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tv   Documentary  RT  December 10, 2024 7:30am-7:46am EST

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is miss middleton, i'm position to seize control of the country. they've a meeting to discuss the whole transfer of the pallet aside. so former prime minister giving assurances that he would supervisor state institutions and total control was hands of over to a new administration from a sense of tunnel. all of our big correspond, that is the one i'm showing. i'm headed for the pollutants to the right. now we can here is riley minute treat, craft of, of damascus. they are constantly here selling the city suburbs intensively with more than 150 strikes on form a syrian army positions the most of the weaponry storage facilities have been to reggie, as is riley forces. always promising from the buddha in damascus. med l shop and the former council of ministers have appointed mohammed out by sheer, as the new syrian prime minister in charge of the transition periods. and as previously, he loved the salvation government that was managing the opposition, occupied regions around it lives. they have also defines the conditions for the
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transition of pilot and measures to prevent chaos of police and other enforces of public who have been deployed by the minute to come on to be stationed in public areas, roads and gulf, and mental buildings. a coffee from 5 pm to 5 am has been imposed in damascus. latasha and talk to anyone who violates it will be punished by a month of imprisonment. right now the situation is stable. there was no random shooting today compared with before. some new restrictions against defendants were adopted and who uh well in a sense of normalcy. and sarah, it has just been turned on its head over the last few days as easily as the most. and every force has closed in on the capital. a local state of homes appearing for that lives, but why mine opened off? he did speak to us about what happened. and this is what you want to do is you're in the area where i live. it's an illegal construction site in damascus, a neighborhood for poor people know it's mostly inhabited by people from the l. a
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white concession. it's our brother concession to which the president also belongs, the couple they frankly panicked. pretty much. i mean, during 3 nights there was chaos. it was on thinkable. even i was scared and did not understand what was happening. there was no point in evacuating at all. first of all, how is it possible to get there at night and to find a car to leave? the owner of the apartment called me and said she would come on find me a car and let's go together. i said, no, i'll sleep until morning and tomorrow i'll decide me. of course i then could not sleep. we sat with my daughter until morning and observed that yes, there was panic here. some people were afraid that they were going to be slaughtered going, although they tried to call them everyone down saying that they wouldn't talk to anyone and they announced it on all the channel was. well, i mean, while the guy, us terrorist flags, we see an amount that on a truck or rolled into the city of homes. and that goes, i find lots of times and wave sold, serial position fine. well,
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some of the new regional forces that are on the streets and fight off the right case. the while the american secretary of state is, are looking to create some distance meantime from what america has. so in the region morning, the ice is might use this window of opportunity in syria. this moment presents a historic opportunity, but it also carries considerable risk. history shows how quickly moments of promise and descend into conflict and violence. this is, this will try to use this period to re establish as capabilities to create safe havens. let's say, well, no, by now, washington has no stranger to dealing with crises in the middle east because typically as the one putting the strings over now to watch, he's done a quarter, he's been assessing how us funding of his darling revolutionaries. and the region is on the broad chaos and terrorism, but old, very neatly wrapped up under the guise of well, you know, it, freedom and democracy the same change as a business. the u. s. has been in for
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a very long time and where the west seeks to over throw leaders. it doesn't like it begins with denunciations of the past, along with promises of a better future. after 14 years of conflict, the syrian people finally have reason for hope. the assad regimes refusal since 2011, to engage in a credible political process and its reliance on the brutal support of russia and a ron, let inevitably to its own collapse. if a sod is gone, that's a welcome change. but what comes next has to be a political solution, and they have to be working in the interests of the syrian people. sharla side, oppressed is people brutally. he has countless lives on his conscience and has driven numerous people to flee, many of whom have arrived in germany. but one thing is clear at the end of a sad means the 1st great site of relief of millions of people in syria of doing a ton of tea, of the atrocities, of the assad regime, the barbaric state as full. and at last, i paid tribute to the syrian people to the courage to the patients in this moment
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of uncertainty. i send them my wishes for peace, freedom, and unity. but i have these idealistic chords of hope ever materialized into better lives for the people of those countries, or have they transformed into nightmare? let's take a look at the facts. us over throw saddam hussein began with ally and accusation that he was sitting on a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. indeed, the facts and the racks behavior show that sadam hussein and his regime are concealing their efforts to produce more weapons of mass destruction. it concludes the rock has chemical and biological weapons that saddam has continued to produce them. that he has existing and active military plans full, the use of chemical and biological weapons, which could be activated within 45 minutes. just about a month after us. red boots touched down in the rock,
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hussein's government was no more fast forward 2 decades, and a rock still lives destroyed. large swats of the population lack access to clean water, electricity, and medical care. terrorist groups are active throughout much of the country, which has a constitution drafted by invaders and half of the us senate armed services committee is even admitted that the enemy of baghdad was fictional, lost in all marks, the beginning of an arc of instability that continues to stretch from a rock to libya once the most prosperous country in africa, libya is now economically crippled, plagues by lawlessness and a center of international terrorist activity. 13 years after the brutal us backed over throw of new market dollar fee and the libyan people have another sugar coated set of lies from washington to thank for their country's quotes. the military mission of the united states is designed to implement the security council resolution. no more and no less, i mean,
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protecting civilians against attacks from good off his forces and delivering humanitarian aid. president obama has been equally firm that our military operation has a narrowly defined mission that does not include regime change. regime changes a very complicated business. it sometimes takes a long time, sometimes it can happen very fast, but it was never part of the military mission, like the us accusation that hussein had weapons of mass destruction. washington's claim that could not be was a threat to his people has failed to stand the test of time. just for years after the downfall of libya's deposed leader, the case for an affair select committee admitted that there was no evidence that the state was on the verge of massacring civilians despite his rhetoric. the proposition that milan market duffy would have ordered the massacre of civilians and been gauzy, was not supported by the available evidence. even brock obama describes the us intervention in libby as the worst mistake of his career. failing to plan for
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the day after what i think was the right thing to do, and intervening and libya, everyone makes mistakes. but the one obama made if of course, he's not. also, lying has destroyed an entire country, costing a tens of billions of dollars and g d, p, and reducing millions of its people to poverty independence on humanitarian. 8 bear up, springs sent its own shock waves throughout the middle east and northern africa, culminating, and regime change. and both to nisha and egypt, us funded and g o is play the leading role in helping revolutionaries achieve their goals, along with social media giants like facebook and twitter that serve as organizing platform. well, it's been little more than a decade since the opposition over through host name over ok in egypt and the country seeing the muslim brotherhood take power a military to take place and crackdowns back and forth between political forces for
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its parts. and you see has been without former president been a lead for around the same amount of time. and it's a similar story there as well. serious economic problems and a terrorist presence across much of the country. here we are with yet another regime change carried out by us backed forces on our hands accept syria is an exceptionally complicated case with a huge diversity of factions and ethnic groups. they're christians through is, is an hour wide, so they've all been terrorized by as long as they're occurred. so as long sought to form their own independence state. countless political factions have their own vision for the future from liberals to his lamasters and everyone in between. with so much chaos and confusion in syria, one thing and start the future is very much on certain i think it is or not you international because of the, the valve di discussion club. it's a kicked off in the quarterly info just the latest form. this time is where
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intellectuals from around the world of gathering to address all sorts of global issues. of course, in particular right now the situation and south asia. and we discussed the this with the program director of the valve di discussion cloud. but to me, if i go to that will be highlighted with the rise of bricks and is now established . multi po, the world most goes cooperation with nations in the region are only set to remain friendly for decades to come. the main thing to use the. busy seen so many asian countries and malaysia 1st showing a great injury as to breaks. ready ready or in other institutions which form the changing international order and. ready genuinely just international multiple order, we can discuss the practical things we should all connect. ready with their contribution of the agent, especially in this case, malaysia to briggs and see what she needs and multiple mod order. so it's not
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a feel ready. many or discussions before have mature where they go. not anymore. was has changed to join the last 2 years in the house, east asia, a southeast asia, china or russia. many other changes for our external change which has been limited in our relationships is the best. yeah. only 2 countries in asia and we changing the sanctions against russia, japan and single. so the rest of the asian, kansas pointless phase. and so we'll see with us for many years, at least for the next 235 defeats. yeah, it breaks the global south. i see on the multi part the world has most certainly for disposition on the global stage will keep you posted and all these world wide developments fly from moscow. this is awesome international the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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. c talk i you my names are brown. he was wondering about, um 26 years old. ball non plays in 2 bathrooms. i turned into a button 20 drums. and uh, usually i used to do uh, i red marks every month, lendozy miles on them. but uh i met the friend go bryan and he jordan moved to the body of the thing that's in the communist party. i guess during that or you know, usually in the late eighty's on the new 7 to the 92. we are that correct? no, no communist people on the time, many of the communist people uh score you knew about the disco, the people that the ones who are read the what the, the,
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the ideal is it. so those are very crocker don't on most of them are cute. even the proof of somebody that goes like, you know, your own fossil, you're like, do you do this that you didn't see that? so you're engaging or something, something which we've gone to to new sundays because there's like, you know, they've gone through the, the dentist, i don't know. so if you all come in with communistic ideology, they'll come for you on the, on the, on the do you want you to do one of them, i know funded by the module. nobody really no bundle, call you about to to go on the list because the association with the secretary operator was because let's think of knew what to do. i got caught up like attack or
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something to put that also fish on you to a local buy gain. come on what to do. so it's not by the local community but to affair, so closely by the community. so imagine from this uh, marxism leninism. the, the, the, the, yeah, i really like mazda done because, uh, yeah, the visual, unfortunately, no 400 deals on the editing the visual. no. even if it's not 247. so the visual that you had, it was that one day did become to become up off with initial and they've done it. you see there was, i've tried to divide them, but they have been concrete and they've done it. and also the other thing is that uh, like they are, the mind is or 12 full of the dollar. so, but you can see that with the effort and togetherness, they've been able to come up on the rise. i get


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