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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST

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the, the k r groups syria with at least 6 people were part of they killed by us back to the syrian democratic forces using live munition to this 1st crowd is demonstrating in support of the h t s, ruling militants. the us roles out the red carpet for terrorists now in control of syria, and we look at exactly how washington sponsored groups helps to bring about their rules. also, a israel's attorney general refuses to investigate the death of 2 imprison depaula citizens undergoing interrogations. this as before, people die in the countries internal intelligence agencies, custody and outgoing you as president joe biden signs off on another
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$500000000.00 military package for ukraine plus comes as donald trump takes a key of cautious congressman, the head of foreign affairs house committee, the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. this is our t international work. having the top new stories from around the world of protest turned violent in the northern syrians city of rock on thursday. at least 6 people were reportedly killed as us back syrian democratic forces which control the region opened fire to disperse demonstrators. the total number of casualties has not been confirmed. the videos have emerged on social media with the sounds of gunfire and showing people sling and panic. the protesters are reported to and rallying and supports of the
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h. t. s militants, which have taken control of damascus. the pentagon has once again, openly admitted having ties to syrian democratic forces, a long time collaboration in the region under what legal authority or the international national does of the us have a full semester in syria. i'm sorry. what is the question? what legal authority, either national or international, there's the us, how the troop presence, a full poster. we've had a true presence and, and i mean the arrangement there for a number of years. again, we continue to operate with the s p s to can to ensure the in, during the fi devices. so that has been our mission that has been our mission from, from the very beginning. the, the s d f is not the only party receiving us support. it also has the back of high out to we are all shar militants that have seized control of damascus and most of
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the territory. following the power grab us secretary of state antony, blinking, declared washington support for the paramilitary group. various factions are now racing to stake, a claim on viable lands adding to the chaos and uncertainty in, in bottles of syria. but let's take a closer look at who controls what's in syria now in the north that yellow marks areas held by the us backed s d f, which is allegedly linked to p. p. k, the kurdish in surgeon group in the east. well, that's us. took us back militants have taken over the city of man bitch, all the green is controlled by the h t. s. terrace. they continue to seize more territory, leaving destruction in their way recently released for the shows and overtaking and vandalizing. the moslem of the late president hafez assad in car to have in damascus, the hyatt to rear alshaun terrace group has taken over the post president bush all
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assad's private residence r t obtained this. what it's showing armed man posing for a photo on the buildings roof as they unfurled the militant flag. assad's rest that was likely rated on sunday after the former leader fled syria. the day after a sod was ousted from power s u t. f executive director moore has ms stuff a had a one on one with us. national security advisor jake sullivan to celebrate the success of the american mission ortiz assess scale taylor biggs, into the groups role and resume change in syria. and sometimes the lady rarely dose protests too much mission accomplished. the syrian emergency task force is proud to announce that the aside regime, russia and iran had been officially defeated in syria by the syrian people on their own. and without any outside support from the international community. the story goes up from damascus to debt. as all syrians rose up to shut the shackles,
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all the assets through an ctf, which is that you need to is they have no skin at the gate, except we have the receipts on one of those receipts. so it's a $153000.00 grant from us 8. and another receipts is straight from the mouth of one of s e t. s. for my execs. state department contracting firms like access resources, knowledge, tomonica, creative associates, international. a number of the big contractors set up the contracts and pay the syrian emergency task force. oh biggie told the daily caller, then are all be credentials, all these proud bystanders. starting with blue eyes mustafah, who over the years regularly visited the terrace stronghold of a lead. you will be for supplicating sanctions on assets, government, and as one of the obama foundations circle leaders of the future. not really make sense. given them a software was knee deep with both a tips and i live in
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a position during the 2011 arabs spring, which we'll know like syria was also ross routes. there are times in the course of history when the actions of ordinary citizens spark movements for change because they speak to a longing for freedom that has been building up for years. most often has also spoken at chatham house. his body is, i think these headlines so pretty clearly. he also has the air of the dc leads about his website once boasted about plus he had a slide deck of showing lawmakers, the real syria, even getting themselves with isis need is sorry, rebels. and these terrorists were ton stateside iga to fill the pockets all the defense contractors. we need to take god reserve capabilities. we need to take out his command and control. we need to give save the fighters the equipment
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that they need in order to succeed. that should be the policy so far that has not been problems with delta himself is no stranger to all mean the flight has, has him in action and a 2014 documentary, for example. the good news is, is so excited to send weapons to syria. but he doesn't have when, where and how it would be sent in one box one batch. this is the 1st batch, 2nd batch would be tanks. so this is why is you kind doing this money and who paid the money? then what does this american company do? they went to ukraine and found the weapons. uh yes, ukraine. s h c. have policies happened to just so neatly align with the pen to goods. the bottom chain russian lies documenting russian blue crimes. rooting out common sides, syrian emergency task force director malls mustafah added that
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a desire to aid ukraine was another factor prompting the offensive with the aim of striking a blow against russia a mutual enemy. so it could be a coincidence of policies, so didn't trust. so maybe they had some classified information on pennsylvania avenue, c ts offices are off through just a block away from the white house. so convenient then again, if it looks like a duck, swim is like a duck on corks like a duck. then it's probably a government asset. we're really acting as an extension of the united states government. we've become a resource. then that's one of his policy advisors. tony, be dash events. he's been a full team, his as a parks, head of communications. and now was in a storm chain saw in a spring time, which runs pools of as well for american academics. who knows, maybe the next one will include the now occupied golan heights. and that's just
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a highlight reel of se, ts stuff. so yes, the and you might be opposing the syrians called walk, but make no mistake. the same thing. hands worked well, hands and glove to bring about assets, demise. and i'll show in a new democratic chapter, what are your hopes and fears for what? the next phase will be for your country. my fear is outside intervention intervention by authoritarian states, whether the may be our allies, our enemies, and the reason the want to see, you know, they are afraid of democracy. you know, they want to see like another military dictator or something that's a huge deal. um, so making sure that countries that didn't help us in our fight against a dictator do not intervene now and in any way hinder our road to a country for its people by its peoples. yes, p is no painting during the road now being taken slit, fruits, public hangings,
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point blank executions and isis, fax, a new door for damascus, just as the s c t at so tirelessly. no beat for the gray zone editor max blumenthal says the syrian emergency task force was at the forefront of us regime. change planning in syria. americans are being told that this was just syrians with their own hands, removing their government while the syrian emergency task force, which declared mission accomplished was the main lobby and force for the serious opposition in washington. and it received backing by millions of dollars of backing on from the us state department to feed me from usa id. and it receives assistance from the pentagon. in fact, it uses department of defense transport planes to bring aid into
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a fun camp in the syrian desert, which is where many former ices figures are said to be held or family members, advisors figures. so for a group like this, which has been back in almost entirely by the us government to declare that regime change or in their view, liberation, accurate card without foreign assistance, is just laughable. and the height of hypocrisy. and it really highlights who's behind the forces that have stormed into damascus. they're not acting in interest of the syrian people, while the syrian people might be happy, they have so many foreign agendas. it play now, probably more than before. to me, well, us broadcast or cnn has ditched investigative journalism for investigative drama. one of his latest reports claims to lift the lid on syria's freshly emptied the
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prisons of the coverage highlights the american outlets own correspondence. discovering the presence only an open cell and it defines alone, prisoner who is seemingly unaware that the syrian government fell just days prior to take a look at this simply remarkable segment. it's one of many see, i can't tell the law the guard makes us turn the camera off while he shoots the lock up the cell door go in to get a closer look. it's still not clear if there was something under the blanket, the watches my arm, both hands,
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distribution the way it is after 3 months and a window was so still can finally see the sky and the her little bill into her logo. so you know, no problem, no more prisons, no more check points and all procedures. are you serious? all this for, you know, i know facility a hello, somebody outside of the or syria, it was 3000. it's the 1st time he has heard those words. no way, of course, the laughter toppling the assad government jihad his groups opened. the country's presence crowds of flooded the facilities. releasing countless inmates social media has been flooded with images of the free detainees. yet cnn reports finding a sleeping present are still locked away. opinions also rapidly declining trust for
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mainstream western media and recent years, as fewer people are finding it's narratives incredible. you don't get put in the syrian prison for 3 months and get discovered wearing clean clothes, having a neatly trimmed beard and having 0 bruises or cuts. i find it hard to believe that one door remained closed after thousands has been searching every inch of every prison for family members and even started digging the ground in search of secret rooms. no, they don't just forget the door. hello, well, this is such a cheap production. i thought cnn. is there a few that propaganda media? why is the cell so clean? how did he not hear the guard shooting the lock on the door? why did he look so fresh when he stood up? how did he not die after going for days without water? i have so many questions. this was definitely staged independent. that's journalists to sonya event and then the says, the prisoners ties to terrorist groups are purposefully being ignored. when i looked at the videos from said my i looked from different angles from western media
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and ever the media and western media, especially the that used to older cars. the lady ones moved and she said, oh, i see here some voices from downtown there. and she showed this, but i picture of this guy hanging upside down. and what i can see from a lot of people in this video there, definitely isis. i mean, you can imagine that there are really or look guys in this region. i must say 80 percent in my opinion is isis. of course the some of the guys also detains, but i cannot imagine this a oh very close. and the west is wife watching old is now because the one choosing change. what they did and i've got a song, what did i do to new york and so on. maybe as a very good example from washington turning up, siri intentions to media, spitting terrorist and to freedom fighters, medical science professor john mearsheimer brought his take on all that and more to
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going underground. you can catch his interview with host option with tom. see on saturday, but for now, here's a quick preview. how this all plays out moving forward is almost impossible to say . other than it's looks like there will be a considerable chaos in syria for the foreseeable future, because it's hard to see a co here in government for me in damascus that can control the entire country, is, is a short term success in terms of the united states and do you see the hand of a phonetic blinking state department here? i had to be an organization of trump on the 20th of january. it is a short term success. uh, there's no question about that. uh, what happens in the long term is somewhat difficult to say the $10000000.00 bounty is still on the website that the us state department of doing the blinking. so what i can get $10000000.00 of i tell you will government to information about the kill july any whatever his real name is. you're asking me,
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am i surprised that that's up there? i am surprised that they haven't taken it down. i mean, it's quite clear that the administration and the mainstream media in the united states is doing everything they can to clean up val july and portray him as a changed man to make him look like he's now thomas jefferson and no longer an al qaeda operatives we basically too are locked in with a number of l k to and isis offered tips, and they won and they have scores to settle it. sorry, i'm sorry to interrupt, but they keep telling the public in the united states. i know the united states is more interested in uh, united healthcare, so you can play, but certainly in the information in western europe on uses. know this guy's good, and look how terrible asset was, what a torture he was. of course, i mean, these journalists understand for, well, most americans understand full well,
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there's all sorts of this course, you know, in the media here on this very issue that the united states is supporting a terrace and that the terrorist or the rebels call them with you on have one, but i think when you ask what's going through their head, i mean, it's pretty simple. everybody knows the basic story here, the, as well committed to supporting ukraine until the very end. 6 major european natal members have released a joint declaration which states they are all in and working to bring 2 of into nato and the you. the goals of a comprehensive just and blasting piece for ukraine and durable security for europe are inseparable, ukraine must prevail. we will continue to support ukraine on its irreversible path
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to full euro atlantic integration, including nato membership. russia has repeatedly stated it would not accept ukrainian membership in the north atlantic block because it proposes a significant threat to national security. for the more it signals western expansion to the east and bringing new crane into nato was a cor reason setting in motion the russian military operation in 2022. but even the alliances top officials sometimes admit accession isn't possible. and even former nato tpm stone very has said ukraine must at the very least end of the conflict with russia for admission to be considered. meanwhile, the outgoing abiding administration has announced yet another us military aid package for ukraine. this time totally $500000000.00. but the seemingly endless flow of support, few crane may dry up soon with chief figures, assuming the reins as trumps, team or danes. power are not fans of these. the lensky governments, the republican republican congressman headed to become a chairman of the powerful
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u. s. foreign policy committee is well known for his strong position against sending money to ukraine. right in math says washington's european allies should handle the issue because the conflict is on their continents. another official against funding for ukraine, this cache patel trump nominee for f. b i, director, he has publicly questioned how he ever spent a $1000000000.00 provided by washington. and i've asked this congress to be to investigate. where has this money gone? the american people are oh, that answer because of our money. our taxes are now and there's a lot of really good reason to be concerned because, you know, you, the ukraine was known as a, you know, place for of corruption a place for money laundering. yeah. it's not like we set a $1000000000.00 as if that was even a small number to begin with. right? we sent a 100 times that to one country. i don't know how this congress is allowed to get away with it. we just can't have full faith and trust by giving a lead or
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a $100000000000.00. and having him say, i'm not telling you where the money went. the tell previously served as a us justice department federal prosecutor. he is known for demanding more oversight of ukraine funding and for denouncing the so called deep state to tell us about to take legal action to read out what he describes as entrenched corruption in washington. and speculation is turning that joe biden could be a target of investigations when his term is up. next month, vice president harris kind of gotten chief austin's security advisor sullivan, and even the former secretary of state. hillary clinton are also in the bull's eye for criminal probes. media reports a bite and administration officials have been seeking pre emptive pardons to prevent any potential legal action against them. like a 7 guy at the institute of european studies in belgrade told us by then is deliberately escalating the crime conflict before trump enters office. if uh,
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i guess, but the hell is serious about investigating all the crimes in which these people have involved. uh the united states and then uh he is uh, only not stretching to the people the iceberg because there is a lots. busy of um skeletons uh that are to be found in this investigation. there is a big shift. uh, happening. uh no wonder that uh, the ongoing by the installation was trying to escalate the war ends in a longer. that's uh they even, uh, were willing to risk a nuclear war. uh, so that their crimes are not exposed in the united states. and i think that the terms of problems will be, of course, to de, escalate more in eastern europe, that the funding will be decreased significantly. and i expect that the euro atlantic relations are also going to be disruptive to
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a certain extent on turning now this to israel, where for palestinians have died well under interrogation by shouldn't. but the countries internal intelligence agency that's according to local media reports, which also claim as well as attorney general, has ordered 2 criminal investigations to be opened. right. we can cross live now to our middle east bureau chief maria from ocean on who's in jerusalem. maria, what else can you tell us about these 4 cases to well, good morning to your rachel, at least for palestinians, held by israel's internal security agency that sion bads have reportedly died on to under interrogation since the war and guys have begun a recent report by these really d b i had revealed one of the victims was the doctor eod audit on t c. had of the maternity department at come all at one hospital in gaza. he
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reportedly died on november 16th to 6 days after his arrest. while his review officials a tribute he's death to heart failure, injuries and signs of trauma found on his body suggest otherwise raising serious concerns about the interrogation methods used. the identities of the other 3 victims remain undisclosed for now, and it's unclear whether they were captured in gas or oil in the occupied west bank . following an investigation by the ministry of justices complaints unit, these really attorney general's office decided against launching a criminal pro englishing that personnel in at least 2 of these cases. we know that since the masses attack on october 7, last year, israel has carried out wides private arrests across the palestinian territories and the west bank and gaza with thousands detained reports for mentees and human rights organizations. find a green picture of over crowded prisons and dia conditions, and we know that these roles administer of national security, mr. ben v, or has
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a police based at about these tough measures. many detainees are reportedly subject to to torture and humiliation data from israel's prison service. reveals that in the 9 months following last october, 11th and 13, the detainees have died in custody. 2 of them on the scene, but interrogation official records never side torture as a cause of death and accountability remains tears from 2014 to 2022. only 2 sion bad officers faced mental investigations. and again, in this recent slightest case, new charges have been filed at old human rights groups are speaking out strong lake using these radius ortiz, of systematically using torture, right? from the moment people are arrested. take a listen since the beginning of the genocide, a war against palestinians. approximately 50 full mouth is from old palestinian
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provinces, have died in his riley occupation prisons due to torture in humane conditions, systematic abuse, and deliberate attacks. it's worth noting that the occupying state continues to withhold information about the killed prisoners. as reports have revealed the depths of dozens of mottoes inside camps and prisons. their families know nothing of the fate of their loved ones, or the names of those who have died in these camps. this underscores the scale of the humanitarian disaster, the prisoner's face in november or the palestinian prisoners society, another n g o advocate and full of detainees, rise, highlighted what it described as catastrophic conditions and is really the presence the organization linked the death of a please to detainees to severe mis treatment and medical negligence, according to their reports since the warrant guys um started. 49000 student
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prisoners have died and has really custody 30 or 4 from guys. so human rights groups findings directly challenge the official narrative and coal for origin action station bad how, wherever asserts, that's responsibility for any detainee fatalities lies with the military. but at the end, no one is held accountable. neither the army, no, there seems that way. the audit is really easy. maria, in 2022, a young woman named marshall. i mean he died in a rainy in police custody. official reports say her death was caused by health complications. these cases seemed very similar. uh, similar is that reflected in the as really media coverage. well remember that back that israel was quick to blame iran for brutally killing the young woman before an official investigation was conducted 22 year old. many died in custody in september 2022,
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3 days after the full ending to cold will fall. we hear a rest into a run for allegedly violate and based on the republic, strict dress code for women. and while the official medical report claimed her death was due to illness rather than physical the sold, as rome had already made up its mind, let's take a listen. the muscle miti. remember her name, the world must speak out against the brutality of the arabian regime. may her memory be a blessing, a new low in the un. i left the general assembly hold immediately at the beginning of the butcher of k, ron iranian president, rise the speech. i waved a picture of myself, a meanie who was brutally murdered by the iranian regime. often not wearing and had job properly. there are hundreds of iranians outside who are crying out for help from the international community. i will continue to fight here to show the world the truth about the moral disgrace of the united nations and to fight against
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honoring murderous and anti semites. well, it wrong van accused israel, all of exploding them in his death to attack the government. and here on wall, ignoring its own human rights violations against palestinians. and while critics argued that tase rose quick condemnation highlights a double standard as it overlooks the systematic abuses and gas occurring and its own custody. back to you. right, so right. our t middle east bear chief murray of an ocean on maria. thank you. all right, well just stay with us here on our t international. be back with much more news. it is about half an hour in the meantime, as always, to visit our website or to com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the the
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altima 2023. a surprise attack launched against israel by how much militaries show the world. the no one had expected, the palestinian runs, it goes to have so many cutting edge weapons in the aftermath of the attack militants, openly unlocking a thing for us refrain for the rockets and missiles that rained down on these riley cities of the see the how can it be that arms are shipped to the middle east from a country whose template visuals constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments. anyway. blueprint bus locally, maybe opened.


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