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tv   Documentary  RT  November 29, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EST

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kias legs now no problem they for, we don't need a close, they can just walk around naked, maybe romanian star. that was kind of stupid. and it turns out that the 2nd place candidate set to head into the right off with georgia, su, apparently figured that as candidate for romania as presidency, appealing to romanian voters, the best place to express itself right before the election to be in the paper marketed as ukraine's global voice a keeps post advocating for quote, more than gestures of solidarity with care. whether advocating for greater nato attention to the black sea, fostering european unity on defense, or supporting the integration of ukraine and mailed over into european structures. romania has a vital role to play in securing the future of its region. greater nato attention to the block c like uh, that didn't already spark armed conflict with russia. so yeah. how about more of that? and while she's at it, yeah, just bring you crazy, informed me right into the you as an official member say no doubt remaining and
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foreigners will be absolutely thrilled with that. such a big mystery. why these folks just don't seem to be resonating as well? with voters as the guy who's biggest political crime was apparently to call russian president vladimir, put in a true leader. well that and apparently also having the tip top 10 digital marketing skills of the average teenage it invoice or well, but so for this news, i also wanted to explain to have your company here on the line for the the very well welcome to you. welcome to sell that because my name is tim donna coming to you from the city of gold in
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johannesburg. i'm not alone. i'm joined by the leader of the economic freedom fighters. they call him the commander in chief. see, i see mister mother in law. thank you so much for your time and thank you for joining us on our team. you quite a busy man to get hold of. thank you for everything as yeah, we've been trying to put this together for quite some time now, but i maybe we could find that in some way. you said we put 10 and put 10 as us. what did you mean about that sentiment? well, anyone that is being pursued by didn't put at least forces east and alliance of the progressive forces in the whole entire went. and what putting these fighting for really is justifiable, you can know to have america and a european union. and one thing to expand is to 3 to a point where it is not allowed to believe on a pretense neck and them. and we say in exchange for 2 months,
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keep them or hoses. he's not going to do that. he's going to have to defend his integrity, is going to defend himself and see. and we've seen him doing it a better way and is taking long standing. and we understand that in to get along vote with a hope that the intermission out of the class will come in and try to diffuse the attention and stuff they will a. but it seems like they're not interested. you'll claim is this is such a small account to, to can even tied to put up a fight eh, case price you, unless he is doing so with this up board or something. but it does include thing that natural forces in america. and we know today that that is the case. so that's what we said when you are not going to infringe or not i the people to please,
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and i attend the silver and the tea and the cheese. they cannot make development and expect them to come forward. and not what they see on that meta, i'm sure you've seen the recent developments with the united states of america has allowed ukraine to strike deep into russia's territory by supplying and approving the use of long range weapons. now, if you were the president of russia, mister vladimir puts in, what would you do in this kind of situation? he is to defend the advice you. there is no any other way to do it. and then, like i said, you created as good no capacity to you was the kind of way a point is that they're using, they don't have them. those are american and web points, which means america has declared war against the advice you and what most right here to pressure almost defend itself by also attending to america. and, and we have very like a feedback perhaps with
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a thompson election because the doesn't look like a like given in the previous to any is good appetite for those things. so for us and all of that, and he has already made the remarks that to an extent that you would want to put the pertain and then your president of ukraine under one roof. and he can't resolve this matter. he's didn't say i'm going to come in and intensified the fight and all of that. so it's not any and i doing as ease. i don't this met ties taking a very good consulate to approach which can see that the path to the fight between ukraine and by she i'm coming to an end. it's not that ukraine will and i made a kennel h would be called for what the d. c. if a you will be a little up in the will add and therefore we must not be confused that there is any ukraine that can i try to attend this a the 10 piece of advice. yeah. without the support of this one's well fighting,
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it was for the why do you think the west continuously this regards the red line and disregard some of the warnings that have come from the president of russia himself, in the escalating the tension? well, the for the is big like a big problem and able to put my ca, eh, through them and anything else that is not in the interest or for this then for it to go to the highway. so and then put in is not the kind that is going to be pushed or over a by americans and medicaid is good. notice back to full intentional medicaid is good not expect for an international body. start at a meant to say, god, the way to ensure that the conflicts that is all through peaceful means and they only do so if you disagree. but if he doesn't see about them, they don't k. i mean,
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look at in the american position in relation to the middle east and they, they condemn the i. c. c's, want him to fight it as duck games missing out. and then promote what of until further his intention. i want him to far as i can put to that is inconsistent. and i pretend as in for me to save the as crimes compared to what that to know is done way palm does force, creates hospitalized children, children, and pregnant women and you know, send people and that day every day. and she's dead to prove that someone is engaged in a, you know, site and therefore the i, c, c has got a to t to ensure that that is compliance within 10 percent of all the. so i made a card game showing in say, as i really hate, where is these?
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no, we have no to t k. to issue a lot under products that gives me nothing else. we want actually nothing else to get us to it. if it comes to sort of the free go to my side of the model that i do intend in edison, i have question to face. he didn't even problem to ask him if a meant to know comes to south africa. when do you have a student? because he said those were not going to, we're going to address that at putting and then what a similar problem not putting is going to have to come here for g 20 in november next to eh, and we're seeing that there must have been cut off. and allow him to come, eh, because i saw a friend and i she had to call me, didn't know crimes against us. what gains either human beings and we thought to being justified as to the actions that they have taken. so that we think put in was
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the way to come to inside the forgetting that to no one wants be at us. that if he said he's for the 5th, think it's realistic to are based upon minute stuff is all benjamin natania and the former defense minister, you'll walk along the peace puts up what do you just need to come to this to be a complaint with the international law 30 say, and what are the products that being issued and everybody else has presented those west the communities that go to georgie to make sure that to the centers. how would you come back? thanks. and that would come as a result of your aligning yourself with russia. the u. s. would come in the you would come in with things is how would you come that? how would wednesday i would tentative for me. i get to know that i shouldn't. so if we were able to come back to those functions that they're waiting post on them and i can, you call them girl i, under the sanctions. and ever so we, i p that a the, where it is becoming, it might to pull less type of aware that way if this my guess lose other markets
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would open alternative. i mean, it's a nice day where the pics community am, if you're up close, if america close, we can look at in the pics, communities as to which ones can they take our product, we can produce for us as see devices and produce for the continent. this way, because this is not necessarily in time to connect to that it's influence would be to next tend to that. even though i'm a button congress, would it be un evelyn add to create a with us. we can not allow me to go to continue to validate all of us on the basis that the power to impose sanctions. when i say that it's but it's got to touch you and that if you're doing, i agree with me. i'm going to use a big but as i speak to silence, what would you say to the economic dependence of south africa on western states today? no, it's dependence on those either
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a western states. it is a coven. i 1st met time now. yeah, waking those relations now when the toilet and you'll shift to those interests in toward tentative interests because whatever we are exchanging with the west doesn't mean we're kind of exchanged with other countries. there are many other countries and as who are about to gauge in the support of price. yeah. you should also know that there wouldn't be consequences and a how do you come by those? you start preparing what a tendency for my kids and they've been improving or treating relations with that. i said, said, do you think countries with in africa have enough students? i'm resources to be able to feed themselves from with the new colonialism there. they actually did african countries. what is forwarding this way to, to get the,
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as we saw the african resources, this report would not be it. what they, i mean they would not be a con, through quote, to friends if the us and offering funds is what it is because of the expectation of the resources of africa. and therefore, a my didn't, if we amended us can do for that because countries how much those members can do it for us. so we must make sure that we, we, we, we mission our lives, our land is owned by african state. we missed our lives or resources and we use those resources and that's what a lot of and the member of the resources to exchange a months our sense and played free to go to that for can you call them? it is not. well, of course we're now in the globalized with where we need each other, but it doesn't mean obviously got, we thought this before would tie, hopefully, gigs is that we thought we had spoken about too. but, and russia and some of the missiles that have been provided by russia into this i
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want to know from you because the last time this happened, did it did to n. yeah. an yeah, very near no kit will. now, if russia what to repeat that, what do you think would happen today? that's what the medication would be thinking about because i would, i should, can repeat it. and the cube bents without them because the cubans in this but i take a good relationship. and with what i see and, and, and, and we received a lot of support from relation, so i've taught medicaid and posted them by going to and so, and, and with the whole thing is about this a new deal is so something so much that every move has to be pro private calculated because you can create a new kill and no one west engaged in that kind of will. but the way a medicaid is dealing with an issue is dealing with it being available, nicholas, man. and if he doesn't take into account the possibility of engaging in an appeal
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that happened, reports that the u. s. has ballistic missiles in poland. why do you think this has not brought the will to the brink of a collapse at considering the statement that i made earlier on that if russia were again to supply mis files into the, the last time that happened, it led to the near nuclear war. but considering the fact that the u. s. is making inroads and building these, these, these, these bases, particularly this one in poland. why do you think that hasn't come to a point where we are reaching the stage of a new kill? it is, it is a lot of pointing in that direction and i left something it gets to be done. and then by, like i said in the election thing that made it kind of suggested that installation . today she made a calculations, it could be a possible improvement of relations,
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which can possibly avoid this a new deal. a does not in the best interest of anyone a but a lot of action. so i'm not going to for the, the on wind up being sort of 10, a 12 when to start to get preparing in that direction. and it will not be good for intentional stability, any intention of peace. every meta ought to be resolved peacefully. eh, through their bodies such as you and that made a come us, that respect was not to use individual power, was able to time down on tape with a decision or the majority to which 6 to bring about the way to present south africa and russia. one of the countries that are advocating for multiple in the world, you pointed to this earlier on. and given the fact that the west wants to maintain its hedge many, what kind of an ideas would you put forward to prevent wisdom conflicts
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that are taking place around the world? no, there multiple ways is the way out of this way. there is no big brand that wants to impose a so to have views on the people of the web and, and at the center of that, would it be tool, you know, engage and start trying it changes in the un, especially that you and so could take less time and do away with that the federal power which wouldn't have a one content that is good capacity to just and you know, undermine the majority. even if you vote or low few s one against that the country does use the federal and the vehicle for attends continuous nice stuff. so we need to change this to that time frame. and the u. n. n. did this simple
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democratic that they told us a such as that. and so what am i to, to, to my food in the case all fair and then you and you can even say to say it is 2 things. one, but let to day we or the my daughter to be respected because now able to sing as that is being done, then it's a waste of time, as long as this, or that country, which has good federal power, doesn't agree, it will revert to a very progressive court decision, if a you and decisions with biting is loading and that will weigh everything in the middle east. they made me progressive resolutions that with a towards m. as in advice you eh, what could have taken a piece for the gold wrote that said less not expanded the network to the police, to a point where we put it in place and stuff btn, secrete and it's sort of need to because it will be forced to defend itself,
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i often hear a lot of people advocating for africa to have a permanent voice within the un security council. you mentioned that just now, but i would like to know from you what exactly needs to be done for africa to be recognized in that fashion for it to be a permanent voice that within the un security council. no. do i mean this? i'd love to come and, and all of us again, quintin into most of the lifting puppets. they need to elect people to a winter challenge. they stay testable and not from a, an ellipse series. and they must be able to put that big case in such a way that the voice is being hacked. so we have a lot of loans that get either elected to yet in the continent they go day and then they go shopping. instead of going to fight at to, for the coordination of f, ken clinton. and so we still have quite a long way to go with the left. some of the countries in africa that has been
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paying quarterly out of texas to funds and, and, and things like that. and we expect such people to go to the u. n. scripts cancel or not create that africa must be added presented. so we need to pull it together, question ties and take well with the african continent and position africa in the u . n. security concept at the same level as in the time. uh, but i see i may be caught in or not because video is that where you want a and i tried with what more resources than them, but went through to like a whether step children of the way. because i knew that she hasn't demonstrated that power to force their security console, and they do and to agree that application would be a permanent member or this could cancel. the security council is becoming one of
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the strategic organs, the of the you. and then it's important that we have twice and that voice ought to be permanent, and it must exercise the same as the best of permanent members. i exercise. well, some efforts and leaders have accused the waste of influence, the outcomes of elections, or the even i choose the waste of coming into africa and the guys off come between tibbetts and what would you say to such education is through. they therefore lose my new political elections, especially in the congress where the institutions are not that in order in that regardless, and by the way in the middle, it'd be, as it is, the i know the opposite of us. and if you try to be enough, zillow, 50 button, but it does not apply to me. points of finger at you. that if you still want to stay here, this kind of things is not going to be taught identity. we are at democracy. that
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is to my child, our people are becoming more clever and clever and a not up to a very long time. when we realized through freedom in outside the western influence, west, the west and influenza is through cochise, through media. now that is on tentative platforms to counter it, doesn't matter. that's why even when the mainstream media wants to see whatever it wants to see. as the tentative media gives us the correct information that we can critique, analyze, and accept which one becomes a better vision. look at out of to today they, they tend to do so that we can, but nothing has stopped us from accessing that. like a news. as they thought were lighting one day my little. and that's how they wanted to influence us the west. so that they only feed us through the menus to the newest b plus what is actually a pending between device you and your crew door. tentative media has given us very
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oddities of voice. it kinda inspiring in those countries. and so it definitely got it in that much, much more better position now to say, well, with the price. yeah, well with the palestine with the eh, and cuba and things like that to the so how region is conte investigating ukraine with regards to it's coming into this a hell regions, particularly in a sedan. and so nadia was, it's weapons, they have a brewing an ongoing conflict on the doorstep. why do you think they are diverting the resources in places like so done with, like i said to, they don't have any, any must have the power to can even extend themselves to any other country be out always used as upfront as usual. no way ever. you find your creed,
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they west, then forces interest that whatever it is so it can be that confronted with the right. yeah. you can still open that, not upfront. when do you know you, i'm really totally chinese. so it is not that the own fits the instability to be. it benefits the west, and that's why they are now sending the people to one to continue more confusion as to where in that part of our appointment. so that there is no stability. and the continued to benefit from that being said, it was, this was me not to ask you since this the how regent is investigating ukraine for literally being in some of these regions in africa with weapons. it would be with this is me to ask you that. what do you think the, the african union then would say about these actions by tube? that's what they should be able to do after getting, you know, ensure pronouncing satisfactory to way that is not going to allow that kind of
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contacting them in the continent. they're coming from your creek and not leave the day. there must tickets to the u. s. and to hold for the condemning of the eggs, all federal credit because that i'm acceptable by the one to it. a good the pockets of this. but what would you say needs to reform in international institutions to literally be able to hold powerful figures to account even given the fact that those instances, for example, with a direct coupon that you've accused them of allowing nato in the instance of libya . do you think that coming up with ways to reform these international institutions would still go back and be able to trace these because in that involvement in these issues around the world, do you think that it is possible? it is possible, and that's why we're calling for the consummation of difficult to concept so that
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it can bite. and you know, it can be that the people who have committed such serious crimes, it doesn't matter when they are left untouched. i mean then the people killed the, the jews as bill being at us that till today do find a man what kind of walk you know, weird che, being tied because it was part of a heat loss military concert that acute the joyce people. so if we can still do it, could we could do it with a jewish people, we might be able to do it with able to what way people in the way killed in an unjustifiable manner. and or bubble as that is once a board. and it, which was the responsible and in 20 black we, we have a 20 to follow them up for as long as you have alluded to mr. flog me putin being in defense mode. and so far as the developments there between
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it's and ukraine, that is russia. where do you think the line is all the states defending its national security and escalations of tens? no, they did that. when you defend your territories, pretend as maybe to be able to get and you said to the president of ukraine does make it simpler pronouncement that you're not reading, that. it's as simple as that, and the guy is, is not committing to that because you know, many is a commit. anything tokens of west point today. so that does that. can, that can be pissed soon. and then, and when i shift, it's ok if you continue with this, it will act in self defense, you know, as a way or push back. and then your kidney insist. and if we escalate and there's no way a if i chose not going to escalate. if,
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if you create escalates and especially with the kind of sophisticated web points that they do not have to actually is going to have to use its own sophisticated weapons and to defend itself. and america is to be blamed because america is the one that does supply new k. i talking about america. i want to go back to donald trump. she did speak about him earlier on. i want to ask you, what do you make of he's in pending 2nd to him in the white house, given he's stones and the statements that he's made about africa. do you for see any changes or weakening or strengthening of u. s. relations and africa? no, i, i expect to continuation of the same you as a teacher to us, the width and the republicans, and the democrats. i've been saving these legs thing to me. and if the customer makes that been very clear, it's like saying to me, i must say differentiate between the 2 issues. the one show
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a of the same pair of suicide and say, this one is better than the other one, but is the same pair of shoes. a bunch of wood with 2 different shoes. so, eh, in america, it, whether public ends or democrats, the american interests to supersede in the interest. the difference is in the approach, like i said to you, tom is not a fund that to go for. and he's the men will believes that we can relate to what we want to achieve for all other means. and what likely to see some form of a resolution in ukraine. and i share because he's got some respective insightful and putting in one see what's going to happen in, in the middle east because they'd be yes eaten
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a lot of jewish money. so you may be happy to kindly t in taking a very curious band when it comes to this affordable is that i then all of that. but if they don't only slightest smallest thing is that the guy is not for me, not to go for it. and, and that have size because that's what we want. we want a piece for that as a new sheet. but america, even when it intervenes, it will not intervening the best interest of anyone it or find the methods in mackenzie to continue american agenda. even if it's not for the well, let me move to the i m f and the world bank and the influence within the economy of africa. do think they are alternative financial institutions that can certainly help a lift gate. the economic, dia, condition of african states, boots,
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bank must be strengthened, there must be more investment into pretty expand, and the must be my investment in order, tentative banks because the i m f and the world bank. i'm not interested in building a fleet. the assistance to the african countries is to come up with them and say to them, you'll come perform such and then at $22.00. so kind of put money in this in that and you, when you look at that, it is actually the things that you kind of put money in was that are 2 major things that they have my responsibility or for state. and when they say you can put the money in these things, spend, impose, or 13 measures the exile eclipse in that state. they're not helping africa as far. so i think that the more emphasis has to be made. and that tends to such as critics pain. they should be strengthened and so that they can be able to, to add african countries and the countries the.


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