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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2025 7:00am-7:31am EST

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of the the daughter joyce is as john mahatma, is a sworn and for his 2nd term as president and is an older age in a. i use the afternoon compliment tonight and my own 5 is own regents of goods. he has the phrase of president biased opinion, blame for his own foreign policy. thing is in africa and the middle east on iran, that han reminds him, but it's powers of failing to keep its commitments. as styles investigates the syria, we have, i'm a refugee living on claims from the west is attempting to reframe the image of the parents need to now controlling syria training him as a full day for tray. him is the hero who, over through one of the most oppressive regimes in the middle east. but alger
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lonnie remains a criminal western outlets have re branded al gilani as someone who is changed over night despite his affiliations with isis and you about on his truck. i should have somebody right on their doorstep and i could understand their feelings about the 5 us present life adult from the professor ton. if the office he criticizes by not an administrative feeling lead crate in conflict by encouraging cubes, aspirations of joining nato, the almost the into the was a, this is all to the script of your company today. we saw this. he's out with a gun a has a familiar face returning to the home with john mahatma sworn in as a president. once again, he's cooling for the confident to unite now, more than ever before, we need to strengthen our ties with our lives. right. show that we're working
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together to keep our sub region save the stands is solid, dies east, and west and allies with all on the best in the south region. so i'm muhammad was born in for a sick, and tim has got his president data center many a capital of the country across you to member of that, the data, one of the, to seem pacific presidential eviction by a wide margin to stage a political come back in the west african nation, she is replacing not a quote for adult who stoops down off the saving 2 terms and he continues got his democratic tradition in a region grouped. i'll see you 5 minutes. a cruise and hardest. insurgency in this is a 3, some hama struck and optimistic to declaring the day as a new turning point for god. not as it's more up to the store to if he's unprecedented sick and to him in office, he also shared his vision, forgotten his future, calling for a click to see if it's to prioritize the country's development to what
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a particular focus on the youth and his message was very clear, the future of god, and i can only be realized when all citizens, especially the younger generation, a given the tools to succeed and he stalls on youth development has again team the support and the respect of young people. have a listen to this same brand and it has all parents to help us move on. we are looking up the hebrew at least yes. find a way to find 2 stuffs and then get past that jobs. so we would also have something to do and make out the ways that that whole. now sometimes it gets us where we uh, have people in the same information that we saw president abraham child. we also looking a fossil made
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a star rick and trying for the entry to across to attend to the sooner, many off president my hum to visit to him off to his 1st the official visitors. i know in the as the country outside the us, the holler lies. those coming into paula in 2022 and the reception was not to sort of speak to you about the visit, read the underscore, the importance of regional cooperation and the deepening relationship between between a foster and i don't even find that. and as the global solved countries and very important p as well gotten a remains the only coastal state's not directly impacted by. so how based attacks and that is thanks to it's a resilience. however, it has absorbed over 15000 refugees from picking a fossil needing to significant economy security places. but it does say that it is managing the school over effects by expanding its military and security operations in the north. and about 2 years ago, you to remember between the false somalia and me see a form to the elias of the health states. the nations announced the withdrawal from
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april was noting due can his vision had filled him and failed to help them in the fight against terrorism. but as a cause, c, over all the form achieved, mahatma had a very good time in mediating and a lot of conflicts in the south region. and what he's experienced. many believe she will have a critical role to play in bringing together the sub region and helping us the whole achieve the school and the global self. earlier we so who is a dear friend who i'll, if i'm business and then based between gone, i'm looking at 5 to he hide. i see the, the at 10 is a book in that 5 says lead a numerous fire official. i've said no gratian st. mills, other regions, alignment with the global south and the brakes nations. this is the 1st time uh, its got tim tower. it has made the move outside of uh, of the countries. and he did, let me go to the front, as you said,
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that the i as these up. but the is his 1st name outside the control, the european countries in africa. and the government is one of the country. he decided to come because of mom a policy, then you mom on long time, well what, what am i doing? and my mouth didn't the come pay has to even come out. yeah. that they're willing to follow the book, you know, for so many and you say that, you know, don't want to corporate for me to liberate the african countries. and you could see that the president of so many head office and the federal government in government . he's in mrs. is mrs to know what's going well. that's most of the african center today. we're going to join the priests. you know, so definitely good. you have freedom to do what do you let them? it's just, it's them and there wasn't a well controlled have done. it was really good day. oh, i've had to states,
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what could be a weird thing to jamie, the prints in about to be there to get in development for of requested to develop the system to, to, to michelle. they have to control the while and most of them as well twice of pos, the box on hays, a foreign policy failure as an applicant and beyond so long as 5 by reminding paris false was lawanda, which fails. she is obligation to specially regarding the iranian nuclear deal. the ronnie and foreign ministry spokes person rejected the french president's claims regarding iran's nuclear program. he described these allegations as unfounded and hypocritical, particularly coming from a government that has failed to fulfill its own commitments under the j. c. p. o. a while playing a key role in enabling a genocidal regime to acquire nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. they
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are wanting official was responding to recent claims made by french president emmanuel mac, ron solomon, mac one was speaking on monday as an annual conference with the french investigators were he outlined his foreign policy objectives for 2025. and it seems that the present don't, has found a convenient way to escape criticism at home by putting that wrong into spotlight to so the on least a wave of accusations against that want ranging from the acceleration of its nuclear program to its full and regional instability. as it prompts to juan, is the puppet master behind every single challenge in the whole world. so mac han waste of the, the alarm over yvonne ramping up. it's our new career activities. he said, this is going to a dangerous point and is putting the whole region as they could have defeating those. we see iran as the challenge to us in the region and beyond. the main strategic and security challenge for france, for europeans,
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is the celebration of the nuclear program. that leads us nearly to the point of no return gets ballistic program, threatens european soil and our interest in the coming months. we will have to ask ourselves whether to use the mechanism to restore sanctions, to run support for dangerous groups across all conflicts. owens in the middle east and its attempts to establish a presence in africa, amplify this danger through the so called proxies. so the deal is now due to expire in october 2025 and the french president us working there on with renewed sanctions if it continues to develop its nuclear a program. but here's the point of the nuclear deals. as i said, promised everyone sanctions relief in return for the country curtailing it's nuclear activities. but no sanctions were actually lifted. and actually the pressure increased on to one following trumps withdrawal from the pack. so i back in 2018 when the former us president we imposed sanctions on give on. so are these
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bunker public top of course did boost. it's a nuclear activities beyond the limits set by the agreement. but that was a natural response to the west. lack of compliance and now we see that macro on convenience, we can ignores these facts and that puts the blame squarely on give on. but of course that's not where the french president stopped. he went on and on, claiming that iran is the primaries security threat for europeans in the region by supporting what he called dangerous groups in the middle east. but of course, he gave his country and other western friends, a free pass in the middle east, multi faceted crises. and that's what the want in foreign ministry spokesman also highlighted. he uh reminded background that the problem has its roots in the west support for as well. when they give the id. busy a car launch to act flawlessly. i guess the people that we did with full support from the united states in certain
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european countries, including france. israel continues its occupation and genocide, unoccupied palestine while persistently expanding its military aggression and territorial ambitions across the region. but the most interesting part is that mac juan tried to pin the blame for frances failures in africa and go on as, as it from this world, somehow erase france's colonial legacy and the growing discontent among african nations. as more and more of these nations are seek to this distance themselves from their former colonial overlord, due to all the atrocities and economic burdens france has inflicted medical on. i want to claim that if one is it switched to the continental. meanwhile, i'll check on points out that its relations with african countries are based on mutual respect and a commitments to their sovereignty is something that can hardly be said for the
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west. countries that have a history of island colonialism in africa cannot determine the fate of independent african countries and other nations with the same mentality. so mac, claus wayne ship thing guy can easily be exposed to for you. take a look at the turmoil happening in france with his government breeding from a no confidence vote on growing calls for his resignation, fueled by economic hardship, sun social unrest. it's no wonder he's resorted to this familiar tactical pricing. the stakes and foreign policy by targeting the tried and true, and i mean they're on, it's almost comical how he believes about the by shifting the focus to, to juan, and he can distract from the mounting pressure he faces domestically. meanwhile, yvonne was quick to remind the french president of the realities on the ground uh pointing out that the real flats might just be closer to home. then he'd like to admit to fit for us on sizes of his syria. now we're over a half
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a 1000000 people have been displaced from the homes off of the fire by the o, sometime this week, over through by shar, i'll outside of the nation us month, thousands will have sold refuge abroad. the c. c isn't alive, but on with a refugee who recalls the time when most go, sorry, i beg your pont damascus fell. and i think does this stop just as a token or 3 you were in damascus on the night that the city fell to the jet on these forces? can you tell us what it was like on that night? sort of a mirror i anticipated at the fall of the regime was near on the night the regime fell in damascus. i returned home at around 11 p. m. at that hour old damascus. and the rest of the city was gripped by significant tensions attention. arose from reports that the army was withdrawn from certain areas in the damascus country side . this withdrawal was accompanied by immense fear among the syrians. i woke up at 2
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am to the sound of gunfire. at that point i started communicating with my friends, both those in damascus and those outside the city. some friends in damascus told me to stay calm and that the groups entering various areas of the damascus countryside weren't causing any harm. there was no immediate danger, but we would hear a chance of a low at bar and gunfire. people were understandably scared. no one dared to leave their homes. we knew that arm groups were entering, but we didn't know how they were treating civilians. we stayed inside our homes, avoiding any interaction with the former regime for the new groups entering damascus, ultimately as minorities living and bob to my a christian neighborhood. our lives were at risk despite being sheet of muslims. we were born rubel to murder a solve for having our freedoms curtailed. as i understand, there were many, many thousands of people that fled syria of to the terror regime to power jeweller among those peoples. can you just tell us about how
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and in fact, why you decided to at least area and a little bit about the people that were, were leaving on the 1st day after the resumes form the groups entering were not extremes like hire a tory or l sean. or job out on those for the 1st group to enter from the damascus country side. the in southern syria was the us backed mega. we're out. all right. these individuals didn't subscribe to outside those id, ology, or extreme as long as views they were armed, state supported fighters, who entered damascus because of this, people were not as fearful. however, when hired to rear alshaun entered damascus, the next day people began to fear them. they had long hair and no moustaches. they were armed, some caring isis flags, and others, displaying sectarian slogans on their vehicles. for instance, there were slogans like we are against christians, and we will kill the ship. these slogans were visible on the vehicles arriving from
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ed live while some celebrated the developments. others packed up and left the very next day. among those who fled were christians, i personally met christian priest that the syrian lebanese border. luckily, he made out of syria. others have not been so fortunate and we're hearing these horror stories of the persecution of christians, of she uh, of lights, we're hearing and we've seen footage circulating on social media showing some homes atrocities being carried out against these minority communities and against those alleged to have been very close to all parts of the assad government. what can you tell us about the fundamental problem is that over 14 years, these groups have committed heinous crimes. when they gain control over, most of syria, minorities began feeling deeply anxious. whether christians,
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she is al white's or drew's all face threats, even the druids who often oppose decides regime were now under a greater threat from high up to 3 or alshaun for minorities. the primary concern became their survival in old, damascus. there were no immediate attacks of minorities. but in areas like the city of homes, there were mass killings targeting, she is, she is, we're just waste from their homes. mosques were looted in churches in the city of homes were ransacked, homes were confiscated, and their rightful owners were expelled. people were subjected to in humane treatment, rounded up and executed for being our white or shield christians were slightly more protected due to international attention. but she is in our whites were left defenseless. despite promises from the new government to protect minorities, these were dismissed as isolated incidents. the new government claimed they weren't responsible for individual actions. however, under a sons' regime, such actions were suppressed immediately. so this tool,
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the way of hearing lots of in particular in the west, in price of the new regime. the qu, administration in the city of protecting minority seems to be from what you're saying, something of a mist. honestly, western media has been working to rehabilitate the image of of mohammed al gilani since the fall of a sides regime. they portray him as a hero who over through one of the most oppressive regimes in the middle east. but al giovanni remains a criminal. this fact has been forgotten, thanks to the efforts of western media. western outlets have re branded al giovanni as someone who is changed overnight despite his affiliations with isis and you about on those track. the media has worked to clean his image for the world. both western and syrian audiences they succeeded. i must admit, however, syrians, especially minorities, cannot forget 14 years of atrocities. the ongoing attempt to convince the west that al giovanni's group protects minorities is misleading. recently the french foreign
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minister visited old damascus, and met with christian praise. their primary concern was not just their safety, but the safety of all syrians. they told the minister, it's not enough for us to live in peace. we want all syrians to live in peace, whether they are, she is sunni's drew's or our whites. the sentiment was express beautifully by a priest as long as my syrian neighbour is safe. i am said in this profound statement, emphasizes unity and the collective wellbeing of all syrians. the only ball must be discovered on the sound in moldova, cause some officials announced the findings on 712025 boarder police and custom officers as result of special control during the processing of male cation out. international airport discovered an object similar to toy in the shape of a car, which was perceived as having an explosive components. thanks to professionalism and quick intervention, the situation was resolved and complete safety without endangering the activities
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of the airport passengers and airport staff. a 6 wheel blue toy cart was x ray of the cation now add port, and that revealed that explosives likely were hidden inside that totally. now again, it is sofa unclear as to where they were intended to go. and as to what the initial, the eventual purpose of this to occur could be as to what the why these explosives would small golden wood for nothing. nothing good, of course, could come out of this. but according to some of the reports that have been floated by the mold open media, apparently those explosives, they originated from ukraine and they were meant for the georgia and capital police . see now again, it is unclear if lucy was the final destination for that particular toy. and those that i e d, i have to say, but it is known that georgia has been used as one of the smuggling routes for the ukrainians who have been trying to get explosives into russia. i mean, the russian federal security service has repeatedly exposed and revealed schemes
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that essentially use georgia as the sort of a middle man as the middle country. if i may say so to smuggle explosives into russia. since georgia does share a border with russia and they have been trying to smuggle these explosives over the via the lot of voided check points. now again, it is unclear if that particular 6 will to recall laden with explosives was meant for rochelle, but certainly it's a good thing that it was supported in moldova. and uh, well now it will not get where it was supposed to sit our feet high. all say the same, a russian gas supplies to you about is now parts of soap, rough included oil. so the, some of the most about pipeline off of the current contract expires hungry. as res, concern suggesting ukraine's actions could strain e relations and jeopardize is membership aspirations. since the end of the
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ukrainian transit route, the price of natural gas and the european market has increased by 20 percent. thus, while ukraine aspires to join the u as a candidate, another decision has once again put the european economy in a more difficult position. ukraine's decision to stop transit shipments will lead to further price increases and create new competitiveness challenges for central europe and the european union as a whole year of phase graphing with rising energy costs are declining. gas is now 70 percent capacity, according to bloomberg significantly lower than last year, with the wind approaching price is on its way to decline further as expensive american l n g piece is cheap, affordable russian gas suffice. this is itself from here. russia. moscow has adapted by spending tides with the east, so buying gas through the power of siberia pipeline to china, dislike sizes,
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rushes economy remains robust, while ukraine added suitably allies may face the consequences of key of decisions. actually even you agree is losing on this because of the, of the priest of this lives in front of the treasurer. this is what they call the european gas and dilemma. actually, europe is trying to die, right? diversify hits or energy sources. but it's kind of in the short term because it's still relying on russian energy sources. and uh, you order for it to actually say versus why he's going to take some time. it's not going to be years and we're going to be a couple years. is going to take a big game for the case. and this is problematic for european politicians for it. so the impact is very low. it's and there was a sense of the russian g, d, b, that's the impact is on this. and the,
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i think the euro will still be using the russian energy sources. even man, i'm short term. well, the us now i don't solve hasn't cues, of the outgoing button in a minute. so he's not playing with fire when it comes to playing. he said he understands issues of russia faced off the key of was pull this the dream of doing the need to block a big part of the problem was to rush it for many, many years, long before a boat and said, you could never have nato involved with ukraine now they've said that that's been like written in stone. and somewhere along the line vitally said, no, they should be able to join nato. well then russia has somebody right in the doorstep and i could understand the feeling about that. a big part of the thumbs up presidential campaign was that the problem is the end of the planning conference in 24 hours. so trump a pointed a special and most of the type of the issue. however,
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keith kellogg has postponed, his 15 grade and kia has welcome to delay fully put in different class as soon as he doesn't actually wants any piece. thoughts, as he just does what he's told for the good. and then they go to, is owned by the military industrial complex and we've been washington. he was owned by black rock in the p regime, the government, the president's own. today by the foreign entities to the, the stadium in america. that's why the, the not people want to stop this war. if the i see his government legitimate for today, which sovereign, they would want to stop us for them. think about refrain, how expensive ministration was always a guess, trust. there's no relationship between this, alaska, and the top of the station. first of all, i see is not all just the president. second more top understand was the last years because the last, the, it was not only of a politician sovereign father,
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john is working for the other side of the deep space, obama symptoms and newland, etc, bashing and serves. so ask you will have a lot of problems in the future because there's lots are in positions on the train because he will fight to continue this for you. frame and sabotage. any trouble deal that he will try to make with rush all you great. somebody the anesthesia is also said the us should take control over the greenland for america's national security math. less than 2 weeks before his integration. his son travels with the danish territory, a board from 4th. want to take a closer look. tom julia has insisted his visit as a quote post on day trip, and he did implying on conducting any official negotiates in denmark like the us as a nato member. states have sovereignty of agreement. wallace rejected the rental rate from the town and found me about a possible position. however,
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the us present i might have left the door open for a different route to gain control. i will listen elaborate. mainland for national security purposes. i've been told that for a long time, long before i even ran, i mean people have been talking about it for a long time. you have approximately 45000 people there. people really don't even know if denmark has any legal rights to it, but if they do, they should give it up because we need it for national security. that's for the free world. i'm talking about protecting that very well. you look at the, you don't even need binoculars. you look outside, you have china ships all over the place. you have russian ships all over the place . we're not letting that happen. it makes no sense at all. i have no idea of what security he could possibly be talking about. there's no threat posed through the
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green, the greenland to the united states. 7 7 i really think this is kind of a, an egoistic rhetoric that's being pumped out here through the trump campaign regarding, or the trump team, i should say, with reference to canada and greenland, both of which he hopes to a max or make states or something to this effect in the case of canada, he wants to make it a state. so this is just crazy. we have real problems in the united states that we made a dress to united, that the voters voted for trump voted to have address. so help and those include of course, our own economic was there is some royal met with wars including in ukraine and israel on, on gaza. all of these things and the incredible inflation that we're facing. they should focus on what they promised to deliver. uh, not on these uh land grabs that they're looking at with reference to greenland and
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canada and the full, the on the west coast in southern california. 5, a sweeping the area of the is issue to mandatory evacuation oldest tens of thousands of residents. but the fly around said in the air a tuesday morning, local sign was do i of so winds width at least cause i lost count. so the frame. so suppose it's over 10 square clements's numbers yet as to how many homes have been destroyed, but many residential neighborhoods have but the ashes of all the pacific coast highway web. but the come so i say, well, but to the chris and along the water's edge, a north of downtown 5 is a now by selling another fund on the foot hills with us, the blaze. a rotten thing in the evening as spreading the firefighting force to its limits. now over 30000 residents. i've been evacuated,
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and wind gusts are reported to be hurricane falls. all that outside of this thing is i do check out all to the top of that sound. great. so is that we'll be back in about 30 minutes about the the .


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