tv News RT January 8, 2025 10:00am-10:30am EST
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problems from last year are still very much with us. so fuck a lot. brace for him. the news, right. a soldiers who travel abroad facing war crime cases initiated by pro 5 athene and deos, one of the most red pull to the evacuated withheld from the easily state criminal proceedings well known again, swap person on holiday in prism island to joins or south africa's genocide pace against as well. so i think global efforts to bring the idea of accountability for potential prophecies. we take a closer look at how south africa has taken the lead, middle legal fight. simplistic stand in the french president shift blame, but as far as policy missteps in africa and the middle east on to get ron tech on 5
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. 20. yeah. but it's the power is failing to commit the lives from our international new center in most center. this is all the welcome to the one is at least 51 passed in. so being killed by is ready for us as in gaza over the past day. now that's according to local authorities. also in the west bank is where the troops offsets to have detained 4 to 5 local residents. they law a rule that is what a saw it is uh, being positive was legal actions as they are accused of having submitted by pro passive. and here the other human rights organizations are being filing lawsuits and other proceedings to get an idea of fits. one prominent case a good recent meet and brazil and is right,
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a soldier on holiday was before the evacuation from the country with the help of these really states in order to evade war crime charges against him. so out of the war id, if so just have posted a new list of videos on social media marketing, local policy is some of the videos the page at the pix won't quite controversial. furthers can still be found online that could potentially be used as evidence. an international criminal trial or hosted domain. however, instead of preventing crimes, israel seems to be more focused on protecting its own limit to passive though from being brought to justice. is there any news outlet wine that published a guide for idea of soldiers covering abroad about what to check before a trip i want to do if they are arrested? i'm on the advice given before the following is what it is. so this should consult with a lawyer in general. so just to avoid the posting photos,
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old videos from this service, especially with content showing destroyed buildings. and if i arrested, a soldier must request a visit from the it's very console. well as the deeper into this perfect story and go live mountie. yeah, they have open. i am. is a publicist commentator. i'm board member of peace now. yes, thank you so much for joining us today. and so for going this side of this wind, that story is quite strongly when they able to take on the guide is ready. so just navigating these visual risks abroad as to what do we need to remember that these are in the sense the souls, those names the thinking, the very it's mandatory for a lot of these ways to go to that. and many of the searches that were sent to gaza . they didn't choose to come to garza and they were there and not all of them actually, most of them didn't come in won't crimes. but if they posted something,
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some evidence that they were a part of the military, an activity in gaza. they might be arrested no matter what they did though they didn't do so i can understand why these. i mean government, these really mean the eyes thing. first of all, you need to protect go, so i agree that it's not enough, it's just the end of the world. we need to see how we can fix that. so just not to commit to won't crimes, not how do i beat, but how to prevent. and when i, when i look at these, are the government not the, not just the failing the street, but the people that are making the decision. that means when i hear the slogans about now know easily, some people in gaza and gaza should be demolished and we should take down guides and we should they encourage the people who does that to me? meaning that we should do a ethnic cleansing. this is something that's a lot eventually to the son, just to ask the way that we saw in the se clips. so i think that the target here is
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not so much in the search of it shouldn't be the government. yeah. and then yeah, there's obviously you onto my 2nd question. there is a lot because he said they should be focusing on not completing these award atrocities in the 1st place, not just how to hide them, but i leave those days. i mean, this footage of a can incompatibility to, i mean, we will know as soon as it's going online is outlet for ever. really. my question is that we're going to see more n g a is out that tried to fight for the human rights. i've used these, i mean, i don't know if you see them on tape talk and instagram, but they are really, really terrible. i don't really quite shocking. but will they be able to use those sort of videos and persecute these? so just perhaps on an individual level or what just have to be met the yahoo the, the buck stops with him and it's definitely a legal challenge. ready as well, because once a soldier is going to visit the somehow the country,
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and in this country there will be people that we make the linkage between his military service and the fact that these now it's having the same company. they can issue a complaint, they can a car and just technician, and then he might be arrested. i can assume that eventually we would say the same scenario happening. it was very close to that. the investment, i don't know, who would be the subjects. these might be a, so just that a, a took a picture of himself doing wrong kinds auto seduce any time. so might be a, so just to just exit called into the oldest and didn't come in well 5. but the fact that there is an evidence that the, such as losing guys in no paper knows that these, in this specific country, this is a reasonable so every is why the soldier is that these profit and it was as a citizen, special name. and they think that this is a huge, a challenge that needs be more important due to some funds. these challenge will be
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more important if is when we think twice about the policy in guys the, the point of saying the west bank, how we can protect civilians, how, like, we can a fight deal. we dial to helping so many eh, and people around it. because when we see some guys of the pictures of the state, they use the destruction, you see a whole community that is being in default and you'll see people asking for food then walter, this is something that is a state of democratic state. you cannot beat it. you cannot, you can beat this, this would not be a policy. that's why i think that eventually, you know, the, to change the situation. they leave it precious would be on the government. not so much about the specific subject. that might be a actually someone that just may if they all those and not all the old as well. well, cards it's, you know, it's all about will crimes the out of, of course, with us outside for this opened one iron wants to join one with all this sort of
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information. now coming out and being public, i will be likely to see the some of allegations and these of the evidence added to the i c. c. would they get involved at this level? do you think a, i don't think that we will see, continue on the else then legally, procedures, by the way, there's also procedures about the settlements related to the rest bent form, but they have to tell you honestly that they think that the only way to solve the conflict, not just to have at least a blame game and to have the same freaks the ways over a legal and challenge. another way to move forward then to solve the problem is not just using distinction, but also using the carrot. excellent. and i think that they've been new president in america. we'd be ready to go for really a deal between these. right. so there'd be some us. the 1st thing in the fall is the and the people of gaza. and of course,
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the release of those judges if we'd be much more encouraging use then another risk wrong against the new or some other prepayment the government. i don't think that the, the say a or a legal and most, we change the policy dramatically. i think that's what we need to see is an international, a, a involvement of the united states, mostly between some of the conflicts this, we push the 2 sides to do something constructive. and not just to complain about this. yeah, yeah. you know, with over a year now this confidence, this little guy on, on all sides is a, is, doesn't seem like it is going to be a cessation, but we are going to have to leave in the pleasure talking to you. so thank you so much. thank you. publish commentate the piece now mr. you got it open. i a thank you very much. thank you. well, meanwhile, islands has officially joined a total case against the state of as well as using the idea of committing genocide against policy ends in gaza. and the legal proceedings initiated by south africa
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have found increasing support among nations of the global south, a little policy. you all see courts on it, and then we'll come the results, a plane to city for, for international invest a whole lot of the global solve with. so about that. so again, since i mean it seems to be useful . we started by finding the conscious action in the amounts of genocide and calling for the small take me is by 15 votes to to the state of israel shell in accordance with its obligations under the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide in relation to the palestinians and gaza take
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all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article 2 is a convention state of israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the palestinian group in the gaza strip. even if the court has not told that these law in gauge the needs of each of the sato accelerated by so last across the was seen a breach as a victory for the conference president, international courts of justice in the hague, in the netherlands. issue that holding that is a victory for international law for human rights and above all, for justice, we still have africans whether not to be positive bystanders. and to watch the times that we have visited up on us being perpetrated upon other people elsewhere. it was a tightening all compet days off of the 4th is long cabinet members attend the
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conference calling to reset to casa, and i'm having to even in coverage, in quotes for them to go to court, has ordered the stop by the same kind of side as well means to find, like every country, israel has an inherent right to defend itself. the vile attempt to deny is real. this fundamental right is blakeney discrimination against the jewess state. and it was justly rejected. the charge of genocide level against israel is not only false, is rages and decent people everywhere should rejected. south africa highlighted phone and the global soft welding role on the international arena is really intelligent states and pro, for the scene, an activist and solve african form of foreign minister and the need to find the assignment. he's what people hold off how much reading claims that ron had fun the case today
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with a family situation. the mid the city i spoke to administer, tell it because of the various messages i am getting and i felt that it was better . we had extra security, the people of the world and palestine didn't draw back when the apartheid state in south africa was at its worst. they stood with us in the liberation movement. so we can't stand back now. we must be with palestinians. and one of the things we must not allow is a failure of courage. must civil mobile south side many of the global most political states. so that's what the vehicle initiates, of, has received from countries ranging from media to catch a movie on many countries. if even cold invested is from east. well, those have caught ties entirely, actually beating bit to susan,
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eligible crimes and human rights abuses. our president has instructed the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic to comply with this request of the national parliament and to pursue lead with the severance of diplomatic relations with the fascist and genocidal government of israel. cut off, what do you want to go? so support these all politically financially and middle schools. germany shall immediately suspend. it's a to israel. in particular, it's military assistance including military equipment. and so far as this aid may be used in the violation of the genocide convention, international humanitarian law or other peremptory norms of general international law, such as the palestinian peoples right to self determination and to not be subject to a regime of apartheid as well as until july 2025, to submit to after that hearing j. r. anticipated in 2026. this means the legal process may just offer mazda vehicles done all continues. so the
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tragic loss of life and human suffering in the 1st order has to be paying the number of far less or anything. simply premiums on charges. they were trying to commit terrorist attacks of going to prison nicholas murder. we've detained 7 foreign mercenaries, including 2 important mercenaries from the united states, to hit men from columbia, and 3 mercenaries who came from ukraine to bring violence to the country. they came to carry out terrorist acts who books are plentiful, including in the western main sci media that you claim to uprising was terrorist
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groups in syria and west africa. the claims. so i think i'm named officials with direct knowledge, all the situations, a tier of providing weapons and other equipment as well as trainings that you had us who are fighting as national moves you forces as a result the affirmations of these yeah. and model, do you have completely said, would they put me, i think ties with the brain, russia as one of the international community, numerous times about you claims connections with terrorist groups. was the single list, the nazi regime and key, which has you served power in ukraine. makes no secret of its links with international terrorist organizations. openly recruits mercenaries in their ranks and uses terrorist methods and its activities. well that is off the list and i was mohammed some. so these are just based in the ritual homeless. thanks so much for joining us today. yeah, interesting story. this one we will see these most amazing terrace,
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but what i want is that you will take on this what could be the motive behind the west side. anything so attempting to d, stabilize sets and regimes throughout and using such extreme methods. this is not new for the west. no, they actually have a bucket to gm in uh in. ready green uh they can use it as a mouse and it would come to you for uh, for uh inactive access that are around the world in the country is that the i loved the line with the lists. ready usa, exactly, it was usa interest, uh, usa sees it as well as that. the actually have a long lead. uh uh, an ancient v. and that means when you enroll him and they have tried many times to destabilize the country or to take followed by putting up in the politicians in the so is this is locked in new for the us. what's a new is you're using your brain,
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a usa has a long history of using the, of using 30 groups. and now they have an entire country that has the ideology of not uh, so this country of course it will have the appliances, other extremist groups, the slips. uh, would it be funded by this company. so they don't directly say usa has funded these people as us a before in history funded. okay. don't we have to remember us april, so that was some of the less than a freedom fighter in, in history before they turned against him and said that to you, that he is a 3rd, this model of the freedom fighters. and now they have been titled regime they can use a atkins, the us adverse cities. busy us, yes, sorry for going please. i'm all of it. what i didn't get is, do you think is, do you think it's the equipment deliberately targeting other pro russian countries?
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or could simply be, i think, as a tool, i mean, is you claim these most of these are they, they themselves based on the or is it a high, a power, you know, the, you know, a big brother at state care telling what to do. you know, because it is the highest dollar, the usa is draining the ukrainians. they are using the not the idea lity. they are training your brain is to be able to, to, you know, the usa in the war. now ukraine is more, is no longer a southern country, it's actually a gift of fractured states. so we have the people to leave a few brain need money and need to live with the work. so usa is providing this work by the local espionage instead of k dot. now we have few green, plain and sydney. yeah, it's quite scary really isn't cuz we have a whole country now. i mean,
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they were new. they know that corruption and whatnot. they've got millions of dollars worth of all times now ships into the country, which they can really nice to do whatever they want with. and you know, the speculation that the, the crane and the west, of course, are involved with these terror acts in the middle east. and if i have a name and the node see pipeline boss. but why do you think the international community is not what it is to the blind eye on what? so, this is the, we can know what the initially community thinks it's. we've got people, i'm not thinking more action. i guess these acts or this a of these actions by the. ready as a, uh, i think the skilled most the international community has a bond in itself was us 8. the following to us aids looks like it's the follow better of their countries,
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or that's how they see it. we have other options. now i don't know why people. ready in other countries, especially in europe, which would be the, which would have the most effect on z z, nazis, if they spread the war, like i paid a good. it's a more massive effect, especially on europe. because these people out of national, its, of futile. so the, the, you, especially a unit, it has to take a stand against, i guess the new nazi is that the usa is forming an ukraine. why? i think we are scared. most of them are puppets. to be usa. we have seen some lights in some countries that they are starting to get scared. maybe not today, but the future is this can be it is this can continue. yeah. something very interesting to witness. and this dan and 12th and even that mohammed, something they would face to. thank you so much for your time. thank you. thanks again. it's all the news out as
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a money back on just plain a hey, it's forum policy and the status of africa and the middle east on to iran came on his back when the last 8 front stating on its commitments, particularly on radian nuclear deal. the ronnie and foreign ministry spokes person rejected the french president's claims regarding iran's nuclear program. he described these allegations as unfounded and hypocritical, particularly coming from a government that has failed to fulfill its own commitments under the j. c. p. o. a while playing a key role in enabling a genocidal regime to acquire nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. they are wanting official was responding to the recent claims made by french president and manuel mac ron mac. one was speaking on monday afternoon, and the annual conference with the french advisors were outlined his foreign policy objectives for 2025. and it seems as if the present don't, has found
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a convenient way to escape criticism at home by putting the wrong into spotlight to so the young leashed. a wave of accusations against that wanted ranging from the acceleration of its future program for its full and regional instability as if the problem to one is the puppet master behind every single challenge in the whole world. so mac han raised the alarm over yvon ramping up it's onto activities. he said, this is going to a dangerous point and is putting the whole region as they could have defeating us. we see you're on as the challenge to us and the region and beyond. the main strategic and security challenge for france, for europeans, is the celebration of the nuclear program. that leads us nearly to the point of no return gets ballistic program, threatens european soil and our interest in the coming months. we will have to ask ourselves whether to use the mechanism to restore sanctions, to run support for dangerous groups across all conflict. so in the middle east and
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it's attempts to establish a presence in africa, amplify this danger through the so called proxy. so you know, so the deal is now due to expire. in october 2025 and the french president us working on with renewed sanctions. if it continues to develop its nuclear a program, but here's the point of the nuclear deal. as i said, promised everyone sanctions relief in return for the country for tailing its nuclear activities. but no sanctions were actually lifted. and actually the pressure increased on to one following trumps withdrawal from the pack. so i back in 2018 when the former us president, we imposed sanctions on one. so are these duncan, public job force did boost its nuclear activities beyond the limits set by the agreement, but that was a natural response to the west lack of compliance. and now we see that macro on convenience meeting, ignores these facts and not puts the blame squarely on eval on. but of course
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that's not to work. the french president stopped, he went on and on, claiming that a one is the primary security threat for europeans in the region by supporting what he called dangerous groups in the middle east. but of course, he gave his country and other western friends, a free pass, and the middle east, multi faceted crises, and that's what do you want in foreign ministry spokesman, also highlighted, he uh reminded background that the problem has its roots in the west support for as well, when they give the idea of a carp launch to act flawlessly, i guess the people of the region with full support from the united states in certain european countries including france. israel continues its occupation and genocide, unoccupied palestine, while persistently expanding its military aggression and territorial ambitions across the region. but the most interesting part is that mac kron tried to pin the
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blame for frances failures in africa and go on as a, as a problem. this will somehow erase frances colonial legacy and the growing discontent among african nations. as more and more of these nations are seek to this distance themselves from their former colonial overlord, due to all the atrocities and economic burdens. france has inflicted mccall and i want it to be cleaned. that's if one is it switched to the continental. meanwhile, at one point solve that it's relations with african countries are based on mutual respect and a commitments to their sovereignty. and something that can hardly be said for the west. countries that have a history of island colonialism in africa cannot determine the fate of independent african countries and other nations with the same mentality. so mac loans, wayne ship thing can easily be exposed. if we take a look at the turmoil happening in france with his government breeding from
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a no confidence votes and growing calls for his resignation, fuel by economic hardship, sun social unrest, it's no wonder he's resorted to this familiar tactical, phrasing. mistakes and foreign policy by targeting the tried and true, and i mean they're one, it's almost comical how he believes about the by shifting the focus, but as long as he can distract from the mounting pressure he faces domestically. meanwhile, yvonne was quick to remind the french president of the realities on the ground uh pointing out that the real floods might just be closer to home. then he'd like to admit to get her son's an ultimatum to additional designs in syria to surrender. and then if they don't, either anchor or the new powers at the mazda is long a minute, feel peroration that's. that's why it's given weather to fish for minnesota, the smart home, the shot, the ultimatum we issue is clear sky. those who are foreign terrorists fighters
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coming from took the iran or iraq must leave immediately from the syrians. those in senior leadership positions within the organization. they need to leave to then they know who they are, we have their names, the lower ranks must disarm an integrated into the new system. so this ensures a bloodless problem free transition right now we don't see any preparation for this for any intent, to be honest, touched when we issue ultimatums or set conditions is to prevent military operations, whether from our side or from the new syrian administration or but the conditions are clear, we present them simply transparently without hiding anything to do that this government has to be in a box springs. curtis, one of them for his and his country on neighboring syria for decades, and cars called suds and sentences of the kurdish population. a terrorist organization could each one of his control center in tennessee on the border with
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sort of here and close falls as a bomb to those positions on a regular basis. the confidence has resulted in an estimated 40000 casualties over the years. well, as soon as yeah, so it says the conduct is a large scale, nancy operation and games could instruments and for those who are supported by the u. s, that is a question whether that would mean if i qualify this in washington, and i'm correct along with in jonas broke off and all that might make a soon well. so is that in syria, a conflict between native members, a peers inevitable? and i think that to a, this a damn do a and target to the do good good, which forces y b, g and the other is a foreclosure lines. i think it wouldn't be like a direct confrontation with washington and, and cut off. and i think that to this would lead to towards that proxy lines that all the western and the united states to d. i or the other stakeholders that benefit and the who have good rest and interest
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to i was i said, i think it's going to be in sort of the conflict and williams after this statement from that would be foreign minister. the united states have a long history of the proxies and if we see about the middle east, so all the united states foreign policy and some of these rewards that i'm the prophecies. why that it is like a separate dis, movies out of some of that. so i think that your on this, the turkey claim that your dad particularly to see if zones through the budget or the doors, not the lady. i think that's good. i think georgie claims go to the rational, but i think that beyond that seems and to directly jump into a lot of to start develop the operation. i think that would be challenging even part of that for the government. and that he for cushions and the setbacks.
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