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tv   News  RT  December 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the, the for headline stories this, our rushes foreign minister as age from set protests must go to establish a dialogue on the print in conflict more than once bypassing the wes declared doc for nothing, not a single word abide, you'd frame with the i q frame while it is clear that ahmed el sharah and his associates are now under enormous pressure from the west. feeling questions from national and global media, a circular overall falls to reveal nato space. so being pressuring the new authorities in syria, the seas cooperation with moscow on that side of the
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fighting continues in north western syria, an area heavily populated by all the wide speech the sped. siri and officials have confirmed 14 of its troops building flushes with supporters of ice. the president shut off the from most go to the world. this is our to international. good to have your company for the news are. my name's russian foreign minister, sir gal. up for off has stated that france offered to help moscow establish a dialog on ukraine. but we thought she gave us participation a legal de lots of defenders that i will not delve into detail not to let anyone down. but several times a french colleagues addressed us via restricted channels, secure channels, offering help and establishing dialogue on the ukrainian matter without ukrainian participation, violating the much daunted principle of the west. not
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a single word about ukraine without you crying. well, we are ready to pursue contacts. we are ready to listen to what they have to say. but at the same time from says being the main champion of sending for its so called peacekeeping troops to ukraine. and they have been training ukrainian troops on this soil and they keep saying and public that russia should be hit further. and ukraine should have stronger positions when talks begin. so, you know, it's very a big us and therefore we don't have a desire to take our french colleagues initiatives in earnest when you were now seeing that francis basically contradicted itself, saying one thing and public supports in one thing in public, by them behind the scenes going pretty much behind selected skis back and flying to broker and agreements with russia. so it's interesting what would zaleski have to say about that? was he aware? and at the same time, how legitimate is this agreement that they're talking about and proposing? because we have seen your pre and officials in the past using disagreements,
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for example, the minutes agreements only to buy themselves time and make you crazy, stronger, and make sure that they have more weapons for example. now. so is this a genuine request for an agreement? and again, 0 was aware about this. let's have a less than some more backup system solution. if the fall we hear is talk about the need to come up with some kind of truths, and it's not hidden. this truth is needed in order to gain time to continue and ukraine to put themselves in order to carry out additional mobilization and so on. a truce is the way to know when we need final legal agreements that will contain all the conditions for ensuring russian security and the legitimate security interest of neighbors. but in the context of which will be an international legal way to consolidate the impossibility of violating these agreements, they should festival address the root causes of the ukrainian crisis. i see the 2 main causes which off 1st, the violation of all obligations, not to advance nato,
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to the east, and the aggressive takeover by nato of the entire g. a political space up to our board us. and the 2nd root cause of course, is the absolutely racist actions taken by the cab regina off to the cooper with her at this time and time again from russian officials. water is needed to resolve this conflict. latimer boots and has been talking about it. in fact, for decades, and we regards to know nato expansion east towards, for example. but it seems that the west is not listening. and at the same time, moscow is costly saying that the west needs to prioritize its own citizens, which it's not doing. for example, the e u sanctions, which were supposed to hurt russia and we've seen now the statistics that show that they've actually shot themselves in the foot and their own citizens are being damaged because of this. so mosque was same, put the focus back on your citizens 1st. always nuggets come from this end of year and media confidence don't they would start a loved roll off at russian
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u. s. relations delve into as well. what was said, of course, everyone's curious to find out, well, i need some change and america's foreign policy when trump takes over in january. and again, there is hope box knowledge to know better at the same time. because what mister lab robust said is, even if from was to wants to normalize relations with russia, will the ruling elite allow that to happen? because we know that the bar patterson government in the west is not looking to allow that to happen. they want to see a weak russia, they want weak opponents, not only russian, but also china. so even though there are positive signals coming out from there, but at the same time, it's on clear whether that will be a l to happen. that's good to that, but we will wait for the new administration's policy to be finalized. and we have a full understanding that there is a bipartisan consensus in the united states regarding russia. and this consensus is not friendly. but frankly, speaking is roughly because regardless of policy affiliation,
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the ruling elite will promote its line to ensure that russia as a competitor is weakened in every possible way. therefore, in the united states, consistency is maintained. if the signals that come from the new team in washington to resume or rather restore the dialogue that washington interrupted off to the stall to the special military operation. if they are serious of course, we will respond to them. but the americans are the ones that interrupted the dialogue, so they should take the 1st step. in the words of mr. lab roll, basically the boys in the west court because russia is willing and ready to talk. and of course, syria, it's feature, it came up, right. and i believe some interesting insight was offered on the smith's level started by saying that russia, the fact that it didn't recall is representative from syria says a lot. it is of course, willing to work with the new government there, but it's like yes, very important to follow international rules. and by that he meant the election process. also what he said is very legitimate concerns for security in the country
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. because we know that in the east of syria, for example, and he brings it up, that the us have legally occupied a significant part of the country where the main oil fields are. and it's a large part of the territory. and what the us is doing is extracting it and using the money to fund military structures in these which they themselves created. and that of course poses ways danger. but what's alarming at this point is that they're getting information that the west is now dictating to. these new leaders who they time and tad corporate. but when you have this, the, it is clear that i'm at l. sharah and he's just sociate a now under enormous pressure from the west. the americans have become more active the europeans also. and everyone wants to work not to preserve the unity of o. s no political forces in syria, but to gain more influence and even more territory and ask for western selfishness, the new head of the diplomacy, coyote callous, made
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a very illustrative speech. demanding that serious stopped cooperating with russia . the major power like a stone, he has said that it will not support the new authorities in damascus unless they kick russian military bases out of syria. can you imagine how scary that is? so such diplomatic boyishness is becoming habitual threats. this is how the ukranian authorities act, insulting everyone who does not sing along the music. all european neighbors are also acting in this way. serious solvency is of the utmost importance and must go something that was said time and time again. a neighboring countries are also concerned about security along the border. for example, to key mr. lever upset is understandably concerned israel to recent. they need to understand that it's important not to insure your own security at the expense of others because that could lead to know the new best do it, but assess, but russia together with the key and iran and with the participation of a number of arab countries is ready to play a supporting role in consolidating all processes in syria and organizing elections
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in such a way that they will be recognized by everyone and do not raise any questions. we have contacts on this topic with saudi arabia, iraq, jordan, egypt, katasha, the emma ritz bar, right, and 11 on. all of them are interested in ensuring that syria does not repeat the pos, the libyan state followed. often nato simply destroyed that state, which still has to be put back together, piece by piece. you can of course the role serious neighbors will play is very important and i think so just to sum up there are basically follow international rules, respect each other and each other sovereignty. that's the message from mr. live rolf. and from us go time and time again. well, let's discuss this more now. live with former a foreign secretary of india. conwell said bile, who was also utilities on boy to russia and buster, you're most welcome. thank you for your time. a, my pleasure. what goal do you think fronts was pursuing when trying to negotiate
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the crank conflict with rush it through essentially restricted channels? what process do i do? they are all in the boss as you know, as bought off of the main skate agreement, both france and germany were bottomless in that sequence. the president monochrome has visited the national, have spoken to president board in the problem is, has that vision of bringing a leading political role in the european union? the competition has always made me hesitate between draws and germany. germany is the economic power, and foss is, uh, the political about being a permanent member of the un security council. as also a nuclear weapon state, which sees it has something that security responsibilities on top of that. they've all been believed that they should have a degree of strategic autonomy,
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which means that they would not, in every guess be subservient to us dictates. i'm dying of germany f one instance. so that is a background in which processed i do play this role, but i noticed that in recent months, uh, maybe a year or more the the, the score softer than michael and frost has changed entirely. and process digging the lead in many ways in uh, promoting the ukraine submitted dri, capacities providing them with the last weaponry, including the scarlet ms aisles. as also at one time suggesting that foss would encourage the stationing author, nato troops on ukrainian soil or something that was the eventually rejected within the euro. they have been very active as you know,
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in romania and beating up uh, manias, capacity. so in general, i find that the french now on amongst the leading european countries that seeks to most of the ukraine and continuing and continue to uh, if you like fuel the conflict. uh and i was a bit surprised, frankly, if you ask me when business, michael said that the rush of wheels and your grains, then you would have been securities in danger and that you would have it. and for us as to what are you about the future generations to my mind, this is a highly executives and the only way i can understand this is a that the process is that the a, this is the way to opt. in addition, in your number to, to distract attention from the printer to the problems that defense president got into the faces internally entered fonts has been pushing very hard for the order of
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in defense for your company to get up to the responsibilities for european security, which includes the suspend being the ukraine because to see that better than to come, that has very different ideas. and you might actually start the process of negotiation with the shop, which was the bureau out in the origin. the gold. uh so there is a mixture of various factors we on the drums to dig the lines uh that it has. uh and of course, but the problem is the level has uh, actually uh, painted more than indicates that uh, they don't take uh, fonts about fonts does at face value because they have had experience all french and diplomacy in the boss with regard to your grand. it's a perhaps interesting to, to viewers as well as you've been leading. i type fulsome fronts has been lately in
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terms of it's public support for ukraine to then, as the russian foreign at administer say is basically behind the door channels being used to say that well, key of doesn't have to be involved. in this case, we can speak at to you. what does that perhaps say is there and we is there a tired is coming with this alliance. the political at way of thinking that he's not willing to budge, perhaps on, as you say, that front wants to push ahead with something to try and get something done. a while a couple of things. one is that this is actually bought off and everyone was the anybody that all of is back channels that operate. and this is a boss of to intro which are not made public intelligence heads a talk to each other. so the fact that the, this kind of gone big has to be made over the head of the ukrainians,
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doesn't surprise me, but a big boss. so it has to be maintained. and this is what funds and the europeans are doing. that is where you're going to decide for themselves. the bees conditions that they're not going to impose any of these conditions on your grand. now there's a boss salvage has some of the public opinion, but they have to go to the boys in the public opinion. so much so much against prison moving themselves as it is, i show that they cannot afford publicly to change their attitude and say that they are willing to negotiate uh with the, with the shop. so that is part of the diplomat diplomat. a game that goes on. secondly, i think with the jumps taken by or on january 20 and so much uncertainty about the position he may take. he's already starting to that in ski, as you know, and made it very clear that he would like to end this conflict. so where does your
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stand after all your events know, invest is so much, always best it is. economy is politics, is your politics in this conflict? and so many statements have been made on the, on the, on this conflict on what it means for you to, for them therefore, to step back. uh, it is very, very difficult. and now they are saying that they will be able to, they would want to continue to, to boss, to you can give them what your grand needs. and despite the fact that the americans may step back, but this is boss to make sure this will begin on the carry on, cannot carry on either you know, to say, decides genuinely or otherwise to find somebody media with the shop to find something acceptable solution which is all going to happen to model. and finally, i think in this process, process doesn't a want to be simply a bystander bystander because then a diminish is basically, it's enormously in your definitely just to be seems to,
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it has to be seen to be proactive of taking the initiative off of not making you to be that the following anybody's lead that they have a view of their own to have additional data on. the rope itself has its own equities. as soon as the country in the country that can actually take a leading position on this. unlike germany, which is a mess than any guess. yeah. and with chancellor schultz as well as you, as you laid eyes in a recent interview, sir, as well, you described the assassination of russian lieutenant general eagle or crew loss of his age as a tear act. can you please expand to another assessment? but it's really at that awful. if he was killed in battle or easy was the messiah that the that killed him. uh, inactive with it reads the situation or whatever. then yes, it is bought off the ongoing conflict. but when you all have,
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and it was vague and you pay money and he had an electric, a school that we can, then he blows up and then general comes out of it was, it's like the assassination of a general for the money and by the americans ended up is no different except that was done on, on for them, slaves, but the diet approach and thinking was the same that you get to somebody to the dentist mean. so it was the, it was clearly at that is that it is attack and i wouldn't be surprised that when the british of 5 minutes that was lost. his question whether you can see that visit dentist act, you gave him a very of ac reply. and in fact, implied that this was also by saying that be fully stand with ukraine, which actually meant and endorsement. the said that is fine, but the general skin and the dimes editorial, the gold is due to mid act of self defense. and that's when i said in one of my writings, that is the model that i shop as input in order as
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a beginning off. is it ascii or anybody else? the same argument can be used that they did an act of a self defense about the, the other ones feedback to me because the americans and the west can create genetic, develop their own and get to a by you see you soon as you commit to those of defense, which is not true, it is easy to build the stack. can i just speak on the west and as regards this, given the degree of their involvement in ukrainian operations, increasingly it appears. what is the likelihood that the west gave the green lights, or possibly even played a role in the general's murder? that i doubt that i doubt because they don't need to do that. it's not as if they need a view or you can needs of the help of the west to uh, pinpoint uh uh the, the demo is it is, it is the timing of his, uh, uh,
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moments because you need or you need all that you need. so vince, that against, and i think you can as enough i believe you're not capable of reason enough motivation to do this on his own. but this is, i'm just speculating. i really don't know, but at face value i think this kind of an act can easily be a gordon done then coordinated in gutters and paid for the by the ukranian intelligence services. and i was surprised if uh, if the advice was given to them by x, y owns that the following country that, that you lose don't mind. you generally have to be in exposing a great deal of the biological facilities that have been developed in ukraine by the west and everything as he's been exposing all of that. a lot of
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that is enough reason for your community center to drive and illuminate you. but these are the dark on us on for sure, of falls on the conflict of this new job. so they have a one concert definitively what and who might be behind this month? i think logically would say that the know for the, for the limited act of this nature of a, you don't need been pointed intelligence. and so being a satellite surveillance and things like that. sure that i don't think the green would need the guidance of from any particular western country on this experts in lightning analysis as always from former indeed and far insect street cannibal sabelle. thank you so much for your time on your thoughts or my pleasure. thank you . know media reports are claiming that russia's or defense is done and an answer by john passenger plane, which was flying from by cruise to the russian city of gross nay,
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on whether to stay electrically. the tragedy occurred during a ukrainian ruined attack on the southern russian territory. the plain crushed in kazakhstan, killing 38 people. 29 more. it survived. cows looks down, the authorities have launched them investigation, but no official reasons for the crush have been a night's. let's get more on this now. i from r t corresponded yesterday, nick and reporting from the observation on the capital at yes and a lot of claims culture claims flying around here about this deadly and tragic event. what's known, what is emerging as well? what's emerging is that there are a number of sources within our garbage county governments, or at least in the diplomatic quarters, were suggesting that the plan was brought down by an russian air defense system. but we understand speaking through a number of a specials who are a little bit more concerned about the validity of information that was arising from
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side claims. that suggests that they could be a possibility. but he also highlighted a number of other scenarios which could have been the likely cause of the uh, the collision in and of itself. the reality of the situation now is not much is known for sure. there have been statements or claims being made by media outlets across the globe that has spoken to us or by johnny officials. but none of them have gone on the record to provide a detailed, the challenge of what they believe actually went down the sides problem just confirming on their own part of that. it was a russian advertiser sandwich out there, playing down. but listening to cause ext on officials, they have a different approach to everything that is unfolding. this is a developing story. and what we understand just based on the statements that were provided by the deputy prime minister as well as the deputy minister of transportation. they suggest that it is important to ensure that the statements coming from a sparse heads of stains or officials within government or in here to but more so
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on the conduct side, particularly speaking because they will be carrying out the parental investigation . the deputy for i started the deputy 5 minutes ago was like i mentioned vocal about showing that the cause that officials would be, are taking into something even investigation and they would not allow for a country such as, as of age on our rush. i filed for the most part to take part in the forensic investigation and that will be other investigations that the governments would like to carry out. that it would have to do so taking into consideration their own jurisdiction, not to be confused with the jurisdiction of cause ext on and it's officials. but just based on the developments over the past 24 hours, what we understand at this given moment is rising. the 2nd black box has been discovered, we understand that their products that appear to the asian security standards which are in place today do possess 2 different blackbox. and the 1st one of course, consists of information relaying, avionics, as well as tools, understand essential data and information from the slide before the aircraft itself
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. the 2nd black box, of course, contains a carpet voice reporting. so it's going to be vital now that'd be 2 black boxes have been discovered. it's going to definitely aiden the investigation, but based on what the deputy prime minister says, he says it's important to ensure that the investigation concludes before we can essentially have a clear understanding of what really happened then based on the statements provided by the deputy minister of transportation, he also suggested or just people to take into consideration the important is the significance, but as well as the sensitivity is that currently i play and does that the investigation shouldn't be adhered to. so it is a developing story. we're following the developments and we're going to try and speak to as a bit johnny officials to have a better understanding of what they believe happen. and then as long as you're into the investigation and as process as well. yeah, russian to judge me for facts are confirmed said never good thing. we wait and see what comes out of that. as you see, the black box is could be crucial at are 2 parts. one that yes and that can bring this, that re live updates from back to thank you. let's turn
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attention to syria because on the grind their hate to us militants have clashed with us that alice government forces in the coastal areas of my talk. yeah, i'm talk to is the countries current miller template administration confirmed there were casualties 14 interior ministry personnel were killed and 10 others wounded after a treacherous ambush by remnants of the criminal regime while performing their tasks of maintaining security and safety. the majority of the populace in the impossible region in question are all whites and f new religious fruits in the country which bus char ellis belongs to the syrian american journalist and writer stevens, who leads a 3rd party, is in fault and inciting, sectarian violence. and the protest in most, in central syria,
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uh there was a 3rd party that shopped on the protesters and killed and injured that that should, that's made sure to everyone that there is a 3rd party is trying to make it a security and more uninstalled and need to clean the opposition forces of cause it's uh, started a cookie at night about to 10, 11 o'clock, the village of the snow that and some of my thoughts. yeah. the young man in the village captured some real men who had to send me a boy from the guys sitting young man from the talk. yeah. and they were going to kill him and throw him. so his body in that village to a for sure to cause the security and tension between the weights and the cindy's. and we'll talk. yeah, there is some of that then skinny because uh, so scales in the country. and it's a big chaos. there is some of the individual mistakes is as i told you,
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and at the same time there is a 3rd party trying to clean. yeah. also from other lights, then they connected the cushion, then they can send me the. so there is to be, as i said, there's a 3rd party trained because the security and more serious and i'm rich that and then of course in the that, is there been skimming happening because as a, as i said, because it is a chaos. celia, the opposition does not have it's, it's never just had time to take control as a police and that us to all of these people doing all of this as well. it is another trip to the beautiful landscapes of canyon x, where the latest addition of the mumbles africa awaits that goes for adults and then get the very latest news headlines this thursday with immediately afterwards says you are the
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we are the winds out hill on country club and i am theater the moon, but today we have a conversation around the country that i describe. now. i was going to attend this . i had region. that is book enough of us. so molly, news yet in order to understand the current going zones in that region was some kind of the rise of the river loose. it is important to understand the history and particularly the history of french quarter, an ice vision in that region. history tells us that phones was permanently present in violin, in 18841880 5 during the petition. and became one of the
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major colonized as in the continental wasik. but the french quarter nies ation was unique when they entered in to the countries that we would describe as the saw head region, the intention like everyone else was never to leave on the whole i defy. jot in 1900 on sixty's was one that was filed on the, the costs of the reality that i had taken place during the 2nd world war. and when, in 1958 shows, the votes became the president of friends and drew what is described. the goal is to constitution. and the wave of in defenders thought to the in the mind the in the book enough fast. so then up of all and then in this a they designed a system that some describe as.


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