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tv   News  RT  January 2, 2025 11:00am-11:31am EST

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as the american heart dimes were awaiting vietnam, again, the deck to klein's to 15 year old or call around me attacking news as authority suggests a suspect to post the videos online us hours before the factory is present. time on monday, just hours of the pick up the so i'm going to need his crowd to test the assignment truck explodes, the, the, from the result in las vegas. us authorities investigating the connection between the 2 incidents. any suspects getting the terror attack on the most to prove because constant total of 2 k is one of 2 things. 1650. the prison sentences,
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the one. welcome to the news i own. on the international pro compact to the roof, there's a head selects died straight and i was stalled in the united states where it's amazing that the suspect in the new orleans call ramming that claimed, at least 15 lives, had been posting videos online, suggesting that he was inspired by isis president joe bytes and has confirmed that probable link following the deputy attack. jeffrey also reported to be mere hours before the attack. he post the videos on social media indicating, is inspired by isis. especially desire to kill desire to kill, or the guys of slag was found this vehicle. would you read it to conduct this attack? the. the pickup truck smashed
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into new revellers a low, sweet block, super popular downtown street in the fridge came to the shops, allegedly fired into the crowd. the suspect has seen, identified his chums into a ball, us only back for later. then engaged in a shoot out with police which resulted in his desk. yes, he only is investigating this incident as a potential terrorist back and is also raised out to to ball was acting alone. it's ortiz, or also reporting that they found platforms inside the vehicle. but according to the u. s. media reports the suspects sam should didn't. jeff uh, was previously awarded the global war on terrorism metal. this is his service in a gun, a stone, he laid to work just a real estate agent and also a corporate consultant. in those figures that he had been posting to and youtube the suspected shed that his military experience,
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it helped him in his career. so i'm born and raised in beaumont, texas, and now live in houston. and i've been here all my life with the exception of travelling for the military, where i speak to use as a human resources specialist. and i teach specialist well learned the meaning of great service and what it means to be responsive and take everything seriously dining i's and cross the t's to make sure that things go off without a hitch. and the address to the nation. president biden also said that the f b, i was investigating the attack in connection with a nova incident on wednesday. this is the explosion of a tax slip side of a truck that exploded in front of trump international hotel in las vegas. the local me to oppose the personal killed inside the vehicle was an active duty soldier who reportedly so that the same army base as shall fall, 7 by sundays, were injured in the bloss just outside the hotel,
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which is partially owned by us president elect donald trump. police claim the 2 lines, but was the one to designate a mix of fireworks gas and fuel during forestman also have thanked. eagle must change the crate to of to sign the truck saying it's construction health limit the damage the f. b. i as not investigating whether this incident was also a potential tara attack. well let's, let's go live and i to full. let's see, i am less then see you a little bit. americans think tank. lowery chosen to dig into this because really, these are 2 incredible stories potentially being linked up at the moment. still a confirmation of that. but i just wanna as ask you, this is the 1st terrorist attack that's potentially linked isis on us soil. i think since 2016 when we saw the alondo shooting a just right and what the implications all here. now the potentially we go by says
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in spite attacks, again on us soil. well, i've had a sarcastic observation about this. i could say that one possible motive for jabbar is that since he didn't get the top job in syria, that the united states gave that to gilani that he was protesting the fact that he didn't get the job. so, you know, obviously, i mean that tongue in cheek, but what it underscores is united states is had on the one hand, we like to proclaim that isis is this great villain. and yes, isis has carried out her roof. it attacks around the world. and you have my old outfit, the c i a has been dealing with them, funding them, arming them, a quick thing that sold does this kind of blow back? it's like it's, it's trotted out when it's convenient to say, oh, we've got a raleigh against isis. well, okay, let's stop by dressing up. i'll gilani in
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a suit in damascus and pretending that he's a diplomat is having this kind of high park where see uh, is truly stunning. and so uh what, what took this guy jabbar from, you know, being a, a seemingly a normal guy. he was a realtor and in fact, um, he was, he was not a combat veteran. he was, he was like human race. you know, he's a guy that hired and fired people. he was a, it would sit in front of his computer. and yet something snapped into a man. and you know, life may have given him some hard turns, but like, you can't rule out the possibility of people out on the outside working with them because it doesn't explain. this truck comes across the border from mexico. the press reports are that there was another individual driving the truck, not jabbar. and then the jabar winds up in new orleans with this plan to drive down
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bourbon street. so it just, you know, i've lost a lot of trust in the us government, particularly the law enforcement agencies that i take everything that they come out with with a big grain of salt. yeah, you're talking that are fine. the fact that they're all of these potential other links to other individuals. that's what we and some of the investigation is taking cost of looking at. but going back to paul himself, this is us telling me back to and as you said, right, had a couple of hard knocks recently in life, but he was reportedly awarded a metal for fighting terrorism in afghanistan. and now we've got somebody who is rewarded to fighting terrorism, apparently being investigated for being a terrorist himself. i mean, right. does that say a, well the, the award got is that there was a unit award. so, you know, everybody who just, you know, just happened to be part of that organization. got the got the award, whether they actually did anything or not. they contributed to the so called fight
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against terrorism. all. and it's convenient to describe what was going on in afghanistan as for terrorism. when, you know, you can make a good strong case of the united states by virtue of its intervention. there the we were the terrors, you know, we were attacking people in their homes and villages and never suddenly shocked and surprised when they fight back. so i don't know what took jabbar from that. there are reports, again on social media from jack the so because one indicated that a wall jaffar was there and he was voicing a view point of views and saying things that were considered extremes. but that his chain of command, the officers in charge didn't want to deal with it because they were concerned, it would be viewed as a racial religious thing and create difficulties for them. so, you know, there's that possibility as far as others involved. you know, there are the reports that there were 3 other people planning, pipe bombs almost around the same time. and now they've just come out when the last
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10 minutes before we went on there, a claim in the f. b, i no longer thinks that there are other people involved. now i think, i think that's highly unlikely. so again, your bar was supposedly in financial distress. where did they get the money to rent an electric vehicle like this and then to go grab the money to rent a hotel room or a, b and b, and make his way across. you know, from texas to new orleans. it's still a bit of a drive. i just wonder how high the risk is of ice is infiltrating or even out the terrace groups infiltrating us all me here we have a veteran who i have to say is seem to full and i'm hard times and says that she was inspired by isis as you're saying there's always the money coming from somewhere for this to take place. so just want to really what the pen to go on could do is doing to prevent such infiltration of either current personnel in the
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army or form of us know well, i don't if you can call a dental tray, show me for god's sakes quit we're, we're sending the money and weapons were trained in these cats. and then we get surprised when they all, some of them go decide to turn on and attack us. i am actually beginning to think more more that this whole ice, this thing is a big shiny object to distract from what's really going on. because right now, part of the narrative in the us media is all the so we got to tighten up with the border security. the 2 events, the one this one in new orleans, and the one in las vegas were done by a one of former army guy and one and active duty army person. so you know, the problems not from outside the problems from here within the united states. and there are forces within the government within the intelligence community within the law enforcement community that see donald trump is an x,
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a central truck. and i cannot rule out the possibility that some of this is being staged in order to generate panic. even come up with a pretext, say, oh my god, we can't go forward with the united ration because of all this terrorism i, it's just, you know, i, i've, i've seen it enough over the, you know, 35 years that i've been involved with this. then all of these initial reports that come out, there's always stuff that's being kept back. we're not getting the full picture. and the, the, the, the present, this guy is this. all of a sudden he magically all of a sudden becomes all kind of records of video while driving across texas. and i swear allegiance to ices and you know, given up one for all, it's just the something that smell something not right about this. there's definitely a big adult cloud over this. thank you very much for going through it and giving us
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your thoughts. that's for messiah list and see open american. the think tank. laurie johnson, much appreciated. thanks, charlotte. what 30 days are port st. lucie king 15, the prison sentences for 5 i system and both these amended the suspected aging. the terrorist who carried out the most go crew, chris called cit, whole shooting back in march of last year. it's hack was of course, one of the deadliest that russia has f a c plus costs to all correspondent. yes. and that gives us a new stumble for us now for more. yes, and thanks for joining us, just to construe what new information that we have being reported on the suspected terrorists. a state run until the agency achieved some documents pertaining to the indictments. could documents essentially tying it to the step of the prosecutor's office and we understand 5 individuals,
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5 suspects are being indicted, which will be expected to serve terms up to 15 years. the suspects that have ties to the ices car organization as well as the perpetrators in the mosque of attack, getting back to march of last year. and we understand that the prosecutor's office is currently is, is it's, it's essentially chasing some certain evidence that was found as these suspects were apprehended. we understand according to these documents that they were trying to flee the country after the attack on, on the, on the progress city hall, a sort of the city center of getting back to march of last year. but we also understand that this was also a preemptive strike, or at least a tactical strike by security forces within the country. because according to some of those documents, it also suggests that the suspects were in touch with someone that was on identified. they have access to cell phone records as well as other documents that
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were in the possession of these suspects. and essentially highlights that there was another attack that was planned by these suspects that were apprehended within the within cherokee. and we understand that the vegas shopping center in moscow was another target. and that the focus city all was not the only targets as that was intended by the perpetrators. i understand that based off some of these reports that turkish proctor prosecutors are saying a tragic national was also behind it as a result of the investigation that was carried out by security forces. i'm understand that this also came at a time when they were staying at a safe house within the city of this stumble. and we understand that the, of course, discourse of the correspondence that was made with some of these perpetrators was also flagged in the investigation. we understand that at this given moment that the rest will, of course, so it would be observed, started the arrested, of course, to start the legal process. the indictment has been such and it's important to note that some of these tough specs were in charge here in january of 2024,
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which was months in advance months before the attack actually took place. and we understand at this given moment that some of these correspondence also includes details about how the attack was going to be planned and what was going to happen after which we understand that based on the documents provided by the prosecutors office. that the correspondence with an unidentified perpetrator was also offering resources to carry out the attacks. and an extraction plan was also on the table. and we understand that at this given time, there is no schedule for when a trial is expected, but the suspects are facing up to 15 years in prison. yes. and thanks very much. bring it in. so they just details on that. that's all these corresponding yes. and i can and i've had 2 goals and i because infant death that had searched over a 1000 since the start of the war with some 200 associate, tragically dying just off the they were born. this is
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a grim data that's been published by galls as media office. now, just a woman, you may find the following images to be particularly disturbing. while the fighting and the bombing have led to a heavy toll on children in gauze, human rights groups, i'm the you in the morning, but the majority things in the day, so actually due to severe cold. and the lack of shelter, healthy deficient will say that 7 instances died of hypothermia in the post week alone. the head of the independent commission for human rights in the old place. i'm judged shotwell took me through the situation because last week we lost 6 and friends because of the freezing weather and god district. these 10 friends were staying at dance. the mothers couldn't feed them because the shortage of food and this is, could be reflected. the other children, all of us as you meditate, a condition this catastrophe, why this is really
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a compression forces continue to i got into your families, most of the people who were killed. what of children and women about 17000 children when killed into the score. thousands of them would answer the majority of the children here would know when to close, with no blankets to cover the weak bodies. these children 100 percent of them too much size. they lost their education opportunities for 2 years now. this is also a 14 month lease. i've got a lot of discontinue the international community, although they receive this. so they post. i'm big. good. see what's going on. big load the i mouth abuse towards these genocide i gags. i missed the show you talking about some extreme circumstances that i just one day when you look at those children who are life today, do you worry to break your heart that tomorrow they may not be able to take another
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price? yes, yes, this happening. and they put the witness there so many times and the problem that we are but our lives 3 cannot do a lot of them one day. but it's come from sometimes what we're going to deliver kind of psycho social support to these children. and we know that one hour after more another a dislike will come to destroy what we did. and the spence, you know, all the symbols to cover these families to get the space attacks continue, then these tense by the is very defined. there's a booth the 1010 killed who out of state and so disease called fennel and this the thighs cycles because conditions that we are passing through. it's not easy. mission. all directory are edward because we have lost 100. so what would it completes?
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what are you going to try and deliver to some a kid in there? but we have this will be, have this hope that we believe that there will be an aid. and there was supposed to be kind of accountability to us these required and good justice to these victims, waiting for the that's had to know jerry now where residents of the delta region, no suffering from the devastating consequences. this is of the 2nd oil spill. let's be linked to purchase energy joint shell environmental. this also has forced locals back to fish, cook hunted, drink from the familiar table to the long drawn out catastrophe has worse than with a recent link being discovered that the company's oil pipeline. this is as the night julian government approved a deal for shell to sell its own show assets without requiring any compensation. so the people affected new for any environmental clean up. low cost would be the
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expressing that fear over the consequences of the long term protection. when the whole is suffering from, that's all yes. be let you perfect. i'll faith as long as you go down there. what are you having issue in the role of this? going to know what to jingle. what does what size be different ones either by email, i will see it on this of it because when the possibility is not only on the surface, you'll see you sing down to do what i sing down to the graph. you got his middle different the yes, i'm from the now. the what i split debt on that guy is, is i'm fixing the fishing settlement. fission. it wouldn't be for me to in stuff on all the fishing boat fishing. that's all i be not affected. i the end of this thing, we filed some tracks. we saw some cards on our building were looking for and that's now the platform will be giving it to you almost on a chance to reduce the issues,
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complaints like that on to the left. where do you see anything then he brings europe new problem. this kid has refused to prolong a 5 year gas trends that agreement with most of now the move was hugely unpopular, was the landscape you allies has now been cut off from affordable gas brushes. foreign ministry spokesperson says we have to look across the atlantic to see is going to benefit the main beneficiary of the old world energy market rearrangement . and the main sponsor of the ukrainian crisis is the united states. the responsibility for cutting off russian gas supplies lies entirely with the united states, the puppet regime in keys, and the authorities of europe and countries that sacrifice the wellbeing of their citizens. for the sake of financial support for the american economy, a number of the states including molto romania,
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austria and italy continued to receive russian gas vine ukraine off the conflict began. so the idea of old things are expected to suffer the most from the gas flow closure. this is russia supplied cover around 60 percent of that demand. ukraine has repeatedly threatened t n. the trends that deal with the russian present st kids decision would only punish you citizens. well, some states wouldn't ukraine against the move. the polish foreign minister has loaded it. peter spent billions building nord stream to circumvent ukraine and blackmail eastern europe with the threat of cutting off gas supplies. today ukraine cut off his ability to export gas direct to the u. another victory after the enlargement of nato by finland and sweden. while the summer celebrating others already feeling the damage because europe's break away region of trends and
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history has cost of hot water supplies with medical facilities being the only public facilities left with c thing. industrial enterprises, if also stopped working due to shortages in germany, the national energy you regulate to has its citizens to save gases, consumption spikes due to the cold weather. let's discuss this further now with the full amount of streaming for minutes, the current kidney cells. thank you very much for joining us here on oxy international ukraine refusing, of course, to per long disagreement that would have continued this cheaper flow of russian gas to many european countries. what do you think you are paying citizens can expect? now i mean, why does the scanning the 1st issue of the scales of weiss and we have the previous cases. let us remember that in general, read 2009 and there was
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a different, a different that similar situation, namely that den ukrainian government because of intentional a dispute among, i've just been stakeholder in the brand new man. it's interrupted the guests run seats from russia, and so what killed one area and someone wanted to just name where the 1st half of them and the depth was why to shop in 2009. now this time, it will not be an interruption just such as we get, it's an interruption for books and see that itself is she say our research i was supplied, managed, we're going to handle it, no trips to announce. but the problem is, is we're not using that because we have a clover strive for buying ellen. she, which comes from those america which comes cars, countries, but they are customers which pay maybe better prices and uh, yeah,
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off uh, european uh, customers with used to having long term contract, which gave them a sense of stability. and now this, you're paying customers have to the southern extent, slides on a daily weekly basis or contracts on the spot market. so for them, it's a different situation. and even so, a lot of people have gotten to the task, but that's because it was announced to one a goal. i think the reality would still be not easy to handle. so yeah, it is interesting because although the european union does have alternative supplies, i just really wasn't that how good and reliable they all get from that just recently. uh, there was a spot brewing between the you and catch all over the potential of the you finding energy companies in regards to environmental was if they didn't add up to. and i
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think one of the guitar ministers is saying, well, if you want to do that, we'll just stop supplying you gas. so how reliable all the use of the partners? yes, this, this is a big issue because russia was a reliable part the. and before i should, the soviet union would start it's up to and to enter this long term contract stating back to 1968. so nearly 60 years of continues long term. so like this 5, anything that happened in the last 6 years. so there was a reliable, affordable, natural gas flowing through the pipeline. and now whether it's uh, whether it's mozambie, whether it's buying gas from jerry or anywhere you name it, you have, it will have either to political or economic or other issues. so every time you go, can you teach a contract cuz you have to dispose of the same thing. the contracts might be dissolved also um at the top notices because it's the global spots market and it's
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not long term supplies. so what you see in europe right now is a, unfortunately, many governments have moved away from reaching a question like energy as a technical issue. they treated now as a punitive. i do a logical issue as a issue. i would even say of the needs of what's right oh, who's a driven eva who is a heretic. know of we are, we are back to, to very clearly times of the left of that, of the europe. that that's what i think in, in physical and technical in muslim categories. but your peas, who are not all the ideological levels even though so as far as calling them. um, you know, just just just reasoning and black and white and, and good and bad. and these are not the categories or a modern economy. interesting, a, we just heard from the russian foreign ministry,
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spokes person saying that washington is the thing, beneficiary of the situation. we already know that natural gas features looking for publish carefully, but the thought uh top has been turned off by ukraine. pulled out cheaper liable. russian gas. well, she will take on this situation. yes, definitely. the north american suppliers, whether they are from the us or canada, which was the 1st country actually to go uh, a large scale and to ellen gee, they are beneficiaries. but at the same have a on the same time, they themselves, those companies said already to 3 years ago when the parties involved with this much of north american and then she said, we need ups have to capacities to alternative replace rushing natural gas. they say to themselves, so it's a physical questions of tech type of question, but you refuse to continue to think in, you only do logical terms and this would mean that it did. this was
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a very detrimental for them. well, yes, did then another larry can, can go up with supplies, but there, um, that's all the limits to their physical capacities. yeah, we're going to have to leave it that. thank you very much for joining that scar and can use to look for my austrian forward minutes. that head of the goofy center as well at st. petersburg university. much appreciate your wife well that. so for me, your company, i'll also appreciate and find myself in, and then you will be here to keep you up to date from 8 pm most good time. i do hope you can join him by the a piano the moon. but he had to bend the sun in campbell county in the republic of kansas. as we continue our conversations about the continent of
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africa with today, focus on a subject that is very painful to wrap our minds around the conflict between the democratic republic of congo and rolanda. and in order to understand and appreciate that conflict, we must always go back to history. we must always remind ourselves that these conflicts that we encounter into the continent of africa as a result of the petition of the continent when julie is come, brag in your area was alive. and he was asked at one time about the problem in congo at that time. it was known as a he reminded these audience.


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