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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 19, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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happened visit farm, the the hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered. i'm peter live out . a solid is gone. now what, what about syria? is it gone to? it would seem so outside powers or carving up the country. what was an international proxy war against the mask is, is turning into an international civil war. is there a place for the syrian people, the cross fucking syria and joined by my guess i'll, we risk in be ro key is a security and political affairs analyst. also in lebanon,
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we have each of the stuff id, and he is an associate professor in canada research chair, in the history of the modern middle east, at the university of british columbia. and in manchester, we crossed the peter ford. he is a former british ambassador to bahrain and syria. are a gentleman, cross stock rules and effects. that means you can jump any time you want and i would appreciate it every single time i i'm best or forward. if i go to you 1st. and in manchester and the title of this program does syria have a future? and if it does, what is it? go ahead. i'm afraid the future looks very great. very blake, indeed are. now of course 3. the media are in the west. hope being emphasizing the, the positive and the word which keeps copying is jubilation. cumulation, because there are some people in the straight to uh,
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obviously over enjoyed at the removal of the shop. but that's only hosted the picture if you, if they took the cameras to the board that we live in on and then severed some of the 1000 streaming out every day in, in fear for their lives. tribulation would not be the would coming to their lives. so basically, half of syria appears to be looking forward to the kind of future that they want. and as i'm as future and the other half or more, i'm dreading it. well, ali, you know, this is the famous phrase that goes back to con, to lisa rice, you know, creating the new middle east. well, i suppose there is a new middle east now, but is it, is anyone security been enhanced with this dramatic change in syria? ali and be root, and i think that the main beneficiary or whatever to remain with our fisheries as
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we whole know regarding the events in serious in the immediate future. and they need to, you're having this right of them to, to the age for their own reasons. i think that the is randy is of played on major major uh, seeing how the situation was on the fall that it was before right before the events in syria and when benjamin video spoke about the human disease. now what is the for the time being uh, his interest or the is there any interest converge to with the top cushion 1st? i'm not sure how long that's going to take, or i think we were really starting to see some rivalry emerging between the turkish and they use radios on those. i think that nobody security has been enhanced. i don't think to look at security more in the way it has been enhanced ex. yes. you're still designated as a 10 or worse group turkey. if you remember before, it was subject to terrorist attacks my system while your other groups and there's
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a real, real chance of devices, can take advantage of what a 2nd place. this is a very, very good environment for why it's just a rock describing for these ladies. i think that the expenditure stays all day. that has to be admitted. it has been so they've expanded into serial depart additional territories. so their ambitions dot com, yahoo, i have nothing here. who is our mission has been served. and it's interesting to note that sort of thing is your, how these do not have a history of targeting, as well as even the former head of the most uh, a site that they sent back in 2016. so i see that these rallies have benefits and as your previous guest mention, i don't think there's a cost. there's an operation by washington. the ministration has spoken about how they contributed to what has taken place for the in the. and i don't think that this service american interest for their to be how you set up these you how the less concrete hemorrhage i can see area was for there to be even
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a weak sight to even see. right? because as i said, that serves eliasis and particularly for president, i like to find him. that would be a disaster because of the present, the electronic, sorry, that will be a disaster for him. because on the he's watch, we saw i so seeing the great that in the he took responsibility for the summation of others. i couldn't about that easy recall. yeah. but be careful what you wish for. it's always the case here. she helped me if i can go to you also in lebanon here. what is the future of this region? is it neal ottoman is um, is it zionist, is that american? had gemini, i mean, they all can co mingled together for long go ahead or. well, i think at this point, it's difficult to see how things are going to go, but we do have some indications in relation to what happened in syria that as i've been mentioned, although i kind of disagree about the uh, whether this benefits or doesn't benefit united states, but we do has 2 big winners on did use political stage,
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which is 30 and is reading. i think we have to look at more than one dimension. so what are the dimensions has to do with the minutes we struggle with the military, the distance and the existence that goes to israel and the head gemini, and the presence of us forces in the region, including and north east and see how we have the future of us military bases in the region. so that's one dimension. the 2nd one has to do with the economic i mentioned uh no matter what we think about whether these groups, the selfie established groups are in line or not in line with western ideology. if they adopt any liberal economic model, they opened up syria for investments for an investment is they actually reassessed it date by shows only a liberal policies that brought 30 it economic start this power into the region. then we may be seeing a kind of like a sort of speak uh, gun sized ation of syria, a re alignment of syria along these lines. so that could be one of the future is
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that we're looking at and definitely is there any worry? so because the level of destruction, of the syrian economy of, of syrian infrastructure is if this is going to be a new only guarantee that's just hasn't it's not mist favor, which is again, their association of but shows on, on the guard key. then that's also a cause of concern. and lastly, maybe i'm going back to the 1st point. i do think this is a legal situation for the access of resistance. there's no question about, oh okay, yeah, i want, i don't get to that in the 2nd part of the program. that's one of my questions here on a master ford. what about that? i mean, if there's, if there's going to be any kind of a economic rebuilding and you need security, but i don't, i don't see the elements of security in, in the, in the, in the present the, even in going into the future. i, i don't see how this is going to pan out. there are too many competing interest. um with the 2 key questions here. uh, the sanctions. uh, really. and the oil,
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you know, there's a, an even decent rush towards the sanctions relief on the part of most of the western powers and many of the public relations efforts of the jihad, the regime of directed towards this because it was basically a sanctions that did followed by shop and it may well do for the new regime if they're not listed. and therefore the people's hopes dash the united states seems in 2 minds on the sanctions relief. on the one hand, they are inclined to indulge and consolidate the new tests, who are in power in damascus. but on the other, they seem to be hearing is really voices saying, hey,
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don't be so quick. uh you don't all these people, any favorites. they're not even useful to you anymore. they've done the job. they got rid of the russians, they got rid of, you ran, they got rid of bass shot. you don't need to be make nice with these people. so i sense that the united states, as usual, will listen to the is raven is on this, and we'll uh, drag it seals on sanctions really. on the oil. i think the u. s. is in a bind and they will end up surrendering it to the g. hardy's that, those us troops had one main function to stop. i said, getting his hands on the oil in siri, the troops were there to find boxes that was a fiction. i know it was to stop that said getting the oil and to use the proceeds from the sale of the oil to fund the cottage autonomous administration
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. well, the you at that it doesn't need the codes anymore. well, they can let the codes go. yeah, i think that's what we'll have to. yeah, i'll we, i mean, there, that's the, the, that's the western powers having any, have any interest in a recovering syria. i mean, just leave it as a wasteland. doesn't that serve a purpose for the west or israel even for turkey? so i think that the west policy to what syria is very much to a large degree, dictated by israel. i think that southwest actually is the situation in syria. but regarding the issue of sanctions, as an important point, i think we have to remember we're talking about a group of which how through from i was part of the, in the extra yes, usually was formally honest. and most uh, was the guess going to get the official affiliated on the card that you're talking about a car that which was behind the cruise of september 11th. so i don't think it's
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going to be that easy where they're usually the ones that are not with the ones to sanctions, to remain or not. it's not going to be very easy for any american ministration. i think to at least functions that would put them in a very difficult, difficult situation. you're talking about the worst, have a foreign terrorist attack on the it was farmed land that data, but still quite think he's a, he's gonna be called stickle. now i think that um, when it comes to woodson bar till the interest, somebody took me about his rouse interest or wish to bypass the interest that i am already in the happening. i know some of these are the type of up syria. now regarding the near liberal health book, which is a colleague in may, we mentioned, i think that you'll learn a lot from other shut off. he's trying he possibly use and see regarding loop and, and not serious, adopting a more moderate stance that might be true. but there are a lot of all the hard line elements with the united states will disagree. and i think that's going to be a major issue. for many of these people,
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it could be valuable and click the 2nd to like this. for example, the year with sanctions which quite expect to continue to remain in place given the hub cart building. that's also going to be another obstacle. so there are various various issues of client i think, which would pose a really, really big challenge and difficulty for the kids. it's very antsy. we're all talking about the interest of us, the countries, but not the really the interest of the syrian people. i think that's the point of the program gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on syrian state with our, to the if you think about russia, what does your mind picture the
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bottom landscapes open up before your eyes? the last one does, can you imagine the, the discounts dodge the journey? the, the, you ready to come along the this is for digital rest of choices to operate. it didn't don't pass under the
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orders of ukrainian special services. the hands are staying with a load of hundreds of people who are the neighbors in the towns and villages of dumbass beach was promised money and a career and ukraine security service in case of failure, they were guaranteed st. you in ukraine. however, today's reality for them is jail time for many years. the outcome of working for you could and the enemy is up to 20 years in prison with a terrorism and espionage the welcome ex, across stock, where all things are considered on peter level. to remind you we're discussing syria, the
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ok, let's go back to one of our guessing in a little bit. i'm here show, you mentioned the, the, the, the at the resistance. what is the state of the resistance? okay, we have to remind everyone to come, us may not be destroyed, but gaza, certainly is in a genocide, continues as we're talking about syria, depending on who you want to believe. his beloved is on the back foot. not defeated, but certainly been, uh, injured, syria, miraculously it's just collapsed. um, so what, where does the resistance stand or do we should, should we be talking about the resistance anymore? go ahead. while we certainly shut down the resistance is still present the resistance in some respect system very strong and actually is we, we start with guys, i move around, we can see, as you mentioned, that we are actually witnessing continued resistance and uh, you know, happening every day we have actually casualties on these very side. that being said, of course, the situation in gaza is disastrous and is we've continues to occupy uh,
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territory that continues to conduct large, large scale destructive rates on gaza and displace and kim palestinians on the lebanese front. the seas fine that we have seen has stopped the fall. i think so that's one set back. if we think about the idea of the unity of the, uh, friends, uh, the same time is really as, as failed to actually, you know, take hold of lebanese territory in the south. but there's a lot of them be due at the about the conditions of the ceasefire. there's constant violations happening on the i'm and these are still conducting a long range of operations, but they're not perhaps as frequent. as you mentioned, the celia has, you know, the sued army has been blue. part of it has been obliterated. the non state actors, i've shown extreme resilience, i should say, these are they who do use the from us or has been look at the same time. they are facing a serious challenge because in the case of loving on the supply lines have been
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caught by the new rulers of damascus. syria was a g o strategic depths offered you strategic depths to the resistance. is now kind of also somehow giving a lot of different magic signals. it's not conducting any attacks as it used to. so i believe that of course, so long as there is occupation and now with is really expansion and the, and syria, we are going to see a continued resistance. but the access itself as a viable long term uh coalition is in my opinion of that to lay speaking under enormous strain and its future is uncertain. and that actually costs are a serious question over the question of armed existence. visa, the other forms of struggling, deliberate thought is time investment afford out there. let's continue with it around here that you know, the appetite comes with the eating. and we obviously know that the,
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the net at yahoo government has been, uh, well for the, for as long as he's been in power, been pressuring the united states, do have to go on and military adventure against the ran. what are the possibilities of that now, particularly the in for him before the and the next administration? well, it ran has suffered a major nature blow by the law so that it's soft on the valley, syria, now the ins, riley's, of boasting, but they have a car to have car in to, to tell around. and it's true that all those early warning stations are obliterated. it will be much easier now. so this way, the craft to reach uranium, the space which you the scary. so it will incline the israelis towards the venture arisen and with the prospect of the friend
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donald trump, coming to talk very soon it's probably whys of the he radians to tone things down a bit. and then show that that to face or, and one of the things you ran really needs to do is concentrate on the shoring all the ally, the remaining ally 11 on, uh, which will need even more support. how is it that support is go to the m logistically is a major major problem. um, but it may be that for the longer time since paula needs to re conceptualize itself no longer present itself so much as a member of the resistance and concentrate on its its own position in level and on the position notes is constituency,
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mainly the she or community level, because when, when we look back at the wisdom of joining come us after october 2023. i think we have to do all so quick. this is and say that it was, it was not wides. so that's easy to say with time. so i well, you know, it's, go back to holly, i mean, you know, i, i started out with you around, but i mean, a country that is very, very weak, obviously is web and on. i mean i, i could for c, considering the instability in the region that there would be an attempt for machine change in be root is what i'm not sure you can apply that some resume change to buy your uh, you know, 11 on. so let me is, government comes in and out the presidency, there's a simulator that's the good point. good point. good point. good point. good point.
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but um, when it comes there have been fees raised about to his radius resuming their war on let $1.00 on to the exploration of these 60 day period, which is that period where the steps shouldn't be taken to start to implement the new source. they cease fire. the argument is based on the assumption that the, the full size strengthens israel hand weakens principal law so therefore his world can seize the opportunity and the only know, counselor to has the law. personally, i don't think that is unlikely scenario or i think that the americans in particular have invested a lot in this case file. and i think that the incoming trump administration does the, does not want the situation to deteriorate and level on. in fact, i think one of the factors, one of the factors we stripped to the ceasefire, was the ultimatum which from gave you for remember when he visited the restaurant in michigan. and he focused on the necessity of bringing it and it happened to the
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lower level in addition to the fact that it has a lot was able to with the soul. these are increasing the blows and continues to launch me. so i was on the use right on the front, it was down and the auditor remains to be down and out quickly about the about what our method of for mentioned regarding because the last priorities are considered as the law. i could look at the same principles of speech as being given by it's used to create general secondary costs and it is focusing on the domestic situation, ensuring all the situation domestically without disregarding the resistance. so has the law these again, this process of reassessment, the re evaluating, sorting out to get the priorities in the shape and costing more than way. he was the one who used to be a sorry, ends with the task of the lebanese domestic situation. so we use a mobile place on how those to, you know, deal with the situation and, and focus on the domestic and off has the last strategy is
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um and we, the former leader of, of has bought and that's rolla. he famously said without syria, there is no palestine. can you reflect upon that statement to let me 1st say that it would be a mistake to think of as well as intervention is unwise in any way, shape or form. but precisely because we have to remember that the lot stuff like the operation and what happened after was a turning point in the liberation of palestine because of this idea of a unity of friends. this actually emphasizes the press secretary in nature. it would be very dangerous. it actually has, well, uh, uh, simply was drawn into its quote, unquote, she, uh, enviroment. and kind of became too imbedded in the lebanese domestic font. because that's generally a recipe for uh, you know, uh, increased reaction or the politics and inside let been on a lot of, as well as politics inside lebanon is not different from others. what actually
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stood out. so it has been the historically, is it's actually, it is a systems, it's opposition to is it a lease that the colonialism? so it's very important to maintain that why of course, taking into account how to survive in a hostile environment. how to prevent further utilization of any determines a fellow. so i think we have to balance these 2 things are not simply shift to a domestic agenda. and of course, reconstruction in south lebanon is itself a form of resistance. the strengthening of people's ability to go back to their homes is a form of resistance, but it has to be framed in that way as opposed to actually getting more about what's happening within 11 on now your question about syria. historically, syria, what the, what the, what the, you know, uh martha, my son, i said is absolutely true. serious of the heart of a, you know, they struggled for about his time from the very outset. it's actually a center for out of national. i don't let you that was very much about the
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liberation of thought. his time is that a bland, it was involved in all doors with these mean and it has been unfortunately, perhaps the only government that was willing to support on business though. so we shouldn't forget at the same time that the cause the power steering cause is not just the cause of hezbollah or syria. it's also the cause of georgia and it's the cause of egypt that the cause of the world around. so what i think is important at this journey sure is to start pushing for a. 5 you know, a why the network of supporters of, of, under resistance be on celia is one to actually start to think about why isn't jordan or the, you know, people in jordan, they need to also activate, they have uh, you know, a grassroots movement there for the can parties, the more the ceiling and the front is neutralized, the more that we have to think about sustaining other friends and not actually
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shutting them all down. so the only remaining front is garza, which is, you know, a serious problem in the future. okay. about so therefore we just have a few seconds left here. what's the stop israel from continuing its expansion? go ahead as well. the lesson of the last 2 years is that only one thing can stop israel, and that's the military opposition. that means because it's brushed aside everything else and uh, us pressure virtually nonexistent action in, in, in the un legal action. the media opposition changes in public opinion across the world. israel is now a lawless state, exacting without restraints. and it feels that it can get away with anything,
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and that's being proven repeatedly over the on that no general on that. no gentlemen, we've run out of time. i want to thank my guest in manchester and in lebanon. and i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our tc a next time. and we members prospect the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to makes a truck rather than to the area. i mean with
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artificial intelligence, we have so many with the in the a robot must protect this phone existence with alexis the relations between television, they are really tough shop. the deteriorated since the latest round of the palestinian israeli conflict. forgotten in october 2023 according to the evidence, ministry of health is way the stripes of killed at least $1600.00 people in the last year. and more than 8500 have been injured at all. you can come in because that hardly, i'm just the little much, much money as i love by the bundle, the phone with based on the,
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on the old, all the love of the, the man i'll settle with all the to solve the will see is a minute so you get us, what is indic, john l a in a shop while lane and want them to man. uh no, hudson, it's close to it said some nice to the thought of in the huddle as the sod mfc said on my feet 5, she met visual. how did we did that? awesome. yeah, the, the news
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is for digital risk of traits to operate. it didn't don't pass on to the owners of ukrainian special services. the, the homes are staying with a lot of hundreds of people who are the neighbors in the towns and villages have done bass. th was problem is money in a career and ukraine security service. in case of failure, they will guarantee its thing to in ukraine. however, today's reality for them is jail time for many is the outcome of working for ukraine. the enemy is up to 20 years in prison for terrorism, and that's been us the results. so again, an extended way in as little as she to causal. yeah. and to try to.


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