tv Documentary RT December 31, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EST
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or the one with it have to put one of those little stuff. well, that's not something that anybody's on, on. so the ground squared amount on this, like little you much show up the like the which isn't it is a, it's a nice one of the windshield, a liberal stock. you sent him. the function was still book and you will have near when you push up the issue of the study guide for me. so i need to show the good, the more books they might done to move right into the store, not the us. and we nimble is, i don't know little but not based on the, on the face that i know the number of the model move up is to move it over to you as mysterious. and when you go out in front of the deal is like a convicted of bell, i don't yeah, post the but the other was so, but i used to, yeah,
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i'm just thinking and then use ways that i mean, so see a good. i mean, it does come with please lloyd, and i'll just communicate that may be a couple of measuring a claim for the distance we have. we have such all push mojitos thing and you will lose the deal with this face, but i don't think it will be a solution that's a little you know, each of the spectrum is a one year style is putting a big new service in is that, but then it goes through it and this is the one and then it'll be nice to be done. see some list. of course the movies is throwing in a is not old on the side of me and you're smart then uh, is up at 9 throughout the the winter when and sort of polezza and potentially on this fine. you all of us to do
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one. is there any by 0 is not set up pretty well. i see them one disappeared with a wish at all this them way so the year clear. so any more concept, albert become 70. i'm still on that was the civil and they switched because it ended up last night. the pricing and go out. is that on? yeah. the kinds of bad she was initially it was done on find out that all the news before the window. little know yeah. it was by years before i knew it painted, it must be if i do it on as a concept that the yellow stuff will got out. yeah. well google mean faith us for liberty that live with me, is it up? i'm going to do the most likely it have to look at,
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let's do it. less is uh you bring them 1st thing to be live, the phone call for you that on was on the side of the list. there's people, there's and you know, for the trip that grew up, i gave them the us, my little buckley, that, that's the problem is if you will be limited, you know, if that's a soon enough that it shows just to see the what else example of the most comfortable to build some of them boss will not. busy look up to sublease this, then would you comfortable something to me as,
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as little as changes to surprising, somewhat, depending on the color of the past or do i push them up? you look at, you always go with the business deal with even the piping table because the list goes as opposed to some stuff that i was fellow shields combine. yeah, i'm not nice the . yeah. a typical solution live now, so no good. i yeah. and you've got that means you need me to spell it glowed issue blah blah blah blah. but the people, the nice you to the, at the, even if the complete yes the what i knew, i just wish you did. so then we will be able to just have the base of diet. so when you think would be, for example, alternative to ensure symbol of cash or no, we owe $50.00. let's opinions based. it was a, is a good news that those are the
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just the, the, by the deal is to supplement russell to see when you grab a little bit and keep this up. throwing up, then you've got a little problem with us before by phone. because now that by phone with 5 years, you guys like 0.0.0 us so, but yeah, just love to just move the gear. look at the like what was you wish to when you will since lots of deals. cuz i've,
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i've also saw that the miller solution dublin was interesting because of the does he have so they can really control what they will, they can with those to whom you could actually be up and you called for the portion that i did. so for testing in that i was assuming that i was a substitute even use the use use these made through the rise of the well the notion photo. so this thing that i don't skip, i use it with my yeah, that sounds good for you to like go. yeah, post the plugin. russo by useful. yeah, i always think that and then use very strongly to see a good, i mean, it does come up with, i'm go ahead and i'll just communicate that. and you may think of a lot of measuring explained pretty true skills. we have the source, the cost is almost some new for me because of, of the snow, but i wish to may, but we can do this because we know what to do and on the distrust is where somebody will be. yeah. but i used them so, so it used to because they live at the virginia and the security practice because
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they have done that. i used to so that in me so yes, let's go to you have a good rest opinion. last what, what does it and you go to the nimble guidance of virginia rules. can you present that wasn't, it was going to still that the feel good. i, you know, a year it was built which and each now it's almost of no, you have to pretty much the thing you thought yes i was, you get the models the as most with them, of those keywords, you just shut the cost to you was this was the level and you mean, should you have that additional good which will cost less money as well, but also what that goes to, to purchase this isn't the efficient dependent, that equipment, that's not a load you have any threat because it's only to buy, which has somebody what this may mean cost you mean through is because i moved me with the nice window. was it? it was, you know, this, those on. if i just say sure, what's the result? that's what i would just do. i did. it is pretty, pretty plus we will stay and if the is just my pushing us to ensure that the schedule is pretty cool, let me just so many little shades that going. the other one of the think you will
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do a solution. so it's a little image of the of the police torsion was ok. does it used to was it was fishes. i wanted a couple days from food for the publish them and i don't doing to shoot them just lot, but the they also have any what that should all be a special place mojitos. the eulu mostly deal is very strongly that those lights when you have my own one of those to look up the push to me find out when you have more than the case with him. but i get all the music. you just have to get a bit across the show which brings to boys for us the, one of the used to be more contact the most companies and forces the new people splitting the splitting on the solution. i still nothing is solution. i missed i of see examples to contact information for the parties. cook standard,
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web design a, you know, some of, you know, the issue over there was you blanketing deal was that, you know, i trustworthy. so the people who are getting expensive, well, actually the last month on the phone to, i mean that was a matter of what thank you with no shift immunization to george bush. this other stuff still get to the possibility. of course they're still think it was pretty up to date, and that's decided to do it as long as community kilo's pushes me a little thought i was kick. i go to school by now will just be florida then. yes it is for me could i see who else could it's really funny. video news was through us to go to move the bureaus for as go slow moving forward, but stretch for me. oh gosh, we do have some that are due on level and people throw that away and no longer most
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of them in their pool. so this think of pretty much the trust fund that we're in the process of just less. i'm a little the will give us pause students from the the grass. got them in on this like little do you actually watch the dealer or sleep with your daughter? the so i just slipped the one with the close lawyer. but like someone still doesn't know, she did a new lodge, so it's like was not easily exploring. you, i was, i try to sort of, i'm how to deal with it. you would your question on the amount of the physically as though he made of the simulator avenue sort of a level of sources. give us one of the ones that are on the face. couldn't you see a section where you are funny,
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the month of the world come to learn your sort of thing and do ask is throwing a couple. so basically it's a financial aluminum or just an nissan, but also the, or the little boom with a 310 at this point. but also i knew for with you the explanation one green is i think it's a good all side of which the course uh most likely to do all the water, the gonna spend one point to m. yes. then sure. sure. september plus through in the course on the side of the console, and that was a little bit of fun going with you. and you know you were still still there. you knew the was just doing it was anymore. i'm so sufficient refundable as it was when it good
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as the budget for the whole budget from the starting point. the money for the thought on us will use use them from sky vision. the company itself, us get the one glad visionaire up or skip the one with the cooling please. so it's normal and stuff like that. it's not the only thing that is on. so yeah, we have to pay for something new prescription with us and shifting the sort of a portion, particularly most of the smaller what's the zip code we're calling this digital stylus as a bus throwing sprinklers in your in your building, which isn't it is a fellow that was, i say to them, and obviously it's on the way to put in for the store on was through. this is the dresser. so replacing value. so slow today is not clicking with options so many in here pretty much use the need as well. one of the windshield in liberal stuff
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voicemail is i need to know if you can send them the function was still booking for them to come over to replace them, especially to the issue. couple of assuming that though it is a little bit of, so we have for the, for more processing i'm going to phone when you problem with me more than just rushing the russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best. nothing was all sense of the speed. what else holes question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question,
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did you say to stephen twist, which is the reason i think people are disgusted with what's going on with that. sending huge amounts of money into the lensky in terms of weapons to kill russians when actually we're taking money away from people that hadn't been one of the big things in the tell you that i know about domestically is that the current labor government have taken one and a half 1000000000 pounds away from the the the guys it was
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able to, to to get us be the a, the, the, the got got your, the across doing the, with the new get cut. all theatre were being asked to put down buskie, wiley, lanier, charlotte booker. i need a little thing of some bible school source built equity for me to deal with. got you with the machine of disability literacy, and how much is not industry standards to use? i 9240 and a great and i should i guess get on board at the with the police. that's the mean. yeah. so i a pretty she me aside, each new show the good. the more person in my done the move friday to the store, not the us. and we nimble is, i don't know bill, but now i a vase that i am a slice that i yes, the use the knobs to avoid the sick the
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used in time with no buzzing. so it was the point of the time when i was leaving my is my due feeling the sort of yesterday, but it was in a blue a by years. so it is d as give a line to ask him to add them for good. i've done daniels get his food when it gets no i wouldn't even speak, talk to them. that's what i need to do with them. we believe there of all shipping things on the board of these updates and that was, it was really me. yeah, yeah. the else is, i don't want to put them some other little bits. think i keep that like you can sort of nice piece by piece by new thinking premium, even a more of the screen to here and go to because otherwise it is not. but i'm going to be seeing these, the bigger asked me out of these. i mean, it could be sign in hilton drawings and will display what i see is on the be. so let me check with me, is there a little bitty cold?
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but i was told to get a patient in the battle because of some of the issue i broke up the boat, it was will drug or the little, you know, 0 with abuse. and i guess i'll see a dx. and i came over the age of the v b as an issue i have now my business will actually with of speak the, the that i give it was yeah. when you beautiful what, but it wasn't that he is. then you have to go to look, you do you buy some of the ask them when you want, but yeah, i don't remember that he took it out by sort of dunbar, but it wasn't the double store because like the width is reading it and you thought was nice to meet, so come out of mind me shift to be late as leasing the
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would you please do you have is night almost at the get you right? yeah. at the, at that sir. we have you for these numbers. i see just looping cuz i seem to get t, as i said, we must close. i can take what we've done today, but it, that's the deal is because i already showed things on said dispatch team we said did to sales people. the thing here, conflicts the details and the cover from these things i like to do, but i doing a joke and he was like b as in when you projects or something. if i feel as, as,
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cuz i'd say the wilton lives on the battle. uh, passcode that will uh, almost look around you and you're talking about, you know, when please be a new, the annual v, as in my, as a move that will get both of the georgia. is there any of the dealers here with me on the godaddy? i don't, i don't i'm way more them virginia. now the, the web us must feel as if we've got kind of the modeling the blot the is on us of fuck when the slowing your thumb. miss what shows worthless was get and they can bully me and then why the shooting and the concept a serious give so you don't really know. i just position you get brought some ideas
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they will usually do things. i always show while you're at times i left the store. the keep that was that i see is a is i know the bullet can. i knew that both. michelle, him you, i need know me but in sales here. so when you pull up what it shows like somebody else, and i saw a little bit keith, i guess best of all the kids that give us the pain. yeah. yeah it's, it's going to go visit to ship. those are new most girls, most of the seller. so a lot must be at a look at the summer wash. no, there's the concept that nothing has changed for me. it's a or the
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other to give you a cisco and now cause it sounds like a good time was okay. i'm gonna start sounds, families are now no real deal with the stock as a sign in i'm actually in the move up is to move 0. you missed this and we meet, then you go into the deal with my gums and give them go. i know it's and if there's new when years old, a new i've got them now because i feel great and they used to, but i need the not of my locals can with my soon as the new new cartridge, it is multiple granular and you quickly line the lecture being shall be nimble, the mean able yellow, cuz i didn't was my example because it is beautiful. this, but i think i put the visual so, but at least even with the condition of the,
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his position was resolved on this. cuz oh, i look i what's covered against which i just found out. did you get all your stuff when the calls come? was you for sure? what does it show us? we'll keep up with you again. once we chose a solution close to migrate, it goes, come over to be set to go get it blue, and then it goes to multiple. could you just go to go get a brand new to go school portal? could you just show they've got the, the ideas of somebody to sure to repeat? did you say i think of, and then you may take up a lot that she needs somebody, me only when you get by you send me to go school, go. what's the customer's name? i'm going with the post. the, the
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updates that on the on the loan below is put is scales and there are 6. but he is of course i'm with him. some level of must be at least the or something like a spell of else come out of this political, frustrated with of so this was to be able to come to settle. this won't take a look at it. i mean, we implemented for many years ago anyway. if shame says that a little work on something you would, you know that there's still a lot of interest to you and your music industry wants to move. i'm going to send it over to them and invest in them, and you're good on those the
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. yeah was, who was it the most? yeah. we, we went over there to not find deals with the press, so if not to model basically the car, i would new cars and somebody to be asked the what that they usually called on the young lady recently on the phone or not all the, the ordering is on the last me seems to pay for the most difficult are supposed to use like a group or i. so you got the both things would love to play on the most beloved. my show option that i had to solve. could you, could you go through but it's almost like with the yeah. i mean they use those. yeah. use just the pol she is not familiar with would be if i needed to talk about it as a way of washington bundles i'm of shows. do you not only thing you and you're not
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about to see with your simple as a need deal? which to, because i've got some, what looks like you guys were mas couldn't figure the one us use option east coast velocity. yeah. you just nice to look into all the the in february 2022 ukraine, the game, the world's number one new story for ukraine, new brand, new credit, ukraine crane pressure truth invited to crane and england because spring test ukraine suffering from russian regression. we seen the main stream media and the nightly news, reciting, clean developed scripts that essentially say exactly the same thing using the buzz
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words of this as a threat to our democracy. when you see 10 different channels exactly that sentence, you know that it's the central intelligence agency script. the role of p r firms in ukraine, throughout europe and into united states really can be overstated. it's quite different than it wasn't previous decades where there used to be more of a cobra of propaganda, government propaganda operations. now this is just celebrated as p r in helping ukraine, helping get their message out in terms of the kinase who's pulling the strings and who is profiting the the would be nice to see in the new year with some optimism. unfortunately, this is not the case. the accumulation and deepening of many problems from last
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year are still very much with us to buckle up. brace for him. the headlines here, what i'll do international is the idea of intercept a who the miss oliver central israel, the nations on boss of the, to the united nations of trends. yeah. been a sponsor dispute between the us and russia. the un security council. see, united states condemns the who sees latest attacks on israel and supports israel's right to self defense. these attacks have nothing to do with a right to self defense. they are nothing other than military aggression by the collective west against the sovereign states, russia and ukraine, each swapping a $150.00 prisoners of war. the agreement was broken by the u. a. b essentially allowing the troops to return home interested in times of the union. the.
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