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tv   Documentary  RT  December 21, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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the public opinion generally holds that the economic backwardness of franco from countries is a result of colonization, which is currently embodied by the leadership of france, whose speeches in narrative give it away completely. unfortunately, we have now reached the point of no return. well, meantime it is an awful lot of breaking news here. we're talking international injury, walk away to saturday night here in moscow. and all the updates are in company with my colleague motor on somebody who's going to be here at the desk in about half an hour is fine for me, role research or anything. and so i use the, [000:00:00;00]
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the overman any a present day 7 and was, wants the best place to finish you conquered by the person who sat legs onto the great, the saluted kingdom and the roman empire, the philanthropist part of the ottoman empire before following on differential when lebanon gained independence, in 1943, it was the same. so it's a booming economy and harmony between many different religions, which is why it became known as the switzerland of the middle east. the about was always on its doorstep. one friday, a holy day for old muslims also smoke rose to power the latrecia group and
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political party has the central headquarters, head of getting been shielded by his rail. 6 people killed under another 90 wounded . as well as secretary general has on us for a law was killed in the strike the . 6 6 relations between tell us even be really tough, sharply deteriorated since the latest round of the palestinian israeli conflict, the god of 2. but 2023. according to lebanon's ministry of hills. he's way the strengths of killed at least 1600 people in the last year. the spend more than 8500 have been injured the,
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the though a fairly politically neutral country living and faces and almost whisk simply because the boat is unmistakable. states like syria and israel and he on the conflict in neighboring nations, links to a massive influx of refugees to re, from direct military and facial may assist. you must either of us why you will not lead you ability wants to do so. that's pretty much keeping you board congress with us and the guy needs the probably junior shoot city for the i'm a single one nichols recently purchased and we could be selling in a copeland's lawyer. but you see on what the cost of learning was soft shift to me, democrats, you mind me up from that. i wasn't really wants to play to ski somewhere for so, but if you just kind of use a visa must have sort of co, we've got lots of. so if you have got what i need, this tends to somebody i live, which in store for us to put c p a on somebody remembers smartphone for the one you
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have to jump to more than 50. i knew what i need for the mine yet. so neither for you to i think for those and you more with, with present the up there for like one of the speech off i want to kind of judge because favorites, are you leaving shift look my museum to varsity, confused with some of them sheet off of you suppose things you use the buildings and you might precision them a few months because she needs caption, know, put a hold of all that stuff misleading. i mean, yeah, it's me. yeah, it's not showing up. can someone please tell somebody me what sort of launch either stunroad support withdrawing. yeah. that the people are just pushing. you'll see a option in a show be with d. c. we with this you could do any problems as well. it took not studio you previously moved store just to build a new one because also computer one a, you know, start on the sylvester. in 1975 civil war ended the peaceful course of life. the french, well political balance was disrupted by
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a massive flower dependents. indian refugees, the women that i'm how you see how the look i am kind of from, i've been, i a thought about on pm about that a lot and i last single will the day. yeah. and if it is somebody in the that even on the but that someone else from us, let me evelyn dish off here that kind of none. but i'm ready to do that. the look. i am allowed to much. i had one in the for you, i'm say, a maxim a loud this motor bob put him on by yes, by left, cutting a few of the extra for the students. and then we'll cut them. and yeah, we simply been about also as long as it sort of thing going on with them. what i'm by, they assure you some of us are also loosely, unless miscellaneous off, not definitely been my thought, a hassle vessel yet. and then now my father will come seen as leisure
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a sooty. i do a lot of them with a 5. i'm on those go to you and it comes to come see. and some of us out of every blindness about 15 seconds after the roof. and we've had engine seattle from the bangladesh while a few be in what many and have to what was your day and feedback and it looks like the then the okay, i'm not a bit of 9 feet that even dash out of i am was i in the mission on job a was, you know, i'll be enough for the thought of the summer for us, the new with them on a lot of and who's just selling the commas on. i'm an incentive going to do it. a lot of the dougherty as your own or my number's gonna be like any. how does that? does it have that investment? she liked the money they had i high what our fee,
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but most of them had the $80.00 and then what was it would be had the end differential i've been michael c on that's a small douglas ends. i was at the so i in the 19 seventy's, the palestine liberation organizations, leadership moved from jordan to lebanon and began an unrelenting conflict with the countries christy, and regions the in 1975. this led to full scale of all the 1011 and into a battle ground for 15 years. the . during this time the country was occupied by syria and israel then became a breeding ground for radical factions.
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the, in the summer of 1982, he does royal send troops into lebanon to setup a brutal secret in west bay route, the scene that staff tvs to, to, to us. there's no such yourself for me, but to deal with. no, they don't even use. it's for those really is from birth 0 for cute. he needs it. so for those i'll send you peer easily out of stuff to steal. is that for now? the old?
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the, the, the certainly is that mr. yeah, that's right. you said, well, i'm a federal month trip to the next month. i'm 2nd. let me easily. if i don't see then there's the. yeah that's i have a month left on the side of the what happened now? did i do with 9? because i did now, and then you can check any feedback from i've seen that fast drafting back to many, many. i mean, i've, i've been my, had heard about collecting just shoot me an idea and engine let them know they, me, i was on the set up the stuff that i've posted in the most that get that out. my back address is vivian at the root canal and the mobile photo as little as i can be as name is, i'm
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a little child that i'm just finishing. leave them alone. but what do you agree with? 3 and a half 1000 people were killed and most of that i'm shifting accounts funds up in east cologne just from the right wing. kristian could i have body with, as well as full support. the pretext for the attack was the assassination by palestinians of lebanon's, newly elected president, fussy and to my lemma. so how much the best of the of the shed are going to my, the budget, the, the in the, the much, the whole, the full gun. how does that mean? i bet it's phone and full city and the defendant of attorney, and i'm sure knew about sort button last getting in the full, assuming that come on the phone and a lot of, uh, uh, how much as of you ended up with any kind of how the full of seen eyes had started . was that bad? uh no, yeah. it was the shop. i will have the phone open
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a bit different but will do the uh the uh gun. yeah, i know a couple i was on a oh by the as of the shop the and uh it's just that we have to ha, all i'm really doing my car. is there any chance for say reduce your smoke? not be that a. notice that the sprint so early for the friday and i sure did upset to remember that there is a criteria which, which is even on the day long ends because only really to the by the end of them. and you were to let you don't use that google as google is cause on it is just to be designed. it is, it didn't know boozers, do they need the 3 or 6 year, dno, both up plus 0 if us be as i've so why is it something that is the will in the bottom of that on my go to the pool as i do, i live with that, i knew it wasted my knowledgeable that i no longer attended,
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but then my dad shot the eyes. that was the one that i did the medical model x ray is why my less. yeah, there shouldn't be in your say live out a little bit strange. hm. allowed them to not being, i'm just out of that model of my visit. i mean, there is a lot of colors as with the problem, is that the, that model is really that in my floor, i'm actually not sure i'm gonna, you'll need to try the same. i'm to see you because the in the, obviously the, the, the, the, the, the, the shuffle. so you know, i'm doing through ice, cutting it and i go through them a copy on the phone, on the blow metal on metal shop. there the stuff i wish i make bottom by the end of the deal for the bomb. what i'm or i live with that in ship.
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the website is one of those. i was still not showing the position of god, but we'll why scott: so let's do the started the new plus the solution comparable you? but almost the shopping range now. oh, best buy future isn't your thought usually increased by month. the city on the book to be able to ship and we'll keep leaving the unit, couple of reduce the other 2 boys that i speak to you later. i a team in the fire from of the district system got booth which use of tie live on, sco right now, especially in use i left and i to the, to live on them. see you when you start reading, if i you mean 1st of all this is by we made you just try me. yes. will buy daniels . i was and you know, categories these are the waste go few component to the police has bought, which of us the live viewing, but also from the human for us to do the small. but milwaukee can be jenna v steer
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e apps to deal with to the, to raise the price to me and tighten up as a benign national language of the day, not frequently the month, the month either with authority. that'd be way across the why don't the why and take some out and what do i know what i do with this lady said the cutting and the yes if console c. e. o medina? couldn't you just have to shoot me a hill? me is the sort of i'll be able to have them do it again in the matlab. did you ask that he can now? yes, of how the who, how bad. how did mr. how to shut down the the real estate. yeah, yeah, no, we will need to so that now when for the guess of look, the saw the, the old one, can you? yes, i'm not up to selina, but the the where is it all you? 16 of the says they don't, but the audio 100 up as cameron had the month the set and i said they could even, you haven't the cartoons, not the beauty walk through the,
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the cost fullest in or how to build a lot of, of abuse. but always been in the lobby. i'm going to southern new china, but i'm getting this will have that. yeah. oh, you can come in because that hotley, i'm just a little mission with the money as i love by the bundle assignment by to know i'm going to the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the 2nd lebanon war in 2006 costs significant damage to the economy fund by 2008, the real estate and tourism infrastructure had been modernized,
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enabling economic recovery and strengthening lebanon's post war conditions. the about 3 years later, the wave of protest inspired by the arm spring slipped through the country. the incense 2012 has been a new influx of refugees fleeing the horrors of war and syria. the people i see in about amc and looked at him as this. he and i as the apple i bet is i see. and it's now watson. what's the next level? oh well star, that in a little head lice. maysonet less less than his of them that had the one married. so sad a 70 wasn't a n n a student had let him know how to assist me. my. how long of a buick there had been
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a will note of not unlimited. major banana caea been better than a cloud while i'm on my list wasn't last. i don't know. i put in for some i need to ask you i'm not going to i'm it. no problem. i live in elijah. hey melissa, how are you there? no one has them. now do you understand me shannon? i don't got any of the people to be i know you do not know minnesota, you know, i've been assessed and as we have told me then but assess, i know as maybe start rid of this up. know yeah, is the color i'm in a suit. i mean, i can hold the yeah, the queen, but of the amount of what items. so i left this on the one day and team a new name and everything obviously. and then he says, you mean kelvin units? uh, before would be me wash wi fi, mental and luxury and facing the volkswagen before the date or hard. don't really
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fancy for him as a look for the free for the long maybe and then because you don't feel talbot and wants to say what you perceive before i did it to us, it is different versions of put almost a thought go assignment, where we may see a couple of they might be exceeding voting and gosh, don't sca wiley in your car is for the cost side, which is why being fee would you be designing? requiring about your store on the e. c of google docs for a couple of days. can you should it's celia p and lucy di cities different, different song the don't have. oh, i'm sorry to say how much i can do on the mom left the hay and i'll bring it back to you with the hotel,
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yvonne allah for us. and i haven't been the parent and i love my dad, his i love your boss. i love my love kind of, i like any my, if i'm one of the many you is off of the concept of the buffer time is the theme of the me. you can think of either like i've gone, i've done luck feet, thought to be a lot more high become the floor plan benefit i've seen was $50000000.00 unable not on my doctor. but when i say to that, i said the mobiles, southern hamlet schuman, the one with the addition of the media schuman was our, my, me even had them, us heard that i needed to be. and if you want me to look back in the us and the color of many of the saw the, the, him to have see. and also the, and also i bank with the out of the hide the month to fix sort of, to solve. looking at the, the value of all the so on before me. but having gone to the most of the can, i had
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a down method. as i see, one of the palace what had been done on the left to solve the montane effect on the look at most of a shot. again with best buy shot of wow. so yeah, i had to sort of, well, i'm out of that. i saw diploma kind of stuff as of the assess the, the have a look man the and my thought a few to none of them as of the conduct the, the by the level 2 nice little bottled up in a don't know many. and again, it's part of the pilot supplementary on a young piece using with the bank statement or bank, the risk assessment. i'll hop that and you'll let us know among the many of the myself that i have a lot, but i don't have access to the i see a setup. i would have to, i mean, maybe i can hook up a regular certainly position with daniel dunn. the other stuff is the control and i said all of it that it's so me that i'm wondering what the, what else the button and then as may assist the most of the many,
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you hold the meanwhile and successive allegedly include those skills which members failed to stabilize the situation in fact, or you cannot make decisions and correction among the officials, plunged the country into even deeper chaos either of the yeah, the one on bill. while i'm on more times, why don't you have to think about the most of the small data bundle with flow. now knowing i have the most reactive a long one that i left in my bunk out of the and i must have significant lungs. you mikaela my husband, it may not be a better way. let me ask you what have you really said? oh oh no, my husband feeling a little help on your truck. i don't know. how do i mean
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the, the general at the grid or somebody just thought, let them know that they might not get the actual dimensions of the outside of the facade, the with c. c means so you in the us, what is an it guy in a la, in a shop already and, and want them to when i'm in a shop a minimum often in the, on the scanner. and so i've done the full amount of hyatt, my number, which would, and then to save up to what was the sided say of extra them was. and then definitely, you know, fairly busy and most of the people do come in. we'll have to give us the money and i show him what i mean, all of us say as the actual 100 bucks. so out of the, on the, this is what causes the course of the evaluation that's happened from 2019 on ongoing anthem. now, so what's happened is, is the financial crisis,
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the banks closed. there were bank runs on the banks. they were not giving the people their money. even though if you go through the bank you, you wouldn't be able to get your money out. the, i'm going to notice this on my part of a noun with many of the leading a little bit e. i'm thinking the dog doesn't know as an approved in b a fairly fast. what does that mean? you can say center, that is how you pay a dime and we'll have to is the one assessing. it'll be then brotherhood or we're looking at as of now do they say you then they'll have to sounds. they'll come to settle. what's called the lodge of the if you have them, they bought the men was a key as making a lot of somehow that we could connect at the head. a lot. mystery in nice. how is
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this the cache on it and discuss on the one that the above from the female unit and how i'm supposed to. but anyway, this is what little a die nichol side effects to. let's look, pull it for as looks like a whole. i don't know as an a fee is a book log, i don't know if it's just you looked at it to be on my phone. but even knowing what the confession, this doesn't have somebody out in the line one sided this. don't this a fair affected issue? i don't know if it gets you be a case in my level. well then, what the somewhat of the oh is the home of the mind while i sit almost when i see you come in care, see how does a trans flush from hick? well, the alarm of glass all over, you know, i know most of them of the counselors to is around the city. i'm a little smarter for me. what does ally numbers have that gets to the clearly on a lot they you, while they're there is a bloom that you still have the can,
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can you i'm going to, to share for the nation. one on like little diana is a study, i guess something i don't tend to have no, could have a nice listener sorted way. was you looking to insure headed men or shit like and i want us to atlantic give them a full loud on the sort of a shade. and then i can assess fluid in the see for the note issue, a little cut the head allow satellite has done a lot of headache, looks more behind the going to try it. good luck with a set of us i. so she can, if she'll say on ad they hey, on the mac 10, i'm a help add the pool. my band is full, full, dr. eddie. but multiply. shouldn't buddha then meet the square at the google and for a bob on the old on. but this must be, is this for your help team? they know why she's getting on the bible line bone has 9 book. go ahead about that book. she got a new e m. i sort of generally hate to get a bit
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a silly for you know, give has, i mean, i'll on, i'm the week i'm lo costs up on the health guy. it i be a live i'm before and but my shake of sophia and the image and any of the things before i keep that, no my, my own messiah's beautifully chauffeur. i came the that many of us and i'm not of through about the full with slicing for all. i will wait a minute or the show la. that'd be cool and have met the share cuz i've been amazed yet us and it would cost in these b as in sam, my bad as jimmy out, a young man uh no husband, it's considered paid. i should have a nice and all to thought of system i looked at in the how to both the sod mfc. i sent out an mfc. i seen the video how to pick did with madison to ship to just said,
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awesome. yeah. we have send them. oh, the we send a non huge as a mccann does, i'll just use a mechanic with the bins and this one as soon as do they show uh, twin or shut off the shuttle or near hi on it's going to off of the honda and the whole beyond the 2 of you pass and one that my issue is that a blog shortly? i notice from since i show this while i'm on the man, i've done a lot of the disaster. who's the federal item? if i'm one of them, i know either should i missed the estimate of the american university if they were on the list of warmth of soon the most lebanese people. but to be able to meet even basic needs. the switch to the end of the middle east may
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yet become another failed mediterranean state. the the the give up. i believe that is being concrete for sure. the dunphy game you can describe the sell us because of the americans omega. last use to use you can as a, you know, as a poke, see, you know, the 2 a week in the shop, but you don't have any interest in doing that. and you're jealous of having interesting. we really have a gun only by taking sanctions. i gave it a shot. i mean, it's each of the americans what we have doing to us, there's the,
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the, the, a law against a rich through the end because of a final incident be, is the, the leg 0 isn't a number of similar incidents across russia. the to the city of cause i was headed to supplant the rod including chemicals, the drugs targeting residential fire right towers. the plains also at the


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