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tv   Going Underground  RT  December 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EST

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for its no stipulation of how certain sections of the compensation should be spent could be changed. they would have a foundation running the compensation they would communicate with all the involved chiefs. the chiefs would have to find out from their communities what they want. so if there's a community who don't have water supply, who don't have electricity, who don't have a school watch, people know, wrote to the village, whatever. then the community can say that this, what can be one test. and the chief will communicate to the foundation and say, this is what our area once. but in the addendum they specify that the amount of 1100000000 euros it will still send
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as initial amount. that's the good job because we know that isn't the way to it doesn't want to be germany. some pointed by it. maybe you'll be repeating customs what you wanted you to of submit a class. we know that we probably are the ones our key successes it fits with genocide community too. so course, the woods would also come for a few months. that would be good because it is a classic case study in which to small, tiny communities of on the southern tip of africa are taking on
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a might see, you know, so the west and power is a case that people are following because it was set up a place it in full how other african countries you know, did you learn from this experience to also deal with with a full man with a full mouth. collodion, las vegas like like france and like belgium and so on. i'm. so a lot of countries and there was no way ever been that way. at one point into the power with keen interest. like we did, i had friends with oxford because other countries i was you know, putting a claim to say no, what was that you guys did it wrong? the
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news the, [000:00:00;00] the stuff for the machine, for the fixture such as you're done with the machine called the should the be our
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daughter should do this vehicle, is it the economic model have new s d c for this next time and see if it's doesn't figured bestbuy. com even though is the name of the old server that it's a company in some village developing bio chemical weapons inside you know where some cheaper to use the white glove to send it to the customer. but he's because of the same issue because the
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same wrong just don't have to see the house because after and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves boils, the parts we choose to look for common ground, the the is the launch of the special military operations mold. in 13000 far less than the race of joining the ukrainian military, we will use a lot of things are good enough to stop growing up. i mean, you need for 2 of us doing to the, the with any of the surely because it was just reading what was difficult. you my friend built for the fine you is fine. yeah. the, the point on it
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that the surgeon at the end of it is a general daniel fornia state mental breakdown skills to attack as long as any minus. let me read a couple of dining. come see fun. sues the sean. yeah. and it it con. so none of us just following back up on the on the top of the field of worship means it is also that'd be good to see a guy and use that us intuitive illustrate the price of good or should it for you, my florida, she knew was like you strong enough, listen to the cannot say the in 1881 thinking and to expand its property in north africa, france decided to attack and easy. the invasion began with a bomb barred man of the french fleet on coastal cities and was followed by sending
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in the ground through the french easily occupied one of the key city. these urging and the bay of doing this bomb at the 3rd us deep agreed to humiliating negotiation . the bartow trade, he concluded with a colonialist, establishing a project to rid of france, overton easier. however, the people as an easy, i would not surrender to the enemy. at the call of the as alignment clergy, the do easy is rose to a holy war against the invaders. the soldiers of the bays army also joined the resistance. the french groups did not get an easy walk. vieira patriots bought desperately, but failed to defeat a huge and well armed army, which was supported by the strongest fleet. within a year, the rebels where defeated. this turned out to be a real tragedy for the country. about one 7th of the population together with the
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fighters left for neighboring libya. thousands of people died during the warfare. the french flag was raised over to an easy. the colonial authorities tried to deprive the country of its air of identity and populated with european settling. such an easy ins did not put up with the loss of freedom era. patriots had been fighting against french colonialism for decades until june easier gained the independence in 1956. the i left a desk on my yeah, i remember that this, in fact, number's cooperation was between the minister of health and the american ambassador during the seventy's. and naval medical research unit number 2 came into existence . then at the time the health minister was professor c with bessie and he asked for
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american help to overcome the bonnet. plague and boy lolly. number one was given permission to say i want to help, but i want to be here for 10 years from the seventy's to the eighty's. after the eighty's nam rule had no status, it was state list. i became health minister in 2004 and i was shocked to know that nam route was state list. it was already terminated in 1980 in 2001. there was one minister who recognized the existence of nam route. but the 1st agreement was between the minister of health and the marines. in my opinion, this is a bit strange that these researchers were marines. if you enter indonesia as a diplomat, you leave indonesia a diplomat. we can't know what the marines bring. we can't understand what they bring from here or what they bring from outside to here. the side the lot. so if i say that number, who is conducting intelligence activities, of course, i cannot prove it because intelligence activities are secretive by nature. so we
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can't talk about proving the work as intelligence, but i could sense that something was not transparent. it's covered up as if it's a health research activity. they said my staff could not keep up with the scientific development that they had. in other words, my staff were stupid. one mystery, i see a nam ru, is that the research is not as exciting as what other researchers from america come to do. research should be showcased or it should be a big deal, but i don't see that. i understand the reason nam room is working in indonesia is to focus on malaria and tuberculosis, but the research on malaria and tuberculosis has stayed the same. there's no progress at all. and then i saw that nam ru is in cooperation with the ministry of health, but i was unaware. it turns out that it has collaborations with universities, a laptop, perhaps it's so hard, every one is defending them. root they told me not to close it down. all
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universities were defending its existence because it turned out they had received money for research and assistance for their doctoral programs. so i was antagonized by professors from all universities in indonesia. i have never seen them ru, up close. i wanted to see it, but i was turned away by the security guard. i am the minister of health. this land is my jurisdiction. i told him and i never leased it to them room. why can't i go in if the land belongs to the ministry of health? why is the minister not allowed to enter? it's really strange and it turned out that to enter, you had to get permission from the american ambassador. more over. there is no agreement that this is owned by the american ambassador. it is land owned by the ministry of health. i don't remember renting it out. so why am i denied entry? and i was becoming more convinced that there was something unusual on the day of my visit. there were journalists there, so they recorded the interactions. it took so long for us to go through the security until finally,
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the ambassador from the american embassy allowed it. so i was able to enter what we saw was like a normal laboratory. i closed nam route, october 16th 2009. it turned out that in the nam ru agreement clause between indonesia and the united states, there is a clause that stated that nam root can be closed as a unilateral cover. so i closed it unilaterally. the only one who can do that is the minister of health of the republic of indonesia. i use that clause, although my president at that time did not allow me to the when the bird flew, hit indonesia in 2005, we weren't able to diagnose the 1st case that appeared in the country nam rude. diagnosed it. now i was thinking how could nam room know that there would be bird flew in indonesia, which would be coming up a demick. a primer is necessary for diagnosis. a primer that fits the birds
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affected. how come nam root already has one. that means nam root was already preparing right. ready for the primer before the birds lou came then when the 1st case arrived, nam root could diagnose this as bird flu. how funny, how do you know, how do you know that the 1st sick person should be examined using this primer? well, that's a big question for me. as a researcher, it means you know that the disease is coming to indonesia. that actually made a big impression on me. adams, if those countries must share samples with w h o, and more so now in the time of the cove and pandemic. cobit is called cobit 19 worldwide, but it shouldn't be. it should be called the stars cove to chinese strain. there's a source covey to indonesian strain a european strain, but they assisted all as if it was one strain and made a vaccine that was required worldwide. so the nomenclature was changed. in the past,
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we had to deposit the virus with w h o. it turned out that what we submitted was for w h o to make vaccines. and then the vaccines are sold to us at a high price. i know how to make the vaccine using raw materials from viruses. so i protested and i banned it. if it's using my virus, i must have the right. my resolution at w h o one. because almost every country was behind me, including russia, which defended me because what i was facing was not w h o. it was america. it's really funny. so that's my life experience. it was very stressful because i thought i was facing the w h o, but it turned out that i was facing america. if people can make vaccines, they can certainly make the opposite, namely, biological weapons. that's where my suspicion lies. so i refused to send it again. that's it. i thought it was one thing to be brave,
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but it turned out to be something that affected me of him. yeah. a d. i was once asked by a journalist from sputnik, did you know that there is an indonesian virus and ukraine? i replied, i didn't know. how could i know that? well, that might be the point of the link because may be h 5 in one. got there throughout indonesia. i'm just making connections. i have no proof now is there still a nam route? that's also a question. does nam room after i closed it operate under other shadow names but is actually name ruth. i think there are still some, but they might be in universities. it should be the minister of defense, who should be observant. right now i am nobody. i have no rights and my voice may not be heard. i think the minister of defense must be observant because in my opinion, the operation still exists. what i know is that non rule has sentinels and clinics and hospitals, which always have to report,
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must submit specimens. then i was very young. in the seventy's, i was a training. i was also told to make sample preparations from cases of babies with diarrhea, vomiting and fever. i was told to make samples and submit them to nam ro. i knew the name name removed from the seventy's during my studies as a medical student. well, it turned out that after i became minister of health, the samples continued to flow. it was just a month after i became the minister of health that i ordered to stop sending samples to name room the this yeah says yes. name room is operating. there is a number 12 and a number 9. the closest name route to indonesia is probably the one in cambodia which still exist. if it's dangerous for indonesia, i can't calculate it. it's still the one who calculates it. and it seems that indonesia is defense is still emphasized on defense equipment and physical warfare . in fact, in my opinion, the current war does not need to be a physical war,
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nuclear or virus. if the country cannot pursue its nuclear power, we must strengthen the virus. so this is something that we really have to examine if there is still nam route in cambodia. yes. cambodia and indonesia are actually almost the same climate. i think it is still quite dangerous for the as the on region i'm. i was having to do something happened to me, coffee, the, for example, the cove it pandemic when a pandemic hits, who are the ones that are making profits? no, it's big pharma with the vaccine. then with all kinds of health supplies, the pcr tests, then the masks and the hospital medicines, the affected countries were forced to buy them even going into debt, especially vaccines. we spent 300 trillion on cove id. where did the 300 trillion go to big pharma, if they organize, maybe saying if there is a pandemic,
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i will make a 1000 trillion and profit world wide, then i better make another pandemic, right? that, that's the evil of putting health in the free market, or in global capitalism. yes. in liberalization. well, the stakes our lives. if i create a pandemic, and then i make a profit, i will definitely create another pandemic now. pandemic, so are very easy in the past. a pandemic had to be proven by a virus mutation from animals to human insights with our yeah, the next, that's our main battle. so if nam room is closed, there will be a new cooperation. the new partnership is called indonesia, united states center for medical research or i, you see. but i was quickly dismissed because it was time to change ministers and the next minister didn't want to continue this. i, you see, cooperation. i don't know if we can't or what, because that's our agreement with the us government. we can open cooperative
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research, but one that is transparent, fair and equitable. i will not allow a single laboratory that is controlled by them that refuses the minster entrance. what is that called level if we work together, we work together with the chairman serves both sides. we organize this together and i do not accept the army. but if it's a researcher, it has to be a real researcher and it was approved. unfortunately, at that time, the r u. c was already structured. the planning had already happened, but then i stepped down as the new term began. so until now it has not happened. i was fortunate to close name route, but the i you see did not materialize. it's not my fault, it's the government's fault that i suddenly step down after 5 years as minister of health. if i yeah. my successors may not necessarily think like me. yeah, the dyslexia and what was he at that time? then he was the president spokes person and what is he basing it on saying it's
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beneficial if it's beneficial for health reasons? it's supposed to be the health minister who has the right to say, so for me, there is a reason that makes sense. especially for those marine researchers that we're free to enter from outside my country without being checked. then we don't know what's being done inside. and if the lab is leaking, then their armies can enter indonesia within a radius of several 100 kilometers. where is our sovereignty as a country? and i wonder why the generals who have been there are silent. it turns out that there is a clause that can stop unilaterally, namely the minister of health of the republic of indonesia. the other minister may not know how dangerous it is or did not care about indonesian sovereignty, or they think it is a fine movement even after 40 years of operation. so don't at this level. actually, it's not like that in my book. but if you read the book, you must come to that conclusion,
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but there is no sentence where i accuse america of this or that, nothing i'm going to get at that time there was a lot of commotion. that's my book saying it is time for the world to think, then it was blown up by a journalist from australia. and by doing that, the minister of health of the republic of indonesia, accused america of being in cahoots with the w. h. o to make biological weapons the well, it was me at that time. it's no joke. i was still minister and there was the issue of being banned by w h o and then by the president. but then the issue disappeared and even america was okay. he said, there was an american minister of defense who said, no, no, it's okay in america, it's very democratic. people can say what they want. now it's even okay. but the book tells the story of how i fought against the unfair w h o policy. and how the w h o will create a pen demik with the epicenter in town of caro. let's say it's like china is whoo
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hahn. i don't want it. and that's where i fight. i thought back and it worked. so the pandemic did not occur with the epa center in indonesia. that's actually the extraordinary result of mister as to be wise administration, buddy off and mentions that i don't know because no matter how much it offends america at that time, it was true. i was the one who protested to w h o u, i'm sorry. what i faced was america. i was really shocked or is it still like that now? russia should know best and hopefully in the future it will be replaced by all the administrators from w h o. because now it is to expose to the power of money. yes, the w h o is not objective at all. not fair, and not transparent. maybe i'm wrong, but that's my view. and it jeopardizes the health of the whole world. it is so easy to say that there will be another pandemic. and another one, because the definition of pandemic has been changed. the international health regulation 25 definition has been changed that pandemic and bio terrorism will not
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be very difficult to distinguish. that is dangerous. it will be very easy to create a pandemic. once there is a virus, it can be modified to become malignant and become a pandemic. mostly to modify the virus to become malignant is very easy. everyone can do it. yeah, yeah, that's it. that's what's dangerous right now in the world of health care. i'm done with them. so the banality that actually w h o took the samples from us. we were told to deposit them. well, it was proven that the samples were made into vaccines. it's not impossible. i wrote in my book, it's not impossible if one can create vaccines, then one can also create biological weapons. and at that time, i am screaming because there's a virus sequencing that belongs to me in a laboratory in new mexico called los alamos. at that time i was screaming how come my virus sequencing is there? and then it was recognized,
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and then it was moved to the pentagon. now that strange to me that the virus was put in the military center. if the virus is in the military, then the connotation is it used for weapons. but if it's a virus in the ministry of health, then it's for medicine for, for vaccines. my way of thinking that might be considered accusatory in that direction. that as i said, possibly be the most up to the asia pacific one is nam route $21.00. i once asked the number of staff why they are part of the american defense system. they should know about the diseases in asia pacific. maybe just in case there's a war there, maybe he already knows the diseases that will weaken their soldiers. they researched our diseases. so they are really afraid of diseases from countries like ours, tropical countries. they don't know. so they learn very well and prepare if there is a war or something. so the soldiers have been vaccinated 1st, so they don't get sick. that's how it is part of the policy. and that's
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the the, the russian states. never. i've side as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense of the speed. what else calls question about this?
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t. suppose next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube said this is what question did you say? even closer to the during the 2nd will pull underground power in the industry organizations in poland, occupied by german troops, as well as in the bordering regions of bella. lewis were united into the so called home on a trip to the police, a center or the or the prospect just say it's because i use a blue screen time list. uh, if i put in the front of it is i think it's within the ship when they put you through this issue of shy stick of the who mom
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a was the main organization that the boat issue was systems fighting against jim and occupation and soviet rule companies, dominion army currently away 1920 the little ship boy shop. really unfair boys still exciting. and so i'm just going to put those on anything unusual this, you know, that's most of the home on a county down operations to destroy the nazis. but then switch to settling schools with soviet partisans and the civilian population that supported them from having everybody to out of me carry over and she destroyed me today. we're heading in the day for thought for my goal is to be able to get product is on the new product that us the liberal in the event or just the booklet is devali. 16. those up let me know . 44. when you got my students deal of the new process jimson we generally for example,
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you treat me most of the the by the early 1950. can you became one of the centers of resistance to colonialism if africa, the british invaders infringed on the most basic rights of the local population, great britain to pursue the policy of squeezing out the local population from their
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indigenous lands. the best airable areas were given to white farmers dooming canyons to poverty and hunger. this caused the sharp protest of the peasants and led to the emerging of the mile mile movement, which started the fight against the invaders. the rebels felt themselves canyon land and freedom army. the spiritual leader of the movement would be anti colonial, active as jo, mo, kenyatta, to freedom fighters used guerrilla tactics and attacked individual units of the greatest troops. the latter responded with massive air raids and artillery effects . when suppressing the uprise of london relied on maximum cruelty over $50000.00 canyons were killed. about 300000 people were thrown into prisons and concentration camps, where tortures in no way inferior in girl z to the nazis was widely practiced. the veracity of the colonial list only led to the temporary success. in 1963, the british empire had to recognize the independence of gain. yeah. however,
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the colonial regime left behind a trail of blood and wounds that canyon nation has not recovered from on sale. now the the, [000:00:00;00]


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