tv News RT December 31, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EST
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accumulation and deepening of many problems from last year are still very much with us to buckle up. brace for in the, in the headlines. so analogy international, the idea of intercept, the who the missed aisle of a central israel, the nations ambassador to the united nations of trends and gamut spots. a dispute between the us and russia, the un security council, the new york. united states condemns the cruces latest attacks on israel and supports israel's rights and self defense. these attacks have nothing to do with a right to self defense. they are nothing other than military aggression. by the collective west against the sovereign states. get right in forces attack, it rushes ahead of us on regional hospital leaving wreckage inside and out. that is as moscow strikes back, getting a military uh, failed on imo caches beyond the front. and the real one though it takes aim at the
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vatican as the holy see has his eyes set to declare a full month belgian king, a saint. a basically the small thing that is missing, i should say, the atrocities that historians do insist were committed during is ruled over the east african countries. the and we all live on new year's eve from moscow with a guest on a car in correspondence studying by we do appreciate your company for this our a straight out top story right now and it is yemen. we're the nation's capital. repeatedly under attack because that strikes hit but who the government's defense ministry building comes off to overnight chaos in israel with the nations iron dough met defense system activated to take out an incoming ballistic missile fired by the who is a footer chair from social media revealing the fragments of the miss all living scouts that in that part of jerusalem they talk had triggered at large scale air raid sirens all across the central israel. you would imagine the alarm did cause k
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. also televisions may nap or israel immediately suspending or civilian flights. that only lost it with just a few hours without the united nations or israel, expressed out for age of the who. these have come to the defense of palestinians is rarely have best suited to the un security council. stress on the israel would simply destroy the evan saying he could look to the ruins of gaza to see what's in store since then. that would be the least in unrelenting and bombardment of police departments. so it was only rarely see these targeting population centers. millions of use of aliens though, waking up every night to the sounds of silence almost every night. i will ask the security council. what would you do if the to the swell, your children, your neighborhood? i'm saying to the leadership of the whole these, let me remind you what, what happened to hama to please bala, to us sides, and towards those who sold to destroy us. this is not us with
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ease. i promise you will share the same miserable fate. a visa, long range attacked by the who is the use which come as a response to the idea of the war on the palestinians of gaza. is there any authorities set that to miss all lawrence from yemen? did damage of school. and that type of beef in american envoy to the un and says that israel has a right to self defense, well, failing to comment on the idea of so full scale regional assaults. however, russia it did highlight exactly the us saying the devastation, israel is causing our custom, at least simply, cannot be justified. the united states condemns the who's these latest attacks on israel and supports israel's right to self defense. every member of this council and especially those with direct channels to iran, should press the runs leaders to stop the who these from launching attacks that put civilians in harm's way. these really military response following the december 19th
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incident was clearly disproportionate and deserves our condemnation. the bottom line is that human has been subjected to airborne aggression in recent days. on december 24th, oil terminals and power plants were targeted, as well as sun uh, international airport, where a high level delegation of the world health organization led by director general tedra skill braces was located at the time. it was a miracle that he was not harmed. these attacks have nothing to do with a right to self defense. they are nothing other than military aggression by the collective west against the sovereign state of the russian. i'm asked what it, right, they're referring to. the reason is ready strike on an apple and humans capitol. look at that, right. that is the head of the w. h o. basically fleeing that room because he was very close to that. that was a pin point strike on the control tower at the international airport. israel's also been targeting port, so on the red sea in power stations across the admin. we spoke with the executive director of the arabs, send up a research and studies how do you solve it,
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but he told us the roots of the original price is consumed. would it be found in the agenda of the jewish states? it is then as late as making the initial price to do it every single wants. it may be is that is the problem. is that the lesser for me to turn it seed was the man broke loose. the man who of prizes it is, is i who are trying to gather some towards the civilians in human and also and does and syria and right to make all kinds of neil 5 ends that asian. so i think it's because this speech, this stops and do we have it from a week ago? is it talks about yes. right? that's about it's one fissions was the crimes are and what it is right? he did in. so these are well, the 2024 comes to it and we look back at the top stories that didn't shape this.
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yeah. of finality, warranties on us. i see of a lot and the reporting on how the crisis between yemen and certain western actors erupted in the 1st place. yeah, and that's here's these and that supports for the palestinian people. have been hammering israel with long range of tags on a weekly basis, from ballistic missiles, targeting cities like tele fees and the poor to buy lots to drone schools hitting is relevant results. the pattern is k at the who sees, are intensifying that strikes on israel on solidifying that role in the pool, the middle east conflict, but has the catch. there's a whole year spawn between those headlines, which means the blue. this is retaliation from israel and this west and allies has so far been to no avail. the final dimension of the who is the threat is global. the anti shipping company and carried out against civilian and military vessels in the red sea, an indian ocean to the washington institute for near east policies. merits on the
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top truck recently tallied a 106 confirm to the strikes on shipping since november 2023. and who is the leadership posts of even higher numbers? now let's take a closer look at the alignment of forces in this complex. on the one side, we have the who face themselves and radians bob's group the controls, the capital over here. and then on one of the. 5 poorest countries devastated by previous conflicts. at the end of 2023. the who sees made headlines by declaring war on tele fees and its allies describing their actions as were bench for the palestinians being watch those to be killed by israel. no further people will do many armed forces. consider all american and british ships and warships participating in the aggression against our country as hostile targets. we will continue to carry out military operations to prevent is really navigation in the air of and red seas until the aggression stops. and the siege on the palestinian
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people in gaza is listed. on the other side, we have the high tech west military forces with the bones, weapons sent to life and billions of dollars in defense spending. a us let's coalition has been conducting its operation prosperity, guardian, against the who sees in response to the attacks on israel related shipping in the red sea. we have no indications right now that, that the who these are going to cease these attacks. certainly, it's important that they stop immediately, which is one reason why you saw the international community to include the united states stand up operation prosperity. guardian is a mechanism by which to come together as a defensive coalition to help protect and safeguard international commerce transiting this. the c way, as well as to help protect the lives of, of international mariners as they traverse the red sea. this straight is the
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gateway to the red sea. i'm so either on to this west canal, just over that. and this is why the who these are attacking ships bound to israel posts and retaliation to the u. s. a. u. k. s. strikes on the positions the who these have also escalated attacks on coalition warships on vessels linked to british or american owners and operators. the, the, her face basketball have a tops. i bought a hundreds combat show. i'm who ship since november 2023. as a result,
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major shipping companies have been by policy, the red sea, which typically handles 15 percent of global trade. shipping insurance costs for the region help such 2700 percent. also in 2024. so west canal transits dropped by more than 50 percent from a year earlier. plummeting from over 2000 to less than $900.00 and the candles of revenues felt $7000000000.00. so also us some co, a pounding who stays with miss austin pockets. targeting the m and e capital, sauna, announcing as strikes by 5 to just on ships. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, her face continues to stand, the ground gathering many young people rallies, vowing resistance and lingering support to suffering palestinians. the free people must move and say no to injustice with full voices in demand, and strive to stop the sinful zionist american injustice against our oppressed brothers and gaza sat at the chevrolet. many a message of the many people today is
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a clear message that they are ready and prepared on the front of supporting their brothers in palestine. we tell the free people of the world that they have to show a stance against the holocaust design is so doing every day which exceeds the whole the cost that they claim. as a result of her phase, the tax may just shipping companies instead of going through the to west canal a now of the thing for a much longer route around south africa. instead, an example rerouting a large container vessel to travel from shanghai, china, to russia, down in the netherlands by the cables. good hope now costs 35 percent more on takes an additional 8 days compared with the red sea route. fly this west canal, another i'm pleasant surprise. several on this, the cables. what damage sharing some of the attacks on why are these red c cables so important to you may ask, well,
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90 percent of communications between europe and just flows through them as well as 17 percent of global internet traffic. but without a doubt is really trade and that just as one of the biggest casualties in this situation in the south and city of i lot local port activities, how full and to 0, the operate that have to declare bankruptcy. what is notable about the port very large is that there don't seem to be any cargo ships here today. is they are there nestle device somewhere where they're not visible to me. and that's not particularly surprising because the head of the port facility here in a large state it back at the end of december 2023. the maritime traffic. any logic plummeted by some 85 percent due to the attacks on red c shipping headed to israel are coming from israel by the many unsettled on so lot of movement
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. so what can we take away from all of this 2020 full has witnessed a wide array of efforts to stand up for the ballast indian rights, some sort of justice and the quotes like south africa. well, all those to, to the street. it's running and protests around the globe, but the who sees have chosen a far more comparative approach in the defense of all those rights. despite being in need themselves, staff showed an extra one degree resilience, the right to the ukraine conflict. now, here on the program where the russian ministry of defense reports and soldiers have taken able to admit it, we have failed in ukraine as well as an industrial facility, producing ammunition. the strikes carried out by high precision weapons, according to the m. o. d. o. targets was it less crushed lock though it cost $100.00 romano. because we have now in the public,
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the details on this robot can you bring us up to speed? absolutely. russian forces continue. their precision that strikes against ukrainian military positions and the russian defense ministry report on it every day. by now, as we find ourselves in the final day of 2024, we have to say that the morale into you create an army at the moment is at the old time a low or several reasons for that. said number one is probably the people hard disparaging, the creating an army in their thousands that of course the thousands of young men can see the young men continued to die as their being sent into battle unmotivated and on trains of basically as canon afford or well and other reasons for the fact that the russian troops continued their advances on the old parts of the front and
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continued to maintain their really us from the positions in all sectors of the front of the funds. and now also, it's probably worth mentioning that the western countries towards the end of the year are not as willing to increase their financial military increments. aaron aid to ukraine as they were willing to do that before. and that was certainly effective . let him use an skis, negotiation position, so for i p z, or should he arrive at that point? of course, that a so far, we heard from letting mirrors that lensky, that he was actually made the law that he will not negotiate with russia for any type of peace. but of course, all of that is changing. uh at the moment uh cool general mode in ukraine and the moment among the population is well also probably ads and full time low. once again, mobilization efforts,
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we can continue as young men are being sent to the 2 flights at the front line and people are hiding the well, what are the street saw and see we can do that. we saw a lot of for the show with the got flags, the tabs of the flags that you create in cemeteries. well, the mood and ukraine is probably described by the speaker. a waste throughout the whole front holds only with the help of the ukrainian people in our country. the state, as such, has ceased to exist. we have only the military in our country. our country has been turned into a concentration camp by our short sighted leaders. all the systems of the state law making power, executive power. law enforcement structure had been violated. our country is so corrupted that people do not even know what is happening in the country. well being in dire straits if you will, the key of regime are given orders through their military to fight against
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civilians as they continue to die in dunbar in the la guns. cursed on his upper origin nearly on a daily basis. of course, many of the civilians as well now this is just the one of the latest from is your southern region where ukrainian military struck the same hospital again for, for 3rd time as they were targeting the chief of the officer who miraculously survived the 1st attack on monday where his deputy was killed now, there was an ambulance that evacuated for the chief, dr. outside of the region. and when the ambulance returned, ukrainian military struck the same place once again, destroying the ambulance and of course to destroy part of the hospital and also a nearby school which is currently closed. that was destroyed as well, but meanwhile, the ukrainians. so well here in a bottle of car, for example,
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not far away from the mask of the last couple of days. at least 9 people were wounded. so that's both here in goal if got and in the next cause. well, here your train and military are using drones through using artillery and all sorts of needle provided weapons. so as we are changing this year, 2024 people here in the school. i've seen quite a few happy ones. and of course, fair morales much probably much harder than that across the border. all right, of course, one of his remind cause of ref, thank you. well, earlier in the program, he was speaking with academic and research for christopher holly, and he says as more time policy is ukraine's chances of winning the company just continue to spiral the summer i was in the events, i had the opportunity to go to the newly liberated set of stories to the areas that have now agreed to join the russian federation of the new territories. and the people are overwhelmingly positive. optimistic,
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hopeful about the future. and of course, i could see 1st send the problems of my government. and so what has been supplied to these, the ukrainian forces that are it killing civilians, children bombing, all sorts of areas. but it's unbelievable that we prepared in 2024. we were told that would be a big ukranian counter offensive. and that never materialized, what has materialize. he's a russian adventures on the battlefield. up and down the line of, of conflict. so i think that ultimately we're going to see more of that. and of course, we are waiting for january 2025 to see what's going to come out of washington. and ultimately, i think that that will change policies in brussels and elsewhere in europe. but the russian soldiers are taking a moment on the front to enjoy the new year occasion as well. that happened to bring it in uh, with facilities as well, with some christmas trees and got some food delivered as well. courtesy of the ministry of defense will up next to a small peak inside the troops away from home. and it's just a little frustrated and losing all canteen is built in
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a dugout decorated with new year's accessories, a christmas tree 10 sold to create coziness, calmness i really liked that there is some completely different atmosphere, more or less homely. the cook's greatest joyfully with a smile. also, the russian defense ministry presented holiday food sets and the much new year's eve goes like this. we set the table make salads and have already decorated the tree. then we listen to the speech of the president. we listen to the anthem, and that's all you could say. that's how our holiday goes. there's a little bit of a new year's mood. we support each other in the team. we congratulate each other every day. before we join august and investors and pads of flipped the calendar, a boeing is bracing for them serious scrutiny of the new year under typing down the hatches a following this tragic plane crashes and shock waves through south korea days ago . the nations gearing up for a comprehensive inspection of all of its boeing outline is as
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a country still greeves from as deadly as their accident ever. it occurred on sunday is a line to get it. finally, a course that the boeing $737.00 to plow essentially at high speed into the barrier at the end of the runway. but a 179 people confirmed that they had been several other serious incidents involving plains, made by boeing and grave concerns have been raised about the integrity of this cooperation above and has found itself involved in numerous tragic crashes and scandals over recent years. just this january, thousands of fights grounded off for a panel blew out mid air when a new, boeing $737.00 max 9, adding to the company's trouble of history is comes on the heels of 2 devastating crusher. declaimed hundreds of lives and 20182019. and what's the, what's the they, they enjoy the hail from management off the raising safety concerns about such aircraft. and another incident, a boeing $727.00 loss controlled and collided with the previous, the craft plate. and south sudan, enough of the, highlighting the ongoing issue surrounding boeing safety record. well,
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let's learn more with serial to do that to the french aviation expert and former pilot. now joining us here on all the international serial. thanks so much for coming up with what an awful story this is as you continue to see, you know boeing is and really will trouble these days. no shortage of complaints. no shortage of internal issues, accusations of cutting corners, and some of some people are saying is boeing putting prophets before people your thoughts, if you well, to be very honest with you with this is exactly what we could say. if we go back in here story, we used to be a very well and very safe company, designing safe aircraft and well designed aircraft, but started to ginge when boeing decided to integrate mcdonough do blast into it's capacities. yeah, and we've seen the fact that suddenly they've been changing profits in state of uh, safety and design. then came the,
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the raised between airbus and boeing's more, especially when the airbus launched on the market. the year to be 20 neo, which was set to be 30 percent less fuel consuming than other ad crap. and then at that time, boeing had the difficult choice to make whether that way of designing a brand new um, uh, single ale, uh, aircraft to, to come due to compete with airbus or they were making some improvements on a very well known aircraft. the 737, is why the 747 max game, but the thing is that the new engine going on that aircraft. uh, it was way too big for the origin of the 737. so they have to find a trade to implement those engines, which they did for these because of the ira dynamic. they need the m
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cast, which was very badly designed very badly program. the m to we, it's the federal administration of united states delegate, the certification to the manufacturer, which is an outstanding mistake. yeah. and it's, yeah, and we've seen what, uh, what has been happening so far. we have some commissions. we've been listening to different testimonies and we did work, conduct the they have seen things that i mean even myself, i could not believe that would one day exist in the i don't know to kind of industries but the boeing is still alive. and if you look at the action of boeing, it lost only 50 percent and of its value over the past 10 years. i just looked before we talked together, right down the close down on the uh, the $179.00 on the quad or a $179.00 and the help us dollar. yeah. she is which,
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which is quite a stretch. but the thing is that boeing will not disappear because, as i said this long time ago, because boeing is essential to the military industrial complex in the u. s. right. it's not only sibling at crafted, so it's also me size uh, military aircraft. and um, and the for these boeing with no disappeared and boeing will not be condemned because if they are come down there will down against the federal, the new start, right. does the american states. so unfortunately for all the victims, nothing is really going to change. yeah. i mean, and, you know, serial i'm so sorry we're out of time right now, but, you know, i wanted, i wanted to talk about, you know, they're being these videos. he's hidden camera videos that have gone up on line of showing people speaking to boeing, employees in the factories, and these employees are on camera. hidden camera, admittedly, haven't had said i wouldn't even let my families fly on these lines. and next time
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scale, you and me will take this conversation further and discuss about sitting with that . that's a, it's a french aviation expert and a full, a pilot joining us, your analogy international. thank you very much. you're welcome. thank you. shifting gears to africa now where the president of the one that has cold, cold out the vatican decision, the crown or form of belgian king as a st. even though he ruled during colonial times when a lot of atrocities were committed, essentially highlighting, perhaps that logic has been left behind very hard to rationalize anything these days. global trend, especially in politics, is no need for facts, evidence or logic, just to whom it may concern to. okay, good. when was the last belgium on october, so you cut out he'll territories including congo and rolanda. this story is argue that his role is a belgian king, quote, a line, the same with colonial atrocities. send those nations, adding that is support for everyone as far as republic laid the foundation for the
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1994 genocide against the tutsis. we had a chance to hear from a, from a pastor inactive as martin center, who said that the king representative of the colonial system, the how many, many people for years. and the west is essentially being mostly silent on this matter, a king. but when is an individual, may have been a good man, a saintly mon, but he represents a kingdom that was responsible for sitting down to petition africa, leading to many ones as we're dealing with today. so i think president comic is not looking to king by the way as an individual, but he's looking to him as a representative of the system or the king don't. that was responsible for petitioning that eventually led to what we know as the conflicts, the plus conflicts and the genocide in rwanda. and i think some of these are
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troubling memories and conversations that we need to route. and the decision of the catholic church from rome. deciding to make him a strange provokes this composition, i think it's very, very important. do you believe the vatican's actions could, in any way undermine efforts to promote african sovereignty and self determination? what we see in the global south now, really starting to sign up on his own 2 feet these day. the charge of the nose that is laid by the roman catholic church in rome. with his sister, the anglican church of england, gravitating away from the gospel of the this is seen in areas such as the embracing of homosexuality. this is seen in the praise where they support people who are pay guns for the researches of witchcraft. this is seen in supporting poor people at the plains, which the bible condemns africa the asking about the weight. uh, the apology,
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the who are waiting has no u. com, the conversational retreat restoration and a settling the ones. uh, some of the colonial systems are still there. we are watching how in west africa, of the africans of pricing to a, to remove himself, the clutches of colonialism, the installation financially. and i think our present government is rightly in his place to assemble. we were waiting for more an apology. is it possible for the charge uh at this moment when they are talking about making seen by the way, the only was a good mind individually, but he represented the system. but over so the, the, the, the systematic reaping apply to africa, our kingdoms we're taking a plot cold or has made a scale, jones. this is the,
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