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tv   Documentary  RT  January 10, 2025 3:30pm-7:01pm EST

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folded into spoke the genius i but i placed it damaging the is it i the economy of clothes would have been a part of the size of the open bike ballast and, and a lot in that it's the last day with our team to national for all the latest from around the welds bank, so watching the literal ways to poland. one struggling to proclaim the truth and the other problem and villainy. winston churchill world war 2, the interest now become one of the most lucifer big nato countries. the time to about 20 minutes, we sites hosting nato and us medically personnel in addition, and according to opponents defense ministry statements in the next 10 years will be more than a 100 new us military bases. and to build these people of tones with
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a huge minutes we spend is due to the french proposed by russia. the i'm will be shooting those out and if they can finish it up, it's little safety. so met the actors of parts that we had also felt like for me is to find something off the edge that, that goes that my, me that she knew this back on that. and that's the often challenging on to dias made the are because it's the live see, hold on is up to try me. was the gentlest young single god is q rates are the museum of polish history. and also the trop spring feed from a couple of probably all local community cool flu. i'm in town, so it out of me inside of on on you'll start new management bucks a check up if it doesn't have that obstacle. modest story on the shades of actual beat that's a huge that a, a, a component looks like you'll find me in seeing an exam on
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a blueprint and it's on the dog feed. that's definitely the money for spot. see must now basis does the insurance and but as of those are legit, she's not a shield yet as opposed to call me at the store. i'm not that much. i'm out of the alex. he does. he ethic funds goes out of the items or shop to the shop, just them as i am. but i spend most of most of the songs you check the pitch of the black, me and my my 2nd oil slips and lucky, a beautiful fountain of excuse. however, the, what's known, what do you seem to cabinet? what's our average bowls? apparently attaching more importance to the river seems pumping as interests. so poland now plays a leading role in nature plans for a confrontation with russia. and it's a dangerous role. move around c r k boesky. it also talk you're going to shut that off. so is already gotten use of on the i think it on dial motion webpage is a so i would trust on his own to it as godsa. you go to set but they move on his own
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joe on. yeah. you don't have storm. i think this is a big means in our streaming to them or can i? yeah, i mean he spoke to chase for i mean close. gimme a kid. i'll see scheme do, well yeah, can, they've you and so you can use e program like many polls, journalist and political on the list. and jamie significant takes a motor with an pragmatic position between outright rows of folks and rushes. admirers, sports us not to as see of the node up here, e s t path no continue our see on that goes so bill of trash here. little gate volume shut of a lot. take off bend. don't put a move on to induction. chung with the turbine. yeah. to them i'll probably not should i would on that up or down. she would not the stuff. so the dog at our c. e o. good on each side. yeah. around you use an option. yeah. i don't see what up yet . russians and polls smells like people's who have lived near each other for
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thousands of years and have much in common at the same time. most nations, all song time, adversaries and rivals of the 10th century. one of the biggest reasons was religion the in poland. baptism came from the french, russian from byzantium. the russian prince of lady missed the greeks, did not recognize the fact to console sorting and organization that can be seen in a similar likes to present thing globally. the christian split between catholicism and orthodoxy divided goals. and so, roost people's, the thing, it says, the voice and the legend in st. you squared, isn't that you're getting yours, know, etc. cool. know what else quote was covered, the was up at the bottom left pro
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a slide, the partial sway. you put your, put your seo, which human beverly in your, which of them most as being a viewer of when you only mutual the father of van. it is well acquainted with the history of this brand as catholicism, the explosive, serious method of choice on the menial debra uh, as or to corporate in those ga, globally. she with the 2nd cause of animosity between russia and poland was disputed folder regions. the so called children cities will gladly see and by the union was mainly populated by bruce ethnic groups. the 981, the 1st no military conflict between the 2 countries. russia is principal at the
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end of the great, reclaimed the 2 of the cities from poland. prince may us go. the 1st struggle for chad. vin continued the whole town of periods of peace and will eventually resulted in an alliance in $1076.00. e mailed them on a most health to polish campaign against the checks the at the time. poland was a very small central european kingdom. the facilities, essentially among the invasion, the russian principalities became a bustling protective proposals from home. second thing worship, nearby slots of stuff is a lot boy out of the at the origin of ours. and i slipped in a sports and she wasn't able to do the story. and boy, she was doing that. i see the silly for to the doctor of history as well versed in
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the history of pressing relations with conan i see in the summer session taylor 0 point one goal that that i don't know do for you if it's motion issue or courses and we swap modem, which is the thing, is we will deal with the bit noise in the image. susan nichols from the rushes eastern principalities fell to the mon goals while those in the west and the rooms had been weakened by the mongol invasion and unable to defend felt in the poles and bliss lane. and that too was a lingering and destructive me. ok, the last 4 of issue that happened there's that, that, that are mongolia mean golf, send me a bunch of, of them. i wish the number of solution there are different from their, from dr. natalia another 2 weeks ago as a ph. d and history. political science and this will then 1st seminal works on the history of the russian foreign policy. boyfriend of course,
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to fill. the boys are sterile and brushing your teeth, scared or shakes a horse and was in the lower. the last year is going to raise him in the bring their guys landscape can years the stress of actual breakers immediately new. come fisher police to sort of do that. the little ones didn't interfere with internal affairs. princess pay tribute and receive them. charlie funny addict authorizing their rules, nor do they impose mongolian religion, language and culture. where is the po nation miscellaneous nobleman meddled with everything by fire and sold them close to catholicism on the seized russian lands. russian culture was crushed in the language band. the nature of the hatred towards moscow, these were the roots of the future, vendetta movements and hatred of musket lights. and while the mongolia close to 235 years, the bonus miscellaneous one, went on for 300. some we purchased
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a my force kick out road, presume you're using t but such a immuno once the adult points google desktop breakers erie the vehicle, which is the other we purchased in print roughly how much was that make up of the 14th century bonus history takes a new ton of to the death of king louisa. great. his youngest daughter. she of the same just opponents through the sword alliance with powerful lithuania, the nobles, fitness such a merry fuel gala grand. you go for this way. now. the grand duchy of lithuania was a potent and formidable hour. but that time this lady had seized keith. somebody ask voicemail and land in the upper reaches of the river and present they could move the 2 legs and auto regions. lithuania formed an alliance with the kingdom of poland. and in this way, indian prints seal gaila,
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who was baptized orthodox by his mother, princess, squarely on the roof to the sent it to the pony throne, with the name, as i just left the 2nd and renounced orthodoxy. at designated mobile design, and you won't really teach screwed credit. you had a quick one shit though. similarly at the will you will, will show the biggest pro us live at this. john will throw us lot of them. can you as the 12 will approve us globally with them, but archie on though i'd be sharing your storms of customer support. pro westlaw navy are still on. i still could i could be sure 3 is the voice, miss beth on ground. your guy lives out to convert all row cdns, living in the principality of w. c. of valeria. the success of the on the city is well known in the 14th century to catholicism, the provost loved me. so those are spending the name of nations to cut the media and it's normally made or was these things quite
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enough for stuttering is and stuff. so my new, she has the best book i knew from the cartoon to come look at that each squared said, because in the problem, the solution to a run. yes. yes. the new option in the 14th century, russo, i'm the goes to changes the $1380.00 prints to me 3 done score one, the battle of clinic over the bringing the mongolia to an end in the 16th century. the russian rulers of grand principles senior and his son to the terrible began gathering, rushing lands on the tender little congress, the economy. it's of cousin, after silence appear to dawn, to consult good. yeah, you can. and then you have a cossacks began to so be the terrible the
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states credibility is growing, the clear debris says rebuilding it's my send is taking strides forward on the real wise and some of the even the terrible that came the architect of the unified russian states at the time, the world's only independent orthodox country, the western nations immediately sounded the alarm and launched a propaganda campaign against russia. and poland was the 1st country to wage that information before we turned filed a viewer of the games to most given him a name growler told us his story and ends diplomat. the
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year in february 2022, ukraine became the world's number one new story for ukraine, a crate crate crate. the crane question truce invaded ukraine. unable to spring test ukraine suffering from russian english and replacing the main stream media and the nightly news reciting. clean developed scripts that essentially say exactly the same thing using the buzz words of this is a threat to our democracy. when you see 10 different channels a exactly that sentence. you know that it's a central intelligence agency script. the role of p r firms in ukraine,
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throughout europe and into united states really can be overstated. it's quite different than it was in previous decades where there used to be more of a culver role of propaganda miss propaganda operations. now, this is just the celebrated as p r in helping ukraine and helping get their message out to us. because who's pulling the strings and who is profiting the 1550. and the 20 funny be living in the, the official pretext was the police. dwayne, you did not pay the permits tribute for controlling the city of us and consistently interfered with the russians trained affairs. but they were also more important reasons which mister, who attended to their class than most of their store. they really took their
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students, oscar, delta of history and daughter dmitri, but a decent is widely known for his scientific works on the history of medieval russia . the cash. but it's also the also stuff was told to be a 3 to the name of never seen the name of both somebody else keith, i'm going to finish the sheriff's keys. i mean, yeah. the thing is that i learned disrupting to shift i'm scared of. returning these lands was even the terrible of the main objective. the free access to the baltic sea was also vital for russia as the russian. so knew very well the at 1st the live own in wall past with out poland taking bod. however, 14 years after and again, king sick. his monitor, 2nd, poland, died,
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leaving the nation without as the as was custom. we in those times, those sense petitions to awfully europe in kingdoms inviting them to claim the polish throne. they also wrote to have the terrible for the senior wheeler. yeah, well no. 3, it is pasquale, it, they belong to skip party or one of those because much is split goal is to senior. what needs to put in your manual? put on why was like 2 boys in your country region everywhere and your girls and it was more than always by the to the about the russian. so knowing that the total is economy was in disarray and to the nice didn't to be the king said conditions that the polish nobleman could not accept the great rulers free royal sovereignty is not like your richard kingdom from yvonne, the terrible soneta to the opponents nobility. the ultimately,
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the opponents crown went to step on the bus already f. transylvania who hated russia. federal way federal to there was anyway, man has a bill by being that i see a russian troops tank. don't know. she was not of a new housing. and part of this tony fillasy laney, anomaly is defeated, but it's loans that are absorbed by poland and sweet the results. educating the district. they to the which at the sure on are pretty much new shooting. i'm no good. yeah. and i'm going to install some game in that i can tie it tomorrow. appreciate that. up over. sure. quite how it took by acting over to me. welcome, william. no indeed. sure i knew was the overload before. yeah. at the star snowflake demanded a huge reward from miscellaneous for the hell they claimed a vast tracts of am so stream russian land including key of to vehicles. but that's
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left. luke doesn't result. opponents doubled its territory. when your boss, district cuter, would make it, you know, a lot of units knowing issues that you're still at that point, plus your wage, you purchased the mattress, then he was more of the gigabyte each, please mention of visit. what's the basic thoughts? i pretty much last visit waste with my supports the, the union of libyan was concluded merging with this elaine here in poland into a powerful power relation to the waning and coming to else the defend possibly wish to be rich russian, the my real documents, if i'm an attorney brooks to the phones, pneumonia is an ancient russian system, dating back from the times of grand new piano slough, named duty upon baptism to come into 2 lands and erected there, a city named in his own beauty of the live own in the country. pledge to pay
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tribute to russia and the bony and sent men to bound down to our grandfather, the great sovereign yvonne and all found out that sorel, russia, fussy, and the seats about the needs of peace. russia has challenges and documents to prove it claimed to have on the terrible in his letter. so he felt he acted justly . he does not take what belongs to others, but only with tons. most been known to roost from ancient times. and poland had no claims to these lands because of own here was never run the punish rules, the fall tunes of war. change fast to punish ami takes the toner and value killed. you then proceed. just scott. no one was sped in a frenzy battle. the king took the smoldering ruins, covered with blood, and told him, vote is causing the ships punish historian,
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and possibly he is excited. faint, just gifting us old enough, most coffee pot from the polish. and this, the waiting and commonwealth suite and denmark also joined the war against russia. the vatican provides a huge amounts of money with which bus 3 high assume just from formerly your italian engineers give him the latest weapons most as capable of firing and send you any bombs and setting rushes wooden fortresses on file. just like today's american democrats. past the reuse is the freedom of russia from the able to terminate the justification for war mo bile printing shops prevent leaflets, appealing to russians to so called planted atlanta is a surprisingly similar to today is west and propaganda. the 2 state that you are a brings, good and freedom to russians. at the same time, russians, upper traders,
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people enemies in europe. leaflets and brochures details of dangers from their incursion. water atrocities, musket bites, commit to the gauged christie and prisoners. men and women versions of children written printed in livonia newton book, 50 and 61, the russians. cyrus phillips slides to talk about the research. i mean it will because they weren't too old for disney. peers or show for lack of william suff scenario is where we use to check us with our still got the publisher next i see not pro which if i started a petition to the in their session and no i bought it in order. see if it gets on the machine, it's a 30 i was given the semester. may i ask you the man of the savings of age and most of the stuff when i started to pull over 10 percent of the metrics, 20 sheriffs missed it to 30. and so we're going to do it on this end of this month . leverage and in the final stages of the war against superior and in the numbers.
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russia was forced to switch from offensive to defensive tactics. so thoughts, of course. but of course, are you still a little my? yes. cook from the is this initials part of the colorado, so she asked a show necessarily what the problem you may have to worry about any of that vehicle through the summer container. what apartment across up to be 0. we'll see you better by just nimble at the session that you're really kind of ours. the russian troops are defeated. none of us fallen on gold uncompleted. you captured the russian sauce suicide for peace, offering the 3 components, courtland and 24 cities in limbo now. but about the read, the months old and of livonia golf north. good old somebody else can. and when the new year 25, i'll send a vote in was jesse what it's willing to bring must go under the vatican's control
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. also come into play on the polish side, a genuine diplomat, antonio positive, you know, goes to live on the terrible. the goals are to sign a peaceful treaty between the russians and polls bring you, found the terrible into an alliance against the tax. and most importantly, the customization of mosca, receiving the old cannon years and there's english thousands of what on the new york se, and yeah, are typing super. well, thank you for the last with diamond package. company just late, positive, you know, with no, to the do, the terrible was a great diplomat. though russia wasn't losing some of the lenses and conquered by 3 who dreamed of no good origin. golf never required some a good deal was made by the other girls only because you wasn't that one thing to you. one point you me or what are you ski near but you definitely have double weight. but like you might
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be pushing them. you know, you might be able to get out of the bush and you might be able to even longer and you might be able to get us the most of the, the residence declines positive in those also to go to war with the ultimate implant. it's clear to the find the terrible look. you are a points to destroy the arguments with the blood of russian soldiers and depleted binding the bony and campaign war with a powerful ultima. naomi is beyond russia's capability. most of all the jersey which is disappointed by that sounds response to the proposal to convert to catholicism. when the peace with po number that russian needed was signed. so it did not behave until on this positive, and no one had expected the most popular priest such as the way to the world. so we need to create, restore on, but we will not let me prepare. i stood at the court,
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indeed must divides. consider the punch tradition to wear christ image on the shoes to be the greatest disrespect to the safety of suffering. the pope is a wife not a pasta. there was no one to rush to it, said he and though there's only so much for audience give up up here at the, at the could the girlfriend at the holding, they could just throw foot by the more one of the things going purple, the whole possible in retaliation, the offended costs of you know, as chris room is in your reps, that the russian cell killed his own sony, yvonne in anger for its refusal to update the magic. and the pope dumps russia. the next is available for your loss of young girls and i guess for his older when i was in your but not send your premiums to me. but that's, that's what i was saying is the key of the passivity and i had the assume cuz i need someone you've understood me as though you did ask us that way. so when you,
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but i've had this past that if you put them in the past, but at the volt where the issue screwed, it was supposed to automate. it's a of new mine. yeah. it's know, it's furnished of, of course people is that the new mine. yeah. they did 9 me or zip us. that's why the police except you know, for you to what was the past. the the golden age of the polish miscellaneous commonwealth begins and it would last almost 2 centuries. the were districts party to vote in a small little similar store here suited your board, shifting your blood as a bush and what i see more people clicked on the shared. i see a direct more the quick put a symbol in the bottle. in his works general is 10 member of the imperial orthodox palestine society. victor soul can analyze is the history of relations between russia and the west. the next talk i told her i have
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trusted i so i can mostly demo. i'd love to get the children the room with 4 squares. definitely, according as a whole show you wrote to search for books the way what the 159-8216. 17. after the death of yvonne, the terrible lawyer bodies, good enough seasons, the russians thrown off to his desk, the accession of false, dimitri, following his assassination. the ascension of investing, the choice then falls to meet with the 2nd. the pay is the time of troubles. russia descends into chaos the, the route dissatisfied with the choice rarely around faults. to meet with the 2nd, for most of them, she was kate calls on the swedish getting for help. the swedes who had received
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freeman occupied north gordon tease me and approach moscow. the phone exchange and also once a piece of russian land goes to with the suites, the polls are preparing 14 year old prints of loudest, most of the russian throne. while the swedes prepare a boy prince kyle fit the there's a saying if you don't have a seat at the table, then you're on the menu. we can assume that this applies to the panama canal, greenland, and even canada, from some new world daughter is beginning to look like the old fashioned 19th century imperialism during world war 2, the germans with the help of the ship. the creation revolutionary movement that the
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independent state of croatia transported hundreds of people's in no way to work and force labor camps. the germans wanted the work force to build roads and the infrastructure in norway. so when they couldn't get enough prisoners from serbia, they contacted who was social and the install of these camps to you had the death rate up to 82 percent each which is actually higher done in the ultimate among them with dozens of children moist did the georgia evo: it but not the not clear below. go to the coast to this and what should the outside of the school that you go to to this is a goodness. interesting good enough for you that they had the horrible conditions except from the t lease. many people died from surveys, a hunger, as diseases, very few made it back home. also, some obo drove the true knowledge of drove nickel. my mother's you,
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but you know, and that process and they said it was in the 0. the moderns, outgoing administration attempts to strike a final blow against russia, and that's, that's the us on the issues yet another package of functions against the russian energy sector and try so for said the add to band beneath assumptions, assumptions for every one washington also imposes a new pack a definitive restrictions against venezuela. as nicholas my daughter of the swan in for his 3rd time as president and us president elect donald trump salons the democrats and promises to pew his conviction in the so called harsh money to island, new york of. and that's this by the side, but he was not sentenced to any jail time or 80 of a penalty. the
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that we're continuing our coverage of the latest strategies shaping the world right now. this is our to international. i a michael question. now. washington has a balance sweeping sanctions against the russian oil industry pond. the thing the major energy produce a gas problem that i've been restrictions came just about a week before a job. i didn't hands over the white house of donald trump, who has said that he wants better ties with russia. now, moscow has condemned biden's last beach by little ring against both drum and russia . some leave their mark on history, while others succeed only in leaving stains. biden is set to leave trump with scorched earth, and will complicate the prospects for restoring dialogue with russia as much as possible. the latest set of sanctions targeting the energy sector is part of that plot. but let's discuss this issue. why here in the studio was already
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corresponding to mine, my age, joining me right here and just you don't mind good to have you do. i may, so quite the next, it's that the bottom administration is given to itself will given for itself as to what do we know about the sanction sofa. the by the discretion imposed a new sanctions in an effort to squeeze russia at russia's energy sector. now they claim that this list of sanctions is the most significant, one to date, against a rough shot target in russian oil and gas exports, including rushes, major oil producers know that includes gust from nest. and so would know that as well as subsidy, there is an additive to that we're providing services to both oil companies, including insurance and transportation. the us treasury also issued a determination to allow in american authorities to impose sanctions against any person determine to operate or has operated in the energy sector of
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russia over 2000 subsidies of the companies were also added to the sanctions list. and they've also targeted over a 180 vessels, largely oil tankers linked to what the u. s. had describes the shuttle fleet of russia operators used to ship russian oil and over 30 russian based oil field service providers were also slapped with restrictions. now this is interesting because this comes just a little bit over a little bit more than a week before bivens and leaves the office. and when asked whether the sanctions were discussed with the upcoming president, donald trump, a senior us by then administration officials didn't give out a clear answer. but it seems that they believe that this would give the kids and the trump administration the off ahead. when it comes to negotiations with
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a rush off, do you pay also jumped in the bad bandwagon and sanctioned the $2.00 major russian oil producers. and, well, the situation will of course create challenges when it comes to from upcoming presidency. a trump has complained on n as in the conflicts in ukraine, and he has strong skepticism on imposing more sanctions against russia. well, now just recently, he said the president is ready to meet and the meeting is going to be set up. but let's say the listen at what football if that's what the biden administration thinks of the situation and the section the next administration will have to make a decision about what they want to do. but we think that by taking these actions, it puts them in a better position to help find just and sustainable piece from this conflict. all right, so the bible administration says, but we're trying to make things easier for the president elect. donald trump,
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when he comes in, is that what really the case is here and they will see how trump will deal with this. and although trump never revealed a clear road map to peace, but he has criticized president a joe by those unconditional a to a t a. and during these a be election, he also has about to quickly and the conflicts between a russia and ukraine and to restore negotiations. again. we understand still no call with who is that a day one or week one wants to. he wants to make and we're gonna, we're setting it up. president button once to me is said that even publicly and we have to get that were over with, that's a bloody mess. now of course, others fear a peaceful solution is to be reported that you officials fear that the income in
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a trump presidency will overturn some of these functions that were already imposed against russia. officials in brussels are reportedly concerned that some might prefer some of the biden's decisions. but right now a sub in the energy company that is co with the by ross as gas problem was effected in this, the instructions of the case the. but generally, how is this effect in the balkans? it seems that the serbian president alex under, which is called on his government to prepare for talks with a present important as he talked about previously about the us plans to sanction the countries of main oil and gas company, a company in witchcraft from next. a hold a 50 percent stake. now he has also mentioned an upcoming meeting with puts in which the situation will be the subs. uh president which is also and now is that both weight is ready to purchase. a rushes share of the key energy company in
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serbia, amid the sanctions really, oddly probably would mean about 600000000 euros or something was to buy out the russian. shackleton, i mean, let's not get into that now. since due diligence was done before. so do we have different assessments in the previous period? so you don't buy the whole package because we have 29 percent of us. do you have small shareholders? do you by 50 percent of them are plus 6 percent. it can be $56700.00. it doesn't matter and we will try to avoid it 1st. but if it went to go in that direction, we would not sell it to others. we would buy it ourselves and we would have that money immediately. we are ready to pay them right away. so which has also acknowledge a potential challenges out regarding us sanctions against the company. and recently for following talks with us officials, he came out stating that he did not have any good news to give to the public at the
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serbian company now faces financial sanctions from the u. s. as early as next month . and of course the e. u is probably likely to follow in washington's foot steps, which would bring a lot more pressure on serbia. but serbian president noted that us census against the company due to russia's ownership of it shares with no effect, bel grades, refusal to join in. and the sanctions against rochelle, specifying that fall grade will try to maintain friendly relations with moscow. now gab from also came out with a statement related to the sanctions essentially. and they believe that the these functions are on justified and legal the company will continue to operate, ensuring the stability of its business. through the implementation of projects related to technological sovereignty. the company aims to maintain the stability of operational processes and production chains. at the same time, gas problem,
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nafta believes that the decision to include its assets on the sanctions list was unjustified and illegal. and in violation of the principles of fair competition, price, oh, my gosh, problems savvy dis, pad for any potential function so far, but speak to us. how has russian companies been withstanding previous sanctions in the past? as says, the conflict to new corresponded in 2022. russia has become the most sanctioned country in the world, except that it seems that these sanctions are not working the way the west has been hoping for them to work for assistance when he 22 g. 7 nations created an oil price tap intended to limit how much revenue russia could make from its oil uh, exports over time that did not work. and just recently in december, uh, president put in said that the west sanctions campaign was senseless because last
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shot would suit the pressure and the spice. a coordinated effort which we've seen by the west to economically this for a rough shop. it's economy avoided the collapse as many economists were trying to predict. now, washington's allies also continue to buy nash, natural gas from russia, even after restrictions. according to reports published as a published recently, you nation's a ball, a record quantity of prussian liquefied natural gas. just last year, so clearly their way is not working, but instead of negotiating, it seems that they'd rather shift themselves into foot and force others to do the same. but right, i'm on my you to bring us up to speed here. thank you. right style ronald, us, phil, make a hold of us stone in history. profess upbeat that cause nick sat down for the interview with american john list, talk of costs, and this cost
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a range of issues from the us pulse of water and ukraine to be recent history. and the potential. busy risk for nuclear war, the british or the worst storm or this prime minute, this new prime minister, maybe a prime minister, you know, we used, he's quite, he says yes, 2 days ago he said we have to. we have to punish gluten to the maximum because he's really at least that's what he said. we have to punish. so there's an aspect of personal personal thing about pulling. we're like biting, emitted personally saying the so i'm going to murder and the end storm are saying he has to be punished pollutant has to be punish. not russia is bizarre. pentagon has been trying to war game limited nuclear war for decades, and it never ends up with a limited nuclear war. so you know, what point does it stop? it always keeps going till the, everything's gone through. i shall,
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once you create and then they're going to go for poland. that's what kamala, our said at one point that yes, the, the stupidest statement i've ever heard. and i think from a political lead, or just being your no education, no history. but i think you're making an important point, though we are in many ways depending dependent on prudence restraint at this point . absolutely, because we came in today, he just made a statement that the us kids crossing all of russia's red lines. and if they keep doing this, this is going to explode. and that person live to the doctors, make himself a professor of history and direct to all the new p a. studies institute at american university in washington. professor, i'm glad to have you join me right now. so let me start with this new show, but also what was the most important point of your discussion to the top of kaufman and all of us though, or oliver and i went on, they explained is i have a former student who's
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a trump insider. and i was having lunch with them and i asked him, what was the best way to influence drums, foreign policy? and he said to either go on the target across his show or the joe rogan shout. so oliver and i decided we would. ready follow that up and go on, talk across the show. we've got hopes that donald trump would be listening. it recently that same morning we were on the afternoon, is at interview jeff sacks in the morning and put that up very quickly. and donald trump has now read it out or put it out over his to the social network interview a part of the and he would, you have sex. so we know he's listening while you're one of one of the out, is how dangerous the global situation has become. not only ukraine, not only gaza, but also tie one, the south china sea. any one of these crises could develop
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quickly into the kind of crisis that could trigger a broader war and potentially a nuclear war. and so there's been more discussion of nuclear war as a serious possibility in the last few months. and there's been a few years maybe decades. it's a night since and $196.00. these are the cuban missile crisis. they want to avert that. they want to end the wars. we want to see diplomacy being more grounded again . and we want to make sure that the insane people were planning nuclear war. you would not get traction. are all right, talking about new peo war because this is an issue that has been discussed not only in the united states, but even countries around the world, not the interview started with a question about how close the world is to a nuclear war. what do you think about the doomsday club currently being at 90
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seconds to midnight? can you, can you specifically break these things down for us? well, the doomsday clock was move from a 100 seconds to midnight to 92nd. before to midnight. i thought it should be put at 60 seconds to midnight, given how much more dangerous the world has become. over the past year. i thought it's removed much closer to midnight and it was. so i disagree with their evaluation. as they united russia, it keeps drawing red lines, and the united states keeps crossing them on the assumption that russia is not going to rush is just bluffing that this is not going to follow through who stress. and i think that that's a vip fools game. because at some point, we know what happens, you can draw a red line and then not as well as cross ones. maybe you can do so twice.
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but beyond that, the think that russia will repeatedly not respond when the us for us is, is clearly stated, or red lines is gap with the future of life on this planet. and i don't think that gamble is something that's to be considered by public calls and then said that he sees no reason for the west to be at war with russia. now, just today we, we see yet another massive function package from the bottom administration. the gas, moscow smell. what do you think about those conflicting views of coughing on one hand and the by the administration on the other? tuckered crossing is not somebody who i agree with when it comes to issues of immigration replacement theory. lot of racial issues, lot of social issues,
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we don't agree on what we do agree on is the insanity of the current threat of war and the insanity of provoking russia on the assumption that they're not gonna respond. and we also agree on the danger of us militarization of the pacific not re, not responding to or recognizing china is red lines. we're concerned because the trunk to his credit is saying that we need to end the war and ukraine. what we don't want to see is this fighting continue at a year from now. russia will have more ukrainian territory and it will be hundreds of thousands more dead and wounded on both sides. we're still going to have to end this with a negotiated settlement. but our concern is, we don't want to see the war and ukraine ended,
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and then trump turned against iran or against china. but what we want to see is diplomacy broadly across the board. figuring out ways to peacefully resolve these crises that will work together to solve the world. we other issues that affect all of us. all right, how does your thing donald funds return to the white house will affect the world politics, any particular, the relationship between russia and the united states? i think that trump will look to cut deals with countries around the world. a trump does that, say russia as an implacable enemy. the way many nato countries do, and so on, optimistic that trump will look for
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a diplomatic solution. in ukraine, however, i was in russia several times before the 2016 election. and in many of these cases, i was the only one at a conference who argued that hillary clinton as much as i disagreed with her with end up being better for russia, then trump was. and then my friends disagree with me, but then many of them later said i was right. you have to remember that it was trump, who put the, gave the legal aid to ukraine after obama refused to do so. obama said that would be a mistake, that ukraine is so much more important for russia's national security. and it is for america's so he refused to give leave for a. trump also increase the sanctions on russia. so i don't the trunk as a friend of russia, i don't see him big in pollutants pocket. why
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a lot of people in the west do. i see him as willing to make deals. he doesn't have any fix values. he doesn't have any strong believes. which means that he could either be worse dramatically worse, or he could be dramatically better. the reason why i go and tucker carlson is to try to encourage the side of trump that looks for peaceful solutions rather side. that's a bully, that's an militarist, that almost got us to war against iran that are almost got us to nuclear war. because we watch korea, there's that side of trump also. but there's another side. and that's what we're trying to appeal to. all right now which psalms rhetoric about taking. we learned that this overall views about forcing me to a member stage to increase the defense spending. some of the best thing that nature could be shared to ring on the brink of dissolution, or even that implosion. what are your thoughts in this regard?
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i mean indeed, the greenland thing and the panama and canada and the gulf of america are typical from being insanity. however, there is a certain rationale behind the greenland. one of the danger, of course, is that if the u. s. use force against greenland. greenland would involve sort of denmark within pro article 5 of the nato charter at all of the nato countries would be obligated to come to denmark and breeland defense against the united states, which is almost laughable in the absurdity of that situation. however, you as it does what it seems to be the case against us would like to use not only the sci ballistic missile. busy this isn't freeman, possibly even put nuclear weapons in greenland and denmark. i said no was real. it
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also has a lot of minerals. it has oil and gas. it has a u. s. military base. so there are and that's got the then the, some of the arctic sea lanes are opening up as the ice cap to melt. so green then does have strategic lift. it gives the sooner we plug, trump is not the 19th century. and you can call around forcing countries or threatening country into giving up their territory. so add this is truck, b and blast or it could be is negotiate employee. it could be staking out a maximum of his position so that he can then try to come to a more minimalistic agreement. but it's dangerous this shit what. this is not the time. yeah. when, when they don't be on in, in washington, their end remote, he went to moscow. nate was poor and he said, this is not a time of war. this is not an era of war. sadly, in reality, it isn't
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a year of war. there are major words going on around the planet, but it is right that it should not be an air of war. that's what we need to find was we need to figure out how we're going to live in a multi pull the world in the multicultural world. as an old over the united states is no longer the unit, paul, the power that can dictate to the rest of the world. we see the rich will listen emerging and offering alternatives. we see the global south, which you get to go along with us sanctions against russia. we see a shift in global jail politics. and we've got it. turn that in a positive direction. all right, not a lot. and so view you also this cause to how democrats have turned from a prosperity party into a war party. now, what's the main driver behind this transition and cooled the positive reform itself . now that they just lost the presidential election?
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there are progressive still in the party. it's bernie sanders has been sounding the alarm on a lot of this. but we've seen with the democrats satellite, and i usually vote for the democrats, is that they've become more and more of a corporate party. and the corporate influence has curved the pro working class and things of the democratic party and the anti war and things of the democratic party, which is tragic to me. and so we see more and more neo conservative influence in the democratic party. this has been going on for a while that i've been doing a lot of interviews about jimmy carter lately. and the last 2 years of the carter presidency, we saw that we saw jimmy carter who had good in states and was anti war. was there a violation if it is, by the end of that presidency,
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it was really reading from the big the air brzezinski is anti communist anti soviet playbook. we see it so then that double down on during the clinton administration. and obama web good instincts did not have a backbone, a bite, and has been completely taken over by war like interest. and as even more egregious and ukraine is bided blanket towards israel. and this border in gaza right before the world zone, which is the united states, look completely hypocritical on the world stage on the one hand condemning what rest is doing, you frame and the other hand arming, sanctioning at apologizing for what israel is doing. and guys that you can have it . busy both ways you have to be opposed to war, a military solutions and
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a favor of development, peaceful development and dealing with the real problems that the world has, and biden has really missed the ball on, on this one. overall we have to leave you here. now i could make a professor of history and director of the nuclear studies institute at american university in washington. thank you so much for your time and insight, but it's good to talk to you right now, donald psalm has found the rival democratic party if he says they've lost another quote on american which fund he made that statement after a new york court rules that she would not face any due time or any other penalty for his conviction in the so called house money trial of the real jury. the american people have spoken by re electing me with an overwhelming mandate in one of the most consequential elections in history. as the american people have seen
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this case had no crime, no damages, no proof, no facts, no law. only a highly conflicted judge, a star witness who is a disbarred, disgraced serial perjurer, and criminal election interference. today's event was a despicable charade. and now that it is over, we will appeal this hoax which has no merit and restore the trust of americans in our once great system of justice. now the us president elect remains a convicted felon, despite the lack of penalties all the wise. now this follows the us supreme court to rejection of trans motion default proceedings earlier this week, a drum was charged in 2023 with falsifying records related to a quote, cost money payments to american address stormy donald over alleged affair claims. now these latest developments are on folding with just over a week to go before trump a shuttle to be evaluated in washington. not from a pennsylvania state senate, a bruised mock sides of legal actions against trump,
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where a match to divert to public attention from the democrats stages. i don't think it's going to have any impact at all. i think the voters of the united states realized this is what we call law fair. that it was a political prosecution of political conviction by the district attorney of new york. it was absolutely a tragedy. and uh, i think that is very likely that either the new york courts or if not the u. s. supreme court is going to be kate, the a verdict in this case. so i think one of the purposes of this whole case was to divert attention away from the failures divided administration. i think one of the purposes of this case, and we know that there are other cases as well as was to try to use the criminal cases to prevent donald trump from running for president again. and the u. s. supreme court ultimately held that it was up to congress to address this issue. they made donald trump
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a stronger candidate so that we know that from the election he had an overwhelming victory sweeping every one. every one of the content of the swing states to the america. now because my daughter has been inaugurated to his time, my husband as well as president, i just bought the western pastor an attempt to describe the result of the july election. i do it to be oath of office instead of his power emanates from the nation itself, needs people or people that think for the power that i have, the power that i represent that is granted to me by the constitution. the symbols have not been given to me by a foreign government to foreign presidents. no, by agreeing go government. i have not been placed as president by the government of the united states, or by the pro imperialist right when governments of latin america, i have not been placed by an oligarchy. like come from the people, i am of the people and my power emanates from history and from the people and to the people i owe my entire life for my body and soul. not be not get registered in
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the us condemned with a new package of functions and post by western powers against venezuela being system enduro. the election victory was fraudulent. a state owned or company in more than a dozen vendors, whether or not specials had been blacklisted. the us have even then now is to $25000000.00 reward for my door was kept to a while west and leaders say that the have imposed stocks restrictions as a demonstration to solidarity with the vin as well as people local to refute those claims a man, i felt like crying with happiness. all the opposition has tormented us. they are always trying to break us to ruin the country. now to see how the president is sworn in, that we're going to be able to move forward for our country with our freedom. this made me want to cry. right, let's cross live to what can i make research? i need to national secretary of the american communist party. preast of i have all
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the christmas good to have you join me now. so my bureau has been sworn in for the 3rd time i've spent, as well as president. what do you make of this page in the south american countries? history and what remains ahead for the nation. this is a historic moment and i'm deeply happy to see that president nickle that's my bureau has been inoculated as the rightfully and duly elected president by the event as well. and people today. and there was little interference from the outside . of course, the failed candidate with that, the white house just a few days ago with president biden. and of course, there's ongoing meddling in the internal affairs of been as relevant as well. and authorities arrested quite a few people who they rightfully claim were there to destabilize the country and to try to prevent some sort of regime change operation. but today is a historic day, a day of the triumph of the venezuelan people over us imperialism and over the
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ongoing meddling in the internal affairs of left in america by the united states. you now the same day, but you know, duration took place west and officials impose the new positive functions against them as well as what do you think about the timing and how could these restrictions affect the country? of course, the timing is, has everything to do with the, this not get ation. today. the united states is the deeply upset that the nicholas, my little was elected by the people have been as well up for a 3rd time. and they want to punish the people of venezuela for choosing their own path of development by imposing these a course of economic measures distinctions, which of course are a modern form of siege warfare. but of course, the venezuelan people in the venezuelan government are pursuing an alternative passive development there pursuing the brick set, pursuing the global south to south cooperation. and these, the sanctions will have
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a little impact. uh, once again on the vintage the people as they choose the past that brings them closer to i said to china and to other countries in the region and beyond. all right, washington has even announced a $25000000.00 bounty for my do as capture. i wonder, what do you think about that maneuver? i think it's less of a, i mean this is a, this is the, the, the guy empire trying to reach out and trying to show that he still has power. and mike, and it's, uh, it's really an embarrassment that this is an elected president of a country and united nations of a country that has diplomatic relations with other countries in the world. and they put a bounty of millions of dollars for his capture. this is so the other depravity of the united states at this point. and i'm serious that by which they continue to engage with lots of american and couldn't be in countries that are on to the their
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own path and not cowed selling to washington. and of course, it only shows the power that venezuela has in the minds of the americans by placing yeah, by having them placed this kind of bounty. they are deeply upset by this. and of course, just as one by one way go before the venezuela's will continue to choose their own leaders and the americans will continue to choose theirs. and at this point, venezuela has spoken. all right, we have to living here now academy research, i mean, to national secretary of the american communist party, christopher hill, ali, thank you so much for your insight. thank you so much. the r t dot com is where you can get all the details of all the story as well. following this, alice, thanks for watching bye. now, the
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number of many places in the world where you can say your on the divide between 2 oceans and all the might not think kids. one of them is hey, and what says northern off calling goes to region. and it can also the national park. and today we know the stuff was from 2nd, a deep dive into some beach ecosystem. the city, the grades was the shape of 2 oceans 8. it's certainly a very epic name. what is this really where the atlantic and the arctic oceans needs? because weren't quite far from both of them at the moment. no one that i, you know, just see it. and it's true that it's called the great and water shed,
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that it separates the optic on the atlantic ocean city. since time immemorial layer of being 2 lakes here, divided by this sandy ridge water from this one, flows through a system of rivers and lakes into the naked river, which flows into the wide seeing and on to the optic ocean of this lake. on the other side is also connected through a system of rivers and lakes to lake on you. go then, like love to go, then you have a river that the baltic sea and eventually the atlantic. you make these 2 lakes, but i'm not connected in any way that there are no waterways linking them or anything like that. well, there was a separate and that's why they called it a water shed between the 2 lotion size. and how did they form, and how long ago know, on the water shed was formed about 12000 years ago. yeah, that's the going to scandinavian palacio was receding. according to geologists, the melting place he had created a river that used to flow across this land. northwards the river brought this sand and pebbles again, as a result, the length which had also originated from the glass you became divided in up on the
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present day system. in much time, but i have heard there's also a more mystical version of events. what can you tell me about that? know, like i did it again, the decision there is also a legend. that's right. yeah. let me tell you what it said. there was a lot of spiritual legit noise who had a daughter to either will just bear it's one of whom was the method of getting those that i didn't want you to hand in marriage to and it can also isn't there. it was the 1st to propose but was turned down. they also had better luck that can. those are risk that angry with tons to his lake and blocked the road with huge boulders it made sense then, like i know that a has been separated from the other leg was earlier. this than yes, now is the guy i told you about the geological history of this place. but as we move down the warranty shed is the story and ground between the water spirits is clearly a belt and 2 legs, 2 sees and 2 lotions. yeah, it will. yeah. la city just how many lakes all the in this national park? well, as you do to know i, there are indeed many lakes here,
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and there was the proximity of camelia and the glassy, it was probably affect to the rest of what to be over 200 and can knows that apocalypse, you have my tell him to give the exact number, you know, the, some legs of very small, really tiny, and those are, is different from the rest. while the others aren't palacio linux, i can also, it was formed because of a fracture. i see my end is about a 100 meters deep in some areas in which the smaller lakes are only about 12 meters deep. what's like i said, so is that i can, there's that i have another interesting thing about can know, is that a so it's, it's a very picture raskin the broken shore line with many islands of villages and churches . those villages will ones full of life because of the busy waterways. the only available transport routes here. right. yeah. what i looked at the discount to here, the pick disappeared, the vignette took a bath ringing over the winter bowl guy. it looked in better condition last you were going to the windmill, so we're supposed to ask him for permission to please. we'll just bear. it's a supposed to be the friends of miller's. the visitors should ask
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pardon me, we go to the window mail kind to a little more. he says that's okay, that's go then excellence. that isn't true that he used to collect pills from these legs by silly. really, i do mean river poles and mm hm. those will have listed in rivers, not legs. it was an important industry around here. as recently as the 19th century, i get the local rivers and populations of po muscles, which ends in many local is made a living collecting them. and would it be inappropriate for a wealthy woman? you know, to have a river po nicholas or even the pull over seal due to way of, of fishing. though those populations were destroyed towards the end of the 19th century. with that you could only find river mussels in remote scotts these days. if at all you need fail lives in the hearts of channels or the national park is called the past. that he thinks you deep into the forest with joy and hills lining the way each a thriving, bustling community. this gets
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a glimpse into the lives of these fascinating creatures. the sophia, we've, we've all been working in the forests for that long, and i called an already see quite a few on sales is one that is one over the just how many of the, in as far as they're over a 120 and tells them this for us? 120. mm hm. so why the so many i'm cells in this forest i can see want to just uh as well can we have a close to load down? yes. yes. or how close can we get as close as you want me for? okay, well you go 1st then so why the so many and as far as well so special for the the environment here is great for and seals for the 3rd trees and the forest protect ends from adverse factors consisting of looking for yes, like fox, the forest also provides ideals, humidity. so the be figurative,
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there is no food for these answers to the section. i think it's issue. that's why this rise here was bathroom resistant, crucial. and we disturbing them by being so close was not really even if we're stepping on them a little bit. okay, well that's certainly a good sign. so what would happen if we took a cross section of the until sophia, what we see inside mobile digital device. and we would see chambers of some filled with and others with lar, via and eggs. their quarters between these galleries as they're called daughter the flow of actually what we see from the outside is not the whole and hello, what did it and they can be 1.5 meters high and yet surface and also goes beep is $1.00 or 2 meters underground chords in missouri. so how long would it take for the ends to build and until the size of a few years really? yes, really. they sit there which adults a lengthy process and it's not like all the answers. just go ahead and start
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building these huge hills as a rule, there are a few families, various stuff by the way, we talked about and families. they consist of males and females. worth of e mails, la eggs and produce worker and several can be producing eggs at the same time. that makes the little families a magnet for other ends which helps them grow. and, and i think i, i think they like me know, well, maybe not anything that's what should we move on before i get eaten by these on sophia? and yes, so how big can these on cells get sophia of nations, new stuff whenever you chance don't build huge hills around here. so they don't reach more than 1.5 metres in height. they're usually of these around little hill ox. i need other more exotic and species can build and hills an entirely different shapes, like more conical ones or what do you exactly just to? what can you tell me about how these ends organize the society, sophia? and if you, they have families of goods family has a window female, a wing male, or even many meals,
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because one female to meet with several males that carries their sperm for years, sometimes up to 20 years and uses it to reproduce virtually collectively form and asked where each worker and who has an incompletely developed female, has certain specialization sphere to some forage for food. others dig or take care of the eggs and lar, vi, and so on or either the previous year. and how do they know which role they have? is it given to them when they're born? do they develop it? can they change roles? sophia, donny, are those died when they're born? they don't have a specific role yet. it all depends on the care. they're given by nanny and if the family needs that the nannies will raise more queens or more forgers, whatever is required, and they can change their task specialization during their life cycle? yes, yeah, most of them would, as many foreigners have died, some nannies may turn into forgers or vice versa. you know, but, well, here's a philosophical question for you. would you draw any similarities to how the ends
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organize the societies with how humans people organize the sizes? yeah, i believe we control some parallels here. yes. because we, as people always look for patterns in nature as we try to find meaning in everything we encounter and see our own reflection in nature. so yes, why not? which in yet what furthermore and you're getting a dog out of the young's know what they're supposed to be doing at a certain time. the guy as and mature their 1st assign the role of the nanny or young here. and then he's done graduate to doing network such as cleaning or removing gun ends from the until. okay, so they have a graveyard somewhere. uh, no, they don't have a graveyard. they just leave them outside to prevent the spread of disease share and you later they become and to venture outside the and tell what are the oldest and most experience. and those who have traveled extensively outside the mass to become majors to concentrate here on top and supervise the rest of us in the higher ranking and can control the lower ranking ones and give them orders because they
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can either carry a subordinate noun to the place if it's love for use pheromones to leave, a trail is an indicate where a worker app should go. these are not the only methods. there are more of a how does an split for the life cycle events 2 weeks, months need be weeks. yes, the queen, however, who produces off spring can live up to 20 years, but she has a very long life cycle of these on the territorial sophia. do they compete for resources with the older? until so, i mean, obviously they're not too keen on those being too close to them for too long. guy knew this shows this guy, which is yes, they do protect themselves and not and health using what are you can say that different types of and competing with each other. i'm excited and you have somebody else from a more powerful and tell can make forays into neighboring ad hills to steal lar, via and p. okay, so let's see to bring them into their own and tell and raise them for themselves. was this to meet the needs of their own and tell them 2 categories of what the females of the less powerful and hills are also prized trophies,
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since they can be used to replace the queen forgiveness for cooking for preaching them. no, the queen can die due to various reasons, but queens from lesser and tells in the neighborhood are reserved for breeding. i should say, let's see football so. so these, these tiny, honest, these markets that have been taken from one until to another. and they grew up in the other one, they don't realize that they belong to a different from and you pretty much they do understand that they belong to certain families. and sometimes they run away before going back to their queen to take care of her needs. such as care for law or vice for defend her. so they eventually wind up back at their hotel because as always, obey their superiors in the hierarchy and execute their orders signaled by pheromones. fix it whenever it was taken because of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the frustrating world, types of fish and most abundance in these lakes. oh, but good. yes, there are some characteristics. b, z, z a, a signature, a local fish as the european, cisco, a small type of white fish, right? so you can only catch it in the full when it formed schools during this boning season. nice and then you get them everyone around here. it becomes a fisherman. like this is also a fishing competition that we hold in springs right with it back to yes, i did above the what do you say parts in the competitions like done jenny middle because it's a little embarrassing these days. didn't know when the youngest official by now 6 or even 3 years old, yet i just to give what was on the i'm not much efficient on myself that but i still have, i wouldn't be embarrassing being beaten by
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a 5 year old or it would be embarrassing to lose? oh, just pretend i knew it too cool for that sort of thing. yeah. what is the we've also decided to try a 100 fishing and the pristine channels are a waters under the experts guidance of call something. but the lip of co cost you, as you know, and around these parts, the cost and seeing nice and really nice to meet, to go my well, as on, i'm ready to go fishing. let's go. so you go fishing more than everything kind of take something. let's go to the of
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the, as i've heard of the best time to go fishing, is it sunrise or sunset which is about now? why is the constant scene produce? got it. why would they tried that as a harder to seeing the dog? so that's when preparatory phase preferred to hunt up in a more likely to take your bait in summer. it's also cool around these times, most efficient, more active. i've also heard about that. you have to feed the water to ensure a good catch. what you're telling me about the mutual customer put up with health care was taken by somebody threw a piece of bread into the lake and with them i can watch kick, all those mice, say a spell kind of a category. that is also of this notion that you contact fish with you when you go fishing them to consider with like can fish or fish pie read the. what already knew that if you shouldn't bring those along, not a little hard blown chicken eggs. what do you mean thought if the thought it would
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have been supposes the also bad luck, the just superstitions, of course, from the area that says just a bit of superstition and kind of help you speak. i'm sure there we go. a little more. let me turn it huh. or whatever works for you. yes. no more real quick, and you can do a sideway. sure. he goes to westport. we close the bow tie. correct? really to us. it just yeah. nice.
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the so we've got the fish that we've cooled. konstantin, and we're going to make luca fish soup. where do we start with, why do we still it was saying what will boil some water 1st. so konstantin said, can you make from any type of fish that maurice even use any type of fish? you can mix them up as well. so whatever you have to hand road show a rough, anything that's a pretty mellow to talk with from that to that if you want to use similar size face though, you know a couple you end up with that because big fish take longer to cook. the food stamp, we don't, somebody's actually and otherwise you can make what's called double or triple. it will, i may have well right now. okay. when it says when they cook small fry 1st to make the bronze savory, take it out and throw it away before adding bigger fish. sounds like quite
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a complicated process and i've had the people have different um, different secrets to making that required. so he's delicious. some people add lemon juice. some people on board go. well, she will secret. yeah. stuck with that i. i don't normally add anything. okay. with that so suddenly i just use the basic ingredients with capt. oscar potatoes, onions, patient and bailey's. no. that's it. if you don't have they, they have some special set file, that's the base of it. when you add some firewood and all the onions, i'm a technical, i've used to been a hospital school cuz how many pieces are to know this? so can we just need a little pile here, or you can put them across one another. yeah. like that. so that was a piece, a new folder for his. i'm not a chef of course, but still no. so let's see what's the deal. let me show you what i feel right now toners
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and how long does it take to to, to boil the soup to cook the soup or what it's an hour at most with fish. cokes fast. what's which it is i say it needs to reach 60 degrees celsius to be ready when i'm waiting for the power to be safe to 8 of the capital score, which will be on the potatoes now, greens, them, and both demands. what i will know supposed to have kept the order, they will be cooking while we're preparing the fish to where they got. by the time we add the fish, the potatoes will be nearly done. so is the one with the boils. now, costs and seem to be getting to boil $50.00. so you need a teaspoon of salt to the 3 of these. a pause. i've just the right amount here. and i've heard the russian saying that if you add too much salt to the water, it means that you fall in love with someone that yes. okay, i guess there's also this thing is that not enough salt is on the table as well too
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much salt is on your bag, which is which means you're going to select a lot of you eat too much. solve for loss, cool ice packs. a wooden spoon is it tasted with a wooden spoon. it's not that it's taste. yeah. it just doesn't get as hard as a metal one when you smooth and hot or cold cooking over the cam for a metal spoon. can you know, live, i would disagree with this still home, but not to that extent. ford doesn't conduct heat as well as metal. ok. let's do it for, for the next one of them, i would say, let's see, is it time to add the fish so much smoke? i'm going to, you call it may go without the smoke. not at this pull. here we go. that will reduce this laser. it's not that puts it as it goes slow and that, that it based, vicious mold as they won't take long. how long will it take to to cook?
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do you think well about 10 minutes, not long ago, but i would that the water is boiling already. is that go? yes. yes, the head as well. heads make the prostate and we'll say for a family henry, before his paperwork has the thing goes. pike's head is an empty babble, but still hands are useful for making who are what are they? i'd say i'd slave to that boost of that. yes it as flavor. very wholesome. you can safety on you as well. what does the north mean to you? konstantin? no got that temple, it says the best of those. this is my home. the lead time, my home country town. i go and fishing. we have you have my whole life here. yes. it's a place where the soul rest as they say, there's no other way to put it. and then you feel it no matter when you go home. once you do meet the north of the place where you can reconnect with your roots and
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really feel ties to your country, your culture, your nature, and your origins as a whole. village in the north is where you can learn how to communicate with other human beings, understand and accept some. it's a place where you can grow spiritually and become a better version of yourself for everything good is the north. people here in the village or like family, we're all very close to one another unit at the north is my home, the i'm sure this place will leave and mark on my so to me so just you will go away, but leave a piece of your hearts here in the know to us, which will add you to return for your, from the russian. know, what does the north mean to, you mean to me, it's the people. they are very special kind of people's. and again, if we're talking about candles are, these are also very spect shows unique people. and that is why it's important to us to preserve cultural and natural heritage above or to preserve is people this unity of culture and nature. and that's the s of the says,
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the russian know of the the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just because it shows you fractured images, present it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the the the in the little green i'm with the bodies of worked on any better. she hung it almost like
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a sudden and especially to go into the life of the month minority to fill up just about the ciocca price for you. it looks like it goes off a little business list learners. are you familiar with buddy? some of the nice and that was quite, that's not local news cuz i had a spanish, so i sent you a discount, but it, sir, and you got them. you have with them using it or do you watch any sports? it's a little less a shuttle to the listing why you're not going when one of them is rachel doesn't like us and us so less than for almost 137000000. those are the buses because unless somebody number i to i thought, but i thought it was full of february, i seen you and you say it will be in the, on
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the spot is ongoing administration. it tends to strike a final blow against moscow. and that's as the us on dishes. yes, another package of functions against the russian energy sector at dr. so forth. so it'd be a 2 band beneath the assumptions, function, assumptions forever. one washington also imposes a new package of definitive restrictions. again, then, as well as because my daughter will his one in before he start, must president us president elect donald farm slabs with democrats and promises to view his conviction in the so called costs money trial in new york. and that's a, despite the fact that he was not sentenced to any jo time or any of the penalties.
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the why this is, are the international reaching you from the russian capital where the latest from around the world. i a michael watching about washington has it now sleeping sanctions against the russian oil industry, part of the thing, the major energy produce the gospel next. other restrictions came just about the week before job. i didn't hands over the white house to donald trump, who has said that he wants better ties with russia. now moscow has condemned to biden's last data maneuvering against both drum and russia. some leave their mark on history, while others succeed only in leaving stains. biden is set to leave trump with scorched earth and will complicate the prospects for restoring dialogue with russia as much as possible. the latest set of sanctions targeting the energy sector. as part of that plot, the by the association imposed
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a new sanctions in an effort to squeeze russia at russia's energy sector. now they claimed that this list of sanctions is the most significant, one to date, against a russian target in russian oil and gas exports, including rushes, major oil producers, no. that includes gust from nest and so good enough stuff as well as subsidy. there is an additive tease that we're providing services to both oil companies, including insurance and transportation. the us treasury also issued a determination allowing american authorities to impose sanctions against any person determine to operate or has operated in the energy sector of russia. over 2000 subsidy buries of the companies were also added to the sanctions list. and they've also targeted over a 180 vessels, largely oil tankers link to what the u. s. had describes the shuttle fleet of
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russia operators used to ship russian oil and over 30 russian based oil field service providers, work full sol slapped with restrictions. now this is interesting because this comes just a little bit over a little bit more than a week before by then leaves the office and when asked whether the sanctions were discussed with the upcoming president donald from a senior us by then administration officials didn't give out a clear answer, but it seems that they believed that this would give kids and the trump administration the offer had when it comes to negotiate shows. uh, with a rush sauce, do you pay also jumped in the bad bandwagon and section the 2 major russian oil producers. and, well, this situation will of course create challenges when it comes to from upcoming presidency. a trump has complained on n as in the conflicts in ukraine,
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and he has strong skepticism on imposing more sanctions against russia. well, now just recently, he said the president is ready to meet and the median is going to be set up. but let's say the listen at what football, that's what the biden administration thinks of the situation and the sanction the next administration will have to make a decision about what they want to do. but we think that by taking these actions, it puts them in a better position to help find just and sustainable piece from this conflict. all right, so the bible administration says that the at sign to make things easier for the president elect. donald trump, when he comes in, is that what really the case is here and they will see how trump will deal with this. then although trump never revealed a clear road map to peace, but he has criticized president joe, by those unconditional a to
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a t a. and during these a be election, he also has about to quickly and the conflicts between a russia and ukraine and to restore negotiations again, be understand still no call with who is that a day one or week one? nobody wants to. he wants to meet and we're gonna, we're setting it up. president button once to me is said that even publicly and we have to get that were of, were that's a bloody mess. now of course, others fear a peaceful solution is to be reported that you officials fear that the income in a trump presidency will overturn some of these sanctions that were already imposed against russia. officials in brussels are reportedly concerned that some might prefer some of the biden's decisions. but right now a, so it'd be in the energy company that is co with the, by ross as a gas problem was affected in this. the instructions as the case may be,
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but generally how is this effect in the balkans? it seems that the serbian president alex under which is called on his government to prepare for talks with a present important as he talked about previously about the us plans to sanction the countries of main oil and gas company. a company in which guest from nest holds a 50 percent stake. now he has also mentioned an upcoming meeting with puts in which the situation will be this task president, which is also and now is that both weight is ready to purchase. a rushes share of the key energy company in serbia, amid the sanctions. the other one and sources really out of the probably would mean about 600000000 euro or something was to buy out the russian. shackleton, i mean, let's not get into that now. since due diligence was done before, so do we have different assessments in the previous period? so you don't buy the whole package because we have 29 percent of us. do you have
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small shareholders? do you by 50 percent? plus 6 percent. it can be $56700.00. it doesn't matter and we will try to avoid it 1st. but if it went to go in that direction, we would not sell it to others. we would buy it ourselves and we would have that money immediately. we are ready to pay them right away. so which has also acknowledge a potential challenges out regarding us sanctions against the company. and recently, for following talks with us officials, he came out stating that he did not have any good news to give to the public. the serbian company now faces financial sanctions from the u. s. as early as next month . and of course, the e. u is probably likely to follow in washington's foot steps, which would bring a lot more pressure on serbia. but serbian president noted that us sanctions
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against the company due to russia's ownership of its chairs with no effect about grades, refusal to join in. and the sanctions against russia specifying that fall grade will try to maintain friendly relations with moscow. now gas from also came out with a statement related to the sanctions essentially. and they believe that the these sanctions are justified and legal the company will continue to operate, ensuring the stability of its business through the implementation of projects related to technological sovereignty. the company aims to maintain the stability of operational processes and production chains at the same time, gas problem, nafta believes that the decision to include his assets on the sanctions list was unjustified and illegal and didn't violation of the principles of fair competition . right, so oh my gosh problems sadie. this prepared for any potential functions so far,
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but speak to us. how has russian companies been withstanding previous sanctions in the past as says the conflict today, chris started in 2022. russia has become the most sanctioned country in the world, except that it seems that these sanctions are not working the way the west has been hoping for them to work for assistance when he 22 g. 7 nations created an oil price tap intended to limit how much revenue russia could make from its oil exports over time that did not work. and just recently in december, uh, president put in said that the west sanctions campaign was senseless because last shot would suit the pressure and the spice 8 or the needed effort, which we've seen by the west to economically this for a rough shock. it's economy avoided the collapse as many economists were trying to predict. now, washington's allies also continue to buy nash,
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natural gas from russia, even after restrictions. according to report publish a published recently, you nation's a ball, a record quantity of prussian liquefied natural gas. just last year, so clearly their way is not working, but instead of negotiating, it seems that they bothers, shut themselves in the foot and force others to do the same. a spouse. stephen guide, a research of the institute of european studies in belgrade says that the us is trying to increase its influence in the balkans should not pretty much surely rush into conclusion because the conclusion is because we will see whether these sanctions will withstand trump's administration or was this some kind of a, a separate deal in the final days of vitals administration in order for a local players to try and get some of the political benefits.
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so i think that's the only time and we won't wait long to see what is going to happen, happen if serbia goes for a hall style. i mean if what is it goes for a hostile takeover? that means that he made some deals with nato. either he made some deals, you know, order to push the restaurant away from the bulk of them from serbia. in particular, washington especially the by the administration in coordination with european commission was trying to get to me to and, and russia out in china as well. because they weren't there very concerned about the chinese capital. that is a very significant in the bulk is, especially in serbia and may be in this uh um, uh, breaking of deals which is just hoping to get the site at staples. maybe you might have some to hold over some kind of protection uh from uh the structures in brussels. uh, because uh he is facing very uh, severe problems with the, with the products that are happening here for months now. and that they're likely to continue and wrote about football. yes,
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braun minister has doubled down on his criticism of the landscape robot fits those as key of is inflicting economic damage upon his country and the european union as a whole with the landscape decision to cut off russian gas supplies for it. so even threatening to retaliate by suspending aids to the ukrainians. a gosh, now is with you guys. if you, cranium, president continues to damage just like this. declining president continues to damage the entire european union like this. the slovak republic will show that it is a sovereign country at this moment, zalinski deliberately damages the slovak republic and the european union. and so, so what can we do? first, we can stop all humanitarian aid, even what was recently approved by the government of the slovak republic. the 2nd possibility is that the government of the slovak republic is determined to significantly reduce or even completely remove various social benefits that have
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been given to credit and citizens who came to the slovak republic. since the start of the military conflict. well, and ukraine and brussels concluded to basically screw over e u countries likes is ok. yeah. that we're still dependent on russian pipeline. vast trends did it through ukraine and how did they do that? well, by turning off the top about 10 days ago, meaning a loss of about 515000000 annually. first of all that yeah. and the potential here to another $1000000000.00 from having to pay more for gas uh, from other sources and well brussels tosses. cash, it keeps like it's wrapped around a stripper tool. actually you members state of actually i can't seem to get any love at home so. so vacuum prime minister robert pizza says that he's just going to march right on over to the you in front of the energy commissioner and basically say it's a, it's key for us, bobby make a choice. not that he wants to create drama. he says he isn't quote,
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interested in escalating tensions, but if the problem isn't solved, so lock you will have to take quote, hard reciprocal measures. shortly he says, when russell says that it doesn't see a problem here that they've been quote, working with member states and with you train to prepare in advance for this scenario. which scenario exactly the one where the gas prices go up and blow a massive hole in the budget of you have another country. you says that the gas coordination groups not last week, which is, i guess, another merry band of dest jockeys. and well, they don't see any security or supply issues for the you at all. just uh, you know, the industrialization of germany, skyrocketing debt and installation in france and the establishment game changing itself right out of power across the u because national economies suck now. and now,
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so that, yeah, it's sounding the alarm, but other than that, no, no problem at all because the uses are there haven't been any price increases since the new year. a whole 10 whopping days as a result of this latest active economic suicide. and well, that's because the market's already had to do that, that the, you would in fact do something really stupid to itself again, and that's already factored in this latest se, into their projections before the new year pizza had warned in his new year's address the trying to stick it to put in by going further into the whole, paying more for gas, having to subsidize your train even more because it also cut off its own russian gas transit income and dealing with rising gas prices across the blog. um, well, was it what winning was supposed to look like for the you hungry? you can get russian gas or turkey at least, but it still recognizes how ukraine has basically screwed everyone over across the
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block. the development that led to the latest price increases was ukraine. cessation of the transfer of russian natural gas on its territory to central europe since the end of the ukrainian transit road in mid december. the price of natural gas on the european market has increased by 20 percent. now hungry is energy supply secure, but ukraine's decision to stop transit shipments it will lead to further price increases and create new competitiveness challenges for central europe and the european union as a whole. oh yeah, and the problem isn't just as well actually right now. there's also more dover, which was getting russian gas pipe through ukraine and into the pro russian enclave of trans mr. yeah. but then just decided to stop paying for it, wrapped up a $700000000.00 debt in the process. and then news about solving that problem by claiming that they just own the russian gas from majority own gas company that was delivered yet. i think i'll try that with my own gas company after racking up some
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bills and just see how that goes. like, what are they going to do? cut you off using the move, you see it for many years. russia supplied natural gas. thanks to which in fact in france and history, a survive shift now due to the decisions made by ukraine and the modem and authorities, trends and history a has lost his ad possibility. well yeah, yes, a kind of figure that that's how this stopped like that would have turned out, but hey, nothing to see here. all is going great in the you guys say, he's good. i'm good you. it's hard to get by with electricity and gosh, shortages. the gas is running out and the right electrical blackouts, for example, today from 8 am to noon, and then from $6.00 to 8 pm. so for a total of 8 hours, we didn't have electricity through the most of yes, there are difficulties because i used to wear a t shirt at home. but now i have to be fully dressed. it is become more difficult to live and we've simply doesn't look like these just to we are all tied to
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electricity through the mobile phones, all devices run on electricity. and naturally, these rolling blackouts are a surprise for some of those who have generators can cope with those who do not have generators are forced to rebuild their lives to the new so called reality. so it might have to break out the turtle next and have the sweaters across the u again . because winter, the storage is way down this year compared to the same time last year as 69 percent capacity down from 84 percent right across europe. same as you k, where it's 26 percent lower, but no, nothing really to worry about. everything's under control. you just have an e. u. member states of actually a downside here. they're going to take drastic measures targeting what it considers to be inactive economic warfare against it by ukraine on the blocks cheap diplomat tie, a callous to say that she's totally sure that, oh you countries are ready to continue to support ukraine to the point that the you
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will take over ukraine's bills to the us under trump kicks zelinski over the basement and off their wallet. speaking like someone who clearly doesn't have to worry about being elected to the job by popular vote. looks like the clowns in charge in brussels. are intent on doing a high flying truck piece out here without a safety net. now, despite preaching about assumptions of brussels keeps rely on moscow when it comes to energy. the latest data showed that you imports of russian liquefied natural gas reads the record high last year. and that's this part of the blog having pledged to completely caught himself off from ross and added just supplies within a few years. for more details on this story and much more, you can head over to our website r t dot com to be america is now on the colors. my bureau has been inaugurated to his that must have been as well as president, despite the western pressure,
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an attempt to discredit the result of the july election on the road to the old of office. instead of these power emanates from the nation itself and its people, a political thing, both the power that i have, the power that i represent that is granted to me by the constitution. the symbols have not been given to me by a foreign government to foreign presidents. no, by agreeing governments. i have not been placed as president by the government of the united states, or by the pro imperialist right when governments of latin america, i have not been placed by an oligarchy. like come from the people, i am of the people and my power emanates from history and from the people and to the people i owe my entire life for my body and soul. now the now grace and was condemned with the new package of sanctions imposed by western powers against van is what they insisted maderos, neglect, or victory was fraudulent as paid over the oil company in more than a 1000 fitness went on, the officials had been blacklisted and the us, so even in dallas to $25000000.00 reward for my door was kept up
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a while. a western leaders say that they have impose thoughts to restrictions as a demonstration to sort of diety with the values of them. people locals. refute those claims. i felt like crying with happiness. all the opposition has tormented us. they are always trying to break us to ruin the country . now to see how the president is worn in that we're going to be able to move forward for our country with our freedom. this made me want to cry, not the international secretary of the american communist party, christ of i allow the police, but the doors, the not duration, is a symbol of the vin as well, and people's trial over western imperialism. this is a historic moment and i deeply happy to see that present nickel that's my bureau has been inaugurated as the rightfully and duly elected president by the venezuelan people today. and there was little interference from the outside of the course of the failed candidate was at the white house just
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a few days ago with president biden. and of course, there's ongoing meddling because in the internal affairs, the south bend is relevant as well. and authorities arrested quite a few people who they rightfully claim were there to destabilize the country and to try to find some sort of regime change operation. but today is a historic say, a day of the triumph of the venezuelan people over us imperialism, and over the ongoing medley in the internal affairs of much in america by the nice thing the united states is a deeply upset that the nickel, that's my doodle was elected by the people have been, has realized for a certain time and they want to punish the people of venezuela for choosing their own passive development. by imposing these a course of economic measures, the sanction washington has even announced a $25000000.00 balance for my dual capture. i wonder what do you think about that?
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my know, but i think it's less of a, i mean this is a, this is the, the, the guy empire trying to reach out and trying to, uh, shows that he still has power. and mike, and it's, uh, it's really an embarrassment that this is an elected president of the country and united nations of a country that has diplomatic relations with all other countries in the world. and they put a bounty of millions of dollars for his capture. this just shows the other depravity of the united states at this point. and i'm serious that by which they continue to engage with lots of the american and caribbean countries. that on. 4 on tuesday, their own pass and not count towing to washington, are now done on som, has slammed the rivals democratic party. these steps have been lost and now the quote on american woods fund. he made the statement after a new york court rules that he would not face any jail time or on the penalty for
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his conviction in the so called hoss money trial. the real jury, the american people have spoken by re electing me with an overwhelming mandate in one of the most consequential elections in history. as the american people have seen this case had no crime, no damages, no proof, no facts, no law. only a highly conflicted judge, a star witness, who was a disbarred, disgraced serial perjurer, and criminal election interference. today's event was a despicable charade, and now that it is over, we will appeal this hoax which has no merit and restore the trust of americans in our once great system of justice. the u. s. president elect remains a convicted felon despite the lack of penalties otherwise. now this follows the us supreme court's rejection of drums motion to hold proceedings. earlier this week, trump was charged in 2023 with falsifying records related to a quote foss money payments to american address told me donald, over the last
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a fact claims. now these latest developments are on folding with just over a week to go before trump is struggling to be not debated in washington for myself with the pennsylvania state senate, a bruised, mach says, a legal actions against drum, with man's to divert public attention from the democrats that it is, i don't think it's going to have any impact at all. i think the voters of the united states realized this is what we call law fair. that it was a political prosecution of political conviction by the district attorney of new york. it was absolutely a tragedy, and i think that is very likely that either the new york courts or if not the u. s . supreme court is going to vacate the verdict in this case. so i think one of the purposes of this whole case was to divert attention away from the failures the by that administration. i think one of the purposes of this case, and we know that there were other cases as well as was to try to use the criminal
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cases to prevent donald trump from running for president again. and the u. s. supreme court automatically held that it was up to congress to address this issue. they made donald trump a stronger candidate so that we know that from the election, he had an overwhelming victory. sweeping every one, every one of the content of the swing states. but as a global community initiates, legal actions against the use ready war on gaza, the us is rolling out legislation to impose sanctions against the international criminal court of bills that sanctions, international criminal court officials and their families. and anybody who is assisting them america is passing this law because a kangaroo court is seeking to arrest the prime minister of our great ally is
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real. israel has conducted this war with as much restraints as war can allow. in the face of horror, they have showed humanity the international criminal court. the say they don't believe israel has the right to defend itself from terrorist or those that threatened to destroy a israel's way of life. the united states in israel, not members of the as a say for good reason and without accident, they actually say prosecutor, kareem khan has made a parody of justice and it is defined as blights or we will help him find that now the i c c issue and the rest, the war and on the ease ready lead to benjamin ethan yahoo! and his former defense minister, you will have gone on 2 months ago, either way implicated in crimes against humanity after the un set idea of actions against by the stevens good amounts to genocide. a us germany and funds have refused to comply with the badger disquiet their area. enthusiasm, fine eyes. you see a rest warned against blood to put in poland. moreover,
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has said that nothing. yeah. who is welcome to visit us, but as of its liberation cetera. money while refusing to invite deliberate to itself, russia, human rights lawyer, donald corvalle says that the west has never actually been interested in universal international law. this is a further will further destroy international law to an international human rights norm. so, i mean, the u. s. has already gone out of its way to do that over time. but this will be the nail in the coffin of international law, which is exactly with united states wants, right. they, they only want, they want this rule based order. they call it, which is that they make the rules and everyone else has the phone and that's what they want. they don't want a real legal system in which everyone, every country would be subjected to that the us do to help create the i c, c. but it only one of the i, c, c, do exist in order to go after adversaries of the united states and never wanted it
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to be a true a tool of international law that would apply to the us and its allies. i. c. c allegations against who are not serious. um, they're based on his actually trying to save show rooms in the don bass. right. and the ones against that and yahoo are actually very serious involving, you know, we'll allegations of, of genocide and war crimes and intentional starvation of the population. but again, is the, wes doesn't care about those things. it claims that cares about human rights, the cares, the claims, the cares about international humanitarian law, but it has no interest in those things. this is all done based on their own economic and strategic interest as they see at any given time. why stay with our team to national for all the latest from around the world? thanks for watching by now.
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a the the hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered. i'm to peter lavelle. there's a saying if you don't have a seat at the table, then you're on the menu. we can assume that this applies to the panama canal, greenland, and even canada, from some new world order is beginning to look like old fashioned 19th century imperialism
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the cross fucking terms, new world order. i'm joined by my guess, great passage. i do a in florida. he's co host of the convo couch in kingston. we have drilled to lindsey. he is founder and director of the trends research institute. and in denver, we cross of tyler nixon. he is an attorney and political strategist, or a gentleman across soc rules. in effect, that means he can jump any time you want, and i always appreciated. possibly, let me go to you 1st in florida. i didn't think in the year 2025, the greenland and canada. so the panama canal would be on the menu we have. so many other pressing issues here. what is this all about? is it a diversion? is it a trump and geo political realist play? is this for the bass or none of the above and all of the above? i mean, can you explain it to us? go ahead or some of the above a little bit is above. i don't know peter, i'm trying to make sense of it myself. listen, the only thing i can point to is that republicans can get certain things done. the democrats can't get done in vice versa. remember, it was clinton,
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who pushed through nafta and he also pushed through the reform of glass steegal. well, when it comes to expanding the empire, besides george w bush was able to get in there and do what he had to do. it seems like donald trump has been tapped to do that. now, all i can think about other than that old school kind of saying from some of the true, there's about the club of rome, which they wanted this big type of, uh, american empire and 10 just different districts is the resources that are there. you know, that's what's industrial evolution is dependent on those resources and greenland got a lot of them. so i think when you look at a, you know, from a perspective and stepping back, maybe that's just the, the west doing what they're doing, expanding and stealing more resources. and they have to have trump to do so because it's based, we'll go along with whatever he says. yeah. but gerald, that's kind of an easy one. if we look at greenland, it is a member of the you is part of a denmark, nato. i mean, the united states has had a military presence in greenland since 1941, codified in 1951,
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a member of nato. i mean, why don't you just kind of have a deal? i mean, why do you gotta take over the place again? is this for maga because the in practical problems called ukraine, syria you ran, this seems like easy pickings to me and it kind of on but cheap as well. gerald to remember, let's look who's the president. we took out the trademark back in 2016 when he ran for office. the presidential reality show. that's all it is. that's all this guy is using an actor. he's a reality show, champ, he's been at it. what 15 years he did it on tv. we're not talking about zalinski right now. are you down to a house or you'd be the guy that plays the piano with his pain? is that what that's no, no, i'm not talking about have, i'm talking about truck. let's go back, let's go back to the election. these are the facts,
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exit poll. which mattered most mean deciding how you voted. 3 percent of harris voters and 4 percent of trump, voters should quote foreign policy. now. all right, now, foreign policy is a big issue. this guy is just blowing out this crap and that's all he's doing. and he's getting the people's minds off the reality of things. that's the way we see. you go back to the election quote, it's the economy, stupid. so this to me is just nothing more than a diversion on one end and all the other right. and what it looks at the middle east. it's the ramping up of more and more war. be not by my words by with his words or you said what he is going to do with um, uh or the ghost that you said that the is really presidents must be released. otherwise,
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all hell will break loose or off the guide and send them self as a piece can go. that's the point of the whole program. jail. they only go to a tyler in denver. i mean, you know, the, i appreciate it during his 1st administration, then he didn't start any new work. so i think that's a, that's a good calling card. that's fair. okay. but coming out and saying, i think it was even over the weekend, even using military force to take greenland in panama. i mean, that seems to be a huge change in his approach here. i tend to think that i'm not disagreeing with my guess here. this is a bit of a diversion because we have teeth kelly coming out and say, well, i think we need uh, 100 days right now to figure out ukraine not 24 hours. i think you get my point. go ahead, tyler? yeah. well, i'd say, you know, it's a read my hips, not my lips, i guess, you know, look, trump likes to things he likes to make deals and he likes real estate. so, i mean, even this is not, and this is not surprising. i don't think that he would mean, you know,
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he's that his eyes on greenland since the 1st term and what he's not talking about doing is invading any countries you're not talking about. i mean, you know, a ron really, i think that he knows that he's got to talk tough and he's got to back it up with, with you in the military with, with a strong military rebuilding the military um, to for, for protection, for defense versus uh the forest projection and the, the end of the wars for oil in the middle east. and i think the thing about trump is because he was the only one who was honest about what we're doing in the middle east. the space ro said, look, we're there for the oil and you know, i think he'll be, he'll be straightforward about what he does in terms of that types of those types of moves if they're made. but what i think he wants to project as american economic force and might versus military might now with regard to panama, i think he said it best. he said, look, we turned over the panama canal, to the, to panama, not china. so, you know, and, and frankly we're getting screwed so it's not the right to look at that and not
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have the chinese projecting their, their power into that uh that pipeline that, that a bottle next to the entire uh, you know, this, this entire hemisphere basically in terms of trade. yeah, yeah. one step ahead of me a pass that, you know, if he look at, you know, greenland, you look at the panama canal, i mean, and, and then of course we haven't even mentioned taiwan yet on this program. but they're all related to china, so, but why can't you spin it that way? this is great power politics. okay. this is realism. we have to cover all our beds . i mean, i don't know if i'd necessarily agree with it. maybe it's as overly aggressive, but that is a coherent thing. you know, we need greenland for our national security. well, that's not as straightforward as saying, i'm thinking, jail, politically. i'm thinking big, but he's not making that cell pasta. well, because he dances around the cell and the cell is really the about the resources. i think lindsey graham also told the truth out loud about ukraine having all these
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resources and peter, you know, you did mention to as well about the fact that, you know, donald trump said all ended in 24 hours. and that awful debate he had, he said, you know, a lot of stupid things about, you know, complying that haitians are reading people's pets and whatnot. but the one thing he said that resonated with a lot of people was the fact that people are dying in the ukraine and russia with this war. and he wants to end, well, his new guy that he just have keeps kellogg in what people say, oh, he didn't start a new voice yet, peter. that's true. but he didn't end any good fight record greg, breaking contracts right. he gave the key every james weapons that brock obama wouldn't give them. he gave the sod, his weapons to start genocide, continue genocide in the admin. so this guy is not a piece candidate. and now with that he's, he's coming out and saying, if putting doesn't come to the table, he's going to send, you have more weapons, you know, i think this is all about the same thing as empire. it's a resource extraction. and they just have the republicans to do what sometimes the
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democrats start, it's like they're heading off the bus on to one establishment member to the other. because i mean, at the end of the day, donald trump is not an outside, or he a piece of the military industrial complex and the established like jail given loosely, it's funny that some people, you know what i want to want to not believe a trump says about certain things and other things, they take it as gospel. i mean, he hasn't even begun his administration at this. it just basically talk at this point. so until he makes any actual moves, i think, you know, this, this overheated sort of condemnation and that, you know, writing the man off before he's even begun his term. i mean, whatever he is, he's better than what we have, which is, which is at a total, i mean, biden is, is, i mean, i'm just blown away at what a, what a, what a, just a deem. and this guy, he is, i mean he goes to the lesser actually the, again, this is actually the average thing better than what we add. okay. we already saw a whole term of donald trump. we saw his policies. we saw a record breaking contracts to the pentagon,
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and we also see marietta addison fee of almost $300000000.00. he will do it is, will, it tells me to do just like bite and told, was told with buyers, well, what to do? okay, well i mean, since we're on the topic here, gerald the, me the, the issue of hostages and gaza, a trump, i'm paraphrasing here. well, on lease, hell, i mean, what's worse than genocide? i mean, this doesn't make any sense to me at all. general, go ahead again, let's go back to the whole thing here. look at what we're talking about. now this was mentioned during the campaign. never word about this stuff. so the guys just, you know, blowing this stuff out and just changing the direction of the thing, as pastor said on as we're talking about before about somebody bit more, which one mentioned about your trump being into real estate. how about this march 9th? cheese 2024. jared cushion
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a bit. his son in law. his daddy, you uh we are getting yahoo! when he came to america used to stay at the house. yeah. that guy. the guy that uh trump pod and phase crimes that jerry pushing it. yeah. no way i don't get that netanyahu baby sat blinking when he was a child. keep going. yeah. blinking. yeah. be as like, you know, i went adult and i with all the my daddy was yeah, the best isn't a hungry. my uncle was invested in belgium. all you are your but you know, body's any way jerry questionnaires praise the quote, very valuable gaza well waterfront property and suggested is real. should remove civilians. well quote, cleaning it up. quote. it's a little bit unfortunate situation there, but for it miss rose perspective, i wouldn't do my best to move the people out and then clean
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it up. in addition, i would just pull those something at a gaz desert. i would try to move people in there. i think that's the best option, so you can go in and finish the job. yeah. well, and that's what's called a genocide. okay. does he just didn't use the word here? unfortunately, jim and gentleman, i have to go to a hard break. gerald, i'm going to come back to when we come back from the break. after that break, we'll continue our discussion on trends, new world order, say, the release of russian states. never as i've started as i'm sort of the most sense community best most all set and set up the
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same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say a request to check the the, the 1st 3rd of the 19th century was marked by the aggressive expansion of the
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united states. the american sought the seas as much territory for a settlement as possible. ignoring the sovereignty of the neighboring states and the interests of the indigenous peoples in 1845, washington announced the annexation of mexican texas. and in march, 1846. american troops invaded mexico. however, mexico itself did not have enough means to effectively confront the enemy. besides, it was being torn apart by internal conflicts. the americans managed to return the tide of the war in their favor. in september 18, 47, the u. s. army captured mexico city. mexico was forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty according to wait to get lost 55 percent of its territory. vieques agent of the lands to the united states lead to terrible consequences, bloodshed, genocide was committed against the indians in california. during the 1st half century of the american ruled,
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the number of the indigenous people in the region decrease from 150216000 people. slavery, which had been abolished in mexico long before the united states attacked was restored on the occupied territories. this will later become one of the reasons for the civil war in the united states themselves. nations like individuals are punished for their transgressions. we got our punishment. american president ulysses grant wrote about the consequences of aggression against mexico several decades later. the. the welcome act. across stock were all things are considered. i'm peter liberal to mind. you were discussing trump's new world order. the okay, let's go back to gerald. unfortunately i did cut you off to go to the break still.
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i a ton of changing gears a little bit, but in line with the, the poll numbers that you read to us in retrospect. and i agree, trump has not been inaugurated. that's still on the still ahead of us here. but considering, you know, his, it's the spot within the republican party concerning a lawn, which i don't want to spend a lot of time on. i can do, we can do that another time here, but has maga been played gerald? not at all. we, again, i don't know what he's doing, but again, think about all talking about now that he did not, you know, talk about before. and now it's all more talk. so this to me is, is more of what we're going to be seeing. and i think it's a set up because what's going to be happening in israel because he's also talking about wrapping up war against or wrong us. and i think that's what they're pushing us toward and he's going into one place they after another. and there's nothing
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more than what you're nothing about. as again, it's the economy. stupid, tyler, a way way in on that tyler. because my, my feet, my thesis on that is that the, the ukraine is turning in to be a lot more complicated than the trunk people wanted to blake this, you'll just be a ceasefire and we'll do this and we'll delay membership of all of that is a non starter, anyone knows about the complex, knows that ok and there with the running up against a very hard, brick wall. but there are other, there are other theaters and it ran has already been mentioned here. your yeah, the all. and also also that can you put the answer what the question i had for joe is maga being played here? go ahead, tyler? yeah, we, me, we've sunk hundreds of billions into ukraine and i don't think anybody wants to just walk away and wash your hands of it. i mean, there's gotta be some sort of, uh, some sort of accountability. there are some that mean it's gotta be a wind down that you know, makes use or somehow somehow accounts for that in,
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in the larger scheme of things but has now given place. i'm going to tell you, you know, it's uh uh, the other guest, gentleman said that they'll follow anything. the trump says, let me tell you something. there is a lot of discontent in the mag and movement right now. yeah. with a zionist influence on, uh, on trump and you know, there's a feeling amongst many people that are, they're willing to, a willing to hold out for, you know, to see what he actually does. but there's a, there's definitely a lot of, um, let's say discontent with the police around himself with, you know, whether be the head of cantor fitzgerald running his transition along with, you know, with jared right in his ear. and frankly, they know the closing of the israel, i mean, look, he's been close to these people all along. but the fact is come to the forefront and it's become such a, you know, premier aspect of what he's talking about in the, on the lead up to is, is it on your ation as, as, as a lot of people in the back of movement shaking their head as and wondering what the hell they uh they got themselves into many ways. not everybody. there's always going to be the people who are in the middle of the trump,
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no matter what. but i mean, i think, you know, trump is, has been nothing if not wiley, in terms of his political success. so look, i mean, this is a, this might be, i always talking in the lead up to this. i mean, i think he knows that the power of rhetoric. yeah. you know, speaks well in this case, not speak softly and carry a big stick it speak loud and carry a big stick and you know, wave it around and whatever it takes. um, but he's, it was very effective in his 1st term in many ways in uh, you know, with north korea and other look he didn't, he didn't get his out of wars, but he certainly didn't get us into wars. um, i tend to think his, his, uh, his natural impulses to appease designers to the, you know, with rhetoric and with whatever you know, will make them feel better bad. i don't think he'll ever commit to any kind of ground floor or talking attacking around. i think that would be lunacy and i think it's, it's more rhetoric and i, i'm thinking i don't think it will never happen under trump. yeah. but i guess i agree. i disagree. no, he's in the past has mentioned that uh l ales is getting what?
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300000000 dollars. when you put it all together, you move the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. and now we say good people in, in gosh, they're going to pay hell if there's, if they don't release the hostages before he becomes president of the go to hell delivered and hell. now look what they're doing with every day. how many 50 yesterday? 80 the day before killed. no, he's totally on their side. they look at the people he brought in. one after another one desire to stay after another. now he's in total control of them. and again, look at jerry question, what i just read to you. we need the waterfront property. no, i just, i think he's going to keep reference or something. and he's also going to nato and saying that they need to increase their defense budget to 5 percent. and he was going to end the ukraine or quote and 24 hours. and now they're talking about a 100 days. and they also said we saw the while we took the oil in syria. that was about is we all to as well, right? how long is this? well, the,
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what 25 kilometers away from damascus right now. they barbs and syria. more than any time in history with this little cool that took over, i went for a cup of coffee and came back in that area at all. and it happened, so yeah, and in the pasta and pasta i so showed up in a suit did not amazing. yeah. yeah, yeah, i, yeah, i know. right. and then now the reform i, you know, and i was even a little suspect about pollutants attitude toward what's going on over there. but that shows you how much power design in this nation has. because a lot of that oil that was taken out of syria once again, you didn't start any new wars, but it didn't end that. and the also set the table for what happened in syria during his administration. they didn't pull out, they didn't leave, they sold their resources and they did it at to be as the boat is real. and he's going to continue to do what is we'll tell them what to do. but going back to the mag of civil war, really quickly, at the end of the day you had teen usa versus tv lawn. i think that's what they would call it online. you had to be bad at on one side, met with jack, but snow because laura lu,
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but you had you on musket visit on the other side with all the little minions that are not they call themselves journalists. would you really just cheerleaders for donald trump? at the end of the day, they might scream in mode, but they'll still side on the dotted line for donald trump. so even though they're really skepticism, they'll still back the man no matter what he wants to do, that it's the people who it's who in the populace, i think that's it. all right, this is the lesser of 2 evils. i think they're scratching their head today, especially after he said the c i a buzz get involved when he talked about getting rid of the deep sleep for years. yeah. well the gentleman, i thought elections had consequences apparently not. all right, i the last part of the program, i want to ask more of a kind of a metaphysical theoretical question and i'm going to start with pasta. you know, it seems to me and i, i was educated as a historian but, and i look at, you know, you know, unbridled genocide to the breakup of syria as a sovereign state without a whimper at all. without
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a roberta just disappeared. okay. um we have uh countries like israel attacking wherever it wishes with impunity and bringing it up to the present. you know, donald trump and once greenland, i mean my whole point is, is that it seems like a good part of the 20th century has been forgotten in terms of international law, international humanitarian law institutions. the united states used to and, and it did very uh, very skillfully infiltrate all international institutions to control them. now they want to destroy all of them. they don't want to be they, they don't want to be held under any kind of obligation. it seems to me we're going back to the 19th century, am i wrong? go ahead pasta. i know you're not wrong at all, and i think a lot of it has to do with the mindset of the united states. americans, the education i think in education today a, a college degree today might be equivalent to a high school degree 3040 years ago. right. you see all these people on the streets
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when they do these little funny skips when they tell them to point to north korea on a map. they can't find it peter, i mean this is the tick tock generation. and i think donald trump, at least though those who control them who those who work with them, i know that they can get to get across the people and they're not going to know their history and they're backing on that. so really what it comes out as we have a very, an educated public and the people who are in charge the social engineers, they understand the most of the people nowadays, they get their news from tech, talking instagram videos. so they're just taking advantage of the situation while everybody's back at home, eating domino's pizza and watching sports, regardless of what was going on beside the. yeah. and getting just they weren't uh, getting in getting diabetes in the process. i'm sorry. yeah. yeah. tyler, do you want to jump in there? i was gonna say, even if they were to engage what, what impact are they going to have? i mean, the israel lobby is so influential and has such a grip on american, the american political system. me what the difference would it make you that people
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marching in the streets and the rebellion? the practically and it wouldn't make a difference because they've got a hold of a levers. i mean it's almost no escaping it. unfortunately, i don't know what it's going to take, but i mean, the idea that you're going to get a, a, as a non zionist influence president or really any government in this country at this point is, uh, it's going to be a major where the ranking we're going to find out about that, gerald i, i suppose unfortunately we all had to experience mark is after burns, that address to the world. what does it, what are the most shameful things i've ever seen in my life? ok, i was forced to do this. we went too far and we what we can do better. um, no, it doesn't cut the mustard for me, but we're gonna find out in the next administration. uh, okay. you can criticize the trans movement, but you can't criticize israel, and we're gonna find that out on the trump administration. gerald. this again,
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is our true policy to steer clear, was permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world observed. good faith and justice told all nations cultivate peace and harmony with all the nation which indulges towards another individual hatred or the visual foreigners is in some degree of slave. that's george washington. yeah, there's a real man, that's what not like somebody's, he goes with a shave age when he gets 4 or 5 draft of fragments. so you wouldn't have to go into the vietnam war. but board a z like more shape. they would buy one long or little boy, 4 or 5 drafter fragments, so they don't have to go into the vietnam war again. once upon a time, it was a guy by their name is mentally butler. yeah. war is a rack. is all what? yeah, it always has been, it is possibly the old is easily the most profitable. surely the most vicious. he goes on, hey, look at,
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look at trump. he wants to increase the military budget. go back to when he was running the last time. one after another. he's going to rebuild the u. s. navy, toward the goal. the 350 ships rebuild the marine corps, the 36 battalions provide. then you're say, a force with 1200 fight. if a judge on it, on and on and on and on that the bottom line is the military industrial complex as to why d eyes in our 5 star general was supreme purely allied forces. and to, to, i'm president warned us, in military industrial complex is robbing the nation as a junior. so the scientist, this one of the laborers and the future of the children. and here we are. all right, gentleman, that's all the time we have had a very interesting i. i like when you quote luminaries like eisenhower in washington so much better than what we have in front of us today is leaders. again, i asked the question, do elections have consequences?
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we're going to find out, i want to take my guess in florida, denver, and in kingston. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. next time. remember across the, the, the, the, the let me look at the duration, no greetings from the woods. and the police have worked on any about that i see on
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your own most of us because i've been in especially the life of the month minorities and filled up just a bunch of different josha price stores. it looks like it goes off the little business list learners. are you familiar with buddy? just of, of the initial meeting and that was good. that's not local news cuz i had a spanish so i sent you a discount. but it, sir. and it brought me up with, i'm using it or do you watch any sports? it's a little less a shot. somebody let listing why you're not going when one of them is rachel doesn't like us and us so less than for almost 437000000. those and the buses because unless somebody number i to i thought, but i thought it was full of february. i seen you initially, it will be with the
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the fight is outgoing administration. it tends to strike a final blow against moscow. and that's as the us on dishes. yes. another package of functions against the russian energy sector. it tries to force that'd be a 2 bed beneath functions function the sanctions forever. one washington also imposes a new package of definitive restrictions. again, venezuela as an equal, as my daughter of a swan. and before he start, must president us president elect donald from slabs, the democrats and promises to view his conviction in the so called passed by the trial in new york. and that's the, despite the fact that he was not sentenced to any jail time or any other penalty,
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the web is, are the international reaching you from the russian capital where the latest from around the world. i a michael porter that washington has it now sweeping sanctions against the russian oil industry targeting the major energy produce that gospel nest. other restrictions came just about the week before job. i didn't hands over the white house to donald trump, who has said that he wants better ties with russia. now, moscow has condemned to biden's last data maneuvering against both trump and russia to leave their mark on history, while others succeed only in leaving stains. biden is set to leave trump with the scorched earth and will complicate the prospects for restoring dialogue with russia as much as possible. the latest set of sanctions targeting the energy sector is part of that plot. the, by the end of this fission, imposed
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a new sanctions in an effort to squeeze russia at russia's energy sector. now they claimed that this list of sanctions is the most significant, one to date, against a russian target in russian oil and gas exports, including rushes, major oil producers know that includes gust from nest and some good enough stuff as well as subsidy. there is an additive to that we're providing services to both oil companies, including insurance and transportation. the us treasury also issued a determination allowing american authorities to impose sanctions against any person determine to operate or has operated in the energy sector of russia. over 2000 subsidy buries of the companies were also added to the sanctions list. and they've also targeted over a $180.00 vessels, largely oil tankers link to what the us had describes the shuttle fleet of brush or
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operators used to ship russian oil and over 30 russian based oil field service providers were also slapped with restrictions. now this is interesting because this comes just a little bit over a little bit more than a week before bivens and leaves the office. and when asked whether the sanctions were discussed with the upcoming president donald from a senior us by then administration officials didn't give out a clear answer. but it seems that they believed that this would give the kids and the trump administration the offer had when it comes to negotiate shows. uh, with a rush sauce, do you pay also jumped in a bad bandwagon and section to 2 major russian oil producers. and, well, this situation will of course create challenges when it comes to from upcoming presidency. a trump has campaigned on ends in the conflicts in ukraine,
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and he has strong skepticism on imposing more sanctions against russia. well now just recently, he said the president is ready to meet and the median is going to be set up. but let's take a listen at what football that's what the biden administration thinks of the situation. and the sanction the next administration will have to make a decision about what they want to do. but we think that by taking these actions, it puts them in a better position to help find just and sustainable piece from this conflict. all right, so the bible administration says that we're trying to make things easier for the president elect. donald trump, when he comes in, is that what really the case is here? and they will see how trump will deal with this. and although trump never revealed a clear road map to peace, but he has criticized president a job items unconditional a to a t a. and during these a be election,
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he also has about to quickly and the conflict between a russia and ukraine and to restore negotiations again, be understand still no call with who is that a day one or week one? nobody wants to. he wants to meet and we're gonna, we're setting it up. president button once to me is said that even publicly and we have to get that were of, were that's a bloody mess. now of course, others fear a peaceful solution is to be reported that you officials fear that the income in a trump presidency will overturn some of these sanctions that were already imposed against russia. officials in brussels, reportedly concerned that some might prefer some of bivens decisions, but right now a, so it'd be in the energy company that is co with the, by ross, as gas problem was effected in this, the inception, inside the case the. but generally, how is this effect in the balkans?
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it seems that the serbian president alex under which is called on his government to prepare for talks with a present important as he talked about previously about the us plans to sanction the countries of main oil and gas company. a company in which guest from nest holds a 50 percent stake. now he has also mentioned an upcoming meeting with puts in which the situation will be this task present, which is also and now is that both weight is ready to purchase. a rushes share of the key energy company in serbia, amid the sanctions. the sources really out of the probably would mean about $600000000.00 euro or something was to buy out the russian. shackleton, i mean, let's not get into that now. since due diligence was done before, so do we have different assessments in the previous period? so you don't buy the whole package because we have 29 percent of us. do you have
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small shareholders and you buy 50 percent of them are plus 6 percent. it can be $56700.00. it doesn't matter and we will try to avoid it 1st. but if it went to go in that direction, we would not sell it to others. we would buy it ourselves and we would have that money immediately. we are ready to pay them right away. so what judge has also acknowledge a potential challenges out regarding us sanctions against the company and recently follow following talks with us officials. he came out stating that he did not have any good news to give to the public at the serbian company now faces financial sanctions from the u. s. as early as next month. and of course, the e. u is probably likely to follow in washington's foot steps, which would bring a lot more pressure on serbia. but serbian president noted that us sanctions against the company due to russia's ownership of it. shares with no effect. belgrave,
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a refusal to join in and the sanctions against russia specifying that vault wade will try to maintain friendly relations with moscow. now gab from also came out with a statement related to the sanctions essentially. and they believe that the these functions are on justified and legal the company will continue to operate, ensuring the stability of its business. through the implementation of projects related to technological sovereignty. the company aims to maintain the stability of operational processes and production chains. at the same time, gas problem, nafta believes that the decision to include his assets on the sanctions list was unjustified and illegal and didn't violation of the principles of fair competition . right, so oh my gosh, i'm sorry, this, but pad for any potential function so far, but speak to us. how has russian companies been with standing previous functions in
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the past as says the conflicts any chris started in 2022. russia has become the most sanctioned country in the world, except that it seems that these sanctions are not working the way the west has been hoping for them to work for assistance when he 22 g. 7 nations created an oil price tap intended to limit how much revenue russia could make from its oil uh, exports over time that did not work. and just recently in december, uh, president put in said that the west sanctions campaign was senseless because last shot would suit the pressure and the spice. a coordinated effort which we've seen by the west to economically this for a rough shock. it's economy avoided the collapse as many economists were trying to predict. now, washington's allies also continue to buy nash, natural gas from russia,
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even after restrictions. according to reports published really published recently you nations, a ball, a record quantity of prussian liquefied natural gas. just last year, so clearly their way is not working, but instead of negotiating, it seems that they bothers, shut themselves in the foot and force others to do the same spa stephen guy. it's a research or are the stupid of european studies in belgrade says that the us is trying to increase its influence in the balkans should not pretty much truly rush into conclusion because the conclusion is because we will see whether these sanctions will, would stand trumps administration or was this some kind of a, a separate deal in the final days of vitals administration in order for local players to try and get some of the political benefits. so i
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think that's the only time and we won't wait long to see what is going to happen. happen if serbia goes for a hall style. i mean if what is it goes for a hostile takeover? that means that he made some deals with natal either. he made some deals in order to push or i shot away from the bulk of him from serbia. in particular, washington, especially the by the administration in coordination with european commission was trying to get tomato and, and russia out in china as well because they weren't, they're very concerned about the chinese capital. that is a very significant in the bulk is, especially in serbia and may be in this uh, breaking of deals, which is hoping to get a set of staples, maybe of my assigned to a hold over some kind of protection uh from uh the structures in brussels uh, because uh he is facing very uh, severe problems with the uh, with the products that are happening here for months now. and that are likely to continue and grow about slovak,
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as prime minister has doubled down on his criticism mobs. the lensky rubber fits so says key of is inflicting economic damage upon his country and the european union as a whole, with the landscape decision to cut off russian gas supplies for it. so even threatening to retaliate by suspending aids to the ukrainians. god knows what you're going to do. cranium, president continues to damage just like this. declining president continues to damage the entire european union like this. the slovak republic will show that it is a sovereign country at this moment, zalinski deliberately damages the slovak republic and the european union, the so. so what can we do? first, we can stop all humanitarian aid, even what was recently approved by the government of the slovak republic. the 2nd possibility is that the government of the slovak republic is determined to significantly reduce or even completely remove various social benefits that have
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been given to credit and citizens who came to the slovak republic. since the start of the military conflict. well, and ukraine and brussels concluded to basically screw over e u countries. likes of doc. yeah. that we're still dependent on russian pipeline. vast trends that through ukraine and how they do that well by turning off the top about 10 days ago, meaning a loss of about 500. 15000000 annually. first of all that yeah. and the potential here to another $1000000000.00 from having to pay more for gas uh, from other sources and well brussels tosses. cash it keeps like it's wrapped around a stripper. cool. actually you member states of actually i can't seem to get any love at home. so, so vacuum prime minister robert pizza says that he's just going to march right on over to the you in front of the energy commissioner and basically say it's a, it's key for us, bobby, make a choice. not that he wants to create drama. he says he isn't quote,
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interested in escalating tensions, but if the problem isn't solved, this lock here will have to take put hard reciprocal measures. shortly. he says, when russell says that it doesn't see a problem here that they've been quote, working with member states and with you train to prepare in advance for this scenario. which scenario exactly the one where the gas prices go up and blow a massive hole in the budget of you have another country, the says that the gas coordination groups not last week, which is, i guess, another merry band of dest jockeys. and well, they don't see any security or supply issues for the you at all. just uh, you know, the industrialization of germany, skyrocketing debt and installation in france and the establishment regime changing itself right out of power across the u because national economies suck now. and now, so that, yeah, it's sounding the alarm, but other than that, no,
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no problem at all because the uses are there haven't been any price increases since the new year. a whole 10 whopping days as a result of this latest active economic suicide. and well, that's because the market's already had to do that, that the, you would in fact do something really stupid to itself again, and that's already factored in this latest se, into their projections before the new year pizza had warned in his new year's address the trying to stick it to put in by going further into the whole, paying more for data, having to subsidize your training even more because it also cut off its own russian gas transit income and dealing with rising gas prices across the blog. um, well, wasn't what winning was supposed to look like for the you, hunger, you can get russian gas through turkey at least. but it's still recognizes how ukraine has basically screwed everyone over across the block. the development that
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led to the latest price increases was ukraine. cessation of the transfer of russian natural gas on its territory to central europe since the end of the ukrainian transit road in mid december. the price of natural gas on the european market has increased by 20 percent. now hungry is energy supply secure, but ukraine's decision to stop transit shipments. it will lead to further price increases and create new competitiveness challenges for central europe and the european union as a whole. oh yeah, and the problem isn't just as well actually. right now, there's also more dover, which was getting russian gas pipe through ukraine and into the pro russian enclave of trans, mr. yeah. but then just decided to stop paying for it, wrapped up a $700000000.00 debt in the process. and then news about solving that problem by claiming that they just own the russian gas from majority own gas company that was delivered yet. i think i'll try that with my own gas company after racking up some
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bills and just see how that goes. like, what are they going to do? cut you off. usually move you see it for many years. russia supplied natural gas. thanks to which in fact in france and history, you survive shift now due to the decisions made by ukraine and the mode obo store of these trends and history a has lost his ad possibility. well yeah, yes. to kind of figure that that's how the start like that would have turned out, but hey, nothing to see here. all is going great in the you guys say, he's good. i'm good you. it's hard to get by with electricity and gosh, voltages. the gas is running out and the right electrical blackouts, for example, today from 8 am to noon, and then from $6.00 to 8 pm. so for a total of 8 hours, we didn't have electricity through the 2 years for the most of us, there are difficulties because i used to wear a t shirt at home. but now i have to be fully dressed. it is become more difficult to live and we've simply doesn't look like these just to we are all tied to
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electricity, mobile phones, all devices run on electricity. and naturally, these rolling blackouts are a surprise for some of those who have generators can cope with those who do not have generators are forced to rebuild their lives to the new so called realities might often break out the turtle next and have the sweaters across the u again because winter the storage is way down this year compared to the same time last year as 69 percent capacity down from 84 percent right across europe. same in the u . k, where it's 26 percent lower, but no, nothing really to worry about. everything's under control. you just have an e. u. member states of actually a downside here. they're going to take drastic measures targeting what it considers to be inactive economic warfare against it by ukraine. on the blocks, teeth diplomat tie a callous to say that she's totally sure are the o. u. countries are ready to continue to support ukraine to the point that the you will take over ukraine's bills to if the us under trump kicks zalinski out of the
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basement. and off their wallet, speaking like someone who clearly doesn't have to worry about being elected to the job by popular vote. looks like the clowns in charge in brussels. are intent on doing a high flying truck piece out here without a safety net. now despite preaching about sanctions of brussels, kids rely on moscow when it comes to energy. the latest data showed that you imports of russian liquefied natural gas reads the record high last year. and that's despite the blog having pledged to completely copy itself off from ross and the energy supplies within a few years. for more details on this story and much more, you can head over to our website r t dot com to be america. now because my dual has been inaugurated to his. busy to my spend as well as president, despite the western pressure and attempts to discredit the result of the july
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election due to the old of office instead of these power emanates from the nation itself and its people. for people that are critical thing by of the power that i have, the power that i represent that is granted to me by the constitution. the symbols have not been given to me by a foreign government to foreign presidents know by a greenville government, i have not been placed as president by the government of the united states, or by the pro imperialist right when governments of latin america, i have not been placed by an oligarchy, like come from the people, i am of the people, and my power emanates from history and from the people and to the people i owe my entire life for my body and soul. now the not duration was condemned with the new package of sanctions imposed by western powers. again, span is what they insisted maderos. neglectful victory was fraudulent as paid over the oil company in more than a 1000 fitness went on officials had been blacklisted, and the us of even then bows to $25000000.00 reward. for me i do is capture
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a while. a western leaders say that they have impose thoughts, restrictions as a demonstration to sort of dire do with the village of them. people locals refute those claims. i felt like crying with happiness. all the opposition has tormented us. they are always trying to break us to ruin the country . now to see how the president is sworn in, that we're going to be able to move forward for our country with our freedom. this made me want to cry. now the international secretary of the american communist party, christopher hill, loudly believes that, but dorothy not duration, is a symbol of the vin as well, and people's trial over western imperialism. this is a historic moment and i deeply happy to see that present nickel. that's my bureau has been inaugurated as the rightfully and duly elected president by the venezuelan people today. and there was little interference from the outside. of course of the failed candidate was at the white house just
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a few days ago with president biden. and of course, there's ongoing meddling because in the internal affairs, the south bend is relevant as well. and authorities arrested quite a few people who they rightfully claim were there to destabilize the country and to try to find some sort of regime change operation. but today is a historic say, a day of the triumph of the venezuelan people over us imperialism and over the ongoing meddling in the internal affairs of the legend. america, by the nice thing the united states is a deeply upset that the nicholas myrtle was elected by the people have been his will for a certain time. and they want to punish the people of venezuela for choosing their own passive development. by imposing these a course of economic measures, the sanction washington has even announced a $25000000.00 balance for my dual capture. i wonder what do you think about that?
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my know, but i think it's less of a, i mean this is a, this is the, the, the dying empire trying to reach out and trying to show that it's still has our and might. and it's, uh, it's really an embarrassment that this is an elected president of the country and united nations of a country that has diplomatic relations with all other countries in the world. and they put a bounty of millions of dollars for his capture. this just shows the other depravity of the united states at this point. and i'm serious that by which they continue to engage with lots of the american and caribbean countries that are on tuesday, their own path and not count towing to washington, are done on som, has slammed the rivals democratic party. he says that they've lost the now the quote on the american woods fund. he made that statement after a new york court rules that he would not face any jail time or on the penalty for his conviction in the so called hoss money trial. the real jury,
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the american people have spoken by re electing me with an overwhelming mandate in one of the most consequential elections in history. as the american people have seen this case had no crime, no damages, no proof, no facts, no law. only a highly conflicted judge, a star witness, who was a disbarred, disgraced serial perjurer, and criminal election interference. today's event was a despicable charade, and now that it is over, we will appeal this hoax which has no merit and restore the trust of americans in our once great system of justice. the us president elect remains a convicted felon despite the lack of penalties otherwise. now this follows the u. s. supreme court's rejection of the drums motion to halt proceedings. earlier this week, trump was charged in 2023 with falsifying records related to a quote, fox money payments to american address told me donald overlap fact claims. now
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these latest developments are on folding with just over a week to go before trump is shuttling to be not debated in washington for myself with the pennsylvania state senate, a bruce box says a legal actions against drum with match to divert public attention from the democrats that it is, i don't think it's going to have any impact at all. i think the voters of the united states realized this is what we call law fair. that it was a political prosecution of political conviction by the district attorney in new york. it was absolutely a tragedy, and i think that is very likely that either the new york courts or if not the u. s . supreme court is going to vacate the verdict in this case. so i think one of the purposes of this whole case was to divert attention away from the failures the by it administration. i think one of the purposes of this case, and we know that there were other cases as well as was to try to use the criminal cases to prevent donald trump from running for president again. and the u. s.
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supreme court. all of them literally held that it was up to congress to address this issue. they made donald trump a stronger candidate that we know that from the election, he had an overwhelming victory. sweeping everyone every one of the content of the swing states. but as a global community initiates legal actions against the use of a war on gaza, the us is rolling out the legislation to impose sanctions against the international criminal court of bills that sanctions, international criminal court officials and their families. and anybody who is assisting them america is passing this law because a kangaroo court is seeking to arrest the prime minister of our great ally is real. israel has conducted this war with as much restraint as war can allow.
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in the face of horror, they have showed humanity the international criminal court. the say they don't believe israel has the right to defend itself from terrorist or those that threatened to destroy a israel's way of life. the united states in israel narc members are they, as they say, for good reason and without accident they actually say prosecutor, kareem khan has made a parody of justice and it is defined as blights, or we will help him find it. now the i c c issue and the rest of the war and on the ease ready leader, benjamin ethan. yahoo! and his former defense minister, you will have gone on 2 months ago, either way implicated in crimes against humanity after the un set idea of the actions against by the stevens good amounts to genocide. a us jump me in, funds have refused to comply with the badger disquiet their area. enthusiasm, fine eyes. you see a rush warned against blood to put in poland. moreover, has said that nothing. yeah. who is welcome to visit us,
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but as of its liberation set of money while refusing to invite deliberate to itself, russia or human rights lawyer, donald corvalle says that the west has never actually been interested in universal international law. this is a, for the world further destroy international law to an international human rights norm. so, i mean, the u. s. has already gone out of its way to do that over time. but this will be the now and the coughing of international law, which is exactly with united states wants, right. they, they only want, they want this rule based order. they call it, which is that they make the rules. and everyone else ask the following. that's what they want. they don't want a real legal system in which everyone, every country would be subjected to that the us do to help create the i cc, but it only one of the i, c. c, do exist in order to go after adversaries of the united states and never wanted it to be a true
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a tool of international law that would apply to the us and its allies. i c c allegations against who are not serious from their, based on his actually trying to save children in the don bass. right. and the ones against netanyahu are actually very serious involving, you know, we'll allegations of, of genocide and war crimes and intentional starvation of the population. but again, the west doesn't care about those things. the claims the cares about human rights, a cares the claims of cares about international humanitarian law, but it has no interest in those things. this is all done based on their own economic and strategic interest as they see at any given time. why stay with our to international for all the latest from around the world? thanks for watching by now.
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the, the, the, the, when i see this is, i mean the math, the world bang for the federal reserve, the dollar itself, the swift payment system. all this has become a set of the geo political instruments that the west uses routinely and aggressively to intimidate a restrict you know, dominate to other countries. the
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the, with the help of 7 russian nobleman having reps, the horses hooves and cloth totally streets into moscow by night, sooner by a shot at the south store was not tim. my ass could fail to ski. cut or pretend that while our lot those 2 boys me go so that's that's the road i see mission nursing by i just want to spell some stover. bullshit. swab or was going to feel better? totally does. doesn't i should in their last name. compute cancels because larger, and i see it at the open a way of doing it. in the glorious city of mosca, we go to sales and humorous measurements of the pools and other areas of boys, something due to fear. others do degrees decided to collaborate with them. the forensic fun photos in 1650 chose the process of affordable some, which is a little bit of a story. and i see is mount spiders because it didn't have to be attention. but most of the patients reflect that june,
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spring. what was good news or not for just some ice cream can yes, i got the bill was doing was thing. you must reduce your lot right. by the way, i can look on yes, the somebody else should via the the white tv package. if she is up with an easy, i mean it is a 14 and over going to work at the tortuga, which she might end up by junior high school. was the best in the way should towards go, boys could explain that to the pony shockey patient begins during the divine service. polls disown orthodox saints, shoot them with pistols and rifles rate wives and daughters roll them and do many other outrages in their homes. swedish diplomat, 1611. the end here i testimonies from post themselves. now people do not know which is open to anything. they are not content with being
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treated kindly but what they like they take light falls. even if the landowner has a wife or daughter. some wellness gave which opponents citizens, $1611.00, the rebellious musket lights could have easily crushed the foreigners. but whoever games stepped in the back by the 7 by us the 1st day we sent the city on fire. we acted on the advice of the boys who were friendly to us to recognize the needs to be done must go to the ground. the flame found by the wind drove the russians away. some wellness gave which opponents citizens, $1611.00, the when the city burned down the poles took velvet silk brocade, gold, silver, precious stones, and close into which is they removed, silva, vestments, necklaces,
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colors, the children of noble boys will not cons. and within taken away from their fathers by force, a comrade. most of the gentlemen traveling, 1611 russian cities and villages turned into smouldering ruins, up to a sound of the population of police was exterminated. meanwhile, in catholic room, polish victories over orthodoxy, celebrated magnificently with fireworks. the wall, so saying, proclaims russia was to become poland, new world. that is the conquest of russia. it is compared to the discovery of america with its people, sharing the faith of indigenous tribes. powerless, king no longer needs the treacherous boys. that he sense new conditions from the original, the green tons, the owner of russia, should convert to catholicism. polish nobles were lucky by state posts and he gets
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more into search that comes to soften regions reached by you to go away. so you will see my talk each gets most that, so i don't want to shift you want to put in your c o. c, there are soaps. i did too much for. yeah. so something is that cool? no pro force coordinator. so that's a year that is a thought, but you know, the voice, the consequence of them, it was mailed change meaning. and then the principal shanaski who had to solve the issue with the intervention is settled in the kremlin. the entire russian land rose up against the russians. comics taught us body and bush cares more dreams and food modes. tolls are expelled. the country awaits those epsky simple as $1617.00 and the election to the throne of nathaniel romano. founder of the new russian dentist was the social english will destined this pasha sneeze and not old. familiar with the la. on november, the 5th, russian celebrates and national unity day,
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like most russian holidays that commemorates the victory. on november, the 4th, 1612, the russian village, and finally liberated muscular from the bringing time of the troubles. with the 17th century. the po, nation miscellaneous commonwealth news is all on which you know, but if you have a slot between your voice, google showed us at the 14, if you could give me a monday to property near getting that point. scale. sure, yes, the bus, which is a beautiful little boy, none of my medical. so this thing which is 9, you know, 2 to 3 and portion of that only my me and it uh, gets the new push e is the line. yeah. if it just not like it just gets the running it. zach mitch initially is the weight in commonwealth conducts the risk the policy of getting the
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enemies most of the sales british was part of the sort australia, but the voice, the drain, you the option knock whats over there for a tail session. and this portion of this will, this, to the pollution lease is trying to deprive the population of dance goods. the so called christi, who preserved russian us and also talk see of the face of traditions. history and the language of the orthodox churches are destroyed and priests persecuted. and despite the fact that out of 11 and a half 1000000 people, only florida half 1000000 of polish and almost 5000000 a natives of ukraine and the rules, the new, the pro, leaving us from studies for an e mail. the problem cheats cultures cook with the bringing me of us. okay. but as of when you pushed you quite enough, as that is a motional voice,
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a student who has some stuff that somebody, she has the riots break out, led by cossacks who in town, as opposed to try russia for the i saw this i used in the next, a standard to wage war against the ponies king as this can no longer be tolerated. pittman bump done command, litski. an old is epilepsy anatomy. with the cities of lambs made the sovereign deign to take them under his high and the most goes and gets up on october, the 1st $1653.00 the peoples wall led by both gun committed scheme. and the subsequent to 13 year russo toners was ended with the russians victory. the pony should this lenient commonwealth is losing russian speaking territories. somebody ask region and lands alone with calf it's most goes fast to retail,
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real victory of a lot of clarity. and the girl totals arch. yeah, i'm going to that facility in your room that will wish to allow us to. and if, if i don't want to lose, will it spiritually. nipples that on the 18th century to the great russia, it was the leader readings to europe. meanwhile, the opponents lithuanian commonwealth is told by wall with sweet reports goodness, best to borrow, but it should look like almost the brightest, of course, good shift you come up in a new unit for the so called number district despite the not that orchestra orchestra, most of it's meant to push, present, used to category category and use, but you know, shifting the photos. i mean, even if it or somebody is configured, what's your way, what is, when could i do? oh, they're supposed to start. the situation is, was by the dictates of the catholic church that demands more and more restrictions
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imposed on orthodoxy. the orthodox face is insulted, dumped, animalistic, upset. its priests are imprisoned, killed, starved, poisoned mould, my dogs, their arms and legs broken. i must name does it is uh, lenient this crazy junior color relationship. more good. look at the by piece of it as reason. low. see the pretty me, are you ready? i'm a though, or you can reach yet, see an email to provide the critter which crumbling you have could have, like the provost love to spell it. you doesn't use your best way. merrill gardens used to live religious uprisings, begin, hundreds of please come from poland to some petersburg, for russia to interest. see both the dogs subject to the commonwealth theaters that protect the dates they are considering a 3rd or not. but as you of course go through these are still the problem for us. well,
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for me to just metal schools you'd expect the rest of the middle school year is really knows him, gives up a low grade and i knew it was, you know, should have to have cuz i was 1764, the renowned polish. it was the crowd in favor of catherine the 2nd august tanya, tusky ascends to the pony front. in 1768, the russian invested ripping in negotiating the adoption of equal rights for catholic and orthodox questions. in response to the catholic nobility raises an uprising and ask for help. the crime in tucker seldom declare war on russia and ultimately lose fast partition of colon does underway. pretty names. usually a theme in the free, the mastercard, or you will develop of to e. what, what do you may be unavailable for the 30th to provide me that when your mind really sure of is difficult? yeah, it's
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a new poignant you mention it to any important for it. and i'm wondering what else? cuz i didn't know it might save me is through just what i did. it is easy and when we can find deals or with book, you can see the notes that i can use. those are, i'm not, i'm not certain lice, use the restroom, unappreciated to useful is obviously new to me and you could have, she's concluded, would it be similar to the human machine don't like the most computer to break it. there's no working friendship to devote your daughters do the russian gains portions of villarille's book alicia, inhabited by roo, since of young shame and thoughts of less opponent, remaining postway as hence the pressure takes upon the rainy and central no limit of ships from around the royal prussia, as well as balance of great opponents. the russia is
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a gain with turkey and brush it up, or looks poland into breaking ties with rushes, budget apparel. as the union under which poland must give up, condensed control to prussia. prussia now poses a threat to russia. further petition to poland becomes inevitable. the
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the or the the boiler suddenly minding t suddenly less costly or more in the form of the physics clue when the customer will just didn't fit in the we sit on that. that is, the 1st goal is to do if we're still on the ocean where y'all are still, well, that's even your sewage, the right to the new to death months you submit. then you're the one the telling me is that a quick go mama cut that to me, answer those videos. the 1793 russia around prussia assigned
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a convention that's been approved by the polar saint rush. it receives historical orthodox labs, the eastern parts of put easier, but go to the volume. russia takes lands inhabited by polls desk great of poland via and my sylvia, the although most of the great of poland lands go to prussia to bones and launch a rebellion against the russians, the pictures. and so now i'm going to going to get you through your, of over shot of you by that gives a go or she gets it in the when do you say it or is sold doctor, you pro stream to the jump, a new brochure. this won't be what bruce can solve, the nor d easy when you produce the numbers that gives that rules and it, but most of you to get you do it initially, but it just shuts willow up shift to which it, but it shuts it off and got do it, even though it gets you to close the plastic you somewhere between gene she'll have,
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you have capacity near it. so if you want to find that the uprising is suppressed. a substitution of the commonwealth is imminent. again demanded by prussia and australia in so to do it for some of the cities can fill out the vehicles or was it to can you stay and get them when you get months care? but i do see the progress reports gigs images. through this waiver, junior russia wrote those as the final petition of colon bed, prussia, industrious, read about the full rate of rush. i can't afford a military confrontation with bill and then via the 1795. the told him to lose it stated that disappears from the world. man. the main portion of the polish lands is don't keep on buying pressure. industrial
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also is now ponder depression and putting russia claims such energy and cities, inhabited by orthodox russians the fullest union, conceived in rome, cost, poland. it's national san frontier. the stone is chauvinists ruins, that stained the $1812.00 soldiers. russia is dragged along by faith. let us carry the war into her territory and put an end to russia's disastrous influence. napoleon is over to june, the 22nd 1812 tuesday. emily got daughter a good that, but he, so you need to exceed the after the process. you know, what do you want it to be done yet? why didn't the boys goodness of the boats? why input fix that them? if i add them by, lexi v, are you part of the fluid unit and the polio one in the opponents regions? one sponsor,
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the concord pressure of industrial napoleon creates the grand duchy of also the pump. it states actually subordinate to friends, the when addressing napoleon prefers to this campaign as the 2nd worst fixing the hope chest, the web shift for a whole different what i see you, what's not below and submit. i surface association. i mean that the, this is family member or friends who have sick been lived and loved. amazed. there's to, should have been a good time. i've, i've sort of younger spoken the less, but this is done. come by like in the most super stays, the country will take move 1812 another confrontation between just under united west phones. if you're at the end jerome. so to find the city of moscow that was set ablaze. according to contemporary,
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men was poles and germans distinguished themselves the most amazing, the post this store store needed throughout the semester, me saddam and smashing me when you may use rich anthony at the swim, i get the bill of more than i see if i like here are news just going to choose more show russians behaving differently in paris. make no offense to the inhabitants of virus. do not offend them of damage and mademoiselle, except if by mutual agreement, remember that we all swung cossacks in the russian empire of a noble and civilized on the bottom and pluck of 80000 congress slept right next to all citizens without causing them the slightest distress. the task, the townsfolk, which soldier constantly showed the greatest humanity with the greatest discipline . and you can bet
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a 100 against one that they will name the russian soldier the shuttle pre owned french right to an historian at the congress, sophia anatomy, 1915. russia having defeated napoleon, jeremy receives most of the former prussian and austrian territories. russia's buddha now lies in the very centre review of poland, joins the russian empire as the kingdom of poland. the 4th ship will dart over at london with cassim portion below that when it comes to pizza. boy ship with less phillips than that out of me if there is breed that will when it, when you've got any serious about board. these conditions with both of them favorable and russia did it through country that said recently waged more against the arctic sound. the theatre we picked today its uh the
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uh, the majority of some of what village port for one to die its uh, most of the quail forest k a goes from best buy. cuz like what c, mining it? well, wheres rainy points come over to the store? mm, that's the big island restore because it is in accordance with my personal wishes and will benefit my state. alexander, the 1st 1815, the russian, what takeover of the war exhausted the kingdom of poland is expensive. the newly acquired region represented a semi wild country, covered with dilapidated checks. the podium used to say that he had discovered the 5th element in poland. to me, 3 quilt of historian, 1874. the emperor
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a drums amnesty for ponies soldiers and officers who fought for napoleon against russia in 18. 16 also sold the foundation of a new university to military academies at a school of agriculture. toland has never had so many scientists and writers under the heel of accosted russia. those say poland has never been happier than in the time of alexander. when in november 1817, the russian ambrose entered, was over to the sound of bells. its inhabitants cheered him on the opponent's nobility, demands more russian. i must give them great colon from seat to sing. essentially, the russian emperor a most comfortable rooms, miscellaneous runyan, amelia, away from russia, and incorporate them into opponents. the 1830
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the 1st and the russian uprising. vanelle both the adult position demands, poland, separation from russia. west lock, 2nd setup. but the board in the voice can hear. i like i thought it was lovely. i didn't have to force him visually and i still don't know if that is true, boy scout junior at all. yeah, i do a phone call when you come up cuz valid. zip is dylan and all the doors are what windows boy screeches do. i need the capital, i think something up you have on your end users or the capital one meeting, but actually it won't be empty for that. so i'm going to this nice thing to go like the other way by sops no parietal stuff doesn't really mean it be binary. even though it's in by the outcome category. just right it, somebody, your british young boys keep up with that. uh, we will let business, i did so when you kind of designing them, but if i did, it seemed up pretty vice with a find me. the uprising is quelled, but
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a 2nd breaks out in 18. 63. so the image of nice, sylvia does not upset godaddy on forming equals that stuff and some similar parts, gigabytes, diagnostician over the additional sections of say something that's such a good. i'll go to the middle of the middle. i'm gonna set you up on over on your side. uh, nothing in your post. civil something up. starting on the top of each side of item, you know, things look for on the nipple here, expensive out of me on the, on the on. that's what i think about fine. yeah. the hands on design. yeah. my own science has by chance. the guiding force behind old rebellions was the nobility, the gentry and the priests. their id, ology was militant groups of the, the roman catholic church served as one of them, lane springs from a authorizing cold for the destruction of also noticing that wasn't the 1st time defense given it's
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a blessing to killing decisions the most for me name put him in the story. so, but on this i see your role. there are 8 cities really. this is going on a slip is emily will send you. but if i get you this, you are a piece, keith, throw on that and you will be running on the, on the video. right. and it's it as a jump saloon youtube video. so security is the most. we can learn to use the right to middle to julia. more sure. do you mean to do so? little school is up. there are 2 and the police are on the, on the police do, but it was to smear to close the rebels engage in terra punitive jones on the units on with douglas and gallows eliminates undesirables. they killed orthodox priests, russian and fellow russian peasants as well as poles who refused to join the
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uprising the gallows for the people that came in and to have city and village life wherever they find themselves under rebels. the, the atrocities of possible and imagination they hung on the account of people in mass, innocently, even the wives and children, kingdom of poland, viceroy glenview, constantine to come by a hitch in a letter to the emperor and nicholas the 1st people go to war against the opponents nobility punished peasants ends the orthodox population of both revolting bill or russian peasants. in the veto provence, done more than 20 states, smash published attachments. that's called a found that, that i would still ship up from the agency or small nimble is holding. you can take the plus sign, the i call it the best buy that books of each item. you don't see skibo possible because when you can, but we have
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a little bit on your service stuff online. it's not going to create your own specialists, but potentially on your bill and all that. and you can pick up most by number of your jams on your my files are let bobo hill is like about 3 of them is motion with the thing doesn't show which i was on. was that part of a couple of things and i'm pushing it for leg lock it up in general. has left side lot of the people support russian and handicapped with rebels on mass. so we looked at the russian come up a $128.00 of the rebels receives the death penalty with 50 thinks of them convicted of messages. the people see the punishment. that's fair retribution, the double start able of addressing section that's on the trip to the bottom of the study background showing a plus sign up of yesterday and he wants to meet insights to me. so the successfully, the again, the landlord to skate, call of job in front of you and your public extended thought is watching it up to you on such and such sessions and such as sessions. it's 5 to i'm,
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i'm in the staff. beautiful bottles of those on file on let's throw if i'm federal seats keeps bars, but i'm to most keep what else the force give us some course question after you're going to next level on a table. yes. which was pushed. nicholas split up with was pushing increase at the didn't due to escape missing only,
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but it was working at the the other many places in the was where you can stay on the divide between the 2 oceans and over. you might not think kids. what does this, hey, english is northern, our phone goes to vision, and the 2 knows that us national park. and today's winning, organized to where this stuff was from taking
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a deep side into some page because the, the fight is ongoing administration. it tends to strike a final blow against moscow, and that's as the us on dishes. yes, another package of functions against the russian energy sector and tries to force that'd be a 2 band beneath the assumptions, function assumptions forever. one of washington also imposes a new package, a definitive restrictions against men, as well as because my daughter will the swan. and before he start, must president us president elect donald from slabs with democrats and promises to a few his conviction in the so called passed by the trial in new york. and that's


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