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tv   News  RT  December 30, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EST

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is profiting the headlights right here, went out to the international is wild hazard sites set on serious bill has already approved supposedly storming positions in the south of the nation to gain control of government buildings and even kicking out office employees the right to address the showcase of destruction, we're talking about multiple hospitals, residential buildings and god. so that's what you're looking at, right, that. and the idea is even posting about leveling the place, you know, by now the remaining alex and you and families are just struggling to support. and also in the program us what value of the bonding the you take action against the lens. these plans to cut off suffice or brushing energy to your roof. things like
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this. lava was tolerate the flux acceptance of a catastrophic economic policy, pushed by the brothers team here, hard at work, at the options and national mothership in moscow. grateful to have your company today, by the way, taking off a new dollar straight to a top story and it's syria idea of boots on the ground. repeatedly stopping settlements in the south surrounding government buildings and even expelling employees from their offices. as we understand all of this on the hills of the is ready trip advanced into the waterfall nation. know what the recent weeks for the idea of barrels. pasta un designated buffers own essentially as isn't as most and aries over through bush on us out in damascus. it's a no surprise. stop is right, the officials i've called for the idea of to take the syrian capital. however, i got to do it. i was shaun which has a c. it's controlled has now get this the calling while the international community
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to act against for the calling be is really of your patient. meanwhile, ukraine's a foreign minister went straight to damascus to meet the lead to all the h t. s militants. and the group, of course, over that was behind the toppling of a side and report said that the ukraine even provided training for terrorist and eat live. and the left boat was well as equipment, including, as you know, by now kamikaze drones that will use the counter russian troops located in the country and the kia post. as i said earlier, the image groups involves some reason to types may have been prepared by ukraine's military intelligence service, which allegedly sent it's offered him to provide what they called, quote, operational training to the medicine. ukraine's kimmitt group was credited with the attack on a russian military base on the south eastern outskirts of a level on september 15th, in which russian attack, drones and camouflaged improvised explosive devices were destroyed. according to a military intelligence source. the training team focused on tactics developed
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during the war and ukraine, including on the use of drones, while the faxes that western powers wanting to get rid of most goes influence in that nation, the uniform policy chief says the issue will be discussed with syria is new minutes later this as soon as possible, and that's as are russian intelligence already revealed american and british special services got this. they are apparently prepping jihadists to carry out tara times on the russian military bases. and it comes as some of the west have eyes open and will on the instability and syria will pump only more problems for your this is all i missed the guy. so this is the same strategy as a libya. i've gotten a stone and rock they want regime change because a rule, a strategic key does not do what the united states nights. that's why they organize it. but all about this, usually even little chaos was the case with good josby. and so was with saddam hussein and not suffering happens just because failed states arise. and of course,
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i wonder why the europeans don't act at all because we're very close to it. this will cause father refugee flight. oh, we will go gauging the opinion about terrorism expert who basically says that the tub oil in syria, my even inspire and pro vote the rise of new jihad of scripts to this. the 2nd case is that the most lame movement can and finally, how the power of this state after the taliban. how the good news kind. and is that going is the is d as in there? are you at uh how do you have some in caea? yeah. so it this, it will give a big impact to are the stomach movement everywhere in, including you, nation to i thing any mean say is the very beginning. i can't because many of the support there are many who salamis and to hire these members of i the for my to my
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as i'm you and or the somebody's group, the half of the show connection with the a c s and a half step is this uh, connection long time ago. uh, i heard that some of them including the m. m. i do of jakarta. the uh, and some of the, uh am i, uh, f or uh, some form or am in out of people too. in the southern philippine, do you mean that? no, they also has a special connection and has a long time ago to establish the connection with the a cs to they have their c miller in simular target. then they will tumble down the current and democratic government, democratic region, so far as i can see, that the government of in any yeah,
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and order. so the c as in country has no imagination of but how to overcome this rice of the new is i missed more than one of our new and you had this movement because the still dealing with the all kinds of dave dave, the nation about the, uh, just let me cuz i see a multi plan. so they do not know how to um, to the tech and how to counter or how to uh, overcome the, the, the rise of the new is let me just move them in like, where is the s and call me back because they clearly disconnect o their a former connection with the okay, there are 2 a gaza now here on the program with the idea is i targeted another hospital in the heart of the angle. a striker left 7 civilians dead with
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a manual wounded according to local officials. and is there any foreigners blame us for using the medical facilities? so we'll hide out a little so taking a moment to highlight these really ministries are so called achievement the and so i'm talking about striking a mosque. they failed with the destruction of a whole entire residential blocks and northern gods they would though. but what the numbers now of 80 percent of the guys are infrastructure damaged or destroyed. and as you know, palestinians are struggling to survive the infant girl. these died of hyper feeling the, as a family was forced to live outside in the freezing with the temperatures. i should warn you now there are disturbing images coming your way here on the program because a seller was 3 years old. excuse me. i should say 3 weeks old when her life was caught, so tragically showed a family struggle to keep a tenant where they lived, which turned out to be a tragic god. so now for the baby. well, let's have a,
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a comment here. her mother now recording the morning at the discovery, a foot and a set of silver in the morning. i got out and asked my husband to light the fire and prepare milk for my baby because she hadn't breasted from me for awhile. her father carried her and asked me why she looked strange. i saw that she had turned blue and a sick. her body was very cold over like a block of ice. her face was filled with blood from the effects of the cold. her father took her to the british hospital. the doctor asked what was wrong with her, and we told him she was fine until we found her like this in the morning and the doctor examined her and told us that her heart had stopped and i need clothes for my children to keep them warm. their clothes are very light and i don't have money to buy them winter clothes. i also can't afford blankets to keep my family warm from the cold. and i want to live as i used to come with safety and peace of mind. i want to be able to buy whatever my children need to make their lives better and make up for the difficult days they've endured. i want us to sleep safely and securely, and another victim of the cold weather in casa. i mean,
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not yet seeing even a month of life, between brothers was that brought to the hospital and put it in intensive care. and the father spoke about how he found is the problem that the rooms and my baby died from the freezing weather. my other son is in the hospital. i have nothing to warm the monitor. they were frozen from the cold and they survived the war. but one of them died from the cold due to the freezing weather, and i had to rush my children to clinics in the unit r w. a agency where they gave me equipment designed for one child to keep both of my sons warner. and they told me to use it for only an hour and a half. how is that possible as well this past week 5 babies and cause i have just died of hypothermia through these harsh conditions. now the situation is on top of the cycle of civilian killings that continues with where the children are paying that heavy as price because according to the owner or at least $1.00 child is killed every hour in gaza. so that's for a brief moment here. take a look at a while, the victims of the region since the conflict kicked off october. the 7th,
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of course, it was last year and our quarters. unicef made the war on kaiser over. what 14000 children had been killed and that is, in addition to the thousands of old wounded by the is rarely bombardment. and beyond that, there are plenty of missing, still not found to meet the ruins of the enclave. and we were speaking with the head of a pediatrics on of citrix, at the national hospital. who said that the, the death of the scene is a, it's not an accident, but a direct result of the war of the button. and you couldn't, we weren't at the beginning of the winter season that the cold would not be easy on those living intents, especially given the catastrophic conditions in gaza, which is under an extremely har cj, as we expected. patients began arriving at pediatric wards with hypothermia. currently, there had been about 5 deaths due to hypothermia. the reason all these cases involved in since who came from tens these tents are completely inadequate. the cold inside them is extreme. the situation is tragic. the wind blows into the tents with full force. unfortunately, the blockade prevents the entry of all types of fuel. there's no diesel,
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no electricity, no gasoline, not even enough gas for heating. this leads to extreme cold inside the tents with even if families attempt to light fires, there is no coal or would available if they do manage the smoke poses a severe respiratory hazard for the infancy. not to mention the danger of fire spreading in the tents and how i need somebody. now, as these are narratives, reach the world, it's very dangerous job to get these kind of stories out of 5, john lives to walk into the l codes. today. news off living kill then is riley attacking central gaza the head of photography of, of the channels as john list of targeted because they document is really crime. you know, i'm from the system and we collaborated on filming reports and documenting the crimes of these really occupation, particularly those occurring in the all new serat camp. we saw them daily, spoke to them daily, worked with them daily life together and carried out our journalistic duties. together, but fate had it that i wasn't there on the date. these young men were targeted and
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killed. thank god. these really occupation has not conducted any investigation into the press vehicles used by the 5 murders in all new struck camp. everyone knows this was a press vehicle. everyone knew it was a press vehicle belonging to all codes with journalists inside who were simply documenting is really occupation crimes. in our new truck camp, specifically, the team focused on covering the destruction. bombings and abuses inflicted upon the people of the camp and it's martyrs. that's i bring out some photos for you right here on the program. basically, the moments off the, those 5 john lists were killed last week. the, you know, so the reaction to the, the brother of one of the reporters who was the press vehicle that wasn't golfing sleigh. i'll codes today so as of stuff were inside the vehicle there hospital and central gaza. while the idea of cold, the attack, a, quote,
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precise strike and says the band was packed with members open his line, the jihad tire was so but as instead of the onset of the wall, can you imagine over 200 palestinian journalists have been killed in gaza? that's according to the committee to protect john list with a 70 more locked behind bars. and one of the out of every what 10 john, listen guys and i, we've been killed since october the 7th last year. i don't the apple dye once again says israel essentially fabricates lies to target the press as washington continues to back the jewish state across this international stage as heavy going to these really occupations as criminal towards the palestinian people. and these journalists, inventing excuses to justify targeting these martyrs. these were journalists on armed with their weapons, being their cameras, sound, and images that expose is really crimes. we saw the united states use its veto
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power at the u. n. s. c to block actions against is really crimes against the palestinians. this has always been the stance of these really occupation and the us crafting international laws only to impose them on others. while exempting themselves is rule in the us disregard these laws that are meant to uphold human rights and show no concern for them. these really occupations fabricates false allegations against our martyr journalists to justify its crimes against them. the journalist work to document is really crimes against civilians, martyrs, and their families to sounds and images. they transmitted the palestinian narrative from gaza to the world for over a year and 4 months. these rarely occupation has targeted more than $200.00 post in the in journalist in an attempt to silence the palestinian narrative and suppressed the truth from reaching the world. however palestinian journalism persists. these
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journalists are citizens serving their people. they are not affiliated with political parties or resistance factions. they are simply journalists, sorry, throughout europe. we go here on the program on a t so so back here has sl um the use quote, tacit acceptance of a catastrophic economic policy and driven by kia robot fits so says he wants to european commission to count the landscape plans to cut the supplies of russian energy unilateral suspension of the gas transit via ukraine to slovakia, will cost european citizens businesses and infrastructure tens of billions of bureaus each year. and ukraine almost 800000000 euros. the losses for russia will amount to only about 2000000000 euros. that's just 3 percent of all the loss is cost to the use $27.00 member states. russia will easily place that small amount of gas on other markets. so the amount of loss is for russia may be close to 0. the
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tacit acceptance of the unilateral decision by the ukranian president is absolutely irrational and wrong. it will lead to tensions and reciprocal measures. for this reason, i ask you, not only on behalf of the slovak republic, but above all, on behalf of the entire european union to pay due attention to this unprecedented situation and attach urgent importance to it. while fits are made that trip to moscow recently. look into results in math. it was not improved in a kia f has pledge to prevent any russian gas from transiting through its territories starting new year's day back at home. the us barely said a word about this booming cries as other than making a moment to blame it. old on the russian president vladimir food in. meantime though there are some that are actually calling a spade a spade. zalinski could not have received a more proper slap for his arrogance. prime minister, robert fitz, so showed the whole world, but no one will mount the floor. with slovakia we refused to be vassals of the west
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. we refused to jump when brussels whistles. we refuse hatred towards the russians . we refuse war and robert fitz so showed the whole world that slovakia is a self confident and wise nation that is not afraid to go it's own way. this is, there is a rising as you are if is basically in the midst of its peak energy developers series and then the well looking for gas to heat homes across the continent. so about 5 ministers that he will cut electricity supply. so ukraine, if key of follows through with his problem, is to stop the flow of russian gas even revealed, zalinski tried to bribe him going to the x of wenatchee. so lensky returned to the topic of gas and asked me if i would vote in favor of ukraine's membership in nato . so if he gave me $500000000.00 from russian assets on the dollar, i of course answered who never talked. you know, my opinion on ukraine's membership and nato, and it's strange that he asked me such a question when i was, or yeah, the west,
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the press, not even showing these comments by the way. they just branding it on the russian president, who has, by the way, waited on this matter, suggesting that landscape plan will see all those fail. well, russia survives and price. open a, be a crew of ukraine has got 2 of our guest supplies to europe and consumers. on the one hand, it picks from their hands because only with the support of the west, including from europe, can it exist not only to fight, but to exist, and at the same time, it creates problems for them by cutting off the supply of our relatively cheap gas to europe, there would be no such contract. everything is already clear. well then all right, we will survive. and guess problem was survived this. evidently, we were speaking with alex of the month of it's a historian and published as an to be on there. and he said that ukraine's policies don't have the long game in mind as those policies will have consequences. not only for the you, but they're just gonna boomerang and smart p f as well. since we have to do some
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aggressive american and european union foreign policy against russia, it seems to be the next objective off to europe in union. um, so simply till its own industry, we are ending throughout some gas supply to europe. and you could only explain this either with unimaginable stupidity on the one hand or, and i think this is the real explanation. we're from global is through us foreign policy or meddling in europe in order to decouple further europe from russia. so it will be a very interesting stand off in the long run. because of course, also ukraine has lots to loosen this gamble and stuff for the european union and america since um were for, for the delay of european energy exports to ukraine. of course, ukrainian energy industry could collapse and this will to us also a grave consequences for ukrainian military on the grounds.
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20 pos down here in moscow, while donald trump has threatened at any state that puts the us dollar at risk. a china and nigeria apparently didn't get the memo or at least just wound up in that span boxes. or they have renew this colossal trade agreements across the board of transactions that now based in their own national currencies. but it's the equivalent to $2000000000.00 that i guess apparently wouldn't even be needed anymore. so members of the bricks group of developing nations upon the states, such as nigeria, they've been strengthening their own economies by essentially ditching the greenback. russia says 90 percent of its trade with india is in local or alternate currencies. a china room for solar, also focusing on using their own money for international transactions. and all of this, while the us president a like said a 100 percent tired if i'm brick states is on the way. if the transition homes, the us economy, the idea that the bricks countries are trying to move away from the dollar while we
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stand by and watch is over. we require a commitment from these countries that they will neither create a new bricks, currency, nor back any other currency to replace the mighty us dollar. or they will face 100 percent tariffs and should expect to say good bye to selling into the wonderful us economy. they can go find another sucker. there is no chance that the brakes will replace the us dollar in the international trade. and any country that tries should wave good bye to america. so we put this up in discussion with the panel of guests and they all showed it pretty similar sign when it basically is. that is the washington continues to weaponized a dollar nations around the world. it makes logics logical sense, i should say is just the nations are going to have no choice but to respond to defend their own suffering interest. i think all of this has happened because the, the us has got itself to blame because they are what the icing. it's carbon see, to the extent that people are not really happy about fed up and have decided to,
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to, to, to stand up and voice that disagreement. so, and i think it says the trend. it is actually the trend. the brooks is not a western organization, but it's not against the west. and this is something i think we all have to understand a will not be a you to divide the well. again, we're trying to incorporate the rest of the world, including the way to pretty well. so i think the trump is doing or what the us or the establishment is doing or has been doing is to uh to going back to the cold war days to split the world into 2 competing catalogs again. that is what this is. i mean, if i drop off a new president, we're coming in america who's on helps out bob's. and you know,
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people walking away from the district and i am bruce to him to the countries that try to side track thought was good. but he did change street or is it off the 100 percent? so the don't worry about that does not allow me to use an offer to the business anymore. well, we have to create a going to all of our and for i don't know the trade or i'm also need coming to new jersey. but i'm somehow we need to leave new breast up the golf for the to see how the swaps with the likes of china and india and rush in on the top right. so you could also have an increase in the big, it's not about the increasing rate, and then a memo used to have on this portal extracted. that's what brings up people up above and beyond the moment. if you go to these home, then i'm not sure there's a was change, and this is how you begin to change. if you look at most of the countries going
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toward the yeah and put what i said is on of the attachment like um, in my local warranty. um, an idea what you've done when we decide to float the doors off in the um, in a without a sense of bonds without protecting the local part of the purchase involve average people goes down significantly. but just imagine if the country decided to use his local quarter and see matter to page which is the largest stadium, but not china, you know, or largest export, but not india. you'll find out that we will not have a problem well by all purchasing power with drastically. the dues, because it will depend on what you do for paid of the value of the mirror. but well now we are asked to go toward bank i any longer. we need to continue to, you know, inject imply economy while degraded into purchasing paul of you come on people of the country. so this is what is stopping in globally, across all countries, the accepted the worst and to me they did,
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i am of the water bunk when it did not throw systems while by ones you tend to dollar, you go down. and that is why most countries pushing themselves it way from the door loud engine and on that is significant, deleted within the bottle of the consumption and one right. before we wrap up the sales program here on how to international, he did leave his model the world for just over a 100 years. now he's gone for when he was president and nobel peace prize, when a jimmy carter has died. so a quick look back this career legacy of the 39 to us president james jimmy carter passed away at the age of a 100 in his home in plains georgia late sunday. he was the longest living president in american history. the former us leader has fought an aggressive form of melanoma skin cancer and spent the last year and a half at home under hospice care. born on october 1st 1924 in plains georgia quarter, graduated from the us naval academy. moving from worship duties to later served as
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an engineer officer on a submarine. he was elected governor of georgia in 1971 and eventually became the american president from 1977 to 1981. during his term, carter initially sought a policy of the 10th day with the soviet union aiming to break the geo political attentions of the cold war. in june, 1979, he and soviet leader leaving the impression you have signed the strategic arms. limitation talks to agreement which came to curtail the arms race between the 2 superpowers of the world. the treaty ceremony was submitted by the 2 leaders in some this case on the cheek. however soon after relations cracked the salt to trudy face obstacles in the us senate and was never ratified. but both nations agreed to respect the terms. the intention started to escalate, following the soviet deployment of troops in afghanistan at the end of 1979. when couple requested military assistance, carter saw the soviets in afghanistan as
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a threat to american interest in the region. this is agent is an extremely serious threat to peace. because of the threat of further soviet expansion in the neighboring countries in southwest asia. and also because such an aggressive military policy is unsettling to other people throughout the world. if the soviets are encouraged, it's an invasion by eventually the success. and if they maintain their dominance over afghanistan, and then extend their control to adjacent countries to stable, strategic and peaceful violence for the entire world will be changed. this would threaten the security of all nations, including of course, the united states. carter authorized the c i a to secretly train an arm the anti
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sylvia. as long as the mosier had being fighters, the covert aid contributed to the eventual withdrawal of soviet troops and the rise of the taliban. that legacy gave rise to a fractured atkin state, which years later saw the us invade in 2001 as america launched itself titled warranty or only to withdraw humiliated to decades later. his administration and post sanctions against the ussr and initiated a widely adopted boy taught of the 1980 summer olympics and moscow. neither i nor the american people would support the sending of an american team to moscow with soviet invasion troops in afghanistan. if the service do not withdraw their troops immediately from afghanistan within a month, i would not support the sending of an american team to the olympics and the, and the olympic boycott which killed the dreams of many athletes across the world did not achieve any of its goals the soviet union did not pull its troops out of afghanistan for another 9 years. and despite all the posturing it made carter look
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as a week president in the middle east still sees the effects of his policies. the former us president broker, the 1978 camp david accords between israel and egypt, which became the 1st case of an air of nation officially recognizing that you a state. it was one of the deals which promoted israel as america's main ally in the region. essentially given at carte blanche to act flawlessly with its neighbors, palestine 11 on an syria. jimmy carter's last year in the office was marred by the hostage crisis in iran were supporters of these womic revolution held 52 american diplomat service main. c, i, a operatives, and others captive for 444 days. the hostages were released in january 1981, the same day. ronald reagan was sworn in as the next us president. after his terminal office, carter dedicated himself to what he called humanitarian efforts founding,
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the carter center in 1982, 2 decades later he was awarded the nobel peace prize for his humanitarian work. carter dedicated a good part of his time, post presidency, to helping people with affordable housing. his project habitat for humanity is an annual building. blips that over the decades has seen over a 100000 volunteers build homes for thousands across the us and over a dozen nations in the world. however, is carter center is mainly focused on election monitoring and promoting the us style democracy. but the organizations worked in always help washington to expand its influence. multiple countries around the globe, such as the democratic republic of the congo. and miramar saw a power changes that shifted from the west as they strive for their own independent policies. jimmy carter also state involved in domestic policy and supported his democratic party. he criticized president donald trump during his
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1st term.


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