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tv   News  RT  January 4, 2025 3:00am-3:31am EST

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the, the family and friends extend the home, the friendship is to the use 12 different amounts of visit the new governments in damascus. but it's ties laden with conditions and control the seat started with a cultural 5 top the german foreign minister or said backs away from the phone to renew its limits. groups in syria, just like meeting with his leadership, which school in house designated as terrorist policy reviews, the background on disturbing actions off hired to were on the west now seems to us the, the death toll of health care work has been gone since the policy is 1000 since the will began as according to a un, but schools with the palestinian um boss of the city you when breaking down into the reed sounds a message from the slain, the officer who stays and,
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and with the, the, we did the good them but the very good morning to you is 11 am here in moscow, and you're watching all see international with the very latest world news update. our top story, this our, the foreign ministers of france and germany arrived in syria on friday, one months off. the is list forces sees power, the, the top diplomat, so on the mission to build bridges with the country's new leadership. ahead of the trip in germany's on a lead, a bad long said that should be traveling through damascus without stretched hand, which it will could moments was politely declined by the which, ts chase,
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it would seem because of the cultural impropriety, but diplomatically it could trip kicked off on a controversial tongue to with the western official was visiting said no, i a prison. the purported tortures side was recently swept up in a media storm off to a see and, and corresponded was accused assuming a fake political prisoner release that the fault is on. the nose by row were accompanied by white helmets, members, a rescue group, also accused of staging report since there was a foreign ministers that held talks with the syrian defacto leader on friday. and on the agenda during the trip is a political solution for francis allies. the codes fighting continues between h t. s, focuses on syria and codes in the countries know of the gentleman environment as to his code for the code is forces to be fully integrated into serious security structure. the security of the code to solve the essential for peaceful syria. this requires an end to the fighting and the noise and the integration of the kurdish
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forces, as well as the s in a into pen c and security architecture. which gives to secuity to everyone. this thought of initial talks was a kurdish dominated certain democratic forces is an important 1st step in this direction. while problems. how does that code? because full co operation. we spoke to curtis journalist and syria and civil war veteran aram town story and off to for his thoughts on the west sedan. it's kind of a double faced statements, 2016. the position of the french government was totally different at the end of the 2017 beginning of to 2018. that was at verizon for preparation and the french. and if i choose, was joined to the, the international quad dish. and that's the back of the time fight against i see if
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the ices was successful at the back of the time. the europeans group, cds, darkness on the doorstep. so the international shortly died at the back of the time was very crucial. but now today we can clearly see that coach is being left alone. the fight against i sees as well as the, and groups of terrorist groups such as h t s and also s n, a gene to syria. so that means to me, basically add the nato as to a keys, a nato ally is getting involved in this without any ag got on to or read out on the eh and base. and the cook will not laid down the guns and all the world knows that the french government is not looking for a building up at demo for i teach, teach them in syria. and that's the reason why they go and they have being and
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meeting with a person that is on top of the terror organizations, least 10 is being wanted by international the powers. and a news briefing following the st. germany's top diplomat diplomat on the school to your reps goal of supporting syria, but made clear april not finance is mist structures. that's also the talks of lead is of an actual is name is groups still currently on the countries terrorist a solid wood. i suppose instead in this region in particular, women's rights are the measure of how free life is for everyone. we made that clear to the people in charge here in damascus today. it was important to hear that they understood this. europe will provide support, but europe would not be a sponsor of new as long as the structures, so we take a deep thought now into the background of hyatt to warehouse on the subsequent white walls of its name by the west. besides the warning, this report contains images you might find upsetting. they started as isis became
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al qaeda, then al new struck and now they're high. yachts to rear alshaun. the terrorist who made some of the biggest headlines of 2024 after they pulled the rug out from under bashar assad, taking power in syria at the speed of light. but their enemy was the west sending me so their colorful history of being radical fanatics. disturbed few in the main stream, media series military has rushed in reinforcements to try to push back anti government rebels. anti government rebels. serious rebels. the insurgents of pushing ahead opposition forces are still gaining ground in syria. on top of that, the western media is practically trying to make the group's terrorist leader, abo mohammed al gilani out to be a social justice warrior. many syrians are happy and will be happy to see the end of the surgery gene, but they're also worried about what h t s rule would mean,
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including minorities last year. no one has the right to erase another group. the sects have co existed in this region for hundreds of years, and no one has the right to eliminate them. there must be a legal framework that protects and ensures the rights of all. that's the same guy by the way. who said that he was thrilled about 911. what did you think and feel on 911 at the time. yeah. because if i like, if anyone who lived in islamic, oh, arab would at the time do, tells you he wasn't happy about it would be lying. and all the while the us still considers all gilani a terrorist. nothing surprising about that, considering how willy nilly his groups been and committing crimes against humanity . the
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the, the, the, the fact that syria is a country full of different ethnic and religious minorities complicates the situation even more. i lights, christians, andrews, is all about to sizeable parts of the population and they've all been harassed and tortured by islamic fundamental lists. in the past. people panicked, they were brought back to a time when all new shrub broke and desecrated the sanctuaries of minorities and impose the head job. so people rushed to leave a level if the road was safe, 80 percent of the minorities would have left the next day out of their panic. and fear codes also make up around 15 percent of serious population, making them the largest ethnic minority with dreams of breaking away from syria and a track record of working with the u. s. washington even trained hundreds of syrian curtis troops, which neighboring tortilla considers
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a hostile force. that's one of the main reasons why the us feels that anchor a through it's had in the ring with the forces, whoever, through a side, if you're talking about to now, the one of the sides has been essentially wiped out, but nobody knows who the other side is but i do, you know, it is turkey. okay. turkey is the one behind it. he's a very smart guy. they've wanted it for thousands of years and he got it. and those people that went in are controlled by turkey. and that's okay. that's another way to fight. then there's this recall which seems thrilled to see syria and chaos after a sods. withdrawl tell of you've occupied huge swaths of syrian territory, including the strategic syrian side of mount herman. this is a historic day for them. at least the collapse of the acid resume. the tyranny in damascus offers great opportunity, but also is fraught with significant dangers. but it also means we have to take
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action against possible threats. one of them is a collapse of the separation of forces agreement from 1974 between israel and syria . disagreement held for 50 years last night at the collapse, pursuing the idea of the engine. it's positions we gave her these really army the order to take over those positions to ensure that no hostile force in budgets. so for right next to the border visual, this is a temporary defensive position until a suitable arrangement. his phone, at least 450 times, the israelis have struck syria, destroying its navy air bases and ammunition depots. and when it comes to the goal on heights, netanyahu says he's determined to hold onto it forever on the golan heights, will forever be an inseparable part of the state of his real. at the end of the day, the story of receiving changes, nothing new for this region of the world, a rock libya to needs. yeah. egypt not one of these countries has become better since their governments were over thrown by 4 and backed rebels. and with so many
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different forces trying to get their way in syria, it's likely to end up only worse. and motions around high. the latest you and security council session on gaza with the palestinian envoy and breaking down into as well. reading a message from adults killed in the ongoing is really on fluids. so you can show the 40000 people in the enclave of suffering from a lack of access to a central health care, a status dean and doctors and medical petterson on out of fighting to save human lives and losing their own, locked out of my mode. bu new jetta who was killed in an is that a 80 s like a louder hospital? wrote a message many months ago on a white board in the hospital normally used for planning surgeries. and they quoted who of us,
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whoever stays until the end will tell the story we did about the good. remember this? remember that we all that more than remember this. nothing can explain that for 15 months, but a scene ends in does have intuitive headed and abandoned to this fate waste in floods across that central garza forest refugees do desperately search for new shelter. we heard from one father who escapes both went
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as cold as was destruction, and he's now forced to seek safety on the ground. or does it have that i did? my name is donald bade. since the beginning of the war, i have been displaced 9 times. initially i fled from the north 3 times. the issue was that i felt helpless that i have a family of 10 and i didn't know where to take them. i had some nylon, a tattered tarp and passed together. would i gather these materials to make a tent but it was small and pyramid shaped a week or 2 passed and i couldn't expand it. i had no resources, no nylon or wouldn't. because after multiple displacements, everything became worn out. i had no choice but to dig into the ground for more space. yes, it was exhausting and it felt like hard labor, but i had no other option. i dug into the soil made it work and thank god we managed. the place unfortunately is very dangerous. it's more like a grave. if i have 10 people crammed in there,
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i want to stress that i had no other choice. if i had an alternative, i wouldn't have taken this step. as for heating, there is no solution. the issue of rain is another problem. 2 days ago, during the recent storm, our attend flooded, i mean i hoped it would be just a drizzle and pass, but unfortunately it poured heavily our tent flooded and we were in a terrible state. thank god, nothing catastrophic happened. heavy rains on strong winds of his dogs and this week, and destroyed many tents. the valley provided protection for refugees. 6 babies were among the 7 hypothermia. dest reported a chest over the past few days. again, we hear from its high se i'll bids, who appeals to the international community to stop paying attention. or, i'm the cool. yeah, our preparedness is 0 every day brings a new challenge, not just for me, but for everyone in the camp. during the last storm. 2 tents in the eastern area collapsed on the people inside
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a few days ago. others face similar tragedies. people are drowning, not just in water, but god forbid, and sewage i sunk in the rain mud and sludge, the land. we are displaced on his clay soil. imagine being stuck in mud. my entire family suffered some aid does retails to be honest, but it's minimal. and barely enough, all the families here left their homes with just the clothes on their backs. they didn't take their belongings, furniture, clothes, or even their documents. people left thinking it would only be for a day or 2 and that they'd return. no matter how much aid comes, it can never cover the immense needs of the families. the shortages are beyond imagination, especially with the cold winter and consecutive storms, one storm lasting 2 days, then another follows. may god help everyone and made this hardship and soon my message to the international community is to pay attention to the families and the struggling people in the camps who can get their voices heard. let the world see
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that children are dying about let them see the kids playing and sewage freezing to death. there are countless tragic examples. we've been living on the hope that today or tomorrow things will change. the you are paying countries both of the the only thing democracies, but the reality doesn't always match the advertising. policies of the senior correspondent, wide gas, the of looks back at 2024 and takes a closer look at the real situation of the for as long as i have been a live and most of my parents lives, europe has made sure that every ton i'd have re occasion to repeatedly remind the soul just how free democratic you days. europe takes
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pride calling itself a living democracy, free the fat, which they need to cherish and to protect. the most important thing is democracy. the rule of law that we defend and the piece that we have together, freedom and democracy are not a given that freedom is never free. you have to fight for it. we need to defend prosperity and democracy in the world of the future. the path of europe is one of freedom and democracy, the foundations of a shared future. united we are stronger, you simply called forget they, they will let you democracy from the greek word, democrats. yeah. demos, the people cradles who literally know of the people a to at the hall files and yeah,
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or would that is essentially being well boss, the does by europeans to really all the people the law chris is a, what just happened in front, the raj wing wins deposit bed tree elections the summer. the last week come 2nd president and 9. you're not going spotty. how does it in foot? the majority voted i the rice will the less. but what they golf was the government dominated by macro on lackeys. this is not the role of the people because you don't with young do. did she did do the president has just decided to officially deny the result of the legislative elections. he ordered himself the new popular front that came out on top in the election will not have the prime minister and the responsibility to appear before the deputies. it will be a member of a policy that came last in the legislative election, which had the lowest score and which had one of the smallest numbers of
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representatives in the national assembly. the election was baffle stolen from the french people. france by definition, is no longer a democracy, emmanuel not called, who was late, his lackey prime minister. last of less than 3 months before being told for the 1st successful, new confidence built in 60 years, leaves it full of conspiracy. conspiracy by the people of fraud against him. the next time the lot to the extreme right and the extreme left have united in an anti republican front and helped by forces that govern france just yesterday. so what those are by new macro, do battle to the village sort of will of the people know nominates another of his lawyer. let's francois by rule as prime minister. the country has 2 obvious choices to continue francois by ruth policy of failure or to break up. the
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deputies will have 2 options to support microns rescue, or a no confidence vote. we have made our choice. now this is secret french society and social media above the and then sense that the sheer shamelessness though not quite as incense this boot. dizzy romania does a free and democratic you repeat a nation which cancelled. and i know that a dollar election with a nation list this to well in november, row menus, independent rice waiting, candid a kalen jeer jessica, who was the 1st route of the presidential election and was predicted landslide victory and the 2nd route. but just 2 days before the fiber booth, even results with a node and the full rewrite of the election was cooled till then it could take
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months. the incumbent president will hold. he's post step. when the romanian state has taken democracy, i'm trampled at the decision of the constitutional court represents more than just a legal controversy. justice, it is in fact and officially sanctioned crew will come to the rule of law is in an induced coma. and justice subordinated to political orders has practically lost its essence. it is no longer justice. it is at their command. in such a state that we are no longer talking about justice, but rather about a simulacrum that betrays the principles of democracy. the official reason is, what is reg and it's abstract and perhaps it's even theoretical, but it's far and interfere. it's that 5th, nothing come grateful will just that someone apparently nettled in allegedly something. according to security services, you could always trust the nameless,
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faceless security services. every rumania news, this power and reason of causes is that the guy that the establishment doesn't want . what he wants to stand up to the west to take care of romania 1st. would you believe which is why romanians voted for him. we'll negotiate. we will negotiate solely on behalf of remaining his interest. what does that mean? it means we will stand firm, not down. a significant portion of the political class has as seen over the yours is felton inferior already complex when dealing with the west, the set will come to an end and we will engage and communicate as equals. this is what i will do for these uh words that are a big no, no american interest in romania. com but full rumanian interest in romania. that is a me saying so that is literally the us state department. romania is harder and
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progress anchoring itself. and the trans atlantic community cannot be turned back by foreign actors seeking to shift romania as foreign policy away from its western alliances. any such change would have serious negative impacts on us security cooperation with romania. romania is important today. so very important. so important the, the incumbent president about having his tub virtually extended, which, which the big shouldn't be for some reason cool. the 2, by the way, had to say until a door romania remains a steadfast pro european country. i'm saying this for nato romania is a reliable ally and it's very important for all of us to know that romania is not in trouble. this president is objectively a disaster, a percent approval rating. 90 percent of rumanian say that they do not trust the
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president 90 percent according to romanian bones. yes, he stays in power while the people of pig is told to go and get elected. i get with the blessings of the i'm elected european commission and america, which is just 10000 kilometers away. the integrity of romania is elections is paramount for romanians, harder and democracy. it is the choice of the romanian people whom they elect no other country or foreign act or has that right touch brazen manipulation is of course, so most rare. it's what you resort to what, what, who else fails for a more subtle ways to, you know, do democracy to raj waiting policies which, which time for increased national sovereignty in europe made a big splash during the european parliament. apollo federal actions. $1100.00,
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not out of $720.00 sheets above 15 percent but didn't get a single position among the you're a craft, you need to ship the shapes, the parliaments, rules in the budget. we are currently in discussions with the socialist and renew in order to implement the court in sanitary to the emi piece proposed by the groups that are in the extreme right. and the friends of food were appearing unions very foul basin is taking sovereignty of a decision making power from nations. i'm giving it to themselves. that is the very basis function of the european union, the mold that they take, the, the strong good that they are. so then everyone asking to, to give back power and independence is. it's an awful lot. as an example, imagine i imagine a power. so if they had a power of such a union with i'm electric power sites only in the mall. they would stand most
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strongly against add to power side medication, leases, non negotiable position for paris. similarly, the european establishment stands most strongly against peru, sovereignty a nationalist politicians potentially. if those parasites also have new cloths and new ideals in a new shape, they would even try to accuse the parasite medication manufacturer as of ties with put it in an attempt to in my life. and i didn't decide that the patriots group is the 3rd largest group in the european parliament. but the vote has decided it. therefore, the fact of going against the will of the europeans, a will democratically expressed by millions of european voters, represents a huge assumption of responsibility. as well as
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a lack of respect what they call democracy in europe as well, characterized by the legs, the selection, and the last a raw swing puts the freedom party, critical of, of brussels and euro crass. and as you rush and sanctions and support for your group one, the most boots will most of the funds have to do both moving and the other part 3 months have passed and nothing coalition of losing policies have made a pact to work together and side live the freedom part, it is literally being called the coalition of loses who refuse to work with a policy that most australians booted for. this may feel like a slap in the face to many of you, but i promise you the final word has not yet been spoken. naturally, that seems to happen to many i, g, e, you publications, but need to the freedom party hubbard. kimco is now under investigation for an
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actual padre. i just keeps half of the trash the you too much and know find the way to bring you down. look at what's happening in germany. but you're a skeptic. f d policy, which the storm blew. collisions across germany that so terrified you are correct, but they have dropped you freeze heads of freedom and democracy they want is bad and we must subject this powerful right wing extremist party to review by the federal constitutional court. this is about nothing less than our free democracy in the name of freed up. he says, you are being democracy once, when something, when we were young and stupid, it was an ideal to a spot. was there's nothing to respond to now. the role of the people as
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be replaced with persecutions and manipulation by the seats and propaganda fit to have your company this saturday. it's documentary time next donati international. i'm with out with more news updates at the top of the, the us near the need leaks totaled in the articles. and you might, it's a city of the and even easily scale to see the unit, you know, probably my custody of the united. so that's literally the data,
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this is kind of shows you this list of, most of the details of hosting, which the portables seem and use the link to the store. so it doesn't start to, to, to you, you would need to even, and 0. it's a good key and our phone yet. so that's the a little steep. the wood steep porpoise. it does to lean. yeah. when you hit on that front of me on a one year to 90 percent still probably i its uh looking for reading and what else we can use just a little no. great. the summer nadine? uh go onto the dm douglas. i'm aware of the car will i do lots of water to do dish and lunch to to go to take that weaving.


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