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tv   News  RT  December 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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the, the which is the, the decision of the constitutional court represents more than just a legal controversy. it is, in fact there, so can officially sanctioned cool. the rule of law is an induced coma. for many as on say will presidential candidate slams the constitutional course decision to scrap the results of the 1st round that he won was also employees to win the run. the votes also ahead the riots re ignited. the georgian capital with protest is attacking the police off the 2 days of relative calm. on the most goes days, wash is new, a rush and they can miss solves, could be deployed to the roof. that's off of the nuclear capable system. was
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recently used for the 1st time to hit a military factory and ukraine. the one welcome to you. this is on the international with the global news on the date. it's great to have the company and officially sanctioned crew. that's how romania is presidential front runner has brought and it's the constitutional course decision to cancel his 1st round, the election, victory adult, a full re run of the 2 zip codes. the romanian state has taken democracy and trampled replacing the decision of the constitutional court represents more than just a legal controversy. it is, in fact, if he can officially sanctioned to the rule of law is an induced coma and justice subordinated to political orders for as practically last address in this practice, it is no longer justice just as you see, it is at their command or the in such
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a state, we are no longer talking about justice or this thought rather about to simulate room that betrays the principles of democracy or democracy is under attack. this is the moment to show that we are a brave people who know that the destiny and rights of the romanian nation are in our hands. the top court has ordered a full we run all of the election stripping mr. georgia school of east jones to also when the run of post, so that while i have a house of romanian voters would have backs and round to me while the incumbents were made. and the president said he's staying in office until a new election time determine the next leader, sam coldwell, got i received materials from the minister of home affairs that show quite serious conclusions. and i urgently convened the security council. i'm of what the new government of romania will establish a new date for the presidential election. i see under the constitution of romania, the president executes his mandate until the end of his term until a new president is elected. most of so i'm staying in my office until
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a new president is elected to once a new president this morning. i will step down down there and take correspondence on us to see you have a loading that joined me in the studio earlier for an in depth breakdown of the romanian political deadlock. oh, jeff gray, one the 1st round of romanian presidential elections and he was leading also in the opinion. polls ahead of sundays run off on projections showing that he would get 57 percent. however, the judges of romanian constitutional court made the decision, often meeting urgency on friday in context of receiving a large number of request to another presidential elections on claiming that to jessica who's come paid was a result of external interest there. and so we have this unprecedented to move a bond to close the based on what decision and that is actually the interesting part because the decision published by the court did not present the argument on their claims that they will be published later. so we'll have to wait and see even
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the remaining and president himself obviously kept things quite vague, merrily hinting at one particular account of the h a. and he said that he received external support, which led to quotes decision. let's take listen to that. the document according to the materials one of the candidates received an unofficial support that is prohibited by law of and therefore breaches the election legislation. i was informed by the services and that this candidate selection campaign had been supported by a foreign state. ne, like god. and you know, we all know what he's hinting at because just before the romanian, foreign ministry actually claim that it was most good behind to jessica who's campaign and use the social media platform for, for that especially text talk and thought was mentioned on the pardon me it helped to boost his polls, but there was no evidence evidence presented say fall i'm, we've seen no proof from any officials or any politicians on that. were even the
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constitutional court itself. the highly likely argument is currently floating around and that's what makes this decision. so unprecedented a many politicians actually, oh, loosely speaking out even cooling this a crew which is voted to jessica himself actually said in the state, but uh, even actually his main rival spoke out saying that the democracy has been trampled less listening to this is the moment when the romanian state trembled on democracy, god truce the remaining and people and the law will prevail. it's not about me. the economy is collapsing, you are destroying democracy. you are leading the country into an a k. we should have gone ahead with the vote. respect to the will of the romanian people, i strongly condemn what happened today. they destroyed everything that was achieved with great difficulty in the last 35 years. the ccr decision is illegal, immoral and crushed is the essence of democracy event. so we have the incumbent
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romanian president, timing that's being for and meddling in the election. who else could possibly be involved besides be usable lesson, but would you mind that he's of course russia. well, one interesting example to mention is more dave up, it's says whether income and preston, my assigned to actually open any quotes for his citizens to go invite. and my son to himself actually holds a remaining post boat and she made a statement open, a cooling out her citizens to go right for in the remaining and presidential elections. and she opened the state of who she's going to vote for in these elections. and also coming from the mold, devin hudson, who's actually pro western so nobody is actually paying attention to all of this. and just how scandalous that is. no one sees this as interference. and let's listen to what she had to say that i did only dear romanian stuff on december 1st and 8, we're going to the polls again and we will be electing the parliament and the president of romania to believe it will also go to vote. i urge you to vote for
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a strong european romania to grow a free country. when we looked at the west and media, they've labeled the independent kinds that jo. jessica is victory in the 1st round . is quite a shock, a well most of the coverage of him has be negative. does that come with a surprise that why exactly is he facing such a smear campaign? well, may not use ations against him from west and politicians on the media is but he's pro russian he himself. so he says that he's probably romanian, and this will comes as the incumbent. romanian president is on the other side and he's fully behind nato on the west. um even admitted the what is happening at the moment is uh so as to keep the post that and that's listening to him. instead of doing romania remains as steadfast and pro european country, i'm saying this for nato romania is a reliable ally and it's very important for all of us to know that romania is not in trouble just located in car. so what of all of this means is that there's
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a global trend of breaking free from the globe. less people desire the states to be sold for an, an independent, lots of other things to search candidates who advocate for actually national interest. we've seen what's happening in a romania, we've seen what's happened in georgia with all these prototypes. and this clearly, those are attempts to, to stabilize the situation in george and take less. but, you know, at the end of the day change is inevitable global policy. we're such a joe saw me when he explains how our media isn't the 1st european country to face reasons. it tends to of a ton election results. but of course, it's a it correct, but this has now passed the cause in nato land. so we have the case of both though with that election was stolen in plain view. i mean, it was, it was originally stolen because the, the, the moved over and the ask for that uh, lives in russia wouldn't. it was not allowed to vote. so hundreds of thousands of
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moved over the wasn't allowed to vote in russia. and so, so i'm do a golf through and of course the o. s. c and the americans and brussels all said, oh, this was a perfectly fine fab. a free election was old. so everything was about board when it was all this the stolen, even the media could really hide the fact that he was solar. many in the meantime, you have this up in georgia with the georgia dream pa, the one comfortably by any stand that that will be a landslide. and then you have the, the georgia in president who's not really a georgia and she is a french woman pretending to be a georgian, choose power, shoot it in. and she's now saying that she's not going to leave office because she doesn't recognize of the election results and much like the romanian constitutional court. she's unable to explain, well, what was actually wrong, what, what was about there about that election that you didn't like other than that you
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didn't like the result, but what was the fraud? i need to know if you're not able to explain if she can't explain it the remaining caustic usual code kind of explain it. so they just, they put out this a ruling today, and they're going to have to sit them and figure things out over the next few weeks to come up with some hop wave. plausible explanation as to why they ruled the way they did to georgia. now why this trouble on the stories for a 2nd week and in a row on the government protested of class with police in the heart of the countries conference. so the, let's get more details. now. all the correspondents, all the deepens, gate joins as from the georgia and capital charlotte,
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the good to see you to please see. so i lead today is a relative com, before the riots were restarted. well, spots this latest escalation and how the thing is looking tonight? well that's why this is day 9 since the violent process started in 2. please see, as you mentioned that make you we have seen 2 nights of relative calm, but it is friday night into saturday morning. and we have seen a lot of crowd than we've seen for the past 2 nights and back again here on just the valley avenue. unimportant of the parliament. now once again, we saw the protesters throwing firewood chose to place us despite the fact that there is a bond on the sale of pyrotechnics in the country because they use in the protest. we also sold them throwing to off both tools towards the police, and then in response, we have seen the will to canons trying to disperse, to protest. as you might be able to see, fall behind me. the protest is down onto the one end of the rest,
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the valley avenue. and if i bring the camera around, you'll get a sense of where the police cool news here. in the last few minutes, we're seeing fine works, directed the police. and then in response, we have seen t a gas directed towards the pro as is and that's why there's this big chasm at the moment. and we see there's quite a little bit of catch them us, where you'll see the 2 sides dividing, and then they'll come back closer together. now interestingly, um, what am i produces here on the ground was having a look at some of the individuals in the crowds this evening, including one person who was wearing the as of insignia of course, the notorious ukrainians as of the tale and not gives you a sense of the individuals who are here on the ground to taking calls in these protests. now we know that executives from georgia dream, the hooting coffee, have said that some 30 percent of those who been protesting on the ground are actually fully approved on the georgia in prime minister himself has accused the
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outside sources west. he means by that the cust rating, the violence we have seen. now, we know over the past few days that have seen hundreds of people being detained and on fridays, some of the court proceedings did actually stall again. some of these individuals, including opposition, members of parliament here in georgia. and just before we saw this spoke up of violence again on friday night into saturday morning. we did see that there was stopping searches, taking place at the metro stations and not seem to go out quite a few people up. but yes, we've had a few nights of relative calm. we can just back and it seems as if the protest is ahead to again, refusing to go legs the decision by the constitutional court early this week for the elections that they have been speaking with. the president has been displeasing that took place in october, were free and fast,
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and these purchase the saving wasn't to acknowledge that, and they still cooling, they government to step down. okay, saw that many songs, the full, the update that's all to correspond to in charlotte. deepen, sky reporting from typically see thank you or the russian president in his days that, that the deployment to all the new to a capable, high, facilitate a russian missile system. and neighboring by the roost is on the cards. allow them, it puts in, made that submission, following an official request from his bella rushing towns upon a yes interest to bleach. the, i want to publicly ask you to place new weapon systems and above all, rational on the territory of bella, russo. this would seriously come some minds that are already ready to fight against bella rosa's, as well as against russia, on the territory of bella. ruth, according to the concept of national security that you recently signed, and we adopted today on the union state. we have, and i said this not jokingly, certain places where we can place these weapons with only one condition. that the
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targets for these weapons will be determined by the military, political leadership of delarue seats. in the meantime, you will teach us how to use these weapons. i would really ask you to think about it and agreed of my request. should i consider it possible to place such complex is as we already connected on the territory of the republic of bella. ruth, this will be possible, i think, in the 2nd half of next year, as the serial production of such complex is increases. and as these missile systems into service with the russian troops of strategic importance. and of course, there are a number of technical issues that need to be resolved by specialists. namely, determining the minimum range, taking into account the priorities of ensuring the security of the republic of the associate, the determination of the targets of destruction on the 3rd, 3 of a likely enemy will certainly be or will remain with the military and political leadership of the republic of bit lot of a lot of are putting on alexander lucas jenco, just wrapped up their bilateral talks here advanced on the 25th anniversary of the
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union state between valley, bruce and russia. of course deepening cooperation and the number of spears was discussed in terms of integration in the economics fear, humanitarian spear cultural sphere among others that both countries have actually been working hard to develop for many years now. but according to the russian president to main documents were signed, essentially the 1st one being for the creation of a common electrical energy market. and the 2nd one being one that outlined security guarantees between the 2 con streets and of course, in connection to security guarantees. ukraine conflict was discussed, western pressure on the union state, it was discussed as well. and that ties into the use of the new state of the art i wish to commit sole by russian forces in on ukrainian territory. and the ukraine conflict as in response to the west green lighting use of long range ballistic missiles on russian territory as well. so there's something that was discussed,
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the russian president said that there is no contender for the arrest nic missile in the west's arsenals. that state of the art is nothing like it anywhere else in the world. of course. so one of the things that alex under lucas shank co said in the public part of these talks was that he wanted to ask if russia could deploy these missiles on a bell, a russian territory as well. the russian president said that that would definitely be possible in the 2nd quarter of next year or something that was very good news for the bell russian president and will no doubt set a good precedent for future development of security relations between the 2 countries. following cab is use of long range, nato supplied miss solves to strike russian territory last month. president who, it's an older the demonstration of the nuclear, a capable of rationing system, multiple warheads, which didn't carry any nukes. this time came raining down on a military factory in ukraine. moscow was the future strikes, could talk in science in countries that supply on the kids. and if the russian that
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kids deployed to bella roost, they would put themselves much closer to ukraine as well as nato countries. slide times to military sites and cities across the european continents would be significantly reduced. for example, it could take around 3 minutes to reach poland, 6 minutes to germany, 8 to france, and test on the 9 to the u. k. rush, it has that there's no way to intercept is hypersonic myself. so well the white house gets the mess, age rushes, foreign minister slips, and the hopes so unsafe most so has plenty of tools to defend this national interests that and much more was covered in depth during psych a lot for i've interviewed with tucker carlson and you can watch that for a few minutes, sit down on our website on keep dot com. the ukraine's mounting lowest is on the bottle field, a forcing more if it's you or pain allies to consider the prospects of peace talks
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. it's really, it's the latest among the, a lot of things and we will see what will happen when the dialog to gain state will see. certainly, if the russians continue to advance, zalinski will have to accept some conditions of it. if he does not want the situation to worse than what we are doing, everything we can to support ukraine, but peace must be achieved in 2025. a chat with me for the landscape. chief of staff has being hosted for talks in the us by senior members of the incoming trump administration. the republicans were posted leeside lines, the issue of nato membership, which keith has been calling a top priority. from these allies have previous based lessons to slash military aids to ukraine, unless it agrees the tooth paste with russia. meanwhile, the west is reportedly preparing an exit strategy for plasma zalinski who may have to flee. you train off to the will, ends, alleged plans of being made to relocate him to london where he would join his former top military colanda, ukrainian diplomat as
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a report of the until to make the necessary arrangements. i like songs and lots of edge head of the vienna based super off institute organizations. phase time is rapidly running out for the landscape. it's an obvious sign that so to teach has set the insights to west and the leads, especially since donald trump one the electrons and united states of america, which was awesome for his continental european allies, are the us, um, western states and europe. um it could be assigned for the that's the cannot continue. so what's the one ukraine um as before, and staff for supports for that. i'm just waiting on that. of course. um means that's done all preparing an exit scenario. yeah. so that's how this so let's do it's not um and do you like to ask um, collaborators in um couple when united states um suddenly less there. so
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it seems to become more often all the retreats. but of course, when the united states um, drawback from one of their one of the conflicts um they ignited its, its trust aside for them that they will pick nights and other conflicts somewhere else in the world. so maybe we can see this um, withdrawal with them. so i'm kind of a positive thinking thoughts in the end. it's only means that we will have some, some trouble somewhere else. and wells, the mid to the terrorist defensive in syria top diplomats from damascus. i have met with the a rated and the rocky pounds, a pause in baghdad to cool to date a drawing was suppose to the crisis. you're welcome to wrong have both pledge that's the pulled full basha alice onto this fine. so against is we missed functions. they joined has below which arlia had also vowed to help damascus counts
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of the militants on snows. this upcoming weekends cries this talks all set to take place in de la was taught diplomats from most go to ron and i'm from a convening as this comes as the serial. i mean we deployed as forces from hama city on thursday. i'm going to turn groups and took the regional capital. moscow stays that it's joint as strikes with them. ask us, have eliminated, at least $300.00 terrors sound, destroyed several death hose and verified videos online. so isn't it? so just celebration as they entered, hama that was as the town citizens were forced to flee south to areas still on the government controls. one of those is the city of homes whose governor stays doing everything possible to provide a safe haven school. the displaced siri and military officials described the exit from hama as a temporary tactic to prevent civilian casualties. in the meantime, to heart is groups have taken control of. i left po,
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add ports. this exclusive message from the scene obtained biology shows the hubs abandoned holes as well as multiple units of syrian military ashcroft. but never got the chance to take off before the area was a run by minutes since we mileage to speak with a residents all the less. so he describes life under the minutes in groups, but fearing for his own safety was limited and was he could tell us, i certainly look to be able to make a video and to share it's from leaving the country right now. it's complicated. so i mean, i did pull right now and the groups are taking the other all the city. i cannot to take video evan, and then let me sleep or anyone would do it for any media. that's right. that's if you want to have an insights and you want to get to little bits about what's happening in the, in our neighborhoods, i can share with you
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a little bit about to yeah, needs to be, let me think in it very specifically, the mindset in point of view because it needs to be completing the tool sort of thing, a tool. okay? cuz for the security of my life and the people around me is okay. because it's a lot happening about the cp and to make the deal within the city. you mentioned it's very complicated to to do that right now. it's sensitive pictures is the same. i cannot kenneth sherry, thank you for security purposes. can you imagine i'm leaving and i mean, i was paid by so i can share this to money as far as if it says, i'm saying it's instance. meanwhile, russian on seriana strikes have killed dozens of terrorist son, destroyed the vehicles in both the hama and it live provinces. this video shows
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a direct strike by damascus is on the, on a terrorist warehouse. and that's one called city of a live. the also has being led by the to read how some function is labeled a terrorist group by countries including russia, took it, and the united states. but that hasn't stopped to the american cnn channels. i'm giving the groups need a platform while cooling him, a revolutionary rebel. he took the chance to try and we define the very definition of terrorism. people listening to this are going to wonder why they should be view . you are still a specially designated global terrace by the united states with a $10000000.00 bouncy on your head. your group is a prescribed terrace organization by the united states by the u. n. by the you and others. no issue. ok. safety people don't judge by words, but by actions lets me for the i believe the reality speaks for itself. these
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classifications are primarily political and at the same time wrong, i should define the terrorist as someone who intentionally kills civilians harms innocence or displaces people. for being honest, many of the wars waged by major powers, an arrow, but most slim and even non muslim countries have involved in the deliberate killing of thousands, the destruction of homes and the displacement of millions. even the regime itself is guilty of such actions. but let's take a look at some headlines and see want to use outlets was saying about the minutes since a few years ago versus now. so they've evolved from it to heart is great, probably known as dropbox, font alshaun, into levels. oh, in some reports. not even done, the opposition forces me to red alshaun leda has even a showed cnn that had guarantee the safety able aspect minorities in syria. many syrians are happy and will be happy to see the end of
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the said regime. but they're also worried about what h t s rule would mean, including minorities based off. no one has the right to erase another group. the sects have co existed in this region for hundreds of years and no one has the right to eliminate them. there must be a legal framework that protects and ensures the rights of all, not a system that serves only one second. as i said, 3 team has done i, the, when the west or a, when i met a guy and the cnn on. and all these when, when they uh, worked with them because they, uh, i think these all federal groups with one think under the natural as, as the, there was some guns to these. oh the so uh they, once they, uh,
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1st of all day god. then they falls in and now they want to show them to the, to the i'll use um to the people in the, in the waters as well. that is, as, as the people who weekend police with them more on any of us stories do check our website all t dot com is always good to have a company here in all the international bye for now the the, what are the terms under which russia would see, so still these like what, what are, what are you asking for 10 years ago in february 2014,
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we were asking only for the deal between the president and deposition. yes. to have government of national units have to hold early elections to be implemented. the deal was site and we were asking for the implementation of this, do they've or uh, absolutely impatient and aggressive and they will of course portions. i have no slight as noted by the americans because if victory, nolan than the us and best of the agreed the composition of the governments. why wait for 5 weeks for 5 months to hold the elections. the next time we were in favor of something was when the meanest agreements were assigned. yes, i was the are the negotiations less that for 17 hours and the deal was swell, cried me. it was lost by them by the time,
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because of rector and them and no, but including my colleagues, john kerry meeting, who is us. nobody knew us was raising the show of great new everybody was concentrate that on done bus. and the meals to agreements provide that for a jerry told it'll do a few green minus gray me. this was not the race and special status for a very tiny bought of done boss. not for the inside on bus, not from the should from the little was adult, bought of done bus. under this means the agreements endorsed by the security council should have the right to speak russian language to teach russian language to study in the russian to have.


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