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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  November 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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to ask all of the questions, some more questions ask the better. the answer is will be the hello and welcome to worlds, the parts. with the warning ukraine and the tumbling of jazz are 0 thing. most of the air time. the world has been almost a believe this to the violence insta. dont just have to be the worst displacement and humanitarian crisis in the world of despair in moments, efforts to mediate as have produced the results. and the time smacked of extortion was all who can bring it to a close to both to discuss that i'm now joined by jobs. so read all tab, executive director of speak for a for studies and developing a suit. any thing time doctor, i'll tell you up is a great to talk to thank you very much for taking the time. thank you. that's in
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and so if you, for taking the time from diversity in addressing what's happening. and so though, that i've seen some estimates suggesting that the scale of violence, suffering and destruction incident eclipse has both the war in your brain and the conflict in gaza combined. and yet it receives significantly less attention, both from the media and from the international community. what do you think explains that? what's happening here? so then here's by all means. so is only because i really did in crisis of all types like we're talking about almost 26000000 people in the interior. you need to call me, i'm talking about drills, media and display is and list can i use tools enabling tennessee is we are talking about lying really into an outside law for schools. my team, we understand it is uh, both on bar and it was supposedly innovative. so it will have the, uh, the,
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the books in the weird, assuming deity and cross, and scott, and 12 so little thoughts of on the 6 to avoid long since that a portion of the situated sort of very mean can we do time. but i despise them all of the hottest if when you 30 tactics and what does that? so is so, i mean, said weakness by the lives in the last 50 as low as the equipment they see. data is really nifty. the attention from is a, with total quantity come, little goes up to 60 minutes of past lives on many scenes work as a me, you have these on all you seem to be as a beating that it is about about the loading. so the series and then if that's mean broadcasting by 40, but what a spark the community using we utilize it. part of them it is we try to just defines all of those for you. so done as well. again, this is plenty is kind of or i get is
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a unit the me through the game and other than doing is to do more critique or receiving the rules. and so that is cool. you may have any attempt to cover letter and life was the crime school meeting, but as orders, if you can see it useful, see we deemed up. i also want to mention something that a one high ranking your unofficial side about it. he said, that's t a rather sad that this conflict is being ignored due to the so called psychic phenomena where people feel more pathetic towards the tragedy as the death toll continues to climb. to some extent, i think that's understandable. people around the world have their own lives to attend to, but we have special agencies. we have special institutions like be a for mentioned to you around to deal with those issues. they have the expertise, they have the resources of a base point of time. how would you assess di involvement and di response to this
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i'm going emergency. so you insist being was a, you know, mean duty and order quality can have lena see, and yet for some time, but the community and so that as you and feel the supports of times the savings. so then, so to more for the transition of those that have meetings and so hope you know, even he says in 2019 total. uh, excuse me. and just let me get on. what are the c, u, d n. c will come to the community as a whole sale support is that funds you shouldn't be in a steve or uh give him a quick transition. and this led to a cool new into the tool kit. and keyboarding bought the with allies to top. it was a cv and sometimes a satisfied thing among themselves into and they said in 2023. the investment community has too many competing interests. as the u. m is feeling the full need to see uh owns these to meet in a city of a supplier and i and the dimensions that i've been to the is the situation. so the
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and also else i can, i just clarify uh, something that you just said that the international community failed to support the civilian transition. uh and so done. what exactly do you have in mind because you also have been critical and unwilling to accept any kind of for an intervention? so what measures do you think that you should have taken to make this civilian transition? by the way, you work for that civilian government to yourself, or to make it more stable to help with take groups in the, in a country that has been, let's admit, brutalized by violence for many years. it's really just call you wherever cause assistance info stuff. beauty is that transitional cause a prime minister during the transition and a continual status kind of that. so the nice little community was the morning said to me, telling jesus why is that, you know, when you uh,
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from civilian government and just selling clothes is out settings that will result walk ins, all walk ins. for example, as a us government continue to clean was the sanction based on the national. so then as that as, as a state sponsor of to resume for almost 20 years of that is um, after the after this is denise be able by themselves without no problems or ways many seem to have be don't bring down one of the with a space let me use the sheets in the world any know if you go and after that to me and, and just to beeping some sort of of support for the medical community to tell this type of like the nothing media new post closer government. however, the you is the 5, the i to filing the last name. so the designing abraham alcohol in the steering to both of these parents ending or these being the name of the after the call in to
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any, to anyone the you in. is it a new and has the guide me to the entire government in a given c or for was a consistent east coffee guy as a form? i was informed, i'll try you out through the week. anything came on a tim to uh, to, to review. this is a, oh, how is in the your is and your, the, the we saw the, the image. it's the absolutely sideline display. lots of don't seem systems in all of these done picking and choosing how to go do so. i mean, if the facts and that sort of thing, which really feigning their unbeknownst for bell or an in the tween circuit and talk about how do you understand the interest of those belligerent forces, the military on one side and depaula merit and military and grouping? what are they fighting for at the moment? because from what i know be so do these economy is in collapse of farmers kind of
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do the jobs. half of the population is facing acute food and security. are there any resources, apart from the heavily brutalized population to be fighting over? there is no, i know this is awful. it's part of the wrist, as it is in a good risk. also maybe continues to control many of the resources on some time. this has started useable, we try being with them. i mean very easy to in the english mining is that's being done. the ends of all true is mean one of the allies under the unit. i really, really didn't on one of the laws. why uh, bypass these house connection to the image, especially because of the marketing debate. and also what was the deal for you? because uh those they should also then the controls over 700 uh mines in file. oh, it's sort of invalid. see, which is the biggest uh it was, uh,
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it was a little old. so, and it's, it's also a media the source. uh, is the wills on saturday, customer line. and we have other tenants easy equity. and johnny knows the tried for a very long time. and uh, working technical line, bouncing around with that being and can you just to digs the line so 99 years on to the zip codes, even east the 18th. even as a simple things. uh my mother was uh, would allow him to do me uh, grass the, uh the for the community. this may have the communities of course old was developed a lot of these uh, products. uh so, so basically i think the land and water will, will solution. obviously, i mean things that makes a lot of, of the super bowl already in general, the super bowl or the silver border answer the, the boards who want to be super close as well on the view over to them. a base
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point of time. do you believe that any civilian government can manage the situation on its own and what kind of, how can we be concrete? what kind of how you think would be the best for your country? oh, think it's not any civilian government. it seems you have the community and government to keep going to call her in the country. it is almost, we need to understand. one thing about this for this war is happening with you any between tool, but i do smoke alone. olds in is far, much way of the also works. most of us all those if was disability before, is that a good support forces? we're part the most just a few years ago. you know, cool. does that. i gave me this evening. it's ends in uh, so for most control over orders if on orders, if freely, uh, is uh, 5 feast and a be soon off. and so it's in either of us and they tend to the feed sandfield
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gould $1.00 to $15.00. so it's really 23 about my forwarding boards far between an easy way, e and, and, and get to exactly too busy. so or so without actually seeing use me for meetings or me, find a dismantling. ghost is also autos. if, as an institution, the main goal, we move him carefully started beeping little on democracy in stuff that wasn't that less ultimately because to say in, in the community they need to stop doing fear. is that how superficial and misguided in good sense in that is that try to address the, the risk of cause of a bubble of a guy suit, a blind iphones items of the school maybe by sitting bought this particular these odyssey is,
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is even in allowing institution and the only thing for the school least of a lot of things that can seek more and more, we have to take a very short break, but i promise you to return back to these very pressing issue of the for an intervention in your country. so stay with us, we will be back in just a couple of moments. the course of near wish lots of stuff is a way out of the t at the fortune immersion. that suddenness fortune. she wasn't able to deal with the story and pushing nate or studio and i see for sure option that this be so for ship off, we started last week and you want to do it was a school in your welski territory. so this could save the natural logos of it. so formally ship portion of the provide me think about football. i still knew about chavo in gold and on my side as close i, you was a door to door board. i was at ocean,
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i continued to go out and i get bully now. probably not sure of the south, the storm to see about. so those sort of it to show full so comfortable to develop those to me just got a snap gasket full which was coming out on the bus, which is still going to me. so i'm on the portion of your stomach i thought maybe going in go, are you still not on talk about some of what you get to talk about ski provides bundle of g. comfortable go for the summer but on they're not. i mean, yeah, the, the stuff i dropped off some of the stuff, some of the the
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welcome back to was a part with jobs for me. i'll tell you up, executive director of the pro for studies and development. the sued in his think time now. uh, doctor, i will say if i do want to discuss uh for an intervention, but before we go there, let me ask you specifically about the claims of the arab supremacist ideology that's set to be running high within both the warring factions. i'm not an expert here, so i'm asking for a, for your opinion here. i've heard that there was a certain sat of our commanders, especially with the power military force. what have a fascist or supremacist out of ideology, some of them hailing from the western dar 4 region and they're able to report that some of them believe that this is sort of dialogue that everybody else has to be driven out then that you know,
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they're the sole rightful owners of that place. is that true? it's true, but it's more complicated than sends out by the same quin. what we originally it was the 10 you will see is that describes the ideal you'll sort of if is is that i do say our fax is through an estimate. so lucy is part of 12 of, of thoughts or the offices of defining. uh, good, good estates, full size, easy. well, this, well, this is an exuberant be sabrina st. he's being all kinds of fact that won't cover as of interest orders if these are miles here is the nice. yeah. see what they want to use to does the resources going towards the country going towards the land and why they are doing this? they are using the estimate bully beef, as i recall thing that the cause including method to recruit people from easily from say, it'd been,
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is being close to drawings in regards to learning this think only the of of orders, disney dancing. they've only the mass i to most of these, unless building again is that unless our lead team or did you need out in may and june 20 twenty's the i'd be any stairs of our, with our own awfully conductor, for the tribes legal making things my schooling i was hoping to have anything loves the only thing is the theme uh most of these last billing identities. uh no, i didn't use other products and i use people, chrome or defendants in other areas. and so done like what's happening, you know, giving you the scanning for example, the leaves in the list. that's really the oddest if guilt, almost 2000 people on the screen and it gives you the incentive, so that blog from our defense. so um, what were the things that they are destiny fact busy whose lives have been already penny are as if you mean the words they are using the as, as,
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as it that deep rouse others and i was then then jimmy weeks. uh the now i read that there are also cases so if i trust that is an ethnic lansing being committed by the army side as well. so none of them is particularly attractive to the forced to leave the country and to the future. now. uh recently um, how do doesn't that sound nice house do i have to go into some things? yeah. because yes, the army normally and defending the armies to stay and operate this, you know? so then as a look at these times before, love, i'm telling dean, cause this, this new was the 25th to about south. and me being is need, ah, i think be as grinding it was when you look at the i took on position. all sorts of either the shape of stuff itself you find, you know, from little by mouth. you'll notice from data for you in or something will know, you know, you shouldn't begin or false. i'm glad to see that you submitted the fest,
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missing information to lieutenant didn't click on the slides. i means that, you know, likely have fewer resources inside of your wi. lots won't look. he tells you about the extent of savings information and this information got to be we have a probably a war between going back out this float. the do this, but one of them is lord, is that how it works? but as a tim phone said, the name is very important because groups name is green media to cover how, but is the fact that the uh, the business information has this information lives is on may last year when it's on the update and reports of our city of central and vitamins to start to happen. that was the last school, the cd and from which no problems flowing into the islands that slip by the handle of the former prime minister. as soon as the main of all 3 of kansas 5,
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they do some school, maybe the local police, and you own the much the same thing here. you know, the love to spot the look of the comfortable scene on the to have 0 or the statement loans. the said like the living by the others. if i'm city or the excuse is with only the vice of 12, it was well, only at that time that all of these cases will only be wise odyssey is well the, it was an attempt from them to police through he wants to play of was there was a public outcry, and this will be called crowded force that the medium from the rules are these big me and i will die about the will keep reflect the, i'm sure, is that the calls and usually information on distribute things that mean. this is not just avoid the good level where does this fix the projects and will see media this affects the likelihood and safety also being one team or the products are be want for rooms out of this all this for sometimes i had on until of this war we
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need to be fine except the way that it is kind of coming from when you just trying to be name and that you are commuter, by distributing. cause um is the bleeding and bolts uh whole samples that lives like this. you know, all the buildings are blinking and then we'll need to continue doing that. but it seems that they are doing. i think it also shows that the fail, statehood is a very complex phenomenon. and you truly need to think very carefully and deliberately about how to lead the, you know, a country through that very precarious transition that simply having a civilian government. there's nothing out there shouldn't be indeed an organized effort both by the local society, but also by the neighbors well wishing neighbors and perhaps all the actors to how that very vulnerable and precarious process to go on, rather than leaving it on the, on its own. and exploring it for various,
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your political or economic reasons. now, now that we have come to the point of discussing for an intervention, you mentioned before, the role of the united arab emirates being very critical accusing it of funneling weapons to the part of military and groups. how do you understand the and the rabbits interest at this point? what are they trying to achieve? their i'm so one mills at susie's a bite cecille and itself. when he had had in the beginning or since he had in january 2024 or the floor. excellent. why the buys that you didn't then experience of like basically even the dates the to that for pointing finger diet at the daily and for painting, single immunization, you know, within $1591.00. is that about the transform to some of that? and after that, and you had like the buildings of independent reports from different media outlets. the human being was
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a continuous support of the continuous leave lines, lines of supply of weapons. to do is the artist, if even that for the swivels are be withdrawal. so these people, all of these are things that is austonia borders of easily send beings honors. if about the ones that are going to be friends with ones i assume with us to, to other countries, that's through their peoplesolved problem or no. uh, this is what i'm seeing using kind of tim is give a crime of aggravation. but i usually use that stuff support the as obviously of seems to be once, and it was the same thing that i'm trying deals they have to go moving him through was his horse. and then so as i mean here that are in the center at that time and for that they are holding the screen. so is the only way they can install the ones
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they list it with that with the you and as they are using some sort of the blue matrix of humanitarian diplomacy, they'll tell they've how do understand their interest because i'm very skeptical of various, uh, independent or un reports, i mean i, i used to be a reporter award importer in leaving syria and i know how these documents, uh, you know, compose their hardly independent. but since you are a, an expert, then the your and your definitely they have an interest in the wellbeing of, of your country. how do you understand all of those 4 in interventions? because it's not only the united arab emirates, and not only is there all, you know, that the roster too has been accused in west and media off supporting the part on military force. so i want to understand why those nations are sad or indeed involving themselves in that matter. i think most of most of you, a year and model is already visual, have uh interest teams or wills. and so that is ready basically because of the june
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location. and we're on the south is any good off south buicks in which was of use and rights to grow system down here to space. as i said, the way he is looking outside the customer of land tides, i'd say that seats towards also done and you know, decent to because of all russia as being also known to be very much involved of things. uh well, uh, some of the late functions done. and by the way it lets say you smoke one of your support things. uh odyssey is mercedes leaving both sides on some more of the beds . they have the other leasing, see going south, and they have 0 relationships with all of us. if not. so it was a 5 minute ago when she's list for nick the i've been useful thing for you because uh well well, well wait a 2nd the because this is a very serious allegation. uh back there. a group is a private group that stage last year that stays the cool against the russian government. i mean, they were russian service men that were killed and that's cool. so it was
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a very shady story and it's true that the russian government relied on their services both in ukraine and i think perhaps in some other places as well. but it is clearly, it is also clear that the crumbling does not issue orders to back in their wagner can oppose kremlin very strongly. so when you say that the russians involved on both sides isn't the russian nation. i was the do you mean on i, you actually really? yeah. you know, do you actually have in mind the crumbling, the official russian government who's trying to, you know, pull the strings and your country the criminal. and of course, as reason could do both. formerly states, i believe this english is gaming you'd certainly since the boy is up for one of the states, i believe this in so that it was at the beginning stuff was as well as the greetings has us on, on speech. as you know, as you very much know, uh physical or flag later when uh, some people may be speak uh the violent will was the lean brown beach as i'll see,
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can troops as the continue to uh, have some religious in all the expensive business dies in africa, that's true. i'm not sure that because in the guidance of the many other nations. yeah. and, and then i'm talking to you as well. i'm not talking about nations. i'm talking about just about another group which has a very complicated think maybe with ups and downs. really easy and see what we have with us and uh, go up and look lift, smoke. forget that. said the rob rules in, in the few weeks before the war, when he was in some dance team booklet, the defense of random variables and they've given to them. and they are saying that they're out of toby insight into losing and, and just of advise exec empty. so basically this was the restroom following the fields mr. king, making these things up. so robin,
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the rules that was known for cleaning supplies and as to the other thing was nice, is that just 2 months later than is here or was was different the button and the those are all papers as you oh, i'm sure, well, no security in africa is a very precarious matter. there are indeed a request for private contracting services or coming to wagner or perhaps some other officials from various african groups or african nations that even though it's. * does not, i think the prove that thrasher in some matters, supports terrorism or the violence against your country. i think if anything, i think it would benefit from, you know, normalizing the relationship. because as you pointed out, it also may have interest in the, you know, warm water, 4th, etc. but since we have to finish our conversation, i want to ask one of those questions. what would you like russia and any other interested nations to do at this point of time given the level of violence?
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what, what house, at this point of time to the people on the ground, not the various factions, but the people who are still suffering towards the dimensions that's happening was done right now for them, for info orders. and that's trying to, uh, to see if this went into this auto home from work leads and dimensional community is go in both extreme and you'd be amazing experience. gusto b, o, a also continuous support as autos. if this is almost makes things easier and quickest, we most folks to load incidence or will look, has continued in the way you have a store. uh supply is a way problems. and this applies to the autos. if you'll be able to, you know, size you'd gimme, gimme anything, and accordingly do view lane. it's in there for a 2nd in sports about western in general and also for the eastern. com. you may experience that ident indicating to towards that and then stop leaking and causing
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you to stop or from the see the easy me is pull from this is denise political have best. this will be me want out of the home he was or how does that i controls only presents in the west have support be the alliance that's mean won't come from the uh, body of the list when i'm now, but the i now it seems here is hopes that he might all these kinds all this is deemed up, let us in as will how does that all items of some community these google few that have been sent to stop the war, need to stop towards the collective beneficial for somebody. he's being work field for the police because unbox is deemed all safe in gwinnett because he owns the names that holds the old for the leaders. okay, dr. al, to have we have to leave it there. but the i strongly side with your point of view that the war needs to stop for the benefit of the people. thank you very much for being with us and hope to see her again. on the was
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a part of the in february 2022 ukraine, the game, the world's number one new store, a ukraine, new brand, new credit, it brand new crane pressure, true invaded ukraine, new loan perspective, ukraine suffering from russian english. and we seen the main stream media and the nightly news, reciting, clean developed scripts that essentially say exactly the same thing using the buzz words of this is a threat to our democracy. when you see 10 different channels a exactly that sentence, you know that it's the central intelligence agency script. the role of p r firms in ukraine throughout europe and into united states or.


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