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tv   News  RT  January 6, 2025 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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a, into a data restrict, you know, dominate to other countries. the, the, the world's leading block of emerging nations, expands to 10 members after presiding brazil nights as the session of indonesia to breaks. also a head on the program. canadian prime minister just in crudo is staffing don purportedly before he's published and following a string of scandals, that's all his popular it's a little bit. while a canadian merch successfully blog says designated service group, which seems to establish and this lumnick caliphate from meeting in her city, the conference is still set to take place elsewhere in the north american.
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the . this is our teacher national. my name's usually like 30 minutes of news and views starts right now. adding to the ranks, indonesia is joining bricks as a full member. the nightstand was made by brazil which is currently chairing the block in the exercise of the brazilian presidency of bricks which began on january 1st and will extend until december 31st 2025. the brazilian government announced today january 6, the formal entry of the republic of indonesia into bricks as a full member in indonesia is candidacy receive the endorsement of the leaders of the group at the johannesburg summit in august 2023 in the context of the process of expanding the framework of full members of bricks. it's the new year and we can
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see that this is a new era for indonesia as well. especially when we talk about you may have becoming the full member of briggs and the media has not been shy in expressing it's a desire to join breaks groups as the major emerging economies as a means to strengthen emerging countries, including indonesia, but only in october of last year, during the breaks, less meeting at the conference in the shop, formally supplemented its application to become a full member of friends under the new president papa was dental. it's a move taken just based after so be under how the presidency speed, not long after it even be shot, is welcomed as bricks partner country, to establish this work, just world borders to build require to build this economy ties and you will look at the statement by the prince daily and for a ministry. the bricks country used by consensus approved dmc i'll even use right
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into the grouping in line with the guiding principles by periods of the expansion of the membership framework agreed in johannesburg. entities are the entry into break smart, we have it all staff into the nation's afraid to amplify its boy on the global stage. and this is also something that positive bravo incidental has been urging since he is taking presidency in october last year as the largest economy and population in south east asia in the nation. inclusions translate into groups mission to advocate for breeder representation in global organizations. and on the presidency of brazil, this year breaks is focused on fostering global styles, cooperation. and this also a lines perfectly. we're in a nation of long standing support for forming a global governance institution, including the expansion of the united nations security console. and it's also
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important to highlight the importance of tie not as part of briggs as well, because china please, a pivotal role in indonesia economy, particularly in sectors like mentor oper, assessing and manufacturing. so a friendly welcome from china. please, a larger passport. and in each of the economy depths well, china welcomes in heavily congratulates indonesia and becoming a full member of bricks, indonesia, as a major developing country and important for us in the global south. haile recognizes the brick spirit. indonesia is official entry into brick serves the common interest of bricks, countries in the global south. and we believe that indonesia will make active contribution to the development of bricks or indonesia and joining breaks to offer us an opportunity to contribute active lead to these objectives. as well, the mission shares, accommodation with as fellow members in deepening cooperation within the global files. so in
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a nice of participation is expected to draft regional and global economy roles. and also to ensure the perspective of emerging economies are well represented in multilateral institutions. so we can say that this is just the beginning for indonesia, especially in bricks. while i'm delighted to say, joining us live now i from the brazilian capital is former international monetary fund, executive director apollo nick, your batista junior. thank you so much for your time today. it's a pleasure from a financial and geo political standpoint. firstly, is in the easy as a session to breaks. is it a solid move or i think it's a solid o business versus a major event in the brazilian residency that carries the russian president. he was doing as you know it because uh denisia had already been counted by one of the 35
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countries in this new category that was created under the rest of the presidency last year. and the member id is the largest country in southeast asia and just bought a slice on it's the largest economy in the world, b, b, s, even higher than the zoo even a lot of the facilities. so we have here major event rates, which is a major, major menu marketing. com joining. um let's see how this works. uh, uh, going forward because i have 2 concerns that we can talk about briefly. first, how, how is the operating practice? because it sticks to the rules of concepts might be drafting to for us. and also the new members be to be as a whole, have adopted in the best. these are 2 concerns that we should also have in mind while welcoming, of course, the inches such an important entry is in the ears very interesting point. how not
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to become like the e u i and perhaps an un stop that the from from occurring another issue perhaps and within the needs you being a key member of the association of southeast asian nations. i'll see on those that are. could you see that conflicting with the country joining breaks? no, i don't think so. uh, it's se, asia, as indonesia, as a major member, but it has no, no opposition. the brakes and a close relationship to try and even, you know, one of the objectives and research to indeed all right, as well as fast. and so let's see countries of the association association and then moving towards using racing in the, in the transaction between the. ready underneath sheer 6 phase with briggs deal as well. and just on that point on a possible ad brooks currency,
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there has been an some stagnation in terms of not because certain members wanted certain members don't want that going forward in 2025. how do you see the prospect's of a possible bricks currency? i don't think it's something that we've been reached and a short run during the visit. impress. guess what reason is that the that the topic is complex. okay. what did you believe we got thinking about resisting? take some steps in line with what the russian presidency did last year. actually, the russian presidency made some considerable progress last year, so it has to be maintained continued. i would say that will bring statements and issues that are rush or loss was welcomed by the leaders in the theaters. and because the senate and the leaders in my visit to the rest
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something voluntary and buying, which is quite important. and all such initiatives taken on the bar really shouldn't be voluntary or not by non binding. the not be, not necessarily the role countries involve a subset of ways. so i think rather than a good job, because of the gratian pointed the way and brazil is getting ready to try to show together. and i think it can. first of all, i live on the discussion on the rest of the proposal for new payment system and defend suite. you can create a unit of a basket of criticism brings or subset of brings. that's a traditional mechanism to what could become over the medium term. not uh, you really big grass. some wash, always say lots of food for thought when former international monetary fund, the executive director, polo and the gear up t sent you and you're doing just on the program. thank you,
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sir. very much. i to the thank you. thank you. know, canada as prime minister has finally caved in to pressure to resign. just in crudo safe heels. steph done us both pm and liberal party head. as soon as a new leaders chosen, i intend to resign as party leader, as prime minister after the party selects its next leader to a robust nationwide competitive process. last night i asked the president of the liberal party to begin that process. this country deserves a real choice in the next election. and it is become clear to me that if i am having to fight internal battles, it cannot be the best option in that election. it was expected that several, and he's we're going to ask him to step down anyway. so to do is basically getting
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out ahead of this before he's shot or sent for a walk, the plank by his own party. you can say because ultimately he is way down in the polls. he's about 20 points back from the conservative opponent plug of law and it's an election was to be held today. he was the liberal party with the absolutely designated. so why don't you don't has gotten the 1st move, this is per roll parliament until march 24th. what that means is that, that gives about 3 months worth of time for to go and the liberals to hold a leadership review and select a new leader or whoever that might be a one thing that i think played a role in all of this is the fact that donald trump is coming into office in just a few days and the deputy prime minister under justin to go for is jeffrey lens resigned just before christmas. basically saying that you don't like. we have different priorities with respect to how to handle this new incoming in an
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administration on the us side. and we just don't agree on anything. when he got up to speed in front of reporters, he, the 1st things he said, or things like, well, you know, i'm really proud of the priorities that i took care of while in office. things like ukraine, which canadians at this point, you know, they have better things to think about climate change. again, that doesn't really show that he's aligned with the priorities of, of the western people in this day and age. even in here in europe for appointment, changes generally are really big deal. it's really not that big of a deal right now and people can't pay the energy bills. so canadians are facing the same types of concerns. the carbon tax, things that he's, he's champion, the ultimately hit them in the pocket book. but so the agenda and payment service to this was agenda that he's always promoted. so he mentioned you for and he mentioned that he mentioned truth and reconciliation. so in other words, i had to do with race and divisions. and i use basically playing into that again
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and using that as a touchstone is something he's improved on it have. i guess the things that canadians have better things to think about there just so many other issues that are really hitting. he may be as hard before he get way down the list to clapping for nazis and wearing blackface in all the photos the agenda to just introduce opened with today during his press conference just to show how i've been touched. he totally is width canadians, who again are starting to see their interest more aligned with the interest of the average european or the average american who voted for trump. and that's why we're starting to see these leaders fall one by one. if they're not residing, they're trying to find a way to just hang in there by, you know, by the end of their keys or for more on there's always a good day when we speak to committee and lawyer, the legal commentator david fry. hi, david,
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thanks so much for your time. at today. crudo junior has survived a string of political scandals over the years. so, why, you know, what do you see is the tipping point for his resignation as well and remind everyone of his scandals. he's a twice a 2 time ethics breaching a prime minister violated the law as relates to conflict of interest. he was accused 3 times and he gone off the 3rd time. but what is changed this time? so i wouldn't place the credit or blame on trump. they were going to be holding federal elections by no later than give or take september or october 2025 regard. and truth was just wildly unpopular. he's like he's, he's just universally detested what people bought along party lines. so they knew that the next election, if he's still the leader, it's going to be disastrous for the liberals. they're going to lose to the conservatives one way or the other is my prediction. but if he's still the leader, it will be a bigger loss than if they find someone to replace them. so the writing was on the
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wall. i don't think the trump administration coming in and the tariff discussion really was the, the straw that broke the camel's back. he's hated, he's a load within his own party and everybody knew this. and they need to get them out, get someone who's a less detested leader for the upcoming federal election, which is coming no later than september, october 2025. if they want to stop the bleeding in as much as humanly possible to get the true government had placed the ukraine conflict and green energy goals. pretty much near the top of its agenda is the priority for the canadian public. is it? well, the majority of people are focusing on, or is there a connect that is, that is deepening between state. i'm the people to it would be an understatement to say that the canadian population at large thought that they don't care about for and conflict, but they sort of care about their own immediate sufferings and their governments. the expectation of their government is to focus on their need not to siphon off billions of dollars to fall on foreign proxy wars. you have canada leading the
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world if not. number one is closed number 2, and you finish up because the health care system, which is already in shambles and not for lack of funding, kept care for canadian. so the government's if it's cheaper to kill them to treat while they're shipping billions and billions of dollars to you. printers the golf fund raise for disaster release of nova scotia in the maritimes. after hurricane canada, while they're sending billions of dollars to funds the proxy war in ukraine, we're, however much of it is getting stipend off or corruption. so it's to say that canadians are not interested in for accomplish. it's not a selfish thing. this is not on anyone's top 3 as far as national concerns go. but the, the trudel government under the, you know, on to the help of christ, you're freeland, i've been in prioritizing for an interest over national interest, and that there's a word for that in government. it's called treason. and for good reason, i just wanted to add play again, was he said, because i think it was, it was one of the the focal point solvers, premier ship at a. but on the vaccine truckers when they rolled into also what this is,
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what the premier have to say at a thought time. canadians were shocked and frankly disgusted by the behavior displayed by some people protesting in our nation's capital. i want to be very clear. we are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse of small business workers and steal food from the home. we won't give in to those who fly racist flags. we won't cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans. freedom of expression, assembly and association, are cornerstones of democracy. but nazi symbolism, racist imagery and desecration of war memorials are not. it is an insult to memory and truth. yeah,
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he mentioned several things there including nazi symbolism interesting. how the following year and mister toodle himself opposed to the nazi ss veteran in the canadian at parliament. will he regret that? does he have the, the, the inside the self reflection to do so? the short answer is no. he is a narcissist. p o s the of the highest order if he can do no wrong in his own mind . it's not just you know, the, the, the nazi for the swastika flag that was being carried at the protest. whether or not it was a, a national improve look at her or someone who is showing porch on it. if you were turning it off, it's like to compare the liberal governments, denazi's and cleaning everything. he set it up and that clip is a god for sake of a lot. no one desecrated the woman more. that's what i brought me down there for documents and real time when i was like, be on the street. no one gets a pre approval more. no one desecrated the terry fox from all that there was no racism whatsoever. nobody was stealing food from the homeless shelter. that was not anything related to the truckers,
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but he's got his state funded media that ran those live. they were all on the bump lies. he's a lawyer of the highest order. he couldn't leave office fast it up. my only concern of all this is, it's too little too late, but better late than never, that this guy gets his disgusting being out of the canadian government. the only question is going to be, who's going to replace them? and if it's christopher freeland, is it going to be even worse than justin? true? davis. thank you for your time and your thoughts today as always, canadian lawyer, i'm the legal commentator, david fry. hi, live on the group. thank you. and the russian military is making fresh gains in dunbar. the defense ministry sees a number of settlements in the den, yet square public had been secured, including what had been a key ukrainian stronghold. moscow state's camp lost over 12 fellows and soldiers in the battle for that city, for they just released by the m o. d, and shows russian troops working the way through apartment blocks turn. ukrainian photo was in co doc of control. all of the supplements gives most of those forces
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direct road access to the republics borders and hinders kids. affility to shells done yet the city. while under you creating control, the area wasn't main, logistical central. heavily fortified with troops, sometimes so archie, corresponding vermont cost reds in the region, thought of the princess moving forward and wanting to see if you get off. yeah, this was truly a christmas gift to the people of domestic people's republic as russia liberates. keep on boss, city of colorado, but now the ration of girl how it means that the ukrainian armed forces will have fewer opportunities to fly or on the civilian population of done net scan, nearby challenge as well, from our to her assistance. now, according to the russian defense ministry that you created an armed forces last at least 80 percent of their personnel in cross country and then ask people's republic . that means the over 12000 casualties and losses, offer at least 3000 units on the equipment and the various weapon systems the last
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10 years. but give regime has certain crock of law into our powerful, uh, 40 foot area, with a well developed network, off of the flight, and points and underground communications as well. now from the north cross of a is covered by reserve war, which significantly a limits at the maneuverability of the russian assault units, now, logistical and the technical stuff. for all of you, phrase the goofing in as an s good direction has now being significantly hampered as well. and also, russian troops have now entered the operational space, which will definitely increase the pace of the liberation of the rest of the territory of the next people's republic. meanwhile, in the course of the pricing also continues and the over the last 24 hours, the trading on forces. last,
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at least 340 service men and a lot of equipment as well, including your thanks, infantry fighting vehicles, army personnel, carriers, armour, combat the holes and other equipment as well. now ukraine have attempted to break through the russian barriers. however, according to the russian defense ministry, although the attempts were few file and unsuccessful and distrust it, gains a broader strategic advantage in the den. yes, republic most goes troops of holsted on the 10th of ukrainian break from the curse region. according to the defense ministry, the energy states t. its forces last dozens of types and other at big vehicles of almost 500 soldiers in a day. adding to the estimated 50000, you put in men killed in the 1st cooperation, former senior security policy and list in the us defense department. mike, i'm a live spoke to the program earlier is ukraine strategy? and chris reveals its desperation slow its big question and it continues to be
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questioned. the only conceivable notion that i can think of is that they were trying to establish leverage so that if and when the 2 sides set down can negotiate the ukrainians. then with have some leverage to to give back territory and exchange because that's not gonna happen me. i think russian forces are pretty much contained. the ukrainians are surrounded. they can't, they can't really feed in additional supplies without them being detected and knocked out. so i think that the strategy was questionable, i think it was a desperate move. and then in doing that, they some of their more experienced horses from the doing this area, making that even more vulnerable, that that now has allowed russian forces to take, take over a very strategic position,
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support your assessment of the importance of the settlement to ukrainians. and of course they've lost cut off about now. yeah, well, that was a very strategic point. and for the russians, it's is highly strategic because it opens up the space for the right to take back the rest of the don't ask republic. this is a very significant blow and, and that is a very key area to, to branch out into other areas. so it's a, it was a rather significant when for russian forces, criticism is mounting against canadian authorities for allowing and internationally designated terrorist group to host the so named is low, make supremacy conference in the country. that his big toe to your organization has . however, already been forced to change menus for its gathering folding local pressure. this very extreme group is moving on to another city for the january 18th conference on behalf of all the peaceful and respectful residents of mississauga. we are relieved
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. the city of mississauga strictly adheres to the following conditions of use when renting city facilities to any group or organization. the city will refuse access to groups exhibiting contempt or hatred in any form and can remove permits. should such behavior be reported? respiratory or is a pun, estimates group, designated as a terrorist organization by russia, the u. k. germany, china, and most of the art of world, despite the group's goal to establish a global as lumnick caliphate, dominated by sharia law through force, washington. and also a i've yet to blacklisted the controversy surrounding the conference in canada has thrust the ip going through the old government into a hail storm of criticism. this is the story of the justin trudel government, and his weak public safety ministers under their watch. canada has become a safe haven for terrorist supporters. countries have designated his boot to rear
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a terrorist group. why are they allowed to host a conference in mississauga? for joining us from cairo, no islamic research or on tv show host doctor. so he'd kissed you're most welcome sir. so we have a internationally designated to our risk with being given a political platform in canada, your reaction when you heard it as well. um, i'm so pleased to help me out 1st. yeah, of course, every country have the right to to try to target accounts or whatever, you know, any preexisting roads for are just to safeguard their freedoms, to safeguard the rights of their civilians. canyon i, as far as a member of the candidate, governments has blaze. i'm more than uh, recently more that so the groves according to the criminal code of the tourist
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instances um they slot will play the government's orders don't support to say board and responsible for id to find a targeting income for any groups. walker find the people who are destroying infrastructures for you know, killing disabilities, islamic light, that should be done regardless of the rates, regardless of their nationality, regardless of their religion. regardless of again the legit 80 groups author find the people want killing civilian or destroying empress sections. they're targeting the latest group such as such as thoughts, what size is whatever the issue is that any group of people who are to find such
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and such a group of people slammed with light, governments are responsible to civic or protect their rights. so why, why do you think the us and canada have so far stop shorts of classifying his boot, tory, or as a terrorist organization? is it for fear of offense or something else? or? well, we are, i'm thinking about generally are going to was, or the loyalty call or religious movements. so it's a matter of some people want us to present a thing is long some properties, some individual. mr. presented things from this make some countries um trading that as long as the religion of terrorism. this much has but the city of, or any groups like this or that the slammer was sort of shady out or i'm trying to in, in other than been slower and mother a lot of groups and into this we are ideas
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a groups want through fine. we're there, they are smaller with the do the over they saw under any religion. so as long to raise honest and front of that. well, there, um canada, or you say within the, the top or the design latest the for you as a tourist, a global, not all this thing. the, on the, i mean some countries of some governments, they all even identify that service to groups that she's some pull to go for any objectives. but generally speaking, um, we cannot say that any group meetings, i need to add that service to gloves or as a, as a, a tourist entities as well. working under the name of this law that is not as an illusion of terrorism. those people almost are presenting as well. i hope to get
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the latest other service to groups are almost to present the slow sometimes, but generally some a splinter deliver to the fine people. but it is as low as long as long as understood. yeah. how can i put the point to that by canada? so because it has a long history of har bring former nazi world war, 2 criminals, for instance, indian seek separate to know an extremist power group, which most most of the world classifies. it does. what do you make of also was priorities all the other tell you um a lot of national government, the current current government to oh, you know police as governments, 2 sides of it is such some groups as, as a 3rd entity according to the criminal code. all of the service editors, but the problem is that such
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a decision must be based on evidence of every legitimate.


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