tv Documentary RT January 8, 2025 10:30pm-11:01pm EST
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investigative data that's already there for this little issue. a productive substrate cannot switch to the spunk you have in a solution. and you come, we're not really sure, but of our book to more suitable examples as to claimant methods. each commercial version of the scripts, probably a sort of them is reason you is little your key rid of sort of sure. because of the self interest to virginia as well. oh yeah. but yeah. so my is my cell phone is 2 mules. yeah. they're all still very nice report them. yeah, yeah, fine. okay. i thought at this oh, yeah, 5. yeah. your yeah. flag you've heard about the yup. sure. do you mind what are you using? yep. they put this on your mind. your score. does it come with or
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we go through the you can most, bob, you show up in the, in june from me, you from it. so i guess from the saloon present off top of most of the simple exposure, the safety and that, and when you check each of a box, multi human will take collision for us to point out, but don't be don't push saw some more sleep. so we push because you would have vall, commerce, i would need lee shows s, can you do new was cut off? i don't know what it is. i mean, do you have
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a full could have asked to less on the quantities on saw. i also saw quite a suspicion. please look for me shit days. you think this is a bundle? some of the best call going over here and stuff and on a sent meeting for all of them. and what joyce you don't pay my phone? my phone. does you much contemplate voltage of the person who might be as obvious, your telephone i knew showing you it's difficult pleasure to use advantage of as i've seen because people fail the 1st week of the shipment. there's a much more who mission,
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field premier for gym issued you know, you know, hopefully i'll play the police very suitable eligible email on that. chemical preschool is suffering sion, the rules get the single piece stuff have to do more because you feel the cost me on the cell phone bill. you don't play this awesome, i will produce this only. ok, let me the visual video, the concrete logic complete. so you can visualize the impala street a monday, monday. the one you saw style the
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week. yeah, i'm going through the, the zip code that came up. all right, good. no problem. so good. just come on. see what i like a little kid. she had a bold team, i do have a funeral for jobs, so you don't have to wait to ship a boat types of you know, the superclass suite, the key cam. i bought quite
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a lot more popular mojo grease it cuz humans you feeling okay. info for sale was on the the account may i have that come on the phone, closing costs? is it more uh was it one more towards the larger with these it was available now too. so the reason for the premium is awful. nova shopping about the unit where you are seeing excuse me, to treat the pleasure of actually don't know, i should be come back to the semester because it is for sale. it can be a syllabus boss who got sort of quarterly to some
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do something else. and then the value of the video separate. do you disagree or the cooper? something i did for you all day for me. 11. easy. so click on the soonest jumpstart. i'll ask you a few so you can search somebody has occurred to me. so i told koreans on picking small change orders from lots of good, i'm good to sit on the training and that one is the beautiful i ended up doing those on the different offices. said he goes on sale as a joke. lots of don't go to touch it, he won't be safe. you know, so the co code, you've done all of your stuff as a shipping both are ukranian citizens, dining design, chic, uh,
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according to russian possible. in march 2023. the was previously the hands of the judge in office, but under the name of grumble suitable to the poor citizens. but on getting more than you offer on the same boys finance such as the form of payment of your music or somewhere or so it's been a pretty nice deal of tutoring as the for on. so the, but the more than i do to point was at the, one of the guys are still for the low cost is not i'm not getting into your muscle in los angeles symbols here. so this from us square, see 2 of us 40 portrait plastic. i'm finding couple 100000 you might have said so ms. lowe's. me keep that. i've been doing less but it will likely for the hospice
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to keep us. we sell includes a horse digit that it just yeah. bullet. the just go to see more of the way and you can start with the city of the sports. in your sewing machine, you can find me immune to the junior center and we support isn't a software. it is the program to bundle in the evenings to be able to get off the cds best is the best opinion of it is more economical in any ways in the mail to just do total due to the issues. so it was the us, the deluxe and cost board, as it used to use the split premium on the list because we don't the nice of so that you, some of the just assume you seem really want to read them because they always bought a 2nd place to think of that owns the spoken with it, of course the gaming and for the simple simple list of all i did the city as plus the disposal of the other side. we have the 0, it is going to split the inside of months. so it used to sit and was a capital really, but still thinking about the point is that the spirit of human he's supposed to
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really have a certain capability and some important human group is i so be nice to go to like a southern chest that's here again, of sorry, systems to the lab, you must of stuff something really simple that the so i will ship them. but after that that was pretty late in the morning if it was submitted on the door. sage again, you bring in the assignment uh strongly agree into uh, not clean the soon as you come find me the site, 80 something a month or 2 or 2 months. you said the, the company's headquarters. we're located from key to to by here on the 7th floor of the prestigious citadel. it's our business center. debbie told you rented an
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office for the international network key executive, the in mid 2024, all the employees sled. but it's unlikely that the middle, some groups activities weren't good child the goodness, maybe not. this is the focus new in this way. what is that really brokers and the tools and they move out. oh yeah. when, when last month i think it the, the
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revolution of 1789 in france gave hope for the liberation of the oppressed peoples in the branch of overseas territories. but paris did not want to part with its sources of profit silver. a sign of the colonization was the uprising of black slaves in haiti that remote island produced almost half of all the sugar on the planet. sooner was made by d as in franchise slaves. broad from africa. scene 1791. they started an uprising against their oppressors. the blacks swept away the colonial administration and formed their own army. it was led by that charismatic leader, francois dominique tucson, live at york. rancher james to regain control of the colony were unsuccessful. having comes up, our napoleon dispatched a large expeditionary force to haiti. the french manage the caps or to saul love it to or by deceit. but they could not suppress the rebels and suffered devastating
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defeats. on january 1, 18 o 418 declared independence, the 1st one in the whole latin america. however, freedom was paid for with the blood of 200000 courageous haitians who had sacrificed their lives for the abolition of slavery on our planet. the events in haiti were the only successful uprising of slaves in history when they not only through of slavery, but also began to rule their state the the would be nice to see in the new year with some optimism. unfortunately, this is not case. the accumulation and deepening of many problems from last year are still very much with us to buckle up. brace for him. the
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in february 2022 ukraine, the game, the world's number one new story for ukraine, new brand, new credit. it brand new crane question truth invaded ukraine, new loan perspective, ukraine suffering from russian, the grandchildren. we seen the main stream media and the nightly news, reciting, clean developed scripts that essentially say exactly the same thing using the buzz words of this is a threat to our democracy. when you see 10 different channels exactly that sentence, you know that it's the central intelligence agency script. the role of p r firms in ukraine, throughout europe and into united states really can be overstated. it's quite different and it wasn't previous decades where there used to be more of a cobra of propaganda, government propaganda operations. now, this is just celebrated as p r in helping ukraine and helping get their message out
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times the kinase who's pulling the strings and who is profiting the divine hills. business district is perhaps even more prestigious than citadel. towel is molten complex is built in 2021. the cost of renting the smallest $100.00 square me to office tasks for $50000.00 a month. that's roughly the monthly salary of a know to good call center balls. up can easy to machine stuff. such stuff is to go out using the 6 now they've done something. it'll go into your thoughts on that and you know more than yeah, as a concept or use on that some. but you feel should they should gal
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a sense of duty is nonsense. you've got time to what seems to be doing this on the brochure to michigan. so to include this and i'm on the side of the bottle. it isn't the cost of last $2.00 parts of the issue that i'm using. easy, when you know that about this photo, it's the focus, or also the case on the cell. it's available on sites and cabinet. the high life in dubai. yadda eating golden steaks and fungus for dinner, created by a famous target ship. each meal coast, at least $1000.00 or something. the casual non lived in the lead to buy beach visits to tell a complex with its own private beach, on the trash and go the this is case online driving a lamborghini and the cadillac. the 3 purchase plan, some different tools of a new lease residential complex,
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and the price varies from $200000.00 for a small studio blast to half a $1000000.00 per most spacious, one to on. so how they both is realistic is i think on zillow telling me, of our waiting trial in moscow, the clear. so it's a payment. yeah, a couple is that a month to keep the game here for me to just get one video book a big city is doing it, but when you're on the east mission system in the midst, of course, there's sort of the most provide professors for them. can take minimal, clear everything you provide yes or no? so don't let me say that it took me on think about a little bit of to critique somewhat, to even a glance kind of my most the way the
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the d. c meant it was my 0. so, so she could think he does have going on as after she's really visiting as most a go be may email all to see little daniel, 10 minutes on east butte, stamey stuff, daniel phone tag. it's, i'm just on the snap smoke that have the money i can, but you can also he will see on the suspension, easy, modern talk to mccain and gone by to on. it also says on english theater, on the fly, smaller go to the come down to, let's see what this something, let's see, a ton of fun items. talk often on the knowledge floor on the same thing. by the way it happens because go gone by the 40000
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to the whole front? a cookie, the fly on the task. that was how soon for escaping me. see she me right, right. this is stupid news to me. those i was just mostly in for the morning is to restore me sort of water. i'm pointing hyster dealer in the for simple though, it was more than the book to stay on the or let me don't miss the don't the core people have the most thoughts are and usually makes me fucking bored. to junior,
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we're showing that i want to ease of both of her sub folders. so for the before, which will be perfect for some stuff like that was to sort of the short. yeah, let's do the illustrated move horses see who goes to the funeral for his home or just throw him, you know, for full full just because the doctor. sure. what was the that the because the 2 is the one. pick it or to me please to assure the company
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curriculum support through from so think of. so what was the thought is super simple. the bulk of them. smith, clearly host the, what is it in your versus you're going to be suppose to quote something and who does use it. but i see you football if, if you should, we'll still go to the, to me a couple different show of should the position of what does it mean there for us, but i see you this isn't the middle goody tomorrow to believe both of what it was to be sure your particular because at the store for just next year. so we're going to go for the orders of each receive senior citizen when you were telling me because it was to give us little was virginia, oklahoma. we do a project on this was we did the most us to with us here to be subdued, so much range to a possible near. but most of the
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boys were being able to deal with this year is that surface book and a lot of folks do you remember the dumbest a cheese? i gave him a good enough to according to the position of a deal for you. what is the consent of a cover? what is a group? and let's say the 3 of us here. yeah, the worst that professional for 2 years or for you can't cut the contrast switch everything across the border of recorded mention at the most at the old or the phone with the blah blah. warranty? ah, she's going with a solution. nick are supposed to come to convince, was supposed to perform the the call center employees featured in this film. this is the responsibility of to assessing the extent of that guilt. they too will face punishments. the course is a different stomach for
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a group of ladies. ministers to you folks in those blue over of the system in the district. no, somebody has to, uh, what are you seeing for them? so cheap is not near you. uh, you know what i mean? so customers, you have access to your desk, which is most of the machine you will show up with a different one of the smart tv. oh, you mean able to potentially me importantly because of us to wherever, to disagree with the durham one year after you should be receiving emails uh, searching you we are pushing you pretty quickly. so is that just basically we do what i see you the scam a stove, all that line, savings them by forcing them into the debt. so russian law enforcement paid for the victims plane tickets and accommodation in moscow. these under boards have law fantastic assessed eyes on the help of users on google devolving
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omen. been almost on the floor on too much to these things have always to life. oh god, always, natalie. i didn't know. he stopped a soft place to begin in the same way. other than those, those are the most close the boards of the service portion. i good. awesome good. the no pets. so this are pretty good name. i'm send this to you, go to the school to continue corporate your data or to for the save them to the or the team. i'm not
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got you all but ask a lot of people ask others oh email. not the not the michelin gales. edwards desire for you, though see, and on the piece will be any additional demos that to, to, to have and see that, that one of the fast pensylvania called from the bottom the dies by nami, of could have done that to me. you know, even from a to the game out to mount pleasant. sometimes people out there. this is nice. 10 feet. kingston not to me. thank you. loud enough most kyle to home in the time. yeah, i was talking too much to natalie communicate aston isley
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smith. how many times, how many times as we spent on this plan does have the option to go to the flow is massively in house i'm, i'm late because he's talking to just make out though and not allow because this doesn't flow. we designed those to inside the 3 just need the easy to see what we can attend and also some of these safety reasons labeled need to be any i'm a good place was closing between them. 10 sites squeaking closest meaning no tough guy down a told you and the kids are actually really still in hiding abroad
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the the force it nearby slots us though is a way out of the key at the board. she must not submit a sports and she wasn't able to deal with the story and pushing a or studio to see more option that this be so for ship though, for starter home work or graphics will go straight and you won't have to worry the
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boys to a school in your welski territory. so this could save the natural logos of it. so formally ship portion or the provide me because i've noticed a football i still knew about chavo in gold and on my side as close i, you as a category stores go to a solution and continue to go out and die. and it will, and i'll probably not share the south pieces to see about so those so you can do so full, so comfortable to develop both them just got a smith gosh, careful which, who's coming out on the bus which is still going on to me. so i'm on the publisher about his stomach. i thought maybe waiting in go are you still not done? i'll go back to normal. yeah, i get to talk about it. there's dorski a whole bunch bundle of g, circa, comfortable companies. you don't want some about on. they're not, i mean yeah, the desktop, i dropped off some some of the stuff, some of the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross popular. all things are considered on peter level. it would be nice to see in the new year with some optimism. unfortunately, this is not the case. the accumulation and deepening of many problems from last year are still very much with us. so fucking love brace for impact the
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