tv News RT December 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST
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[000:00:00;00] the it is breaking news this our live on our to international the russian foreign ministry. states of syria is lead up by charlotte side has left his presidential post on the country in order for a peaceful transition of power. office told to the various conflicting commodities that is on the terrace forces seize the syrian capital less than 2 weeks off the launching a shock offensive. then i'll, i'll keep by the presidential pilots and have taken out the state. keeping station posts. are these ready? 5 minutes to arrives at the board with syria saying that a change of power in damascus is the result of his railey strikes on iran and has
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been lost. as the idea deployed his troops and seizes the buffers, owed with syria, under the pretext of ensuring the safety of local the it is a day of rolling and breaking news coverage or analogy international in nor most developments right now in the middle east in august and correspondence asked anybody to join us for now the russian form industry says that syria's president has left the country. adding that often negotiations with the various militant factions about charlotte side left as presidential post. it is as jihad, as well as his end to the capital of damascus and seems to control shortly off the capturing the city of homes that was up in the north. moscow has meantime, appeal to all parties involved, to renounce violence and resolve all issues of governance through political means. it states, russian military bases and syria are on a higher load, adding,
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there's no serious threat to the security. we are following with extreme concern. the dramatic events in syria as a result of negotiations between mister ellis side and a number of participants in the conflict on the territory of the syrian arab republic, he decided to resign from the presidency and left the country, instructing a peaceful transfer of power. russia did not participate in these negotiations. at the same time, we make a strong appeal to all parties involved, to renounce the use of violence, and to result all the issues of governance through political means. in that regard, the russian federation is in contact with old groups of the syrian opposition. original reaction is pouring in. it's ready 5 minutes that been even though not done. you know, i just arrived at the boat, it was syria instead of a change of power in damascus. what's the result of israel's regional strikes on iran and has blah the only story bit. so this is
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a historic day in the history of the middle east, the sod regime, a key link and a ron's axis of evil has fallen. and this is a direct result of the blows we dealt to iran and has bullets the main supporters of the regime. this created a chain reaction. our primary objective is to protect our border and controlled for nearly 50 years by a 1974 buffer zone agreement. it has collapsed syrian soldiers a band into their positions yesterday, with full support of defense minister and the cabinet. i instructed the id up to seize this buffer zone and a jason strategic positions. and we won't allow any hostile force to establish itself at our border. let's get more on these unfolding events here. we're talking international costing live to both of our correspondence. the use of july li, it's tiny by into ron, and i'm at least bureau chief murray if an alternate standing by in jerusalem. both of you welcome to the program, and we appreciate the updates on this breaking news coverage. and maria, 1st to, you know, as we understand, is on the border with syria, loved to know what he's up to. what do you know? well,
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hello to rory as how we witness that truly historic developments in syria that oh certainly sent shock waves across the region is ro remains vigilant and prepared for whatever comes next on one hand as it. and you have always just stated israel, welcome to the fall of the resuming damascus, but on the other, it brings new security challenges along israel's borders. the prime minister are heading for size, that israel will not tolerate any hostility from series new rulers. and this is why and it had the apple is there and were some days so likely in anticipation of the regions collapse. these real has been already strengthening, is presence on the golan heights at the border with syria. the idea of has even been conducting the wheels. they are to prepare for potential revel crossings into is rarely territory. and currently, as you have just heard, is really troops have been deployed to the buffet zone on the israel syria boulder,
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established onto the 1974 this engagement agreement, and followed confirmation from the when force monitoring the here we are and that armed individuals had entered the office of violating the agreement, and additionally, as that in the note that the syrian army previously stationed in that area for security purposes has withdrawn from us positions prompt in israel to staff a and and earlier we also heard from idea of the chief of stock heath warren syrian rebels against attempting or even thinking about infiltrating israel. stressing that the country is ready for a scenario both defensively and defensively as they can listen to what he had to say. as the veins, we are monitoring the situation very closely with all our intelligence gathering capabilities. the primary focus is on observing iran's movements in interest, which is our top priority. the secondary focus is on local factions for taking
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control of the area, assessing their actions, behavior and deterrence levels, and ensuring they do not mistakenly director actions toward us. if such confusion does arise, there will be an offensive response back by very strong defensive responses. we must be prepared both often simply and defensive. we can see to and they are indeed monitoring care for the big time, these random military and political leadership helping frequently meeting and were some days to assess the situation. the cabinet david met on saucer de haile and whose role says to batch is typically a day of arrest here from an accident. and yeah, who will be convenient. another safe session later on sunday, apparently off to he comes back from the border with syria posts from troops deployment. they have been also reports to all these reading tanks. moving into the court may right area right along the board of a serious i'm confirmed. the report suggests the idea of it when fires move or is
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across the border after rebel forces to control the village is close to is, is ro from these really side. we hear that the idea has set up new check points in the goal and hides limiting freedom of movement. agriculture lines have been declared closed, mailed to resigns farmers, access and actually accessible any like local people are moving their restrict they've significantly local communities are mobilizing as well. and some villages were here, how have decided not to send children to school. so security is on high alert system, the on the defensive, the front israel has reportedly bombarded head number of the syrian government weapons storage as why clearly to prevent advanced arms from falling into rebel hands. but all the, no, i have to say that for now, israel maintains it's policy of not guessing in full to the countries for administer reason for your for size, that as well does not interfere in serious internal conflict. although excessively
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affects as well as thoughtful is a mixed bag for israel, i have to say it's a big blow to the you run his bow, a c re access that israel has long opposed and has long been fighting against. but also the new players in syria, including their radical factions that are openly hostile to israel, raising serious concerns for an now is rose watching a light from the sidelines as no secret that the rebels have been fighting. israel's animals and sierra and israel hadn't student their way. in fact, some horrible factions have even expressed a gratitude earlier for each room is one example as they can listen. and we are fully aware that the iranian access has become weak. it began to collapse after these really bombardments of hezbollah and its leaders. the axis was generally very weak and there was no resistance. the factions advance was rapid and unexpected. we truly think is real for its defeat of this axis to. but again, in the long term,
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israel has no illusions about the nature of the rebels. they know that they are hostile to as well. i mean, they, we made a troubling neighbor for is relevant, but as long as they did not depose, a direct threat to create a territory is, will stick to these policy, you know, engagement. but again, this is what we've just now heard from a prime minister. benjamin's and yeah, we have if, if this changes and they start posing direct threat to israel, secure to israel will retaliate and act accordingly. by the way, all the syrian neighbors are also taking precautions in lab one on a senior lebanese army official told in all cheat correspondence that the army has fully deployed along its, it's been voted with syria covering at 112 way kilometer a way to prevent milton and for freshman as well. and all military units are on high alert all across the country. in a similar move, iraq has closed. they are the kind border crossing for which students soldiers has recently passed and strengthens that area. this was the defenses with advanced
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cameras. so again, he's storing developments that will affect the entire wage. and then we have to wait and see exactly how that. well we put our finger across the pulse of that region. and maria from ocean or a middle east bureau chief, there in jerusalem, that's go from jerusalem. now to tell ron hughes of july, the starting volume it we've, we've had the comments and reaction from jerusalem use of that ron. and what are people saying? what about the leadership? of course, sorry, i'm in the rapidly evolving situation in syria. yvonne has finally broken its silence with a strategic response from its ministry of foreign affairs. just an hour ago the ministry released the statement, our underscored ones advocacy for upholding c. we is unity sovereignty territorial integrity, firmly placing the faith of syria, syria in the hands of its people without external interference. the other statement,
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right, of course, uh, the ministries call out to swiftly and military conflicts, combat terrorism, and engage in a comprehensive national dialogue. this reflects a proactive approach taken by the one towards establishing an inclusive uh government that represents all syrian voices. one, we in rates of support for international mechanisms are particularly un resolution 2254, which was issued back in 2015 and the civil war back then calling for a political transition process and new constitutions of free and fair elections. and of course, the fight against terrorism would syria now standing at a pivotal moment. the one in statement says ensuring the safety of all citizens and also protecting a cultural and diplomatic assets,
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including the iranian diplomatic mission and maintaining regional stability are critical issues that need to be addressed and paid attention to buy. uh, any, a force that tries to take power and serial. what's interesting is that the statement beautifully a highlights being during friendship between iran and syria, emphasizing mutual benefits and serious strategic position in the region. and also the subject of public pledges relentless efforts to safeguard security. and stability in the our country and engagements ongoing dialogue with key regional and domestic players in syria. or in light of the recent developments in syria, the ministry of foreign affairs of the atlantic republic of a run, while recording it runs principled position of respecting serious unity, national sovereignty. and territorial integrity. emphasizes that determining serious faith in making decisions about its future is solely the responsibility of
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the people of this country without destructive intervention or foreign imposition. of course all or, of course the ones initially did not expect such an end game for bush. our last not saying this might be the same as when i says or dies terrorists emerged back in 2011 in that region, including in syria when a sides grip on power did not face even a crack. this time to yvonne did. it's best to try to protect all the sag rule and syria. it constantly pursued diplomatic channels to help deescalate of the situation. we saw that for administer. i bought her off. she went on a regional tour, visiting syria and todd, and he travelled to turkey, a pe even paid a visit to baghdad. and finally katara where he took part in the trilateral talks between iran, turkey and rush shops. there are off to you said that the discussions resulted in agreements to immediately and hostilities in syria respect,
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serious territorial integrity. he set out of course, initiate political dialogues between the syrian government and what he called then a legitimate opposition groups there. so it was tone after that meeting clearly showed that it had sense that the end game was not in favor of a science. so to one is a by no means happy with this situation, especially as it believes the militants are supported by the west to serve their interests in the entire region. of course, since the escalation began in syria, it won't, has been quite vocal about this issue. and has been denouncing as well that in the us, blaming the whole ship bank on those countries the most i didn't go to height according to our information active terrace groups in syria have close ties with the united states and design is regina. and these groups are trying to divert attention from the crimes of design
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a stream in palestine and 11 on. they have encouraged the creation of in security and syria data on the mind. tech theory groups abuse the ceasefire with the support of the us and the zionist regina and begin their attacks in a level and in syria. surely the finances of the resistance and the syrian government, with the support from the islamic republic. oh, and will, will lead to other losses in their history only tomorrow. and we hope the problem that has arisen in syria will prompt the as lot of nations to intervene and not allow the us in israel to use this internal conflict in their favor. we have never had and will not have any great over the borders and territorial integrity of other countries. we believe regional countries can solve regional problems with their own power and through dialogue. there is no need for foreigners, however, they are now in the region. this disaster that is happening in the region is unfortunately being carried out with the support of the united states and european
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countries and the weapons they are giving to his room. so there one says it's outraged by the west support for the entire side group saw the one in foreign ministry has also accused of course, the ukraine of eating on the edge ts dark, and numerous reports released by iranian turkish, russian, and even error sources suggesting that our ukraine is providing support to these groups in exchange for assistance by those groups in deploying extremist forces to fight alongside the ukrainians against the russian forces around says, this is a dangerous game staged by ukraine. as a domino effect of foss, syria's instability will gripped the whole region. of course, uh, but we or of what we're looking here at this current situation. one seems to be and outraged and infuriated by what's happening there. um,
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but it tries to actually mend fences with this newly emerged group and syria. now it goes without saying that syria now is of strategic significance for yvonne, it's what needs to be out of the lynch been uh for there was a stance and a pathway to nurture different resistance groups. there are through syria, iran, of course everybody knows that your one sense arms to has bull off now is we have has also to use the one of us sending and delivering, gets arms to is blocked through serial right. series of the geo political. and just for teaching significance for iran, so essentially iran does not want to lose such a foot, told the country i stood with us during tough times when i says reeked havoc here on the entire region, including syria, the country are deployed. it's military advisors who are members of the i are gc, what's force to push back dinosaur isis,
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terrorist and we paid off when in 2017 here on the announced the complete withdrawal the isis from the entire region. not both from iraq and from syria. but this time around, it appears that the narrative doesn't have a fairy tale ending uh for the, for the one inside. of course, the statement released today clearly indicates that there one has finally faced the music and accepted the harsh reality of the current situation in syria. of course we're going to do is go back to 2019 when the former siri present about y'all, us that he actually describe his country as a mike for cost of world war $3.00. and now look where we are today. all right here is up to the audience are wrong. i'm at least bureau chief marie if an ocean an interest on both of you. thank you. say well, depending on it says it will keep its boots on the ground and serious, i think a new potential threat from isis. but keep in mind, isis never attacks america,
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nor is riley assets and the rich. certainly the us presence in syria is intended to ensure the and during the fi devices with our partners in the rockies security forces, with our partners in syria, with the syrian democratic forces. we are aware that the chaotic and dynamic circumstances on the ground in syria could give isis space and were determined to work with those partners to continue to degrade their capabilities to continue to prevent them from researching, to ensure their during the fee to ensure the secure detention, you have a have a gander of this, right. let's see how washington, early up a trade, the leader of this terrorist group, ohio to alshaun, couldn't 2017 in the us embassy. and sarah put a price on that man's head. 10000000 bucks. but now, the western media has made a new ton of what a difference a day makes from then until now, the groups of old from being jihadists into rebels, or freedom fighters,
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or even opposition forces. and now somehow get this cnn designed to be exclusive with a terrorist leader of omaha bowed out july. the people listening to this are going to wonder why they should believe you. you are still a specially designated global terrace by the united states with a $10000000.00 bounty on your head. your group is a prescribed terraced organization by the united states by the u. n. f i d u and others, no issue. obviously some people don't judge by words, but by actions trust me for that. i believe the reality speaks for itself. these classifications are primarily political and at the same time wrong, i sure defined a terrorist as someone who intentionally killed civilians harms in the sense or displaces people for being honest. many of the war is waged by major powers in arab muslim,
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and even non muslim countries have involved the deliberate killing of thousands, the destruction of homes, and the displacement of millions. even the regime itself is guilty of such actions . all right, all senior correspondent, what i've got to say about joining us or the shooter for the continuation of upright can use coverage more. that's thanks for coming in so quickly. you might, i mean, you know, day job too much you and me covering the story over the past 10 or more years made . hey, we all seem to lee a get and i look several years ago. you were in the thick of it. you would that you are reporting all on all of a k os and con, issue it was happening in syria with so many external actors involved. ben, as there are now today, can you in any way, try and draw a line between the past and the present on this boat? what were you the it's, it's very difficult to to, you know, say we should have seen this coming. no, indeed. perhaps intelligent service is somewhere perhaps, you know, somebody who, who, who was that all these time who could see what the rebels were doing and who could
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see what the job is for doing and what will be outside the axes. what do baptist, they had an inkling as to what was coming naturally, an operation besides concrete in the entire country, in spite of a few weeks, it had serious organization this had serious financing. nope. the, the, the gist of it is that the syrian government was called completely up with that. they had 4 years. as you mentioned, we'd be covering this, this conflict for moving a decade. i spent 5 years to improve traveling, to improve from syria. and the problem, the put down the government is the same, the same problem that that was was and that is corruption, lack of organization, lack of motivation because of the said corruption. and they had, they had little since 2019 when they settled on the borders,
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when they beat back the rebels, one of them can find the jihad, the so i will them can find the easily, the syrian government, the habits jobs. so you give, give the people something to fight for. mm hm. we didn't see it. we saw a complete collapse off the syrian government and what is coming now? i believe, given everything i knew about h t s, and we use what fried is much worse than mostly. so it's much worse than what we've you know, this is not good news at all. not ad. i mean, you know, right now they're, they're pundits and eliza alice as saying that there's going to be a fight for control in syria that this could be, needs to be an establishment of a centralized to authority. but some of my fondest today. so my guess was saying that these various factions who would be leading this content, there's already in fighting among them. they might want to come come to powell, but how do you kind of stuff it will lead and fighting of these various factions. what is, i mean, i guess i always get it, we expect, i guess
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a civil war or some sort of infection will happening in syria. what's next? look, people, people make a big, big deal of that so many fractions of them as each other's throats. there is now only one fraction that is dominant and above everyone else. and that is the fraction that is over the is being 2nd only to our uses in the number of suicide bombings that they have stage. it is an organization that is made suicide bombings. the trademark as it is, it is the signature that organization is new for a friend who h t s. have back to the shop. it is a bully. it came to power by bullying. all the other smaller, rebel and job as we will remember. and this is, this is big news at the top, american weapons, america guided missiles each costing uh, in the order of
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a $150000.00. somebody wanted to get off with the hands and i'll tell you, i'll talk to you right shop the news. they bullied everyone else, all the uh, the organizations to such an extent that they did exactly that they do exactly what i will have a dog july to a man with a $10000000.00 price on his head one to buy the united states by countless nations all over the world by the united nations, and it is a remarkable feat to get them to the united nations. there is getting everyone to agree that these all terrace at least as just take it over noticeable and the dust shall set the populations that those of syria. but meantime, meantime this mohammed all gilani this best leader of you say, hi, i thought a lot shall have good guess what he just didn't make. he just got the prize exclusive interview on cnn when news breaks, we fix it. i mean, to hold the 3, how do i, how does that happen this? this is the 1st time even when they were, even when they made new show of who they were and they all put it on a show. now,
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even then you had cnn visiting egypt and speaking to the leaders of these jobs, you know, so it's certainly nothing new. they got a lot of flag for it last time, but in the press you will now see live referred to as ripples. yeah, this is an organization that the united states has just confirmed. yeah. these are the terrace. these are people who would get you to have a infatuated scene with suicide bowman. and we, we wouldn't lucky all to sleep with that in the level in the final days of the battle. when the same group we're starting to break into the city. we will about a few bases away from a suicide, a vehicle, bold suicide boma who extra vote down a 5 story apartment building. we would add shells re, undoubtedly trying to get away and you know what the syrian soldiers that the told us you better get asked us. they'll just execute, you know,
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making sure. yeah. and these people have just come to pass and they are now in control of cities with millions of christians, of if this, the minorities various deficiencies that they don't like easy these uh, for example, out of what? and these are people who are now we've, we've been friends since he gets home and say look with terrify this, we can't get out. we, we are afraid to go outside. they're out there. they shooting in the. yeah. and they're rounding people up. yeah. well, what i, what i, what do you, i mean we, we mcafee, a lot of people are trying to walk out, especially as where is aside right now. they're all sorts of conflicting reports. roy to is for a number of hours this morning with signing to on name sources saying that he fred v. a. l line in the middle of the night, his plane was shot down. out of the sky is totally unconfirmed. we've heard other reports, the russian for ministry is saying a side agreed to leave the country and leave its presidential post. but right now
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there's all kinds of speculations, izzy and all stuff on dog, izzy, and look takia izzy in dubai. considering your experience with a sod, his family and, and the geo politics the what do you think he's going to like, interview this out in 2019. i believe mentions family is his, is ministers. he is, is he's an educated man. he was on the i'm the pigeons while he was president, sir, and i'm sure he got out the country and i am. and i'm convinced that it is important where he left will, where he is gone all through a great, so it's full. let's cool. what are these graces full? i'm positive with you to where he is going. whether it's we're all still whether it's as if people ever booted hungry on latin america. it makes the difference. absolutely. yeah. yeah, i mean, so i mean time just, just i'll let you go. this one made the west, the media essentially calling these the, these terrors these most and everything's militants, essentially quoting them,
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opposition forces, all freedom fighters. and yet there's a whole nother side to that story that you may have these be describing a curious bed fellow is when sucking powers and the, well, the hedge i'm on you is it's all of these, of, most in areas and so on and so forth, to achieve either regime change or just to achieve volatility, your full cost for syria in the coming weeks, and you've got to make it brief. what do you foresee happening? while in charge of much, the most important parts of syria is now a man who in the early 2, thousands joined up with a carter who was a member of the slab mc said they were good as ation before it became for the the slavish states. a man who with the blessings of all kinds of leadership, then went to syria to stop job, who ended up out fighting dog. and i do realize that even i use this in syria,
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he is now in charge of one of the most complex and diverse nations in the mid least, the religious, the ethnic. now, there is, i believe, i hope i am a rob, but there is nothing good that is going to come up. but i guess the if is a senior correspondent, really thing you know, somebody girl pasta is in syria, bringing us up to speed with this developing breaking you story here. that the entire country seems to be thrown onto the bus by southern regional and external active. but i thank you. a thank you for joining us here for this program lie from most go. this is all to international with the continuation who are breaking news. we are back soon with all the
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