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tv   Documentary  RT  December 31, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EST

10:30 am
the the which one with the approval was normal and stuff like that. it's not the only thing, but it's on. so the ground squared amount on this little year plus show up still lower than what you're saying is a, it's a useful one of the one you still able to start using the function or full book. and you will have in here when you push out the issue of the guys even for me. yeah. so i need to show the good the more personally my them to move right into the store. not the use of we nimble is i don't know little but no i, if it's that i am a slice that i yeah, the unbox
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remodeled. and we've got this to move 0. you as mysterious. and when, when you go out in front of the deal is like a convicted of bell, i don't yeah, post the but the other was so by you. so yeah, i'm just thinking and i mean, so i still need to see that. i mean, it goes can, was it, please go ahead and i'll just communicate that and you may think couple, i'm not sure that my employees are still the other. we have such all push mojitos thing. i know most of the deal with this voice, but i don't think it will definitely stays a little in each of the spectrum cause you spell is putting a big new service in. is that? but let me just throw in. this is the one and the other would be nice to be done. see some list. of course, the movies it is sort of within my, you know, it's not old on the side of me is one of them is up and down to the
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the women who are doing sort of polezza and potentially on this plan. your 1st to do one, is there any by 0 is not set up pretty well. i see them one disappeared with a wish at all this them way so the year clear. so any more concept? yeah, there's a constant seems to on that was this of when they 1st cuz it ended up wasn't good enough at the pricing and go out. is that on? yeah, good. yeah. cuz the bad she was initially it was down on find out that all these different political you know, you use this language before i knew if these are the most here. so i do it on us a concept that the
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yellow stuff will that out. yeah. so they'll get open, mean faith, us for liberty that live with them. is it up? i'm going to do the most likely it is the most. okay. steve, in relation to the bringing them 1st thing to be live, the phone call for you that on was on the side of the list. there's people, there's new chip that grew up. i gave them the us, my little buckley, that that's native thought them is. do the, if you will be limited, you know, if that's a soon enough to share, she says the
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of the what else example of the most comfortable to build some of the unbox remodeled look at that. possibly some way to them. would you comfortable something to me? i have a little less senior, so surprised and some of what you've been the guy you have the most out. you want to push them up. you look, i tell us government says i'm going their business deal with even if i, if they tell me what's the zip i'm getting up the lift cuz as opposed to some stuff that i was fellow shields combined. yeah. i've not nice. not the. yeah. let's see if this little say little now, so no good. i yeah, and your book that means you need to spell it glowed, they should not lot, but the people nicely to the at the even if the complete just the what i knew i do have to wish you did so then we will be able to just have that they said they have
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to and you guys who do so nimble originally and issue a symbol of cultural hello. are you a 50 providence opinions? these are those, are you going to use that? those are the sales or just the, the, by the deal itself to supplement russell to see when you grab a little gasket was, i've thrown up, then you've got all about them with us before by phone go to solve the problem with by the gym. you've got my soul voice and 0 for so i so but yeah, just well just move the give the
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or the like what we should wish to when you will just simply ask other bubbles to circle that the village ocean double most interesting because of the ones that you have so that you are in control of what they will take you with those 2 of them. you could actually be up and you can afford a motion to do so for testing in that i was a fuel miller as a substitute. even use news use thing is made through the page of the the ocean photo. so there's plenty of go. don't skip, i use it. but my other sounds good for you to like a yeah. post the plugin was low by useful. yeah, we think that and then use face, but i mean to see a good, i mean it does come up with, i'm go ahead and i'll just communicate that. and you may think a cool,
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i've not seen a claim for the distance. we have the the source, the cost is almost some new for me, but at least know, but i wish to wave. i wish they did this because they know what to do and on the input. look at that as just as was, what do you have? what i wrote them suicide ideas to cause they live at the virginia and the security practice because they have them to use a so to me, so let's go to you happen to give us the opinion last to let them go, does it and you go to the nimble gradings of virginia. those can you please and go to that wasn't, it was go, what are those still that the she, what could i, you know, the year it was bill which and each now it's almost of no, you have to pretty much the thing you thought? yes i was, you get the models, the, as most with them, of those keywords, you just shut the cost to you was, this was the level and you mean should jim, but initial good, which will cost less money as well as, but also what that goes to to purchase this isn't the efficient, but instead of going, as now long as you have a threat to come to somebody to buy, which has a pre owned what this may mean cost. you mean through is because i moved me. what
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the us will was there was, you know, this, those on, if i just say sure, what's the result, that's what it would just be, what it is free for the bus. we will stay and if the is just not pushing us to ensure an answer to schedule is pretty cool. let me just so many little shades that going at the other one of the think you will do a solution. so it's a little image of the of the police torsion was ok. those are used to was it was fishes. i want to come to do some food for the publish them and i don't do any issue with them. just let the use of any what that shuttle yep. so there's no way to see a eulu mostly deal with this face, but i believe that those lights from any of my on was to look up the push to be funny. yeah, most of the screen, but i got all the music here. pacific estimate across the shuttle would bring us to
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pause for us to win us used to be more complex than most companies and forces. the new piece of splitting the splitting of the socialist in the solution and just thought i would see examples that contact information for the parties coach standards in design a, you know, some of you knew the issue over there wasn't a blanket and there was, i just wanted to know i most of the so the people who are getting expensive always really the last month on the phone to get up was a matter of what thank you with no shifting relation to george bush, just as a bus stop, still go to the bus hilton horse or something your 3 up to get him does. besides the longest music you left, those pushes me a little thought. i was kick. i'm gonna show some of the opinion. well, just the flag then. yes. could. it's probably could. i see who else could it's probably really funny for video
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news 1st through the world. well, there's a lot of the go to some of the world for as low as moving forward, but start moving. we do have some that are due on the phone. people throw that away and no longer most of them in their pool. so this pretty much adjust the setting that we're in the process of just less. i'm a little the little give us the students from the little the grass card. i mean, unless like little do you my show up still mostly with you like old daughter the is, i just slipped the what's the ridiculous lawyer, but you're like, someone still doesn't understand it and you live. so it's like was not easily exploring y'alls. i try it,
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there's still 3 of them. how about your that you enjoyed? fortunately, the amount of the physically as though he made of the simulated avenue sort of a level of sources. q plus one of the ones that are on the face. can you see a sectional than your when you're the month of the world, come to learn your sort of thing and you do ask is throwing a couple. so if you disagree with me for an actual aluminum or just a nice a, but also the, or any little bone with a 310 at this point, but also in your school, if you have the bonus room grant is, i think, is a good all so i love to watch the course. well, those are going to love the water the go to, they're gonna wanna point to am. yes. then sure, sure. september plus through in the course on the side of the console and there was a little bit of fun going with you and you know you was the sooner you knew
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the worst this to me it was any more. i'm so sufficient fund day others when it room for storage and for the whole budget on the starting point, somebody put a thought on us when you reduce the whole situation, the company itself escaped the one glad visionaire up escaped the one with the for one of those little ones and stuff like that. it's not the only thing that is on. so yeah, with the k for something new person with us and she doesn't have sort of a push because the 2 main most thoughts, no more. what's the zip code we're calling you from this difficult stylus as a bus that only when you called i was in your in your building, which isn't it is
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a sort of i was i say to them. and obviously if i'm going to put in for the store on, was through or is this is the, there is so replacing value. so for the day is not cooking with options. so many in here pretty much use a need as well when i go in store and liberal stuff. but what smell is and you know, if you used to live with, i'm sure i'm a sole book. you want them to replace them, especially to the issue coupled with assuming a bow, a little bit of so we have for the, for more patients. and when you complete the phone, when you problem with more than just watching the have gaming stand, has attracted conquerors attention from time immemorial,
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in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the ap can lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to protect the independence fee a mere of a dentist in the us to move on, turned for help the russia waste. the bread is considered their d o political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 18, 39. the invaders occupied couple and brought their henchmen to power. the invaders brutally suppressed. any resistance thus, is telly they slaughtered all ask in man who had reached the delta pen, raped hundreds of women, seeking to humiliate the muslims. in 1841 general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone. last couple and started to retreat. only
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a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march bronco bones made it to the british position in jello. but the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important event in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance to the colonialist. it just failed the races. smith, of the european invincibility or the, the study guide to us to get us be the,
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the, uh, the, the, the, the got your, the a garage doing the with then you have to pick up a little bit away. experienced the with done buskie, wiley, lanier, charlotte booker. i need to push a little, it's thinking of some bible school source and built that way for me to deal with. got your direction of that particular i see on how much is not industry standards do for the use i'd like to do for them because i and i sure thing is good. i bought that. i'm with the police. that's the mean. yeah. so i a pretty, she only is a leech and a short the good. the more pushing my, the animal friday to store not does a yes and we nimble is, i don't know bill, but now i a vase that i knew on the face that i know the used to not want to sing the used in time with no buzzing so it was the point of the
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some way i was leaving the ease of my to feeling the sort of the issue, but it was in a blue a by year. so it is the is kimberline doors came to out that i'm looking at them. daniel security is for when it gets no, i wouldn't even speak, talk to them. that's what i was a new sort of anthem blue blue there of all show any claims on the board of these updates and that one, it was really when you get to the else is that on the bottom some of the business i gave the key cuts out and that's beside the signing of the key premiums, even me in order to screen media as i go to best. otherwise, it doesn't advertise that to visa. visa could pick harassment out of these. i mean, it could be, it's on you, hilton drawn. now with this we will see it on the be, so let me check with me b as in a little bitty cold. but i was told to get a patient who that will was of some of the show a look at the board. it was will grab a that a little, you know, 0 with
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a b as in like yourself to be a dx. and so i came over to them, it contributes to ensure i've done my business will actually with a speak to the that i get those. yeah. when you beautiful what, but it wasn't said that he is done. you have to go to lift, you do by some of the ask them when he will, but a little when the by see what they've done. but, but it wasn't that that will still work because like even with the reading it i get those nice to meet. so come out of mind me shift to be late this evening. the
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let me check these deals nights here. and we'll get you a new one. yeah, i think that's a way of vehicle it is done bus. i see just loop request team to change because they can take what we've done today. but if that's the, the deal is this, because i already hilton's on said this type seamless it did to so it's completely will do for near conflicts of a digital alternator. although it's a cover from dc and the id day. but i do a joke and your last name is b as and when you projects or something like this, as, cuz i'd say the wilton lives on the
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there's okay, that all goes out. or if it's almost look around you and you talk about, you know, when things fit you in the annual v, as in my, as a move that will get both of the case that you have to deal with given me on the godaddy. i don't, i don't, i'm way more them to go to the bottom of the junior. now the web up must be at home and that would cause i have the model in the block is on us a spark. when the slowing your thumb is what shows. hoarseness was cute, and they can bully menu and then why that, but you shouldn't have the concept see just give so you don't really know i just, but you should get brought some idea because they will usually do things right away . so what are your thoughts on that 1st or the
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keep up with that? i see it is, it is, i know the book and i need to have both michelle, them do. i need nobody by themselves here. so when you pull up, what's the cancellation fee? so it's not a big if it gets the small, but the key is that to leave us the pain. yeah. this is leticia. those are your most girls. most of us paula. so i must be at a look at the somewhere watching the other story. yeah. and you can set the thing with insurance, certainly for the way of the deal with us. but right now, cuz it sounds like
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a good time was okay. sounds families are got no real deal with the stock as a sign in on. the move up is to move to the new you have missed this and we move to a new go. i don't seem to have to deal with my gums and get them go. i know it's anything new when years old a and i've got them now because i feel great and they used to, but i need to not have my locals can with my soon as a new new kitchen, it has multiple brand new and you cook, we waiting the lecture being shall be nimble. the municipal jello oaks. that name was mike palmer isn't good at all this, but i think that's what the initial setup is equal to the condition of the the his issue was resolved on this because all i look i what's going to be yes which i just on. so did you get all your stuff when the calls come? was a cool you for sure what this is just what you prefer,
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what you want to be sure. it is a solution for those to go out and it goes, come over to be set to go get a blue. i mean it goes color, go, could you just show up and go get it ready to go school. little could you just shut the door? yes. definitely be sure to repeat, you just shut the door and then you may take a walk. no, she needs somebody. me only really can just get by you so many go school go. what's the customer's name? i'm going with the post, the, the, the on the
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on the low noise put is skills and the sick, but he is of course i'm with him. some the group of most key at least you know or something like this. someone else come out of basketball stairs or whatever. so this was to the of the comforters, towels as for the good, it's just for me, it doesn't go anywhere. and i'm sure that will work on something. you could, you know, but there's still a lot to talk to you and you'll be genuine music and by shrink stores to move, how much little of them are heading. that's in the when you're good on those the coming over the last big lesson. let's see what, what sort of english to finish from the,
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with the leading of them. so i'm wondering what's the policy? is it an orthopedic for boards? what speed or ways of what's going on with them or what's the problem? so wouldn't it just must have thought she had all the room for those with the, the, the
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it's a negative in that goes to do it on the new which is why surface almost uh, this cannot bill the news that you have to deal with by it but i seem to get the full chest, the uh my name was covered by 1st if the filter goes down cause cause i'm resisting
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the interest if i could. so i guess the part is pretty much the thing about the sample side was confessed like i from what i remember the whole financial the of the the yeah was who was it the most? yeah. we wouldn't mind some of those. the 2 for the 5 years with
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the press or not to model. basically the car was new cars and somebody to be asked to with that the record on the down wave which lives on the phone or not altogether. and gordon in use that allows me seems to place for the most difficult are supposed to use like a group or i. so you got to have both things with nothing. and the most beloved, my show option that i had to solve could you have to deal with the most of the you mean to use those? yeah. use just of all she is not familiar with would be needed to take that as a way of portions of, of the same of shows. do you not only thing in you and i love to see what his simple as a new deal push to because i've got some of which taking you guys where am i couldn't figure out when that's used option east coast the last i mean yeah. you
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just much to look into all the the the many places in the was wages the on the divide between the 2 oceans. and the, you might not think kids. one of them is hey, english is northern, our phone goes to region. and the 2 knows that us national park and today's we know the stuff was from taking a deep dive into the, the would be nice to see in the new year with some optimism. unfortunately, this is not the case. the accumulation and deepening of many problems from last
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year are still very much with us to buckle up. brace for him. the in the headlights are one of the international israel. i am in a shooting at each other with long range, marseilles, as the us on russia to pay to the un security council about who is ultimately to blame. the united states condemns the who sees latest attacks on israel and supports israel's right to self defense. these attacks have nothing to do with a right to self defense. they are nothing other than military aggression by the collective west against the sovereign states. great in forces attack, a rush as a part of southern regional hospital leaving wreckage on the inside and out. so that is as moscow strikes back, getting a military field and i'm owed that pose, that'd be on the front. and rwanda takes aim at the product and hopefully see is i .


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