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tv   News  RT  January 3, 2025 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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the, the strange simple laura chains in the new orleans on las vegas attacks that's according to nevada police, with both suspects having served but the same. the u. s. military base and use the same car sharing company to sustain their best. as details continue to emerge in the las vegas cyber a truck explosion, it's revealed the following said inside the vehicle service in america in the special forces unit which provides training for you. also and new leadership withhold takes look, friendship quite literally. some of the youth top diplomats visit the muskets. the trip is still being pressed tensions with prompt his own boy, reportedly urging us back kurdish militants, them fall in line. and us, 40000 people are reportedly deprived on health care by israel to assault on
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northern gals in the hospitals. the policy, many of them foster to the un breaks down into your rates are the message, planes of, of stays and, and wisdom, disability. the we did but the good them, but the broadcasting from our international news studios in russia's capital city. welcome to ard, see, let's get in to our top story. this, our us police have revealed that the suspect 2 died in the new year's de las vegas cyber truck. explosion served in the american armies. 10th special forces group and adopt unit is known for facilitating military training to washington's allies,
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including ukrainian troops in germany. my colleagues, marina customer of and nicky, are and discuss what is known about the mountains background. once again and we see that there is a violence incidents in the west and that the perpetrators seems to have links to new crane in the past. we saw, for example, the recent past how one of the drums, one of the assassins had legs to ukraine, even travel. they are trying to recruit volunteer american soldiers in this case. first of all, one thing about people spotted right away was that the man in question last the, the attack or he was seen wearing a t shirts where the ukranian nationalist symbol that said, gloried see crime that was picked up right away. then they saw that on his length and the account, for example, he had recently replied to a military contract opportunity, which offered $550.00 per day for a 30 day contract there with the free launching and travel provided. and he replied,
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saying that he had someone in mind that he had sent them their way. now of moving on. another link is of course his military background, which he just brought up, for example, that he was part of the 10th of special forces, a group who have strengths, thousands of ukrainian soldiers in poland elsewhere including germany. which, as we know, this is where he was stationed on active duty. we know that he was a highly decorated, he was greenberry operations saw just and this is a task force that his passport flight and terrorism abroad. so it's baffling, but he would come back home on the home soil ends it as far as his military background. it's been confirmed by d o. d that he was indeed in the united states army. he was also a green bray operation sergeant and spent most of his time at fort carson, colorado. and in germany, he was it on approved leave from germany, where he was serving with the 10 special forces group. he was also previously in
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the national guard and the army reserve, other i've also been reports in the media that he may have actually served in ukraine back in 2016 thoughts. those reports have not been verified the i don't, we're expecting to hear more. so we have these 2 incidents and both occurring on new year's day. well not mine is a us army bachelor and another is an active duty soldier. one of the similarities can you tell us about in these 2 incidents, both served in the army. they were both actually at the same military base at one point and also both of them were the plates of dallas now. so they're kind of overlap the at the military base maybe and they've gotten this done, but we don't know that yet. we just know that as a fact they were there at the same time at the base and also in dallas. i also was really interesting, aside from the fact that the attacks happened hours away from each other, the fact that they run. so the car from the same app, they use the same app to run their respective cars that they, when, once and unleashed this,
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this violence and even the police even though there say that there is no definitive link. but even they are baffled by the similarities. so the question is, how we work into rule in or rule out any connections to the new orleans of it? and the answer to that is every typically that comes in every piece of evidence that comes in. we don't discount it, we work it through it. you know, it's a interesting thing during these kinds of investigations that if these turned out to be fully similarities, very strange similarities to have. and so we're not prepared to rule in or rule out anything at this point. violence and veterans is becoming more and more of an issue in the united states so much so that there was even a study conducted a few years ago in 2019, if i'm not mistaken. looking at my shootings in particular and the background of the perpetrators. and what they found is very interesting is that 26 percent of my shooters over 6 that days have had military service or training. and that's compared to 7 percent of the general population. also free of the 10 most
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absolutely. as mass shootings in the us, modern history or at the hands of veterans and just to go. so some of the most recent types last few days by veterans. we have in 2023 when a man killed 8 and people in may and then later saw himself 2018. a man shot people out of bar and california 2017 and sutherland springs 26 people that 201210 people showed that at a temple in wisconsin again by a veteran. and this study also something interesting they found is that it seems that when it comes to my shootings and veterans, those veterans tend to have served in either iraq and the status dogs. which as we know both of the men were talking about right now. they've both forward deployed and they've got us on some asked me, for example, the tesla cyber talk explosion, they attack a behind that he was deployed. so those gotta stand 3 times. so does that also have
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something to do with this? and that's why there are people in the us sort of saying that something needs to be done that extra. donald trump has pointed that out in the past and said, we need to look into this and why veterans are committing file and fives and also. so i'm going to bring up is that veterans seems to be joining more and more a domestic extremist organizations or something else. we're following the foreign ministers of france and germany arrived in syria one month after estimates forces sees power there. the top diplomats are on a mission to build bridges with the country's new leadership. at of the trip, germany's i'm a lina burrow box said she'd be traveling to damascus with an i'd scratched. i'm a gesture that literally was not returned by serious hates the officials. its chief document officer, i made no effort to shake the german ministers on same length because she's a woman. he readily embrace her meal french counterpart, however,
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as well the diplomatic trip kicked off on a controversial tone as well. with the western officials visiting said, naya prison that purported towards your side was recently swept up in immediate storm. after a cnn correspondent was accused of filming a faith political prisoner release. there for bulk on y'all, new alberto, accompanied by white helmet members, a rescue group, also accused of staging reports in syria. but ahead of her visit to the country, germany's foreign minister urge the muskets to close most of those military. thanks it. it is time for russia to leave its military bases in syria. the syrian people will not forget the large scale bombardments and human rights violations. it was put in who stood by a side for so long, who supported and covered for the crimes of the regime. but just a week ago, syria is de facto ruler, said he's interested in maintaining strategic ties with russian. we got reaction to miss burbock statement from cairo bass. think time director. how many still
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a man is the best interest beach on the glass in front of the german, especially because they destroyed many functions by this easier. one is, is a link to so i utilize the order with some more things. and maybe you can or invoices here. we can find it as well to use uh, independence, the policy from even the french or showed many upfront sequences during many thousands hours on for the see we can see and see on uh, uh your working the uh, the high end. does that make sense to you and you guys that in seattle? yeah, yeah. many, many or any other company doesn't have size to directly distortion stereos, which is not here on business. and it also can defend its own,
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extend once and to show you still have subarus the nav menu towards the to city of us in a nice sort of ways to use you send it's way to make the data and to make but as our own restaurant what they think is arrears, or would it be back once in the future? because russia and needs of the addition to the new fact in atlanta body, we can data data on the tools to make me agree, mentors as our lead because the fact that it can be or so it's in the role thans. and that doesn't mean anything. well, of kurdish militia presence in northern syria, that's another key point of discussions in damascus. the german diplomatic urge, the u. s. bankrupt to align to follow serious new leadership. the security of the cuts is also essential for peaceful syria. this requires an end to the fighting
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and the noise and the integration of the kurdish forces, as well as the, as in a, into a pin in security architecture, which gives to secuity to everyone. the start of initial talks with a courtesy terminated soon in democratic forces is an important 1st step in this direction. well, that's cool. has reportedly been accurate by on the per box french counterpart. we us curtis journalist theory and civil war veteran, or i'm tons, soil if his compactor is feel abundant by the wes a by face. it's kind of a double faced statements 2016. the position of the french government was totally different at the end of the 2017 beginning of the 2018. that was f, verizon authoration. and as the french. and if i choose was going
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to the, the international quad use in the back of the time fight against i see if the ice is all successful at the back of the time that your parents group, cds darkness on the door step. so they enter nation us for the died at the back of the time was very crucial. but now today we can clearly see that coach is being left alone. the fight against i sees as well as the and groups of terrorist groups such as h t s. and also s n a gene to syria. so that means to me, basically add the nato as to a keys. a nato ally is getting involved in this without any eh, got on to or read out on the eh, and base. and the coach will not lay down the guns at all. the world knows that the french government is not looking for a building up at demo for i teach c stems in syria. and that's the reason why they
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go and they have being and meeting with a person that is on top of the terror organizations least and is being wanted by international the powers humans who to the militant group has a non, its latest run to what it calls retaliatory strikes and these rail claiming to have had several targets. the, the missile forces of the many armed forces carried out a military operation targeting the power plan of the as rarely and a man until of the using a palestine to type ballistic hypersonic missile. the missile precisely hit the target. also, the air force is carried out an operation targeting and is really military facility until it be using a ya for type u, a b. one of the operation was successful. the many armed forces once again called on all the free people of our aero business,
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lot of nation to act to stop is really atrocities against our brothers and gaza. and indeed, our rates sirens wrong item is read over night during the incoming strikes from human the the idea of leisure said struck no for the miss south satellite side to leave the long run. so hard tourism is really the same. so if shut down a missile on a drone launched by the 16th the mission, bread say they being interacting is really in solidarity with does them on the idea of recent, they can write out a series of strikes on m and including again, so 9 notion or something is really civilians have spoken on. it's about what they're going through. i'm in the crossfire i moved here from hyphen. we thought it would lower the amount of sirens and missiles that we're getting. it turned out very ironic that a month after we moved here,
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a missile exploded near us. there's nothing you can do well, but i guess am i at the there was under the other night, so my daughter thought it was a missile hush about you and she's very young. 4 and a half years old. when she woke up, she started screaming. mom, dad, mom, later see how many strikes, gomez, the idea of continues that the sold on goes a local media report, at least the 2 people killed in the end place in the past 24 hours alone. but across the border 11, all the officials have accused is we're looking at another 6 fire bridge from palms at the ard countryside. human bass journalist who's saying our ok to fold our t, the who teach cut escalate their strikes as well and is real if the goals are worth continued since then any has the declared the world i guess is that i and so that if you would, the student they were lounging the attacks on a weekly basis, but in the last, the few weeks it, they start to try to get in on
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a daily basis. not only would, wouldn't be side, but with a to at that's either me sides on thrones. and i believe that on, at one point is that edu will not stop it's junior side, inc, as that would look like the located on the zillow for them. does that this means that the money out of me might expand its assets to loans a dozen of me size and thrown us once. i say that i the, uh, the only thing with the says here are the many out of me. uh, once i t is the store, it gives me site and does that just actually add the name of the month? we see the 2 menu. now i see the other one was in the upper hand because they have actually put the book. and then it see on the bottom of aidan, on that a, b and c in front of any. so the, the link chip or any shipping company the dealing with with is a ride as well. they can lounge attack against the is that right within minutes we do the defense techniques of the state. it may be 5 to 10 minutes after each. it is what i 40000 people have been deprived of health care by israel's assault on
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hospitals in northern gals. that, that's according to the intake media office discussing not the of the latest un security council session in new york, the policy ending on boston or was unable to hold back tears. the doctors and medical petterson on out of fighting to save human lives. and losing their own locked out of my mode of who knew data who was killed and, and is that a 80 s like on allowed the hospital wrote a message many months ago on a white board in the hospital normally used for planning surgeries. and they've gotten who all that is, whoever stays and, and will tell the story of the
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we did the good remember this? remember that we all that more than, remember this. nothing can explain that for 15 months, palestinians and guys have intuitive headed and abandoned to this fate all for their part. israel on its us allies, took aim from us, accusing the militants of setting all faces at gallons and hospitals were but the un human rights chief as well as most school offered on alternative perspective. off the security council, under hostage is still being held captive by how much there was the presidency called for an emergency session today. not to deal with these threats and
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challenges and not to condemn targets, blatantly violating international law by exploiting hospitals as the basis of military activity in most instances is right. and that is at the hospitals where the improperly used for military purposes by but as the and groups yet is around, it has not provided sufficient information to substantiate many of these claims which are all in vague and pro, fire, exiting attacks against hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are treated, provided they are not made in terry objectives, is of war cry come us has repeatedly misused civilian infrastructure like schools and hospitals to store caches of weapons. how's fighters and coordinate attacks against israel? a mass continues day in and day out to put civilians in harm's way,
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through their tactics. alliance of these facilities, a victim users because of the medical facilities are often targeted by israeli attacks. more over. we have every reason to believe that the as rarely, military obsessed with the collective punishment of god, is systematically and deliberately destroying the enclave is health care system. as bombings showing rates and ours and attacks on hospital complexes have become commonplace, was distortions due to the inhumanity of israel's actions relying on washington's of all weather support. where this becomes even more obvious given that even before the latest attacks on hospitals in the north of the enclave was 14000 people needed medical evacuation including women, children and the disabled working people run to if they cannot physically do. so 0 or maybe the israeli authorities provided medical evacuation and sent patients to their country for drake, who was to be no. unfortunately, we do not observe such actions on the part of israel. right. 2 developments in the
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ukraine conflict. know a lot of years. zalinski has finally admitted that an increasing number of his troops are fleeing from combat us disorders. it follows reports revealing the facts for them. 1700 french drain. gifts for indian soldiers abandoned their brigade. never seeing any action. kids investigate a bureau chief as a ledge, that abuse of power in the so named a leach unit is to blame for the most flights of mom power that says ukraine's mounting losses are forcing the authorities to mobilize even more civilians. this for the in circulating on line shows, men being stretched off the streets, my recruiters, with some citizens attempting to find as well. it all comes as russian troops, mc steady gains across the front lines last year. so must go secure. the most territory infections the 1st month of the conflict close to $200.00 residential areas were lost by keeps forces. despite all the western support received. ortiz
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remind cost red. how's the extended breakdown now and how need? so how's being unable to achieve it stated goal of the feeding russian, the bosses the little over a year ago in the final days of 2023 as the hard to create in cash for offensive have clearly failed vicky every, he was still whole full that 2024 would reverse the tide and bring about it's not a victory, but at least substantial leverage for peace talks and their way from friends slash sponsors. yep, the whole life, russia will not prevail. you cradle, prevail and will continue to stand by you every step of the way. so let's take a look at what they achieve. despite all efforts may so supply the weapons permission to slide deep into russian territory. and it's you title,
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give ation of russia's cursed region. ukraine continues losing territories on a daily basis. rough estimate to suggest that 63 percent of the territory of the domestic people's republic, 70 percent of the here, southern region, 72 percent of the pros. your region and 99 percent of the golf people's republic had been liberated. the incoming trump administration is suggesting that ukraine accept the reality on the ground and recognize rushes in service or east main club membership would also be off the table. now, in that sense of mental giving up territory, it is also echoed by other, nasal, and european officials. what's in america's best interest is to accept ukraine is going to have to see some territory to the russians. and we need to bring this war to a close name. the c d. c does not have to think that russia won't withdraw from crimea . it is not, you have to think that russia will withdraw from any territory. it controls in
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2024 the world. so the so called game changer, american abram staggs answer the battle in addition to other nasal weapons that continued support and then his southern birding or gestures and later displayed for the public. now, after months of keys, begging american f sixteens from the netherlands, and denmark also finally made their way to ukraine. those jets, those jets will be flying in the skies of ukraine this summer. to make sure that ukraine can continue to effectively defend itself against the russian aggression, but so far they haven't made much of an appearance, let alone in fact, perhaps out of fear of the repeating the abrams, his fate. cost of their things, including lippard, are burning. they are burning, and the f. 16 will burn as well. there is no doubt coal source of salt, coal super weapons had been poured into the key of regime no gains, but a ruined reputation. we provided the tanks,
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we provided the f sixteens. we provided the hi maurice, we provided the patriots. we provided many of the things that you said earlier, we wouldn't provide and it's not back then. it's rather today that ukraine finds itself in a more challenged position on the battlefield, suggesting that there's not a straight line between those weapon systems and how it does on the battlefield. where is the straightest line between you, between ukrainian performance and inputs? it's on mobilization of manpower, thousands of you, great, and then went into hiding and even fled the country to avoid the possibility of becoming the key versions. next, cannon fodder. desperate to replenish troops on the front lines, officers responsible for mobilization, have resorted to ensue main tactics. to say the least in april of 2024 zalinski signed the law that lowers the mobilization age from 27 to 25. for the sake of
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getting more us money. as soon as possible was the ultimate goal to drop the age all the way down to 18 years old. our us partners argument is the us during the us war on vietnam. soldiers were drafted from the age of 19. therefore, the americans are hinting that western weapons alone are not enough and mobilization is needed from the age of 18. and of course, there are people ukraine who wants to take even more extreme measures because the company pretty good. the main thing now is not to lose money to avoid losing draconian methods are required. as i said, the total mobilization of the entire male and female population from the age of 18, but not necessarily the drafting of convicts for combat action is i think that there will, i will double slumped to the white house, the hope of keeping washington's check book wide open, he's phasing as vitals saw more. the market leader said he wants peace and he's
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seen coming in has been critical of ukraine all the way. and we continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refuses to make a deal. zalinski. ukraine is not a paragon of democracy. this is a country that has banned 11 opposition parties. it is consolidated all media into one state to the media arm. that's not democratic. it is threatened not to hold elections this year unless the us forks over more money. that is not democratic. it is celebrated a nazi interests, the comedian and cargo pants and men called zelinski, doing it in their own ranks. that is not democratic, though. we've seen the full flowing river of dollars a year old, shrink throughout the year 2024 in an attempt to reverse the trends and bring back west her love, key of organized as summer, offensive into rushes, cursed region, killing and pillaging along the way. the
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military experts questioned the purpose of this escapade as it weakened the main front lines in the southeast. in order to console a small piece of russian woods and swamps while losing troops. m. s. do i think that ukraine use this offensive as a way to capture backs the media attention? yes, absolutely, absolutely. what a stupid tactical decision to make, despite suffering massive losses in the incursion. is it ask you received a tap on the back from his wife for master's. what i think about 1st, really, really keep it out to make sure the calls like escalates before the shop moves back to the oval office, the outgoing vice and openness. friction gave key of the green lights to use american long rage attack and dismissal of the printer. russian territory in response to attacking the strikes sent, it demonstrates what it means to be in cross hairs. russia use it's you are rush,
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make hypersonic ballistic missile system striking they use marsh, been it for me, industrial plans in the ukranian city of never. well, the state of the art weapon is able to carry a new clear warhead, if carried a conventional one during its 1st flight in november. and it's impossible to intercept the rush stick with any western air defense system at speeds exceeding mach 10. it would take 12 to 15 minutes for the missile to reach of warsaw or berlin and just 20 minutes to reach london or paris for many in the west. this was a wake up call. this was a new type of leave full capability that was employed on the battlefield. so that's certainly a concern to us. on the 30th of december 2024 and us treasury secretary jet it together and said us authorities are transferring $3400000000.00 to ukraine. she explained that this is the last payment for key to from the funds
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allocated by congress in 2024. from now on jeanette ski must negotiate any new subsidies or assisted is within you whitehouse administration. now all along the campaign trail, trump have made a promise to and that you create in conflict in 24 hours. now, as the president select these, closing the idea to freeze the conflicts at the moment, it's all talk. but when he thinks office of january 20th, he'll have to find the articulate his plan. keep in mind, rush, that's condition. the principal is uh no, none of the deluxe status of your career. and we would be ready to be part of the group of countries who would provide collective security guarantees. no, no, no, no, no, they don't absolutely know me that 3 basis. no, i mean it's a me, the 3 of.


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