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tv   News  RT  January 10, 2025 11:00am-11:31am EST

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the, the new or you're directly in the well, joe biden jug supervisor and devastating floods in california. presence of mind say that was to the democratic leadership of being unprepared. also raised income is about the for the decision to send clinical firefights and equipment to you. things these are the most, the long to the attack upon the capital of the admin type thing and national policies and added crowded census. what i thought of the me who the, this is a set of feel for you as an ad from the carrier, the the which is behind. as you can see, what is a locally is followed by call. so these are the ancient roman ruins that sits the average is a, let's go weld over to size. but of course,
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samples of the site from the use of the city of above, as well as this slide over a 100000 homes in lebanon. and since it began as offensive, we wouldn't pull from an ancient unesco harris. the site does suffer from baldwin view and was the idea of the tensile also piece of the target company today for the lakes. it's global news around up. this is all into southern california is often times a $100000.00 people have had to fee that home. the entire neighborhoods are reduced to ashes the desktop arisen to 10 as a 5, some rage and cost multiple funds. as the council of your national guard is being deployed to los angeles to support the local police as they are struggling with an
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escalating number of routing cases, the officials confirmed that 20 people have been arrested on suspicion of losing suffice started. now who raises have been struggling to describe the trauma they have in georgia? because you can see there's nothing less than i've been there for about an hour and a half and i don't wanna leave it's home. so i really can't put into words everything that we know and love is go, not just this house, my whole city, go on and the whole thing like everything, my whole neighborhood, everything. and i grew up to love and know is burnt. uh i'm, i'm, i'm devastated. for them, i'm gonna stay the pods, but i'm like i said, we each walked out with 2 pairs of clothing changes. and that's all that we have. however, i mean the devastation, some people apparently think it's a lot of a mess up the us presence while discussing the prices turned as we've been told
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that the quote fire away one of the big green folks up on his face, vice president. i know you're directly affected by the 9 his, the across state government in california, all facing by class of the sofa, is adequate measures to contain the info. and as the texas republican go by them onto the country leadership look out for his own citizens, instead of sending money abroad. you know what, what is needed is for joe, by the stop getting money to the ukraine to start providing it to north carolina. and in this case, california and helping our fellow americans in securing our border instead of sacrificing america, just board the wellbeing of some other countries across the globe. well, local guys can move in experience how america's efforts to support you plan ultimately by 5. right, when we really need it,
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the us secretary of defense lloyd austin, has decided to spend half a $1000000000.00 to fight wild buyers. well, actually he's decided to spend half a $1000000000.00 for ukraine, but it gets worse. samantha power, who directs the us agency for international development as been unloading all kinds of supplies. do you bring grading drones and other equipments now? where did she get it from? well, according to the usa id website, a lot of the materials that have been going to ukraine have come from los angeles area fire departments. us aid has helped 16 communities, established volunteer fire brigades, equipping each group with protective gear, motor pumps, chainsaws rescue motor cutters, rechargeable spotlights, fire extinguishers and hydraulic rescue tools. folks in los angeles are certainly not thrilled now. lots of houses, nozzles, body, armor, turnouts,
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and protective equipment has been turned over from california to emergency services in ukraine. and even as the fires rage, we less officials are still planning down even more money in your conflict. on the other side of the planet, the mayor of los angeles wasn't even in the city. she was attending a presidential in auto racing and gone. she rushed back only after media outraged. and when she got back to town, she didn't exactly make things that are wednesday, read from us quarterly prepared script that someone gave her right now. if you need help, emergency information, resources, and shelter is available. all of this can be found at u r l. yes, lots of allied folks are very happy to know they can go to u r l to get the info that they need beyond incompetence, cant even do the bare minimum and read
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a website. mayor karen bass literally just read the words u r l. offer script during the press conference instead of the emergency website for the victims of the fire. i think we have a new winner for most incompetent politician in america. we are led by more owns in los angeles. mayor karen bass tells residents that if they need emergency help or shelter, it can be found that you are l. what this is the perfect picture of the incredible levels of incompetence ravaging, los angeles right now, also is just weeks before the devastating fire. she cut the city's fire protection budget by $17600000.00 giving priority to the services for the homeless. and when it comes to firefighters in los angeles, apparently some qualified individuals and candidates weren't turned down because they didn't reach certain diversity criteria in 2022. and one of the top priorities
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is that the los angeles fire department was its diversity equity and inclusion bureau. and this led to some qualified professionals being left out. i graduated north hollywood high with the 1.7, g p a. i could not find a job. i walked to a fire station in north hollywood. i was 19, i was living in the garage of my family home. my mom was on welfare and food stamps, and i said, can i get a job as a fireman? and they said no, because you're not black, hispanic, or woman. uh, we'll see you in about 7 years. and i went to a construction site in doug ditches and picked up garbage for the next 7 years. i got a letter in the mail sent to my father's house, saying your time has come to do the written exam for the l. a fire department. i took it and i was standing in line and i had a young woman of color standing behind me in line. and i said, just out of curiosity, when did you sign up to become a fire man? because i did it or person 7 years ago and she said, wednesday,
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that is an example of my white privilege. as the flames consumed the southern california, we can't just call it a natural disaster. america seems to be struggling with some rather unnatural incompetence. caleb often new york, a neil has ruled that donald trump will face no jail time or any other additional penalty for his conviction in the so called hush money case . the us president elect remains a convicted felon. this why the lacks of penalties. otherwise, this follows the us supreme court rejection of from motion to hold proceedings earlier this week from was charged in 2023 for falsifying rentals related to a quote hush money payment to american address. so let me dive hills a legit effect claims. these dates has develop is all folded with just over a week to go before from is scheduled to be integrated in washington
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rights to live in middle east now as well. has conducted the attack on the capital v. evan targeting, move into the folks at. no, that's according to the idea media report say about and doesn't a slide so carried out, enjoy new with us. i'm british forces hitting a central conversation and the city's main square dri, approved gauze. a riley pool is located on the m, is the western coast of fools. i'd come under fire. those activities have been reported. it came off of the who's either said to have hit an american aircraft carrier in the red sea. earlier this week you hear me say they are conducting addison's, that gaze as well on his partner, stays as a response to the idea of will on garza a for more on the assess those live now to get me to those who sent out of the book to say thanks for joining us as
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a day or 2 aside times again. and we're seeing a tax coming and probably a tax on, on some in particular, it says that the is my israel, us and u. k. they've also claimed that they were in involved. what it will take, we'll see we'll take the on on these claims. yeah, this was actually the, a lot of just the coordinated the is the 80 you is, i'm going to she, i pack. so only i'm and as you mentioned, to how to get to a power state. and so it's often i go to the power station. and this post agent actually does that. the time that i 80, and, and the us to head to. and because the, the, the tie, elect, blood pressure and on the many as a civilians, as of the attacking there is an island, the other on the, to the be. but what it and you're the one work at the end of the boat is patient and to other civilian and this sort of island in area because they have to give you that power station with 15 at 8 is to like, worked at assaulted as well as in uh,
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uh, super home being damaged out on the power stage and the power to get her data for this to anna's window. is that both in, in who data does it actually shows clearly at that video, they said that coordination on his way to the, is that a 80 and a team i mean, doesn't have a, have a good a clue about where you may need the military instead agent because i think they had been conducted the most actually spoke you monday for a lounge and it's attacked as they did yesterday. they have a long city thrones in against the site and yeah, 5 on the half long dozens of uh uh, cruise me sides on thrones and against the u. s. at a craft, katia and it's bucking tube in the sea. we know that they might stay because actually with their own, most of it's a bunch of and katia as a way for them as a but for to me and them because they are trying to avoid. and you know, many i back. but even though they are located now in the, in the a north of that it see you have many still able to loan share
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a tax against the us in the, in the bay area. i'm sorry you told me through this the seems to be or of was coming in some pause or a square in sign. i was also solved with it while they were protest happening. is that true? yes. so they have thought of going to the, with the, to the city a to strike. it needs to be in school. it seems that all somehow rinebold would have gotten it. and then i was myself advocate area and they have probably didn't 80, i just close on, but i don't that the as a vain squared. but the actually, it has nothing to hold it in any by and they care. but actually in a more to be able to sense when they had that, that they have targeted that the area under the thousands of people have enjoyed the process to show the video and send them and he will continue and then attack despite the code the is the 80, i tag that the i tried to have, but i checked on to be in today in the test, which is the weekly little test on friday the of friday to support the cdn and the
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many. a demanding, that means you know, many of the must a, an attack is about 8 more they, they must and continue to target things that i, 80, not with only me side or to be side with, doesn't or stupid underneath. i was then a believe with him in the army in the coming days or weeks might instead of new types of weapons and to try to get it going to 80 and to try to get the united states in our region. yeah, it was saying you sail, there's on his devastating and we know is for a good cause or you're standing out for the people of gaza. but at the end of the day, you know, united states, united kingdom is early in the powerful forces. they put, they have forces. if they combine the forces, what are you, isn't the am and putting that is own people at risk here. i mean, of course, the book in the entire company. i could ask about this photo good. the codes is block, but i tell you that i just spoke with
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a dentist. i didn't say any of the king. i mean the war on dogs is continuing receive the why is the isn't working? is this a strategy that's working? of course it has not spoken, that is an id continued unit 5 is because was that they liked and stake fully. supposing that unit type and they were k, have us and they just didn't think as that is not the only fight in the fight in the united states as well. the u. s. and the u. k. i'm good. how many of those company actually out in both directly and the sort of go to see how many i talk housing with actually the told the interest of the genocide, but at least it damaging the. is the 80 you pulling me it? i've closed. what have they made a po to 1000 for overbite palestine and a lot in that it was, well, it's sending millions of people to the show started every day. so it's actually kind of as to the taste in that any satellite of some of what they have been doing to what it is that i may be need that united states. as you say, i believe that they are blending with some companies in very good clouds. i may get,
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i think i gave them an or over to the new or to this product. that's all the, let's course in war against him. and i need that happen. this means that the money will be taught to get in this country on, or is it a uh, old united states military, an estate agent, even in so it would yada available induced company. we're not only the product in the united states of buffington, but we'll try to get this country if they would get involved in any future war against him. and yeah, well, all right, then we're gonna have to and even that you have any job since then i'll go about the. so thank you so much for joining us. good video. and so i got thanks again. thank you. well, as the 5 out 1st between is well, i love it on requires the idea of to withdrawal form lebanese territory by the 26th of january. we are both available. the confidence left over a 100000 homes across the country in ruins and onto see sweeney. it pulls from an ancient unesco, how is this site that has taken a company,
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a backup known as the incubator of resistance and alongside babies the best buy. so has blah payload fighters and foreign resolution res wants volunteer to learn the tactics of good or the wolf at the region was a tall giving these righty, bump up and of lebanon. more than 900, but killed in 1221. as strikes, targeting the regional capital bile back with is while at one stage issuing an evacuation order for the entire city. but it also has the significance fall beyond this with valid back central to liberties, culture and identity on the side of the wells. because roman temple, which is behind, as you can see, what is a locally as follow back call. so these are the ancient roman ruins, the attempt of buck as the temple of jupiter, known as he opened this is a world heritage site. next go world heritage site, but of course it wasn't a site for me to use id from baldwin of the city of fall back. you can see here it says to call you says the strike of destroying a very well known local cafe. now,
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unesco did hold an emergency meeting, they issued in house protection, orders for 30 full size across lebanon, including this one behind us, and said that if, if i was to bomb them, then it could face salt occasion. under the convention, of course is well ignored. it for as well, they're all no red lines. this is why the police to be an attempt to destruction of level of local tube. i finally share a few time close to the ruins, was by the time is during these writing compartment explains how important the site is telling the story of lebanese and world history. first of all of us know all together that the beginning of the kind of nice from this. so the main section of that you're getting from the back or from the noun and chem area in general liberties heritage x but sizes these ready bump up and risk wiping out that history for future generations. genocide does it losing
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time. so it's very difficult now to assess the dimension of the damage. however, we are sure that one is being started. if it's in directly is part of not only the tangible culture than attitudes of living, but also the intangible culture. then how does it does these sites? so whether there's any big units, go sites out on the things. you have an easy enough score that it is for the other 2 logic and sites in the afflicted areas do tend visas. city of the input action between the local population and the to city and its heritage. they tell us 40, there's 40 of live and, and that is key is to move this forward is what is important about culture, then edited is not the monument is the human factors that shape the monuments and embedded in this monuments values believes. and so the additions, the big things are the, is if we lose this connection, we lose the connection to them. he says that the sites are protected under
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international law. all the questions remain over its implementation, and whether enough is being done to safe gone science of global impulse in the framework. the legal, international framework is very clean needs to be implemented because even on the sign, the conventions of that the 5, the convention has been mechanisms on the new uh, dimension to, to tech, legally it's controlled in prophecies. what do we need is the implementation of the conventions. so for me, the prospects for the future a grim with it like jesus righty, aggression having a huge impact on the city. something he also hosts a us responsible for. if you want to ask me that is no more hopeful, that is no more we should because we have us. so we can offer this for you. so from the g o, b, palms, you see nobody have an hope to have a house that you have
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a marketing the they made what we never expected before. one, the homes of america destroyed different on the 14th floor down the road. there is no more than 60 days as well, has been the region, the guidance since the cx 5 came into effect a cease fire. that is breached hundreds of times, despite the enhanced protection, autism warnings from international bodies including unesco. no action is being taken against the as well for was a flagrant breach of international law by the bank lies hundreds of miles from the front line habit to science pose. no threat to as well with many accusing tel aviv of war crimes. and an attempt to wipe out deputies history as part of a cultural genocide. this is these for any for auntie in back of 11 on wow. more than a year into the war and gaza, that seems to be know and inside the desktop is moved into over 46000 school in the
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past. and that's all it is only. and the last 2 days is will the slides report to killed more than 60 people now not including tax on a refugee camp. a so called saves them may well, there are reports of potential seats. what i told was the teen broke little being brokerage. i say by the us and casa, here's what locals in garza think about the current situation. a lot of going on. so that's why we were waiting for news victories every day. but there was no truth . news came about my son's, my daughter in law and my grandchildren. how long will this war and this booming last, we have to come 46000 tomatoes. no one cares about us to thought of and a chaise full of $46000.00 motors. what remains today we lost 6 people on the same day. every day there is hope for negotiations or the old at the will will. and we have spent a year and 2 months waiting for trees. and every time that hope is in vain on the
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country, we wake up to more motives, we lose more of our loved ones. meanwhile, one of the world's most renowned medical journals has conducted its own research into the gauze and tragedy, and found that the actual number of deaths for the 1st 9 months of the war might have been under estimated, but at least 40 percent. now that means tens of thousands more people might have been killed in is a tax on the region. one reason why that low a tele might have a could is because of the idea of the devastation of causes health care system. and the injury was, wouldn't dennis bombardment, you and, and international organizations have pulled for immediate and to hostilities, filing has become eminent and medical facilities have been destroyed. most of those who have died have been civilian women, children and the elderly according to you. and so that's one in every one child
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in gaza, dice every hour as well. you know, best discuss all this now with sod name a is a political science professor as it is, it's university. so thank you so much for joining us here today on, on the, you know, is 2025. the crisis has already de putting really, do you see any hope of resolution? we've heard that there may be some sort of cx, 5 talks between cross on the united states. but how do you see these tiny out in gaza? a good evening to you and all your viewers, when i think yes, there might be a truce left because these are you wanted that, but because they were forced for it. and i think dr. ever think is, what are the only working for these really findings about yesterday? and if in the apple i did a new condition in order to make the video longer and it did a bit,
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he's waiting for another 10 days from now before and trump again to the white house. and to get him as a kind of a trophy for them as you know, the ceasefire. they started by his a period of time. so that's the only thing is for the, the distributions of the tools to happen. it's going to be in the new condition that the extra day and then you also added that you wanted to keep one cubic meter wide along the borders of ram inside the guys, the old guys ordering or north and east. so i'm this, we know this is ridiculous because uh they, yeah, i agree to, you know, draw all the groups from guys that's and yet they added this condition. the only thing for having this condition is only to us make fun more time for the whole day
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to get to the signing all the a day, or maybe the same days of the integration of all the time in the. ready house, so that's the only reason, but otherwise everything i agreed upon and the better steamer existence especially how much they've given me, but most of the concessions on this uh the in order to stop this and you decide that you are getting the best team people. yes, these are, you are continuing to be box, you should medians. and yesterday we have 17 people who are good. and, and that's the, in the same time, all these people who watkins now is without any, any, any reason. and because just, you know, everything is finished, the thing is that really decide why is there is gold for this? there was no depression for outside and especially if it comes to the white house. and also the brush are coming from inside. is there a wood that it's from the uh,
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from the views of the business kept by the perfume existence or by the society engine? let me just for said that 88 percent of these available visions of ac on the lower i'm going to this the in addition to that, it's the pressure coming also from the military, from the army. it is right. which is saying that we have no target selected and, and get so what are we doing there? were there is no plans, there is no even visions for what we are doing still there. and yet, by staying there, we are a young daily that we are using or you know, people as we are using also equipment because of their existence to continue to resist the occupation and engaged. so i specialize me making the sign disagreements . eliza felt a little bit about, you know, nathan,
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yahoo and the i see see specifically because, you know, we, the, i see have it said was against nathan, yahoo and his chief of stop. but the united states have not taken this seriously. i told bear with me for a 2nd this distance as to what they had to say, a lot of bills that sanctions, international criminal court officials and their families, and anybody who is assisting them america is passing this law because a kangaroo court is seeking to arrest the prime minister of our great ally is real. israel has conducted this war with as much restraint as war can allow. in the face of horror, they have showed humanity, the international criminal court. the say they don't believe israel has the right to defend itself from terrorist or those that threatened to destroy
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a israel's way of life. the united states in israel, not members of the as a say for good reason. and without accident, they actually say prosecutor kareem khan has made a parody of justice and it is defined as blazer. we will help him find it. so both of us that you see that the high is the size of really not taking the i c. c. seriously. apple, now with this, with these things has been put in place, especially against the i c. c. how do you think that the that will pop out for the case for the, you know, for the people against the is ladies. uh yes, uh, this functions as booked up only, i guess the i c c, but also i guess any country are person who heads, i cc'ed that bleach these decisions or in the future to prevent any kind of an uber fusion over the phone. just as we've had here, we have many incidents now happening like the i saw the running away from price the
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i from brazil, another one environment. and today there is other than one in sweden and people are going against them as a war crime as i go to the grands. and i think that the americans is doing that. not only to protect is, are the 1st key to protect themselves. because any country now could go to the board and say that the united states and united kingdom, germany, what about dissipating condition water by providing is or was all these were bends, which created this genocide. so in this case, america could be also, and as some best, as in america, could be i also implicated in this kind of case. so i work as dying, you know what we've got for what if you like buying a go with, i guess the ice, the seats, the bridge and i need to come 3 or best of organizations of goals devise the see to
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say that we want to find a case, i guess, united states. so i've tried to predict themselves as well as the product, as i think is even america and isn't as much as signing the aroma convention. it doesn't mean that the gods but not, you know, it has a kind of a rule against them because of that afraid we need somebody to go to just go through like south africa when they went to the i c, j a. i do have my country to go, i guess america from germany and you have the guns inflicted them in the front of this court. i will say that we have a case against these countries because they were supporting because i bought this painting as a matter of fact, in this war, i guess the better stevens i'm going to have to deal with that was a pleasure to learn, to use the professor saw nemo.


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