tv News RT December 2, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST
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the the device gross is on a war footing against the terrorist among slaughter russian and syrian, the strikes eliminate building $400.00 of the militants in the last hours. and the hop on the level of provence. performa is riley defense chief refuses to walk back his was and refuses to apologize in his backlash. but saying that was the idea is doing and gaza is quote at the buttons and the they have more of a street symbol. typically see, is riotous looking to topple. part of the georgia president calls for school students to join pro e u protestors who lay siege on the city as usual. lots he is in the. 6
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the arrived from must go through the mass goes to police. seattle, washington. that's just so much to tell you about doing this by program have from the russian count. so more than $400.00 militants from multiple nations have been eliminated in northern syria over the past few hours is government forces with the help of russian aviation groups, stripe, the terrorist factions that's according to damascus, which reports its forces that moving to round up and expel them from the countries northwest. our armed forces have begun moving on several axes, and are you off a level hama, and it lead to round up terrorist and expelled them from the areas they have
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entered, fully secure those areas and to set up new focal points in preparation for the next attack. as more military reinforcements continue to arrive, the general command of the army and the armed forces of stresses that all rumors about terrorist controlling certain regions, towns and villages are false propaganda by these militant organizations. it is a 6th day since to be offensive by terrorist groups took so many by surprise. and now the syrian on it is counter attacking 5, come on headquarters and 7. i mean, it shouldn't be both of the militants but destroyed by russian down syria and strikes over the last day that is all according to the baskets. now in a coal, initiated by tet, ron russia's president and his it, ronnie and counter ball made clear the standing commitment to support the syrian president bush ala side. the president said, both leaders expressed, quote,
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unconditional support for serial thor. he's restoring constitutional order and sovereignty. while condemning the recent terrorist aggression the same time. so i think i put in highlighted the need for coordinated action with totally a under the asked on our platform. they also reviewed rushing around in a cooperation following, told him because on unplanned communication at multiple governmental levels. now, 2 key nations involved in this area and face process, iran and totally i had that tough diplomats me to get an anchor us. both foreign ministers agreed that syria needs to be stabilized a s a p. so with some of the latest details across the region, we have both of off correspondence that use as we move on. the 2nd leg of is regional tour after syria. iranian foreign minister about start off treat immediately went to visit the opposite turkey at the air. he helped talks with some of course, his counterpart. how concrete on or off to you, once again placed the blame of what is happening in syria,
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squarely on israel and the united states. according to our information active terrorist groups in syria have close ties with the united states and the zionist regime. and these groups are trying to divert attention from the crimes of the zionist regime and palestine and loving them. they have encouraged the creation of insecurity in syria. one major highlights of the joint pressure between devante and i talked to his foreign ministers is that miss or how concrete onset his country respects and fully supports the territorial integrity and the unity of the syrian nation. 5 and i want to work on turkey as peaceful attitude um towards a serial discouraged the country auto help part resume piece initiatives such as the us tunnel process for a wants. turkey and russia are guarantor countries of this initiative, which is aimed at resolving got the disputes in our, the, our country and syria before he headed to tar caps are off to you said his country
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often shares comments views and concerns with thorough care. but he admitted that there are areas where they disagree, so it's a highly tense situation. they are particularly given. syria is facing. one of the most multifaceted crises in the region were numerous parties are involved, domestic and external, each pursuing their own goals and interests. but it says if via side government collapses, israel would be the ultimate beneficiary as it seeks to do the blow to the resistance access. and now we understand that syria police, they're all for a cross roads. for these resistance groups. yvonne maintains a strong military presence. their israel says to one uses a syria to deliver, and of course, sorry, it's me. weapons are to love it off as well. so just politically speaking, syria is of great strategic importance for yvonne and the broader
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resistance network. and that's why our oxy said that all those factions will join hands to prevent the anti upside militants to achieve their goals. in syria. d t take away from this meeting was the fact that there is a diplomatic effort that the discourse is currently underway. one more key takeaway is, of course, the common points that were discussed by the targets for minister as well as his be running and challenging part. and that is of course, protecting the services there being territorial integrity. and there has also been a great deal of discourse about counterterrorism efforts within the country. it's one thing that are the target for minister did suggested the force in the and not just based off of the press conference that we went this today on monday. but based on previous statements over the course of this past year, we understand that and that has general position with respect to syria, is that and kind of did everything in its capacity to reach out to the syrian government. however, the syrian president bush or on that side did not reciprocate the position on
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carlos taking, but the one thing that does remain a constant abscess given time is that on could it suggest that the issue of migration is a great deal. and a great matter of concern for the turkish government. and we understand that when the initiatives were brought forth as part of the us on a framework. but agreements were essentially proposing 20172019 go to the main essentially function. there was to ensure that there was some sort of a solution to the migration practice as perky host, millions of syrian refugees that flooded the conflict in the early days. and one more important thing to note here is that the turkish foreign minister, of course, den to put forth a number of views and positions which is that may be the discourse of the diplomatic efforts width to rod will continue the result of that at this point the reason for the resumption of large scale conflicts in syria is that this country has been in conflict with each other for more than 13 years. so these become a lot like we have repeated our warnings on these issues to all parties. all those are the latest developments show that the mask is needs to cooperate with its own
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people in the famous opposition. once again, to get the turkey is ready to make all the necessary contributions in this regard we are. we will continue our coordination with a rand deposit, which we carry out important work within the a standard process. we have always supported the protection of serious territorial integrity and unity. the discourse about prospect uh peace thoughts or some form of the, the escalation or a cease fire is currently in the question again. and it seems that many complex which i pro long for many long years to share one very similar things on this one. that is there are pauses between conflict and battles or generally speaking the entire why are we seeing this in the korean more as well. but the one thing that does remain in costa is that there needs to be discourse, and this is what we believe until the is trying to put forth. and the meeting with the and run the info administer is a sentiment, but more so the epitome of what i'm kind of stands for. this is, of course,
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the turkish idea, or at least the target position on the matter as to how that is going to manifest on the field is going to be a matter of concern. it's gonna be something we're going to be falling very closely . quote, an ethnic cleansing, that is how the former is ready. the defense minister describe the current idea of operation and gaza, adding he will not be apologizing for what he said, you know, barely which is sorry. they are talking about this that the strip will be clean of interest. in other words, they are telling the army to fulfill the so called c'mon does plan that your a and shakes off what's happening on the ground. and under this headlines, they are doing an ethnic cleansing. i don't have another word for that. i am not talking about mass motoring. i know a different definition. moving the population from their homes, ruining their homes. this is what's happening and by law he of 800 and under a certain headlight is ro, is in turmoil. the following comments by a former ami cheese and 2 interviews over the past 3 days. most share here alone accused israel all ethnically cleanse and garza. and he also said that his
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accusations were based on information provided by field commanders. yeah. law. and also alleged that the idea of is implementing the so called a and plan all the generals plan for northern guys are these controversial proposals. you remember in bowls transferring the civilian population out of the northern parts of the in clay, isolated him from the other, from the rest of the sweep and allegedly starving. those who refuse to leave that area, branding them as terrace. so of course again, y'all owns comments have sparked outrage. yolanda words are a lie that helps our enemy and her to israel. i suggest to you all on not to be ashamed of his security past to learn the facts, retract and apologize to the idea of soldiers, bogey, all alone has long since lost his direction encompass. and his false words are a reward for the international criminal court. and the israel hating cam,
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israel is fighting back against the murderous terrorist group that carried out mass massacres. there. we will not stop until all our hostages are returned. a mouse is military and govern mental capabilities are destroyed. and we will ensure that god's no longer poses a threat to israel. but such a reaction is somewhat surprising given the statements coming from some is really politicians like recently the national security administer. mr. ben, he'll lead out us try conversion for guys and then interview was on the radio. he proposed reclaiming territory in gaza and slow took the controversial idea of encouraging palestinian migration from the region and also hinting, had growing support for such mattress from the prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself. here's what mister band. we are had to say. let's take a look at some ideas like settling and gaza are welcome. the only times we defeated our enemies were when we took the territory from them. but that doesn't satisfy me
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. i also want to encourage emigration of palestinians from gaza. we have to understand the vandevere isn't alone and advocating for drastic changes in guys. a finance minister mister smart for it to another controversial politician advocating a strong pull. jewish settler policy suggested that reducing gases population full immigration could we shape the regions future and security. others in these real political landscape have also voice support for policy is encouraging palestinians to leave gauze a frame in it as a potential solution to long standing tensions. take a listen. there's no question that encouraging immigration is voluntary. and that's also, i think, an opportunity that's opened up with a new administration. it is possible to create a situation where gaza in 2 years with less than half of its current population is a different world. the,
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to encourage migration to encourage migration. the truth is that this is the most moral solution the most correct, not forcibly, but to tell them we're giving you the chance leave from here to other countries. so yeah, alone also criticize b. i d. s actions in gaza, claiming it is no longer the most moral already in the world and weren't any that's moiz read is including soldiers could be added to the eyes. this is list as well. and these a series accusations that have to say, but has the control over see over gaza and its future continues to grow. it's clear that this debate is only gaining momentum. so we're going to see more that a 5th night in a row of mayhem. rocking the georgian capital, that's pro weston protestors laid siege on police and the police say, what is the nation's president who's also the combined with the nation's defense forces sits idly by and that's the moments do her bidding. to alice the elected
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parliament. she's now called on school students to join in, and that's as the use new foreign policy chief kaya kyle as described the rioters as, quote, peaceful protest as well. have a look for yourself. the for the georgia in 5 minutes to has pointed the finger at russell, accusing it of the stabilizing the political landscape of his country, and actually trying to bring about a crew similar to what happened in ukraine a decade ago. of the countries parliament has said the 14th of december at that date to pick a new president bought the car in the head of state is refusing to stand town without the time expires in december. so let's get more now from the street itself
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well, we're in the middle of or just read it to you got to direct the freezers, wanting to keep pushing these questions away. as you can tell, it's difficult to do because it's just burning is right. and. 7 there's literally nothing you can do about it except for joining dead the way we try to get some fresh eye. but really, at least for just as a very few remaining roy index to the police coatings, which you know too far away from us. but yes, the for a started to do anything, we can just get the process. this is 1st as quickly as possible, as you can see they're looking for, is it still storing fireworks? and then it really feels as if the, the tensions are rough, shifting massively of the protests that they don't think the government is legitimate. and instead it's you sending in to find a pro 49 the of
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the the . 6 the on the good all charlotte davis, he ride in the thick of it let's course i've, i've done about like a human labor rights lawyer joining us here on the international ben. great to get you on the on the program for. busy all the story, i know you got your finger on the pulse of it, because the latest update,
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as i understand is that the georgian president, you know, the woman she's refusing to leave. she's now calling on school students to take to the streets and engage in the so called peaceful protests. i mean, looks she's supposed to be on our way. all right. may, december hotel runs out. seems to be that she might be even trying to stoke deval is do you think she's acting alone or perhaps of george and president is being influenced by anybody? yes. well here is the great yankee catcher yogi bear. one said, this is a job bu all over again. this looks like the classic western backed color revolution, like we saw in ukraine in 2014 odyssey. even going back to the c i a back who in iran and 1953. this is the playbook, they support this type of violence, street violence to try to elicit a crack down by the government, which any government would engage in, in this circumstance. and that will just to buy some sort of intervention to
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toppled the government. and by the way, you know, let's compare this to january 6th insurrection in the us. everyone says how terrible that was right. it was in response to a last election. this is what this is. they lost the parliamentary election. yes. and this happened, well, you know, it's somebody to the georgia dream party when that's the reason parliamentary elections. the president comes out and says, well, the wrong party one, i guess. so it's all going to be a legitimate sheets. hang the infections have to be re run because apparently the wrong policy. one, you've seen the reaction from brussels and other western european and, and then, and commentators in america as well meet. meantime, you know, we've got rioters with mosque shooting off fireworks yesterday. we were showing footage of a guy with what did like a gatling gun fire, what machine gun, and just show me really violent, stop shooting directly at the police. what is actually happening that what went
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wrong in the wake of the election done? and again, i think what went wrong is that the wrong people, one of the party that wants to have decent relations with russia, one, the west cannot abide by this. and again, i suspect they're supporting the street, right? i mean, again, this makes no sense from a democratic point of view that people that lose an election go out and riot. uh, that is a democracy again, in the united states, donald trump was criticized for the same thing. for supporting at least the by word of mouth, the january 6, the insurrection in response to is losing the 2020 election. and everyone is still clutching their polls about this. well this is much more it's look at this, we're talking about days of violence on the streets. yeah. this is not an
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appropriate response to losing that election. the whole point of the democracy is to have the peaceful change of government. and this is not that. yeah, yep. i just wonder, you know, it is the main problem to fund this pro, russia, georgia dream party one because, you know, here we have, we've got all this kind of scroll down very happening along russia's borders, whether it's ukraine, whether it's in georgia, whether it's brussels, trying to bride mold over with 2000000000 euro to join the e. u. is it actually kind of just take the, you know, the boat a pitcher is, is part of a further kind of d step as ation of russia. or if you're going to be friends with russia, we're going to mess with you won't tell me what you see. yeah. well, clearly it is that, and by the way, i think the terrorist uprising in syria is also related to this cause. of course, russia has a presence in syria, and all this is connected. this is all part of the western attempt to destabilize
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russia. well, as you say to destabilize countries, that wants to be friendly with russia. and you know, this is all part of, you know, the outgoing buys the ministrations attempt to make it impossible to settle habits, some sort of peaceful, a settlement between the united states. can you read it and really think that, that, i mean, case of a sort of jump a bit different. i think it is the outgoing by and administration. is this behind this? and then just because, you know, the must be some other actors behind by meantime, you know, just quickly buys and pause in the sunset today. i think he gets the dog goes to africa for a visit over that then. well yeah, so when i say the, by the administration i, i do mean the people that are really running the government. right. like anthony blinking for example. ready jake sullivan, obviously job, it's a huge question. is joe biden personally wanting the government? no, probably not. but that's not the relevant part. his administration,
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whoever is wanting to show, wants to scope as much violence and instability within and around russia is possible to make it impossible for donald trump to settle the proxy war in ukraine. and by the way, you saw, of course, the former new k prime minister, of course johnson emitted yeah that the ukraine conflict is a western proxy war with russia. yeah, coming from the very man who scott put those piece talks into the key. so near the beginning of the conflict, i never say as far as johnson, without quoting and forrest, the butcher johnson because he has an awful lot of blood on his hands. i've done cuz i like is a human a labor rights lawyer joining us here live on. i'd say it's always so good to see you. thank you very much for your you worry. thank you. my friend. thank you. ready as well, just hours off the present abiding pod and his a well crime riddled son. he seemingly fled town to africa for his 1st and last
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visit to the continent as president. and it's just in time, of course, his time is expiring next month, a bite and made a quick stuff in the west. africa escaped. are they to re fuel, apparently meeting with the countries prime minister then he's off to the oil rich central african nation of i'm going to, i was tour is seen by son was an attempt by washington to hold onto whatever remains of america didn't trust them at the grubbing relations with russia and china of foster on the confident shopping on more correspondent, while the vehicle or call us prison. joe barton is indeed visiting and go la and the look mutual car is that the top off that agenda? this is the 1st visit to africa. in fact of this is the 1st trip to africa for amy sitting american present since about uncle baba traveled to k. yeah, d c o p. yeah, in 2015. this is also the 1st visit to i'm going to buy an american leader since independence from port of $89.00 to $75.00 and full bite. and it is happening at
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the very end of his term, although his office is presenting new case and of him finally making good on his promise to prioritize that progress. the fact that he chose to do so only days before she moved out of the white house, c, as in the front to buy many africans prison biden will also probably be tied to ease. as you can see is that in coming, trump administration will take a more heavy handed approach and it's advocate engagements, especially stalls towards the beautification and the low pizza of coverage. though no coverage is washington is biggest project in africa and dickens. it involves a refurbishing, often existing fiction off and really relying from the golden pool to offer the beautiful into the side of the sea and building some north west as i'm the, as well with plans to also extend it to the indian ocean shows off cuz i need at this moment to the u. s. believes that it has moved uncle from the chinese orbits
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being to the american office and by his visits, he's also intended to submit to that kind of change. but pacing has massively invested in mining and infrastructure activities in that region to somebody. and congo is the same time. i'm go like he to time is about ad road in the ca to. but it is quite clear that americans do not want to give up the regions valuable to the chinese. but the question is, if they can even match the chinese who have existed in the region for the case and have a massive advantage on the beach. and in fact, in africa, the u. s. has always been known of taking advantage off it's market position in a way that shows colonial packages we receive so which regions and countries lot can beula are exploited for the benefits of more powerful nations without equitable participation. well, should benefit and even though they have denied that sometimes they do, admitted, how can we help foster public private partnerships bring the american capital and
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expertise in standards to africa so that we can keep by exploiting so that we can exploring where we can get these minerals and times off, mega paul was russia, is the oldest, allied, and then go lay out and then go last gaming from the pasta, russia more religious invested in nevada, even off the subject collapse. and just a few months ago, the need is of russia and uncle agreed to the present relations and coordinate if it's on international platforms and all of these things happening on joe by to watch. he's strategic mistake allowed russia and china on the african continent, and the fact that biden is only visiting africa the last days of his presidency. seduced that advocate is not a policy. there's plenty of concerns currently regarding his visits on the african
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continent and more will come out from these 2 days. now they have you heard from the cloud or silver and golden political analyst, who says that jo biden's visit to africa is simply part of america as long time colonial project. a joe biden is a 1st american president associated africa says for obama once a year in 2015. so that shows you that the african continent hasn't really been a priority for success of american presidencies. incoming president trump are referred to as a shithole countries. there's some, it's unclear how much emphasis was on the compliments. but as an goal that i'm not that surprised that joe biden is visiting as a leader, dwayne dog president, after comalla, however, has lots of lots of the democrats and he's doing in the month before he leaves office. it shows that america's commitment traffic, it hasn't been sustained in the past decade. and this is repeating the same
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colonial mindset of extracting resources from the african continent, putting it in ships and sending it to the united states of the i to a india. now why that much right as hit the streets of new delhi, the ryan, great new government and reforms across the agricultural sector. the protest i was led by a farmer's organization called the b k, u and the people to mox tools, parliament. the fonts are advocating for a range of issues, line locations, pension reform is in a freeze on electricity tax sites. well, in the respondents the agriculture minister of neighboring, how are ya dismiss the monitors them on the same as no valid concerns as agricultural laws have recently been amended to actually support the agrarian sector. of course india, one of the original members of the brick stein money that donald trump is now threatening. donald trump very unhappy that these bricks family members are looking to diversify away from the so he's threatening them now with a 100 percent. our hoops if they go forward to the full details on
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the the shooters and see and welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the u. e. when it's national day celebrating . when the u. a ceased to being a british troops real estate colony this year like last year, national day in an arab stages impacted by the horror of our brothers and sisters being slaughtered by the u. k. u. s. u armed war and palestine, the so called international vocation, courts and holland has an annual meeting to.
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