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tv   Documentary  RT  December 30, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EST

12:30 pm
the boss is a level and we've got this to move 0 you as mysterious and when sonya go out in front of the deal is like a convicted of bell. i don't yeah. post the budget russo by you. so yeah, i'm just thinking that insights that i mean, so see, and i mean it does come up with the way to not just communicate that may be a couple of notion. explain police are still the other you have such alters mojitos thing and you will lose a deal with this face. probably like it will definitely stays a little in each of the spectrum. because even when you spell is putting a big new service in is out. but then it goes through and this is the one in the other would be nice to be done. st. tom list, of course the rubies of his so in a is not old on the side of me is why that is up and down throughout the
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the women who are doing sort of pause or any of depends on this plan. you all of us to do one, is there any by 0 is not set up pretty well. i see them one disappeared with a wish at all this the one who so the 3 year clear. so any more concept? yeah, there's a concept seems to on that was this of when they 1st cuz it ended up last night, the pricing and go out. is that on? yeah. good. yeah. cuz the bad she was initially it was down on the front. not the global. no. yeah, it was buyers before i knew it painted, it must be if i do that as a concept that the
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a little stressful that out. yeah. does the mean say this for liberty that live with me? is it up? i'm going to do the most likely it is the most. okay. steve, in relation to you, bringing them 1st thing to be live, the phone call for you that on was on the side of the list. there's people, there's a little trip that grew up. i gave them the us, my little and buckley, that, that's the problem is do the, if you will be limited, you know, if that's a soon and associations to the
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what else examples from the most comfortable, some of them boss remodeled. look at that, possibly some way to them. would you comfortable something i mean yeah. as of will as senior. so surprised and some of what you've been the guy you have the most out and i pushed him up. he was with the business deal with him in the pipe. it's a me with the account the list goes as opposed to some stuff that i was fellow shields combined. yeah. i've never nice the yeah. let's see if this little so little now. so no good. i yeah, and you cook, that'd be the name to spell it gladly. they should not lot, but the people the nice you to the at the even if the complete yes the what i knew, i just wish you did to them. we will be able to just have that they said they have to and you guys you who do for nimble or was live and show us so well as i saw lily
12:34 pm
o state, trooper class opinions, this was a, is the good news that those are the so you just the, the, by the deal with the supplement russell to see when you grab a little bit and skip this up. throwing up, then you've got a little problem with us before by phone. gonna solve the problem with him. you've got the bible points. if you're open to us so, but yeah, just love to draw up just like you look at the
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like what was you wish to when you will just simply ask other level so. so you'll get the militarization douglas. interesting. because otherwise, if you have somebody who are in control of what they will take you with those 2 of them, you could actually be up and you called for the person who could use of the testing in that i was a fuel miller as a substitute, even use news use thing is made through the enterprise of the well, the notion, photos this time you go, that's good for you to look my. yeah, that sounds good for you to like a yeah. post the plugin. russo by useful. yeah, i always think that and then use very strongly to see a good, i mean it does come up with them, go ahead and always communicate that. and you may think of a lot of measuring explain particular skills. we have the,
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the most of the cost is almost something new for me, but at least nobody wants to move. i wish they did this because they knew what to do and on the and to look at that as just as way somebody will pick you up. but i, oh, i'm so sorry that used to cause elliott, the virginia and the security of practice. could they of them know how to use it so that in me so you guys, let's go to, you have a good rest opinion. last what, what does it and you go to the nimble canadians of virginia. those can you present . that wasn't, it was going to still that the fuel could i, you know, a year it was bill which and each now it's almost of no, you have to pretty much the thing you thought yes i was, you get that models the as nice to some of those keywords, you just shut the cost to you was this was the level, the new means for games and initial good wish will cost less money as well as, but also what that goes to, to purchase this isn't the official, i put it up, but instead of going to us, now you have a threat because it's only to buy, which has a pre owned what this may mean cost you mean through is because i moved me what the
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us will was there was, you know, this, those on, if i just say sure was there was still capital budget for you. i did. it is pretty, pretty plus we will stay and if the is just not pushing us to ensure the answer to schedule is pretty cool. let me just so many little shades that going at the other . one of the think you will do a solution, so it's a little image of the of the police torsion was ok. those are used to was it was fishes. i wanted a couple days from food for the publish them. and i don't know when you can shoot them, just let the use of any what that shuttle. yep. so there's no push mojitos to eulu mostly deal with his face, but i believe that those lights from any of my on one of those to look up the push to be finalized. when you have more of a case where you get all the music, you just have the case to get across the shuttle would bring us to poison. plus the
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one us used to be more complex than most companies and forces. the new piece will stay and what is the solution i put in the solution. i missed i have see examples to contact information for the parties. cook standard, you know, when you get the, some of you know, the issue over there with new blanketing deal was i just wanted to know i class of diesel. the people who are getting expensive always riley as well. oh my gosh malcolm, a guest room to get up was a man. most of us know what thank you with no shifting relation to george bush, just as soon as you get to the bus hilton horse or something your 3 up to get him does. besides this, don't have the longest music you'll have to switch his name a little thought i was kick. i know some of the opinion will just be florida then. yes. good is probably could i see who else could it's public, but i only funding for video news
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was through the world low the world for as low. i'm looking for a full service mover. we do have some that are due on the phone. people throw that away and no longer, most of them are full. so this think of pretty much the trust is something that we're in the process of just less. i'm a little the will give us the us give us the, the grass card. i mean, unless like little do you my show ups, the dealer words are slew with your daughter the so i just slipped. so really oh, it's ridiculous lawyer, but what someone still doesn't understand it and you live. so it's like was not easily exploring, you know, as much of it, there's still 3 of them. how about your that you would, your, to push on the amount of the
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physically as though you made of the simulator and you'll sort of see a level of choices 2 plus one of the ones that are on the face. when you see a section where you are funny, the month of the world comes learning sort of thing and you do ask is throwing a couple. so if you disagree with me for an actual aluminum or just a nice a, but also the or any little boom with anyone 0 at this point, but also in your school with your a one year bonus room grant is, i think it's a good also, i love to watch the course the most likely to to love the water the go to they're gonna slap from a point to m. yes. then sure, sure. september plus through in the course on the side of the console and there was a little bit of fun going with you. and you know you was the sooner you knew the
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which is still nipples anymore. i'm so sufficient fund day others when it good for us, the budget for the whole budget on this thing. find somebody put a thought on us will give issues the postconviction, the company itself escaped the one. glad visionaire up, escaped the one with it up to one of those little and stuff like that is not the only thing that is on. so yeah, we have to pay for something new cuz pressing with us and shifting have sort of a push because it to me and most of the smaller what's the zip code we're calling you from this difficult stylus as a most certainly when you called i was in your, in your building,
12:42 pm
which isn't it is a sort of, i was, i say it's a video and obviously it's on the way to the company and for the store on was through or is, this is the, there is so replacing value. so split, there is no cooking with options, so many in here pretty much use of a need as well. one of the windshield liberals done with smell is and you know, issues the function was still bulky item difficult to replace them, especially to the issue coupled with assuming a bow, a little bit of so we have for the, for more processing when you complete the phone when you throttle it with more than just watching the take a fresh look around, there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions.
12:43 pm
fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can are you guys even able to read it to us to get us be the, the, uh the, the, the, the go to the across doing the new get cut on the other were experienced the with
12:44 pm
done bus great wiley lanier, charlotte booker, i need to push a little thing of some bowers before built that way for me to deal with gun you or to machine of was that particular to see on how much is not the 1st inches to use? i meant to do for them, but i should then use can i bought that? i'm with the police. that's the mean. yeah. uh so i a pretty she, me is a leech and the show the good. the more personally my, the more privately store, not the us and we can nimble is i don't know little, but now your face that i'm in the face that i yes, the use but not so it was uh when the used in time with no buzzing. so it was the point of the some way i was reading the use of my do fairly sort of the issue, but it was in a blue
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a by years. so it is d as kimball and doris came to out there. i'm looking at them . daniel's get his food when it gets no, i wouldn't even speak to him. and that's what i was i knew sooner than we brought in here of all show any claims on the board of these updates. and that will, it was really when you get to the else is, i don't want to buy them some of the business. i keep that they can, you can sort of nice before i be. so i need to keep the means even a mortgage community as i go to because otherwise it is not, but i'm going to be sent to use like a big harassment out of these. i mean it could be the new stilton drones now with this little i see it on the be so let me check with me b as in, in a little bitty cold. but i was told to get a patient that will because of some of the issue i woke up, the boys will grab a little, you know, 0 with abuse them. i guess i'll send you a text. and so i came over as an active v as an issue. i have no, my business will actually with speak the
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the that i get those. yeah. when you beautiful what, but it wasn't that he is done. you have to go to lift. you do, you buy it so was hoping to have somebody over there a little remember that he still got the bicycle done, but they want him to double still because like even with the reading it, i get those nice to meet. so come out of mind me shift to be late this evening. the which of these do you have is night to almost at the get you right?
12:47 pm
yeah, at the of that sir, we have difficulties done bus. i suggest loop requesting to change because i can talk with them today, but if that's the deal is because i already show things on said this touch team is the did to. so it's good able to swing the guns, least of the data, the cover from business though it is the day, but i do need your can your last name is b as in when you projects or some nick, i feel as, as, cuz i'd say the wilton lives on the title, uh passcode that will uh, almost look around you and you talk about the know when please be a new the annual c as in my,
12:48 pm
using the both of the case then you, if a deal or different me on the godaddy, i don't i don't, i'm way more them virginia. now the most vehicle at that we've got kind of the modeling the block, the is on us of fuck when the slowing your thumb most, what shows was was get and they can bully menu and then why that. but you shouldn't have the concept to see just here, so you don't really know i just, but you should get brought some ideas. they will usually do things a way show. what are your thoughts on that 1st or the
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keep that was that i see is a is i know the book and i need to have both michelle, them do i need know me by themselves here. so when you have a lot of what to tell somebody else, and i still smell them and keep it this personal look keys that give us the pain. yeah. no. is this going business usually? those are your most crow supposed to install it. so it must be at a, at the, somewhere watching the story. yeah. you can set up a new streaming service or the deal with cisco and their cousins so that could get them was okay, unless i sounds families are now no real deal with the stock as a sign in i'm actually in the
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move up is to move soon you missed the so we me thing you go, i don't seem the deal with because it gave them go. i know it's and if there's new when years old, a new i've got them now because i feel great and they used to, but i knew the not of my locals can with nice even as nick. i think it is more than one grand. you and you cook, we waiting the lecture being shall be nimble. the mean able yellow cuz i didn't was microsoft palmer but that isn't good at all this, but i think i think the initial setup is equal to 150. so the, his new session was the original one. yes. cuz oh i look i what's going to be yes. which i just on. so did you get all your stuff? when did it cause a cool you for sure. what does it show us? we'll keep approaching again. once we show it as a solution for those to grab it, it goes, come over to be set to go get it blue and then it goes to multiple. could you just show up and go get it ready to go school for a little. could you just shut the door to do that?
12:51 pm
yes, definitely. be sure to give you a shout. think of it. then you may take a look. no, she needs somebody. me only really just get by. you said me to go school, go. what's the customer's name? i'm going with a post the, the on the on the
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low noise put is skills and the sick, but he is of course i'm with him. some level of muscular leasing or something like that. someone else come out of the test grades with of so this was to be able to come to settle this for the menu. we have to put them in years ago. anyway. if shame says that a little work on something, you put them in there, but there's still a lot of interest to you and you'll be annual and be like somebody wants to move. i'm going to go to the meeting, but then that will get on the the last but let's, let's see what, what were the dimensions for the with the leading of them. so i'm wondering what's the policy, is it an orthopedic footboards looks better ways of what's going on with them or
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what's the problem? so wouldn't it just must have thought she had all the room for those was the the, the to get signal. so the net, okay. to do it on the website almost. uh please come out the news that you have to deal with,
12:54 pm
but i seem to get the full size of the uh, business phone. the was, my name was covered by 1st if the filter goes down cause covers this to for the
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cd to see if i could get the part, isn't it, isn't it still pretty much just another simple sign with confidence i got from what i remember from the the the yeah, because who was it the most? yeah, we wouldn't mind some of those for about 5 years with the
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press or not to model basically the car. i was new cars and salina, this the with the easy code on the way recently from the phone or not old gordon in use of the last me seems to please for the most difficult are supposed to use the group or i. so you got the both things will block to play on the one that's belong, much show option that i have to solve. could definitely do you go through, but it's almost like with the you mean they use those? yeah. use just the vol. she's not familiar with would be if i needed to talk about it as a way of washington bundles i'm of shows. do you not only thing it and you're not about to see with your simple as a need deal, which to because the more wish, like you guys were mas couldn't figure the one that's used option east coast. the last, i mean, yeah. you just nice to look into all the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the us near doing the leads, go to the in the articles and you might, it's a city of the news release to me. i don't see them, but you, me, can you hear me now? probably my land when united, so that's literally ridiculous. yeah. kind of shows my list of notes as deacon was tempted to close to the bottle, which the portables see me use the link to the stores that those are still go to.
12:58 pm
we would need to a few minutes 0. it's a key, another phone yet because of that the there was widely thought the year 2024 would be to multi was that it was however, in ways few had predicted the world did change in this ear though hardly for the better. what are the highlights 10 low likes both of these which it did even if we pd it was story ok. square level, the use of solutions stuff. ok. yeah. that's due to she's going to need to. she couldn't collect to keep it to for could be sleep problem. that's a difficult to the dizzy on this before they have to do if you create, excuse that our name is, which is pretty cool story. so if it's possible cleaning some doors and not say that, don't,
12:59 pm
i'm going to die. conflicting the thoughts about pushing and go to school centuries ago. your forebears name this country ukraine or frontier because your steps blink, europe, and asia, the ukrainians, that become frontiersman of another. so the people will be able to sing the songs, whichever i measure them, is origin. you're going to need to try to jump to the most goals. they would have been that much a lot of the heavily negligence coleman joe probably then you post bouquets gift to suck you the will have to upgrade the stuff on the,
1:00 pm
the, the, the source, russia and ukraine, each release a 150 prisoners of war. they agree with intensive dated by the u, a. e. allowable, so this return home in time for the new year's celebrations. so if i can kid zalinski, i'm lying to the public. i mean, even attempting to arrive with the guns in 5 minutes to get approval. the claim to join data is out for evidence or to destroy the admin, like it has only done in the same this time and treat will suffer the same miserable fates flush and counts as that's the idea of stem. this asian of areas


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