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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EST

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the, the at least 6 people are reportedly killed as us back to the syrian democratic forces . use live ammunition to disperse crowds, demonstrating in support of the h t. s, ruling militants. the us, the roles out the red carpet for terry is now in control of syria, and we look at exactly how washington's sponsored groups helped to bring about their room and outgoing us. president joe biden signed off on another $50000000.00 military package for ukraine was. com is that some of donald trump's most cautious advisors are mere weeks away from entering the white house,
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the live, and the rest and capital. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. a protest turned violent in the northern syrian city of rocca on thursday. at least 6 people were reportedly killed as us back to the syrian democratic forces which control the region open fire to disperse demonstrators. the total number of casualties has not been confirmed. the, the videos have emerged on social media with sounds of gunfire and showing people fleeing in panic. the protesters are reported to have been rallying in support of the h t. s militants, which have taken control of damascus. and the pentagon has openly admitted its ties to the s p. s. and organization recognized as terrorist by turkey. the us and
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european union underwent legal authority or the international national does of the us have a full semester in syria. i'm sorry. what is the question? what legal authority either national. ready or international, there's the us, how the troop presence, a force poster. we've had a true presence and, and i mean the arrangement there for a number of years. again, we continue to operate with the c s to can to ensure the in, during the few devices. so that has been our mission that has been our mission from, from the very beginning to the power grab, has intensified after h. t. s militants seized control of damascus, and most of the territory. let's take a closer look at who controls what's in syria in the north yellow marks area is held by the us back to s d f, which is allegedly linked to to p p. k. the curtis insurgent group in the east of
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that says turkish back, the militants have taken over the city of man badge. the h t. s continues to seize more territory leaving destruction in its wake. recently released the footage shows them overtaking the vandalized and vandalizing, the museum mazda liam, rather of the late president hafez assad in part of ha, but in damascus, the hey i to rear alshaun terrace group has taken over the deposed president bush, all the sides of private residents are to obtain to this footage, showing armed demand housing for a photo on the buildings roof as they unfurled the militant flag. i saw the resident was likely rated on sunday, after the former leader fled syria. the day after a solid was ousted from power s e t. f executive director moore has ms. stuff ahead of touch with the us national security advisor. take sullivan to celebrate the success of the american mission. ortiz assess, get tailored, digging into the groups role in the tail of regime change and serial. sometimes the
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lady really dos protest too much mission accomplished. the syrian emergency task force is proud to announce that the aside regime, russia and iran had been officially defeated in syria by the syrian people on their own. and without any outside support from the international community. the story goes up from damascus to debt. as all syrians rose up to shed the shackles of assets through an ctf, which is that you need to is they have no skin at the gate except we have the receipts on one of those receipts. so it's a $153000.00 grant from us 8. and another receipts is straight from the mouth of one of s e t. s. format execs. state department contracting. firms like access resources, knowledge ca, monex, creative associates,
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international. a number of the big contractors set up the contracts and pay the syrian emergency task force. oh, big you told the daily caller, then our all be credentials, all these proud bystanders. starting with new us mustafah, who over the years regularly visited the terrace stronghold of a lead. you will be for supplicating sanctions on assets, government. and is one of the obama foundation circle leaders of the future. not really make sense, given them a stuff or was knee deep with both chips and i live in a position during the 2011 arab spring, which we know like syria was also ross routes. there are times in the course of history, when the actions of ordinary citizens spark movements for change because they speak to a long and for freedom that has been building up for years. it must also is also, i spoken at chatham house. he's not as i think these headlines so pretty clearly.
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he also has the air of the dc elite as his website once boasted about plus he had a side gig of shuttling lawmakers, the real syria even getting themselves ease with isis. nita's, sorry, rentals. and these terrorists were ton state side, eager to fill the pockets, all the defense contractors. we need to take god reserve capabilities. we need to take out his command and control. we need to be of the leading fighters, the equipment that they need in order to succeed. that should be the policy so far that has not been the problem, but still for himself is no stranger to all mean. the flight has, has him in action and a 2014 documentary for example. the good news is, is so excited to send weapons to syria, but he doesn't have when, where and how it would be sent in one box one batch. this is the 1st batch,
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2nd batch would be tanks. so this is why is you kind doing this money and who paid the money? then what does this american company do? they went to ukraine and found the weapons. yes, ukraine said she has policies happened to just so neatly align with the pen to goods. the button to russian lies documenting russian rule crimes. rooting out common sides. syrian emergency task force director malls mustafah added that a desire to aid ukraine was another factor prompting the offensive with the aim of striking a blow against russia a mutual enemy. so it could be coincidence of policies, so didn't trust. so maybe they have some classified information on pennsylvania avenue. c t. s. offices are up through just a block away from the white house. so convenient then again, if it looks like a duck, swim is like a duck uncork. so like a duck, then it's probably
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a government asset. we are really acting as an extension of the united states government. we've become a resource. then that's one of his policy advisors. tony, be dash events. he's been a full team, his as a parks, head of communications, and now watson, a storm chain, saw in a think tank, which runs pools of as well for american academics. who knows, maybe the next one will include the now occupied golan heights. and that's just a highlight reel of se, ts stuff. so yes, the and you might be a poor thing, the syrians hard walk, but make no mistake. the same thing. hands worked well. how didn't glove to bring about assets? demise, and i'll show in a new democratic chapter, what are your hopes and fears for what the next phase will be for your country?
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my fear is outside intervention intervention by authoritarian states, whether they may be our allies, our enemies in the region that wants to see, you know, they are afraid of democracy. you know, they want to see like another military dictator or something that's a huge deal. and so making sure that countries that didn't help us in our fight against the dictator do not intervene now and in any way hinder our road to a country for its people by its people. yes, please know during the road now being taken, slipped fruits public hangings, point blank executions and assess fax, a new door for damascus, just as the s c t at so tirelessly. no beat for the gray zone editor max blumenthal says the syrian emergency task force was at the forefront of us regime. change planning in the syria. americans are being told that this was just
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syrians with their own hands, removing their government while the syrian emergency task force, which declared mission accomplished was the main lobbying force for the serious opposition in washington. and it received backing millions of dollars of backing from the us state department from usa id. and it receives assistance from the pentagon. in fact, it uses department of defense transport planes to bring aid into rook band camp in the syrian desert, which is where many former ices figures are said to be held or family members of vices figures. so for a group like this, which has been backed in almost entirely by the us government to declare that regime change or in their view liberation to cure, occurred without foreign assistance, is just laughable. and the height of hypocrisy. and it really highlights who's
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behind the forces that have stormed into damascus, and they're not acting in interest of the syrian people. while the syrian people might be happy, they have so many for an agenda is at play. now, probably more than before. meanwhile, us broadcast or cnn has that investigative journalism for investigative drama. one of the latest reports claims to lift the lid on serious freshly emptied prisons. but the coverage highlights the american outlets own correspondence of discovering the presence only unopened itself in it to find a lower prisoner who was seemingly unaware that the syrian government sales just a fire. take a look at the remarkable segment. it's one of many secret prisons across i can't tell the law the guard makes us turn the camera off while he shoots the lock up the cell door
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go in to get a closer look. it's still not clear if there was something under the blanket, the clutches my are hiding both hands. okay. understood this the way it is after 3 months and a window was sales to can finally see this guy of the all of those and the whole. so both, well, you know, i definitely look into more prisons, no more check points and all procedures. are you serious all this or, you know, i know facility a hello. somebody outside of the or syria luxury in boston 1000. it's the
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1st time he has heard those words. no way, of course. after toppling the assad government, the hottest groups open to the country is presence crowds of flooded the facilities . releasing countless inmates. also media has been flooded with images of the free that detainees. yet cnn reports finding a sleeping present are still locked away. the opinion polls so rapidly declining trust for mainstream western media and recent years, as fewer people are finding its narratives incredible. you don't get put into syrian prison for 3 months and get discovered wearing clean clothes, having a neatly trimmed beard and having 0 bruises or cuts. i find it hard to believe that one door remain closed after thousands has been searching every inch of every prison for family members and even started digging the ground in search of secret
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rooms. no, they don't just forget the door. hello, well, this is such a cheap production. i thought cnn is their refusal, the propaganda media. why is the cell so clean? how did he not hear the guard shooting the lock on the door? why did he look so fresh when he stood up? how did he not die after going for days without water? i have so many questions. this was definitely staged independent journalists, sonya vanden and the says, the prisoners ties to terrorist groups are purposefully being ignored. when i looked at the videos full said maya and moves from different angles for western media and ever the media and western media, especially there was only induction, use the whole item about it. the so all the cars, the lady ones and who hasn't moved and she said, oh, i see here some forces from down under. and she showed disconnected picture of this guy hanging upside down. and what i can see from a lot of people in this video there, definitely isis. i mean,
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you can imagine that there are really or look guys industries, and i must say 80 percent in my opinion is isis. of course the, some of the guys also detains, but i cannot imagine that they all very goods and the west is wife watching all this now because they want choosing change, what they did and i've got a song, what did i do to new york? and so on, libby as a very good example from washington and turning up the syrian tensions to media spinning terrorist and to freedom fighters. political science professor john mearsheimer brought his take on all that and more to going underground. you can have his interview with host option with tom see on saturday, but for now, there's a quick preview. how this all plays out moving forward is almost impossible to say . other than it's looks like there will be considerable k us in syria for the foreseeable future, because it's hard to see a co here in government forming in damascus that can control the entire country. is
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a short term success in terms of the united states. and you see the hand of a frenetic uh, blinking state department here, i had to be an organization of trump, on the 20th of january. speed is a short term success. uh, there's no question about that. uh, what happens in the long term is somewhat difficult to say the $10000000.00 bounty is still on the website that the us state department of go any blankets. so what i can get $10000000.00 of i tell you will government to information about i have to kill july any whatever his real name is. you're asking me, am i surprised that that's up there? i am surprised that they haven't taken it down. i mean, it's quite clear that the administration of the mainstream media in the united states is doing everything they can to clean up val gilani and portray him as a changed man to make him look like he's now thomas jefferson and no longer an al k to operative, we basically 2 are locked in with
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a number of out k to and isis operatives, and they one, and they have scores to settle it. sorry, i'm sorry to interrupt, but they keep telling the public in the united states i or the united states is more interested in uh, united healthcare. so you can play, but certainly in the information in western europe on uses. know this guy's good, and look how terrible asset was, what a torture he was. you know, of course, i mean, these journalists understand for, well, most americans understand full well. there's all sorts of this course, you know, in the media here on this very issue that the united states is supporting a terrace and that the terrorists or the rebels call them with you on have one. but i think when you ask what's going through their head, i mean, it's pretty simple. everybody knows the basic story here.
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the are committed to supporting ukraine until the very end. 6 major european natal members have released a joint declaration with states. they are all in. and working to bring kids into nato and the you. the goals of a comprehensive just and blasting piece for ukraine and durable security for europe are inseparable. ukraine must prevail. we will continue to support ukraine on it's irreversible path to full euro. atlantic integration, including nato membership. meanwhile, the outgoing bite and administration has announced yet another u. s. military aid package for ukraine this time totaling $500000000.00. but the seemingly endless flow of support for ukraine may dry up soon as some top figures on donald trump's, incoming team are not fervent fans up as well as the government their public and
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congressman headed to become chairman of the powerful us house foreign policy committee is well known for his strong position against sending money to ukraine. bryan master says washington's european allies should handle the issue because the conflict is on their confidence. one other official against funding for ukraine is cash patel. trump nominated for f b i, director. he has publicly questioned how he has spent a $1000000000.00 provided by washington. i've asked this congress to be to investigate. where has this money gone? the american people are oh, that answer because of our money. our taxes are now and there's a lot of really good reason to be concerned because, you know, you, the ukraine was known as a, you know, place for of corruption a place for money laundering. yeah. it's not like we set a $1000000000.00 as if that was even a small number to begin with. right? we sent a 100 times that as to one country. i don't know how this congress is allowed to
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get away with it. we just can't have full faith and trust by giving a leader a $100000000000.00. and having him say, i'm not telling you where the money went. patel previously served as a us justice department federal prosecutor. he is known for demanding more oversight of ukraine funding and for denouncing the so called deep state. but it has about to take legal action to read out what he described as entrenched corruption in washington law. speculation is turning that joe biden could be a target of investigations when his term is up. next month, vice president harris kind of gotten chief austin, security advisor sullivan, and even a former secretary of state. hillary clinton are also in the bull's eye for criminal probes. video reports say the by the end administrator and officials had been seeking a pre emptive pardons to prevent any potential legal action against them. like us to engage at the institute of european studies in belgrade,
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told us by then as deliberately escalating the ukraine conflict before trump enters office. if a guess what the hell is serious about investigating all the crimes in which these people have involved? uh, the united states, and then uh he is, uh, only not scratching the, the people the iceberg because there is a lot of um, skeletons that are to be found in this investigation. there is a big shift. uh, happening. uh no wonder that uh, the ongoing by the association was trying to escalate the war ends in a wander that's uh they even, uh, were willing to risk a nuclear war. uh, so that their crimes are not exposed in the united states. and i think that's the term supposed to be, of course, to de escalate the war in eastern europe, that the funding will be a decrease significantly. and i expect that the euro atlantic relations are also
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going to be disruptive to a certain expense. idea of strikes have reported. they killed 25 people and wounded dozens more in central guys. a local media claim, the attack hit a residential building and the news everett refugee district footage, emerging on social media, shows civilians and emergency workers searching the rubble for survivors. in the immediate aftermath of the, for some of those killed and the strikes are believed to be during the less throughout 2024. a shocking number of attacks have been carried out against the media in complex zones. well that's according to a new report by the press, freedom organization, reporters without borders. 54 journalists worldwide had been killed this year was a 3rd of them said to be victims of the as rarely army in gaza. and 11 on the report maintains more than 145 media workers have been killed by the idea of in the
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palestinian enclave since the war starts. in october 2023 reporters without borders is filed complaints. but the international criminal court accusing is ralph committed war crimes by directly targeting journalists. earlier this week, us secretary of state antony blinking hosted to human rights defender awards ceremony. it honored individuals fighting for freedoms, including that of the press in me in march, donna olivia, columbia, and elsewhere. journalists reporting from the conflict zones and the middle east were not mentioned unless this fight blinking previously calling for a quote on wavering support for reporters to out the world. well sorry, terry and governments, a non state actors continue to use this information and propaganda to undermine social discourse. and then p journalist efforts to inform the public hold governments accountable and bring the truth to light. we call on every nation to do more to protect journalists, and we reiterate unwavering support for free and independent media around the world
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. we've heard from both state analytics risk consultants. alessandra bruno, who says us is enabling a to ally israel to commit war crimes. it's, it's part of the special relationship that the united states has with certain states, and the in particular is around fluid should be giving it to complete the rest as well as in unity. the assembly, it doesn't get blamed and the no action is taken against it. united states has to protect itself, but the israel doesn't even have to do that because it's got this permanent and very willing lawyer on that side, which will help to the whitewash. any crime, lots of media or crimes. i mean the, it's,
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it's quite startling to me the, the things that i read through the media read the citing yanna and i'm when we have blaring examples of this in the uh, some, some progressive. alright. just stay with us here in our tea international. i'll be back with much more news and just over half an hour now. in the meantime, my colleague peter scott, brings us the latest episode of inland visions enjoy the . the
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for all intents and purposes, syria now ceases to be a sovereign states. it is in the process of being partitioned. a new international proxy war has been ignited in the region with no terrace and power. when states disappeared, so do people the toilet. some remodeling feet suddenly less finley or more in the formular sheets, each screw when the comfortable room. we'll just didn't fit in the we sit on that
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is the foot supposed to do. it was still on the ocean where y'all are still well that you think your sewage, the right they're going to deduct much is a given your, the, the feeling is that, of course, come on. look at that to me, answer those videos. the a one year deduction attempt to collect at the exit a month, i thought she sat there for the show and then it will be a job to fluff because of a do. the international stuff is defensive to supplement the setup button and not to mention the person wants to lose. it asked who i think, if i see the media, i love to focus on you to reason to do say, when you say that you need to be sure to be present that it was worth your
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money order work. you're done statements, the industry, is it or what's money? proof of concept really left. so should william farmer shots might give us who we have court cost or to go over? what decision did my name and what was that man was? what was that ridiculous funds? i put it in the midst of them one today and but you know, so that's what it is that you want to set. i'm sure those are pretty sharp journals on patient data for she's getting those are the best. do what i mean? there's a, there's accomplish half the
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mountains and the steps. the wild type guy on one of the world's most epic rivers were in her castillo region. so beautiful, the people here believe that it was bestowed upon them by god himself. so let's get off this mountain and explore this divine land has to offer the the, the other say is one of the world's great rivers. because the whole of rustic in hong we've come most quenching the students tributaries in the south, meaning all the way to the ice, the car seat and pull of that surgery in the middle. the victoria was a customer called the one to the 5 elements. let's do the seats and everyone knows the full main elements here at the water the at and fire hook has
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the is unique because it's described as a line to follow you've elements. why? well, let's start with good meaning mountains and landscapes on soft comcast. the indigenous population of coke has the cool themselves, the children of the mountains. so it's a very old local police for the weather. now. what uh, we have a huge roof i. e n a c, which you'll thousands of streams and hundreds of lakes. i see your face, the idea is how fast it is covered with snow in winter and it melts on the day of the spring at twin oaks. and you, what i'm the jew hassey wasn't even feeling the streams that the fire comcast sherman's worship fi. it's present in electric tools and legends. vanya, those areas unique and hawk has the built in talk about the great spirit in the sky of the great spirit of acts, which is supposed to rain over how has.


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