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tv   Documentary  RT  December 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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a car drove into a pathway, forest, pedestrians, and visitors to the market. it's very high speed, indeed. barricades could have stopped the car. the fact that there was no battery kates is a self evident failure to set a to provide safety and security at despite that ample warnings for several months in a row, which this government chose to ignore it is, i think incompetence all. and i'm willingness to address obvious dangerous economy at migration via fax. so the government's climate policy on germany, the failure to reform, the european, the, the reform of the european union and the government's attitude towards ukraine.
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and what we can conclude is that the germans, german government's policies failing in every respect, if you're failing in every respect, then incompetence is a fair description. go that route up. this i think is uh, we'll do a back here again in about 30 minutes. the overman, any a present day in dublin, and was once the best place to finish it conquered by the persians, alex, onto the great this elusive kingdom and the roman empire. the philanthropist part of the ottoman empire before folding on differential with liberty and gained independence in 1943. it was
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fame. so it's a booming economy and harmony between many different religions, which is why it became known as the switzerland of the middle east. the about was always on its doorstep one friday holiday for all those games. puffs of smoke rose. i have a better one to power the latrecia group and political body has been the central headquarters head of getting been shielded by his royal 6 people killed. 100 of them 90 wounded as well as secretary general how sudden those were allowed was killed in the striking the . 6 6 relations between tell of even bare room to have shop the
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deteriorated since the latest round of the palestinian israeli conflict began in october 2023. according to the evidence ministry of hills. he's way the strengths of killed, at least 1600 people in the last year. the and more than 8500 has been injured. the, the though a fairly politically neutral country, living and faces enormous risks, simply because the bonus unmistakable states like syria and israel, the depending on the conflict in neighboring nations leads to a massive influx of refugees. to reason direct military innovation from cisco, my documents just to yamaha started. it was for you on us, lead you a barely wants to do so. that's pretty much if you have any political the so that's
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coming grand. you've said probably junior shoot j 40. i'm a single one, naples beach thing it interesting. we go through some, i'm gonna go from the lawyer, but you still want to close the wireless up shift to me, democrats, you mind me up from that. i was really wants completely to just be somewhere for 17 years kind of use every semester of silica, we go that route so. so if you have got what i need the assistance of somebody i live in store for us to put c p a on somebody on the platform where i live on your jump or more than 50. i knew what i need a friend of mine yet. so neither for you can, i think for those in you more with, with you the up, the apple is like one of the speech of our i'm at the end of the shirts. please feel free to leave me shift with my museum to wirelessly. confused with some model sheet. also, if you suppose things you use the buildings and you might precision them a few months because she needs caption, know, put a hold of all the stuff. i'm assuming, you mean? yeah, it's, yeah, it's not showing up because of some of the 1st. yeah. some of the summation for launch for you the most of what we're doing. yeah, it's
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a pretty cool especially you'll see an option to show be with dc. we will just do a couple of problems as well. if it's not studio, you previously move store just to build a new one because also computer one a, you know, start on the sylvester. in 1975, civil ended the peaceful course of life. the fragile political balance was disrupted by a massive flower dependents. the indian refugees, the war by the un hyattsville had uh, i'm okay, i'm kind of from i've been hired about on to him about that a lot. and i last single, well, the other day. yeah, i mean if it is somebody in the that even on the but that sort of, i'm assuming you have an additional feedback. i love none, but i'm ready to do that. the look i am allowed to share. i had one in the for you,
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i'm say, a maximum allowed this modem by putting more on by yes, by law cutty, if you, that's it for the students. and then we'll cut them and yeah, we simply a bunch of up also as long as it sort of thing going on with them. what a bar, bay street, some of us out of phyllis leaning. eliza miscellaneous off. not definitely been my thought, a hassle vessel yet. and then now my father will come seen as leisure as solely to it as an am 5, as i'm on that because it comes to come see, and some of us out of every blindness about 15 seconds after the family items in seattle for the bangladesh. well, uh i see you be in a little many and have to what we were doing for you. that's it. it looks like the and the available for you a month now, a bit of 9 feet that even gotcha. and looks like am most i in the nation on
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a walk in. i'll be enough for the thought of the summer for the new with them on a lot of anastasia and then the comments on i'm an incentive going to do it a lot of the dougherty as your own mind that much can like any, had that they have that investment, she liked the money they had i i what i'll see with most of the and the $80.00 and what was it would be had the empty to ensure a, i've been my coffee on that shit, a small douglas and the so i in the 19 seventy's, the palestine liberation organizations, leadership moved from jordan to lebanon and began an unrelenting conflict with the countries christy, and regions the
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in 1975. this led to full scale of all the 1011 and 12 battle ground for 15 years. the, during this time, the country was occupied by syria and israel then became a breeding ground for radical factions. the, in the summer of 1992, his royal send troops into lebanon to set up a brutal secret in west bay route. the
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senior staff to these 2 to 2 as 2 food notes, which is so for me, but i don't know the, the, the news, it's for those earnings from but 0 for q. he needs it. so for those, i'll send you a really a stop steel. is that now the old? the, the, the concern is that mr. yeah, that's right. you straight run the federal month. i should do that next month. i'm check and let me easily. if i don't see, send this to you that's i have a month,
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i know, and that's of the set up the way i'm not getting, i view it, not because i did now. and then you can check any feedback from i've seen that as drafting back to many, many, i mean i'd be more happy about that. if you can just shoot me an idea of when you're missing, i'm know, very familiar with what's on the setup. the stuff that i've posted in the most that can throughout my back address, is looking at the little managed you mobile photo as little that can be a little chat, cause initially lives at the minute on the glue. 3 and a half 1000 people were killed in this. i'm not, i'm sure to come spies up in east salon just from the right wing. kristian could i have body with, as well as full support. the pretext for the attack was the assassination bypass the indians of lebanon's newly elected president, marcia, to my mama. so how much the best of the, of the shed are going to my, the budget, the, the in the, the much, the whole, the full gun. how does that mean?
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oh, i bet it's phone for the city. heather had a friend of italy and i'm sure knew about sort bus and watch getting in the follow. see me back. i'm on the phone and the model on the machine has the full of seen. eyes had 7. was that bad? uh now yeah. it while the shop. oh, how about the phone opening to a different but will do the uh the uh gun. yeah, i know a couple i was on a oh, by the as of the shop the and the on the issue that we have to off all i'm really doing the chance to say reduce your smoke. not going to notice that these so early part of the, of that of friday and i sure did upset to one of the criteria which, which is, you know, with that last names because i already really said by the end of the year,
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which you let you don't use that google as google is cause on it is just to be designed. it is a didn't know boozers, do they read the $26.00 or dental website 405 b as i've. so why is that something that the when the about a month that on my go to the pool, i do i live with that, but i know it will. it might not important that i no longer attended, but that might be i distract the eyes. that was i have one that i did the medical model x ray is one that yeah, yeah, there shouldn't be in your say live, but a little bit strange nintendo. it'd be live, it's out of that model like does it, i mean, did, he has a lot about his eyes with those that blogs at the that model is mainly that even fluid. i'm actually not sure i'm gonna say the
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same. i'm to see you because the in the, obviously the, the, the, the, the shuffle. so you know, i'm built through, i scary and i go through them a copy on the phone, on the blow. ma, uh, i'm gonna push up there the stuff i wish i make model by the end of the deal for the bomb. whatever i live with that in ship. the website is one of those. i was still not showing the position of god, but we'll mice concept is typically what is the way to do it. he started the new world plus the yeah. i'm is pushing comparable. yeah. but then most of shopping grange now. oh, best buy future is in your thoughts usually and because by month this is the only book to play russian, it will keep you in the unit. it's coupled with loose. i thought you boys that ice get you to the minute by it them of the district system got those which
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use of die live on square right now. it's better to use the night, you know, to live on them. see you when you start reading, if i, you mean 1st of all this is by we maybe just try me. yes. so by doing as i was and you know, golf course, these are device kofi, a component to the police is bought to drive us to my view has opened the human for us to, to, to smoke on the web page in the v c e ops, to deal with to the to resign a position to maintain a visible 90 national language of the day. not frequently the month, the month either with the site you need any way across the why don't the why and take some out and what do i know what i do with this lady said the getting the youngest of console. c. e o medina. couldn't you just have to shoot me a hill? me this before i'll be able to have them don't again. in the stuff it did you ask that he can now? yes. if i had the who, how bad? how didn't just how to shut down the the really say that again. no,
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you need to. so you're not just now 140 guess of the saw the, the old one. can you? yes, i'm not enough to sleep with the, you know, the 0 all you 16 of the says i don't, but the audio 100 up as cameron had the month the set and i said you can even, you haven't, i don't not the beauty walk through the, the gospel as i and then little i had a bit of a lot of of abuse. but though we stayed in the southern new china, but i'm getting this one that. yeah. oh, you can come in because that hotley, i'm just a little mission with the money is, are by the bundle assignment. by to know i'm going to the,
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[000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the 2nd lebanon war in 2006 costs significant damage to the economy. and by 2008, the real estate and tourism infrastructure had been motorized enabling economic recovery and strengthening lebanon's post war conditions. the about 3 years later, the wave of protest inspired by the arm spring swept through the country. the
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incense 2012 has been a new influx of refugees fleeing dollars of war in syria. the while i see an invalid k m c. and look the see. and i as the apple, the i bet is i to and if know, watson what's next loud? well, let's try that in a little highlights. maysonet miss lacking his of them that had this 1 may so sad a 70 was not in a city, a color that had was just me. my how long of a buick man had been a will note of not unlimited manager with me and i see you been better than a cloud while i'm on my list was nasa, i don't know, i put it in for somebody. i know you guys have no clue what i meant. no problem. i live in elijah,
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he went with daddy there. no one has them know dns and i'm standing on your on any of the be i know who the for the minnesota. you know, that been assessed and the as me for me then, but it says i know as maybe start right off the top. no. yeah. as of the color, i'm in a suit. i mean i can hold the high. yeah. the i see it on a clean bella. come on up. what i never saw, i left this on the monday and seen my new name and everything obviously. and then he says, you mean kind of in units uh, before would be me wash wi fi and mental and lazy and facing the green fellow lung for the data. ha, don't really fancy. we'll see him as a hey, look for the fee for the vendor hazard. only feels habit and wants to say what you perceive before to that, to us, it has to be on so,
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but on most of the cost side where we may see a couple, a might be exceeding body and gas balance due, wiley, your car is full of the cost side, which is why be a fee you would you because i have a question about your store on it. you see a google docs for a couple regarding should it's so healey, p and lucy guy. so these to be on the look of my love to have our, as i saw it is beautiful. we have nothing to do on the mom left the a little money attack the with the hotel and i the for us and i haven't been the parent and i love my dad. his i love your boss. i love my love kind of, i like the my, if i'm one of the many you is off of the, comes with this, the buffer time is the theme of the they me,
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you can think of it. i like i had gone, i've done luck feet, thought to be a lot more high become the floor plan benefit i've seen was $50000000.00 unable not on by that come out of an a my side to that. i said, the mobile cellphone, omelet schuman the one with the addition of the don't. the media schuman was that off? my, me even had them us heard that i needed to be. and if you want me to look back in the, as in the color, lots of many of the saw the, the, him to come see. and also the, and also bring value out of the height the month to fix sort of, to solve, looking for the, the value of all the so on before me. but having calls about most of the can. i have done that, that as i see, one of the palace one minute, the thing you left to solve, the montane it back on the look at most of a shot stomach and will specify sort of well figure out how to sort of well, i'm out of the i saw diploma kind of stuck with us of the assess the,
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the man the and my thought is to you to man that as of the conductor of the best of luck to nice little bottled up in a don't know many. and again, it's part of the pilot supper and the young pcs, what would be the bank statement or bank the risk assessment? i'll hop that and you'll live among the most out of the many, i don't know about it. i don't have that myself that i have a lot, but i don't have access to the i see a setup. i would have to, i mean maybe i can hook up to the certainly it isn't with daniel dunn. not enough. is that going through? and i said over that, it's so me that i'm wondering what the, what else the button and then as may assist the most of the many, you hold the meanwhile and successive allegedly clue those governments members fail to stabilize the situation. in fact, or you cannot make decisions and correction among the officials,
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plunge the country into even deeper chaos or of the, the one on big hotel. while i'm on more times, why don't you have something about the most of the small data bundle with flow? now no, not have the most we yet the bunk one and the 2 miles long out of the and i'm a big a lot of money mikaela. my husband may not be a better. let me ask you what have you really said? oh, i know my husband feeling the bond, you check out on the how, how do i mean the the owner of the machine on the other side of the minnesota say not somebody before them know that they might not get the ship
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of the outside of what it was all they saw, the was c c. and so you in the us, what is a gun now le in to shovel? i even want them shot without having to shop a minimum. often in the on the ox august i've done the full amount of hyatt, my number always would and then to say of a political was that the sided say of extra them was. and then definitely you gotta say, eligibility and most of the people you come in, we'll have to give us the money. and i show him what i mean, all of us say as the actual 100 bucks. so out of the, on the, this is because of the course of the evaluation that's happened from 2019 on ongoing anthem now. so what's happened is, is the finance, of course, has the banks closed. there were bank runs on the banks. they were not giving the people their money, even though if you go through the bank you, you wouldn't be able to get your money out. the,
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i'm going to know that that's on my part of a noon with many me even a little bit e, but off i'm thinking that that doesn't know as an event b a fairly fast. what does that mean? you can say say, yeah, i mean i paid dime and we'll have physical, does there seem to be any, then brotherhood, or we're looking at us of nobody's saying you then it'll have to. so i'm just going to send a, what's called the launch of the if you have that, i bought the was a case as making a lot of somehow that we can look at the head a lot mystery and nice hot as the care say on and discuss on the one that the above and the female unit and her thoughts just to the level of diane nicol side effect. ted whistler told eliot for i'd love to get home and i don't know of the
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feels of the shift feel up to that it to be on my phone. but even though knowing what the confession, this doesn't have somebody out and the the line will sided the stones, the fat stick to the issue. i don't know if it gets you be a kid there. well, well then, what the somewhat of the oh is the home of the mind while i sit almost why does she come in care see how does a trans flush from like well, the alarm of glass. oh yeah, i know most of the month. oh, well, what are the concepts and it is around the us? what are you? i'm really, i don't model much. does that even numbers have that gets to the clearly on a lot they you, while they're there is a bloom that you still have the can, can you and wanted to see if the nation went on like the, is a sodium get something i know tend to have know, could have a nice listener sorted by huge illumination, hanniman or shit, like, you know, want us to atlantic give them a full, loud on the sort of a shade. and then i can assess fluid in the see for the note issue. a little cut
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the head, a low, so low test on a low dial headache. where's looks more behind the going to say it cannot be a set of us. so she can, if she'll say on a, on the mac 10, i'm a help add the cool my band is full full dot to any buttons to flash it and pull it out. then meet the square google and for bob bone. hold on. but miss murphy is this for your help team. they loan patient in the bible line bone has 9 book. go ahead about that book chic uh, new e m. i sort of generally, hey, to get a bit silly for your own and know, give has, i mean i'll on them become little costs up on the health guy. it i be a live i'm before and but my shaken sophia and the warmest in any of those things
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before. i keep, i know my own messiah's beautifully chauffeur. i came the menu less and i'm not of through about people with slicing for i will wait a minute or the show la. that'd be cool. in fact met with my share cuz i've been amazed you send it with costing these dates instead of a $100.00 you me out. i'll yeah, no, no, no, i have sent, it goes to it said i should have a nice didn't all to thought of system. i looked at in the how to both decide mfc. well, i said i'm a c. i see nick, visual. how did pick did with madness industry to just said awesome. yeah, we have send them. oh, the we send a non huge as a mccann does on choose a mccann with the bin and it's one as soon as do they show a twin or should i have to show on the high on is going to off of the honda and the
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whole beyond the 2 of you pass and what that imagine is that a blog so later on it's been since i've shown this while i'm on the man i've done a lot of when he is josh, who's the federal head of the month. i'm one of them. i know i, this you, that i missed the estimate of the american universities. they root analysts to homes that soon, most lebanese people but be able to meet people basic needs. the switch to the end of the middle east may yet become another,
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failed mediterranean state. the the very powerful to see and things of a buyer cans invisible volcano in lakes is in a series of similar incidents across russia. many of which involved public drive is recruited by scamp. also the, the city of cuz idle is hit by eva ross. so when you create incoming calls, the doesn't solve the thing,


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