tv News RT December 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST
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[000:00:00;00] the the pay off the rating of the georgia and capital is the 3rd night in a row, outside donations pro european president who backs to demonstrate it says, she will not stand down even without them expires this month. as usual, we're on location. you can see the cloud shift, please hold a member of the european parliament. it's within a plan to shake the political establishment in leasing, pulling the rug from a ton to the prime minister,
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calling for an investigation into so called crimes of brutality against the protesters. and the n g o calls when the programs serious president violence to crush the terrorist uprising of the country's northwest report say above a 1000, militants have been killed into shaka, pensive, big on the all right, i live for almost do it yourself. the full be, i'm locally on this sunday, this is all to international. i real research a and a very well welcome to you. i'll top story for you this hour here on. i tell you the trojan capital have a look at those pictures. fost resembling a was own raging gold finger the street. so please see, and it's a consecutive night of protests by pro western demonstrators on their end g o's, and they're all demanding closer ties to the european you the yeah, cool. but what you want the machine gun fire,
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what kind and apparently being aimed directly at the police. so we're trying to break up the malay as protest of school and government buildings. meanwhile, george's president, who supports the pros, is movement, has conveniently said that due to the current situation, she will not see the pallet even when the hood time expires in the coming week for the day. but i would like to inform the public that the president, the only independent, legitimate entity left in this country, has received popular approval. here. we'll meet again tomorrow. i will be with the people i invited and with whom i will be at the forefront of this political process because i remain your president. there is no legitimate parliament, an illegitimate parliament cannot elect a new president. therefore, there can be no and all your ration and my mandate continues until there is a legitimately elected parliament that legitimately chooses who should replace me. i am and remain with you in regard to some of the well,
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her plans may need to change because georgia has prime minister has insisted the nation's president has got to leave a post at the end of hotel, which is in weeks 5 minutes to add it with the country it will not hold another round of parliamentary elections, which the opposition is to bonnie because they last well, some of europe and politicians are raising the stakes and taking a stab of democracy or for another class and to shake off the political establishment in tbilisi and try and leave the car in a prime minister without the job. see my suggestions to move forward from this crisis caused by the betrayal of children's european path by its leaders come a huge zoo and initiate the 1st step should be immediate resignation of prime minister. erect click of a huge zoo and minister of internal affairs, locked down glory, establishing of an interim technocratic government of national unity. the process to be led by president salumi service city, an e u. lead international investigation of the crimes of brutality against
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journalists. opposition to representatives and protest as should that's all the primary responsibility for yesterday's want and riley lives with the rent of in europe and politicians and bureaucrats as well as the local agents but fits collin, represented by 4 political policies yesterday. it also became clear to everyone that old policies are fully aware of the situation. the radicals demand for and patrons, however continuously attempt to fabricate, excuse these things, destabilize the country, and push for the new crane. always nation of georgia. what may? yeah, the one to stand is that i'm like you create in 2013. georgia is an independent state with strong institutions and most importantly, experienced and why is population. this resilience cannot be shaken. the my down to scenario will not take place in georgia. georgia is a sovereign states, and the georgia government will not allow it. cool. and of course we are there on location, right. and i think if it are corresponded is charlotte events can here in the
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middle of the road just leading up to the problem. and you can see the power case of being in place. and i just want to bring you to the back of these are occasion, you can see how the holding them off. they have ripped up please benches on the streets. and they using these to prophecies barricades. and the reason they put in the power to say is because further down the street towards liberty square, we have to to canon all ready to come off as well with police police poking the roads over to the sides. please fucking the roads down here, down, hey, basically making over for capital into one area. we just come up to the george and call them building your guy. know, because we come inside some of the process of being able to get into the building. and they've solved a fire, we know that they have been smashing some of the windows involved and you can hear the noise is most of that noise is protested,
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banging against the barricades. but we understand from that not only have the purchase and to be able to get inside the building where there are only security personnel, but they've also been able to start a fire. and you can just the building and building of this for the people coming out onto the street to show with the car and stuff like that to suspend, to essentially seems awful until at least 2028. the, we've just come down to the boat to move roast the valley street, which is about 250 to 300 meters away from the georgia in parliament. and as you can see, just behind me, we have a large contingent of the police supposedly working behind for more to kind of use it all ahead of them. i'm
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a heading towards protest this. there was so i was in support testers, outside the parliament. they have been smashing the windows, they've been throwing fireworks at the police. both those are being thrown on is really becoming a bit of a mess. once again. this 3rd noise in the road that we seeing touches now after hours and hours of patiently waiting. we're now finally seeing the police that coding up. besides here or getting ready to go in to disperse those for testers. let's see how this turns out. the well those barricades that the process is attempting to put double new street completely dismantled by the will to cannons and already i can tell you that these 2 gas in the you can just be the sort of acidic goodness of it. within your throat . i assume that means it is being flung in the way if
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a protest is of which will really be quite a difficult thing to deal with, give them that they will being canceled in from quite a lot of sites. you can see the cloud just again trying to get them to move away from the polymer. police effectively. not just pushing down the valley avenue, detroit control. i'm away from the polymer building. they have been attempting damage even of some of the moving, but really you've already got smoke pushing down that way even where we all from a distance, we're getting a clear sense of how much do you guys use the
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of the people who are doing this for you because you might be able to know uh, the process of moving them to us. obviously this is an exclusive device. any shape or form? uh, you can have them being consistently and they get very far behind the police line so. so for the moment, we're just gonna stay here and grab some safety from this good old tree the what like towards the end of the night. so, so far. but i thought it was
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a good idea to see the protests in union. and then you have the government, which has elected overcharges, basically, the whole thing suspension to taking only the peaceful we have to do is then you go to about who is not that leads with a pro you elected person as who has the power here because of the presence she also is
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all on the military to help people who relationship with when it comes to both white means including you take away will have since we have seen violence on both sides over the last few days. but hours and hours and hours we saw standing and waiting and no response to the bottles that were thrown at them to the tones to the lazy feet. i think it's calm harold,
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parliament square the 3rd night so that the syrian army has a repel. the terrorist owns flawed in the countries come up, profits repeatedly taking full control of a number of towns. and this comes a bit of shock minutes, a defensive back by your usual culprits, but broke out in the north of the country earlier this week. meanwhile, in the level region, siri and a half forces of car without a series of strides on an enemy um would call them on the main highway that connects damascus. on the left, i will show you right here. the footage are set to be the middle of the strike. according to reports around a 1000 terrorists have since been killed since the thought of escalation on wednesday. i come a truth from the president for the trial outside of bombing to maintain serious territorial integrity and crush the uprising. yes, be made those comments. so during a phone call with his counterpart in the you, a, the president assad emphasized during the call that syria continues to defend its
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stability and territorial integrity against all terrorists and their supporters. and is able with the assistance of its allies and friends to defeat and eliminate those terrorists, no matter how intense their attacks may be. a spy thing of the city and the province of a level erupt. civilians are heading. so this for the chase showing people going towards the hum off provence. however, that's an area of reportedly with terrors. factions of also lined up in that cross has as well and with the reported melting part of foreign terrorist. fueling the fire and syria is key of somehow play a role. well, damascus has confirmed that ukrainian troops arrived and it lifted trained terrorists, offering them weapons in exchange from bond problem. so for a moment, let's have a look at the of the shows of like the regime are in cahoots, who the international service in syria. now that statement would be hard to believe
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if you're a supporter of modern ukraine. well, we're here is syria, and we have on denial evidence on the far battery, the lines between ukraine and the terrorist. hi ya. so we're all shop, formerly known as on those fronts, things for theater. so it's a day and thank you for the photo proof that you've given us concerning ukrainian say here in syria, or can you comments on these photos that you provided for us? we've received information from our sources working in a blood province that several ukrainians have arrived there. they are preparing several higher tire l. sean militants to strike at the syrian troops base in the home of province. and russian forces located at syrian him and they are base also the ukrainians asked terrier else militants to release chechen fighters, so they would join the ranks of the ukrainian army on the front line in ukraine and exchange. they will provide terrier l sham with modern drones kamikaze drones as
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well as some light and heavy weapons. it will be done through checkpoints controlled by the group on the turkish border. just a few days ago when i read this series, i was looking for various social media around the world. and i discovered this very strange video where uh some people were packing into instant noodles. what looked like drugs? i was reading the comments and they were saying it's a very high psychoactive drugs that helps people to stay awake. and these drugs were apparently going to ukraine for you create new fighters. is there anything, any news from you about that? i can definitely draw a parallel between these facts arm to groups including terrier el sham, live, and suffocating conditions as they are totally blockaded by the syrian army. while the inhabitants of the intellect province don't want these groups to remain in power. terry,
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all sham fighters are so afraid and confused that they consume narcotic hand doping substances in order to remain fully prepared in case they have to fight russian or syrian troops. their situation is similar to the one ukrainian troops are now the and on the front lines against russians. the connection between the ukraine and the militants of the yacht, the rear. all shaw i'm service group has been moved for quite a long time. so for east on the be to say and allegations local press has said that at least $250.00 structures arrived in from your range each of the local terrace. how to upgrade their drones and also the worst. what if you wouldn't miss accounts that ukrainians are actually here, but now we have discovered actual footage of be here. and right now we'll talk to the member all the russian armed forces and he'll give us the details just
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a couple of weeks ago. we finally got real confirmation of ukrainian instructor's presence in syria. they came to train the so called opposition, who are in fact terrorist to teach them advanced technologies and practices. in particular, how to control kamikaze. you avi's f p b drones. apparently these guys went out for a smoke and did not take them to account that we also have people working there. that's how we got these wonderful shots. you showed us a video, apparently taken somewhere on a ship featuring some very interesting weapons not seen in syria before. can you comment on that? this footage clearly shows the transfer under the guise of humanitarian aid of advanced kamikaze, drones or bearing munitions as to us cause them specifically a switch bleed 600 system. this is a fairly heavy impact drone that flies over long distances almost up to 80 kilometers. thanks to a par attached to its front, it can hover for about 20 minutes. mohammed was an inspector for
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a series education department in english before he and his wife were forced to flee from the province on their way to safety. mohammed's wife was severely wounded by the service. nevertheless, it was made it safely. i hear him. let's talk. yeah. now, mohammed is says that he still receives the rest from the service because he has quite a lot of information on what's going on in the lip. and that includes the exact coordinates of where you create in training camps are on the screening officers came to the province about 34 months ago. they were you a be experts. they entered a loop illegally through the syrian. so we're getting border, which has a long legs and many legal loopholes. once in the province, they contacted the ship, had a loose, real group, which is now coal tie up. i figured i'll show you quinn is begin to train fighters to produce assemble and launch you avi's. they're still in the province and there
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are even more of them. you korean officers for experts, came to syria to fight russian answering troops. that's their goal. their interest is not in the territory in the regime or anything else. the syrian state is a friend of russia and ukraine has now become an enemy. therefore, she's also an enemy for the syrian army. the presence of a russian friends in syria is what the cleanings are aiming for. the connection between international terrorist and syria and the great and military intelligence was also highlighted by russian foreign ministers, sergey leverett. the outbreak of war in syria gave rise to the terrors group higher to free or else from the western coalition continues to strikes syrian territory even now. in fact, inspiring the regime and key of to carry out similar terrorist activity in russian regions when attacks are carried out on civilians and civilian infrastructure. by the way, with the direct assistance of the west and on the territory of syria, zalinski is regime in coordination with the americans,
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trains terrorists from higher to hurry are all shawn with new technologies for the production of the waves. for the purpose of fighting against the russian armed forces in syria city are here, which is all fairly pro salt by local here in the seas, and certainly called berkeley. it is c, i a has a long standing for addition of flirting with a dregs of international society. now, according to a russian intelligence militants of the serial position faction, stuff and all right, so it's framed minutes since as well. i've been taking part in t of the russian against the people have done voss since 2014. now some of them say provide and having dedicated their lives to healing. 4 actions as they joined the rang sofa church and separates us. at the 3rd of the century, we have reliable data that i so militants and similar groupings are fighting against us as part of the good carrion and crime me into tar units. they are also part of sabotage and reconnaissance groups that are thrown into russian territory
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to commit terrorists attacks, etc. his house in the province in syria enjoy a relatively calm and carefully existence ready to spread their goals at the whim of their master. a few questions remain, however, what will they set their sights on when they will no longer be needed in your brain? and what will happen to all the weapons in their position that are already starting to flood black markets around the world. room on call for a marty syria. well yeah, on that note we spoke for the whole nice syria and about that it took a talk to an adult in a couple. he says there are many external actors involved, including key of, along with a host of western patrons that has been uh so for the glitches uh, of ukrainian intelligence officers living in it live on the bought the cities that says we noticed control of the city and state for 7
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years now the of the city and so cuz folders do play in heavy ukrainians, have been trainings and supply and city and service non city instead of the city live and elsewhere. the by intelligence play munitions and the more seriously by the germans that has been used in effect such as the city alone, in the sense that it's so the opinion intelligence is directly involved along with this rule is that the americans, as of course, the techs in the news that they sent to the controller and command center room has been established in it live. and the setup includes tax. the is the americans and the prince. definitely. you have oh whatever you will find the
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conflict for the war. uh you look for america and then does say lee ends uh they both have next to the line for the israelis. that'd be public about this then, but it because of not uh, but uh, i believe what is happening again. natalie is serious. well, that's a lot more now and the cost of live to damascus and areas, right? the syrian journalists, hi data, most stuff and are joining us through analogy international. i appreciate your sharing is sunday with us here in moscow, high dog. when you look at what the west and political, the media landscape, i think about syria that caught him. but these minutes is that quote of them, freedom fighters fighting for democracy and all this kind of stuff. you know, why didn't you tell us, what is the situation right now and these in baffled regions of syria. ok, good evening. first of all, i don't know what is this a fight to do more than killing people and destroying cities. what, what the, i was kind of the in,
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in the airport right now. the just the distorting of the city and taking the, the civilians as a hostages. and that was the media we use to to hear that um what they, they say they almost try to to, to, to, to avoid the tools about what's happening on the, on the city and send it through. yeah, this is 2011 until now we, we used to, to, of this a. let me see to you as us to say to talk to you about what's happening now in the people. as we all know that more than 60 percent of the neighborhoods are under the control of the groups and the doors to groups. but the celia and the army and others can and forces of try to avoid or to, to prevent them from installing in the city and installing inside the a science industry the. but unfortunately, they are making some advocacy in the south. some of these and, and also it's
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a vision, especially in the top of the 5, which is the city which is controlled by a cuss of the city and the democratic forces we applied to, to, to no more based on most of us having at least one once heavy to the civilian, the but the, the position of the city and army is not good. after 4 days of fighting that celia army is trying to really control the, the, the, to the, the f. well, how about proven, said the city and the inter. and most of the villages and area of the what was the doctor by the, to those to do, at least in the, in the few hours i go, they say the, into the home a and into the and then nothing countryside. but what this is, was lies the city anatomy console, the city very well, and into the outlet and also cut off some of the other areas in the notes in oklahoma. all right, hi dot. as you say,
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and i appreciate you giving us these details here. you're setting up to 60 percent of aleppo is, is periodically under terrorist control, syria and russia are fighting back the militants, as you say, are making advances. wanted to ask you if indeed the militants are making advances and i am seeing different reports confirming what you're telling us. how are they doing so well? are they being helped? and if so, where are they getting help from? as we told the, as we want before, they are getting the, the blame for students from the international. but these, we are believed that they are supported by international bussey's cillian, the government i choose to do. and the united states at the, of being supporting the, it's a, there's a tax on other people on time on not only see other countries also say that they said that it was to groups on, on, on the, uh,
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getting samples from an international bodies which is um, uh, have ames and see, and just as the united states and we are, we said the many times that they are related to the plane in the regime in care of . and also they are maybe related to what is that you'd want to celia? i use, i spoke to, to make a clear point. they are advancing in and in the south and all that people bunch and how long they are not as an english situation. the situation now is for us is for the feeling on me and also for the russian and syrian air forces, which is a directive violence sykes on the sides of the medicine groups and also for the group. so for now you have to see it. i sure i'm on the other. i'm going to group specially in at the yes, so they the syrian air forces and also the russian air force has made a series of slice. and the thought of good did it to the headquarters of these
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groups specially intensive and, and also they thought it'd be good to get to the got the crowds of them. and also that's both of them inside of the pool and also inside the to the, to the of the, of the pro, the pro and stuff. so we all know in, in, in a few that it's changed to change the details. every 2nd, the syrian army is now the, is want to, to, to, to make it the end for this, the gustavo, this dentist, a goose to, to stop the spent all them. it's our, uh, the, the, the best, the, the south of reason of the area. we know that there is an element for them and how are we, we are looking forward to a to, to continue with this uh, this operations disability compensation for the city and me, thousands of people and to, uh, to, to make it we, again, we are looking for to, to free our depot from uh, those settings to groups. oh,
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i wish you and all of those that the best of luck on the such heavy pressure from so many different ex donald players being involved. siri and john was tied that most offer. i think the international criminal court is considering an arrest warrant for the military leader of me in law. the prosecutor says there's evidence that general committed war crimes against the ethnic group in that country and also with neighbors combined with dish china. i mean, time is always the court to be quoted just unfair. and so we don't speaking fully regarding the international criminal court, but we always believed that it should uphold an objective and impartial stance. strictly adhere to the principle of complementarity and international cooperation and exercise its powers prudently. in accordance with the rome statute. in general, international law. we according to the statute, unless referred by the un security council. the court has no jurisdiction over acts
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committed by nationals of non state parties on the territory of non state parties. for more than 600000 the routine job, most of them is 5 bob and send me an hour and 2017. they became refugees in bangladesh. back then, the general was the military come on there under the leadership of a nobel prize winner on former dialing of the west on song. so she, she already testified before the i, c, c, and 2019 craving village genocide was a legitimate cross down against terrorist. well, some of the refugees in bangladesh. welcome to hayes, latest decision is done for the job. we all the ring is, are very delighted, and i am personally very happy to hear about the application sent to the judges. it has been quite a while since the case was filed at the i, c, c. and we as one of the most persecuted communities for me and my could not console ourselves as to why justice has not been provided. we will gain reaction with the age of affairs ex products. sonya you have freedom of the she says the question
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