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tv   Documentary  RT  December 21, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EST

6:30 am
i think incompetence all and i'm willingness to address of the stage of the economy at migration the effect. so the government's climate policy on germany, the failure to reform, the european, the, the reform of the european union and the government's attitude towards ukraine. and what we can conclude is that the germans, german government's policies failing in every respect, if you are failing in every respect. then incompetence is a fair description of the updates of a story from a mug and bought a new drum. and he will be getting them online for you right now at auto. dot com rolls have all the updates for you ready at the top of the hour when we the
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the present day lebanon was once the birthplace of felicia, conquered by the persians. alexander, the great, the seduce in kingdom and the roman empire. the land was part of the ottoman empire before folding on differential when lebanon gained independence. in 1943, it was the same story to booming economy and harmony between many different religions. which is why it became known as the switzerland of the middle east. the deductible was always on its doorstep. one friday, a holiday for all those games. also smoke rose to power the look we should group and political body has the central headquarters,
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head of getting been shielded by his rail. 6 people killed, 100 of them 90 wounded as well as secretary general. how sudden us were allowed was killed in the strike. the . 6 6 relations between tell us even be really tough, sharply deteriorated since the latest round of the palestinian israeli conflict began to talk to about 2023. according to lebanon's, ministry of hills is where the aspirants of killed at least $1600.00 people in the last year. the and more than 8500 have been injured the, the though
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a fairly politically neutral country living and faces and almost whisk simply because the boat is unmistakable. states like syria and israel and he on the conflict in neighboring nations, leads to a massive influx of refugees to read from direct military and facial. can i assist? you must, i, bill us, why you will not lead you ability wants to do so. that's pretty much if you have any political so that's and the guy needs to be junior shoot city for the i'm a single one. nichols, be interesting to me. come through. so i'm gonna go from the lawyer, but you see on what the cause of wine was, stop, shift to me. democrats, you mind me up from that. i wasn't really wants to play to ski somewhere for separateness tunnel use maybe some stuff sort of co. we've got that right so, so if you have got what i need the assistance of somebody else in store for us to put c p a on somebody remembers smartphone. while i live on your basic gm for more than 50, i knew what i need to spend
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a minute. so neither for you to think for those anymore. but with this, if you up there for like one of the speech off i want to kind of judge, prescribe you to lead me shift, look my museum to varsity, confused with some of them shape. also, if you suppose things, you use the buildings and you might precision the most of the month, could swing its gap, should know, put a hold of all that stuff misleading, you mean? yeah it's, i mean, yeah, it's not showing up with some, some good fish. yeah. some of those to me for launch either stunroad support withdrawing. yeah. that the people are just the she knew she option in the show be with dc. we were district absolutely produces, but it took not studio easy, leak the move store just to get the one that cause also po, wanna you know, start on the sylvester in 1975 civil war ended the peaceful course of life. the french, well, political balance was disrupted by a mess. it flowed the palace, indian refugees, the or by the
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i'm how you see how the look. i am kind of from, i've been higher about on to him about that a lot. and i last single. what about the day? yeah, and if it was somebody in the that even on the but that someone else from us, let me evelyn dish off here that can live none. but i'm ready to be that fee. look, i am allowed to much. i had one in the say, i'm say a maximum, a lot this modem bought, put him on by yes, by law cody, if you, that's it for the students. and then we'll cut them and yeah, we simply been about also as low as it for the same you know, and with the modem box based fees, some of us are philistine me as miscellaneous off. not definitely been my thought, a hassle vessel yet. and then now, my father will come seen as leisure a sooty, i to a to have them look, i am 5,
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i'm on those. go to you and it comes to come. seeing some of us out of every blindness of all 16 of seconds after the roof and we've had engine see a little from the bangladesh while i see you be in what lenny and have to what was your day and for you. that's it for you. the and the and okay, a month now a bit of 9 feet that even national and will say am, was i in the nation on a well, we're not from a student thought of the summer from the new with them on a lot of and who is you sell the how moves on i'm an incentive going to do it a lot of the dougherty as your own or my number's gonna go like any, had that they have that investment. she liked the money they had i high what i'll see. but most of them had the 80 and then what was it would be had that,
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but at the end it didn't show i've been michael feeling that shit. small douglas ends. i was at the so i in the 19 seventy's the palestine liberation organizations . leadership moved from jordan to lebanon and began an unrelenting conflict. but the country's christy and regions, the in 1975, this led to full scale of all the 1011 and into a baffled ground. for 15 years. the . during this time, the country was occupied by syria and israel then became a breeding ground for radical factions. the,
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in the summer of 1982 is royal send troops into lebanon to setup a brutal siege in west bay route, the staff to east west to, to us. there's no such as of november to deal with now available to the news. it's for those earnings from birth, 0 for kids. he needs it. so for those i'll send you peer or even a lot of stuff to deal with that. but now the old, the,
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the, the that mr. yeah, so a straight run the federal month trip to the next month. i'm 2nd really easily able to see the industry. yeah. that's i have a month. i know on that other side of the way i'm not doing. i'd use 9 because i did now, and then you can check any feedback from obviously that that's drafting back to many, many. i mean i've, i've been my, had heard about registered. imagine you're missing, i'm, nobody's me. i was on the set up, the stuff that i've posted in the most that get that out. my back address is repeating at the root canal and the mobile photo lesson is what i can be as name is . i'm a little child that i'm just finishing. leave them alone,
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but what do you agree with? 3 and a half 1000 people were killed in this of that. i'm shifting accounts funds up in east cologne just from the right wing kristi and get the body with as well as full support. the pretext for the attack was the assassination by palestinians of lebanon's, newly elected president bush in 2 miles. most of how much the best of the, of the shed are going to my, the budget, the, the in the, the much, the whole, the full gun. how does that mean? i bet it's phone and for us, any other have defendant of it. that is the mission about sort button lice getting the full, assuming that come on the phone and a lot of, uh, uh, much as of the full of seen eyes had 7 was the above. oh my yeah. it was a shot. i will have a the phone open a but different but will do the uh, the uh, gun. yeah, i mean a couple i was on a oh,
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by the as of the shop the and the on the issue that we have to ha, all i'm really doing more comfortable actually. is there any chance or say reduce your smoke not you got a notice from a face to face so early. is that a friday and i should just upset you on right now, be a pretty busy for 2 weeks, which is, you know, that long ends cuz it'll be really upset by the end of what you let you don't use that google as google is cuz this is just to be designed. it is a didn't know boozers, do they read the prove 6 or dental websites plus 05555. so why is that something that's the will in the bottom of that on my go to the pool. i do, i live in depth. i know really my model that i no longer attended, but then my dad shot the eyes. that was the one that i did the medical
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model x ray is why my less. yeah. there shouldn't be in your say, live out a little bit strange. men cannot be live, it's out of that model of my visit. i mean, daddy, i see a lot about his eyes with the problem is that the, that model is mainly that even fluid. i'm actually my short, i'm oh, you mean right? the same, i'm busy, you know, because the, in the, obviously the, the, the, the, the shuffle. so, you know and go through, i study and i go through them a call them on the phone on the blow ma, uh, on the shop there, the stuff i wish i make bottom by the end of the deal for the bomb. what a i'm or i live with that in just a
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one of those. i was still not showing the position of god, but we'll why scott: so let's do the started lead me plus the solution comparable you but almost the shopping range now? oh, best buy future is in your thoughts usually increased by month. the city only been able to ship and will keep leaving the unit. couple the other 2 boys eyes get you to the minute fired them of the district system got both which use of tie live on, sco, right in the spanish and use the night to the, to live on them. see you when you start reading, if i, you mean, 1st of all this is by we made you just try me. yes. so by doing as i was in, you know, categories, these are the waste co fees components. civic bodies is bought, which of us the live viewing, but also from the human for us to do the small. but the peavey jenna v. c. e. opposite here with to the to raise the price to me and tighten up as a benign language of the day,
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not frequently the month, the amount either with authority, that'd be way across the why don't the why and take some out. and what do i know what i do with this lady said, the cutting and the yes. if console see it. yeah. well medina couldn't. you just have to shoot me a, he'll me is the sort of i'll be able to have them do it again in the stuff it did you ask that he can now? yes, of how the who, how bad. how did mr. how to shut down the the very 2nd that and yeah, no, we already filled out that now one for the guess of look, the saw the, the old one. can you? yes, i'm not up to selina, but the, you know, the where is it all you? 16 of them says they don't, but the audio 100 up as cameron had the month the set. and i said, you could even, you haven't the cartoons, not the beauty walk through the, the cost fullest i and then what, how to build a lot of,
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of abuse the always put in the new china, but i'm getting this one the. yeah. oh, you can come in because that hotley, i'm just as little as with the money as i love by the bundle assignment by to know i'm going to the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing pressed for. so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. what should be living on that we have a very good propaganda. you know, a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're
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not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is, will be the release of russia in states. never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best, not getting hold of all sense and up the speed . what else? suppose question about this. even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on russia to day and split the smooth neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say they requested the
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the, the 2nd living and war in 2006 costs significant damage to the economy, but by 2008, the real estate and tourism infrastructure had been motor nice to enabling economic recovery and strengthening lebanon's post war conditions the
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about 3 years later, the wave of protest inspired by the arm spring slipped through the country. the end since 2012 has been a new influx of refugees fleeing the horrors of war and syria. the while i see in advance, amc and the c and i asked the apple i bet is i see. and if no us then what's the next level and we'll, we'll start that in a little lice. maysonet. mostly i can have them them that have as 1 may so sat, a 70 wasn't a and a student has let them know how to assist me. my how long of a buick man had done a good note of not unlimited and you went in to see you been better than a cloud when i'm on my list wasn't last. i don't know. i put it in the photo. some
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i need actually i'm not going to i'm it, no problem. i live in elijah, he went with daddy very new and has them know dns and i'm sending a new york on any of the people to be allowed to do for the minnesota. you know, been assessed under as we have told me, the men but assess and don't as maybe a 2nd. let us this up. no. yeah. as of the color i'm in a suit. i mean i can hold the yeah. the i see it on a clean but of the done on of what kind of a so i left this on the monday and team a new name and anything else that uses any encounter with units uh before would be to the menu. i should have stuck in the middle and literally it says the green boulevard, loma for the data. how don't you fancy freedom is a hey, look for the free for the 100. i don't feel
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a problem wants to say the one you more, you push to this, i did it to us. it has to be evidence of put the almost a thought cost side where we must see a couple. they might be exceeding voting and got sounds good. wiley, for your car is for the cost side, which is why be a fee you would you be the $1.00 about use for them? it you see a google doc for a couple of the garden should it's sheila p and lucy di cities disappears on the look of my love have all of them as i saw it is a 100 percent look beautiful. we have nothing to do on the mom left the hey and i'll bring it back to you with the hotel and i've done allah for us, and i haven't been the parent and i love my dad. his i love your boss. i love my love kind of, i like getting my, if i'm one of the many,
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you have also to look into that this through buffer time is the scene of the me. you can think of it. i like i had gone, i've done luck for you. possibly it up and know how they can look at the plan. ben, if i've seen with $50000000.00 unable not on by that, but when i was tied to that, i said the mobile southern omelet schuman them with the addition of the media schuman was out of my, me even had them us. i thought i needed to be and if you want me to look back in the us and the color of many of the saw the, the, him to have see. and also the and also bring value out of the heidi and a month to fix sort of, to solve looking for the, the salon before me. but how can you come to the sort of a can i haven't done that that as i see, one of the one minute donna to assess the, the left to solve the montane effect on the look at most of
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a shot stomach and was specify setup was see, i had to sort of, well monitor, i saw diploma kind of stuff as of now what i see that but it will then the muscle to see the negative stuff to conduct the the buzz and let me to the ice a little bottled up in a don't in the many and again a part of the pilot supper and the young season with the bank statement or bank. think risk assessment. i'll hop that and you'll let us among the methodical many, if i don't know about in the that my thoughts that i have a lot, but i don't have access to the i see a setup. i would have to, i mean, maybe i can help with that. certainly it isn't with daniel done. the other stuff is that going through and i said all of it that it's so me that i'm wondering within that as well that that else of a 100 and as may assist the most of the many, you hold the meanwhile and successive allegedly include those skills members failed to stabilize
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the situation in fact, or you cannot make decisions and corruption among the officials, plunge the country into even deeper chaos or of the yeah, the one on big hotel a while i'm almost, i'm flooded. you have to think about the most of the small data bundle with flow. now, no, not have the most we yet the bunk one, the bunk out of the and i'm a lot of money mikaela. my husband have been a bit better. let me ask you, what have you really said? oh, i know my husband feeling the bond. you check out on the how, how do i mean the the general at the end or not focusing on the trip. i decided them know that they might not get the issue
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of the outside of the day to solve the was c. c means. so you in the us, what is a john a la in a chavo lane and want them to when a home in a shop a minimum, often in the on the ox august, i've done the full amount of hired mendham. oh, you would. and then to say of up to what was that the sided say of extra lots. and then definitely you gotta say, eligibility and most of the people do come middle will have to give us the money. and i show him what i mean. all the csc. i'll show him a 100 bucks. so out of young a, this is because of the current through the evaluation that's happened from 2019 on ongoing anthem now. so what's happened is, is the financial crisis, the banks closed. there were bank runs on the banks, they were not giving the people their money. even though if you go to the bank you,
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you wouldn't be able to get your money out. the, i'm going to notice this on the planet with needing with many mean a little bit e cut off, but could know that that doesn't know as an event. dsl is that what does that mean? you can say center, then you have to pay a dime and we'll have to think of any then brotherhood, or we're looking at us of nobody's saying you've done to help us. so i'm just going to send a, what's called the launch of the if you have that, i bought the members a key as making a lot of somehow that pertaining to not got to head a lot. mystery in nice hot about the care, say on and discuss online coming in on the bottom. well, we're not above from the funeral unit and the hot time stuff to the
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you know, there's a lot lower than the medical side effects to the best of luck. pull it for the fit . good. um how would the fee is of booking a lot of iron that fee is just to let the other 2 be on my phone. but even though knowing what the confession a, this doesn't, it has all the the, the line one sided this don't the fire stick to the issue. i don't know if it gets you be a kid, the middle of all the hot the the oh is the home of the mine while i sit also and i see coming care. see how does look around with us from headache. well, the alarm of glass all over. yeah, i know most of the month. uh, well, what are the kansas city is around uh, sort of normally i told some of them what does that even have that gets to the chloe on a lot. do you mind where there is a bloom that used to have the can can you and wanted to see if the nation went on like the is a study guest, something i know tend to have no, didn't have
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a nice listener sorted by huge of illumination headed men or shit, like, you know, want us to atlantic give them a full, loud on the services and then i can assess fluid in the see for the note issue. a little cut, the head allow satellite has done a lot of headache. looks more behind the going to try it. good luck with a set of us. i've got a she can. if she'll fail, add a hey on in the month 10. i'm a huh. add the pool. my band is full, full dr. eddie bub. multiply. shouldn't buddha then meet the square infinity on 4 bob on the old on. but this must be, is this for you helped him a long way she can on the bible. line bone has 9 book, go ahead about that book. she got a new e m. i sort of generally hate to get a bit. a silly for you know, give has, i mean, i'll on them the week i'm low costs up on the health guy it, i be
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a list i'm before and, but my shake of sophia and the image and then it will show for like, you know, my, my on my side of it will for sure for i came the that many of us and i'm not of through about the full with slicing for all. i will wait a minute or the shuttle i have. that'd be cool and have met with my share cuz i've been amazed at us and it would cost. and these do this. in fact, i'm a $100.00 jimmy out. a young man that no husband, it's going to, it said i should have a nice and all to thought of system i looked at in the how to both to solve mfc as an i'm a c i. she knew visual. how did we did with madness in district to just said awesome, yeah, we have send them o the we send a non huge as a mccann dish on because she's a mechanic at the been and it's when as soon as do they show
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a twin or should have been shallow near high on is going to off of the honda and the whole beyond the 2 of you pass and one that my issue is that a blog so long? it's been since i show this while i'm on the man, i've done a lot of the disaster who's the federal head of the month. i'm one of them. i know i the she that i missed the estimate of the american university. if they were on the list of warms that soon, most lebanese people but be able to meet people basic needs. this went to the end of the middle east, may yet become another failed mediterranean state. the
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the, it's where i can use as our live one audience and us as the russian city of comes on and comes under an attack by us, or move you crazy and kind of causing drones, residential, high rise apartment towers of struck and erupted in, but also a head for you, this on the guy you seen your friends at the is really i in, during that defense system basically fighting to anticipate who the ballistic missile launched from the human we understand of age 16 people are wounded in the hottest telling me 5 people are killed in school.


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