tv News RT December 14, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST
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the the, the, the candidates from the really georgia dream par, to you, me go, you know, a couple less really has just been elected president of georgia and marks the 1st time. and electoral college in parliament determined that countries ahead of state we go live to the police seat for more on this in moments. also a head on the program today. the idea for pointedly phones to survey and ports on the damascus region. while the as really defense ministry instruct strips the brace for a winter in the buffer zone in the country side. do you politicians urge display syrians living in europe to return home with some even offerings in cash incentives? the refugee say they fear for their life. it isn't in the holland. tissues are
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calling for 1000 euros to be given to syrians. i think that's a terrible idea. the situation in syria is just as dangerous as it was before the welcome to the we can use world update here in our teacher national. let's get into our top story this saturday. and today's breaking news, a candidate from the ruling party in georgia, has just been elected president this saturday with 224 deputies out of 300 voting for me. call you kind of a lush, really, let's bring in the r t corresponded charlotte davinsky, who's in the very heart of georgia in sibley. see the capital city at charlotte. i had started results a bearing in mind. the electoral college involve this time arrived. tickets throughout the result means coming, it may be on risk that's been happening in the country. yes,
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that's why this is the very 1st time the, the, the electoral college has voted with george's president. this is a ruling that was changed in the constitution back in 2017. and this is the very 1st time that they have followed through. with that we saw the college of electorate voting for me, kyle, accomplish lived really? who is now going to be the next president of georgia. he received us. you mentioned that some 224 out of the possible 300 votes. seeing him come to please get to the 215 we just needed to has been appointed as the next president cheese on a former footfall, a very well known in the country. but for the protest isn't opposition. policy members who actually decided to boy, you quote, to not vote, they do not see him is being the next, the just to its president of the country. we are now in a 17 of protest since georgian dream,
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booting policies said that it was going to hold a tool for the you about a session to the block until at least 2018. and we have seen huge violence of the noise hit into play. see, but right now, on saturday day 17 things do feel relatively calm. as that announcement came through the george's president new president was elected. we saw black, smooth beings still agents the by the protested reverend. and i think of when we have combed slaves, booting for a new pump, and this, the new decision was the symbolism for the protest. this is the fate your excess of senior teachers. and they have coverage really as being the next president. in top of that, we have heard about the president, the current incumbent had said she doesn't, the kitchen with cheese toast,
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dividing b r a d. meanwhile we put 2 police seems a man who has said that really has done nothing for georgians. and in fact, she is working on the demands of western powers roll. got serious. i'm not sure whether to cool the presidential election of publication or a party, perhaps more of a party as this will be an event entirely devoid of legitimacy. it will be unconstitutional. and legitimate, i'm not going anywhere. i'm not going to leave anyone. i'm always asked about it. i will stay here. i have never spoken about this, and now i will allow myself to apologize to the population. it was precisely through the efforts of the georgia dream party, this woman ended up where she is. she served and continues to serve, not georgia with foreign forces, with hatred and greed. well, as the pulse, 17 days received protests,
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the deeds originally seemed to have hundreds of thousands of individuals taking part across the country, dwindle down to more like thousands on a nightly basis. now the georgia dream reading policy has said that the pro chests we've seen, and particularly the violence, had been straight to find those in the west saying that up to 30 percent of the purchases we're seeing in the streets. we're coming from foreign countries. now salumi 0 peachtree, the who is the incoming president, his us backing from the e u. she has received that in some regards. and in fact, we've also been hearing from some need is to be talking about the fact that you will just be just is still in the european union in particular from francis manual . cool, who is old. so said that he does not acknowledge those allegations by georgia dream that these protests to feed instigated by the west north in the you does not
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obliged. europe offers paving the way for equal partnership prosperity and common values. europe does not intimidate, does not use threats. the whole europe does not seek to sell chaos. europe does not seek to destabilize or subjugate its neighbors, through war or hybrid means that you does not dictate what national interests are in particular respects the territorial integrity of georgia. well, the ruling policy, georgia dream has talked about what's been happening here in georgia and saying it's reminiscent of what happened in ukraine 10 years ago. we might to, they had said that this was a 10 by the west to form another color resolution. and they said that they would do everything possible to ensure that that doesn't happen. now we have seen you members of parliament turned up into police here for the last few days to show their support for the protest. as we said, they were here on a fact finding mission, but they managed to speak to everyone with the exception of the georgia dream at
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this point that made recommendations to the in that section should be immediately imposed. and we do have the understanding that on monday morning we will look to sanction at least 18 individuals from georgia, probably relating to the ruling policy. we also those of us who are the, impose sanctions itself. so we can see that and the west in this right now, the reality is on the ground. we are expecting that to be for the protest on saturday. and of course, the next key date is december 29th, because this is when the new president should take office. but we know the incumbent is sort of as really said, she will not leave the office. and she does, in fact, control the all me in this country. so it'll be interesting to see what happens on that date and whether the new president will be able to take his office. yeah, pretty peaceful things behind you right now. let's hope it stays that way. as that
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saturday progressive show, you keep us up to date on that. in any case, our teach trying to do been see live from typically see where a new president has just been. a lot of the know the story to bring you today is really war. planes have reportedly attacked targets in the vicinity of serious capital, striking military installations near the city and surrounding countryside. i had all of that idea of showing targeted to ports in the countries north west. it comes as it is really ground forces are already operating in the so called buffer zone. this idea that shows its latest actions against reported government military positions with israel and seeking to control a roughly 400 square kilometer a demilitarized zone in syrian territory. now that's a un designated area created after the 1973 are visually more and how is being patrol by united nations forces since following the ice thing of president bush or
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all of us out in december 8th. the idea of has carried out raids across the buffer, so as preparing to dig in for some time, due to what is happening in syria. and there is enormous security. important to are holding onto the peak of mountain herman. everything must be done to ensure the idea of the readiness on site in order to allow the fighters to stay there in severe weather. conditions. is really action is how sparked international condemnation with accusations flying about cease fire violations, unexplored into chaos in syria to grab territory. this is one reaction. heard from a senior u. n. official about the breach of international law. justin in recent days in syria and destruction of the syrian air force when there are no pilots, because syria has no functioning government or military that can fly those planes. at the moment, there is absolutely no basis on the international law or to preventively or preemptively disarm a country. you don't like. i mean, if that were the case,
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it would be a recipe for global chaos because lots of countries have adverse res. they would like to see that without without weapons, and this is, this is completely lost that there is absolutely no basis in an international law or to do a germany in the united states supply 99 percent of the weapons exported to israel . they could stop this conflict of interest, or us research or, and politician chris hel, ali who served with the 3 and people's defense unit to unfold against isis there. gave us his take on why israel seems to be operating with impunity in the region. the. and i do believe that there is some evidence to point to the fact that i have to grow something, right? yes. has had some maybe back door agreements with the is really, but it seems that allowed it to carry out the operations that it did. whether it be intelligence or other i'm, i'm not sure exactly the full extent. regrettably,
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i think that the city and state as we know it, as we have known it, at least for the past, 50 or so years is no more. i think that what we are actually going to see is a possible partition of syria with a part of this. so that's going to be under the control of it's real part of the north, which is going to be controlled by to get. and then we might see little statements that emerge. we didn't see the given the security intentions and differences between out of the white space in drew's cards. and of course, the cindy. so i think that that there's a great concern here that we're going to see a process like we didn't yugoslavia or libya today of bulk innovation. and i didn't, that's the great concern with the state, as just as historic and this powerful as syria once was, we might see that overall dismembered at this point. and that's one of the
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tragedies of this uh, ongoing situation. well, our teeth respond to us to see it. a lot of the took us through the latest developments in the studio earlier every day when harring updates about israel's campaign against syria and military infrastructure ideas. even claiming that it has destroyed 80 percent of a solid submit a tree, might in order to prevent it from getting into the wrong hands. a will say, saying adf, moving in the buffer side as that. preparing to stay that over when to and interestingly, the ruling h t s. policy that is now in control of damascus has kept quite until now as state reported, please send a left to to the un condemning israel, illegal occupation of south and syrian territory assessments that at a time when the syrian arab republic is witnessing a new phase in its history in which its people are looking forward to establishing a state of freedom. the israeli occupation army has penetrated additional areas of syrian territory, coinciding with vine and shelling,
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which is still ongoing. targeting a number of civilian and military sites in damascus and various parts of syria. the syrian arab republic condemns in the strongest terms. this is riley aggression, which represents a serious violation of the 1974 this engagement agreement. it also constitutes a violation of the sovereignty of the syrian arab republic and the unity and integrity of its territories, and is inconsistent with the principles and purposes of the united nations charter as well. this last is clearly patched with some strong language against israel. and this is a shift because h t as previously maintained a pretty restrained stones as last week. the h t s folks pass and a claim that restoring security and services in the country is that top priority. and he did not mention anything about israel as a tax split system. so that can i get your reaction to these is really air strikes
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. we've had over 300 know low top priority is to restore security and services to revive civilian life and institutions of caffeine, newly liberated cities. there are many urgent parts of the day to day life to restore the bakeries, electricity, both communications. so our priority is to provide those services to the b. that's and that's the only, yeah, i understand it's not your priority. what are you honestly telling me that you have nothing to say about israel striking 300 sites in this country? hello. let's check on the whole and so i have no doubt we want everyone to respect the sovereignty of the new syria. this point is very important to us. all of this clarity doesn't much the last to, to the when the claims that they've ongoing child they've undergoing the transformation costing themselves as freedom fighters and defenders of syria. a h t s. chief delani previously claimed himself that she has is not looking to start
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a with israel, as people tied out seeking for peace. let's listening as well. yes, syria will not enter into a new war with israel. the country is not ready for another one of our biggest threat was, has belong, see a ronnie and back to militias in syria and the regime and is on this so such um, cools for pace from him. i clearly know convincing. as we all know about his pause, so this letter is can, is just to show off it and since taking control, what's the reality on the grounds, while the h t s position themselves as freed the slightest, the start trying to whitewash the cost, but we have to keep in mind the h t s a mesh from the all new storefront, and there are 3 interesting sites to mention hand the 1st be why get them to pause the serious newest ortiz? i will put on tom military journalist who works for the form of government and um, siri and state information service will say notes that such move is done to restore justice. and secondly, that is an on very slide to video circulating online at the moment of the
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h t. s. terrorist actually brutally arresting the she is in love, talk to you why she can see that on the screens right now. and so the h t s chief to lonnie who was also seeing a he was also seen asking a woman to call the head cheer in your life, tv. and um his uh, during his interview with cnn, he actually claimed that his, his views have become more moderate from, from what we're seeing his views stay the same over the years. yeah. can you remind our viewers about oh, jolanda is passed? while giovanni, despite being the leader of the higher w, i'll show him a minutes in group that emerge from the list or fund. he's also a full my by says, i'll call you to see any lead to on a key figure in siri and civil war on the us state department back in 2013. actually titled him as specially designate of global terrorist due to his ties with outside to ask. he plays a role in setting up
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a tax that resulted in my civilian casualties. under delani is combined. all nice refund, also became and famous was using extreme violence including suicide. 4 megs kids now. things um executions. well and so engaging in bottles against all the syrian groups of course how loudly again say there are conflicting text within the h t s. estimates group itself on how to handle israel as well. i think it's, it's very interesting that the, this, this, the new see it again into a government has used this type of language where we have not heard the same kinds of nations from damascus itself. i think that it basically reveals the to many of us that they're still ongoing contradictions. we've been this new interest and government that there is no unified message for unified understanding of what's going on and that they're still reports coming out. that there are mixed alliances and, you know, persuasions within the,
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into of government from different infections that have not yet fully coal or less around a unified understanding of the only the is really actions now in terms of the bombardment but of their overall relationship with israel. and other regional states, as someone who had spot in syria and i thought there in 2017, alongside current fish, a city and out of army and the russian forces. i'm deeply concerned about this attempt to whitewash hiretech without some distance. it's about the distance from it is stomach state and outside of route, and ultimately to be a to play into a type of historical revisionism where they tried to portray of design in other leaders as somehow freedom fighters interest, secular and democratic when they are its limits. and that they want to study a lot, they are part of the strain of why be and self ism which is deeply concerning to me and so many others who want to preserve the secular and democratic nature of the
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city and state. so i think that it's, uh, it's something that's quite shocking, but the rapid way in which the western media and western countries have gone about this only reveals the fact that they were actually supporting these forces from the beginning. and we know that to be the case instead of saying that this is the 1st time in history, that okay, that has taken over a country and is now in the leadership of a government. they are simply trying to say that these are freedom fighters, moderate rebel as a reformed rebels. they changed their opinions. i don't think you can go from shopping heads up to being the all peace and love. we did a spend of a few years a while with serious futures still on the rocks and millions of people who fled the country. mid major, 2 or more in 2011, are not being asked to go back. despite the ongoing chaos so many you politicians urging serbians to leave their countries with 95000 refugees in australia alone.
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the countries chancellor has gone so far as to box the request with a financial incentive. austria will support syrians who wish to return to their home country with a return bonus of a 1000 euro. the country now needs its citizens in order to be rebuilt, ongoing asylum procedures for syrian citizens in austria. we'll continue to be suspended. similar calls are also coming from neighboring germany, which host a big guess 3 in the spray in europe numbering nearly a 1000000. several you countries already hosted new asylum applications from syria, but the national, as we spoke, to se returning is not an option. to shop it isn't in the 1st investment i read in the news. the politicians are calling for 1000 euro is to be given to syrians, so that they have to or want to go back, which shocked me. i think that's a terrible idea. i spent, the situation in syria is just as dangerous as it was before. right now it is not
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possible to go to syria. the big problem is that when people go to see me and now it is no good, i, there is still danger the cv and need some other 2 to 3 years for fees and for people to, to, to new policy must emerge. we did not know what the new policy will be right now. the latest may have in syria for steven or people's to flee. the nation. un estimates show that over a 1000000 people were displaced in mid the term war. and the syrians hesitate to return the leader of to career alshaun. the militant groups calling on this compact rates to help the country turn a new page. the like, i don't have the diamond, the people who have emigrated to the website, asylums who have been displaced. they must return, then of all these people must return. so that hand in hand, we can build the next syria. we saved syria and the entire region from a great strategic danger on this one as well. we discussed the situation with the head of an australian base. think to include saves the cost return, right, know,
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are absurd. the survey of faces even more instability west the other man sunsave on globalism are actually um, depending on mos migration. and this presupposes the destruction of countries outside of the west in order to gain rescue cheap as cheap labor force. so um, what they are doing now is um, just type of proceed is also somehow upsets if your calling in the 1st place for refugee is to come to you um window conference to stabilize, then structed. and then suddenly when a new um round, the floor starts in syria, which is actually happening right now, which you could see in the fights between the h. yes. and the steering defense forces indeed stuff the country, but also now in the recent research and suffices in the east of the country. of
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course, you kind of talked about the piece in syria, since of course, syria is now a, a more od destabilized than ever. or just some stories surrounding the situation in survey of the of occupation of in the needs in nashville is from the country is underway. a group of 96, mostly students are waiting for their government to green light. the 2nd wave of departures dozens of citizens were safely transferred to the city of tundra rung on thursday. the majority are migrant workers. they've been working in service industry jobs. we heard from the entities in foreign ministries, director of citizen protection who say, is given concerns. the situation will estimate in this area. there is an urgency in getting people out for that much, but that's not then we're now trying to organize a 2nd wave of evacuation that the procedure we are following is a collaboration between all related ministries and institutions. we always closely
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monitored the security situation in syria based on our observations. it is indeed a war like situation. the militant group is declared victory for the security threats still exist and the ground situation is still in play. israel is reportedly still carrying out it strikes on several points in syria, including those in damascus. then there is also looting that occurs. so this also poses a threat to us citizens in several areas. we continue to monitor it day to day. the situation on the ground could potentially escalating to one that endangers as citizens. the case of project and use a 9 year old child has been killed by an armed ukrainian drone and rushes belgrade region. according to the local governor, the u. a. v struck the boys from the home and also injured his mother and a 7 month old baby. ukrainian drones had several settlements in the region, civil tenuously damaging apartments. no other victims have been reported. the russian defense ministry has confirmed dining to more ukrainian. you avi's,
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above the belgrade uncursed regions of the sites to me as president has been impeached and will leave office. the east asian nations parliament voted considerably against union suki all . and what was the 2nd effort to remove him from power? you have imposed martial law for a number of hours on december 3rd, claiming he needed to prevent the collapse of democracy side koreans to, to the streets all months. and folks asked me to then, while parliament voted to block the order, and not the impeachment, documents must be delivered to conservative unit, and the constitutional court is spelling the end of his presidential powers and duties. there's a $118.00 day grace period to determine whether to dismiss the liter 100 or restore his powers. tell me you got to go ahead and tell me
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no, i hear something out to a number of people predicted on that. it appears to be helping the us state department is facing the shut down of the unit, which has the state admission of come bossing. a part of this information. it comes off to republican members of congress, refused to keep funding and agency that's being critical of many conservatives. the certainly in the global engagement center has been targeted by a lawsuit from media outlets which states the unit force, the american tech companies to don, run their reports, entrepreneur and trump ally elaine musk has also accused the agency of censorship and media and manipulation, and company democrats, however, pushing to allocate another $100000000.00 to the department before republicans take power next month as well. the ongoing administration has invested heavily in fighting a legend. this information reportedly spending over a quarter of a 1000000000 techs peer dollars. in contrast,
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the 1st trump presidency allocated the fraction of out to the g. c. us conservative commentator, jewel men say's bite and overall expenditure to center opposing voices spawns to even bigger figures as well. yeah, i don't believe this information is the problem. it's the information that they're centering, that is, they're stating is this information that it's a problem. the 260000000 or 270000000 adults is a small piece of what they've actually spend. if you look at the budgets for the epi, i, and some of the other intelligence agencies that also were putting pressure on media advertisers and big tech companies in order to take away the ability for people to speak, their mind goes. it's an identical to our 1st amendment for more importantly, it looks at what the narrative is and what this propaganda is done in order to hurt the country and divide our nation over the last 4 years. i think one of the problems with a g c being disbanded is that they're not taking those employees and firing them. they're just going to re allocate them to other parts of the government. so we're,
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we're looking at some pretty serious issues. the president trump comes in, even if they're able to shut this down. what can we expect to happen in the future with these employees affecting these other parts of the, of the government structured. well, that is our last for not to stay with us, because next this month, russian authorities busted a mazda of fraudulent coal center network based and ukraine. the milton to include targeted victims across the world, closing an estimate of $300000000.00 in damages. and moments are documentary team asked why officials in the printing president's office on the previous georgia and government covered all the criminal enterprises that goes for the the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so shorter is it
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conflict with the 1st law? should we live in to the patient? we should be very careful about our professional intelligence at the point, obviously is to great trust rather than ship the i mean with artificial intelligence. we have somebody in the damage. the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the corner. some remodeling feet suddenly less weight, or more in the full moon. she's each screw when comfortable we'll just didn't. i didn't know. it sits on us. what is the for supposed to do? it was still on the ocean where y'all are still well that you think your sewage, the right, they're going to deduct months. you submitted in your the the telling me is that
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a quick call momma get that to me in to the data. the, the, this is how they shut down the lowest version of this, of the so called milton group. a large scale network of co centers that scammed hundreds of millions of dollars. tens of thousands of people in europe, africa, and the last in america lost the money. many with devastations storehouse. remarkably, the criminal network gain power and scaling ukraine and the mazda minds of this criminal and a still at large.
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