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tv   Documentary  RT  December 5, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EST

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rising and webinar, rising origin is tracing at once and stop scapegoating others. the u. s. should respond as quickly as possible to the international community's legitimate concerns . voluntarily share its data with the world health organization about suspected early cases in the us. disclose what's going on at fort dietrich and us biological labs all over the world and give a responsible explanation to the world. and what is the role of the united states you may ask. well, the former us cdc director has weighed in, revealing that washington was involved in funding that we had not research with the state and defense departments on the list of patrons. he also indicated being fined from helping the site officer researches in china realized they had a serious problem despite their obligations on the international health regulations . what was the us role in or? well, i think it was substantial. this is why, you know, when you look at the accountability for china,
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their accountability is none in the lab work. and, and, and the gratian, the virus, their accountability is not found in the international sales regulations. after they realized that they had a problem and allowing people like me, it's easy to come in and to help them within 48 hours like they were obligated to, based on the training or the us. we're always substantial. one is a funded the research of both for me and age, the state department, usa id and the defense department. all 4 of those agencies, helpful and this research are selectively the scientific mastermind behind this research is a guy named ralph barrack at the university of north carolina. and he was very involved in this research i. i think he probably helped create some of the original viral lines, but i can't prove that. but he was very involved, but they're a mixed messages coming from washington about the true origins of quite a bit. 19 us intelligence agencies have suggested that the content makes the gun
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when the virus jump from an infected animal to humans. meanwhile, the f. b, i has to lean towards the lab mix theory, but here's the twist. none of these agencies, us any confident and the conclusions c i a for example reported they said it was unable to determine whether the virus originated from animals or allowed quite the ministry. a key representative from the house select subcommittee on the korean a virus pandemic also revealed shocking testimony from a whistle blow. oh, it's titled as highly credible syria level c, i a officer. according to the whistle blower at the end of its review. 6 of the 7 members of the team believed the intelligence and science was sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that cobit 19 originated from a laboratory in woo, hon china. the 7th member of the team who also happened to be the most senior, was the loan officer to believe cobit 19 originated through zoo. a. notice we still
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blow us the contents that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty. the other 6 members were given a significant monetary incentive to change that position. the agenda clearly imagine from all these allegations says that the legacy of the contact make is now being freshly weaponized ahead of donald trump single duration, while washington itself is making sure to wash his hands of any possible involvement in the origins of the virus. they killed more than 7000000 people worldwide spilled. a says box out rage in india off the he referred to the nation as quote, a la bard tree indian some example of the country where all there's plenty of things that are difficult there. the health nutrition education is improving in their stable enough and generating their own government revenue enough that it's very likely that 20 years from now people will be dramatically better off
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. and it's kind of a laboratory to try things that then when to put them out in india you can take to other places. and so our biggest non us office for the foundation is in is in india . and then most number of pilot roll out things we're doing anywhere in the world or with partners in india. you know, if you go there and you've never been, you might think, well, this is a chaotic place. and you know, you're not used to so many levels of income all being on the street at the same time, but you will get a sense of the vibrancy. mm hm. okay. it says non profit inquiry pas invested more in india than any other country excluding the us. in lots of this year, the microsoft found the met with prime interest in the rental mode in new delhi where they discussed the future of a i tag. it's the americans, latest comments, though, the spots swift backlash on social media. shocking bill gates says he
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uses india as a laboratory to prove things and get them to the us. so basically, indians are being used as guinea pigs for his experiments. of the human beings in india, samples the bill gates laboratory to try things. and once they are proven to be effective, taken to the us, this clip doesn't sound right no matter what context you hear this in. that's why research is backed by governments can often have vested interest, didn't even must raise this as well. india is a laboratory and we indians are guinea pigs for bill gates. this person has managed everyone from the government to opposition parties to the media. his office operates here without f, c r a, and our education system has made him a hero. i don't know when we will wake up india as a lab and indians are rats for testing. wow. sunjay ava should vash, found the all think stall top saves bill gays has some was of a tooth based approach to india. i think the choice of language is uh, was something that the one would not expect from bill gates. what we have to
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understand is, is build digs the has a very tricky relationship with india. that tricky relationship goes along because all the to hacks that he, we x, y as, as the phone done in a successful view of microsoft, which gives him leverage into move fiction book society to create. and the other is to the villain melinda gates foundation, which has done a lot of growth around around for a long chelsea on one side, and then medical research and those sort of thing. and the, some of the experiments that bill and when the data foundations ran in india with even video to around 20082009. we've the moving, it feels that it was better depths of 67 bible women, which well i've got a lot of bad name for, for the phone basin and eventually be there. they were a bang from running medical experiments. now off the call with as you rightly
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sort of limit and that the good foundation where add the add, the people think then there are lots of very few periods surrounding what they, what they have done. now in that context, when you read the statement of billiards, i think it is a, it is going to them number as you can find plenty more news. documentaries on both sides on our website on the dot com. so it was good to have you with us here on, on the web, the web with more news updates and just 30 minutes. i have to see you then the, the minutes or thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us about all aspects regarding russia practiced on the relationship especially now is an i q are to say that was the momentum growing in the
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relationship between russia and pockets started as well as now we have the rush out pocket started in sort of a mental commission. maybe what are some of the issues you've been discussing? and i think the journey started about 9 years ago, over in the integrated commission process, started by the input. this has happened of to president portions and prime ministers. you a bunch of these meeting last year. this is actually charles created into a motor activity and more interaction between the 2 sites. and then the seo summit that was added as landlords a month to, to a month ago. that was also that also prepared this relationship into a new kind of. and i mention, so i think bike sign eventually i have a lot to do for this relationship and we're trying our best to actually pin down
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this relationship to a few. um, uh, low hanging fruit. it could be harvested to translate that into a benefit from the peoples of the 2 countries. so we're seeing more meetings, so there will also be another integral mental commission of meeting us the ends of this year. that's been announced. what can we expect? anything concrete? we trying to actually do utilize, of what it would we've decided so far. so the next into american commission would actually be taking stock off all we have been able to perform in the next one year . and we are also wanting to expand that to more software issues, like cartoon tires, sports and human resource development. so these would also be figuring out in the next and you see, and we're doing the next seo, we would also be wanting to actually materialize whatever we have decided now. so
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what i was talking about, can you elaborate a little bit on your talking about as early as much next year to get the 1st so's not seen, dr. run to go for the logistics and for goods to be transported from pressure to bikes on why you know. now the reason you're looking at the analysis, mental fine human resource training programs, you're looking at the possibility of a chinese companies coming in. looking at the technical and financial visibility is offer new statement at, at the time of the soviet union was invested into by the soviet union in bog assignment that's on its life. so we're looking at these 3 or 4 major. the initiators you're looking at, uh, thank you joe, fog, sign it, russia to airline services, the reason sector and makes it easier for people to interact with each other,
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businesses to flush and interact and communicate with each other. we're talking about direct flights between moscow and is allow me much house. how close are we to seeing that you should next word shouldn't be engaging with each other very soon on this at, and these take it as we go along. but i think the win and the interest on both sides, this is enough for us to initiate a subject to read even. so what does this move mean to say that symbolic in any way direct flights? yes, it's more interaction, it's more, is people getting closer together is the use of doing business as ease of cartoons for experience programs it's, it's better connectivity. so it's face to face and relationship building. it has of all together are political and economic and i've mentioned to it that 5 cent advice you haven't seen front of life. have you sign in the agreements recently?
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yes, the i will use that and sign many agreements, suicide for scientific collaboration, done for other activities across different sectors and the economy. so the prostate in decide you seem to 5 or 6 different m o use and been expecting a proper trade framework agreement to be signed or the next year. so we've also made a lot of progress and actually reaching the concluding point that the framework of change compensation. and also from what i understand progress on is very interested in becoming a bricks partner where this pockets on stand in terms of that would be helpful. he would apologizing we are, we do have an open silvo status that if i'm not strong. and um, i think collaboration with all the big ben was states other than the
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ones where you might not be very interested in that coming over. but i think that i should as quartz for the most indeed effort. and so is china and uh, i think bikes, i would add a lot of color would contribute to lot to the, on the books for. and we're expecting that to, to happen within the next year or so. what would pack a start of game from being the books member who is a cooperation economic entered cooperation with these countries. and there are many advantages that punch some could offer to these regular states and the member states could offer to us towards this another platform on which further collaboration core designed to benefits for all of us. the reason i ask is because we hear a lot of criticism from the west, for example, who say, oh brooks doesn't really mean anything. it's only purely symbolic, nothing comes out of that. that is why i'm asking, well, what, what a comfortable with pockets don't actually gain from this? how would have benefit?
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you mentioned cooperation. is there something more specific? perhaps you'd bug some bugs on? doesn't quite look at things in the east west kind of a context be strongly believe that we need to well group or partners. bricks also gives you advantage of focus on for better causes, usually little cooperation with the member states within the brakes framework. so the logistics advantage, the trade, the manufacturing process of technology, access to resources that in order to come to poverty, especially developing programs that could help humanity fighting climate change. looking towards the environmental issues, addressing the new goods or dressing of energy that is not clean enough. so there is a wide range of activity the bunk song using wall for trying to explore varies in
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ridge. financial transactions can be sent to the more efficient manner. talking about that pockets on the recently actually used the chinese you want as a settlement currency and it's an oil trade with russia. how does that ex i'm going to go, but we'll see more of that. will it be just the chinese you on may be a different currency? yeah, we're exploring these as we speak. we've also agreed and decided that he will continue to explore different mechanisms and supplement of tools which are not in violation of a global commitments to our global development partners. august sun is in an unusual kind of a situation and swears in our shop a bug sign is depending a lot on, on very key developing partners made made to be in the rest of the use of the north
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of the soap. and we strongly believe that we need to take a little more developing partners as we go along as responsibly and try to translate any advantages that any country like now she or else have to give to each other and share it with each other. but so for the 1st experiment, we would say it was a success and it will interesting that i think it needs to be further in ons, if you need to find more efficient and more cost effective mechanisms that could actually maintain the so called competitiveness of the transactions and the end of the day, it's almost your costs. who and what kind of advantages do they get? so the more the expense auditors to treat, the less it goes on, the more effective editors and the more trustworthy entities the budget. let's just focus a little bit on phrase because over the past,
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the year trade between russian and pockets on the turnover has grown more than 50 percent and now exceeds $1000000000.00. what kind of areas are of interest to pockets? now, when it comes to trade with russia, it is a trade in balance of the dealership bugs are going to see this one. so bug decided this exports probably $179.00 to $80000000000.00 worth of commodities and services . and she likes sports close to a 1000000000. so we wanting to also work towards an environment where the balance is as more balanced and so bug sign has to hold products. i think bikes on to be the most important for boss codes for i. c o, 2 important food commodities. that ratio cannot go on x one. we want to talk to for george with 2 possibilities of russian companies with dogs. and
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they're coming down a part of the for producing process that are part of the value addition process. we're able to dig back whatever they add value to introducing punk sun swiping working on their joint venture bases. and not just as trading partners in seems a stability and for the future that converts us into more long term marketers and just seen the trading. well, put, unity isn't realizing those supply side is looking at that kind of strategy. so, so far from what i hear from agriculture, agriculture as the country steed forward, you'll find rates as all these sectors are value to be added for both countries that i think there is an understanding what's within both camps. bed. yes, the advantage is to be taken and we need to reduce the lens. what are some of the issues that you're encountering in terms of a trade with russia?
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some of the challenges and i'm the, i'm not talking about western sanctions right now. look at other things, i don't think our business is know each other well enough. i don't think that has been enough interaction with the people of between the people of punch, sunday and i see on the business who is in site business right now, actually make it on happened. their detractors to us, the movie are the people create an embodiment solvido be working on the environment . and we're also in the meantime, get the people to start interacting with each other that are not more enhanced the airline services, as the dream experience said, you're wanting to have a the next here. so these are the basic challenges. i think a lot of traders that i'll be below the american market citizens, an example of the chinese market a lot better than they know the russian market. the way things are done, our transactions take place,
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order the publications and money to come out to overcome those. i think the more the into that the more efficient and environment recreate within the and time framework. it's of the better pockets. and there's also an up uh, the membership and the ration economic a union could we'll see something like that also come to fruition that could be a possibility. and again, what would pocket san gain from, from this union? all unions, all sorts of platforms and all sorts, bunch of action organizations or whatever that is cool to communicate and to interact. we've had, we've had experience in the past that were not that pleasant is, is, it's, is the re, countries get an opportunity to communicate their point of view. and to understand
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are those points of views or to such for us and by design is pretty open to it, bug side is wanting to see a peaceful religion. uh, the agent with the economic and jude connectivity and cooperation are the aging where the people on countries good work together. so these kinds of photos would give bunk, signed a good opportunity to place a drawer in these on these platforms. so membership and such unions is good for both countries and what else would just say is needed since a resume for us to solidify the relation to what i think we need to start acting? no, i think we need to have transactions going. so every transaction that happens, every investment that's made on, on site port on the ocean site is going to,
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for the sooner to find the soonest the board, we get to know each other. the movie worked with each other toward the trade, the more the invest, the water between a human resource for more just one is coming into russia, the water daughters that go into punk phone. i think each and every step that happens from now on should be taken as a part of the cds of improvement of relationship and companies. as you need to build on, on the basis of each step that we did to, to do that has to be a continued ren connected strategy and approached the whole thing. and that's what both sides actually to realize. are there any concerns that the close of pocket strong gets to russia, that there could be pressure from the wes? this should not be. this should be, should be the should not be,
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i think as we go along of even both or both of us share in punk so wouldn't go very clearly communicate to the one has to be going on. and this relationship is hard for me to home. anyone on is not a gives the inches self anymore. we are doing it to not on interest. and only to the extent we're on and just hard for our mutual benefit. and please, uh, i keep saying this, we must realize that if we cooperate with each other, it is, it is an advantage that comes to our economies intrude automatically translates into a global economic advantage. so if we get more, appreciate working with each other and then we have working with other countries invitation to be trusted, that to, to buy them for, to other things. how does your tom anymore?
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so there's a lot of great relationship should be and is built upon the principles off mutual benefit and accomplish multiple any behind the scenes more days or inches, headquarters a home, anybody else in the board? sylvia wanting to engage people to be completely clear off this particular print, underlying principle for the next. that's exactly where vladimir permits and says all the time builds and sleep beneficial relationships with other countries regardless of what's happening politically and not using that to punish countries in terms of sanctions. western sanctions have they had any effect or impact on the rush of pockets on relations to be a political, financial economic you had to be, i wouldn't be able to create and corporate or do you can only give you as much as you called of years stifling the potential of growth in our economy,
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competition exemptions are doing that. so i hope, and here's that come things are normalized enough across the global political and economic landscape to a point renaissance. such sanctions can be removed and for the global economy to work and open it would efficiently in order to the resources that are services that she is absolutely amazing. it could at quite as in, like, on the global community take advantage of that and without any concerns. at the other players in the world have regarding the issue, i think they should be open enough to sit down with my shell and talk things over. so i think speaking to each other and more communication amongst globally pause like an issue and the wrist is something that is absolutely clear to conform the
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growth of 3rd world countries like us. and finally, one last question, something that a lot of people of course, are very interested in when it comes to nuclear energy right now, is the prospect again that we can see cooperation between russia and pockets on in that field. we haven't quite spoken to each other on that is yet. we do have a very uh it has these 7 nuclear energy program and bunk song. and um, china bug is unable to close you to get you to energy as a big part of on energy production as clean energy or sufficient energy. and uh, depending on the inches of the droid working groups at the i g. c level between russia and bunker thought that it would, there is some changes shown and expressed by us or by and i should actually be able
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to explore that possibility in the most of the most efficient manner. maybe it's one of the things that will be discussed at the next step. and so going mental a commission meeting that was announced, what will happen at the ends of the year minister. thank you so much for the the the, the bulk of the wall claimed and ruined the lines of tens of thousands, but it was the hague tribunal, with delta of finishing flow to the muscle. expand on your side,
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i will talk to him. all of that will cause up the curious thought me memories that the, the rest of your stuff or some of the funded funding has made them, i guess that means okay. up on these. you betcha so mutual blood test with you guys are that doing any cook of sorts? toyota table. i'll a cousin built around what sort of on team so so the, so the vision dos us up, the big jamie stuff. as i've done this through the bus, they have to go into the stuff as i said this, so not quite a whole new nice report. well, the problem also, i noticed was that some of the mound sales ellis, that the wildside got one of the world's most at pics, rivers were in how costly of a region so beautiful. the people here believe that it was bestowed upon them by
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god himself. so let's get off this mountain and these for the vineland has to offer the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law? should we live in justification? we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to make a trust, rather than sit a serious job with artificial intelligence. we are summoning the demon, the robot must protect his phone. existence was alexis, the
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the, the, the syrian, all me say that has read employed units outside the city of hama, to avoid civilian casualties. the move comes and made intense baffles against terrorist groups in the region next in the firing line, ukraine's paul of impulses and all the codes lay the ground full, ukrainian women to be sent into columbus columns and made us pressure on t f. to widen mobilization efforts even with see the money, even with the munitions that have to be people on the, on the, on the front lines to deal with the russian aggression. ukraine has hard decisions to make about further mobilization. but these are necessary decisions. so those are
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western call.


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