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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2025 6:00am-6:31am EST

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the, the, this attempt at these stabilization has been eradicated. we are making this message to tell you that we are mobilize to defend the motherland. and to defend our presidents tides a form and associates to calm the nation, following identity and side on the presidential policy. in the capital we've left 18 months after the one got that warranty with the load. and suppose a road unit, the residents who need courses in have kinda solve the system. i think the extent to think it isn't it is including those of those passively notes, right? and there's something breach of ethics, and you might have with the idea from story describing 15 policy and lives in the policy today. pro processing and u. s. good efforts by targeting is what he sold as a road to legal actions,
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ported on governments to step into the fights. we have already launched a 1005 year complaints, $1000.00 man idea of the i. c live in the target. people who have 30 probably, and publicly advertised available crimes and as of the one size in los angeles, california, the 5 did the states democratic leadership blocks to christmas balls with donald trump junior, furious the cities firefights, and it was shift shipped all the way the live 4 months ago, this is all to you. and so anyways, or news and views. so now we're beginning on utah and central africa focusing on have capital just outside the gates of the presidential palace. security policy is opening fire on an attack of attempting to breach the come,
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but that's what i need to solve. the form is to address the nation to provide reassurances. i am currently at the presidential palace where the situation is completely under control. there is no fear, there is nothing serious. we can't tell you anything right now, but the situation is completely under control. this attempt a d stabilization has been eradicated. we are making this message to tell you that we are mobilized to defend the motherland and to defend our president, the minister of foreign affairs, making it clear that the situation and to me not is under control. and these no need for panic off to an armed attack on the presidential pen. a soft bad field will do new at this moment. in fact, from what the minister told us that at least 24 on the meeting were part of this attack. and early of a poor suspected that these on to mean were from buckle hard run. but these mean attack to the interior of the presidential palace and a mass shooting
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a team of those attackers. what killed and 6 interested, one member of the security force killed and others also so severely injured. and overall, from what we seen, that's a leading to the presidency was blocked, and tens could be seen on the street. but as the minister stay to the aunt in the disruptions and the situation is under control. but he also did mention that the attack is an attempt to de, stabilize the country. well, it all comes as you've seen a tit for tat exchange. so that's to supply it between chad lead is and the french counterpart present to my normal crowd right now. um chads president has express his dissatisfaction with the recent statements made by my crime during the conference. suffering basset is the need to describe the fields. presidents remarks as contempt for africa and africans emphasizing that my crohn is in the wrong era, and that's of course, as a menu, alma crohn claimed that african nations have failed to say thank you for francis
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military interventions in this the house phone, which i think some after can liters, forgot to say, thank you. it doesn't matter. it will come with time. in gratitude, i am in a good position to know it is a non communicable disease of humans. but i say it for all the african rulers who have not had the courage visa view their public opinions to say it, none of them would be with the sovereign country today, if the french army had not deployed in this region one in the so i would like to express my indignation at the remarks made recently by president emmanuel my chrome, which border on contempt for africa in africans. i think he's in the wrong era. as far as chat is concerned, the decision to terminate the military cooperation agreement with france is entirely a sovereign decision. by chance, there could be no ambiguity about that. and those remarks came is the result of break in military relations between chatted for us to mean that is clearly assuming its desire to fully exercise its sovereignty by deciding to distance itself from
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fries. she is what the priests attached to the meeting and we have put the best interest of chat and poll position while remaining attached to the sovereignty of our country. it is with this logic that i decided after a careful examination of the situation to definitively break the military agreements with france. this sovereign decision carries with it major challenges that we must face. we have not ruled out the possibility that our own compatriots will unfortunately be used to try to destabilize our country. on the strength of my conviction that this decision constitutes a response to a common and legitimate aspiration of the child in people. i took it and i assume it completely. thanks to god. this decision was painted justified by the change in authorities, including the president who insisted that this break was not to go civil and office 60 years military allies with friends. chad not choose as to taught its own the course. and of course, presume
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a crime is not taking this the right way. some disturbing revelations come me a minute. see, most of those have testified behind close those alleging that britain's special forces pursue that the policy of executing afghans to billions. now they claim a rogue s a s unit targeted mailed. the latest, even though is opposing no threat to troops raising serious questions about potential clients in afghanistan. of course, what egos dental has the latest on this story you case special forces in afghanistan, carrying the banners of freedom and human rights to protect the innocent. and this throne, whom they themselves have labeled as despotic oppresses while instead, they are now themselves being investigated for acts of barbarism and war. crimes by terms of reference require me to investigation reports for the extremely serious
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allegations for the extra traditional kennings locality dodgy navigating stone pipers use special forces between mid as 20 to mid straight to 13, whether these were covered up. so what is the investigation carried out by the role of the 2 police whose fate slip us? well, it seems beyond says are yes, they to place. yes, they will cover it up and know the police investigation was unsatisfactory. testimonies of the 1st batch of special forces soldiers have been published and they owned proud. one of the with this is told the inquiry that the u. k. lead troops has a quote unquote golden take it to get away with nanda, which was itself a bit utilized and normalized when you describe what he said is more graphic. can you give us an example or an explanation of what you mean by that words that had
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been used about killing were like flat packing, flat packing them or witnesses well grunted and an image see to ensure that they felt safe sharing what they know names ranks places, according to an informant going on to the alias and $1799.00. a cs combined is bred a culture of fear. we've been units and whistle blowing equaled treason. it appears with respect to be from the face of the email west than that because in the 1st line it refers to a thing has occurred to ensure that the stuff offices keep their mouth shut. is that how you read that? that is exactly how i read that, sir. yes. basically there appears to be a culture there of shut up. don't question in coming forward and giving evidence both in your statement and to the inquiry today. do you regard yourself as someone who is broken the code of silence? yes. as to how that might be perceived by others within the why the u. k. s. s. community? is there a danger that you might be branded as a trait to?
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yes. according to the transcripts of testimonials, the british se yes, didn't dig deep, and it's supposed search for terrorists. sometimes all the guy would have to be is simply to be of a sudden a age to end up when i hit list. a fighting age may was in fact the term coined by the c'mon does, according to and 1799. and the policy was clear, execution and it gets even worse because evidence would be planted on the body just in case anyone started asking questions. but you understand from what he said to you that he was suggesting that it was those of a fighting age. yeah. any man capable of picking up a weapon or any very young man capable of picking up a weapon. and as you have just described, could include those who are under 18 as young as 16 or younger 100 percent. it was comfortable as if this is part of standard operating procedures. it was almost
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doctrinal, it was normal. but i suppose what shocked me most wasn't the execution of potential members of the taliban, which was of course, wrong and illegal. but it was more of the age and the methods and you know, the details of things like pillows. that's what really is what shocked me and made me think long and hard about what to do with what i've been told. you describe a particular instance where a pillow had been put over the head of someone before they had been killed with a pistol. is nothing interpretation by you of what have been said or does that properly describe one of the things that he and 2101 said to you? yeah, that is what was described. and 1799, did recall becoming aware from at least 2 or 3 people of rumors that weapons had been over being taken on target and then dropped to give the impression that the deceased individual had been. and when shot such a dropped weapon was colloquially known as a mister wolf. now the inquiry was established in 2022 following accusations that
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the royal police pro failed to properly investigate you case special forces night rates and of gun that's done. and these initial revelations, with more witnesses in the pipeline to suggest the chem and might end up with a lengthy list of names to be indicted on war crime charges. the hey, so my age and so after i saw his presidential national security advisor suggest and will crimes have indeed been committed. such actions are extremely difficult to justify legally or ethically, particularly as the victims were an armed and there were locked tubes in affiliations to the top on which undermines the principles of lawful warfare. pro is likely to expand on covering more incidents and leading to potential legal actions and indictments for those implicated in war
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crimes. as well as just sematic reforms within the s a s. while the investigation into syria and similar allegations elsewhere suggests that tactics may have been more common. in s a s missions globally reflecting a potential pattern of operations conduct something that reflects very, very clearly on any group in organizations leading it at least 15 products is, has been killed. liability forces in gaza over the past day, as, according to the local authorities online video. so the scene of follow in is what it's like on us to be in the area west of garza city. multiple casualties have been reported so far. the war on cause as claimed roughly 46000 palestinian life while is what it has basically ignored the civil cottage. what comes as the nations
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finance, vis a threats and then use these old for is on its way remain quotes, how for, how much a to me well pro, but i see it right. so when i was i was just all getting desperate from is well the chairman of the hand, right job, a foundation was warned by a top is where the official to quote, watch his page up in reference to the thousands of deadly pages and won't wait till the explosions last year that terrorized little bit on when i decided to pursue justice against israeli war criminals, i understood the consequences in recent days. following is really threats. i've taken time to reflect deeply one small my result remains unchanged. after witnessing this genocide, there is no turning back in the face of such grave injustice, the perpetrators must be held accountable. justice is the only path forward,
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not revenge, not violence. but justice through the courts of law about foundation was in fact, established in memory of a 5 year old passing in the hand. roger family was trying to escape from the idea of phone bob of go. the when the call was a tug gets by and is ready tank a. she survived the initial attack, but it was kill surely off the in an hundreds that was destroyed when she was being rushed to hospital. the india that bears her name is now bringing world wine charges against is already sold this. this is a list. in fact, all those so this of those kind of things where pro pass in organizations office doing legal action. one case was recently launched in brazil bought an idea of soldier who was on holiday the escape they, the criminal charges leveled against him throughout the gaza war. i the so just
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have posted videos of course, social media documenting the actions against power stands that we spoke with a lawyer and co founder of the hand, the rise of foundation about the scope of the organizations activities and the challenges i heard. we've been logic. i'm trying since december of 2023. so it's longer than a year and offers complaints what came to 2 words that they all, for example, other minutes just people will high up and to come on and control structure of the so called ideas. and other organizations and companies, however, it seemed like the next step was alongside these bigger legal targets, closer target people who, ag, 30, probably, and publicly advertise the crimes. and that's why we have already launched a 1000 ideas complaint, 1000 man i've you have compared at the i c level along side with that we have 27
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individual cases pending and barriers to the success in the netherlands in belgium at for us in the u. k. a in argentine not in brazil that separate 2nd and we are boarding the scope, the various investigative teams within our organization. all warranties, by the way, and we have various various legal teams. so what the investigative teams do, what the investigative units do is we look online, we look at tapes that we received. we look at the evidence, which is always a line item, the instagram picked up on various sites. we explore that evidence and if we find sufficient evidence instruction, bronze to actually property with proper documentation, say this person is a criminal. we then lodge a complaint and i need your section and we off for the local authorities to arrest, frustrated and sentence. however, the trick is to get the authorities to actually act, and because of politics, because of design, is lobby. and because of the general,
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it seems the general feeling amongst law enforcement organizations. that is crazy, but because of the uh, the effort we put into, sometimes publicizing our complaints, it does become a bit more easier at the end of the day. we have that we show even if it takes a few months, a year, 5 years, or 10 years, and everybody was committed. war crimes will be brought to justice by that. so a lot of times is now sincerely aware of a haul, a 1000000 people moving to space from their homes off to the higher die food. i was some terrorist group with rubashaw outside, and the mazda the mazda. as of last month now thousands was have sold refuge abroad and we spoke with one of the refugees who fled from sivitz and 11 on. he told us why he doesn't intend to return home any time soon. i was out of his office or personally, i don't see myself returning to syria any time soon. many of us face threats on social media,
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not just me. people make statements like we'll deal with you. or if we see you, we'll take action simply because we voice and opinion. i've never carried a weapon in my life, but having a different opinion or stance has made me a target for accusations and threats. as a member of she, a minority, i've been accused of supporting the regime simply because of my background or perceived affiliations. some believe that because of this, i deserve punishment or even death. not everyone. but there are people who think this way. that's why i don't see a return to syria in the near future, unless a legitimate state is established with security in laws. only then might i consider going back among the threats commonly directed as she, i like myself. the most frequent insult is being called in a rainy entail the stems from the stereotype that all she uh, are agents of iran working solely for its interest and funded by to ron. i don't understand why she are singled out this way. christians aren't accused of serving
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the vatican or france, nor are other groups labeled as agents for foreign powers. and yet she, a in syria, are always painted as working for iran. even though there are well established sheet of families in damascus with deep syrian roots. beyond being labeled as a ronnie entails, there are threats like will kill, you will punish you, or even will slaughter you in the middle of damascus. these are personal threats i received and others around me have face similar threats of revenge. in one she, a majority neighborhood in damascus. a faction member reportedly said, if we didn't have orders from above, not to touch any of you, we'd slaughter you one by one. that's an example of verbal harassment occurring in damascus and she had dominated areas. i don't have precise data on how widespread such threats are. but i'd estimate over 50 percent of she and syria, a face some form of intimidation. and has the syrian said cromwell that last month is well capitalized and sees the heights buffer zone and beyond russia's. i'm back
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to the, to the you and the security council meeting said that is a clear violation of serious total integrity. so what if i did it, but we did it. we would especially like to highlight the immediate threats to the territorial integrity of syria posed by the legal actions of israel, which is assuming a policy affects on the ground in the occupied go down. heights was with 500 square kilometers of syrian territory, have already been seen. israel's actions constitute a blatant violation of international legal resolutions, including numerous decisions of the security council and the general assembly going heights has been paucity ok bye bye, as well. since 1967, i have always been a full on and this side of syrian is there any relations off of them? oscar fail is well mobilizes, forces enrolled into the region with heavy on seizing the un established buffers
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a land beyond the city. a refugee office had once again told about the is really the actions of the israel is exporting the chaos in syria to its advantage. for instance, it has seized control of critical infrastructure, such as dams in the golan heights is real, is unlikely to relinquish the strategic positions it has gained, including the elevated areas of mount herman. these positions previously exposed israel's vulnerabilities, allowing as well as drones to pass on detected by securing these elevated areas. israel has expanded a strategic advantage, gaining clear visibility over both syria and lebanon. israel sees us as a historic opportunity to expand its influence in annex territory in syria, possibly even encroaching on lebanon in the future. historically, israel has been the hidden hand behind much of what happens in the region, not as a conspiracy theory, but as a reality. the current situation serves the interest of both israel and the united
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states as it weakens any forces opposed to them or focused on liberating palestine . hey, northern stereotype says are also high cutting some of those that control much of the region report they repetitive. in fact, by the cation box for a syrian all me near the city of mine, bish association. meet the rules that i'm gonna have rule is all the forces to come by state of readiness. that's as a nation's 4 minutes. a gave an ultimatum to the good issue of those, and 5 is a city to surrender. and if they don't is the anchor, all the new powers in damascus will launch a military operation. at least my tongue let a. 1 shot, look through the automated we issue was clear. those who are 4 and terrors fighters coming from to kia iran or iraq must leave immediately from the syrians. those in senior leadership positions within the organization. they need to leave to them.
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they know who they are. we have their names, stop, the lower ranks, must disarm and integrated into the new system. so this ensures a bloodless problem free transition right now we don't see any preparation for this or any intent to be honest, touched when we issue ultimatums or set conditions is to prevent military operations, whether from our side or from the new syrian administration or but the conditions are clear, we present them simply transparently without hiding anything that we supposed to solid most of the co travel because this democratic union body who says that the work to the kids into the long clubs terrace as simply defending the existence of the people of the to the, the key is conducting military operations in northern and eastern syria using its aircraft and drones. we have no choice but to resist. we're defending our existence
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that is legitimate self defense. we're not infringing on others. we are called terrorist by those who practice terrorism themselves. protect terrace and use them to attack us. we're not terrorist and have nothing to do with terrace. these are false accusations by the turkish authorities to create pretext for their actions. they regard every curve wherever she is in the world as a terrorist. we certainly reject such accusations and categorically disagree with them. the americans are well aware of everything, but since turkey is a member of nato, they do not wish to confront it. was size and wouldn't let unless they sleep through southern california. try me at least 5 lives full of things. 17000 residents to evacuate me the devastation, harrowing images reveal in time neighborhoods reduced to us is day to off the hurricane force winds find the flavors of scores over 15000 acres since tuesday
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morning. a fine that is, is now facing fires on full fronts on the beach cities which have seen homes alone, pacific coast highway, but to the water's edge, to the most recent days, erupt. thing in the hollywood hills, at least 2000 instructors. having turned to ashton joe biden was canceled his last 4 of the trip as present entity. so focused efforts of responding to the 5 of us as the democratic governor of california and the democratic mass of and they have been lost and for the pool responses firefights has run out of woodside. in many areas of the bustle the in for those as well. as the city bugs old headline, some 2020 to come back to haunt as local firefights has donated, they did 2 1st responders in ukraine of donald trump junior took to social media
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and reactive. oh, look of course the l. a fire department donated a bunch of their supplies to ukraine, 5 or more of their so that so the cost of $5004.00 pounds of the student senior security policy. honest michael maloof, terrible times. why? cuz we don't like to see these uh, these devastating things happening in now on the west coast, especially, you know, of this sort of time of year. but these headlines, i mean, they're quite strongly out there. i mean, the headlights haven't exactly aged well either. i'm the, i'm you sending firefighting good to you. crane. now i laid these all hands on deck . let me will sort some uh, you know, on this, on the find the, the firefighters club handle what's going on to, well they, they could have if the proper preparations were made um, years ago, as you pointed out there in donald trump's 1st administration,
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he actually told the news, some of the may of the day, the governor to clean up the the for us and um, and none of none of that was done. none of it also key diverted. uh, he destroyed some dams that would have allowed water coming from northern california into the southern california because they wanted to protect uh, some tiny little fish. and um, and so, so kind of, you know, as an environmental matter. so and, and, and it within the, within the l a itself, it appears that the of the tanks were not full of water. uh, they had, uh, given this, they had donated the equipment as you pointed out. and some of us are suggesting that, um uh, instead of sending the left because this fire, by the way is that it is estimated to go to cost when it's all done about $50000000000.00. and some of us are suggesting that rather than that last
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transcript, tens of billions of dollars going to ukraine, that it'd be instead of be diverted to help the in effect, refugees. yeah. in the l. a. because a lot of them could not afford any longer. a home home insurance, they the, they, they, the price is worse, we're so 5, a lot of the insurance companies were bailing out because people cannot afford them . and, and because they were raising prices as well. and now you have this disaster on top of and i might have one of the one other thing i don't believe in coincidences. but this, you know, the 1st of january, we had a terrorist attack in new orleans and, and now, 87 days later this occurs. and i, it brought back memories back to 2012,
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when a pilot in its inspire magazine called for the use of forest fires as a way to get back at the west, especially beginning in montana and then in the california. so i, they still do not know what caused the initial ignition. no, no, electrical shortages were reported nothing. and then taking advantage of these high wins because you needed the ignition of sometimes something that's big enough and there was no report, nothing reported like that anywhere. but it's, and so you would need an ignition that would be large enough in order to, to, to take advantage of the of these a higher high winds, which are blowing, by the way, at hurricane speeds, 100 miles an hour, up to a 100 miles an hour so this is an unmitigated disaster, the, the, because of the, the, the political authorities, they're all democrats and i might add,
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were fully aware of all of these instances. they've, instead focused on this d eyes. i've worked with them in terms of hiring. they were and they, they also, as you pointed out, there began to disperse some of the equipment and they did not ensure that the facilities, the fundamental facilities and the ability to obtain water was, was done. and newsome on his watch was, was aware of all of this, a could have done something. and in fact there was, they had voted to bill more reservoirs and, and the money was allocated for it. and none of it has ever happened. what does that mean? you know what, what is it self destruction? i don't get it and they need, you know, my, he may have seen other price conferences. yes. a top official said that they knew like you just said that they knew that there was an in.


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