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tv   News  RT  December 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the terrorists face face the washing in syria as the last go, stays more than $1600.00 enemy trace of being killed since a launch the offensive, a way to the wall is wrong. so just to help the site is need, it may be pay on $16.00 playing else. in this case, it's at least 3 times behind the protests, including western box and g, with it being round it up in georgia, following rates on that offer. the same and objective of this month and even destroying the organization. from here seems nothing but a distant pine street. as the idea continues to talk in southern lebanon, shaking the front jones,
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the spot i'll call respond exclusively from areas badly damaged by is waiting for the a very well welcome to you is 10 pm here in moscow. and this is on the international with the wealth news on the day to speak to have your company as always, our top story exactly a week since terrace begun a blitzkrieg offense. they've been syria. local media is reporting 1600 of them have been killed as government for this fund back for several so successfully pushed the militants from the city of ha, working in tandem, syrian ground troops on russian and forces on such weapons makes it heavy notices on the minutes since the north west things went on with vehicles belonging to the 2
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red allsom just holiday square foot also kept in the easily province. the syrian defendants ministry reports the killing of at least 300 militants and just the pos day of fine thing in the country. but got more details from a local journalist and have the community where the know of an entrance to the city of come up funds and continues in several directions around the city flashes that taking place between the syrian all the interest groups. these groups are trying to enter the city all time, but as we can see, man design now, aberdeen is still under the control of the syrian miller training for psych tibbetts. he is also noted at the moment the striking mound cap for my terrace organizations trying to strengthen that positions serial num, brushing aircraft to deliberately attacking the positions of these groups. and by preventing their attempts to gain a foothold in the sector, flashes also continuing in the village of camp for us, located to the east of the city of ham. up since yesterday evening, fighting has continued between the syrian army and terrorist groups in the eastern direction. while in the northern direction,
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it is relatively calm. the intensity of hostilities in the eastern direction is increasing as terrace groups are trying to advance to the east and break through this sector. they're attempting to enter the village of custom eligible to break through in this direction in order to encircle the city from the north. however, the theory nami is still doing everything possible to prevent the terrace from advancing, shutting them with various fire weapons attacks on the supply lines. the terrace groups continue and syrian and brushing aircraft company focused on striking supply lines deep in the northern suburbs of time. uh, as well as the southern part of the suburbs of age lives, including the villages. american culture coon strikes to being carried out on by c supply lines of terrorist organization and, and on that concentration centers in order to stop in terrace, from advancing further towards the safety of hama, and to reduce the intensity of their attacks aimed at capturing the city the present, flash is still ongoing in several directions. there is relative calm in the north, alabama,
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while the fighting is becoming more intense and the east of the city. i have to read all some bro calls from the owners, were a friends which used to be a branch of al qaeda. the un along with russia. i'm so you're west or among those who designated as a tower group without sets to alazam is currently working with divisions that before east erie an army which washington the police have posted on the bark, a boma as well. russia, it seems that with syria to be back, the terrorist say wrong, says it's ready to give a helping hands to damascus. we are concerned with the collapse of the a still on a track in syria because there is no easy alternative to if expansion of terrorist groups may hom, syria's neighboring countries, such as a rock, jordan and turkey. more than iran. if the syrian government asks a rom to send troops to syria,
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we will consider the request. iran is already sending large numbers of advisors and equipment. and iran in lead groups from iraq and elsewhere are also rapidly entering the country. if uh, the syrian government needs iranian troops on the ground on a troops, then iran will do that as well. so you do see a very rapid mobilization of resources to push back these extremist groups of the you're on in seal that syria has been betrayed. the ross has been trained, russia has been betrayed. well, while the legitimate syrian government is bad spies, russian on to radian allies, serial militant groups have chosen to side with ukraine as something most ago was pointed out. and it has now been confirmed by the chase of the us based in j o. the support says limits and syria to nation, syrian rebels and ukrainians,
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are fighting for the country to be free of tyranny, an outside occupation. it's natural for them to coordinate. well, let's discuss the oldest now with laurie jones and for my c, i less than c o as the associates. good to see you, laurie johnson, many thanks for joining us on the program. so we've just had more confirmation that us base scripts. suppose you frame saving up with um to your thoughts militants in syria. what are your thoughts on this alliance? it's been going on for well over 12 years. i mean, it started back in 2011 where the united states and the united kingdom were working in libya were collecting a weapons that were being processed through the c i. a base had been glossy. betsy, a base was then being used to deliver weapons into the hands of the church and that those weapons and were being put in the hands of basically just i'll call them the logical descendants of al qaeda. the think about this,
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the united states claims it was attacked on 911 and 2001 by al qaeda. and that we were going to launch a global war on terrorism against al qaeda. and then here we are 10 years later providing weapons, financial aid, training to the descendants, the logical descendants about kinda, you know, hollywood script writer couldn't make up something. so bizarre and ridiculous, but that's exactly what's going on. now the united states and the fact that ukrainians are involved, nobody should harbor any illusion. so this is somehow an initiative by ukraine on its own habits. know that again, ukraine is really under the thumb of the west as well. it's a to. busy of nato. and so by virtue of ukrainian officers and trainers being working side by side, it's not surprising the nazis would be there with these as law making streams. all
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they're doing so with the blessing and support of the west. so i'm not shocked by it at all. we have most guys been pointing to kids role in the syrian crisis, but the west has been in denial. do you think these latest revelations will be a wake up call? well, wake up call for who, you know this. so rush has been correctly talking about it. i think, you know, candidly, i think rush, it needs to take stronger measures. also, it gives key of a nato, you know, if, if, if the she was on the other foot, the roles were reversed, different rush, it was providing the kind of support that the united states is providing to keep it fresh. it was providing that support in mont, mexico or in canada. and that groups in canada and mexico were carrying out the kinds of attacks that are taking place in russia. but they were taking place and say, san antonio, the phoenix, arizona, albuquerque, new mexico,
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san diego. the united states would do that as an active board would retaliate. you know, what i have candidly, i think for us has been entirely too patient throughout this because they interpret russian patient as weakness. and that, that's why this is continually the, the a bite and the bite. the ministration is basically trying to set the world on fire before it leaves office. you know, i think they're doing a pretty good job of setting it on fire when it comes to ukraine's involvement. i mean, you think, yeah, would that be times below radio? what do you think could possibly be speaking to gain by teaming up with this list? since they're yeah, they're doing, they're doing what their master's been, washington and london are telling them to do. basically, this is what we are asking you to do if you want to continue to get our support. so of course they're going to go do it. they see this is this a scene. you've got understand, nicky, that the,
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the people in the west and particularly the policy makers in washington, they genuinely believed that russia is weak. that if they can just open up this other front, then it'll force russian forces to divert themselves and therefore they won't be able to continue the war. and ukraine is it is, it is a st foolishness that they tried and curse. they wanted to curse, believing that this would divert the russian military. what they don't understand is russia's military reserves now are approaching. i think something like 1500000 russia has apple troops, apple aircraft, apple resources, to go ahead and provide support in syria as well. as to continue is to pursue its military objectives in ukraine. the west is counter bedding that russia doesn't have that ability, and they're hoping that this will then stretch rushing capabilities to such an extent that it will stop the offensive in ukraine. that's what's going on. really
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good speak here. thanks for joining the program. larry johnson for miss c. i a analyst on ceo the associates always a pleasure. thank you, nicky, the refund the government could be on the verge of enclose it and no confidence motion is being debated right now in parliament. it comes off to the prime minister, pushed a controversial austerity budgets through without seeking the house of approval. i'll see contributor rachel mazda and picks up the story for us to be as our sabbath sent friends right and left wings really cast at each other. but it turns out that there's one thing that they hate even more than each other, and that is the establishment figures they're currently right in the government. we're talking about a prime minister mission down here who is hand pets by president a menu. and my call from a party that scored a whopping 5 percent of the popular vote in the parliamentary elections that just took place over the summer that she's right in the country. so uh, what can go wrong, right. well, how about trying to get a budget pass to start the can't even manage to do that. france keeps getting nasty
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letters from the use of the like a parent of a kid blowing money on video games. so to avoid having clean ursula and her european commission controlling frances per strains and kind of like a greek bankruptcy disaster scenario from mr. brown, he has had to find some cost cutting somewhere. and in that sense, he's acting like a guy who wasn't ever elected at all by the people. maybe that's because he wasn't really, i am listening fans. if i am to remain 5 minutes, then all for myself, but to try to continue to club. i tell you again that my to will be open. i'm ready . so what we open the school grades to improve because this budget is not for face discussions is still needed regarding the finance bill. and there are many subjects to be discussed later in the next 6 months. i'm trying to create progress and to lead old lives, you trust me, all citizens towards progress. what i'm show off, listen to me carefully, is that if no confidence vote is positive,
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everything will be more difficult. and great. so the answers talisman, right, and left wing parties respectively are like, hey, no way man, find some other way to cut costs or increase revenues some way that isn't done on the backs of the working class, french and bottom, yay! has had pretty much enough of trying to explain himself to the people's actual elected representatives. unlike him. so we have decided to just cut off to be entirely and around is budget through using a provision of the french cost edition for budget and finance issues called article $49.00. the prime minister may, after deliberation by the council of ministers, make the passing of a finance bill or social security financing bill. an issue of a vote of confidence before the national assembly. in that event, the bill shall be considered passed unless the resolution of no confidence tabled within the subsequent 24 hours is carried out. now using this loophole, also means that if the opposition doesn't agree with bad news,
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move to use it or with the budget itself, they can vote and bring down the government entirely, which is exactly what the populace left use and the right wing national rally party are now going to do, even though they really can't stand each other, they unite on this issue sort of the nukes, introduced, essential motion that would collapse the government budget. literally, this was the issue vanya is mr. bonnie: a social security to budget strong sites to a negative impact some of the time and time since i'm gonna throw in the government's will have a positive effect on conscience, a sentient dispatch. it is. unfortunately, the only means the constitution gives us to protect the french from the dentist, unjust and punitive budget, which more over worse since they already monsters deficits of 7 years of mac, renee as so what happens if this motion passes in the next couple of days and the
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government falls new election right. uh, no, not until next summer, which would be a year after the last one that took place just a few months ago. that's according to the french constitution. so what would happen is that the ball would then go back into mac haul's chords to a point yet another prime minister, and maybe keep trying this whole charade with new private investors over and over again until next summer when people can finally try boating again. its in yet, and other parliamentary election. these results and i call could just ignore again over and over until he's done this term in 2027. unless of course he steps down. but good luck with that. in the meantime, while captain mac cole is messing around with the cabin decor, frances taking on water with no growth in the 2nd and 3rd quarter is of this past year. see that the french government just can't find where it's bleeding hash from gas, those billions of bureaus in old weapons that dusted off and shipped off to you crate are getting the job done in reviving the entire french economy through it's
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military. industrial complex manufacturing, france provided ukraine with a total of $1700000000.00 euros and military aid in 2022 and 2100000000 euros in 2023. in 2024. france will provide up to $3000000000.00 euros in additional support . good news and investing and training. $10000.00 ukranian troops in poland and france would not create a return on investment for the average french citizen. well, french voters actually didn't know that, which is why they voted for the anti establishment parties who are against of this kind of spending. specifically, maybe if maxwell had actually appointed people who were elected democratically by those voters and to prioritize french voters and their interest above everything else, all this wouldn't be such a big headache for them right now. to the republic of georgia. now where the government stays investigative pro test sponsored by western and do you guys have
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been arrested on that offices rate is, is comes off to 6 consecutive days of riots on the streets of to the easy guns. we've present sounds all physician allies at the long think a we run about the type is parliamentary elections. that was one by the routing policy. the georgian interior ministry has published voltage from offices of opposition, policies showing a number of motor 12 clock towels westernized fireworks, and other evidence has been c, spotwood ortiz during the reins and now investigating charges of organized group violence economy or position policy need to need tug yvonne mia has been detained across the you. some politicians have called the georgian government functions
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across down on democracy. but the countries prime minister states that your opinions want to see a key of like to instantly see this is not a fair approach. european politicians and bureaucrats had previously reference to my don protests in their threats. and those, you know, authority say they don't want to see a repeats in that country. what happens with the made down uprising in 2014? well, i'll say is we're, we're in a calls, we're about has been comparing the events and you create a decade ago towards playing out now on the street. so it's a blessing steve, on sunday arrival in georgia, leaving many with the strange feeling of dangers of who a democratically elected government office to delay or suspend eagle membership talks and all hell breaks loose. we will not allow anyone either outside the country or incited to use georgia for their, for an interest. we will not allow anyone to stage a coup or revolution and deepen polarization in the country. we will not allow
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anyone to carry out ukraine ization. guess what was upset by comments that's right to you, right and therefore administered god. so spend the day issue. the statements accuse of the georgia and governments of being obedient to moscow. basically, we strongly reject the persistent attempts of the georgian authorities to involve ukraine and the internal political processes in their country. the georgia and government should stop scaring its people with a mythical ukrainian scenario while putting the bill of russian scenario into practice, the mystical ukrainian scenario. okay, well let's break it down. protesters surrounding the parliament building, chancing pro is slow concerns. okay. usually and so i, russian ones talking about a broken future and the end of the world. but just like in ukraine, 10 years ago, protesters are refusing to go use an every thing they can find. just liking to you to provoke security forces, cobblestones, molotov cocktails, benches, trash cans, you name it.
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the volunteers are running around with snags to make for a protest or to have enough style and not to keep going. others use it as the perfect backdrop for a wedding photo and a just like in key of it's mainly young people who are protesting students only in georgia, the president. so get a step further and called on the country schools to show their support as well. after universities, it is the turn of schools to express their solidarity with protests, all over georgia. it's not
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a clear house. she expects the school children who are too young and see them both to show their political support. while the patriarchy of the george and orthodox church is shots, even ask for it to begin with. in such circumstances, all statements and encouraging school children and minus in general, made by the president of georgia who should try to reduce buller eyes ation and neutralized hatred in society in order to protect the psych and physical health of the future generation from current events are extremely alarming, and the alarming situation unfolding in police which started exactly the same way as you are, my don t of said no. so a trade agreements and the political associations deal with the you that was being pushed since 2005 up thing instead for non block status and closer ties with brush up. well, the opposition came out and tried to force the government into
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a you turn state treason occurred today. if you any coverage refuses to sign the association agreement, then this is not only high treason. it is grounds for impeachment of the president and resignation of the government. and what do we have in georgia now? the country's prime minister and now is that they are suspending assess insults when the you until 2028. due to political pressure coming from brussels discount to go to, we are a self respecting nation with a great history. it is absolutely unacceptable for us to consider an integration into the european union as a favor that the european union should bestow upon us. we will continue our march towards the european union, but we will not allow any one to leave us in a state of constant black male and manipulation which is offensive to our country and society. that the you loving watching, present came out right away, calling the government's illegitimate at a now say that you would not leave office when her term ends next month because she
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claims the people need her me to whomever i remain your president. there's no legitimate parliament. therefore, an illegitimate parliament cannot elect a new president. consequently, there can be no an organization. my mandate remains, in effect until a legally elected parliament appoints a successor. perhaps the most ridiculous part of this whole story is that the e u was actually trying to welcome georgia to the paul brussels itself was inside the b one that suspended the sessions held back in july. the moments georgia implemented the law. they didn't like. this is only the 1st step. there will be other steps are direct support to the government of georgia will be limited and we will seek to redirect support from the government of georgia to civil society and the media. it is sad to see you georgia relations at such a low point when they could have been at an all time high. and of course, there's no conflict without ross us participation, according to the west,
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of course of here to we are here and accusations that the georgia and government are the kremlin puppets. we've seen that the russian propaganda was a direct can use the, the georgia and government is not to european is not for your opinion. it is today working 100 and, and do with russia. now it's propaganda by cuz that, and jeff, it was threats. apparently, you cry and could not withstand economic pressure from russia. it was threatening to restrict the import of goods to russia, especially companies in eastern ukraine, which would threaten billions, a losses, and the closure of enterprises employing thousands of people. such reasons for his decision were given by president yonder coverage during a telephone conversation with the president on wednesday. and the you officials are as always in these parts of the world supporting and encouraging the opposition. here's what we heard from them regarding care of these peaceful protest as a voicing the strong opposition to the decision not to sign the
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e u. ukraine association agreement, a decision that deprives them of the european future. we strongly wanting the ukrainian authorities to refrain from using force against a peaceful protest as otherwise serious consequences will have to be drawn. is your specials, always so worried about the protesters warning the government not to use force on them? or else that membership offer may disappear for good. it is clear that using violence against peaceful protesters is not acceptable. and the george and government should respect the will of the georgian people when it comes to the european union. then this clearly has consequences on our relationship with georgia. they don't really send words of support or food, remember bits or a new lens and key as well. that was a very random appearance. so far we haven't seen any american officials on the square bought
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e u specials have already started making appearances. the so how will this one and with the protesters going away and they'll allow in the government to get back to work, or will they force the mouth and leave themselves completely exposed? so a ukraine su point, oh, perhaps georgians. so let's see a crane then to see just how at all and that there. i mean, while ukraine who said it was to join is both a allies and slapping sanctions on the georgia government's test claims to be c is guessing too friendly with russia. actual bass will be punished not to miss lensky has ordered his subordinates to prepare a list of legal restrictions against the georgian officials. has all the sense of the problems of globalization. alexander touchy has shed his take on the similarities between the unrest in georgia and the 2014 west and back to may down
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at 2. and you find what your motor or shift chips going. yes, there are a lot of common features. of course. the fact is that they cannot but have these common features because everywhere these processes occur according to the same guidelines for many years now. in a number of countries including georgia itself, this happened already when there was this rose revolution then in ukraine's been in serbia. then somewhere else and everywhere it was all done according to the same schemes. they don't bring anything new there. there are especially american and european conduct as their site done for the much to come up with something new. therefore, all this is visible. all this is described and with the naked eye, you can observe how these process is a similar to each other. but of course, the question here is about the positions of power. if in ukraine, the president and the government as a whole, have shown themselves to be worthless in fact, then how does the georgian government show itself? the problem here to in georgia,
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is that the government is one person who holds the reins of power in his hands, and whose still has some kind of authority. not the same, of course, as it was when he came to power and made this georgian dream body. therefore, as far as the authorities can keep the situation in their hands, they will not step back and will not give up. the situation of chaos will drive people to the highest degree of despair, the cracks all continuing to hold in the shade just these bar reese between as well and has the last week or the strikes killed one person and 11 on tuesday, according to the local health industry as well claims it was merely responding to hezbollah attacks while is foreign minister for lessons to move the button to its neighbors tired tree if the truth is broken by roots has already a tuesday, as well as other 50 truce violations. i wrote, doesn't people have been killed since the face by came into effect? i see that steve sweeney is the only foreign media journalist so fond to visit the
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settlements in the south. he brings is the 1st in a series of exclusive reports about life among the where we model other key, a village in southern lebanon, just days after the sci fi was announced of age wounded, but not defeated. young and old men and women lined the streets as the community pays tribute to the amount is petals i am on the ruins, buildings destroyed by, as well as it compounded the south of lebanon gunshots, fired into the t is yes, but sap and it seems that wrong would defiance, perhaps. 11 men from this village alone were killed, making the ultimate sacrifice and defense of the whole month. i only made a law help loving and protected and grunted victory and made that victory be a legacy for our children. we have young people ready to fight with the laws, help we will prevail. this is a picture of my son. i have 3 children and if need be, all of them ready to fight to be a month. there was
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a badge on the people here all morning. they are proud of them all. it is a concept that may be those in the west struggle to understand. but it's key to understanding why is why was defeated by an army of dedicated fine to those who don't fit test between bracing as golds. well, we as a muslim society, are the resistance, just as christ's resurrection is a new beginning for humanity. martyrdom is also a rebirth. this red direction is a joyous and hopeful event. death in the way of a law is a new life for the modern, a real life for them, and a dignified life or us. we look forward with hope to what comes after. it is also why his ro can never when i have spoken to many people across the course of this world, people who have lost everything. and they will say the same thing. despite everything, they will always choose resistance. support for husband all remain strong here. if anything is hold and young men remained eager to join should as well pre exist east


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