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tv   News  RT  December 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EST

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the bill house, what day was the breaking news on artsy, the head of rushes, chemicals defense forces is a subset nature. then most go along with his a system. russian efficient are calling it on talk to tara. the tenant general e. gord colored law was well known for exposing us funded bio labs and ukraine, and widely seen is that toward the site opens up groceries. multiple media reports suggests keep printing in spies are about heights. we take a look at the risk of intelligence agents blocking the ads upside in russia. the
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across the world are running the club. this is our t from the team and myself, you don't know neil, welcome to then use our one story dominating our coverage today. the head of russia's nuclear, biological and chemical protection, forces the tenant general eguard career loss. along with his assistant major elliot, polycarp, of happiness, suffering the design side of the apartment building in moscow. russian authorities are calling it a terrorist attack. what archie has obtained exclusive fund? age of the bloss showing the moment the explosive device went off, there's a huge flash and then the reflection of doors blowing open before debris flies across the street and in the apartment building. so let me show you this 2 additional studies spreading online 1st, appearing in ukrainian social media groups. it looks as if this was recorded from a cars rear window. the camera capture the explosion from a direct and go on had seemingly being recording since the early hours of the
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morning before general cut off, even exited the building. the vehicle belonged to a car sharing firm. a law enforcement have reportedly detained the person who had rented it during the time of the attack. disturbing video here as well as shortly after the explosion of bomb disposal robot was deployed at the scene near the bodies of the 2 men on the sidewalk. the bolts opened the doors of an adjacent rental car and other vehicles of being examined by investigators. residents of neighboring houses were reportedly asked to keep away from their windows well above the squad. wordsworth, ortiz, i must see. you have a lot of reports from the sea. we are in south eastern most good. in particular, the it is on ski avenue. what? early this tuesday morning and explosion the card in one of the residential buildings telling to russian serviceman, let's take a listen to what the, what does this have to say about this?
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when i heard the explosion, i jumped up and told everyone to stay away from the windows because we are from course and we know what it is like. our apartment wasn't damaged, but it was very scary. so i just woke up to the noise and i was terrified all the cars alarm systems went off at once. the police came very quickly and blocked the road within 15 minutes. and some said that those who lived nearby had their windows blown out with somebody who though i was walking my dog, there was a pretty powerful explosion with some flames. the explosion happened at 6, 10 am. i ran up and so 2 people lying there, i called the emergency services, but the people didn't show any signs of life on 2 of glass was blown out on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor. as, as a result of the explosion, russian leasing and general of the russian. i'm forces eager to give you a force killed alongside his assistant on to deal a force. the head of the russian chemical protections forces are pointed back in 2017 russian investigative committee has opened a criminal case,
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investigating it as a terrace, stacked on the investigators claim that the explosive device designated near the entrances of one of the residential buildings, which is actually right behind to me and that the power of the a designated device was around 300 grams of tnc and emergency services report. that explosive device will settle from murphy and that's the boma was to someone nearby watching the explosion, t or pretends also reviewing the see ctv cameras in the area. at least 10 apartments have seen damage the shots of glass everywhere. and uh, while i was walking to the side where west coming right now, i was actually working on the shampoo cloth and judging by the damage, the explosive device was filled with destructive elements and probably most likely, metal balls and explosion caused damage to at least 10 apartments and lots of
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vehicles in the area emergency services continue working on the site and medical teams have stated that could be left and his assistance died in cynthia after the explosion occurred. and the stop was also worked at the scene, exploring the the area. and they've also used a rifle to explore the cause to see if that wasn't not the case of devices anywhere nearby. and they states that the no other explosive devices were found in the area . so, so now the area you close a still quote and of a general career life was behind some of the biggest revelations on new crane secretly funded by on the part of trees or to correspondence southgate taylor talk me through his prolific investigation a good riddles. so i think is a face that many woods recognize because he has the last 2 years really been fronting the series of expos days voicing. very disturbing, intimate information allegations about the research and development of in nickel
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who side west buttons, but towards an incredibly high level stuff involving foreign government agencies. so his material was widely seen is posing a real threat to those who are engaged in these kinds of codes, lot of race settings. not like you very right. you said you have to start with ukraine and very simply put his main pieces that was that the pentagon was secret a funding, the bar trees on ukrainian soil, but biological weapons being develop that apparently they were designed to target specific mr. teeth. that would then be hit, not just in russia, but neighboring. serv yet republics. but much of this was done in tandem with nato allies mania as well as most of us. and this was actually by rushes you and i'm pass it us. who said that the disease research was focused on strikes and colorado . and he really decried this is supposed to be moved to praying for them of mass destruction that exist,
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that would have global ramifications. so of course you couldn't help, but notice over an ocean away the, whoops. and washington probably feel quite safe. but it depends. yeah, on career lots, very confident that all of this was funded and supervised by the united states, which would of course mean that washington is in contravention too. numerous international trade is on the purpose of the chemical and bottle squadrons. so essentially used as a test tub for, for other conflicts around the world as well. it wasn't just the ukraine conflict. so was it we're talking at by to us, by a lot of being at pretty spread either across the globe here. and the general was involved in, in probes concern thing not absolutely. so according to create a few crane is really just one thread in a very intricate but expensive web that spawns several continents and also involves around $400.00 facilities. i'm not sure what to do the minutes we have at our
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disposal documentary evidence of the state department's participation in the implementation of bio safety improvement programs since 2016 that is in accordance with the funding plan to at least $40000000.00 is provided to attract the various non profit and non governmental organizations to participate in this program alone . the documents demonstrate the active participation of the us state department in bio programs in foreign countries, as well as washington's drive to involve 3rd parties to conceal customers. and the goals of ongoing research, special attention is paid to the countries of the middle east, iraq young and jordan key and southeast asia, indonesia in the philippines, africa, kenya, morocco and you've gone to a, given that the united states is unable to control its own biological facilities to the activities of american laboratories around the world, which are a constant source of biohazard switching, 1st and foremost from the populations of the countries where they are based. what
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do you mean? what kind of also claimed that most go had audits? disposal next depends can documents that showed that the us, which actually moving some of these wire volume labs to africa. he also suggested that human blog, an issue samples, why in transit us suppose to nice all of that. but you and i both know victoria and you didn't. how sofa, admit it out of committee hearings. but yes, the us did fund some of the facilities, but sorry, interesting. we for our a st. jude. yes. so he's been tapped by donald trump to need the next department of health and human services. he can fund that yes. these uh the parts he's do exist, and yes, they do produce band minute treat. great what buttons it is quite a solution. and then a conspiracy theories turned out to be correct in that regard, isn't that, can we talk about timing to associate because something occurred? what 24 hours ago that appears to be more than coincidence in the light of one has not occurred? i think there are 2 big things here. we have to mention, the 2 political landscape tossed off that this is all taking place and which is
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that it has become mainstream to recognize the acquaintance of using on the battlefield. russian troops are advancing. trump, uh incoming is not equal to continue the conflict. he said no, the wrong things, territorial, concessions nature. and you try to see normal age packages. so in the bites and administrations dying days with seeing escalation off the escalation. but also, like he said, early yesterday, ukraine security services formerly declared career suspect in the case of focusing on most those elected use of chemical weapons in the world. so now russia has dismissed these claims as baseless, saying that the weapons in question were destroyed. all the way back in 2017 but not less than 24 hours later. and he is dead. and well, absolutely. so no, i'll be here, the speed and reaction of the western media. now, you know, we've seen reports that we've seen similar assassinations very famously dar,
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it too cannot be seen john, unless being targeted may have seen officials and the don't pass low, not in call phones. usually, western capitals say sign up and that kind of again late to an optical, imagine the new post, but yeah, probably he has had the hands in it here on a few hours have passed and already such a western outlets were floating beside it. the key of what's responsible, we had to pack the confirmation from an anonymous s b u schools. but what a school system fails to mention is but the crate in secret services was hand in glove. with that western count about 30 a less than a month ago, we had this 1st from the you case, a spite chief. we cherish heritage of co that action which we keep alive today and helping ukraine resist the russian invasion on the kids that open st credits mean expensive to be reported on that the c i a for example has paid a very active role not just did full may not just in training, but also in
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a quick paying ukrainian co, but operative and they're engaged in sabotage and terrace detox, not just on russian territory, but also a broad. whereas if they see a quote, boston a threat. so at this stage, it is not on the side or indeed inaccurate, to say that when ukraine strikes one way or an outside the us is placed by and is responsible, the cool state would maintain that they are in one escalation here is must get some reaction political on the list on commentator greg simon, so he's the slain general posed a particular threat to key of on may have been a long time target. are you exposed to the number all planes which, which doesn't like having the payment expires, positions were inconvenienced and were becoming a liability of the the, on the hands type things all the ukrainians and the anglo will be with you recently
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by the guy in particular. so there is one posley explanation. the 2nd one is that if you are planning to launch your on a variety of logical chemical by logic would take on the russian federation. the 1st thing you would do is try to type out the leadership. all that organization responsible for life and such an age and the potential excuse would be, this is one of us take talk by minutes, which the ukrainians love, the escalates the wall. a potentially russia re x. and this has been characterized as an order for the use of uh too much force against them and making the item is we can go in and give us since the last the nation is blanking the boss. so the crumb cannot do what the for tar please is
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saving you to do to make these uh, january the 20th. the width is an old version as the president of the united states with eguard because a lot of has seen by many is making an enormous contribution to uncovering events. washington um, its a lice would prefer remain hidden. russian officials have paid tribute to the service lieutenant general gave to his nation. for many years, lieutenant general eager to reel off of the russian nbc protection troops has systematically, with facts in hand, exposed to the crimes of the anglo saxons. nato provocations with chemical weapons in syria, britain's manipulation of band, chemical substances and provocations in salisbury and amesbury, the deadly activities of american bio laboratories and ukraine, and much more. he worked fearlessly and did not hide behind backs for the motherland. for the truth, it is terrible news that ega kerry love head of the russian nbc protection troops
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has been assassinated. we worked closely with ega and a totally of age, as part of the parliamentary investigation into the activities of the united states by our laboratories and ukraine. and he provided our commission with invaluable professional expert and that electrical assistance the killers will be punished beyond any doubt and without mercy. let's discuss the fatalities with political commentator in the you k on from the web, or i'll take good to see you. thanks for your time today. and there's numerous reports hemorrhaging a citing ukrainian intelligence sources. that key is behind the assassination plot, given that their forces are also backed, tracking on the buffalo field is this know what it looks like to be happening going after people in residential areas of the major capital city. if you can't win on the battlefield to well, the is heavy, is on with desperation. yeah. and i,
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and i obviously start the, the, the, the war situation is very job for you credit. and i've, i've lost hundreds of thousands are casual phase. all right. they've lost a while, i but try to keep the signs of you crazy. don't know if it got fat back. died last time. are factual. great. you're lots of bad economy and i sold out to god bless corporations, but it's all set for you to and our democracy. uh, free media uh is the, i think little more than the wondering what by uh, actually bicycling for, and we've, we've got a situation where i slowly but surely certain people in western countries solves a contract mix up but, but the credit is actually lose and above i still continuing to push for funds to go to pricing, and the mistaken belief,
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but it was somehow i'll guess at best assessable by means. where is, it'd be, i'd say this, probably go up a few crazy since about some, some with this. right. it's and see not to face still with russia has actually costs to try and do a, and is it is a tragedy of more points of view. but it's all because a lot of people, once it's a week in russia, they couldn't care less well. how many you cry, new young people who died or, or russian forces die. they just wanted to achieve this particular goal. and with this project life assess the ration of age, certainly of a key russian general who is very symmetrical, white and calm by saying a loss of
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a lot of these misinformation which suppose about by certain countries. and in fact, i didn't want to he question very slice was a case of misinformation. uh, hydro funds. we're going to travel situation in some junk trays that take place in the u. tried. why, if i use the media, we offer a long point of view. but the key point is this involvement in the train by the huge i am the u. s. i was not the assumption from the peoples of values, countries, so all these billions of dollars and balance, so it should be forwarded to you trying edge of what like, what is the crime black hole? i have never had any 2nd. sure month. so i have a where we are, so we're on the side to be trying, but we're, you, the public never be offset by just members of a pop. they could be or try,
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would prefer the case would be peace buddy, cuz i don't want to go down the road or a bunch of you, our top shape, which is assassinated. she's fabled. let's face it, the you trying, i'm tires it services. wouldn't be able to do these things without the support of, of the in charge of the services because i have a hold of the train would collapse within once a month. those are and without the financial and all that backing that they got from st. mary's right countries, can i just them to add something to that? just that lot. our point down syndic, because we've got a new administration coming into the white house in the, at not very distant future if there seems to be this concert to push this pressure to, to, to show their american bikers the co, well, we're doing keep funding us on something like this, you know, we need a success essentially is what's coming from key of on i'm,
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i would imagine that we'll try and sell this as the way to keep that funding coming in. we've killed a lieutenant general in charge of, of looking at her bio lots, etc. is not how this is going to be spun. it seems a little so to make it more difficult for our president. all right, donald trump, what do you like solve? it? sets up a, it's just um, promote what type of environment, cuz that was the full wave of night. it has been very much i uh bought a h. so i still myself, i can change the 100 by desperation. uh because i barely use an old funds. i transferred to us or other nato countries that thought it was actually talked about and it was given the okay or is this more of a ukraine going on its own trying to get that big success sound to me. i our price
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very, very sorry. it was, it was wise ration from uh, the lease pharmacy and project services, probably c r a. but of course we got about 3 foot bar or not. at this stage at least am. we have the situation again and just on time, if i can put it to the general cri lot, was put under ukrainian sanctions only in monday, august 24 hours before his killing. you've got a long history on that. okay, ma, investigating washington funded by o labs as well. it just appears so close in time as, as to not be a co it in the coincidence here. oh, yes, it's very convenient. but the day before they came out with this, um, underclothes the v i c a. is that some a, some of these not being go see if any of these affected csv is being the case stall is actually the re, buses for case. and he was putting their case forward that side of you crying well
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involved with chemical weapons or they, it wasn't most of the roster actually uh, side of the it is trying to give some justification for this sort of a big job. and it's all very, very pull because if you look at the situation, i'm sure by she cried in be for most russian people who buy for that was the brand . so bestbuy that off off sydney crying because i'd been denied 5 actions. i'm psycho customer is that i'd say as of july it is election. the site is not even the, the adjustments or election side bullies actually switching goes a window ball for isis assassination as well. so he started inches and the just the match uh questions and votes ukrainians in danger because uh not
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surprising a if you do these sorts of escrow that sri actions that they're all going to be consequences of the i know a number of papers. i'd be surprised in the pos that russia has responded more sideway to some of the previous assessment issues, because the b 5, let's go a minute, tre. assassinations, which really don't be on the tire one. if you look at, you know, you, boy, if you asked the question what, what sort of assassination stuff that would be of a russian t a, somebody has a ukrainian generals, j individuals. you called, what do you find that the, it is almost because it seems that russia is by much more a k, my, you a and this week are, but with the assassination of this particular general,
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he kind of being a very big contribution. so the cause of peace and the future because it is huge knowledge of a nuclear weapon re, uh, biological after gray. and so on the side uh its taken out for a key pass and we could have been a have a good, a great super feature. yeah. really interesting point there to finish on as well. yeah. unless you say, we'll wait. the response to this to at from the u. k. political come into the onto the web around. thanks. thanks a lot for coming on. i think it's over. that's the george and prime ministers take on the oppositions protest campaign. and the recent press briefing, the country's leader, praise the ruling party for what standing for revolution attempts. it's over. we have already floated the 4th attempt at revolution for political parties, and more than 10 wealthy non governmental organizations failed to gather more than
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$800.00 people. yes, if they had just brought their employees and assets, then more would have happened. they need to lock the media, as the italians would say, it would actually correspond to try to do been, steve has just returned from the base c anoine's be now in the studio loving to georgia in p. m. c's far and in influence was the only thing keeping these protests going again, suggesting i'd cite involvement. yes, that's what we've heard back consistently over the last, almost 3 weeks of bits of protest is that this has been the result of funding from foreign governments constraining essentially these protests. we have the accusation from georgia, dream, the routing policy, that sum 30 percent of the protests as we saw in those 1st few days off that, that announcement that georgia was gonna be hosting its talks to join the you until 2028 actually from foreign countries. and in fact, the significant number of those who are arrested for taking the violent night. so
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those protests in early to send, but we're also from countries like the new case and nothing's and the us. so a real sense of that was involvement. and clearly what we've seen in the past 3 weeks is a move was that looked like it was massive at the stop. and there was something vegas suggesting to over a 100000 protests is on the street. and we certainly so tens of thousands in the 1st few nights, but that really has dwindled them to if i'm being generous a 1000 people a night. and the violence is also dissipated as well. and he is saying that this is because because many people now on the street stuck around a 1000 people of that because and use a cooling on them. but they getting funding from that. and we also go from the forward agents with transparency new that was passed in georgia a couple of months ago. now we had that funded in jos has been coming from and the last of it has been coming from us a so you can see where it's cheap. so it's really now coming together. so that was
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the view of the george in 5 minutes that we've also not being hearing from the parliamentary speakers is also from the georgia dream policy. he's going to think about the pro e u president. this is selling me 0 be should be an easy because monday actually ends in the next 2 weeks. she has said just don't stepping down. she doesn't like the life new election of a candidate that was put forward by georgia dream, although from another party. and she says, she's not going anywhere and she's got the packing over here. we're in countries, we're also cooling for fresh elections in georgia. a parliamentary speaker saying, she's a false presence. she shouldn't be there anymore. and the fact that she is acting on behalf of foreign governments. solomon's love, surely misses, or miss really has become another president who is engaged in surrendering her country to the influence of foreign states. the false president serviceability does not recognize fair elections. she does not recognize the choice of the georgian
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people. in other words, it's a way to encourage the use of anti corruption to us units. georgia dream was being very clear that went home monday ends on the 29th of december. she will have to take the train and the foundation. we have to see what happens because of prices and she is essentially the chief of the armed forces in the country. and it will be interesting to see what happens if she refuses to leave office. now i mention, but she's being backed by european countries. we saw presidents a menu and back on a font supporting her. we've heard statements from the european union trip general . and we've also seen sanctions being placed on some members reading parties. this is from the full 6 state trees. however, they weren't able to get the full you sanctions that we were expecting on monday morning. but the list to weighing in a foreign minister has said that the binding of a certain diplomatic style from getting visa free travel to b, u. k, which was agreed on by the
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e. u doesn't go far enough of the 3rd issue is to hold technical and political negotiations with georgia within the framework of the georgia e u association agreement. as well as to suspend all institutional negotiations with georgia and government institutions and also to suspend financial support for these institutions. on the other hand, we need to send a strong message to georgia in the civil society that we will support them. and we need a financial package for this to show that we are serious with a you had to have the financial package says sign sales and delivered on monday morning. but that was not possible. and that's because several e u countries said no between not just hungry in slovenia, but also italy, spain, and romania. so you can see that perhaps the e u is not seeing from that same hayden sheet when it comes to this issue that you're on the ground before, during and after this election. what was your sense of how if people accepted are
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otherwise the result of the vote? well, those on the streets who protesting clearly didn't exec data on the movement. we sold the new president being voted for by the parliament and think it was some 224 volts out to the possible 300 well over the threshold needed to get in to the office. they were blowing out black smoke sort of really, if we can image of what happens when we see a pub in the lights that are not in black, it's supposed to be said, she says there's no choice may and that's how they feel. they won't accept that there was any present to speech, take office in 2 weeks. in fact, every time selling me because would appreciate it goes out into the streets and welcoming here. they're saying she's really interesting that need and this is what is the problem? what do we don't know, what's gonna happen in the next 2 weeks, whether she will step down or not. but it will say in, in, in regards to the protests, the last 7 days have been fairly common to play. see here that is not how it still says.


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