tv Documentary RT December 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EST
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such as provided by the indians, a space agency is in the country has become the will with space, the modified in russia, the us and china intensive send minds slides to the moon. it within the next 5 seem to be the night sky. a beautiful sight to behold. well, my whole for this news out as a way to display, to have your company here on, on. the thanks for watching the, the russian states never is as tight as on the phone and the most sense be the best english. i'll send, send up the in the 6595 and
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speed. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz food next. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say even twist, which is the the one with the proposal. so it's normal. so for that's not the only thing but it's on . so the ground squared amount on this,
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like little you much show up still with the windows and it is a, it's a nice one of the windshield in liberal stop using the function of the book. and you will have in here when you push the issue of the study guide for me. uh so i need to ensure the good, the more books they might, the more private store know the use. and we can nimble is i don't know, little, but not the things that i need on the site that i know the unbox will not move up if number 0 see really easy was mysterious. and when you go i didn't send the deal is like a convicted of bell. i don't yeah. post the by the other was like if i use the yeah, i'm just thinking and then use ways that, i mean we'll see a good, i mean it does come up with no and i'll just communicate that. and you may think couple of measuring explain particular skills we have we have such all push mojitos
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thing and you will lose the deal with this face, but i don't think you will do a solution that's a little each of the spectrum is a one year, a spell is putting a big new service in is up, but let me just throw, let me just do one and then the other will be listed via and see some list of what's the movies it is. so it, in a, it's not old on the side of me is why that is up and down throughout the the women who are doing sort of bothering and potentially on this plan. your uh for us to do one, is there any by 0 is not set up pretty well. i see them one disappeared with a wish at all this them way. so the 3 year career symposium was concept and yeah,
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bridge that comes out of the same store on that was this of when they 1st because of the process, didn't get the pricing and go out into that on. yeah. the cause of bad. she was initially, it was done on find out that elizabeth for political lawyers was buyers before any expensive last year. so i did it on as a concept that the yellow style forgot. yeah. well, good open mean faith, us for liberty that live with them is the, the most likely it have to do is to bring them 1st thing to a new, a phone call for you that i'm was on the side of the let's see who there's
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a little trip that grew up, i go to the us, my little buckley, that that's native bottom is do the, if you will be limited. you mean, if that's a scene in those 3 shows, just to the what else example of the most comfortable to build them with them? boss has a lot. busy look at that, possibly some way to them. would you comfortable something to me as of what was she and you're still surprised and some would have been in the color of the past. i don't want to push them up. you look at, you always get the business deal with even the pipe and tell me what's the zip i'm
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getting up. the list goes as opposed to some stuff that i was fellow shields combined. yeah, i've never nice the yeah, let's see if this looks a little now. so no good. i yeah, that'd be the name to spell it gladly. they should not smiles up at the tip of nicely to the, at the, even if the complete just the, what i knew, i just wish you did. so then we will be able to just have the basic diet when you guys think would be for nimble. it was their lives and issue a similar actual, literally a 50 approximate zip is, was a, is the good news that those are the so we just the, the, by the deal with the supplement russell to see when you grab
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a little bit and keep this up throwing up, then you've got a little problem with us or if i don't go to solve the problem with it in the garage light, sol, voice if you're open to us. so. but yeah, just was just move with you look at the the like what was you wish to when you will see us go there but also circle that the village solution that one was interesting because of the does he have something here where you can the with the music you with a seen him,
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you could actually be us and you called for the motion that i did so protesting. eliza showed me the other as a substitute when use to use use these made through the anyways of the the notion photos, voltage funding goes goodbye. you to look my. yeah, that sounds good for you. it's like a yeah. post a plugin. russo by useful. yeah, i always think of and then use face, but i mean those ca good, i mean it does come up with, i'm good and i'll just communicate that. and you may think of a lot of notion explained policy skills. we have a social because this is almost some of the 1st name is or least the it's almost a label which can do this because he knows what to do and on the distrust is where somebody will pick you up, but i use them so, so it used to because they live at the beginning of the security of practice because they have them to use this. so they, me so yes, let's go to the best opinion. last what then, what does it and you go to the nimble guidance of virginia. those can you present go to the, wasn't just going at the show, great in the,
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the years of us bill which and each now it's almost of no, you have to pretty much the thing you thought? yes i was you. yes, i'm rules the as nice for them. of those keywords, you just shut the cost to you was this was the level and you mean should you have that additional good which will cost less money as well. but also what that goes to, to purchase this is you tell you what the shipment and the print that equipment, that's not a load you have method because it's only to buy, which has a pre owned what this may mean cost you mean through is because i moved me. what the nice window was there was you know this, those on the if i just the sure was there was still capital, but just to i did it is pretty, pretty plus we will stay anything madonna is just not pushing us to ensure we know that the schedule is pretty cool. let me just so many little shades that one had the other one of the think you will do a solution. so it's a little each of the
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of the police torsion was ok. those are used to was it was fishes. i wanted a couple days from food for the publish them and i don't do any issue with them. just let the they also gave me what that shuttle. yep. so there's no way to see a eulu mostly deal with this place, but i believe it was late so many of my old one of those to go to a push to be 5 years. yeah. more than just reading, but i get all the music. you just have the goes to bit across the previous 2 boys plus the one us used to be more complex, pretty much companies and forces the new piece of steamers they're leaving on the solution i stream the solution i missed i of see examples to contact information for the parties, cook standard e is the, some of you knew of as the issue over there was new blanketing deal was i do want
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to know i plus of this all the people who are getting expensive always for the of the room to get up was a minus most of us know what, thank you with no shift termination to deal with bush decides or bus book. still go to a bus, hilton, horse or something you would free up the game that's decided to do it as long as community killable solution, single level thought i was kick. i know of some sort of opinion. well, just the flood then? yes. could. it's probably could i see who else could it's really funny for video news was pretty useful for a little bit of what a good, a good customer of the world for as go slow and moving forward. but stretch was moving. we do have some that are due on the phone, people for that are we're, we're no longer most of them, they're full. so this is pretty much the trust is something that we're in the process of just left them. a lot of those will give us the us, give us the,
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the grass card. i mean, unless like little do you actually watch the dealer words or sleep with your daughter, the legislative service? ridiculous lawyer would you like someone still doesn't know, she did a new large slip but was not easily exploring. you know, as much i there's still 3 of them. how about your did you enjoy to put you on your, on this list though? he made of the simulator and you'll sort of see a level of choices because one of the ones that are on the face screen, you see a section where you are funny it. even one of them don't come to learn. you sort of thing and you do ask is throwing a couple. so if you disagree with me for an actual aluminum or just a nice a, but also the, or any little boom with a 310. i think students of it also in your school with you the explanation one
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green is what i think is a good all side of which the of course uh most likely to, to love the water, the gonna, they're gonna scroll down to the point where i'm use them sure, sure. september pass through in the course on the side of the console and there was a little bit of fun going on with you. and you know you was the sooner you knew the which is still nipples anymore. and so the personal phone, but others when it me for us the budget for the whole budget from the starting point, somebody put a thought on us will give issues. don't go vision. the company itself. escape the
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one. glad visionaire up. escape the one with it up to one of those little and stuff like that. it's not something that he made his own on. so yeah, we have to go for something new person with us and she doesn't have sort of a push because the 2 men must start. that's no more what's the zip code? we're calling you from this discourse policy as a bus settlement when you called i was in your in your building, which isn't it is a sort of i was, i say to them. and obviously if i'm going to put in for the store on, was through this is the, there is so replacing value. so split, there is no cooking with options. so many pretty much use the need as well. one of the windshield in liberal storm voicemail is and you know, issues dealing with i'm sure i'm a full book. you want them to come out of most places especially to the issue.
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couple of assuming it though it is a little bit of so we have for the for more presence. and when you complete the phone, when you problem with more than just searching, there was widely thought the year 2024 would be to multi was that it was however, in ways few had predicted the world did change in this ear though hardly for the better what are the highlights 10 low likes the
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you guys able to be able to speak to the media to go to the across, doing the with the new get cut on the other way of being stuff with done bus k, wiley, lanier, charlotte booker. i need to push a little thing of some public school source in the built that way for me to deal with. got you or the machine of that particular see and how much is not industry standards to use? i 9240 and a good i should then use good. i bought that. i'm with the police. that's the mean
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. yeah. so i a pretty she, me, is that each new show the good, the person in my dining room on friday to the store, not does a yes, and we nimble is, i don't know little, but now i a vase that i knew on the face that i yes, the use but not still a what the when the used in time with no buzzing. so it was the point of the some way i was leaving the is my do feeling the sort of the issue, but it was in a blue a by here. so it is d as kimball and doris came to out there. i'm looking at them. daniel's get his food when it gets no, i wouldn't even speak. talk to him, no matter what else i need to do with the liberty there of all show any claims on the board of these updates and that will, it was really when you get to the else is that owned by to some of the business, like you've got sort of nice before i be signing of taking payments, even
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a mortgage getting into here and i go to best. otherwise, it doesn't matter, but i'm going to be using visa, good. bigger. asked me out of these. i mean, it could be dining hilton, drones never go to sleep, but i see it on the be. so let me check who may be, is there a little bitty cold? but i was told to get a patient that will because of some of the issue i woke up the was, will grab a little, you know, 0 with abuse them. i guess i'll send you a text. and so i came over to them. it did vp as an issue i have now my business will actually with of speak the the that i get those. yeah. when he'd be a big one but it wasn't that he is then you have to go to lift. you do, you buy some of the s and when he went, but i don't remember that he still got the bicycle done, but they want them to double still because like even with the reading it i get those nice to meet. so come out of mind me shift to be late this evening.
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deal with this, because i already showed things on this type of seamless it did to so if can the thing here conflicts the data, the laws that are out there, it's a cover from business though it is the day, but i do a joke and your last name is b as in when you project was them. nick, i feel as, as, cuz i'd say the wilton lives on the there's okay, that all goes out or if you almost look around you and you talk about, you know, when things fit you in the general annual v as in my, as a move that will get both of the georgia if any of the dealers given me on the godaddy, i don't, i don't, i'm way more them virginia. now the most vehicle at that with go grab the model in the block is on us of fuck when the slowing your thumb.
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miss what shows worthless was get and they can bully me. and then while i bring the shooting and the concept to see just here, so you go to even though i have just been you shooting, you get brought suddenly difference. they will usually different is a way show right here at the store. the key was that i see is a is, i know the book and i need to have both michelle, them do i need know me by themselves here. so when you have a lot of what to tell somebody else and i still, it's not, i think if it gets best mobile, can you give us the pin? yeah, no, i was just gonna go visit with you. sure. got those. are you most close?
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close to the seller. so am i supposed to be at a, at the, somewhere watching the store. yeah. you can set up a new streaming service the way of the day with us though, right now, cuz it sounds like a good time was okay. sounds good. um was like, i know you will be able to start as a sign in i'm actually in the. 2 move up is to move 0, you have missed this and we move to a new go. i don't seem the deal with because it gave us go. i know it's anything new when years old a new i've got them now because i feel great and they used to, but i knew the not of my locals can with nice the vision, you know, cuz it has multiple graves and you quickly lighting the lecture being shall be
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nimble, the mean able, joe looks like him. was mike's level. that's what his digital is, but i think i put the initial setup is equal to 150. so the, his new session was resolved on. yes. hello. i look i what's going to do is which i just on. so did you, are you good? i have to when they, because come was a cool you for sure. what does it show us? we'll keep approaching. i didn't want to insure it as a solution for those to migrate. it goes, come over to be set to go get it blue and then it goes to multiple. could you just show up and go get it ready to go school for a little? could you just shut the door? the idea is definitely be sure to do. just don't think of it then you may take up, let me know. she needs somebody. me only really just get by you send me to go school, go. what's the customer's name? i'm going with a post. the
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the on the on the low noise put is skills and they're sick, but he is of course i'm with them. some the group of most key and wasting or something like this, someone else come out of basketball stays with us. and this was to be able to come to us the school and took a look at it. i mean, we implemented to 41 years ago anyway, james has a little little consulting equation.
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i know that there's still a lot of interest to you and you'll be getting your music, somebody who wants to move. i'm going to go to the meeting that's in that when you're good until the last but let's, let's see what, what were the dimensions for the, with the leading of the what's the quality is in the computer for both looks good ways of what's going on with them with what's the problem? so when this must have thought she had all the room for those was the,
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the, the yeah. was who was it the most? yeah. we, we went over the gym for the 5 years with the press. so i'd like to model basically the car. i went to new cars and somebody to be asked the what that the zip code on the downgrade vision is that on the phone or not all the goods. gordon, and you said the last minute seems to place for the most difficult are supposed to
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use the group. all right, so you've got to have both ends with nothing while you're on the last blog, but show ocean that i'll have to solve could definitely do you go through, but it's almost like with the you mean they use those? yeah. use just the thought she is not familiar with would be needed to talk about it as a way of washington bundles name of shows. do you not only thing it and you have to see with your simple as a need deal, which to, because it doesn't what was thinking you guys were mas couldn't figure the one that's used option east coast. the last, i mean, yeah. you just nice to look into all the the
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the israel says it has into attempted a but less thickness are your thoughts it from? yep. and the incident pulls it off that kind of leaves and made ample ass off the is a flat into this really? yeah. man, like it has already done and all the walking and disagree between us and russian edwards of the un security council. the united states condemned the cruelties latest attacks on israel and supports israel's right to self defense. these attacks have nothing to do with the rights of self defense. they are nothing other than military aggression by the collective west against the sovereign state. washington times you put in inc. truly a 150 prison as a rule. the agreement of facilitated by the u. a allows us to do service in
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