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tv   Lumumbas Africa  RT  December 19, 2024 7:30am-7:46am EST

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to rest except of course, lots of people started talking about it as well and what it's even capable of now and stuff and but right, they quoted, the western missile defense is useless against the ocean. it does nothing right now that can stop this thing wrong. the president did say that the only time or point of all her ability is when the missile is launched and apparently some short time after that. yeah. but then as soon as it reaches its hypersonic speeds and it's a hypersonic missile system, then it's literally impossible to shoot it down as far as i understand, it goes on a ballistics. so directory, so it kind of goes out into outer space and then it just reaches this, these, the incredible speeds, are you pretty much challenged? his, his western professional part is what, what did he say about this? would tell us about that? i'll go to so there are these, all these rumors, again in western media, citing all these western military experts that this is not a new technology that this is an old story technology which they just tweak like a little bit. right. and that it's, and everybody can shoot it down. so the president says, well, 1st of all, it is,
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it is based on their a previous technology, a very successful one. but it's a, it's a russian technology. it's not even a soviet point. it's already something. and secondly, he said, if these experts think that he can't be shut down, then he has a proposal for them, which i found quite interesting. let's listen to what she said, that's, do you think there is no chance of shooting down these miss? obviously that gets well know if those western experts think so. let them offer us here and let them offer those in the west in the us who pay them for their analysis to conduct some kind of technological experimental, say, as a high tech deal of the 21st century. let them identify some object to destroy, say in key if equate to concentrate all their defense and missile defense forces there. and we will strike there with the order of snick and see what happens when we are ready for such an experiment. is the other side ready got off god is that, is that like a bit of a challenge or something, right? that i don't know you want. it's like, it's like, it's looks like they're kind of,
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you know, you want to play around and find out kind of thing. but you know, this could be interesting. you know, it guy scientifically for both sides. what, what happens, because that thing literally, evaporates matters underground under concrete. yeah. you really want to know like the intro to down or what did you say you didn't, you say like the, the, the temperature of the sun is like 6500. yeah. and that, and something like 4 or 4 and a half or for us it's, it's nearly that many and struggling with the impact of an asteroid or media. right . but you know, this, and we know, for example, you know, he's talking about ukraine here. we know that a number of a fighters from ukraine ended up going to syria here, as we've seen in the past a couple of weeks and, and, and food, and was talking about who benefits right now with the toppling of the sod regime and who benefits. now a lot of people are saying we're looking at a libby, a 2 point oh, a failed state in the making. but when it comes to syria, susan was saying something along, along the lines of the israel is benefiting from this any comment on that? yeah, i mean, it's hard really to say right now, because there's so many different factors and there's the, uh, the terrorist,
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there is the armed opposition. there's a circus, the turkish influence, and i think one of the 1st 4 and flags to be raised in damascus was this turkish flag. of course, there is israel and the benefits for it, because there are the, the territories that it's already there. as soon as i started sell, israel is already in these labs and even went further as soon as far as i believe. and they're already talking about sending syllabus, settlers that are what you know, the usual tactic as the same. it goes like with the guys and everything, wow, is really small, it needs to expand. i mean, you can understand the account, come on now you're going to revert on about the great to israel project. some people, some people are saying we're watching it play out in real time, but putting did say that most go was in contact with all the various groups like yours. you said there was so many different players now in syria food and is in contact with all groups that we did say the end of the day. israel benefits from what's happening in syria. let's have a quick listen to what he had to say. it's just sort of a deal,
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it still does or somebody 13. so is doing everything to ensure the security can put it on its southern borders. during the developments in syria to create conditions for the return of record you freeze from its territory to other territories of syria, which are concentrated on the territory of syria, which is actually under the control of turkey. can some think of pushing back perhaps in the kurdish formations from the board. all of this is possible and perhaps to some extent it will even be done. but still, the main beneficiary to most of the events taking place in syria, in my opinion, is israel. and you can have any attitude towards what is real, is doing russia conveyance on the seizure of the syrian terrible events and level. our position here is not subject to any of drilling into, but these really also solving additional related to security for itself. i shall. this is the line on the golden hi. say a well known line of israel has advanced to a depth of 25 kilometers. what those are, you know, was so many so many players involved in that and really hard all of the world. i
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wouldn't exactly call that a multi polar part of the world. but we certainly are seeing a lot of moving and shaken on today's to a political chessboard, jake or bricks, multi polarity, a g, d, p, according to bricks, cross already bigger than g, is everywhere. witnessing as i say, some of the biggest changes in recent history. i think in terms of the multiple areas, that region is also a very important. russia has been quite active in the middle east is the same, goes for the asia pacific region for asia, a level south or for africa o. as in america, you name it global, so this is what the kremlin has been promoting this idea of for this entire year. probably even before that. but this year we were old. when we found out about this new, you know, a mix of words, the global south and of course bricks is probably there. it's out there in the front of this whole new it is now who's going to do it. oh yeah. yeah. yeah. and if
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you, so it jumped here, but if you, if you go back to, i don't know, go back to ruth roosevelt, go back to eisenhower, go back to j. f. k. go back to bill clinton, go back to any of these guys. they all talked about the new world order, right? the new world order. we've been hearing about it for decades. now, what it is is it's the so called rules based international order. according to ben and ever since world war 2, it's kind of multinational conglomerate for these western corporate agencies have now taken over the world, but they've gone from being multi nationals now just being a multinational. because if you look at the american stock market, 80 percent of the american stock market is owned by black rock and who's been buying up all of the land in ukraine, black rock, you know, so they said this whole put all the going on that, but i think it, it is safe to say the n w o. the circle, new world order has been upstaged, and it's being booted offstage. now by this policy centric order we're seeing today . yeah, actually it was very interesting in the beginning when the president was talking about russia's economy and also bricks as well. and uh,
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he named one of the reasons why he thinks is europe isn't doing so well right now. he says it's also because of the previous sort of thing, you know, union bullet or world and globalization because france, germany, great britain, italy, they're really key things. they're losing their national identity. yeah. even told the story about he knew how he once went to go ahead. shredder is the one of the previous, the german chatting chancellor's birthday party. and he said that there were these bands and choirs there. and everybody saying in english, added german translators, birthday party, and then he said the only choir who's saying in german was the cause a choir from combined, which puts it in, took along with the sort of as a sign of respect. but he says that perhaps this is why germany isn't doing so well and their growth is 0 percent. they have lost their national identity. they're all like you again or western or whatever. while. yeah. brooks is the, is very keen on,
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not only keeping this and unity in between them there. it looks like they're really on the same page. it turn when it comes to values when it comes to how they do business. and business is really one of the main things, the driver, this organization, because it's very different. these are countries from all across the world and they're very different. but at the same time be they've managed to find similarities because they're looking for the same things on a mutual trust. yeah, people, prosperity is 80. yeah, exactly. we should be just the most basic morals and principles of a business. nobody ever got countries like russia, china, and the brazil. yeah. you know so many more so many more and they are very different. but yet they've managed to unite and create this new force, which is donald trump events. it's already been, he's not going to return to office, but he's already sort of or he's not verbally. he's. oh yeah, that's great. so yeah, we'll stop. let's have a quick listen to what to come up and say, yeah, what he was saying about this, but listen to this. and there is another point that we'd like to draw attention to
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. you said the brakes is developing is a tuesday to come to the questions for me, if you are mistaken. there was a bricks, is not the tools to come to the west north. if we do not work against anyone, what's the work for our own interests for the interests of the member countries of these organizations that, that agree that we are not building any confrontational agenda within critics? i used for many countries are showing interest in the development of public, right. so why? because these work is built exclusively on the basis of reciprocity or respect for each other and respect for each others interest, email you. the most important interesting mama is developed, but even, you know, yeah, you know, is also, you know, doing these uh comments whether they're open or slightly shielded towards china because russian, china are so close now. yeah. they, they really have, i mean that one much joined the ship, whether it's economically spacing or strategically speaking or even in the science and the agricultural experience as well. rush, you put in was saying that the, the relationship a of a rush or, and trying it just continues to go from strength to strength. you're going right.
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and all the top portion officials agree they say that to the turn state of the relationship between moscow imaging is unprecedented. it's never been at this point of height, but both in terms of culture of business, we're looking at politics. china, in many ways is on the same page with russia when it comes to ukraine. china and brazil have been proposing the piece plan and the president fulton and support minutes to elaborate off the scenes. you know, interested. at least there's a general appreciation here in moscow that again, these brooks partners are trying to find ways to find a diplomatic solution. yeah, and we've talked about this, i think the books, the summit. what, what like piece proposal, or are there any coming out of the western country that's at 40 years old. why do you train with one? yeah, because i know you're interested it's, it's only putting who keeps saying that we're ready to talk guy to rid of the told on the west just keeps provide looking for voting and expanding. expanding. i do
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hope at some point i do hope trump will be able to work with briggs on the global south and all that kind of stuff. but, you know, china, for example, china is the number one trading partner to about a 116 countries around the world. everything is made in china is the factory of the world in china. that is fueled by cheap russian energy. right? so once again, just to reinforce that china is the number one, the law of trade with a 116 countries in the world. that is because china was fueled by cheap russian energy for the west will never tell you. but you know what? i think it's fair to say that the reason why and both the, the russian and the chinese leaders, they've been saying that this is an equal relationship. is it a partnership? the reason why that is sure. china is an industrial power house. it's in, it's in economic power house, you know, there are billions of people there. it's huge. yes. but it was a russia which really started this whole thing going against the union. yeah. and then china saw it,
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why we want to be with you and then groups and everybody else. so it's sort of like, uh, they do have the industrial power. we do have the yes button. it's, i guess the will of the nation's, which really makes it, what are you, it's a good comparison. but, you know, russia, russia, potentially on the military front line of this new wells, versioning polls the pony, or is that china is on the economic front. right. and as well, so here are the 2 main power players in the world and in the, in the middle east, on the asia region, looking at america. and america is continually isolating itself, you know, sanctions against, you know, if you don't, if you're going to play that game, then you're going to get, something's going to be croner. step pause. you're going to get sanctioned the, he, you and me are living in the capital over the most sanction country. and in the world of the world, the ground would have been doing you go to pick and i'll stop by, let's close by the russian president vladimir putin continuing is live coverage now q and a with people and the press. he's got months, there was 3 and a half hours already and you asked join him again. if easiest,
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if i'm gonna come. so i'm taking this deal. i'm so most proud of the expect them to come take a newspaper in new york times. it's there is a special news kind of fun, amazing seating the 2 gaps from holding a real thing in your hand. a presence media in your science. i think that's what it's a continuous learning. you mean issues to ensure and to your supplement, it gets to kind of get the public some with it will still have some interest again . but then with the training media and of course from content is what matters on. and regardless of the media itself, what it going to do is what matters, you tedious and so when put on you, as long as the print media have reliable and the goal, it's content, it's not going to go anywhere. and there's a noise of who wants to do, and if there's the symbols that all i'm dealt on. so if i might, let's, uh, think about our homes, about our sales a little bit. russians are people who are asking for the clinic about the lack of
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this. uh yeah, cuz that are pretty let us use the medical professionals and hospitals yourselves that you let's talk to 80 necessary children from used to no good. she has a question for you. that's what you watch on the good afternoon, mr. president of joining the union. the my name is eden. i sent you over i am from navient up through by union, and i'm not sure this awesome cute to address the issues that are troubling. our remind you to public medicine. i'd like to thank you for for the word for tv, helping us restore our medical. can you um oh hospitals and are just medical equipment. but we still have a lack of professionals and lots of really emotional grass. in the medical professionals, i'm moving to pay clinics. and what do i have to put me on with people to email me directly on the house. so that's a set of booking. what so the, we have a whole list and those are the most of the much fortunate each section. you have to
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come to the, to so that i 5 or 6 in the morning. so this and may be, you'll get a chance to see a doctor. so there will choose everywhere, and many senior citizens cannot do that in facilities. and i hope that you can address that, not to them. thank you so much in the you know, use the what programming it's in the usually for out of these issues of, of the house cat, the phone missed the phone. uh, something we have to look to see though it has made it broader contacts. i drank 2nd and sort of land that as the terms of importance and the same as it goes for any kind of g for developed nations and particularly because of this issue. you know, sometimes it's even more relevant, but we should think about them. we should think about i was.


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