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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2025 10:00am-10:30am EST

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ok, and washington wants different outcomes, the outgoing us, top diplomat, anthony blinking admins plucking ukraine with weapons. long before russia launched its operation, but not to find washington's supposed pro peace that we saw it coming. we were able to make sure that not only we prepared and allies and partners were prepared with ukraine, was prepared. we quietly got a lot of weapons to, to ukraine to make sure that they hadn't had what they needed to defend themselves . things like sting or establish if they could use the table. i didn't range by owner in hillary clinton and george source with the highest us civilian. it was the middle of freedom that controversial track record. though. go on, mention sex trafficking, kids, nothing drugs done much to all, to look into this scandalous allegations against american wrap up the city with 2
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of the world in 2020 the whole time we deal with all the international thanks very much for joining us. we're going to start now with the fact that the russian defense industry has announced that ukrainian forces have attempted to break through attack in the supplement of better than in bushes coast region at around 9 am aiming to stop the russian offensive in the cook region. enemy forces attempted to counter attack in the directions of bed and settlement with an assault team including 2 tanks, a pioneer vehicle and 12 and vehicles carrying troops, artillery and aviation of the north, forced grouping, carried out strikes against the ukrainian assault group. 2 tanks, the pioneer vehicle and 7 vehicles were destroyed. the operation is ongoing. well,
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meanwhile, the us sector states has confirmed that washington started providing weapons to cab long before russia launched it special military operation, all to senior correspondent and were against you have breaks it all down for us as the world around us. well, bones is order, renewal and security, and the economies come to the body, ministrations, foreign policy, my anthony blinking as asked us to pretend that everything's fine. she did a good job today, as i said with you. and as we look at the all of the terrain we've traveled these last 4 years, i think we hand over an american and much, much stronger position having come through the economic crisis having come through the health crisis. and having changed much for the better our position around the world because we've made those investments and i analyze this and partnerships also what could objectively be described as a catastrophic tom which,
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which began with disaster. and i've got to start until the into this uh start every where mr. blinking strapped down with a jelly released to give his side of the story on how everything went to his 1st. if you look at the trajectory of the, of the conflict, because we saw it coming, we were able to make sure that not only we prepared and allison partners are prepared for that ukraine was prepared. so we made sure that well before the russian aggression happened, starting in september comp, the russian aggression happened in february, starting and september. and then again, december, we quietly got a lot of weapons to, to ukraine to make sure that they hadn't had what they needed to defend themselves . things like sting or is traveling so that they could use or, you know, attack the pro russian separate this in the don't boss of the top washer missed the blinking, ultimately it needs was right. the us and they do well, pumping ukraine photo guns and photos,
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imo hard cool. militarize ation. russia has been talking about this for many years about the us and u. k. pumping ukraine with weapons about unless nato drills in the black sea violating russian borders about western military aircraft, getting dangerously close to civil plains and russian air space. that's exactly why one of the special military operations objectives is the d, militarization of ukraine to ensure our security miss the blinking is of goals. and so his teeth from the stuff to the a c as the u. s. problems, ukraine full of guns. well, they actually wanted to delve us is peace. i work very hard and the lead up to the war, including, you know, meetings with my russian counterpart surrogate lever off in geneva, a couple of months before the war. trying to find a way to see if we could prevented trying to test the proposition whether this was
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really about russia's concerns for it. security concern somehow about ukraine and the threat that posed or nato and the threat that it posed. and we were intentionally engaged diplomatically with russia, was a co weed. and since i was also that in geneva, full that need to please is the villa where joe budman may i put in are going to meet up. busy security here is nothing fell off as i remember. well how russian journalist, what bod? from job i just press conference where he took pre prepared questions. dave, pre prepared dogs, is to pre selected journalist. i'll take your questions and as usual folks, they gave me a list of the people i'm going to call on so jonathan associated press a minutes walk away. meanwhile, lots of a, a pool loud journalist from over the us in europe to us. so should whatever they
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bought, that i also this thing to remember, the tools being an abject failure, because the united states refused to accept any of russia's concerns. since then. had there been any opportunity to engage diplomatically in a way that could end the war on justin durable terms? we would have been the 1st to seize them. unfortunately, at least till this moment. we haven't seen any size. the rush has been genuinely prepared to engage. i hope that that changes the expression, the best describes least the bring can slide the old version of events. these is covering one's bought hooks. it's the blink. it's busy with fumbling. every crisis is coming his way. somehow for goss about rushes, let's estimate a 5, a warning stop expanding towards this or out. the last a, but they brought me off that we called forget the,
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the stumble pulse of 2022. when you grade was, was ready to sign a piece deal with russia, but boshra was ready to give back him song and part of what was your regions the same piece, deal to the united kingdom, represented by no doubt but farce. johnson sabotaged and convinced ukraine to pull out of this, the blinking, forget that on one side of the african chinese piece initiative, which miss the brain couldn't help to pay though. and on top of that is the big could the soul, one of us, you let me, the aides. that is essentially what he means when he says the russia doesn't one piece. unless you divide each and the whole slowly, we have no be conditions for starting negotiations. we are ready for a dialogue without frequent oceans and all that on the basis of what we agreed to punch them with the, with negotiations process and use the $162022.00,
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which i have already said a 100 times. and also born on the basis of should the us of the realities on the ground, how easy it is, and you can sort of squarely within the spanking of realities on the ground. they were much better for you grade before someone gave mr. blinking last job, due to non, to end the war. now these are decisions for ukrainians to make that they have to decide where their future is and how they want to get there, where the line is drawn on the, on the map. at this point, i don't think it's fundamentally going to change very much. the real question is, can we make sure that you find is in a position you mean for that, that the, the areas that rush, the controls you know, will have to be seated. seated is not the, the question, the question is, or the line as a practical matter in the foreseeable future is unlikely to move very much. but if it starts this new credit and have a 1000000 more healthy and happy men who were well alive and well,
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millions more and population vastly more territory. lou less on payable debts and much more optimism about the future. the half was ukraine before, but they couldn't buy them in bars, which would all sorts of disgusting things into the landscape. is i do, you knew why? because it was never about you, craig, it's interesting. what i'm hearing you say is that you cleans fate will no longer rest and it's major support or the united states. you see it as resting, elsewhere, europe, etc. look, i hope very much. and i don't wanna say expect, but i certainly hope for a much to the united states will remain the vital support of that. it's been for ukraine because again, this is not just about ukraine. it's never just been about u. k. it was always about nato. but because it's blaine could be even mess that's up off your average,
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you repeat it or america. the very few save. somehow, a brilliant plaid to the feed, russia and ukraine has turned into european prime ministers cooling and the citizens to make stashes of cab foods and the by the administration. guessing the problem. bill, me little thing from the american people during the election, the russians. but right now, no, i don't know if i get ukraine has less over 20 and is being directly used by the us as a battering ram against russia, which almost immediately ukraine was turned into assisting drama. so it's sort of biological warfare experiment and is now being pumped up with width and definitely some gift on the success really sucks since about basically running the show to controlling the rest of the collective west. they are using the current situation with which they created through ukraine. this war against the russian federation of a subscription to remove competition. will they see us as a competitor pulling ticket that i actually remember how american senator lindsey
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graham previously commented on this since you believe in september 2023, as well as the referred to us assistance to ukraine as and i quote is a good investment for the american people, when we celebrate that they were destroying the russian army without losing a single soldier, fridays. of course, only one case study in failure is to bring could manage stuff, flip and flop at the fun, but we think the world was him. we were determined to do everything we could to help ensure that october 7th will never happen again. we also wanted to make sure that the war wouldn't spread. the conflict wouldn't, wouldn't spread to other fronts, to other countries because that would mean more death and destruction. it would also mean that the actions as are always taking and gaza were likely to enjoy or even longer. and i can come to that in a minute. 3rd, and we want it to make sure to the best of our ability that the children, the women, the men in gaza, poor caught in the crossfire of
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a mazda as initiation. that they did nothing to start and were basically powerless to stop. whereas protected as possible and got the assistance they needed to survive. this her as a conflict and we've been working on each of those fronts every day since. where does one begin? pallet start tens of thousands of civilians. dead millions displays cities raised is really hostages. north with on israel, who is the tax pilot, studs lab, and on iran, yemen, and has now virtually, i'm next with more of syria mean with american supplied bottoms the
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bottom and blinking tub began with catastrophe. and i've gotten a start, which the outgoing secretary of state tried to praise and he's interview, how does that early failure and i've got a stand really change the sense do you think that positive fight and really had this under control, that you had it under control do damage america's credibility. the 1st i make no apologies for ending america's longest war. this i think is a signal achievement of the presidents. i think the question was what, what were you going to do moving forward from the withdrawal? we also have to learn lessons from afghanistan itself, here at the state department, one of the things that i ordered almost immediately was an after action review to try to make sure that we understood what are we gotten right. and also, what are we gotten wrong track, we've actually put into practice many of those recommendations in subsequent prices
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that we have to face, whether it was an 11 on whether it was an israel, whether it was in sudan, all of that we brought to bear based on lessons that we've learned from afghanistan, i was back at the top. you also remember, so this is one of the tyler bands. how much trucks would be bold seed on. on videos they have hundreds and hundreds of these thousands of all the vehicles, billions of dollars worth of weapons with a valuation vehicle tags and even helicopters that we just left behind. we will for that, it was she really a to at the top, the little that we knew that mr. blinking had much, much more applied. and what's tony worry is he still has
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2 weeks to go. we discussed ukraine's attempt to defend saved for the chief editor of the finish and they left the news out. left the twos. janice, put conan who says that the attack is ukraine's attempt to justifying weston on shipments. that there is only 2 weeks of also do the migration of the dog from pool has promised to store these met. and this with this going on here. we don't based upon the weapons jeans of november as be just huge billions and billions of us dollars has been used the order 3 on the grading and forces. and now it's the last moment when they get to try to show their facebook on trying to show that there is
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a point of farming gradient forces what they need. now these results, and now what we see in the course region is most probably the most important, a single fight for a long time to show that there is no point. there is no justification and a real possibility to have made it 30 solutions ukraine. and of course the key ever. she wants to show the opposite. they want to show that the, so the deliveries are not going ebay, but i'm going us president joe biden has been awarding the country's high civilian on it. 19 people, there's choice. it's lori. it says raise bunch of questions. tech tycoon, a little musk simply called the white task ceremony. quote, a travesty. well joining a list of sporting ends, payments, celebrities,
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they've received the presidential miles the middle of freedom on democrats. so what hillary clinton and most of the lunch profess toward source, now 950000000000 that has the 40 big, controversial track record. can blame for publishing countries by attacking their currencies and attempting global regime change. well, us human labor rights lawyer done symbolic, says the presidential medal of freedom is become an ideological to test rebuild. for me, given this metal for supporting america's aggressive wars, that presidential metal freedom is becoming more of that more of a reward for, for the you know, india, logical alignment of, of people with whatever administration is in power at the time. it's been a complete disaster for the united states. these wars and for the world but buys is
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decided to award. someone who, you know, promotes these types of wars. very strange. hillary clinton is someone who has supported some of the worst u. s. foreign policy decisions. she was really one of the key intellectual authors of the natal operation against libya in 2011, which we moved mo, market off. you might remember when she was told live on air, the kid off he was killed, she laughed and said, uh we came, we saw he died in of course, what really happened in the, in was it. libya was turned from the most prosperous country and, and for good to the least prosperous. similarly with george soros, you know, his so called open society institute has also been very critical in, in supporting color revolutions throughout the world and regime change operations throughout the world. and he works really hand in glove with the us government and
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doing that well. the scandal surrounding us rap a p did the grip the world in 2024. there are a late 20 of charges that included sex trafficking to nothing. drugs and re full emerging just as a glimpse of a much wider, newer picture will all tease you mind making a shot delves into the details now which implicate some of the hollywood biggest names. the 2024 was an eventful year to say the least. a true spectacle of scandal burst forth from us politics and culture, especially in hollywood to the latest on the rest of shawn ditty. combs, music level, facing federal, racketeering conspiracy and sex trafficking charges proper. sean cones also known
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as he did a or puff daddy, made headlines this year with he's arrest on various charges from sex traffic in and sexual assault is claim that did is history of abuse included forcing women. so engaging days long rog fueled sexual activities, commonly referred to as we boss, is freak off, swear, arranged, directed, and also recorded by the man himself, who later use the tapes to intimidate the victims comes the rest came 6 months after an f. b i rayed on his homes in both miami and los angeles. were law enforcement found stores of supplies for his reported 6 parties, including and weirdly enough, a 1000 bottles of baby oil. how do you explain the baby oil in the lubricants it's 1000 bottles of baby oil? i don't think it was a 1000. i think it was. why does it cost to write down the street? you know, i think americans buy involved because we know and know this is this consent to
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adults, the conceptual adults do you know, we can't get to peer technical in this country to think that somehow sex is a bad thing. here's the question. everyone wants as, or who else was involved, because you have an excellent pedigree in routing out the truth. will we get the full, did he with will we get actually what we get, j f. k? will we get the rest of what happened with russia collusion? and that's what i was, that's what i want as me, as an american citizen. and that's what i want in terms of achieving that restoration of respect for government in dc that's been gone for like 5060 years. some of the prompts re election campaign was marred by scandal long before the republican candidates associations with the wrapper came to white photos of the 2 businessman virtually exploded on social media. but the democrats were and spared any scrutiny either. the other side got a lot of crazy endorsements with m. m. leo dicaprio beyond say,
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every day the democratic party looks more and more like a p did e party, one of the few politicians, the young people relate. and we want to just send a message on why you feel it's important for them to vote. i really think that they share more than any other young people is accurate. did he says young people relate to hillary. how much does that cost? perry is with brock. when do you want me to present a united states call you may call in t v. thank you. and i just want to say how much i appreciate that for, for doing the kinds of work that he's doing because he doesn't have to do this. the now infamous wrapper and producer did in fact endorse democratic candidates throughout his career. and part of the supports went both ways, which shock homes being awarded the key to new york city by may or adams in 2023.
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speaking of the big apple, can you think of any other notorious child sets up and there's a human traffic there's operating out of the city that never sleeps. jeffrey epstein worked as a finance year in socialized with the city is rich and famous for years. well, the hip of mobile p diddy was said to be in the same circles, allegedly, the card that fields are mixed up in this, that there is some documents. there's some proof evidence that people are being drugged and then things were being recorded video tape, and then that was used against executives or individuals to get further in, in their deals. what can you, what can you shed on that top of? yeah, the big the names and you, what you're going to find here is the same circle. it's the same circle. it's the, it's the harvey weinstein circle. remember that running past their entire red carpets of a list, there's look it over their shoulders, these days, global icons like jennifer lopez, leonardo dicaprio, mariah carey,
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and of course jay z and beyonce knowing what you know about p d d and his free cos. how can anyone want to listen to mariah carey will be on say beyond say in dunces, dressed in white referencing, did he and his wife parties also creepy. so i went down the rabbit hole with the whole jay z and do the thing going on. never saw us have it that this man could be a predator. but what did i know crazy things that i found out. it's true that sean did. he comes is the jeffrey epstein of the rap industry a rest jennifer lopez. she knew as well and did nothing. but, you know, dicaprio will lose everything because of duty sick animals. the call is the lawsuit has left to have the paper trail to sean carter, better known as j. v. core documents that use a to rep or as of raping a 13 year old girl in 2000. but instead of taking time away from the public jersey
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made the rounds that industry parties and award shows denying everything. these allegations are so heinous in nature that i implore you to file a criminal complaint, not a civil one. whomever would commit such a crime against a minor should be locked away. would you not agree? these alleged victims would deserve real justice if that were the case, as carter swats away accusation did his legal team stand strong in the belief that all the client did was bring people together for some fun, showing times white parties and other events, what eye clinic a true convergence of hip hop, hollywood and black excellence. it's disappointing to see the media and social commentators twist these cultural movements into something they would not shaving celebrities who attended to taking video clips and photos out of context and trying to link these events to false allegations is simply on true use. the prosecutor, tony buzz is only warming up with the 20 lawsuits filed against combs. he says,
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the public should raise itself for further cases against the hip hop star. as victims come forward, so farm 60 men and 60 women, 25 of whom were minors at the time of the reported crimes with the youngest victim being 9 years old. the biggest secret in the entertainment industry that really wasn't the secret at all, has finally been revealed to the world. the wall of silence has now been broken. it's a long list already, but because of the nature of this case, we are going to make sure dam sure we are right before we do that. these names will shot you. the music mobile remains innocent until proven guilty. but as we all know, the hollywood hills have eyes without the rep from us, or they so no to international moonies in these coming your way from 7 p. m. local time. here in the
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take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power, tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground, can the
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the us near the need and could it leads to the, in the articles and you might, it's a theater when you move the least amount of snippets of what you mean. you know, probably the way you can see in the united, so it's kind of shows you this list inclusive detail is typical, of course can do,
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but it would stay the same and you're still in tediousness stores at the store. you, you would need to a few minutes 0. it's a good key and our phone yet. so that's the, a little steep the wood steep porpoise. it's a simple example. disney junior, when you hit on that front of me one year to 90 percent, still probably i it's a well known for reading and what else you can use just a little new grade, the summer nadine girl, i'm keeping the domestic residue. i'm aware of the guard will i get off of want to do additions left still to go to that waving key if you mean your story from what you have sweetie. do toyota, she's configured awfully, samuel settle, watch way. but if it's stupid funny, i've still not someone did it. what do you need to pack those away man. so budget,
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what does she need for you? let me start with dc. pretty good news. just so could i even the top of these me keystone just slip slip of both of these are still big. got got available. nobody move forward. so let's just, if you did, i'd say the 15 is here, but your key of the car just knowing the tissue, thoughts that your window of a point that goes in your brain school homeless wide web street to avoid the e mail. i'm going to state your board of agreement, but i will go to what's going on probably in your personal reasons, but i see it for you. so i'm here for you by to be quite simple strong, but always smoke purpose of using the cordless. yeah, we're basically so glad you've got to be able to talk to so the.


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