with hypersonic, nuclear, capable weapons. and this is the end of escalation. so certainly when it comes to a peaceful resolution of this conflict, we are as far away for this as we have been since the conflict forgot. what am i calling? thank you, aaron was
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a discussing the latest trump political cycle bivens escalation of a concept before you step down and make you did so with a panel of a lot of his picks seem to be hawkish. a lot of his picks seem to be people that will continue the war, not only in ukraine, but of course in gaza, and then possibly opening up a fraud with china. i mean, and i think a lot of people who voted for it from the thought they were voting for peace are very disappointed and very worried about what his 2nd term is going to look like. and whether we're just going to have more all the time, that is certainly my fear. so certainly is a peace activist. i know that i would have great job security under trump, unfortunately. coming back to christopher, now, i mean, president biden especially isn't, you know, taking it easy for his last few weeks and office he's not reported the 2nd grade at
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an additional $24000000000.00 for the ukraine conflict from congress before he leaves office. why do you think such a big deal is apparently happening behind the scenes and not being made public and well, i would be buying that administration even have time to spends such a massive sun before trying to take. so with the white house. so what you are seeing now is you're seeing this last ditch effort to really bolster the ukrainian military capabilities in the event that something comes in and, and cuts off the supplies that you can use can still not negotiate and perpetuate the conflict for even months. so ned, hampering any effort by the incoming trump administration to find peace. i think that this is an opportunity to also be a dagger in the trump administration before they've even coming to the office. well, 1st of all, it's very troubling. it clearly goes against the well, the american people and the people who voted in this election to clearly voted for peace and an end of this conflict. that's what they were promised, and biden seems to be wanting to do everything you can to prevent the incoming
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administration from making peace. that is what the goal seems to be. and i do think he understands that it's not a popular move. and so that's why the secrecy, that's why he's not going to go to congress to get this money. they're just gonna re shuffle money that, that dependent gone already has. by the way, it should be pointed out that the pentagon is failed. it's 7 audit in a row, meaning you cannot account for the money it is spend, right? so i guess it makes it easy for the president to just go in and use the pentagon is, is piggyback as, although i'd love to hear your perspective on the latest us estimates to escalate the conflicts in ukraine with less than 2 months before the republicans take over the white house, what are your thoughts on the situation? it is very clear that the binding immunization interest is medium income people seem to is, it is just before the interest of the meal cons give state,
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in order to continue to pay money into what gives it back to prove to them, you know, i think and because of the trigo, i'm from the ukrainians on the 1st of the american people, a middle car, if you look at the reason why they even bought it for the call, bye to apologize for jump in here and you're looking right now some of the like us pictures from catholic style and the russian president, addressing those in attendance on the press. let's listen if you can use that to kind of then low the good hands of a channel. one, your a state visit because there's 10 is almost over you were received at the highest level. how do you assess the prospects of a ration? oh, i said then is good. how this done, as i said, is not working, just our ally or live old partner, but it's important that has a standard successfully developing countries with the guidance of president psychiatry. so it's a beautiful, it shows stable growth and sustainable growth for libel growth. so to end up, but it just gets the social and political situation and the country is stable,
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which is very important. the city to be able to plan that and you just, you'd see us in the to find that there is in the economy to make investments into the economy. you called the catholics 10. i've mentioned almost 30000000000 of trade turnover between our countries and it continues to grow. traditionally, we have such domains have cooperation, the space exploration, energy looks like and these days high technology in america project them. and now as for the projects in energy, we might expand or recover ration in the field of nuclear power because we've already started working together. and kevin, stan is the largest uranium producer in the world. and we are present at the uranium city in the fields and kind of extend city from wish list to and an industry you have good prospects. and especially in ways that sold corporation. one
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of the issues a chest was and partially still remains the problem of settlements, but more than 80 percent of all the settlements are now being done. national care and says, and dates of course makes our work easier in finance is approachable. and besides, when we, you totally see that, we have the human and tearing ties, ties between our people, is at a very good level. because kevin stand is basically a russian speaking country. i guess you've failed to yourself. and unfortunately, the oldest a lot of people who have their own opinions about how to should be down or who are critical about what's going on both both and rushing and causing stand and the continuous position. this and the criticism is not always so this a consideration in the contrast of the states now the russian state in this
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particular place. so it's not always beneficial. i believe we need to do everything to make that type stronger and not to make steps that would destroy our relations undermine our relations. for example, in the field of energy, if we have some traditional things. but nevertheless, we might have some large scale projects integrated in energy transportation to the 3rd countries by the territory of context on to the specialist your thoughts. and traditionally we have a situation where in one of the causes extend regions, they lack, for example, may troll gas and in the other areas have they have surplus of these resource and we need to join our efforts. we supplied something to a catholic stand. we receive something from cather stand and kind of stand has the bathroom territory for them. and we have a past 2 to 3. and sometimes it is more profitable to exchange like this. then to
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do to extract something or to sort of use some thinking around territories. so i believe we have very good prospects for the future. and yesterday we spoke about these with preston to kind of an informal environment or the entire evening over the dinner. we spoke about these prospects once again. i assessed them highly, positively. i really do go out to see what would happen in receipt of a channel. it looks like a left call. you've already mentioned uranium, but still sort of in october until this time they held the referendum where the majority of the population liberal and spoken with you for all who can building nuclear power plant is but the little sort the one for the contract or it has not been chosen. yeah. did you discounts base with president to kind of yes, of course we spoke a lot about the days during the talks, both in the from just restricted the attendance for him at the end and expanded, formative caught his son is going to implement the projects in the field of nuclear
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power as any consumer, and they have the rights to see it issues the best solutions for them, both from the technological point of view and from the financial point of view. i think it's not accidental that the russian corporations with adam is the largest. so the largest company of this kind in the world, including that we speak about the number of nuclear power plants that'd be able to go abroad. and it has to do with the fact that we do not just deal with a nuclear power plant. we established our headquarters in those countries where we were, we train personnel and we supply, you know, necessary raw materials. we've got a special thing that has to be to no collect, spend fuel and so on and so forth. will help to develop the science and research in the field of nuclear energy if they are as well because of gym to come next on that . i'm not sure. let's don't scare cuz they get there. we can't afford the president
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of kansas down our color, sunny friends and counterparts. it's not something new for them. these are for 30 or one of the domains read and not started from scratch and they have been reprisals like we do for you uranium production district. and they are perfectly aware of what they want to see and what they are willing to pay for it. then once they, once again want us to go over this, i know so we had a very professional conversation if there is a need, if there is a willingness on the part of our partners to reduce case and cap x 10 to see if you feel like it may increase external use certain decisions that certain solutions i've missed on the 3rd count for ease to use it the way our experts for counseling astrid stuck with an open set. it's also possible and the rest of them has this current experience of working with for and partners and we've discussed these as well. and the final decision of,
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after the level is on the consumers side all the way is what i believe is our cooperation with colleagues done in this field is very possible. so it billable somebody to stop and it would be odd catalyst on that. and as i sat by, she would meet his up. what is the account for you that has the biggest uranium deposits in the world? said you booked up probably on this. so it would be on the test print, used uranium and did not use it. i believe that's what they have in their minds as well as in this weekend. it's also not an accident that reassign him. i believe through the corporation is worth and complained is something country is in building 20 leaving the units and brought it send the modern technology and the some of the pos, the state, the but through the sites as technology is now, this is beatrice on hash and it's, it's also proven by the i a, a, the international as into the company posters when they get the course. and then the next one was offered to the basis. um, and how would you assess the, the,
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as you want me to. i situation with the see a still isn't more or life or that, and it's why do you think about our meaning of skipping of a central we asked for the steel as an organization. it's not just alive and it's, it's alive and kicking against developing and all the countries that might seem participate actively. and it's a, it's a work that you're interested in preserving discount things both now and in the future of the situation and the world is challenging. so, and it's challenging not only because of the events that are unfolding, and it's actually what actual, any trains it has here. so here's the situation that good and in asia and you to or so this is the situation we is done on the c c o border with the dentist. and so it's backwards. see you next thing, is it your dad good that we can we this thing is looking to remain calm and i just, i'm not, i think things are still very difficult process is going on. and again, it's, and we hope that we will be able to build good relations with them. again,
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it's done and we yeah, but just to remind you to ship us, attempts to be can not but last not as the situation is becoming more stable there . and we have relations with the current authority is enough. again, it's 10 and we are can, will continue to develop them on this studies. we've got a good showing it wasn't dennis tennessee has just reported me on their way to show us. so the bodily functions spoke about, they are the cut situation requires our attention 3 quarters that pension on behalf of the ceo still stuck. i've tried to come with them to and see if the it was not only me, only 3 organization that calendar is with them. and on the way it leads to drug trafficking can add to account or terrorist. and so there are a lot of matters on the agenda that we are interested in resolving on this for the armenians physician, natalie con, for it has the right to choose doing watts and how they want to do when it comes to ensuring were their own security and i believe that the current situation between
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armenia and to see a steel and i'm looking for that, you just give it about us and someone else is relied. and here's the most likely by the political situation inside or media. and it has to do with the crisis in the companies and the gardening car back, but the see, it still has nothing to do with this. and i've spoken about this in many occasions to everything that happens. there has nothing to do with the c s 2, because in some way i mean you nibble and you've got to move in. usually a good start was now external aggression against armenia. this is gail, is supposed to be protected to member of states from the external aggression and the coroner, however, about the situation was because we are a today is because uh, kind of a armine did not recognize in the garden, incorrect, but as far as of the state or it did not recognize it as an independent state. so everything that happened didn't cover the boxes from the legal standpoint and had nothing out there though that was not directly related to this is to tutorial and global. so.


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