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tv   News  RT  January 6, 2025 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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is moscow and washington wants different outcomes the, [000:00:00;00] the headlines tories this our, the world's leading block of emerging nations, expands to 10 members after presiding, brazil, and nights is the session of indonesia separate full. so i had on the program, canadian prime minister justin true dope, is staffing don, reportedly before he pushed the following a string of scandals. that's always popular. it's a diploma. russian forced to secure more settlements and that done yes for public
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including the cleaning and some of the sitting keeps trip sustained over $12000.00 casualties during it's the, the across the world are run the clock. this is r t. let's get into the big new stories and there's been quite a few fresh plates adding to the ranks. indonesia is joining breaks as a full member. the united spend was made by brazil a short time ago, which is currently charging the block in the exercise of the brazilian presidency of bricks which began on january 1st and will extend until december 31st 2025. the brazilian government to announce today january 6, the formal entry of the republic of indonesia into bricks as a full member. indonesia is candidacy receive the endorsement of the leaders of the group at the johannesburg summit in august 2023 in the context of the process of
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expanding the framework of full members of bricks. it's the new year and we can see that this is a new era for indonesia as well, especially when we talk about you may have becoming the full member of briggs in a nice i has not been shy in expressing it's a desire to join breaks groups as the major emerging economies as a means to strengthen emerging countries, including indonesia, but only in october of last year during the breaks, less meeting at constant in the shop, formerly supplemented its application to become a full member of briggs. under the new president papa was dental. it's a move taken just based after so be under how the presidency seed, not long after the visa is welcomed, as bricks partner country, to establish this work, just world borders to build require to build this economy ties and you will look at
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the statement by the prince, daily and for a ministry, the bricks country used by consensus approved the entry i'll even use right into the grouping in line with the guiding principles criteria of the expansion of the membership framework agreed in johannesburg, entities or the entry into break smart we have it all staff into the nation's outbreak to amplify its boys on the global stage. and this is also something that positive bravo incidental has been urging since keeps taking presidency in october last year as the largest economy and population in south east asia in the nation. inclusions translate into groups mission to advocate for breeder representation in global organizations and on the presidency of roselle. this year breaks is focused on fostering global styles, competition. and this also online's perfectly. we're in
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a nation of long standing support for forming global governance institutions, including the expansion of the united nation security console. and it's also important to highlight the importance of tying that as part of brakes as well. because trying out please, a pivotal role in indonesia economy, particularly in sectors like mentor off for assessing and manufacturing. so a friendly welcome from china piece. a larger passport, unique economy guess. well, china welcomes in heavily congratulates indonesia and becoming a full member of bricks, indonesia, as a major developing country and important for us in the global south. haile recognizes the brick spirit. indonesia is official entry into brick serves the common interest of bricks, countries in the global south. and we believe that indonesia will make active contribution to the development of bricks or indonesia and joining breaks to offer us an opportunity to contribute actively to these objectives as well. the mission shares
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a common vision with as follow members in deepening cooperation within the global file. so even nice of participation is expected through draft regional and global economy roles. and also to ensure the perspective of emerging economies are well represented in multilateral institutions. so we can say that this is just the beginning for indonesia, especially inverts. when we discussed the significance of indian easiest bricks, this section with the executive editor on the basis of the news and analysis side. the most significant aspect, the in the easier i can bring to the table in the breaks block can be it's tired. of course, to be as young block and if they could perhaps serve as a bridge between brakes, which is not exactly that doesn't sure of exactly the same purpose as us here. but if it could serve as
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a bridge between the member king fees of the brakes and this trading block, it could be of a huge importance. it is something that everyone was expecting in it for just thinking of, rick says, a block of the most representative nations. it'd be each an engineer if it couldn't, of course be left out as the most populous and the most vibrant economy. so it is highly representative of the global south in the couldn't be left out anymore. so it was a very good price. right, to another headlines, stories today, canada is prime minister, has finally caved in to pressure to resign. just intruders. say's heels step done as both pm on the liberal party head. as soon as a new leader is chosen,
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i intend to resign as party leader as prime minister after the party selects it's next leader to a robust nationwide competitive process. last night i asked the president of the liberal party to begin that process. this country deserves a real choice in the next election. and it is become clear to me that if i am having to fight internal battles, it cannot be the best option in that election. it was expected that several. and he's, we're going to ask him to step down anyway. so to do is basically getting out ahead of this before he's shoved or set for a walk off the plank by his own party. you can say, because ultimately he is way down in the polls. he's about 20 points back from the conservative opponent plug of law and it's an election was to be held today. he was the liberal party would be absolutely designated. so why don't you don't has got
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much just lucy as per wrote parliament until march 24th. what that means is that, that gives about 3 months worth of time for to go and the liberals to hold a leadership review and select a new leader or whoever that might be a one thing that i think played a role in all. this is the fact that donald trump is coming into office in just a few days and the deputy prime minister under justin to go for stiff freeland, resigned just before christmas, basically saying to, to do like, we have different priorities with respect to how to handle this new incoming in an administration on the us side and, and we just don't agree on anything. when he got up to speed in front of recruiters . he, the 1st things he said, or things like, well, you know, i'm really proud of the priorities that i took care of while in office. things like ukraine, which canadians at this point, you know,
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they have better things to think about climate change. again, that doesn't really show that he's aligned with the priorities of, of the western people in this day and age. even in here in europe for appointment, changes generally are very big deal. it's really not that big of a deal right now and people can't pay the energy bills. so canadians are facing the same types of concerns. the carbon tax, things that he's, he's champion, the ultimately hit them in the pocket book. but the agenda and payment service to this was agenda that he's always promoted. so he mentioned you for and he mentioned that he mentioned truth and reconciliation. so in other words, i had to do with race divisions and i use basically playing into that again and using that as a touchstone is something he's improved on it have. i guess the things that canadians have better things to think about there just so many other issues that are really heating. he may be as hard before we get way down the list to laughing
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for nazis and wearing blackface in all the photos the agenda, the just if you don't open it with today during this press conference just to show how i've been touched. he totally is with canadians to again, are starting to see their interest more aligned with the interest of the average, your pin, or the average american who voted for trump. and that's why we're starting to see these leaders fall one by one. if they're not residing, they're trying to find a way to just hang in there by, you know, by the skin of their teeth. well, let's keep a focus in fact, on also a biggest criticism is mounting against canadian authorities for a loving and internationally designated terrorist group to host the so called is lomax supremacy conference in the country. the head sport total. your organization has, however, already been forced to change venue for its gathering following local pressure. this very extreme group is moving on to another city for the january 18th
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conference on behalf of all the peaceful and respectful residents of mississauga. we are relieved. the city of mississauga strictly adheres to the following conditions of use when renting city facilities to any group or organization. the city will refuse access to groups exhibiting contempt or hatred in any form and can remove permits. should such behavior be reported? here's the trigger is a pump system. this group designated as a terrorist organization by russia, the u. k, germany, china, and most of the art of world, despite the group's goal to establish a global islamic tele, faith dominated by sharia law through force washington. and also i have yet to blacklisted the controversy surrounding the conference in canada for us the ip going through the government into a hillstone of criticism. this is the story of the justin trudel, government, and his weak public safety ministers. under their watch, canada has become
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a safe haven for terrorist supporters. countries have designated his boot to rear a terrorist group. why are they allowed to host a conference in mississauga? while the extremist organization is also but by india, we got a reaction to developments and kind of that from new delhi based political and foreign policy expert super commercial due to he pointed to some glaring double standards in the west. only those standard outfits, speech, dancing. i've often do best inside once it gets to be bad. so this kind of the blue c, d on the winding and saturday the same and they want on the main thing. nonsense. do you know 10 of them in any form, the best big be above the reach and get it? i think the pop product. so if you had respect about religion, you've back in the best of the time for us doing kind of a deep sort of based on the why they give, stay though that means we added the something else that it's hypotheses the highest auto. then i think this kind of the pump is the that to be, has in, you know, father in law,
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the content on our creeps and across the globe has been expansion of the upsets type of drain. the boots across the globe. and i'd be built on sunday which needs to be contacted and it should not be tough to 5 for can i think time is done on a little bit of water to come together to address is drained and kind of like them and to feed, advocated from uh, from right, from the uh sorry, across the border, what sadly needs to be that get to get in to get to drive the spot. you know, i mean, better, it has to be right side. it has to be wide open. it has to be released months from any form of bad of this. i'll fix the big gains for the russian military in don't bottles. this week the defense ministry stays a number of supplements and that done yet for public health being secured, including what had been the key ukrainian stronghold as well. this is defense industry club age of high restroom trips. it is so i've taken building after building one in caracas,
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controlling its games. most schools forces direct road access through complex borders and hinder lucky, ebs ability. no thing to shell, then we have city. when owned are you printing controlled area? was a main logistical center heavily fortified, but troops time dyslexia, marty correspondence from on cost rep contributed into parts even come not that it . yeah, this was truly a christmas gift to the people of domestic people's republic as russia liberates keyed on bus city of caroll comes on. now the ration of girl. how it means that the you create in our forces will have fewer opportunities to fly or on the civilian population of the net scan, nearby challenge as well, from our to her assistance. now, according to the russian defense ministry, the ukranian armed forces last at least 80 percent of their personnel in cross combined domestic people's republic. that means the over 12000 casualties and law office offer at least 3000 units of equipment and the various weapon systems. the
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last 10 years, the key of regime has turn crock of law into a powerful, uh, 40 foot area, with a well developed, a network off of the flyer and points and the on demand communications as well. now from the more stuck, the loss of us is covered by reserve war, which significantly limits the maneuverability of the russian of soviets. now, logistical and technical support on ukraine's vig roofing in as an s good direction has now been significantly hampered as well. and also, russian troops have now entered the operational space, which will definitely increase the pace of the liberation of the rest of the territory of the next people's republic. meanwhile, in the course of uh, the pricing of also continues and the over the last 24 hours the trading on forces
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. last, at least 340 a surface man and a lot of equipment as well, including your thanks, infantry fighting vehicles, the army personnel, carriers, armor, combat vehicles and other equipment as well. now ukraine have attempted to a break through the russian barriers. however, according to the russian defense ministry, although the attempts were few file and unsuccessful. and as russia gains a broader strategic advantage in the done yet public most coast troops have holsted on attempted ukrainian breakthrough in the curse region. according to the defense ministry, the m. o d states keeps forces last dozens of tons and other vehicles and almost 500 soldiers in a day. adding to the estimated $50000.00 ukranian men killed in the course cooperation. former senior security policy on less than the us defense department, and michael mullis spoke to r t earlier. he sees ukraine strategy encouraged,
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reveals its desperation a well, it's a big question and it continues to be question. the only conceivable notion that i can think of is that they were trying to establish leverage so that if and when the 2 sides set down can negotiate the ukrainians, then with have some leverage that to give back territory in exchange for. that's not gonna happen. me, i think russian forces are pretty much contained. the ukrainians are surrounded. they can't, they can't really feed in additional supplies without them being detected and knocked out. so i think that they think the strategy was questionable. i think it was a desperate move. and you know, and in doing that, they some of their more experienced horses from the doing this area, making that even more vulnerable, that, that now is allowed, russian forces to take, take a over a very strategic position,
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support your assessment of the importance of this settlement to ukrainians, and of course they've lost cut off about now. yeah, well that was a very strategic point. and for the russians it's is highly strategic because it opens up the space for the right to take back the rest of the don't ask republic. this is a very significant blow and, and, and that is a very key area to, to branch out into other areas. so it's a, it was a rather significant win for russian forces. ok, let's turn attention on the program to get us or we're israel continues. it's a tax despite ongoing talks of a truce with come us local officials say 50 people helping kill since sunday with a strike, a new throughout refugee camp in the end. pip central region claiming 5 lives and wounding dozens more. the casualties which the images suggesting to children of being transferred to a nearby hospital un officials say some 16 medical facilities in total are still
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partially functioning across scales. and even those are overwhelmed with severe shortages of medical equipment and stuff. well, the adf has reportedly warranted soldiers against traveling abroad. it's after a brazilian court opened down investigation into war crimes in gaza against and is really reservist who was visiting real, was a tourist. he was able to flee the south american state, but officials back home are concerned about the presidents that we are witnessing is a systematic and anti submitted campaign aimed at denying israel's right to self defense . countless international actors in many countries are complicit in this well, that's really media also report of at least a dozen other similar cases being registered against the idea of soldiers. most of the complaints were followed by pro palestinian and jos on human rights organizations. as of yet,
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none of the accused of being arrested while to rights against the war. idea of soldiers have posted videos and social media which appeared unlocked the strips devastation the controversial funds can still be find online, which i'm, let's say, could potentially be used as evidence in court. these are war crimes that are ongoing. and the is really slow. jose, they've taken pictures of themselves while committing these more clients. so yeah, you know, it's not just a complaint with no evidence. the evidence is there. so therefore, when these uh postilion organizations or human rights organizations submit the complaints, they submitted with evidence clear evidence from the accounts of these soldiers and social media. they have been so uh, you know, flagged and i mean these, these, these, these people are committing a genocide on t v. they think that it is their right to do this because they believe that this is that kind of a, you know, there's their rights to commit to, to, to,
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to do set of defense. that's what they have been saying all along yet. assess the defense. uh yeah, it's a right for any nation, anyone around the world, yet you cannot actually to children environment hospitals and say, this is your self defense because there are some, you know, is there a hostages in the hands of how much does it doesn't work that way so i think this will have a huge impact because it would show that israel is that, you know, has been violating these crimes and they should not be any impact on it too. because infinity for is what it means. impunity for any other of any other nation. and that was turn the world into a chaotic state. you know? so i think that, you know, it would proceed, the procedures would go on and you know what the world needs to make up its mind. do you want people to commit for crimes and get away with it or not? the senior members of the new case 3 leading political parties have reportedly
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urged incoming us president donald trump, to distance himself from t l i. e lo most, that is after the tech tycoon and designate a trump official, made a series of inflammatory remarks that by the british politicians prime minister, cure storm or loss, starts at what he calls, lice spreading online about his failure to respond to the sexual abuse of teenage white girls mentally, ment, of pocket spelling they just said mr. storm or didn't mention his critic by name. as musk used his ex platform to bring attention to the child raped scandal. stormer was complicit in the rape of britain when he was head of crowned prosecution for 6 years. stormer must go, and he must face charges for his complicity in the worst mass crime in the history of britain. this name is actually real in the u. k. the stormer was deeply complicit in the mass rapes and exchange for votes. that's what the inquiry would show us. so to, as a asked to discuss the case of
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a rape of the young of young girls by a group of my many of whom had come from a focus on need to send in the u. k. as the home office refuses to bring up more data on the issue. now ellen mazda published materials on x, on how the british media fail to cover these rape cases, and must quinton, to also post footage of, uh, showcasing reported cases of a different waves were fathers tried to save their. * owners, but instead there were the ones to have been arrested know all of those stems from failure from u. k. officials to talk about where these, some of these men are from an in fear that it would bring more problems with in a society in the u. k, so ill and mazda decided to launch a full on x stating whether the us should liberate the people of, of britain from their government as he called from the prime minister for the prime
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minister to resign. i mean ellen mosque is a well known a business man. he's a billionaire and he is now soon to be a government official, as he will co lead, annually create a department of government efficiency in the trump administration. and he seems to be quite excited about it. about his upcoming role in the government. and while here he is now telling other nations how to govern themselves. and at this is something that we've seen from us officials before the grooming gangs, casey, was talking about. there is a historical case going back around a decade in the you, k. but you mentioned that a little mosque as if at the moment, got his fingers in lots of pies saying what he thinks about governments and policies in, in europe. if this is not the 1st time he has used ex, he's childs i saw nita's is it says he took over x. he's been using the social media as a global reach to push his political views. and while he is calling for the u. k is
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current prime minister to reside. he also call them king charles to step in and to solve the parliament. but um, he's also made public statement saying that he would fund the right wing party of the u. k. and then weeks later, he says that the leader of the party is not fit for the job. now he also is in hot water with a germany's current leadership. he is a vocal supporter of the opposite party, the right wing party b, a if d. and there's also been posts from hillen musk on twitter or tack, came all of sholtes, as well as old shoals, calling him a troll. and he's getting way too involved in european politics to the point that norwegian prime minister came out stating that he finds a worry in the mosque was involving himself and political issues of other countries that are not the united states. i find it worrying that a man with a norm is access to social media and huge economic resources involves himself so
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directly on the internal affairs of other countries. this is not the way things should be between democracies and allies. now, he seems to be in a lot of trouble with leaders because the french president, among them a call also came out and joined in the criticism against a little mosque, stayed in and accusing him of intervening directly in europe's democratic process. but did these all 10 years ago, if we had been told that the owner of one of the world's largest social networks would support a new international reactionary movement. and intervene directly in elections, including in germany who would have imagined that in it is the world in which we live and in which we deal with diplomacy. now the billionaire is just now starting his political career and he's starting that by attacking several elected european leaders as he has developed quite it's a close relationship with president elect donald trump. he has no inc. recently getting involved in other nations affairs. and again,
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that is nothing new. that's the same old story coming from washington. you know the story we're following today. several 100 protesters have gathered outside the presidents office in austria to raleigh against the looming right wing government. the head of state tough task, the chief of the freedom party would forming a new cabinet. it follows the incumbent leadership feeling to agree on the sentries coalition who were allowed to do so despite the f. b a's part of entry election victory in september. now the breakdown of talks, force, jumpstart karl ne hummer to advance his resignation. the most using the basement. these negotiations have concluded it and will not be reopened by the people's party . it is clear that the destructive forces within the social democratic party have taken control to one of them the people's party because unable and unwilling to sign a program that is empty, economic and anti competitive, and anti productive. as a result, in following the end of these discussions,
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i will take the following steps. i will step down as john slot and his leader of the people's party within the next few days and ensuring a smooth transition, removing the austrian freedom parties, popularity on the influenza as being further on the rise. since it's all at break through the p h. e u skeptic. and on these functions views, i've seen it from the pro russian by critics. the party also has a history of forming alliances with the conservative extreme people's party, which is led by the likely chancellor, mister ne hummer. however, earlier will die. the coalition with the right wing for us, we got a breakdown of the countries political crisis from a b and a base journalist and commented upon is not in line by as you know, there will be as much favorites against austria as we can see. again,
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my little problem is the same as the view of russia, of international incorporation on the status of the parent sanctions, the people of the european union and the people in austria more other people in russia. also saying that russia and that they don't want to do what is best for their own country and the current policy of the people party and it's not the partisan nations is more likely to be honest. i was following the borders of some interest just 2 weeks ago now on till donald trump re enters the oval office. he's previously promised to end the ukraine conflict in a day. but is there anything substantial behind the pledge? most often makes
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the mother of many places in the world where you can stay on the divide between the 2 oceans. and we might not think it's one of them is hay and which is northern. are found guest vision in the channels that us national parks and today's we know the stuff was i'm taking a deep side interesting page because the hello and welcome to cross talk. were all things are considered. i am peter lavelle
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as the year ends being coming trumpet administration continues to believe it can in


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