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tv   News  RT  December 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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the northern russian or for blake, off cordelia. right. the, the head of the world health organization is full to helping me is really informing all the ovens international airport and saw not the local official was on homes, but it is now stopped up to see an officer. the idea strikes, fortunately kills at least 3 western media jumping to blame russia for the other by johnny's plane crash sites in anonymous courses has, has, because it's on official say their investigation has yet to hear any official rushes for administer says power is reached out to most go to a stop is dialog on the ukraine called the select, the kid wasn't in on the plan. so what about the west? the plat doctrine of not a single what a 1000 praise without. meanwhile,
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it is clear that ahmed l. sharah and his associates. now, under enormous pressure from the west, fields in questions from local and i'm inclined for media. so a lot of problems that revealed the nato states. how soon, pressuring the new, sorry keys in syria to see co operation with the will i full age to in most go as with well, we all gonna start to affect any young man because the head of the world health organization that was on the site during the is really stripe on the international apple in the capital sign up. he was not home. he was in the process of leaving, the apple joined the strike, which reportedly killed at least 3 people. the official says he's a stop to until the f one is the pad and out of the one of his free members was
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also in just the idea of also problem 3 full suddenly evans west coast plus several power station. according to the i t s. e. s, so came in retaliation, some missile and throw strikes on it as well by the systems. they have many minutes in groups as it has been a tough team. the jewish state in sort of dire t with policy before we relate to strikes is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu pledge to up the ante. it looks like you might have known something. so this evening we are lighting the 2nd candle of hanukkah. we are engaged in a will for revival the maccabees about time, just a short while ago, the full struck targets belonging to the healthy terrorist organization in yemen, both along the coastline and didn't. so now we are determined to separate this terror. um, if it runs axis of evil and we will persist in this until the mission is complete, it's very unfortunate that the always use is those symbols that that would be most
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be good fit for an ethics. democracies that he mentioned where a bunch of the gods offered an interest, but not the 1st and foremost actually liquors to be like the mid bell a assessing they did the tools and before we today it went against the boeing or so a best almost. we have to remember that any time or that the new or one of these core alicia is but not the coalition. a finds that he's in to use symbols and neck, which will the bible from the history into a history or religion. it is always that on the long side of the, of the spectrum for them, you know, it's all, it's always just and not the see because you know and behave. yeah. and see kind of misuse of symbol and setting events where he finds it useful to deem and only to him that, that you know, is nothing to do with joy each. and this, as far as it can be, jimmy's consent or any kind of a legacy,
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is just the manipulates beeper, a being in a call, those to his own interest. well, i know some of that is where the officials, along with, with the pm brags about the idea of forming campaigns, promising to bring what they did in garza and lebanon, t m. a. of the games we are striking, the enemies and those who thought they will separate our lives here, the hoot, these 2 will learn what time austin hezbollah and a sobs regime and others learned that even if it takes time, this lesson will be learned across the middle east, in due time, happy holidays to everyone, but not no, not check who will do a severe blow to the, to the terrorist organization in yemen. and the last one, standing of the axis of evil, will hit it. strategic infrastructure and the habits lead us. just as we did to hon, you seen why and not throughout the entire run, guys in lebanon, will do it in who data and so not who ever raised
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a hand against israel will have his hand console. laws now to tyrone universe to profess the site mohammed or run the i mean, obviously watch, i don't know whether it's obviously a deal like, you know, for example, that the head of the world health organization was that is it, and i'm fortunate p all moment for the is really all me, it is really resumed, doesn't care. it's a genocide overseen. it has been turning out a holocaust in gaza for almost 15 months now. and they know that no one is going to stop them. or at least in the last, the only people who are try, who been trying to stop them were you haven't and sort of loved their or the whole to use as the west calls them has been law. and the excess of resistance they were trying to put pressure on the resumes so that they would stop the starter. but the united states and the europeans and their allies,
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they've been cooperating with nothing. yahoo ad the one has been doing oil trade. jordan has been cooperating, the average of having cooperating. so for nothing yahoo! and for the reason even in tel aviv it doesn't make a difference if the head of the world health organization is there. after all. he the i. c. c has issued arrest warrants and one is for nothing. yahoo, there are no sanctions. there's no condom nation. the people working for nothing. yahoo are not to being accused of cooperating with a genocidal maniac. so he can do whatever you want. it's all of this. he has claimed that young man has been used as a proxy by a ron. what's the perspective of not from toronto? hey, rodney is recognize how the wes use is narratives to convince the public
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opinion that the people across the region are not outraged by what is randy resume is doing. and by and because of what the west is doing can and helping this way the machine carry out this holocaust and genocide, all the tax and levin on and undermining the government and syrian bombing admin. uh, by saying that these are proxies, the regime in western media, western regimes are also denying them agency. but the fact is the government has the iraq and the resistance. they have been violent, tearing. they've been sacrificing in order to bring it into the, the holocaust. they've given many casualties in order to stop the fall across the wood. yeah, it has done is that they said that we are implementing the genocide convention by blocking the red sea to the ships that wants to go to
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a ports belonging to tell a b y because of their faith they want. they want to save palestinian lines, but the united states has been bombing them in the british has been bombing evans is really redeem, have been bonding given in order to enable this right of the regime to more easily carry out the genocide. so the good guys are the people in samuel and young man and then the americans and the europeans, and the people and nothing in nothing. yeah. who is government and, and tell of eve, they're the ones who are trying to create a better environment for a greater slaughter and massacre. just i also just a continuing since we're talking specifically about it wrong. i mean, obviously we've seen the idea of stuff. nation all time austin has put a lead as recently of pools of your finance in syria i saw being toppled. what kind
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of pressure has up? oh, put on it wrong. i mean, this is, it's back to all through as well. it's not the ones backyard at these are countries that the wrong is closely tied to, but i think in a sense iran has now been vindicated, as one has been supporting isis and now tied to another terror groups and genocidal groups and syria for 13 years with the support of his regular machines, nato, and oil and gas, ridge resumes, and the persian gulf. and a tell now they've always been speaking about how these freedom fighters and how the former syrian government that the how horrible they, they, they were. but now the ron is vindicated. everyone sees it. these people are not only genocidal. the people who've taken over syria, but they're proud of carrying out genocide. we're seeing footage coming out every day. just like these riley's outside and syria and i citizen,
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syria are just like this where the state, they're proud of their, of their terror. they take footage of themselves, killing people, the kids they take footage of themselves, bringing misery upon people. so for those who have been saying how great the ice isn't, ok there are. and how they are the legitimate opposition? i think uh they, they, they have to, they have 2 people across the world. and now seeing the reality of, of the argument that they've been making iran from day one was saying, what goes, what has the syrian government is, is far less valuable than the terrorist that are being supported a little edler. and now the world, the seeing video around was right from day one. so you ron is a vindicated in syria and also the ryans are being show the, the world, the seeing that the run is right. that is really regime has
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a no morality. it has no moral boundaries and neither does the west, they destroyed many cities, they bonds, children in as a, they just undermine the syrian government and help bring out kind of to power then the bomb human. so across the global south and the global majority, iran is vindicated. and people recognize that the wrong policies and the regions happen both moral but also for the sake of preserving lives. a fine if i could also just the specifically, um on the bottom and obviously of the, of the international airport in san, uh, um, what reaction do you expect from the west? you think we're going to get stuff like, oh, you know, we really odd people to be courses with somebody in life. i mean, it has to be address shortly. this is off to roll. the w h o chief, whether one has passing respectful him or not is irrelevant. he's a public official quite high stand. if they do say anything,
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it will be empty words. right now we see a genocide unfolding in syria, but the west and the median, the west, they're supporting. oak ida, right now, the intelligence chief of the giovanni regime in syria is a former m e are vices. he was one of the founders of an outside in syria. this is what the west has brought to our region, death and destruction across the west asia. and of course, the, the holocaust thing guys that goes on. so the west will either be quiet, western media will probably try to justify it is what this re, these do. and these are the regime will continue with the mass slaughter of people across the region. however, what this is doing it again, as i said earlier, it's vindicating you're wrong in russia. in iranian, the writings and the russians and syria type,
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now been vindicated. and now what does ray, the regime has done in yemen? what they've done in gaza? they've shown that the west is on the wrong side of history, that the west has no moral boundaries. whereas of the countries that are on the other side of the battlefield. as opposed to the empire, they are the ones who do actually have morality and moral boundaries. tyrone university, profess the site mohammed mironda. always good to get. you'll take your perspective, of course, from the wrong. thank you very much. thank you. with an official pipe own and just launched the media reports already speculating as to what caused an adverb by john ad lines played to crash. on wednesday, claims of circulating the russian ad defense is down the jet as it flew from back to to the city of crows, me. the tragedy of cards i made
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a reported ukrainian driving attack on southern russian territory. the allied, ultimately crushed and kaz extolling. kidding, so t 8 people. 29 however, did survive. off ortiz and us on our hop launched investigation. the sofa, no official cause of the crash has been and the journalistic guesswork and research is based on some sort of government sources. we are constantly in contact with our as or by johnny colleagues. no one has told us any versions. we have not received any official versions from russia or as, or by john while that's across to our, to corresponding yes and asking who's actually in the us a by johnny capital itself and back to i mean, yes. and probably to be expected. you know, 24 hours on we're still, there's a lot of speculation, a bit of gray areas. so can you just talk us through the actual facts about we know what we do know at this stage about that cross of course. well, the reason why that great is don't exist is because, well,
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for starters much like you mentioned, it's still early on in the investigation. the teams i've just been established and they're expected to convince to assess the ongoing and developing situation. but another reason as to why this phrase don't exist is because just earlier on the day on thursday, the 2nd blackbox was discovered and we understand that some modern aircrafts that adhere to international avionics, sorry, aviation security standards, each. their propositions to black box is the 1st one, of course is to contain and preserved information relating to the biotics of the plane. the tools and the instruments which preserves that data, which could give everyone a fair assessment and understanding as to what happened on the plane as it was going down. but the 2nd black box was also just as significant because that contains the carpets audio recordings, and that will provide a better picture as to what was discussed as that plane was going down. so as it stands,
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based on the statement provided by the deputy prime minister as well as the minister of transportation started the deputy minister of transportation, we understand that the investigation is still in its early days of their, of course claims being made. and the statement provided by the deputy prime minister, he essentially uh, responded to certain planes that is currently circulating across the globe. and that is of course, that for us. i mean, johnny officials have come out to me suggest that the plan will shut down by in russian air defense system. now we spoke to some other page on the officials. we spoke to some diplomats within the us a bridge on a capital. uh, they sell it to us off the record, but even they were a little bit more careful in how they were framing everything. they say that these are the obligations be made. but the reality is that until that investigation concludes that we won't really know what went down, and that's going to be important moving forward. now based on the statements that are being provided out, i'm just out of caustic. so we understand that although these obligations are made by azerbaijan, a officials or diplomat as we understand that the information was not related to
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the cause of the officials. and this is going to be important moving forward. but one more thing that we know that that's going to happen over the course of the next day or 2 is uh, we understand that there will be a team from brazil that will arrive in kazakhstan sometime on friday. and i see the result you in manufacturing of the company as long as it's investigators will convene with the cars are counter parts to essentially assess the developing story and have a better understanding as to what really went down. so we can expect that to kick off on friday, the investigation and the statements that will follow it will provide a better understanding as to what happened. but until then, just like much in the words of the deputy prime minister, because x don, it's important to state vigilance and ensure that the investigation takes course to moving forward. because of the general seo and the move in the other page. any capital suggests that people are and one way or the other heard and affected by dis, accidents, and claims like this concern there less than that. but one more thing that is important to note. we also expect some of the survivors to be essentially carried
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safely and sound to the was originally capital. we expect that to happen sometime on friday, and that's going to be about moving forward as well. because a devastating of the crash was one of the silver linings, as it sounds was the fact that there were survivors of that plane. and we understand that that's going to be an important factor moving forward as well. while we appreciate you being, of course in baku able to keep, you'll kind of pulsing and understand exactly what all the information is coming in . that was all to use. yes. and i can speak to us from us to put you on a couple of things just the most, cuz top deputy mount has revealed from selfhood to help rush or establish a dialogue on the resolution of ukraine conflict. so okay, no problem out of the kids involvement was not lunch. we will do that. let's get this, but i will not delve into detail not to let anyone down. but several times
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a french colleagues addressed us via restricted channels, secure channels, offering help and establishing dialogue on the ukrainian matter without ukrainian participation, violating the much daunted principle of the west. not a single word about ukraine without you crying. well, we are ready to proceed. contacts, we are ready to listen to what they have to say, but at the same time from says being the main champion of sending so cold peace keeping troops to ukraine. and they have been training ukrainian troops on this soil. and they keep saying in public that russia should be hit further, and ukraine should have stronger positions when talks begin. so, you know, it's very a big us and therefore we don't have a desire to take our french colleagues initiatives in earnest when we're now seeing that francis basically contradicted itself saying one thing and public support. and one thing of the public by them behind the scenes going pretty much behind zillow and skis back and 5 to broker and agreements with russia. so it's interesting, what was the landscape have to say about that? was he aware?
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and at the same time, how legitimate is this agreement that they're talking about and proposing? because we have seen your play and officials in the past using disagreements, for example, the minutes agreements only to buy themselves time. and may to crazy, stronger, and make sure that they have more weapons, for example. so is this a genuine request for an agreement? and again, was aware about this. let's have a less than some more backup system solution. yep. so far, all we hear is talk about the need to come up with some kind of truce and it's not hidden. this truce is needed in order to gain time to continue on and ukraine to put themselves in order to carry out additional mobilization and so on. a truce is the way to know when we need final legal agreements that will contain all the conditions for ensuring russian security and the legitimate security interest of on neighbors. but in the context of which will be an international legal way to consolidate the impossibility of violating these agreements,
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they should festival address the root causes of the ukrainian crisis. i see the 2 main causes which off 1st, the violation of the obligations not to advance nato, to the east, and the aggressive takeover by nato of the entire g, a political space up to our borders. and the 2nd root cause of course, is the absolutely racist actions taken by the cab regina off to the cool. now with her at this time and time again from russian officials, waters needed to resolve this conflict. vladimir putin has been talking about it. in fact, for decades, and we regards to know nato expansion east towards, for example. but it seems that the west is not listening. and at the same time, moscow is costly saying that the west needs to prioritize its own citizens, which it's not doing. for example, the e u sanctions, which were supposed to hurt russia and we've seen now they've been statistics that show that they've actually shot themselves in the foot and their own citizens are
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being damaged because of this. so moscow same, put the focus back on your citizens 1st. always nuggets come from this end of year and media conference. don't say what sort of a lot roll off at russian u. s. relations delve into as well. what was said, of course, everyone's curious to find out, well, i need some change and america's foreign policy when trump takes over in january. and again, there is hope box knowledge to know better at the same time. because what mr. lab robust said is even if trump was student wants to normalize relations with russia, will the ruling elite allow that to happen? because we know that the bar patterson, governments in the west is not looking to allow that to happen. they want to see a weak russia, they want weak opponents, not only russian, but also china. so even though there are positive signals coming out from there, but at the same time, it's on clear whether that will be a now to happen with jim's. let's go to the police, we will wait for the new administration's policy to be finalized. we have
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a full understanding that there is a bipartisan consensus in the united states regarding russia. and this consensus is not friendly, but frankly speaking is roughly because regardless of policy affiliation, the ruling elite will promote its line to ensure that russia as a competitor is weakened in every possible way. therefore, in the united states, consistency is maintained. if the signals that come from the new team in washington to resume or rather restore the dialogue that washington interrupted off to the start of the special military operation, display a serious of course, we will respond to them. but the americans are the ones that interrupted the dialogue, so they should take the 1st step. so in the words of mr. lab roll, basically the boys in the west court because russia is willing and ready to talk. of course, syria, it's feature, it came up, right. and i believe some interesting insight was offered on the smith's level started by saying that russia, the fact that it didn't recall is representative from the serious says
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a lot. it is of course, willing to work with the new government there, but it's all i get very important to follow the international rules. and by that he meant the election process. also what he said is very legitimate concerns for security in the country. because we know that in the east of syria, for example, and he brings it up, that the us have illegally occupied a significant part of the country where the main oil fields are. and it's a large part of the territory. and what the us is doing is extracting it and using the money to fund military structures in these which they themselves created. and that of course poses ways danger. but what's alarming at this point is that they're getting information that the west is now dictating to. these new leaders who they time and kind of corporate with when you up the store and it is clear that ahmed al sharah and he's a so see it's now under enormous pressure from the west. the americans have become more active, the europeans also,
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and everyone wants to work not to preserve the unity of o. s no political forces in syria, but to gain more influence and even more territory. and ask for western selfishness, the new head of the diplomacy kaya kal, us made a very illustrative speech demanding that syria stopped cooperating with russia and a major powell like a stone. he has said that it will not support the new authorities in damascus unless they kick russian military bases out of syria. can you imagine how scary that is? so such diplomatic boyishness is becoming habitual for. this is how the ukrainian authorities act, insulting everyone who does not sing along. all european neighbors are also acting in this way. serious solvency is of the utmost importance and must go something that will set time and time again. a neighboring countries are also concerned about security along the border, for example, to key mr. lever upset is understandably concerned israel to recent. they need to understand that it's important not to ensure your own security at the expense of
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others because that could lead to know that the best do it. but it says russia together with to a key and iran, and with the participation of a number of arab countries, is ready to play a supporting role in consolidating all processes in syria and organizing elections in such a way that they will be recognized by everyone. and do not raise any questions. we have contacts on this topic with saudi arabia, iraq, jordan, egypt, cutoff, the m a, ritz bar range, and 11 on. all of them are interested in ensuring that syria does not repeat the pos, the libyan state followed. often nato simply destroyed that state, which still has to be put back together piece by piece. and of course, the role serious neighbors will play is very important. so just to sum up, there are basically follow international rules, respect each other and each other solver and see that's the message from mr. live rope and from us go time and time again. we discuss these developments with form engine for. and secretary conwell symbol, he says, from says, fact itself into
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a corner in the court of public opinion. the fact that that is uh, kind of gone big has to be made over the head of the ukrainians. doesn't surprise me. but a big boss, it has to be maintained, and this is what phones and the europeans are doing. that is where you're going to decide for themselves. database conditions that they're not going to impose any of these conditions on ukraine. now there isn't much salvage, have some of the public opinion, but they have to go to the boys in the public opinion and so much so much against the moving themselves as it is. i show that they cannot afford publicly to change the attitude and say that they are what they do negotiate with the shop. so that is part of the diplomat diplomat. a game that goes on. secondly, i think with the drums taking power on january 20 and so much uncertainty
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about the position he may take, he's already something to that is as you know, and uh, it may be very clear that he would like to end this conflict in this process. process doesn't want to be simply a bystander bystander because then a diminish. it is basically enormously in europe, definitely it has to be seen, but it has to be seen to be proactive of taking the initiative off of not making it to be that the only thing anybody lead uh they have a view of their own to have in just a little brokerage south has its own equities, as well as soon as the country in the country that can actually dig a leading position on this. unlike joe, my name is you, with a little less than any guess on the ground in syria, specifically in the coastal areas of natacha and taught us h t o. s. terrace have plastic with the forces of the house to president. the country is current minutes in logic. ministration confirmed that that was the
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casualties of 14, the interior ministry. personnel were killed and 10 others wounded after a treacherous ambush by remnants of the criminal regime while performing their tasks of maintaining security and safety. the majority of the population in the and baffled region on the white sand estimate religious squared from the country which boston all a sudden belonged to theory. an american journalist and riotous even itself the leaves. this secretary and violence is being and side by side in the protest and most in central syria. uh there was a 3rd party that shopped on the protesters and killed and injured. uh that, that should that to me. sure. to everyone that there is a 3rd party is trying to make it this up to you in war uninstall and immediately the opposition forces cause a s uh, started
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a curfew at night about to didn't 11 o'clock, the village of the snow that and some of the thoughts yeah, the young man in the village captured some real men who had did not send me a boy from look off guys, some young man from the talk you and they were going to kill him and throw him sore, his body in that vintage to a for sure to cause a sectarian tension between the weights and the cindy's. and we'll talk yeah, there is some of that been skinny because uh, so its chaos in the country and it's a big chaos. there is some of the individual mistakes is as i told you, and at the same time there is a 3rd party trying to clean. yeah. also from the lights, then they collect the cushioned and they come to send me the so this to be, as i said, there's a 3rd party try and because they to you.


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