tv News RT January 10, 2025 1:00pm-1:31pm EST
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the, the, you know, you're directly in the wild, joe biden jokes about the devastating fires in california, residential, that's they dial accusing the democratic leadership of being unprepared. they're also raising concerns about the forward used decision to send critical firefighting equipment to you. 3 these riley military launch is at a tech called the capital of he and hitting a national power station of crowded central square. and that's after you have many or for these forces offset to have struck the us aircraft carrier area. this week
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you as president elect donald from slums, the democrats and the promises to appeal his conviction in the so called costs money to wild. and you new york, and that's despite the fact that he was not sentenced to any jail time or any of that bond penalty. the what you're watching r t international reaching you live from a new center with moscow. i a michael quarter the southern california is in flames and 100000 people. ringback have had to flee the. ready means that the entire neighborhoods are reduced to ashes. now, the desk told has raven to 10 as a 5 tones, rage across multiple funds, out of california, national guard is being deployed to los angeles to support the local please. i've been struggling with an escalating number of looting cases. all the officials confirmed that 20 people had been arrested on the suspicions of looting. says the
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fire spotted a local residents have been struggling to describe it for my. they have a new york. i can see there's nothing less then i've been there for about an hour and a half and i don't want to leave this home. so i really can't put in towards everything that we know and love is go, not just this house, my whole city, go home and the whole thing like everything, my whole neighborhood, everything. and i grew up to love and know is burnt. uh i'm, i'm, i'm devastated. for them, i'm down to date of birth, but i'm like i said, we each walked out with 2 pairs of clothing changes, and that's all that we have. however, have the devastation, some people, apparently faint, gets a laughing mata of the us president while discussing the crisis time. so he is vp and told her to quote fire away, while
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a big green popped up on his face. man and vice president, i know you're directly in the body and is democratic governor in california. how facing by class of a sofa united with measures to contain the inside of the tags. that's where the public and gotten to it demanded that the country is leadership lookout for its own citizens. instead of sending money abroad. you know what, what is needed is for joe, by the stop giving money to the ukraine to start providing it to north carolina. and in this case, california and helping our fellow americans in securing our border instead of sacrificing america. just board the wellbeing of some other countries across the globe. a local journalist caleb mulberry, explains how america's efforts to support you credit. you'd have ultimately bog fired. right when we really need it. the us secretary of defense lloyd austin, has decided to spend half a $1000000000.00 to fight wild buyers. well, actually,
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he's decided to spend half a $1000000000.00 for ukraine, but it gets worse. samantha power, who directs the us agency for international development as in unloading all kinds of supplies to you brain grading, drones and other equipment. now. where did she get it from? well, according to the usa id website, a lot of the materials that have been going to ukraine have come from los angeles area fire departments. us aid has helped 16 communities establish, volunteer fire brigades, equipping each group with protective gear, motor pumps, chainsaws rescue motor cutters, rechargeable spotlights, fire extinguishers and hydraulic rescue tools. folks in los angeles are certainly not thrilled now. lots of houses, nozzles, body, armor, turnouts, and protective equipment has been turned over from california to emergency
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services in ukraine. and even as the fires rage, us officials are still planning to dump even more money in your conflict. on the other side of the planet, the mayor of los angeles wasn't even in the city. she was attending a presidential in auto racing and gone. she rushed back only after media outraged the gap. and when she got back to town, she didn't exactly make things better when she read from the poorly prepared script that someone gave her right now. if you need help, emergency information, resources, and shelter is available. all of this can be found at u r l. yes, lots of l a folks are very happy to know they can go to u r l to get the info and they need beyond incompetence. cant even do the bare minimum and read a website. mayor karen bass literally just read the words you are l,
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offer script during the press conference instead of the emergency website for the victims of the fire. i think we have a new winner for most incompetent politician in america. we are led by more owns los angeles may or karen bass tells residents that if they need emergency help or shelter, it can be found that you are out what this is the perfect picture of the incredible levels of incompetence ravaging los angeles right now. also just weeks before the devastating fire, she caught the city's fire protection budget by 17600000 dollars giving priority to the services for the homeless and when it comes to firefighters in los angeles. apparently, some qualified individuals and candidates weren't turns down because they didn't reach certain diversity criteria in 2022 and one of the top priority is of the los angeles fire department was its diversity equity and inclusion bureau. and this led to some qualified professionals being left out. i graduated north hollywood high
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with a 1.7, g p a. i could not find a job. i walked to a fire station in north hollywood. i was 19, i was living in the garage of my family home. my mom was on welfare and food stamps, and i said, can i get a job as a fireman? and they said no, because you're not black, hispanic, or woman. uh, we'll see you in about 7 years and i went to a construction site in doug ditches and picked up garbage for the next 7 years. i got a letter in the mail sent to my father's house, saying your time has come to do the written exam for the l. a fire department. i took it and i was standing in line and i had a young woman of color standing behind me line and i said, just out of curiosity, when did you sign up to become a fire man? because i did it or person 7 years ago and she said, wednesday, that is an example of my white privilege. as the flames consume a southern california, we can't just call it
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a natural disaster. america seems to be struggling with some rather unnatural incompetence. caleb in new york and to them, lee is now israel has conducted on attack called the capital of the admin targeting military infrastructure. and that's according to the i d f. that'd be their reports . say that about a dozen strikes were carried out jointly with us and british forces taking a central power station in the cities mains class. during the pro gather, robbie fords located on the admins west and coast of also being on the fire. no casualties have been reported so far as the attack came after that who these are set to have hit an american aircraft carrier in the red sea. any of this week, you have many john lives who's a knowledgeable gods. he says that they could. these are causing a lot of damage to the ease, riley, the economy. this was actually the, a lot of just the go to the native, the is that edu is i'm but it to she i pack so on the m and the how to get to
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a power state and south folks. and i go to the installer station. i'm just post agent actually does the set of time the days that i 80 and, and the us to head to the actually shows clearly that they use as the coordination of the 80. and a team, i mean, doesn't have a, have a good a clue about where you have any military installation because those i think they had to conduct, it hasn't actually spoke. yeah. many for a lounge, and it's at that they have thought of good with the, with the 2 or 38 is tri care needs, have been split us into the some outlined people with a guy that he did. and i was myself advocate ada activity in more to be able to sense when they had visited. they have time to think that the area under the thousands of people have joined at the process to show the video and send them and he would continue. and then attack, despite all the, is that i tag that the i tried to have, but you want to be in a close. it has not spoken that he continued unified because there's words that
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they like and stake fully supporting the junior site. and they okay, how much and that existed think does that is not the only fight and days of the 80 the, i'd probably think they like to stay those when b u. s. and that they ok, i'm good. how many those company actually out in both directly, and this will it out? of course you have many, i thought i was with actually was told that interest book, did you decide with at least damaging the is it i the economy it's have close. what have they made a potent south of boca by palestine and a lot in that it see now mark, a supporter and been in the a tycoon at the mosque doesn't hold back from making his opinions public. and that has led to the accusation of a possession of him meddling in european politics. 5, according to the tale. and upon minister georgette many critics should turn their attention to more controversial efforts by another building. the finance here, george soros. you know me to go to the clock. we don't see the, the problem would be to and is when people use those resources to finance in the
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middle of the world policies, associations, political experience to influence the political choices of nations. this is not done, but even mosque you and most has the finance, the electro campaign of this country, which has come to in the system in which by the way, i point out is quite common. but it doesn't occur to me that even most of the finances parties associations, opal, that's a good experience. this is done, for example, by george source. i'm allowed to think sorrows and have international grinds, making network has full. he is been accused of seeking to manipulate political processing foreign countries. his critics attribute been 9 to 90, to collapse of the british pound and filings 1997 financial crisis to his comments and mind installation and arbitrage. and that's just a few of the control overseas. despite all of that, he was recently awarded the us presidential medal of freedom by job. i didn't i
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think it's holly i'm from ministers. woods came as you learn mosque was thrust back into the spotlight of having been accused of meddling in european politics along with his bringing all the u. k. is grooming guns kind of back into the public eye. the tech muggle held a live broadcast with the leader of japanese right wing a if the party which she urge the job bugs to vote in favor of the party in the upcoming national election. but the only thing was nice now is buddy impala been member? good. i linda man from the a. f d party. good. nice. good to have you join me now. so what are your think about george soros and his efforts disabled or opinions in the weld? yes. you know, the drugs are so was, as there's a lot of the offices around the world is financing. there's offices that would be to the mine who use financing, people in other countries,
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printers and other countries to take his opinion over in this public. and of course the jobs, so was prize. countries to change is here, of course he was the want to, for example, are also going to be able to do some. oh, great. and he was involved in georgia in the windows and or in the eastern countries did try to change a bm reese's money. and now then you'll think age you will fall, right. these are critical of, of mazda because he's more right wing, whereas permanent, left wing fit goes, are able to basically say, what they want on. for example, the you will forward, these are largely silent about george soros is the only drug store was its own. also, we have the take a breach, for example, they have the program for a young lead us a lot of a now minutes. for example, the val gordon wants to have those in the german government has been in this
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program and was sent to united states. and also a financing by this people and they both for, for following the ability now and the miles good did not finance a party and then must did not to give uh, any dollar a year or 2 a deposit. and the model is good job. the job was talking to a f d for one hour yesterday in the, in the is the platform of each a. miss alexander was a just to talk. it was no, there was no money on these might. it was not invited to to leave the usa in the moscow. i don't think it was of just the online meeting. there was no money. so of course, it's not the influence of his money bed. so us and also be a gates and the modem of, of this, the so called if you like to be cheaper than think this left is who wants to change
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politics. they finance visit money. they give the money they pay, and this was not the pay to action with the mazda trucks, the loan. so talking about politics and a lot of points mosque has of same window view as a empty party. and it's not only a mosque, it's also a lot of people in germany. it has the same point of view if they have to, because they see what the adults have done in the past. all right, what are you a precedent? let's think about those concerns by the e. u. a forward to use about mazda supposedly manipulating democratic process, is there really is suppose a danger in even sharing his opinion online. you know, is no danger. is that the problem is the you won't be in the, i'll try to use the way to lose that power because it is a, there is a public opinion a and everybody can give his opinion on social media,
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ons of platforms, to introduce costs, resolve the people about the opinions they have, they have great because they only want to so your opinion of that will be in the community and so period of the government, they don't want or positional opinions. they want to stop a position of opinions. in fact, because you won't be in a concert, it may and say involved in the most that there's not a democratic ones. they are doing democratic. the democracy is to discuss about people and opinions and finding the best solutions. but to europe in the opposite gulf houses, they want to stop this discussion. so that's why they want to try to cause ex platform to just talk to things like this. but we have seen the united states, even the circle back, where it says a made top platform. the change says politics in close visits, a fact in chicago,
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so called fact and check out his left. couldn't the speech concord, his lips speak on going? he analysed. do you want to stop? so also a minute to see there's a change and they want to give a free speech we have to see now. now of cause is i'll come back make, it's too much, he said. but it's a good today is, it's a good diction renewed. it will cause a needs of these beach every need to hold or premiums. and in the ends of democrats, a rig. and so you'll be in union, is this, the concept is all pull, stay on the power and one to keep that power. they really don't lose is and to hold while we have to living here. now burly in parliament member, do not lead demand. somebody of the party. thank you so much for your insight. thank you very much. moving ahead now. so the voc as prime minister has doubled down on these criticism of lensky robot fits. so says key this
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inflicting economic damage upon his country. and the european union has a whole with zaleski, is deficient the cop of loss on gas supplies for it. so even threatening to retaliate by suspending age to the premiums go now is what you're going to do. you, cranium, president continues to damage just like this. the courtney president continues to damage the entire european union like this. the slovak republic will show that it is a sovereign country at this moment, zalinski deliberately damages the slovak republic and the european union. and so, so what can we do? first, we can stop all humanitarian aid, even what was recently approved by the government of the slovak republic. the 2nd possibility is that the government of the slovak republic is determined to significantly reduce or even completely remove various social benefits that have been given to you printing and citizens who came to the slovak republic. since the start of the military conflict with the not for more on that,
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let's go. busy live now to our, to contribute to rachel. nice. that joining us right now, rachel, what exactly instigate that soft off foss responds by the leaders of the vodka as well. ukraine and brussels colluded to basically screw over e u countries, likes of ikea, that were still dependent on russian pipelines as transit it through ukraine. and how they do that? well, by turning off the top about 10 days ago, meaning a loss of about 515000000 annually. first of all that yeah. and the potential here to another $1000000000.00 from having to pay more for gas from other sources and well, brussels tosses. cash it keeps like it's wrapped around a stripper pool. actually you members state of actually i can't seem to get any love at home so. so vacuum prime minister robert pete,
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so says that he's just going to march right on over to the you in front of the energy commissioner and basically say, hey, it's keyed for us by the make a choice. not that he wants to create drama. he says he isn't quote, interested in escalating tensions, but it's the problem is it solved so lucky you will have to take quote, hard reciprocal measures shortly he says, but brussels that doesn't see a problem here is that they've been quote, working with member states and with ukraine to prepare in advance for this scenario . which scenario exactly the one where the gas prices go up and low a massive hole in the budget of you have another. busy you country the says that the gas coordination groups met last week, which is, i guess, and other married band of gas jockeys. and well, they don't see any security or supply issues for you at all. just uh, you know, the industrialization in germany is skyrocketing debt and installation in france
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and the establishment regime changing itself right out of power across the u because national economies suck now. and now, so that, yeah, it's sounding the alarm. but other than that, no, no problem at all, because the usa, so there haven't been any price increases since the new year. a whole 10 whopping days as a result of this latest active economic suicide. and well, that's because the market's already had to do. that's that the you would in fact do something really stupid to itself again, and that's already factored in this lady at the latest se, into their projections before the new year. people had warned in his new year's address the trying to stick it to put in by going further into the whole, paying more for guy having to subsidize you train even more because it also cut off its own russian gas transit income and dealing with rising gas prices across the
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bloss, um, well wasn't what winning was supposed to look like for the you hungry, you can get russian gas for turkey at least, but it's still recognizes how ukraine has basically screwed everyone over across the block. the development that led to the latest price increases was ukraine's cessation of the transfer of russian natural gas on its territory to central europe since the end of the ukrainian transit route in mid december. the price of natural gas on the european market has increased by 20 percent. now hungry is energy supply secure, but ukraine's decision to stop transit shipments will lead to further price increases and create new competitiveness challenges for central europe and the european union as a whole. oh yeah, and the problem isn't just installed actually. right now. there's also the ball dover, which was getting russian gas pipe to ukraine and into the pro russian enclave of trans, mr. yeah. but then just decided to stop paying for it, wrapped up
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a $700000000.00 debt in the process, and then used about solving that problem by claiming that they just own the russian gas problem. majority own gas company that was delivered yet. i think i'll try that with my own gas company after racking up some bills and just see how that goes. like, what are they going to do? cut you off, but usually you move, you see it for many years. russia supplied natural gas. thanks to which in fact trans mystery, a survive shift now, due to the decisions made by ukraine and the modem, rental for these trends and history a has lost that possibility. sure. to as well. yeah. yes. to kind of figure that that's how this stopped like that would have turned out, but hey, nothing to see here. all is going great in the you, they say a good company to come get you. it's hard to get by with the electricity industrial to adjust the gas is running out and the electrical blackouts, for example,
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today from 8 am to noon and then from $6.00 to 8 pm. so for a total of 8 hours, we didn't have electricity through the sea. yes, there are difficulties because i used to wear a t shirt at home, but now i have to be fully dressed. it is become more difficult to live. we've simply doesn't look like these just to we are all tied to electricity, mobile phones, all devices run on electricity. and naturally, these rolling blackouts are a surprise for some of those who have generators can cope. but those who do not have generators are forced to rebuild their lives to the new so called reality. so it might have to break out the turtle next and have the sweaters across the u again . because winter gas storage is way down this year compared to the same time last year at 69 percent capacity down from 84 percent right across europe. same in the u . k. where it's 26 percent lower, but no, nothing really to worry about. everything's under control, you just have an
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e u member states of actually and outside of that they're going to take drastic measures targeting what it considers to be inactive economic warfare against it by you train on the blocks, keep diplomat tie a callous to say that she's totally sure that all the countries are ready to continue to support ukraine to the point that the you will take over ukraine's bills to the us under trump kicks zalinski out of the basement and off their wallet . speaking like someone who clearly doesn't have to worry about being elected to the job by popular vote, looks like the clowns in charge in brussels. are intent on doing a high flying truck piece out here without a safety net. but i would have to leave you here, now are to contribute to retail mazda, and thank you for your insight. there not just by, of preaching about sanctions of russell's keeps rely on moscow when he comes to energy. at the latest data show that
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a wind ports of russian liquefied natural gas reached the record high last year. and that's the supplies the block having the pledge to completely caught itself off from russian energy supplies within the few years. for more details on the story and much more head over to our website, our g dot com. now donald trump has their arrival of democratic party. he says that they have lost another quote on the american which fund he made. that statement after unusual court ruled that he would not face any jail time or of a penalty for his conviction, in the so called the cost money trial, from also promised to appeal the document. now the us president elect remains a convicted felon named fedloan despite the lack of penalties. otherwise, this follows the us supreme court. the rejection of drums motion to health proceedings. earlier this week, a job has jobs almost jost in 2023,
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with falsifying records related to a quote hosted by the payment to american actress. stormy donald over relies to effect claims. now these latest developments are on folding with just over a week to go before trump a shuttle to be inaugurated in washington. but let's cross live to a former pennsylvania states senator lawyer. bruce box is nice to have you join me right now, bruce. now, psalms conviction make certain the 1st for the us president to be convicted the office set on a felony by an american court, which what impact do you think this will have on his political career may be? and maybe his image in general? i don't think it's going to have any impact at all. i think the voters of the united states realized this is what we call law fair. that it was a political prosecution of political conviction by the district attorney of new
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york. it was absolutely a tragedy. and i think that is very likely that either the new york courts, or if not the us supreme court is going to vacate the verdict in this case. all right, how was it possible that a convicted person would not receive any punishment for the offense in which she was found guilty? it is common. you have a convicted felon, somehow punishment enough that you wouldn't help both explaining this from the legal perspective. well, there's a whole host of felony sisters aspect. this was actually not a felony. it was a made up charge. he was charged for for us, for $24.00 misdemeanors, which they claimed to be a felony because they said that there was another crime that was involved. but there wasn't. but the shortage of is of it is if one can be convicted of a felony. and if there's no harm to anybody else, there's no history of the for having committed a crime before. if there is no violence case,
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there was absolutely nothing there. then they often not often but stuff from time to time. people who are convicted felonies actually don't have to go to jail. that's the case here. well, what is just over a week before. busy chauncey no duration, what do you think about the timing of this case? and i just ask for, 1st of all, i don't think that it has any political impact on donald trump, as i say of myself because i supported donald trump and many others are looking for to go into washington a week from monday for is involved clock or ration, i think it's going to be a tremendous of advanced and i think we're going to be hopefully making america great again. but i don't think that i just don't think people i, i just don't think people are focused on it. uh, i think in part because it's, it's, it's, it's like it's likely to be reversed. all right, criminal cases against trump and all of the issues that i brought up sometimes
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helped to shift the public's attention away from the fame use of the car. and democrats, democrat administration, which some regularly criticizes. well, i think that was one of the purposes of this. i think one of the purposes of this whole case was to divert attention away from the failures the body administration. i think one of the purposes of this case, and we know that there are other cases as well as was to try to use the criminal cases to prevent donald trump from running for president again. and the us supreme court ultimately held that it was up to congress to address this issue in states like for example, colorado. and i think from off was one of them where the low level government officials attempted to keep donald trump. for the pro sent out. i think that helped him in the campaign, not only this case here in new york because by the state for like 6.
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