tv News RT December 31, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EST
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accumulation and deepening of many problems from last year are still very much with us to buckle up. brace for him. the in the headlights are one of the international israel. i am in a shooting at each other with long range, marseilles, as the us on russia to pay to the un security council about who is ultimately to blame. the united states condemns the who sees latest attacks on israel and supports israel's right to self defense. these attacks have nothing to do with a right to self defense. they are nothing other than military aggression by the collective west against the sovereign states. your great in forces attack a rush as a part of southern regional hospital leaving wreckage on the inside and out. so that is as moscow strikes back, hitting a military field and i'm owed that pose, that'd be on the front. and rwanda takes aim at the product and hopefully see his eyes set to declare a former belgian king as
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a site. ultimately dismissing atrocities, historians insisted were committed during his rule over the east african countries, [000:00:00;00] the storage working away into the final hours of 2024 live from moscow, the capital of the most sanction country in the world. here we go. top story starts right now. we're, we're not a us and british coalition has conducted stripes on human targeting a who the come on to control facility in the national capital. the com is also, yeah, my launched a ballistic me solid televi was made at board in a late night attack. israel activating it's iron during that defense system to shoot down the incoming project, dial a franklin's hair to be seen in a part of jerusalem. the attack had triggered at right sirens all across the central parts of israel. and as you would imagine, the alarm because kay also telling me he has been going and
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a half for israel immediately suspended all civilian flies. but it only lasted a few hours earlier the whose he's got to the other long range of time. so the response to the idea of so now i elation of the palestinian territory of gaza. is there any forces i believe, to have killed more than $45000.00 people in the region interest over a year with conflict. and it's really hard to say the pots of a mis i'll damage a school near tel aviv. and the method was addressed to the un security council this week. an american envoy insisting that israel has a right to self defense. although she failed to comment on the idea of some broad regional describe destruction, and that discrepancy was noted by represent vasta. i think us the united states condemns the who sees latest attacks on israel and supports israel's right to self defense. these really military response following the december 19th incident was clearly disproportionate and deserves our condemnation. the bottom line is that human has been subjected to airborne aggression in recent days. these attacks have nothing to do with
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a right to self defense. they are nothing other than military aggression by the collective west against the sovereign states. so as we are now in the final hours of 2024, let's have a great look back at some of the story shaping the. yeah, for example. yeah. man, i did so western professional partners. how did the crisis erupt in the 1st place? is our corresponding cfo. janice tuesdays and the supports for the palestinian people have been hammering israel with long range of tags on a weekly basis from ballistic missiles, targeting cities like tele fees and the poor to fly. lots to, to run schools hitting is really the results. the pattern is k, a, the who sees are intensifying that strikes on israel and solidifying that role in the middle east conflict. but has the catch. there's a whole year spawn between those headlines, which means the las vegas retaliation from israel and this west and allies has so
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far been to no avail. the washington institute for new reese policies, marital on the top truck, recently tallied a 106 confirm who the strikes on shipping since november 2023. and who is the leadership posts of even higher numbers. now let's take a closer look out the alignment of forces in this complex. on the one side, we have that who faced themselves on rainy and bob's group the controls, the capital of young men. and one of the. 5 poorest countries devastated by previous conflicts at the end of 2023, the whose these made headlines by declaring war in tennessee and its allies describing their actions as for bench, for the palestinians being watch those to be killed by israel. not for the people you many armed forces. consider all american and british ships and warships participating in the aggression against our country as hostile targets. we will continue to carry out military operations until the aggression stops. and the siege on the palestinian people in gaza is listed with
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a good get the sheet on. on the other side, we have the high tech west. the military forces with the bones, weapons sent to life and billions of dollars in defense spending. a us let's coalition has been conducting its operation prosperity, guardian, against the who sees in response to the attacks on israel related shipping in the red sea, we have no indications right now that, that the who these are going to cease these attacks. certainly it's important that they stop immediately. this straight is the gateway to the red sea. so either on to this, the west canal, just over that. and this is why the who these are attacking ships bound to israel posts and retaliation to the us as u. k. s. strikes on the positions the who these have also escalated attacks on coalition warships. i'm vessels linked to british or american owners and people pray to
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the, the, her face basketball have a tax. i bought a hundreds commercial on who ship since november 2023. as a result, you may just shipping companies have been by policy, the red sea, which typically handles 15 percent of the global trade shipping insurance costs for the region help such 2700 percent also in 2024. so west canal transits dropped by more than 50 percent from
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a year earlier. plummeting from over 2000 to less than $900.00 on the tunnels of revenues fell $7000000000.00. so obviously us some co op housing who stays with miss austin pockets targeting the young men, e, capital, sauna, and looting as strikes by 5 to just on ships. the, the, the, the, her face continues to stand, the ground gathering many young people,
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riley's vowing resistance and lingering support to suffering palestinians. the assured over the free people must move and say no to injustice with full voices in demand, and strive to stop the sinful zionist american injustice against our oppressed brothers and gaza. we tell the free people of the world that they have to show a stance against the holocaust design is so doing every day which exceeds the whole the cost that they claim. as a result of her fees, the tax may just shipping companies instead of going through the so us canal a now of the thing for a much longer route around south africa. instead, an example rerouting a large contain a vessel to travel from shanghai, china, to russia,
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down in the netherlands by the cables. good hope now costs 35 percent more on takes an additional a phase compared with the red sea route, fly this the west canal, another i'm pleasant surprise. several on the see cables. what damage sharing some of the attacks and why are these red c cables? so important you may ask, well, 90 percent of communications between europe and asia flows through them as well as 7 seen a sense of global internet traffic. but without a doubt is really trade about just as one of the biggest casualties in the situation in the south and city of a lot local port activities, how full and to 0, the operate to have to declare bankruptcy. what is notable about the ports of the lot is that up there don't seem to be any cargo ships here today. is they are the nestle device somewhere where they're not visible to me. and that's not
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particularly surprising because the head of the port facility here in a large state it back at the end of december 2023. that maritime traffic. any logic plummeted by some 85 percent due to the attacks on red sea shipping headed to israel are coming from israel by the many unsettled until about our movement. so what can we take away from all of this 2020 full has witnessed a wide array of efforts to stand up for the select standing and rights of some sort of justice and the quotes like south africa. well, all those top to the street is running and protests around the place, but the who sees have chosen a far more comparative approach in the defense of office writes. despite being in need themselves,
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staff showed an extra with degree resilience. the are shifting gears out from the ukraine complex here on the program where russia says, as forces have taken a but a military f field, as well as a factory that makes munitions for the crating and military renaissance restaurants were carried out with high precision weapons. and drones and the most go maybe if you're different, says every single talk, it was a kid. well over now for correspondent with more from the and baffled by get screw up. leah rushing forces continue, their precision that strikes against ukrainian military positions and the russian defense ministry report on that every day. by now, as we find ourselves in the final day of the 2024, we have to say that the morale in the you create an army at the moment is at the old time a low or several reasons for that. so number one is probably people heart disease, the crating and for me in their thousands and of course,
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thousands of young man can see the young men continued to die as they're being sent into battle unmotivated. and i'm afraid that basically as cannon fodder we saw water for the issue with the death flags, the cause of the flags that you create in cemeteries. both the moving things forward is described by the speaker. wait for the whole front holds only with the help of the ukrainian people in our country. the state, as such, has ceased to exist. we have only the military in our country. our country has been turned into a concentration camp by our short sighted leaders. all the systems of the state law making power, executive power, law enforcement structure had been violated. our country is so corrupted that people do not even know what is happening in the country. hello. being in dire straits if you will. the key of regime are given orders through their military to fight against civilians as they continue to die in dunbar in the la guns
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chased on is a foreclosure nearly on a daily basis. of course, many of the civilians as well. now this is just the one of the latest from the sure southern region where ukrainian military struck the same hospital again for, for a 3rd time as they were targeting the chief adult for who miraculously survived the 1st attack on monday, where his deputy was killed. now there was an ambulance that evacuated, so the chief dr. outside of the region. and when the ambulance returned, ukrainian military struck the same place once again, destroying the ambulance and of course destroyed part of the hospital and also a nearby school which is currently closed. that was destroyed as well, bloody a. we had an academic and of research on christopher holly on the program and he certainly didn't bite his tongue. he said, has more time policies, ukraine's remote chances of winning the conflict just continue to aspire. the
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summer i was in the events, i had the opportunity to go to the newly liberated secretaries as to the areas that have now agreed to join the russian federation of the new territories. and the people are overwhelmingly positive, optimistic, hopefully about the future. and of course, i could see for send the crimes of my government. and so what has been supplied to these the ukrainian forces that are it killing civilians, children bombing, all sorts of areas. but it's unbelievable that we prepared in 2024. we were told that would be a big ukranian counter offensive, and that never materialized what has materialize. he's a russian adventures on the battlefield. up and down the line of, of conflict. so i think that ultimately we're going to see more of that. and of course, we are waiting for january 2025 to see what's going to come out of washington. and ultimately, i think that that will change policies in brussels and elsewhere in europe. looking back again to the top storage shape 2024 on top of the list of goals,
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how the ukraine conflict has evolved over the past year. and essentially also what's happened away from the front lines just for a moment. let's bring you a recap of some of the key events, month by month will be here just about an hour d, o fail garage a russian heavy live transport plane was brought down by ukrainian aircraft for it was kind of the it solution crew and s course put 65 ukrainian prisoners of war on their way to a prisoner exchange. the dead bodies of ukrainian soldiers us cast across the streets of dave. this was supposed to be the main stronghold between the russian troops. cuts the main supply arch rate is either the will kills it will surrender, or they try to run and sleep. it's the domain aging heights, exactly the sports that the russian commodities hoping will make the advance of the
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loss of i to the to for you brain was catastrophic. it's allowed russian forces to sweep the on, capturing village of the village, man or grave out of game changes. it's easy to see why the alliance was so reluctant to provide its equipment to ukraine. typically it was just a portion of the firing line. yes, it took 2 years for this tank to get here and only 4 minutes for it to be destroyed . they couldn't face the challenge of a simple come because he drove the public gracious to be a fresh uh we use the new great. we sell a little bit of a nice day to make sure that when we
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export critical, our defense interceptors, ukraine goes to the front of the line. this is the place where the ukrainians try to capitalize on the initial territorial gains they have in the coolest region. the east is where from russia stuff it is counter offensive, driving back so well over a 100 square kilometers the cities weapons, not supporting the thomas in the ruined city basements
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and tides unit apartments for thousands of people. they choose to stay as russian forces the drugs, but that was the idea. as the russians are going to come, and there is going to be water, the hi, welcome. been waiting for you for 2 years. the we are conducting come back to the original system in response to nato's aggressive actions against russia. we consider ourselves entitled to use our weapons against the military facilities of those countries that allow they use their width and against surfaces. thanks to the professionalism and courage of our soldiers works of defense, industry workers, and truly nationwide support for the young and major russian troops firmly holding
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strategic initiative along the entire line of 100. 89 settlements tough being the great all right. how about to african out here on the program where the president all the other one has cooled out. the bad couldn't decision to crowd a form, a belgian king as a st. even though he ruled during colonial times when the atrocities were committed . very hard to rationalize anything these days. global trend, especially in politics is no need for facts, evidence or logic, just to whom it may concern or king buddha. and it was the last belgian mano to oversee these colonial territories including the congo and miller, wanda. now historians argue that his role as belgian king quote, aligns him with colonial atrocities. and those 2 nations, adding that his support for were one of those 1st republic, laid the foundation for the 1994 genocide against the 2 things. we had
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a chance to hear from pastor and active as mountain center. he said that the king represented of the colonial system that ultimately heard africans for so many years, a king. but when is an individual, may have been a good man as saintly mine. but he represents a kingdom that was responsible for sitting down to petition africa leading to many ones as we're dealing with today. so i think president comic is not looking to king by the way as an individual, but he's looking to him as a representative of the system or the king don't. that was responsible for petitioning that eventually led to what we know as the conflicts, the plus conflicts and the genocide in rwanda. and i think some of these are trembling memories and conversations that we need to have. and the decision of the catholic church from rome, deciding to make him
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a strange provokes this composition. i think it's very, very important. do you believe the vatican's actions could in any way undermine efforts to promote by for consultancy and self determination? what we see in the global south now, really starting to sign up on his own 2 feet these day. the charge of the nose that is led by the roman catholic church in rome. with its just i, the anglican church and england gravitating away from the gospel of the this is seen in areas such as the embracing of homosexuality. this is seen in the place where they support people who are pay guns for the researches of witchcraft. this is seen in supporting poor people who are beast lanes, which the bible contains africa the asking by the weight of the apology, the who are waiting has not yet come the composition of richard restoration and
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a settling the wounds. uh, some of the colonial assisting, just do there. we're watching how in west africa, of the africans of pricing to a, to remove himself, the clutches of colonialism that installation financially. and i think come present government is right in these planes to assemble. we were waiting for more an apology. is it possible for the church at this moment when they are talking about making seem by the way in the only was a good mind individually but he represented assisting, but all of us. so i think that the systematic reading a part of africa, our kingdoms, we're taking a plot cold or has made a scale, jones. this is the, the systemic colonialism that is still with us today need to be address,
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i know denied by the catholic church. and so it was where you prepare to flip the calendar, but we is bracing for some serious scrutiny and the new yeah, of course, following the tragic plane crash were sent shock waves through south korea days ago . the nations gearing up for a comprehensive inspection of all of its boeing at alina's. and as the country is still grieving, its deadly reset or exit of ever it occurred on sundays. you remember right there is the footage, the 737 plumbing, straight into the barrier. at the end of the runaway, a $179.00 people killed, causes a boeing has found itself involved in numerous tragic pressures and scandals. and reason. he is just this january thousands of flights of ground after a panel blew out mid air when a new, boeing 737 max 9. i think that the company's trouble of history. this comes on the heels of 2 devastating crashes that claimed hundreds of lives. both in 20182019 what's what was said they endued hell from management off the raising safety concerns about such
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a craft. and i was talking about it all earlier with the french aviation x xbox. and the former pilot sampled a lot to, he says boeing is cutting corners at the expense of his customers. the queen used to be a very well and very safe company, designing safe aircraft and well designed aircraft. but so you started to change when boeing decided to integrate mcdonough will do blast into it's capacities. and we've seen the fact that suddenly they've been changing profits in state of uh, safety and design. if we wanted to do the job correctly, we issued around the complete 737, fleets in the world to check and analyze everything. of course you understand this is not possible, because this would cost way too much more to add to the online industry. and this
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is something that boeing wants to avoid. so let's focus on one thing. we have all the crashes and you need to make the difference between incident accident and crashes. what happened in south korea is definitely of crash. that's no questions asked. what happened in a couple of past days, more specially in netherlands when you have another 737, will speed up the runway. it can be easy, you have to understand what's the difference between an incident and accident. an incident is when you have something on an aircraft, but the aircraft is not damaged. the structures of the output, i'm not damaged and you have no dad and no one to this is classified as an incident . as long as you have damages in the craft. one, the dead people or damages and district your of the airport. this is classified as an accident, doesn't mean it's a crash. that said,
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people want to be really serious. we should not focused only on the pressures nor the accidents, but on all the incidents and some people at boeing, former employee is they have come to trade. and then this more specifically in the 737 fleets. and well, i'm sorry to say, but the numbers are just horrifying. so just hours away on new year's day hungry will pos that you use a 6 month rotating presidency to poland is drawing a code. and what has to hopefully be in a tub and a half year for the block. you remember the gary gary informing us that the, the order been ruffling the feather was as colleagues in brussels in america already set out across the world on a self titled piece mission. he hit 5 points along the way from moscow, the key of to badging and d. c. before stopping does he, trump is more log oversight in florida. and as frankly conflict resolution doesn't seem to be sitting well with any or excuse me, most european leaders
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a contributor right now, rachel moss and his highlighting what may be a head january 1st 2025 represents the end of a really painful period for the european union, the 6 month rotating presidency of the council of the european union is a rare opportunity for a national leaders were actually elected by the people of their own country. unlike the european commission, to have some actual control over the blogs, institutional laborers. and under the hung, gary and rotating presidency prime minister of victor or binds assistance on promoting conflict resolution, was particularly annoying and irritating for the european establishment. as was the constant side i that he gave to their girlfriends and wednesdays, incessant demands at the ever increasing expense of the european tax there. at the end of the hun, gary and e u presidency, we made new efforts for peace. we proposed a christmas cease fire and a large scale prisoner exchange. it's sad that president zelinski clearly rejected
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and ruled this out. we did what we could. all right, so next stop for the rotating presidency. poland, who's prime minister donald, to us even parked it or bond on social media during this christmas season for, or by and even daring. she called russian president vladimir putin and honest partner in a recent interview. well, so much for diversity and tolerance of different views in the you, i guess everything is just going so great here in europe with chronic inflation and economic implosion that the establishment is succeeding in losing changing itself right out of power in the election after election and left having to try clean power, blaming, social media for and modeling when really the whole problem is their own reckless driving, at least with poland. now in charge they'll have, or bon only, just kind of yelling in their ear from way in the back seat. in light of a new us administration coming to power. we is,
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europe need to mobilize all the more the division of work must be so that both the united states and the european union help ukraine achieve a better bargaining position for potential future negotiations towards which the aggressor and not the victim should be encouraged and forced will be interesting to see if the polish people believe that the only way to help the brain is to indulge it in more war when they head to the polls for the pull this presidential election . so set for late may in what saving up to be a close contact between global lists and populist. pretty much like everywhere else in europe these days. right now, at least poland reportedly plans to focus on cracking down on russian imports in this new role publicly. that is purely for virtue signaling purposes, which is really all the matters these days. and you all, while wheeling and dealing with moscow on the down low according to or by the polls are conducting hypocritical policies. they criticize us for our relations with the russians while they themselves conduct business with russia through intermediaries
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