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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2025 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the shows the right, the video to does much is the vineyard, the, the feeling is that a quizzical mama may answer. there's a date or the outgoing us top diplomat. and to me blinking the flooding ukraine with weapons. long before russia noticed that some peroration that not to this find washington was supposed to pro peace and strong sense. we saw it coming. we were able to make sure that not only we prepare to now as the partners are prepared with ukraine, was prepared. we quietly got a lot of weapons to, to ukraine, to make sure that they hadn't hand what they needed to defend themselves. things like sting or tablets that they could use serve i didn't raise is only priced by honoring hillary clinton on george soros are the highest civilian who was the middle of freedom that controversial track records. though,
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go on mention the welcome to things and actual bringing you up to date on the global needs agenda. thanks very much for the tuning in this now, and we'll stop the closer to home because the russian defense ministry has announced that ukrainian forces have attempted a breakthrough attack. and the settlement is better than in russia's coast region. at around 9 am aiming to stop the russian offensive in the cook region. enemy forces attempted to counter attack in the directions of bed and settlement with an assault team including 2 tanks upon a vehicle and 12 and vehicles carrying troops. artillery and aviation of the north, forced grouping, carried out strikes against the ukrainian assault group. 2 tanks, the pioneer vehicle and 7 and the vehicles were destroyed. the operation is ongoing . well, meanwhile, the us secretary of state consented. washington stockton,
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providing weapons to key. i have long before russian launched its military operation, or the senior correspondent moved against it, breaks it all down. as the world around us, well, bones is order, renewal and security, and the economies come to the bottom and ministrations foreign policy, my anthony blinking as asked us to pretend that everything's fine. she did a good job today, as i said with you. and as we look at the all of the terrain we've traveled these last 4 years, i think we hand over an american and much, much stronger position having come through the economic crisis having come through the health crisis. and having changed much for the better our position around the world because we've made those investments. and i analyze this and partnerships, also what could objectively be described as a catastrophic tom which,
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which began with disaster and have gotten a start until the into this stuff. every where mr. blinking strapped down with a journalist to give his side of the story on how everything went to his 1st. if you look at the trajectory of, of the conflict, because we saw it coming, we were able to make sure that not only will re prepared analysing partners are prepared for that ukraine was prepared, as we made sure that well before the russian aggression happened. starting in september comp, the russian aggression happened in february, starting in september and then again, december, we quietly got a lot of weapons to, to ukraine to make sure that they hadn't had what they needed to defend themselves . things like sting or is traveling so that they could use or, you know, attack the pro russian separate this in the don't boss of the top washer missed the blinking. ultimately it leads was right. the us and they do well, pumping ukraine,
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sort of guns and full of i'm o hard cool. militarize ation. russia has been talking about this for many years about the us and u. k. pumping ukraine with weapons about n. let's nato drills in the black sea, violating russian borders about western military aircraft, getting dangerously close to civil plains in russian air space. that's exactly why one of the special military operations objectives is the de militarization of ukraine to ensure our security missed the blink. it is of course, lying. so his teeth from the stuff to the n. c as the u. s. problems, ukraine full of guns. well, they actually want to see valve us is peace. i worked very hard and the lead up to the war, including, you know, meetings with my russian counterpart surrogate, a lever off in geneva, a couple of months before the war. trying to find a way to see if we could prevented trying to test the proposition whether this was
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really about russia's concerns for its security concern. somehow about ukraine and the threat that posed or nato and the threat that it posed. and we were intentionally engaged diplomatically with russia, was a co with incidents. i was also that in geneva, full that need to this is the villa where joe budman may i put in are going to meet the busy security here is nothing fell off as i remember. well, how russian journalist, what bod for joe, by his press conference, where he took pre prepared questions, dave, pre prepared dogs is too pre selected journalist, and i'll take your questions and as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people i'm going to call on so jonathan, associated press minutes walk away. meanwhile, the plaza may approve loud journalist from over the u. s. in europe aust,
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whatever they bought that i also this thing to remember the tools being an abject failure. because the united states refused to accept any of russia's concerns since then, had there been any opportunity to engage diplomatically in a way that could end the war on justin durable terms? we would have been the 1st to seize them. unfortunately, at least till this moment. we haven't seen any size. the rush has been genuinely prepared to engage. i hope that that changes the expression, the best describes least the bring can slide the old version of events. these is covering ones, but hooks is the blink. it's busy with fumbling every crisis coming his way. somehow for goss about rushes, let's as in a to a 5. 0 boy, nick, stop expanding towards this or out. the less a, but they agree or that little off that we called forget the,
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the stumble pulse of 2022. when you grade was, was ready to sign a piece deal with russia when russia was ready to give back your song. and part of what was your regions, the same piece, deal the united kingdom, represented by no doubt foot bars. johnson sabotaged and convinced ukraine to pull out of this the blinking, forget the don't one side of the african chinese piece initiative, which miss the brain couldn't help torpedo. and on top of that is the big could the soul of us, you let me, the aides. that is essentially what he means when he says the russia doesn't. one piece will not bring the body to nickel slowly. we have no be conditions for starting negotiations. we are ready for a dialogue without frequent ations, no, but on the basis of what we agreed to punch them with during the negotiation process and use them in 2022, which i have already said
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a 100 times. and also born on the basis that should do most of the realities on the ground on either of these. and that's what i squarely within the spanking of realities on the ground. they were much better for you grade before someone gave mr . blinking that job due to your time to end the war. now these are decisions for ukrainians to make that they have to decide where their future is and how they want to get there, where the line is drawn on the, on the map. at this point, i don't think is fundamentally going to change very much. the real question is, can we make sure that you find is in a position you lean forward with that, that the, the areas that rush, the controls, you know, will have to be seated. seated is not the the question, the question is of the lines, as a practical matter in the foreseeable future is unlikely to move very much. well, if it starts this new credit and have a 1000000 more healthy and happy men who were well alive and well,
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millions more and population vastly more territory. lou less on payable debts and much more optimism about the future. half was ukraine before, but they couldn't buy them in bars, which would all sorts of disgusting things into the landscape is, as you knew, why? because it was never about ukraine. it's interesting what i'm hearing you say is that you can say, well, no longer rest and it's major support or the united states. you see it as resting, elsewhere, europe, etc. look, i hope very much. and i don't want to say expect, but i certainly hope very much that the, the united states will remain the vital support of that has been to ukraine. because again, this is not just about ukraine, it's never just been about u. k. it was always about nato, but because it's bullying could be even mess that's up off your average. you repeat
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it or america did they feel safe or somehow a brilliant applied to the feed, russia and ukraine has turned into european prime ministers cooling and the citizens to make stashes of cab foods and the by the administration. guessing the problem. bill me though, seeing from the american people during the election, the russians. but right now, no. the ukraine has lost 70 and is being directly used by the us as a battering ram against russia. almost immediately, ukraine was turned into a testing ground for biological warfare experiments and is now being pumped up with weapons. on the sides of the anglo saxons are basically running the show, controlling the rest of the collective west. they are using the current situation which they created through ukraine, this war against the russian federation of a subscription to remove competition. they see us as
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a competitor pulling ticket that i actually remember how american senator lindsey graham previously commented on this individual and september 2023 as well as the referred to us assistance to ukraine as and i quote is a good investment for the american people we celebrated that they were destroying the russian army without losing a single soldier. new fridays, of course, the one case study in failure is to bring could manage stuff, flip and flop at the fun, but we think the world was him. we were determined to do everything we could to help ensure that october 7th from never happen again. we also wanted to make sure that the war wouldn't spread. the conflict wouldn't, wouldn't spread to other fronts, to other countries because that would mean more death and destruction. it would also mean that the actions as are always taking and gaza were likely to endure or even longer. and i can come to that in a minute. 3rd, and we want it to make sure to the best of our ability that the children,
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the women, the men in gaza for caught in the crossfire of a mazda as initiation. that they did nothing to start and were basically powerless to stop. whereas protected as possible and got the assistance they needed to survive this horrific conflict. and we've been working on each of those fronts every day since. where does one begin? pallet start tens of thousands of civilians. dead. millions displaced cities raised is really hostages, north refund israel, who is the tax pilot started living on iran, yemen, and has now virtually, i'm ext even more of syria mean with american supplied bottoms the
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bottom and blinking tub. big on live catastrophe. and i've got to stop which the outgoing secretary of state tried to praise. and he's interview, how does that early failure? and i've gotta stand really change the sense. do you think that posit and 5 and really had this under control that you had it under control do damage america's credibility. at 1st i make no apologies for ending america's longest war. this i think is a signal achievement of the present. it's, i think the question was what, what were you going to do moving forward from the withdrawal. we also have to learn lessons from afghanistan itself, here at the state department. one of the things that i ordered almost immediately was an after action review to try to make sure that we understood what are we gotten right. and also, what are we gotten wrong track. we've actually put into practice many of those recommendations in subsequent prices that we have to face,
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whether it was an 11 on whether it was an israel, whether it was in sudan, all of that we brought to bear based on lessons that we've learned from afghanistan . i was back at the top. you also remember? so this is one of the tyler bands. how much trucks would be bold, see it on, on videos they have hundreds and hundreds of these thousands of other vehicles, billions of dollars worth of weapons with a valuation vehicle tags and even helicopters that we just left behind. we will for that, it was she really a, to ask the tub the, the little that we knew that mr. blinking have much,
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much more applied. and what's tony worry is she still has 2 weeks to go. we discussed ukraine's attempt to defend see if we'd be chief editor of the finish and they left a news outlet. yeah, and this for continued. it said the attack is ukraine's attempt to justifying western alms shipments. there is only 2 weeks of also integration of the dog from who has promised to store these met and is what this going on here redoing based upon the weapons genes of november as be just huge. billions and billions of us dollars has been used the order 3 on the great new forces. and now it's the last moment when they can try to show their defend trying to show that there is on full spar me
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and create new forces what they need. now, these results. and now what we see in the course region is most probably the most important, a single fight for a long time to show that there is no point. there is no justification and the real possibility to have military solutions, the crate. and of course, the key every she wants to show the opposite. they want to show that the so the deliveries are not going be outgoing us. president joe biden has been awarding the countries highest civilian on it to 19 individuals, but his choice of lawrence has been raising plenty of eyebrows and questions tech tied to a little musk simply called the white task ceremony. quote,
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a travesty as well. joining our list as 14 and statements, celebrities, we've received the presidential level of freedom on democrats. so what hillary clinton and so on surface, george soros, the 950000000000 that has a pretty big, controversial track record. he's being blamed for in publishing countries by attracting that currencies and also attempting global regime change. so us human labor rights lloyd done, cuz all it says the presidential medal of freedom has become an ideological to feed for me. given this metal for supporting america's aggressive wars, their presidential metal freedoms becoming more of that, more of a reward for, for the, you know, india, logical alignment of, of people with whatever administration is empowered to done. it's been a complete disaster for the united states. these wars and for the world but buys is
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decided to award to someone who, you know, promotes these types of wars. very strange. hillary clinton is someone who has supported some of the worst u. s. foreign policy decisions. she was really one of the key and electro authors of the natal operation against libya in 2011, which we moved mo, mark it off. you might remember when she was told live on air, the kid off who was killed. she laughed and said, uh, we came, we saw he died in of course, what really happened in the, in was that libya was turned from the most prosperous country and, and for good to the least prosperous. similarly with george soros, you know, his so called open society institute is also been very critical in, in
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a supporting color revolutions throughout the world and regime change operations throughout the world. and he works really hand in glove with the us government and doing that well as the west questions, serious plans been gender equality? damascus delivers a pretty low rate answer. local media, old but scrubbed gym and foreign minister and lena buy a book out of photos from had meeting with the middle eastern states. new need to well, no official reason has been given some a pointing to the europeans officials closing because by about chose to wear pants as prizes and full go covering the head decisions, but do not align with islamic teachings to. well, the gentleman top diplomat said that she'd be traveling to syria with an i have stretched hand which the hyatt tati. an ocean chief refused to shake. when receiving the e. u. delegation by bulkley to told me that that serious future relations with
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europe would depend on the new leadership's attitude towards women's rights. a better future for syria means and inclusive peaceful transfer of power reconciliation and reconstructs. this requires the political dialogue involving all ethnic and religious groups involving men and equally women. we're frauds in so many places not on you from syrian people in europe, but also from syrian people. when i was before christmas in cherokee and also here today that they are making clear women rights are yacht, stick for the future, for everyone in a free sites. not only as many syrians would therefore, just so new rulers, by the extremes. well let say with this during cost down to independent
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journalist sonya of, on and the index who discuss this further. i'm thanks for joining us here in all to, to national, just interesting that we've got this new syrian government to its intentions for gen direct quote. they seem to be pretty much and blurry is wasteful, missed by books facing those images. but just wondering what you are expecting for women in syria, in this new administration, you know, nothing and that don't expect and it's a for women and men by the way. but you know, what did on the line, i think that she was going to a normal ex european democratic government or something. i mean, she was going to tears. that's put it clear. the ones who now in government is how your subsidy show before that, especially about the boost it. uh, okay, that actually did serve and people call them isis or that show what had she in mind
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to prove that this, this man, i mean, they cannot be. i mean, we saw in the internet circulating today at 2 horrible videos about the minister of justice of this new syrian government who was the judge and he was ordering to execute women if live in 2015. so i mean, what is the thoughts of this, this is variable a minute. so for this, this going there in her, i'll, we all know that islam is, don't allow women with a family that they don't allow women to wear a headstart. and then she wants to shake hands. i mean this is, it didn't go ahead and said that this. yeah, really hilarious actually to see. and i mean this is now we see the results of a take over by the us 30 israel. and actually it's the us also, i, we discovered it was the house of ukraine that this new government is actually in. it's one of his government. and this a shabby l. 5,
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c was the minister of justice is not the only member who was with the theater shot or okay the we have had to p as minnesota for know says, well, it's the same story. you know, it's also hanging up as a data show or okay, the same story all over again. so it's the same. yeah. as rules, but do you have is that the moment? yeah, i mean, we heard unloading it by about talking about the fact of the you wouldn't fund these lines ation of syria, but it just wanted how much of a role and he thinks of women's rights john, the power to will actually have on influencing those relations between the bulk and syria as well. now, of course, i mean when you look at this new government there, i think 2 ladies in there, well, they collaborate, the scores. if did you have, is they will not be much in the fixture of because okay, they had to do this because of the, you know, there are funding them and of course the u. s. is funding them. so because of women
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rights, they have to put 2 women in their month. their role is minimized, can say that's and it, yeah, it is one that's how dumb are western full of fissions or maybe not them. i mean, maybe it's old in the game. of course, to do a political game to support september risk. i mean, we know russia has the basis there is still there, i think. but it's also, you know, it's your political game, but i mean, for the people assume, yeah, it is very, very terrible. what is going on? i mean, the real serious people are suffering already from 14 years and they were fighting against each other as long as we're now in the government. and when the west, the saying all the very good guys, who's on the search, you know, tree me or this, and yet there you are, you on our mothers government respecting women rights respecting minorities maybe that has a new role maybe late to the l g b single those yeah, left, so just they get into that little bit more because
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h t s is attitudes towards women. it being pushing clear. i mean, it was in governance in italy, providence for a significant amount of time. and that there was strict restrictions on dress for women mobility and also the role in public life. we now know they've come into power in syria is to say, backed by several countries from the west and also to key. and we've already heard from one government representative the women's role in that you did. sherry could be in jeopardy in the future of putting the careers of many women judges in syria at risk. i just wanted, now we've got the west suggesting they may look at listing sanctions on. this is the mrs group. i mean, how would you explain these decisions? and we cannot explain them reload or you can explain them that and europe and especially germany has a big problem. you know, there's a lot of so called syrians, i think they're on other is a lot of this from different countries in the inside germany. and they come from
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a guy, it's time to iraq for everywhere. actually. they came with the rest of cheap. so in 2016 and they have a problem, a big problem in germany. i mean we, sol also tested that they made a big mess in berlin. i mean, with the fire woods going off, the water pipelines were hits and they were standing there with the re 3 star legs and abusing the real germans, who were, you know, walking dead? well the people are choosing women. so, i mean, this is a problem, a big problem for germany. so maybe on a nina went this to ask, you know, i can resend these people back, syria was, i don't think a lot of people don't want to go back to syria right now, because i'm on the these, do you have this are all so let's say of the rest of the keys may be christians and l y. that's who don't want to go back because they know what to expect. we already see amend homes going on. the last days l whitman are executed,
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christians are executed, a christian ministry and camera is now, you know, threatens by does it do you have is, so this is what is going on. so women will definitely not play a big role there. okay, well even though thank you very much for joining independent touchstone as sonya font and end date, much appreciated. thank you very much. bye. well, moultrie has been cut off from russian gas supplies off the fading satellites, massive debt with gas problem, but it also means that the break away region of trans nice street has no longer guessing the few i that leading to mass blackouts, that local officials and i am calling for new ways to import russian gas. trends to nesta should have direct relations with russia without any intermediaries, including in relation to gas. our formula, direct supplies from russia via whichever pipe payments are our most goes issue,
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which is nobody's business. we are not interested in buying gas from romania and to europe at market prices. just do not prevent us from working with russia, and we will not let them rob us can take over our factories or stop them under the pretext of lack of resources to help large enterprises. presidents all facing temporary power cuts with medical facilities and a central food production factories. the only one still running without a hitch. most of the industries of being forced to shut down one local during this simple dove a told us police that were making sure no gas flows to the break away region of the for the so. so we are now near the village of gore, a, bickley. these guys are guarding the tab that supplies gas to transmit the engine, they closed it and go to post. now there's police. crew is guarding the valve, grieving. it was still the energy crisis in moldova, and trends and history imaged when ukraine refused to renew
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a 5 year contract on russian gas. transits. mold over then requested that russian energy john gas from phillip is few vital, tentative ways. however, gas from holton supplies, as most a for refuse to pay, that sport consumed feel which russia know estimates it being are but $700000000.00. for the most open politician cornell cities says it's just nice position is costly for the countries population which are not subscribed. central heating has been turned off in transit and east are due to a complicated situation including a massive power outage. people are coming up with various ways to stay warm, as there are ongoing disagreements between choosing oh and moscow regarding gas transit. it comes as a result of caps, blockage of gas transport. there is an additional issue regarding multiples, debt to gas problem, which is not recognized by the mold open government. there is
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a serious lack of electricity and heating surfaces on the left bank of the nice to river. on the right bank, both electricity and gas prices are rising, but there are also plants for a possible rolling blackout in the future. there are alternatives to the current situation, but the main problem is the supply of electricity and gas from western countries. the increase in price is due to the supply as a major concern. we can see this happening and it is unlike the situation in transit in yesterday where there are other options for gas and electricity supply and right bank, moldova. however, these alternatives would be very expensive and would significantly worse and the low, the standards of the most open people that so for me this sunday, much appreciated having your company, you know, new will be in the hot seats at the top of the next hour. i think i'd be able to join him the
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